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GH History Lessons: Because History is Always Repeating Itself

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It was closer to two years than "only one." And no matter how you slice it, Helena did not have Robin. That story was not about Helena keeping Robin a captive. I'm truly not trying to nitpick. I'm not. And I'm especially not comparing it to other soap stories. But it's yet another example that the writers don't give a single fuck.

And this does connect to how they're dealing with Robin now. Do they even remember what they wrote? How does any viewer trust anything on-screen when it flips on a daily basis?

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And no matter how you slice it, Helena did not have Robin.


We're just not going to agree. She was in bed with Jerry, Faison and all the rest and she called one of those two, IIRC, to warn him the folks back in PC were on to them. They didn't just happen to have Robin on Cassadine Island, either. Helena had long-standing relationships with Jerry, Faison and Obrecht. Robin changed hands many times, but the endless train of villains on Ron's GH have been in league for years. And I expect when we do see Robin again, we will see part of what Helena has been cultivating with her (which will be shitty) and I am sure some of it will have roots in what she's planned going back some long way.


As for remembering what they wrote, they only do it when it suits them. But to me, the flexible estimate of Robin's captivity is just not a big deal. YMMV.

Edited by jsbt
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Which reminds me of how shitty and lazy and eye-rolling I think the endless Legion of Doom stuff is ...

I know Helena worked with Faison years ago to stage Lucky's death, but I thought they eventually turned on each other. Which, of course, is how I would expect villians to eventually act. Psychotic megalomaniacs aren't really team players... nor is it good drama to show them as such.

Edited by SlovakPrincess
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Obviously Hells is involved with the crazies. But, eh, Robin's captivity was about Faison and his Anna obsession. And then Jerry and the serum bullshit. We can agree to disagree there.

And Helena hasn't been doing anything with Robin now. She left her with bodyguards? while she pranced around with Fluke and then played with Little Jake and drank some red wine on the island. But I can't wait for the show to pretend she's been side-by-side with Robin the entire time.

Edited by HeatLifer
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Man, talk about a time during Ron's stint when I was really digging the show.


And Robert remembering Robin was alive - which was the cliffhanger in the previous episode - was such an electric moment.

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The show was so fucking good in the fall of 2013. Even 'da bidniss' episodes were good. I wish I could re-watch that entire run from late Sep to mid Dec.

Didn't Franco pretty much vanish during this time?

Ron has no one to blame but himself from this show going from that to the steaming pile of horse shit it's been the last few months. Usually, I wouldn't celebrate anyone losing their job, but I did the Chandler Bing when I read Ron had been fired.

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I was going to mention them, too. Did Guza pair them up first, though, or was it McTavish?

And didn't Liz and Jason first date under her, too?





Liz and Jason never really dated per se, but in any case, no, they started being friends under Guza. Liz and Jason dancing is what caused Carly to go and have hate sex with Sonny.

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Oh, I didn't. Luckily TC was so young looking at the time and he and GF had excellent chemistry. (Of course, the show at the time was determine to dress Laura as a hausfrau)  But I wanted to use examples where a slight SORASing (either with the mother (Anna) or the child (Lucky)) didn't hurt the actresses.



Thinking back on it, I don't know if it didn't hurt Laura in the long run. They started dressing Laura more matronly when she returned in the 90s probably because she did now have a tween kid and they wanted to make her seem older than she was.

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The show was so fucking good in the fall of 2013. Even 'da bidniss' episodes were good. I wish I could re-watch that entire run from late Sep to mid Dec.

Didn't Franco pretty much vanish during this time?


...I honestly can't remember what Franco was doing.  He and Carly grossly started banging that Halloween, but the real, bigger push on Franco didn't start until January of 2014 with the Heather kidnapping Carly bullshit.


And that time period was the last time I was really shipping anybody.  Morgan and Ava were hot and heavy, making Michael and Kiki look like the pathetic drips they were (remember when Morgan vowed to pay Sonny back and Ava vowed to help him?  Swoon!).  And Nikolas and Britt was starting, so sparkily, bonding over their crazy families and jetting off on a rescue mission together.

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There was some good stuff in fall 2013 (i.e., Robin) but there was also still Patrick/Sabrina, Franco (who, yes, was definitely active and being pushed), Morgan/Ava/Kiki/Michael which I hated, and Nikolas and Britt which I also hated. So, nah. No thanks. The "Franco can't paint anymore and is making his mommy do it, oh no!" story was especially horrible.

Edited by jsbt
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Liz and Jason never really dated per se, but in any case, no, they started being friends under Guza. Liz and Jason dancing is what caused Carly to go and have hate sex with Sonny.


Oh yeah, I knew that, I just meant when they started really teasing them as a couple. 

