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GH History Lessons: Because History is Always Repeating Itself

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lol. I hate them both equally as individuals if that makes a difference. Lucky seems okay though.


I can't believe Ned and Monica slept together. I was sure it was a retcon. That's both funny and a little yucky.


To be fair to them, they didn't know their connection at the time. Ned had just come to town.

Ned has always bored the snot out of me. But sleeping with Monica and that time he was a bigamist were fun times. So I can never hate him.


If you REALLY want to split hairs, though, it wasn't even Wally Kurth playing Ned when he and Monica sexed each other up. That was Kurt McKinney.  :-P

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oops, my bad. Thanks for the correction.


Yep, Monica went to a spa one weekend and met a tennis instructor named "Ward"--it was actually Ned. Someone who was actually watching at the time may be able to answer this better, but I think Ned knew Monica was his aunt when he slept with her? I know he hadn't seen her since he was a toddler, but I think he may have known it was her and changed his name to sleep with her (which...ew. Skeevy, much?) And wasn't it techincally an ONS?


But by 1990, he was with her daughter Dawn, who overheard him and Monica discussing their fling before their wedding and fled the church with Decker Moss (Lucy's cousin). 

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Thanks!  It's always puzzled me.  I was also wondering when Laura met Jake whether GF and BM were on Y and R at the same time.  I will have to go over there to ask that one.  Even if they were they may not have had scenes together.


Also I was so stunned to see how affectionate Laura was with Sonny.   I guess they are in-laws but Sonny did shoot her son in law and he is overall a despicable guy.


I think he loves proposing in general.  He proposed to SWSNBN (I think, they got married so I assume there was a proposal).  He proposed to Sam a TON of times.  At least 4 that I can remember right now.   So yeah, dude loves to propose.  I guess he really IS Jason Morgan.  LOL.


Laura had been friends with Sonny in the past but the relationship really soured when she thought his business was responsible for Lucky's death in the fire. After Lucky came back, the relationship wasn't really the same but they rarely had scenes together.


What was more surprising was how much she got along with Carly. When they worked at Deceptions together, they were not friends or cordial or happy to see other.

Laura had been friends with Sonny in the past but the relationship really soured when she thought his business was responsible for Lucky's death in the fire. After Lucky came back, the relationship wasn't really the same but they rarely had scenes together.


What was more surprising was how much she got along with Carly. When they worked at Deceptions together, they were not friends or cordial or happy to see other.

Thanks, nilyank, the whole thing seemed way to lovey dovey to me, although Carly did sort of call out Lucky for abandoning the newly found Jake.

Laura had been friends with Sonny in the past but the relationship really soured when she thought his business was responsible for Lucky's death in the fire. After Lucky came back, the relationship wasn't really the same but they rarely had scenes together.


What was more surprising was how much she got along with Carly. When they worked at Deceptions together, they were not friends or cordial or happy to see other.

Didn't one lock the other on the roof at some point?

And didn't Sonny sell Laura Carly's shares after she betraaaaayyyyeeedd him by wearing a wire?

I'd gladly accept a retcon that Elton has been successfully running Deception this entire time and that after she woke up in 2008, Laura has been running Deception's Paris Office.

If Ron was still here I'd have expected Elton to show up at some point. I still want Deception back. I don't care what anyone says, I always thought the idea of Laura and Carly, two very different women, running that company together was gold.


You can massage the concept, of course - say Laura has focused in on some of the stuff Lucy was talking about for the company in 2013, like a lifestyle program, women's issues, social activism and so on. Laura has a background in that, and she could use the Deception platform to forward it. And you could make Molly or someone else her intern! Oh, it writes itself.

Edited by jsbt
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The issue, insane and schizophrenic as it is, is that Bob Guza's writing team had the balls to write Sonny as being all of those things - spiritually bereft and crippled by his choices for his ambition over his heart - in a much more in-depth way. Those were skilled writers who understood Sonny's fundamental flaw even as Guza still revered the mob. You could say they wallowed in it.



Reminds me of this episode where Sonny was flirting with Olivia and Dante told him to back off:


Olivia: No, this conversation's over. I am the coordinator for the Michael Corinthos Head Trauma Unit. That does not mean that I'm at your personal beck and call.


Sonny: You're coordinating a charity in my son's name. Naturally, we're going to be running into each other, Olivia.


