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All Episodes Talk: Small World, Big Lives

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I can't even remark on her comments ... I am gagging on the saccharine too badly.

Incidentally, I count four men and four women in that pic.  Four couples away for a weekend.  I'm guessing that means Amy is now overnighting it with what's his name.  Surely they didn't sleep dormitory style. Hehehe good for her.  

Looks like she's wrapping her legs around a lot more than just his motorcycle, doesn't it Jeremy!  Ha!

  • Love 7

My memory of Jacob and the family dynamics include a lot of dysfunction on Jacob's part, property damage, drug use, no motivation, with Amy defending him on every front.  So, I can see why Jacob may not have been too happy with Matt since he wanted what he wanted.  And, then there was Amy saying that she had an empty nest, when Jacob was still living at home.  But, maybe, that's how she felt.  When Jacob left the house and went off to be a free spirit and bad mouth his family and the show, it seemed that he was more upset with Amy than Matt, but, it seems that he's been appeased.  If Zach was reformed, then anyone can be. lol 

  • Love 2

The drug use was never on camera and I have it on good authority that the all the boys enjoyed the demon weed. Matt openly referenced viewing Jake’s on line prescence and as a father and a man never said anything but praise for Jake’s pot smoking and talking about fucking his girl on line (This all went down when Jake was 15 and 16 and Matt was still living in the house) Matt condoned teen drug use and sex, just like his wife. If he was too frightened by Amy to be a man and a father – and I don’t believe he was so scared of his wife he couldn’t say boo, because Matt has continually been proud to shit on Amy on camera and delight in lying to her and delight in letting us all know how he continues to disrespect her, so we know when Matt WANTS TO, Matt stands up to Amy. Matt didn’t want to be bothered with parenting his youngest. It shows.

I absolutely assign blame on Amy, Sunnybebe, on how Jacob turned out, because she's all about spoiling and it shows in all three of her lazy sons, but I also assign blame to his father. You know what I remember? Matt snotting to the public how Jacob got kicked out of Faith Bible for not doing assigned work and Matt was just pleased as punch because Matt never liked that school! His 12 year old son was expelled for not handing in assignments and he’s bragging how damn smart the kid is.  And Matt was present for all those empty nest comments and never once protested, now did he?

  • Love 4

Just binge watched the last few episodes.

I hope Amy finds happiness, but I am getting some creepy vibes from the man she's seeing. He asks if she's dating anyone else and she says no, and he doesn't share (or it was edited out) his own dating situation with Amy. They go back to her place for a campfire and pie, and she says (paraphrasing) 'I really enjoy spending time with you, I have a lot of fun with you...' and he says something like 'I'm glad to hear that.' I'd expect a "I feel the same way" from him. He also made a joke about 'enjoying watching her struggle, but it's so cute.' I don't know... I wouldn't like to hear that if I were on a date with someone. 

Jer and Odd are plain ridiculous. Selfish and prude (except not when it comes to themselves). Another point to add to the big house discussion - What if in the future they were to get the big house, renovate it for their average heights, only to find Audrey is pregnant with a dwarf child, now THAT would be funny.

Tori just oozes a playful confidence and I can see that developing in Zach as well. There is no denying that they are best friends, where as Jeremy and Audrey seem to be married because they wanted someone to marry - they both like to travel, bang, and do hipster things with the trendiest hipster clothes,  so they got married. I don't see true friendliness with them, just romance. 

Edited by iheartla
  • Love 4

What if in the future they were to get the big house, renovate it for their average heights, only to find Audrey is pregnant with a dwarf child, now THAT would be funny.

I wonder what their reaction would be to that.  Publicly, of course, all would be well, but I wonder what their private thoughts would be.  I have a feeling she wouldn't like anything messing up her vision of the "perfect" family.

  • Love 1

Eh, they would have to be VERY discreet because they have too much public Christianity to live down. And it's extremely unlikely that they would produce a child with dwarfism.

And for all this talk of "we're going to have at least three, maybe four or five kids" - I respectfully note that if she's going to pound out some babies, the clock is beginning to tick more and more loudly. She's 25 and sane people who care about their health generally don't plop kids out one a year. It starts getting riskier to have children after 35 (for both mother and child). The time to be having babies is now.  If they aren't "settled in their marriage" or "learning to live as a family and spend time as just the two of them" by now then it's not going to happen.