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Jake's 1st birthday, 2008.


Pregnant Robin! Patrick in a tight-fitting white shirt! The first Cam! JMB's Lulu in a birthday hat! Bobbie with dark hair because...reasons!


And Spinelli in a shirt that says "Make good choices today." Okay then.


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And can we kill the corn jokes now too? What else, I know there are more.


This.  That has always bothered me, and is just one of the many examples of how petty and immature Ron could behave.  He took some internet comments about how the old Joss actress looked like one of the children of the corn, and he turned it into a running joke with the new actress - a joke at the expense of a little girl.  It's just as bad, if not worse, than the "AJ is fat!" jokes at SK's expense.  (I say "if not worse" because SK, at least, is an adult.  What Ron was doing to him was gross, absolutely, but I feel like it becomes extra gross when you're talking about a grown man writing jokes about the appearance of a young girl.)  

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This post is dedicated to LeftPhalange, LOL. A scene of SJB!Carly slapping the taste out of Liz's mouth.


Ah, those halcyon days when Liz was a snarky but recognizable little jerk .. instead of the pathetic yet evil weirdo she's become in this Jakeson story.

Sonny was always such a condescending jerkwad - and I don't even like Carly. Why was he so nice to Liz back then? Guilt over thinking Lucky burnt to death in his warehouse? Because Jason liked her? As a replacement for Robin, as the young innocent friend who tells everyone Sonny is really super-nice?

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Why was he so nice to Liz back then? Guilt over thinking Lucky burnt to death in his warehouse? Because Jason liked her? As a replacement for Robin, as the young innocent friend who tells everyone Sonny is really super-nice?



I think it was a little bit of all of that. 

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I'd be more interested in stavros if they recast him and wrote him more in line with the original version from the 1980s, not the ridiculous cartoon that RKK plays.

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People really need to start jamming a stake in the heart of a Cassadine when they get "killed."


Seriously, between the mob and the ever-increasing ridiculousness of the all-powerful Cassadines (and their Legion of Doom buddies!), I'm not sure which one has fucked up this show more.  

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And your Throwback Thursday moment for this week. I turned seven in February 1996. :)



And one from April 1996:


Edited by UYI
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I was watching some old clips and got hooked on Frisco/Felicia.  They are just WOW!  So much fun and so much chemistry.  I think I'm going to watch their story from the beginning.  I liked Tony and Tania too.  What are their best stories?

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I was watching some old clips and got hooked on Frisco/Felicia.  They are just WOW!  So much fun and so much chemistry.  I think I'm going to watch their story from the beginning.  I liked Tony and Tania too.  What are their best stories?


All of them? :) Those were my favorite years of GH. I was a teen and absolutely in love with them as a couple. (And I was sure I was in love with Jack Wagner, lol!)  I hate what they did with the Frisco character later so I just pretend it all never happened in my little world. Aztec treasure, Asian Quarter...all fun. Robert, Anna, Sean, Tony, etc. all involved...

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All of them? :) Those were my favorite years of GH. I was a teen and absolutely in love with them as a couple. (And I was sure I was in love with Jack Wagner, lol!)  I hate what they did with the Frisco character later so I just pretend it all never happened in my little world. Aztec treasure, Asian Quarter...all fun. Robert, Anna, Sean, Tony, etc. all involved...


I just happened to get sucked into a GH youtube void and they really stood out. He sure was foxy! I'm definitely going to try to watch the Asian Quarter stuff.  I have heard that was fun.  Thanks!!!

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@Rancide asked what's going on between Nic and Liz after being away from the show for awhile; please feel free to correct or add to this;


Nic and Liz danced around the possibility of dating but decided to be friends. Lots of hijinks with AJ, Ric, Jake, Britt, et al ensued. Nic has been shady for awhile now, scheming to take over ELQ, and Liz stumbled across the fact that he knew Jake was Jason, and was going to tell Jake, but Nic managed to convince her to keep quiet about it. Now they meet and talk about it regularly, often in places where they could be overheard.


I know there's more, but it's the basics of how we got to here.

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Nik doesn't want anyone to find out that Jake is Jason because then he'd loose access to Jason's ELQ stock. Without Jason's ELQ stock he wouldn't own a majority of the shares. Apparently Helena and Stavros spent a good bit of the Cassadine fortune on their schemes over the years so Nik needs ELQ to keep himself and Spencer 'in the life that they've grown accustomed to." ELQ should be worthless at this point so I'm not sure how it will keep Nik and Spencer living the high life, but whatever. 