Olivia: Okay, Sonny. [Chuckles] But that doesn't mean that you can be showing up at my house. I don't want you sending people over with private messages. This is not a game. Do you think I made myself clear enough?


Sonny: That's not how it looked. I know her a hell of a lot better than you do. And you know what they say about people who protest

too much? (to Dante, after she leaves the room) She can't resist me.


Dominic: You're delusional.


Sonny: Bernie and I talked about how you stood up to the cops when they busted you. Bernie's impressed with you, and I respect his opinion. He says you're smart and discreet, and I, uh... I expect you to be discreet about what happened here.


Dominic: I know how to keep my mouth shut.


Sonny: I don't want you to say anything to, you know, Claudia or brother-in-law.


Dominic: I don't want to get in the middle of family fights.


Sonny: Now, you seemed to have a strong reaction when I was having a conversation with Olivia. What was that about?


Dominic: Nothing. Ms. Falconeri just seems like a nice lady, that's all.


Sonny: Then why'd you say I was delusional? What did you mean by that?


Dominic: Seriously?


Sonny: Yeah.


Dominic: Well, I mean, she said she didn't want to have anything to do with you, then she ran out of here like her feet were on fire.


Sonny: No, she ran out of here because she didn't want to face me and tell me that she’s... doing it with Johnny, you know. Um,

sometimes you gotta be able to... read between the lines.


Dominic: Hey, Sonny-- can I call you Sonny?


Sonny: You just did.


Dominic: Uh... look, I was reading the actual lines. You're married to someone else. I mean, call me old-fashioned, but...that's not really playing fair, to hit on another lady. Especially when she already told you no.


Poor awesome writer. It must have been hard to get to write the characters seeing Sonny for what he was and then have to write episodes where they have to write some speech about Deke kicked his cake and he has dimples so he's really not that bad.

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I still want Deke and Adella to show up alive, announce that Deke locked Sonny in the closet to protect Adella from Sonny because Sonny was a violent little shit, and then peace out back to Hawaii or wherever they've been living in peace away from Sonny for decades.

Edited by Tiger
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I still want Deke and Adella to show up alive, announce that Deke locked Sonny in the closet to protect Adella from Sonny because Sonny was a violent little shit, and then peace out back to Hawaii or wherever they've been living in peace away from Sonny for decades.


I've been wanting this for years.  Even if we never see Deke and Adella, in my mind, it will always be that Sonny was locked in that closet because he was a violent little shit.  

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I never wanted this. It is like that time Adam Carolla ranted about Adam Lanza's mother: even if she was a great volunteer she still raised a monster and did precious little to mitigate it, and a lot of respects made things worse. Even if Sonny was a terrible child, locking a kid in a closet still makes her a shitty parent, in fact moreso since it appears she and Deke never tried to get any type of counseling to treat Sonny.

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youtube recommended me this, and I'm linking because I always like to link to clips where Jason acts extra-assy.

Know what I love about this? That there were no constant commercial interruptions when Robin is telling Jason that she told AJ the truth. Just came right out and said it.


And I couldn't watch the last five minutes. I just couldn't. Not when I know what that midgety moobster is about to tell Robin.


Damn right Robin did the right thing.


And yes, Jason; you are STUPID.

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Robin always had to pay and suffer for doing the right thing. And that trend continues today!


On GH, everyone who does the right thing usually pays for it. Look at Jordan: She had the nerve to put away Sonny's mis-hit man, and what does she get for it? Her idiot son goes to live with Sonny. And that's just the current example.

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Know what I love about this? That there were no constant commercial interruptions when Robin is telling Jason that she told AJ the truth. Just came right out and said it.


And I couldn't watch the last five minutes. I just couldn't. Not when I know what that midgety moobster is about to tell Robin.


Damn right Robin did the right thing.


And yes, Jason; you are STUPID.


I can believe that Robin told out of spite, but Jason should have been smart enough to realize it was a secret that could only last so long.

And I meant more of how the show back then (at least I don't remember it doing so) not having characters say "I have to tell you something..." cue commercial...back from commercial..."I need to tell you something..." cue to ANOTHER commercial, repeat until the last five seconds, and no follow through in the next episode.


Oh, I know what you meant.