Mind you, I am not advocating kids for these two at all, but if they want three or more, they need to start having them soon.

CofCinci - if he does, its kept very quiet. I wish it would come out just so we could see Jeremy sit his daddy down and demand to know if daddy was dating or courting.

Oh wait, Jeremy really doesn't give a shit when his dad is "plowing some fields like an old goat". Jeremy, who has proudly put his name on an article about how a man and wife should share all finances... funny how Jeremy doesn't say boo to Daddy Matt when Daddy Matt openly tells him he's lying to Amy about how much money was spent. Gosh and golly all Jeremy did was smirk and nod... funny how he only finds his balls when it's *Mom* he gets to bitch at. When it's his daddy lying about money to his mom, why, Jeremy happily lets Dad brag to the camera how he lies about money and of course makes no comment other than to agree with his daddy.

Audrey - pay attention to *that*.

  • Love 8

From what I recall from the season Amy's kitchen looks much neater/cleaner now than it did when Matt and the kids were still living there. She's had her friends over & they've hung out in the kitchen several times and it looked nowhere near at cluttered or dirty as it had in the past. So I wonder if she now has a housecleaner or she cleans up more or since the kids & Matt no longer live there there is less to clean up. Or the source/cause of any anger/resentment that prevented her from cleaning before is now out of the house - Matt. It's also been awhile since (as far as I recall) I've seen any animals perched on the counters.

Not to say that her housekeeping is still winning any awards. :)

  • Love 3
On 2/22/2017 at 2:05 PM, ginger90 said:

Wow, Amy had a lot of likes and comments on this picture. I got caught up in reading all the comments, and was laughing at the ones in Spanish. They must be VERY behind on viewing this show in their countries.  A lot of people were shocked, and saying (in Spanish) " What about Matt?" And "where's her husband?!" 

Edited by ChiCricket
  • Love 3

Still watching old eps. I think I'm mostly interested in the episodes revolving around the Roloffs at school, mainly because I'm always boggled at how poor the quality of education was & how incompetent Matt & Amy apparently were with respect to keeping up on the twins. I rewatched that ep where Jer and Zach had to give impromptu speeches; Jer's speech on skin is the sort of shit I'd have said in elementary school (back when I was first learning how to give speeches) or, if I'm being really generous, junior high. 

  • Love 1

To a certain extent they weren't struggling. Matt worked in software sales, and there's pretty good money in that. The problem was that right prior to the show, Matt had lost his job, sued his employer, and lost. He then decided to turn the farm into his main source of income and since they were used to living on a software salesman salary and sale money, things were tight in contrast.

But... their idea of struggling financially was that Amy was working instead of being a stay at home mom, and the kids weren't getting *every* lavish treat they wanted, and Matt wasn't indulging his every whim.

I've never gotten the impression that Faith was super expensive (Wasn't it in a strip mall/trailer classrooms?) and with multiple kids there they were likely getting a discount.

Do note - Matt Roloff no longer likes talk about the genuine he almost lost the farm time, and is quick to insist he was a millionaire before the show ever began.

  • Love 3

I don't care how dirty Amy's kitchen was/is or how much she snarked at Matt, or about any missteps in her parenting. I give her a pass because she didn't have a chance. She married a self-absorbed, narcissistic, obnoxious man-child who couldn't be bothered with anything remotely having to do with responsibility for anyone other than himself; remember how he couldn't even manage to attend Zach's soccer games when the kids were little because they simply didn't interest him? What kind of father behaves that way? 

Say what you will about Amy, but she was there for the kids. And I can't imagine her self-esteem was the healthiest all those years. I hope her new relationship is the real deal. She's earned it.

  • Love 21

Anyone catch how Amy suggested Matt wanted back in the big house? If Matt's plan is to give the house to Jeremy and Audrey, why would that mean Matt would be living in it as well and Amy would be in the DW? Unless Matt is planning on moving in the big house so that they can provide some sort of care for him. Amy seemed beyond offended that Matt wanted to give her house away. I'm noy team Amy by any means but I'd be flabbergasted at that suggestion. Why the heck would she give up her home that she loves to hand over to her kid?! 