After flip flopping between Jake and Ric, Liz decided she wanted to be with Jake after she caught Ric in more lies. Liz and Jake decided they were in love or some shit so when Liz found out from Nik that Jake is really Jason she just HAD to keep quiet so she could hang on to her precious piece of meat. You know, because if Jason knew who he really was he would probably want to work on things with Sam or at least spend time with his son Danny, which would take him away from Liz. Liz and Nik are both pretending like they're doing the right thing by keeping Jason's identity a secret because his family has already mourned him and moved on, Sam is happy with Patrick, and Danny is better off with Patrick than with Jason. Oh, and a woman named Hayden found out who Jason really is and was about to tell him and Sam so Nik had her shot in the head. She's currently is a coma and Liz isn't at all worried about her well being or that her BFF tried to have someone murdered. The whole thing is very convoluted and Nik's motivation for becoming evil are paper thin and Liz has become batshit crazy. 

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@Rancide asked what's going on between Nic and Liz after being away from the show for awhile; please feel free to correct or add to this;


Nic and Liz danced around the possibility of dating but decided to be friends. Lots of hijinks with AJ, Ric, Jake, Britt, et al ensued. Nic has been shady for awhile now, scheming to take over ELQ, and Liz stumbled across the fact that he knew Jake was Jason, and was going to tell Jake, but Nic managed to convince her to keep quiet about it. Now they meet and talk about it regularly, often in places where they could be overheard.


I know there's more, but it's the basics of how we got to here.


I don't know why this bugs me so much - but Nik didn't convince her to keep quiet. He told her the truth so she wouldn't get hurt and she convinced him to keep quiet because she decided that it's "her time" with Jason

But Nik's a pretty big POS right now. He recently had a woman shot by a hitman he apparently keeps on retainer

Edited by Oracle42
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I don't know why this bugs me so much - but Nik didn't convince her to keep quiet. He told her the truth so she wouldn't get hurt and she convinced him to keep quiet because she decided that it's "her time" with Jason

Good point - I guess I'm really just hearing "blah blah blah" when these two 'scheme' anymore!

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I don't know why this bugs me so much - but Nik didn't convince her to keep quiet. He told her the truth so she wouldn't get hurt and she convinced him to keep quiet because she decided that it's "her time" with Jason


This is true. But Nik obviously thinks keeping quiet won't hurt him, as he hasn't said anything. And he's not showing many signs of feeling guilty about that. 


This isn't letting either Nik or Liz off the hook, just adding some information.

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Nik doesn't want anyone to find out that Jake is Jason because then he'd loose access to Jason's ELQ stock. Without Jason's ELQ stock he wouldn't own a majority of the shares. Apparently Helena and Stavros spent a good bit of the Cassadine fortune on their schemes over the years so Nik needs ELQ to keep himself and Spencer 'in the life that they've grown accustomed to." ELQ should be worthless at this point

Wait, I'm confused; Nik doesn't have Jason or Danny's shares, so if Jason was revealed as alive how would it change the stock distribution?

Sam controls both Jason & Danny's shares and voted with Michael, as did Monica, Dillon & Maya. And Nik has the shares that belonged to Tracy, Ned, Skye, Lila Rae, Brooklyn, Lucy, and Alice.

Wait, actually, I thought Jason himself wasn't left any shares because he was dead when Edward dead, and Danny (and every other great-grandchild) was left 9%?

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Someone pointed out that Jason hadn't been declared dead when Edward died so he might have inherited shares and initially Sam gave AJ and Tracy the ability to vote proxies for Danny and Jason's shares but a recent episode claimed she gave away the shares outright - I don't know.

The story makes very little sense

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a recent episode claimed she gave away the shares outright


Didn't Sam split those shares evenly between AJ and Tracy? That way she wouldn't have to be in the middle of future Q tug-of-wars. Or did she just split the proxy?


It's a mess either way.

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I'm pretty sure it was the proxy - because I can't imagine Tracy and AJ thinking she'd just give them Jason and Danny's shares. So Michael should already have those votes because a kidnapper wouldn't accept a proxy instead of the actual shares? 

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I realize this is an extreme minority position, but I'm not 100% against Niz.  My principal objections to it in the first go-round were 1) the extreme betrayal of Lucky, 2) the fact that Nik was going through his engorged tick phase right around that time.


With Lucky long-gone and Nik having found a better balance of "vitamins," I think it could work.  They're both among the better actors the show has, but neither has done "new" romance particularly well in decades.  I'd be okay with seeing them together at this point.  

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Didn't Liez tell Robin that Nik gave her the best sex she ever had or did things that Lucky didn't do or some shit like that? Like really? It's bad enough you're banging his brother and on top of that you can't pretend to have enough decency to keep that info to yourself? Yuck. If Nik and Liez care about Lucky at all they won't even go down that road again. But. clearly they don't since they've almost gotten together numerous times since then. Whatever. They're both scum. 

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