Sorry, I wasn't really replying to anything you were saying even though I quoted your post . . . I was just idly thinking about comments I've seen over the years that accused Robin only telling out of spite. Even if that were her only motive . . . imo, Jason could go get rolled into the lake. He's lucky Robin ever agreed in the first place.

Edited by ulkis
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It was wrong to lie about AJ's parentage. Full stop. Of course it was going to come out sooner or later, and when people "blame" Robin, I just don't get it. So what if she told out of spite?


I don;t see people bringing it up to "blame" her but to cite reasons as to why She is No Better than Carly.

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What shocks me is if anyone watched the baby lucas story how differnt the people involvd are treated.Bobbie knowing about Cheryl being Lucas bio mother ad keeping it quiet.Ruby told her she was wrong.Tony told her she was wrong.Robert told her she was wrong you get the picture.When Carly kept a paternity secret it was always it wasn't her secret to tell sorry but I've never bought into that ridclous excuse.

Edited by Harmony233
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Exactly, you can't involve someone in your scheme and then tell them to just deal with it, that they don't have a say.  I think the fact that Robin waited as long as she did and possibly did it out of spite should be a testament to how much she loved Jason and was willing to put up with Carly for it.  If anything, Robin kept the secret a lot longer than a person in her position would be expected too.

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I saw this elsewhere - people asking who are the show's overall 10 best characters - and I thought it would be interesting to hear from people here what their answers were. Some people I don't have reasons for and some I do, and it's most a combination of a character's popularity, a character's importance/legacy/influence/mark on the show, and how good the actors themselves were/are. Mind you, this is who I think are the best, not my favorites.

1. Audrey Hardy. I dunno why I picked her over Steve. Probably because Audrey Hardy seems like she was a better actor than John Beradino.

2. Jesse Brewer. I never saw her except for a few clips here and there but from what I have heard and saw she was like the backbone of the show for a while and very grounded, realistic character. Correct me if I'm completely wrong lol. But that was the impression I got from her in the few clips I've seen.

3. Luke Spencer

4. Laura Webber Spencer

Well those two because obviously they were part of GH's most famous couple. Laura/Genie because she created a character that was so memorable so young and made this character, even though she was so young, a fitting partner for Luke even though he was much older than her. From all accounts it didn't seem like a man getting together with a kid, they were each other's equals. Adn Luke when he was at his best was witty, charming, loving, foolish, temperamental, angry, could be cruel, etc. One of the more well rounded soap characters imo, until Geary and Guza started taking him too far.

5. Robert Scorpio

Just the ultimate good guy charming hero, again from what I hear.

6. Anna Devane

Correct me if I'm wrong, but Anna was pretty much the first woman on the show who was the Robert Scorpio equivalent for women. I know Laura and Felicia went on adventures before her but it seems like Anna was more the lead in the adventures.

7. Tracy Quartermaine

Because JE is so good, and it seems she actually made quite an impact despite actually not being on the show that long altogether till she came back in the early 2000s. And I feel like she made this character pretty memorable and popular despite not having a definitive pairing.

8. Frisco Jones

Bit of a Robert repeat but more of a bad boy, I think? But it seems Jack Wagner just had that it factor then.

9. Bobbie Spencer

I feel like she is the ultimate soap gal, pretty much. She was relateable because she wasn't glamorous. Bobbie had grit.

10. Stefan Cassadine

I had difficulty with this one . . . I figured one character in the 90s deserved it and it was down between him and Carly. I chose Stefan because I felt he was more unique. Stefan just had some of the best dialogue I've ever heard on this show.

Edited by ulkis
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Having only watched since '92, but having seen most of the 80's via YouTube, various vhs recordings, etc., I'd say my 10 "best", and I guess for me that means favorite, would be:

10) Ric Lansing

9) Mac Scorpio

8) Dante Falconeri

7) Laura Spencer

6) Tracy Quartermaine

5) Felicia Jones

4) Cesar Faison

3) Anna Devane

2) Robert Scorpio

1) Robin Scorpio

Having only watched since '92, but having seen most of the 80's via YouTube, various vhs recordings, etc., I'd say my 10 "best", and I guess for me that means favorite, would be:

10) Ric Lansing

9) Mac Scorpio

8) Dante Falconeri

7) Laura Spencer

6) Tracy Quartermaine

5) Felicia Jones

4) Cesar Faison

3) Anna Devane

2) Robert Scorpio

1) Robin Scorpio


Think of it this way, are there any characters you don't really like/care about but still think were important to the show? I mean you know I love Dante but I dunno if I could in clear conscience include him on any "best" list. Definitely not now that he cheated and lost what was unique about him.


not that is to say, that you still can't include him on your best list anyway. ;)

I can't participate; way too hard, man! But just thinking about the '90s, I just think some version of Sonny/Brenda/Jason/Robin/Carly should always make these kinds of lists. They were part of an era of this show that was SO popular.