  • Love 1

Anyone catch how Amy suggested Matt wanted back in the big house? If Matt's plan is to give the house to Jeremy and Audrey, why would that mean Matt would be living in it as well and Amy would be in the DW? Unless Matt is planning on moving in the big house so that they can provide some sort of care for him.

Oh yes. Matt's said in several episodes that he feels that living in a double wide trailer is not where a person of his stature and life experience should be. He also tends to claim that the big house was built to his tastes and preferences and he's not "comfortable" in the DW. As Amy has theoretically put the kibosh on Matt building an entirely new house that is perfectly adapted to him (and a new separate house for Jer and Auj)


Amy seemed beyond offended that Matt wanted to give her house away. I'm noy team Amy by any means but I'd be flabbergasted at that suggestion. Why the heck would she give up her home that she loves to hand over to her kid?! 

Basically Matt is passive aggressively playing Jeremy against Amy. Jeremy wants to move back to the big house with Audrey and raise kids and basically relive his childhood. So what this turns into is Matt being all "I'd love to have you and Audrey come back and we could live together but your mom got the house and gosh golly gee she doesn't love you enough, the way I love you, to give you the house" - so Amy gets to be the public bad guy in this because she's not willing to... hand over her home to a married couple who has already made it clear that when they move into the big house, Amy will need to *mind them* and live by their morality.

Mind you, I mostly notice what isn't said in these discussions - will Jeremy be *paying* for the property he wants? Why isn't Jeremy expected to buy his own home for his own family? How will Jeremy *support* the farm? Will he be paying the property tax, and assuming the mortgage?

I really don't think the property can be easily transferred to anyone at this point but here's a question - where is Amy supposed to live when Jeremy and Auj displace her from her home with apparently no monetary compensation?

  • Love 4
37 minutes ago, Awfarmington said:

Anyone catch how Amy suggested Matt wanted back in the big house? If Matt's plan is to give the house to Jeremy and Audrey, why would that mean Matt would be living in it as well and Amy would be in the DW? Unless Matt is planning on moving in the big house so that they can provide some sort of care for him. Amy seemed beyond offended that Matt wanted to give her house away. I'm noy team Amy by any means but I'd be flabbergasted at that suggestion. Why the heck would she give up her home that she loves to hand over to her kid?! 

Matt was saying he would move into this hypothetical house he would build for himself (but have Amy pay for half) and Jeremy and Audrey would move I to the big house, leaving Amy with the dw. 

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These warrant an oh good grief.

I do hope Amy puts an end to all talk of dispossessing her of her home.  Talk about a bag of snakes with Matt, Jeremy, and Audrey.  They should be ashamed.

Edited by Absolom
  • Love 4

What the heck is wrong with these people. We know lots/most men want boys, but how many times did Matt and Jer need to say -- I hope the first grandbaby is a boy, that's how it needs to be. Even after the reveal, Matt hugs Zach and goes "it's better this way." WTF!? You wanted a boy, we get it -- even though the DAD didn't seem obsessed with it.

And Jer with his whole -- well Zach has started the clock running for us, he can't be 3 kids ahead of us. Uh - yeah dude he could - bc most adults don't see this as a contest. Most adults try to get jobs and some time of permanent home before procreating and it's fine if that takes you a yr or two longer than your twin -- even though you've always been the alpha in that relationship.

And how much does Tori not want a little person. OMG. It's so obvious that she does NOT feel like either is fine and is dreading having an LP, health issues etc. Nothing wrong with that -- as she said NO parent wants to hear something is wrong. Obviously. BUT did she not consider this when marrying/procreating with a little person? It's not even like there's LP genes somewhere in the genetic line so there's some remote possibility of an LP child-- Zach is the LP, so it's a 50-50 chance.

