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S08.E02: Let Them Eat Cake

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16 hours ago, Iguessnot said:

I was confused by Teresa's swim lesson. She was acting deathly afraid in that pool yet in prior scenes she was confidently on a paddle board in the Atlantic ocean. And weren't there scenes in earlier seasons when she was rafting?

I was confused because Tre and Melissa appeared to have tennis gear on. I thought they would ALL be playing tennis. Then when they arrived Siggy was all, "Okay, Dolores, Margaret, and I will go play tennis with my friend and you 3 can get in the pool". 

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I would have been mortified enough by the cake to get up and leave.  I would have been mortified enough by Siggy's braying in the restaurant to leave, also.  Of course if it were my job to stay there and react... I guess I'd react as Melissa and Theresa did at the loudness, and a modified Siggy reaction to the cake throwing.  Perhaps a "Whoa, come on. Not cool. Somebody has to clean that up." 

However bad the cake throwing, that ceased to even be a topic for discussion the moment she said she was smarter than they were.  That was a declaration of war. Not only would I not chase you down the next day when you stood me up, I'd be glad you were avoiding me.

Siggy was all about getting the credit and the focus on this trip.  Her juice protest was supposed to draw the cameras to her pity party and make the yoga excursion all about her absence, eventually prompting some kind of reconciliation outreach on the part of the others to which she would graciously announce everything was squared away, all was good, and they'd go to a club somewhere and scream "WOOO! WE LOVE BOCA!!!"  And they did not follow the script she had written in her mind (perhaps one she was gently led to by nefarious producer).

Jr was almost model-attractive last year before he beefed up into yet another musclehead.  You might want to run some blood tests on the kid, mom - he may have taken some shortcuts to get there.  

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4 hours ago, FairyDusted said:

Teresa actually had a normal non bling swimsuit. I was surprised and didn't hate it. Husband needs to quit filling Soggy's head with lies. She bugs.

Wow, you're right! Tre was wearing a very sedate suit for her!  No sequins, no fringes, no matching big brimmed hat, no designer glasses, no shiny slides with 4" heels, nothing. 

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On 10/16/2017 at 4:02 PM, FairyDusted said:

Teresa actually had a normal non bling swimsuit. I was surprised and didn't hate it. Husband needs to quit filling Soggy's head with lies. She bugs.


On 10/16/2017 at 8:29 PM, stcroix said:

Wow, you're right! Tre was wearing a very sedate suit for her!  No sequins, no fringes, no matching big brimmed hat, no designer glasses, no shiny slides with 4" heels, nothing. 

I was actually wondering about that one piece suit Teresa was wearing, as well.  I thought that it may have belonged to Siggy's friend, and she loaned it to Teresa.  It looked great on Teresa - very simple and sleek.

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Watched the episode on repeat today (after a marathon of season 1 was on earlier).  I didn't see anyone else even close to their table in the restaurant.  If anyone was watching or nearby, they knew it was a tv show being filmed.  Even if it was a regular party, ehhh, whatever.  I've seen antics at tables for someone's birthday, etc.  Everyone just laughed it off.  It's cake.  

Siggy also said it was a 500 lb cake.  Yeah right.  

They all had a piece on each of their plates.  You know that none of those bitches were probably going to finish their piece, as they have to fit into their expensive designer duds.  No one was going to take that cake with them, it was bound for the trash can anyhow.  

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Soggy has a lot of issues. First of all, why was she crying every 2 seconds? She’s either wailing or yelling, there is no even keel. Is she going through menopause? Has she been diagnosed with cancer? Is her marriage on the rocks? All is not right in Siggy-world and this cake fiasco was her deflecting and making a molehill into a mountain. 

I really liked her the previous seasons but her behavior this season is baffling. She was loud but fun, this season she is all dreary, dramatic, and disturbing. She truly seems loco and we have no earthly idea why. Dolores must know something, but isn’t spilling the tea. Why does Siggy keep trying to lord over everyone else that she is above them? For a life coach, she is incredibly insecure. And if a ‘friend’ of mine insulted me as she did that night, I would not be calling her to apologize, I would not be calling her at all ever again. I have yet to hear Siggy apologize for any of the nasty comments she said to the women. 