Give me your 90s or your 80s version :) Or just gather up your picks and put them in alphabetical order and I won't count the ones that come after 10 ;)


Robin I would definitely include for the HIV storyline. I almost chose her, but she missed by the narrowest of margins. I was going to choose her because of her longevity but put her off for reasons if you're curious, I'll tell you, but you might get a wee bit mad. :)

Edited by ulkis
I saw this elsewhere - people asking who are the show's overall 10 best characters - and I thought it would be interesting to hear from people here what their answers were.



I'm going with some mix of characters I love and ones I have to admit were very important to the history of the show.  


(Even in that framework, I won't include Sonny.  He had his moments, at times, but as for his overall legacy?  Terrible, helped to ruin the show.  Memorable moments?  Memorable because of Karen, Brenda, Stone, Robin ... so I'd rather choose one of them)  


1.   Robert - great, complex character.  He could be charming, intimidating, funny, classy.  And he was smart!  And a genuinely good, kindhearted person who would forgive almost anyone anything if they showed themselves to be worthy.  The whole spy / detective thing was just so fun and glamorous to me as a kid.


2.  Anna - another great, complex character.  I loved her dark back story, loved that she worked to redeem herself and become a good person and a loyal friend ... but never turned boring or into a pushover.  (And she was smart and loved her kid -- fuck you, current show!!!)


3.  Luke (80s and 90s version ONLY!) - look, I don't even like the guy.  But I do appreciate his importance to the show in the 80s and 90s.   Back when Luke was a stubborn anti-hero, but actually got to care deeply about other people, he certainly had his moments.   I appreciate some of the good stuff from the 90s, too ... I still remember the horrified look on Luke's face when he realized little Lucky had been shot on the docks because he followed dear old dad to a mob meet-up.  


4.   Laura - It's a damn shame her importance to the show isn't more recognized.  She was the draw for young viewers in the late 70s.  Luke was attached to her popularity and her story, not the other way around.   Laura's accidental killing of David Hamilton sounds like damn good soap, wish I could find clips!   Laura coming into her own during her "summers on the run" was nice to watch.  And I didn't appreciate her in the 90s, but looking back, I should've.  


5.  Robin -  the HIV story was not my favorite because I found it way too sad, but the importance of this character and that storyline simply cannot be denied.  (Unless you are the fuckwits currently running this show ... agh, I'm going to have another rage fit if I think about it! ... ok, better move on ... )   


6.   Dr. Steve Hardy - He cared so deeply about the hospital, even to the point of getting severely cranky when any scandal broke out in it (which of course happened constantly).    


7.  Nurse Jessie - although much of this footage probably no longer exists, she was one of the main characters who kicked off the show and lasted into the 80s.  And she was just lovely.


8.  Nurse Audrey - ditto.  I would gossip over coffee with her every afternoon if she were real.  Also, she had this adorable habit in the early 80s of going "whaaaaaat?" whenever she heard some truly crazy gossip (which of course happened constantly).  


9.  Edward Quartermaine (original recipe) - he was sarcastic to the point of being hilarious, a tough as nails, always scheming businessman ... but he did truly love Lila (possibly also his kids, although sometimes that wasn't so clear, LOL).  As '80s Edward, David Lewis was phenomenal.


10.  Alan / Monica - ok, I'm cheating, I know.  But I couldn't choose!  They were both such great scandalous fun in the 80s, with all the infidelity, and that time he went temporarily insane, tried to kill her and Rick (but both times ended up just injuring himself - hee!).  Both are glorious in the Susan Moore murder mystery (along with Edward).  He played a big role in the HIV story, and Monica had the memorable breast cancer story.  


Honorable mentions:


Sean Donnelly - like Anna, started out diabolical but grew into a good guy with an edge.  The fight scene where he thinks he's killed Robert by pushing him off of a ski gondola ... and then he breaks down sobbing out of regret -- so good!