  • Love 13
1 hour ago, ZoloftBlob said:

Oh yes. Matt's said in several episodes that he feels that living in a double wide trailer is not where a person of his stature and life experience should be. He also tends to claim that the big house was built to his tastes and preferences and he's not "comfortable" in the DW. As Amy has theoretically put the kibosh on Matt building an entirely new house that is perfectly adapted to him (and a new separate house for Jer and Auj)

Basically Matt is passive aggressively playing Jeremy against Amy. Jeremy wants to move back to the big house with Audrey and raise kids and basically relive his childhood. So what this turns into is Matt being all "I'd love to have you and Audrey come back and we could live together but your mom got the house and gosh golly gee she doesn't love you enough, the way I love you, to give you the house" - so Amy gets to be the public bad guy in this because she's not willing to... hand over her home to a married couple who has already made it clear that when they move into the big house, Amy will need to *mind them* and live by their morality.

Mind you, I mostly notice what isn't said in these discussions - will Jeremy be *paying* for the property he wants? Why isn't Jeremy expected to buy his own home for his own family? How will Jeremy *support* the farm? Will he be paying the property tax, and assuming the mortgage?

I really don't think the property can be easily transferred to anyone at this point but here's a question - where is Amy supposed to live when Jeremy and Auj displace her from her home with apparently no monetary compensation?

I totally agree! Does TLC provide enough income for Jeremy and Audrey to buy the home from Amy? I know Amy is all about her kids, but I can't fathom any parent just handing over a home worth several hundred thousand dollars. 

Amy casually mentioned that in the future, she may move to a new house. How much of that is Chris motivated? I'm sure she would love to have her own space away from Matt, Karen and the cameras with her new man. Although the sneak previews made it look like he wasn't willing to entertain the idea of commiting. Surprise, surprise. 

  • Love 4

Although the sneak previews made it look like he wasn't willing to entertain the idea of commiting. Surprise, surprise. 

To be fair, he doesn't get a paycheck for dating her, and he IS her first relationship since the divorce, and she IS carrying a lot of baggage in the form of an ex-husband who lives three feet away, and at least one bitter son who resents his mommy dating, not to mention cameras and camera crews.

I mean, he *could* be a sleazy toad but honestly, there's a lot of reasons other than "he's a sleazy attention whore using Amy" that could be driving him to not commit.

  • Love 2
15 minutes ago, ZoloftBlob said:

To be fair, he doesn't get a paycheck for dating her, and he IS her first relationship since the divorce, and she IS carrying a lot of baggage in the form of an ex-husband who lives three feet away, and at least one bitter son who resents his mommy dating, not to mention cameras and camera crews.

I mean, he *could* be a sleazy toad but honestly, there's a lot of reasons other than "he's a sleazy attention whore using Amy" that could be driving him to not commit.

I can't believe he has stayed this long. 

  • Love 4

I admit to being surprised. Right now I am watching Matt snot how he needs a better house and so he takes Jeremy into his confidence about his master plan to build houses on the farm. I mean, Jeremy can keep saying it's an interesting dynamic all he wants but I still never hear Jeremy man up and say "I want to BUY the farm"... this little bitch wants Daddy to give it to him.  And mom is in the way.

  • Love 6

And how much does Tori not want a little person. OMG. It's so obvious that she does NOT feel like either is fine and is dreading having an LP, health issues etc. Nothing wrong with that -- as she said NO parent wants to hear something is wrong. Obviously. BUT did she not consider this when marrying/procreating with a little person? It's not even like there's LP genes somewhere in the genetic line so there's some remote possibility of an LP child-- Zach is the LP, so it's a 50-50 chance.

I get where Tori is coming from, but she probably could have been a little more sensitive to Zach.  I was bothered by Matt saying he actually wants the baby to be LP, while listing all the problems associated with that.  It's one thing to be okay with a non-typical child, but to actually hope the child will have so many physical issues just seems wrong.

  • Love 10

While I like Zach and Tori, I do think Zach is being very realistic. We have Matt talking to him about being a provider for his family and Zach laughs it off and says he doesn't have a plan yet for a long term job/career. I don't understand why he would want to have a child with dwarfism. Not only did he have years of painful surgeries and emotional struggles but the cost of medical care is certainly not getting cheaper.

I was disappointed in Matt wanting to have a grandson so badly. It is nice that Zach is having the first grandson not Jeremy. Jeremy was jealous.