Siggy truly wanted the spotlight on herself that weekend in Boca, and she started having tantrums when things were not going her way. In episode 1, she pitched the trip as a goodwill gesture to cheer up Melissa  and Teresa, and also celebrate Melissa’s birthday. Yes, they shouldn’t have thrown the cake, but the way she acted was absolutely uncalled for. Can’t wait for the reunion when they play on a loop all the horrible things she called her ‘friends’, the insults Dolores couldn’t hear. Being angry or embarrassed is not excuse to insult your friends and call them stupid, low IQ, trashy, eff off, and all the other names she threw at them. She set the tone for the dinner the way she acted when she walked into the restaurant, that was embarrassing. Newsflash: You aren’t The Godfather Siggy. 

Siggy planned the weekend to impress the girls with her fabulous Boca life. It was all about her, and had very little to nothing to do with uplifting Teresa & Melissa.  Siggy took them to her favorite restaurants, ordered that humongous bday cake for Melissa, set up tennis/lunch at her best friend’s mansion, then had a chef cook dinner at her condo. She wanted them to see that she really is a “Top Dog”. Still the question is why? Why is this so important  to her?  She was a horrible hostess, showed no graciousness whatsoever (Can you imagine Camille Grammar in that situation?), sulked like a teenager when she didn’t get her way, reprimanded the girls quite harshly at Lori’s mansion,  and tried to intimidate them at dinner to capitulate to her demands for an apology. For an author, she truly cannot effectively communicate. She escalated the situation, and it didn’t need to be that bad. And Dolores was no help, she was just co-signing all of Siggy’s nonsense and wondering why everyone was so pissed. 

Are they upset that the girls took to Danielle & Margaret right away, and that they didn’t haze them at all, just welcomed them into the clique and went to yoga? Is that what the ruckus was about? At Lori’s lunch, the women were describing an incredibly intimate and emotional moment at the beach. Siggy was so bothered that she wasn’t there...but she was the one who excluded herself in the first place! If you had deigned to come to yoga instead of at the juice bar having a snit, you would have been there! She’s mad that Margaret did something nice for a grieving family who just lost a mother? What is going on in Siggy’s head? No compassion, no awareness, no empathy. This is not the Siggy I remember. 

 Is Siggy the only person that could plan an event in Boca, and so Margaret became her enemy because of that? Watch her face in that moment when she finds out she missed out at yoga, it goes from anger, then immediately to wrath. She has no self awareness whatsoever, and is completely narcissistic. Is she a real therapist? Because she needs a real therapist. She took her anger about Melissa & Tre and upended it over Margaret. They all called her Soggy, but Margaret is the one that gets reamed for it. M&T threw cake, but Margaret is the one that got told to fuck off. They walked out on her horrendous dinner party, but Margaret is the one that got blacklisted and tongue lashed over it. Margaret is the whipping boy for all of M&T’s offenses, because Siggy can’t go after them, they just lost their mom. 

Another reason why she could dislike Margaret, is that she found out that Margaret had cheated on her 1st husband with her 2nd husband. If Siggy’s hubby Micheal is cheating or was cheating, that may be a factor as to why she all of the sudden can’t stand Margaret. Margaret took the high road, invited S to her party, then even texted her that same evening.  I love how Margaret has no fucks to give. She didn’t back down and refused to grovel even though Siggy tried to diminish and insult her so many times at brunch. M came right back with those snappy one-liners and set Siggy straight.  What a breath of fresh air, I’m looking forward to seeing more of her this season. 

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On 10/11/2017 at 11:31 PM, AttackTurtle said:

The cake incident was stupid, but still not as obnoxious as the scene put on by Siggy entering the restaurant the night before.

Did Margaret even know that Dolores and Siggy were not going to be present for yoga?  I don't think she had some underhanded motives toward Dolores and Siggy.

No one knew where the two divas were. In the limo, someone mentioned a group text about the morning plans and apparently they did not deign to answer. Too busy sulking. Their fault and their loss! They knew there were plans for yoga on the beach, because they were telling each other how the way didn't feel like showing up. So how does that become Margaret's evil plan to disinclude them? Wackos. Siggy's on a mission to become a martyr this season.

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I guess I'm in the minority here but I think I would have been equally pissed about the behavior of these grown ass women. I'm with Siggy. She tried to plan something special and spent a lot of money and they didn't even acknowledge the effort and instead threw the cake across the room and smashed it on each other like bratty children. It was obnoxious and I can see why she would want to give them a little talking to before they embarrass the hell out of her at her friend's house. None of Siggy seems unusual to me for a woman her age. She's over the immature bs and and all the other women want to keep carrying on like teenagers. One even wears pigtails. They all need to grow up. 

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