Scott Baldwin - his transition from good guy to bitter, scheming (but still sometimes sympathetic) jerk is great soap.  Also loved the tragic Dominique story.


Tiffany Hill - she was just so ... herself.   And so fun.  Loved her!  And when Sharon Wyatt finally got some dramatic material to play, she killed it.


Lee Baldwin - the actor Peter Hansen was just so damn good.  His difficult relationship with Scott, and struggle with alcoholism, were good stuff.


Carly (first few years ONLY!!) - back when the show seemed to acknowledge that she was a volatile mess who possibly had some sort of personality disorder, and when her plans always blew up in her face -- she was fascinating.   Exhausting, yes.  But you were fascinated to see what kind of insane mess she'd get into and what insane rationalization she would cling to. 

Edited by SlovakPrincess
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This is just a refresher for everyone: If you make a list of favorite characters, please be sure to express why! Simple name listing isn't favored. As it looks like most are doing that, cool! Just putting this out there for anyone who may join in.


Carry on and have fun!

I have an early appointment tomorrow, so I'm going to have to stick a pin in this and come back. Especially since I have to show my work.

Dammit, Ulkis, you owe me a latte tomorrow morning! Here’s mine, and it was tough. You don’t know how much it killed me to leave Robin off this list. And Lila. And Alan. And Ruby. Frisco & Felicia. Sonny warranted serious consideration as well. But here goes, my case for the top 10 characters, ever, on GH:

11 - just missed) Bobbie Spencer. The original bad girl lurking underneath the wannabe good girl. Fluctuating between rootable and love to hate, she became a template for about 2/3rds of daytime’s female characters in the following decades.

10) Tracy Quatermaine. She was destined to lose every battle, but will one day win the war simply by persevering. The original little girl lost. Give your daddy his heart medicine, Tracy.

9) Monica Quartermaine. She was a heart surgeon in 1978. 1978!!!! She turned a dysfunctional love affair that should have ended in a restraining order within six months it into a multi-decade farce, adventure, and love story. She's AJ's, Jason's, Dawn's and Emily's mother. And that house is hers, dammit. Don’t you ever forget that.

8) David Lewis’s Edward Quartermaine. There is no scene he couldn’t elevate. There is no scene he couldn’t steal. But he was the epitome of a great supporting character, as he made whomever he was sharing the screen with shine a little brighter.

7) Jessie Brewer. I love that her storyline in 1963 involved the difficulties of being married to someone 10 years younger than she. I mean, it was 1963! She's one of the two pillars on which GH was founded.  By the time I knew her, she was a tender, steady, reliable presence. And I’m not just talking about her sweater.

6) Robert Scorpio. This is a tough list to chart on. Seriously tough. And this spot may rightfully belong to someone else. But those blue eyes. That smile. That accent. Those blue eyes …. what was I saying?

5) Anna Devane. She defused bombs. Defeated entire gangs of men with her karate. Electrified a fence to escape from a madman with a satanical dog. Served as police chief at the age of 25. Explained sex to the hottest alien I’ve ever seen. Had a man who ruled the world lay it all at her feet, much to her chagrin. Raised a daughter, often on her own. Was romanced by two of the sexiest men I've ever laid eyes on. And somehow, some way, she made it all seem so realistic and natural. How’d she do that?

4) Lesley Webber. Melodramatic to the core. Long-suffering beyond all that one should ever be expected to endure. Yet, she was never pathetic. She delivered a woman’s baby after being told it was the love child of her husband. She took the rap for her daughter’s impetuous murder. And I don’t recall her ever missing a day of work. How’d she do that?

3) Laura Spencer. She was ethereal and girl next door at the same time. She was adventure junkie and earth mother. You never questioned why Stefan, Scott, and Luke spent decades in love with her.

2) Steve Hardy. A rock. The other pillar of GH. He really could read a telephone book and make it sound like a soliloquy. As a child of the 70s, I consider myself lucky to have had the privilege of being a child listening to his telling of the story of Mary, Joseph, and the birth of Jesus.

1) Luke Spencer. Love him. Hate him. He made an indelible impression. He had a presence and an energy. He was kinetic and hyper. He gets far too little credit for how poetic he could be. When he was good, he was entertaining. When he was great, he was hypnotic.

Edited by Francie
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