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GH History Lessons: Because History is Always Repeating Itself

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I don't think so.  They had an actor for Valentin (even had him in makeup) & that abruptly ended.  I think Ewen may have ended up a Cassadine, but not Valentin.


If I recall, that actor who was let go while in the makeup chair was Matt Borlenghi, who had played Brian Bodine on All My Children in the '90s. He seemed to be just as confused as the fans were with how things went down.

One of my all time favorite scenes.  I think it was one of the first for NLG from her maternity leave.  Just so much goodness:  Luke threatening Helena, re: Lucky, the reveal of the painting (I think it was Stefan who gave it to him), Mike and his buddies ribbing Hell's Belle about it, topped off with Bobbie socking Helena...and Alexis taking it all in from the safety of a hiding place.


See, that's we don't have, these little character moments, any more.

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It also looks exactly, distractingly like Michael and Kiki's apartment in the front piece with the couch.


I appreciate them bringing back the brownstone, but looking at how it evolved over the years and remembering that, they could have at least tried a little harder to make it match up. The current setup looks like a ramshackle sort of Fraggle Rock house of knick-knacks and crazy business Frank and the gang came up with over the weekend. Granted, the brain trust that is Morgan and Kiki might well set up a house like that - but who else is supposed to be living there? The brownstone project was supposedly part of an ELQ effort to help revitalize the neighborhood; IIRC, that building can house multiple tenants on multiple floors, like any brownstone. (Hell, I live in one.) Could they show those, or are we just going to see Morgan and Kiki wandering around this puzzle-piece house with that weird sort of bar blocking the new entrance?

I think Matt Borlenghi was supposed to play Valentin. Unfortunately, Valentini & Carlavati took GH over and dropped the character/storyline. At least, I think that's how it happened.


The way I heard it is that he was supposed the be on, but JFP snagged James Franco and shelved Valentin, and I heard the make up chair story as well. FV&RC have floated Vincent Irizarry as a recast.

They (JFP and Guza) did scrap Valentin when they got Franco. But the VI rumor was untrue.


I expect RC to use Valentin eventually, frankly - he is an obsessive about history, especially stuff that was left unfinished (he did, with the Two Todds story on OLTL, ultimately become the only one to make sense of all the floating pieces of Michael Malone's wretched Victor Lord, Sr. story from 2003, right down to the Lord family ring, Todd's role and "Victor Jr."). The problem is that what he does with it is not always the best, to say the least. I'm surprised he hasn't used Valentin yet, honestly. I would, but I'd do a swerve.

Edited by jsbt

For real.  I mean, I appreciate Ron and company getting rid of the Woman in White immediately upon taking over, but Cassandra could have just been some lackey of Helena's, she didn't need to be her daughter.


But again, I did like the return of Helena's fangs when she remorselessly had her killed.

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Um. Hannah? Probably? I don't actually remember Sonny taking her to the island, but it probably happened. I don't recall much about her except the strong resemblance to Brenda, she was pretty much a nothing of a character. The only specific scenes coming to mind are of her in the limo with Sonny when he got the call about Lucky's "death" by fire, and of Sarah Brown's Carly slapping the shit out of her outside Luke's.

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For over 30 years all I've wanted was for a Spencer child and a Baldwin child to do the Romeo and Juliet thing. 

I've said it before but if they was going to go that direction it should have been Serena and one of Lukes sons.For one Scott was always over protective of serena and they actually showed him raising her by himself on PC and them being close.Luke on the other hand never seemed to care about being a parent.

Didn't they ever so briefly with Lulu and Scotty's long-lost son Logan?


I forgot Logan was Scotty's son. Could you imagine him and Franco playing brothers? I guess they both did end up psychos in the end, one with a flashlight as his only prop, one with a paintbrush. Why are Scotty's long-lost children crazy? Do you think either Lulu or Scotty remember Logan?


And I hate to  say it....but aren't Carly and Franco a Spencer/Baldwin romance?

Edited by TheGourmez
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For over 30 years all I've wanted was for a Spencer child and a Baldwin child to do the Romeo and Juliet thing.


If both die, as in the play, I'm all for it. Otherwise, forget it. The stories are always so badly written. What's the conflict, the parents? Who cares? They already hate each other; it's nothing new.

I forgot Logan was Scotty's son. Could you imagine him and Franco playing brothers? I guess they both did end up psychos in the end, one with a flashlight as his only prop, one with a paintbrush. Why are Scotty's long-lost children crazy? Do you think either Lulu or Scotty remember Logan?


And I hate to  say it....but aren't Carly and Franco a Spencer/Baldwin romance?

LOL franco and LOgan shared maxie lol.Its too bad they killed off Logan the character had potential.He was actually supposed to be patricks brother but I guess JD looked so much like KS they decided to make him scott's kid.Well Karen wasn't crazy and she was a longlost kid of Scott's lol.Weird enough Karen seemed to like scott more than she liked Rhonda lol.


I always forget that Carly is a spencer lol.

Edited by Harmony233

Didn't Sonny blame Scotty for Karen's being molested by her step-dad, even though it was established that Scotty didn't even know that Karen was his?  That's our Sonny, always keeping it classy.

Yep and the shw acted like Scott was the wrong one over this.Scott showed more guilt over Karen getting hooked back on drugs than sonny ever did.I want to gag when Sonny claimed he loved Carrie.

It would have been interesting if scott was revealed to be karens father when all the stuff was going on.I think it was the summer of 93 god knows that would have been a better story than him being conned by Katherine Bell lol.On PC when serena was kidnapped and scott eventually got her back.I thought it was interesting because he got her examined by a doctor to make sure she hadn't been sexual abused.I don't know if it had anything to do with Karens molestion but you really never see stuff like that on soaps unless someone that kidnapped a kid was a sexual pervert or whatever.

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SCott used to mention it all the time about what sonny did to Karen.However hes not mentioned Karen since hes been back he barely mentioned Logan.




I blame it on the permanent state of shock he's been in since the SERIAL KILLER was declared his kid. And really until there is a real DNA test done I call complete and total and utter bs on that claim, because everyone knows a crazy killer with a SERIAL KILLER for a son will always tell the truth and nothing but so help her Xanax.

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Seriously, they took the time for that bullshit scene where Olivia declared Steven Lars and Franco had the same killer DNA (because what Steve did is totally in the same league as Franco's SERIAL KILLER antics, I guess), why can't they find time for Scotty to talk to Franco about his siblings?


Answer?  Because the show doesn't care about them being father and son, it was their bs way to justify the Carly pairing and keep Franco connected to Heather.

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