I really don't care to see the dating. Let the parents date who they want but it is not something I want to see especially at family gatherings.

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I know they keep saying that Caryn is the long time farm manager, but I don't remember her at all. 

My favourite moment of the episode was Jeremy declaring that "I hope the first Roloff grandson is a boy". Never change, Jer. 

Did I miss some discussion of Amy, the big house and Jer and Odd? I only remember Matt mentioning to Amy about her being in the big house. And Jerr and Odd talking about having to move, and wondering if that would be a good time to move back to the farm. It did make me wonder where they thought they were going to move to on the farm, but I don't remember a specific discussion. But I could have missed it. 

  • Love 5

I don't really get the "creepy vibes" a lot of people are getting when they see Amy's boyfriend, though I do wonder why he would be interested in her - obviously my view is subjective and not gospel, but I find her very annoying - especially the way she talks to Matt; she's always rude to him and confrontational, while I only see Matt as irritating once in a while. Anyways, I am glad Matt has a girlfriend now, who doesn't seem to be anything like Amy, judging by the little we've seen so far - I was worried Matt would be alone for a long time or indefinitely.

If I were having a baby, I would really want it to be a girl, so I can understand why Matt and Jeremy were overly hopeful on the baby being a particular gender, but the bit about hoping the baby to be a dwarf was so stupid - I have issues of my own that I wouldn't want passed down to my kids out of the deluded idea that it would help us bond, that just sounds masochistic. As for Jeremy and Audrey getting the farm, I don't get why Amy lives in the big house (it might have been mentioned in an episode I didn't see) because I will assume most, if not all of the money required to buy that property was Matt's, though this sense of female entitlement to the ex-husband's stuff isn't a new thing.

Like someone else already said, it seems like Jeremy and Audrey's relationship is just hollow and more like the "boring couple" they are ironically trying not to be; I can see how what they write books about could benefit some people, but nothing about how they behave would really indicate their relationship should be coveted by others. I also think that Jeremy is way out of Audrey's league (in terms of appearance), as well as mooching off of the TV money and potential inheritance of the farm, which has always soured me. Zack and Tori seem to be best friends and have an actual relationship - seeing Jeremy and Audrey's professionally shot photos on Instagram are a bit eye rolling, because they come off as trying to paint relationships in general as extraordinary instead of reality based.

  • Love 4

Unrelated: Happy for Molly that she is engaged. Wonder if they'll follow it on the show--even though the wedding will be on the farm, the show really underplayed the announcement, which makes me think we might not get another Big Roloff Wedding episode. 

ETA: Blahaha, based on comments here I went to Jer's Insta and Auj is pregnant with a girl! He must be SO disappointed.

Edited by TheNewJanBrady
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On 4/11/2017 at 0:40 AM, AZChristian said:

Most Christian schools of this type are not terribly expensive, and families with multiple children enrolled usually get a discount.

FYI... I would concede that in your area they might not be very expensive but in the bumpkin area where someone in my family attends it is expensive and then there is the dress code. There are uniforms for one day a week but the others have a looser dress code and the kids with the big bucks parents are dressed like the country club set. I'm talking the kind of kids that when one wanted to get a dress for prom she hopped on Daddy's private jet, with her girlfriends, and flew to Paris for the latest. 

Franlky I don't find it very "Christian" of them to rub it in the noses of those who don't come from wealth. 

Compassion and responsibility for ones own actions should be taught in all schools. 

Edited by Mindthinkr
  • Love 1

As for Jeremy and Audrey getting the farm, I don't get why Amy lives in the big house (it might have been mentioned in an episode I didn't see) because I will assume most, if not all of the money required to buy that property was Matt's, though this sense of female entitlement to the ex-husband's stuff isn't a new thing.

Well sure, because when Amy was pregnant, she was DOING NOTHING. Birthing out four babies isn't work, or difficult or potentially risky, that's Amy sitting on her entitled ass. When Matt was traveling for his job (and he actually used to talk about his traveling for work quite a bit in early episodes) Amy did NOTHING to take care of the four children who were 14, 11, and 8 when the show started. When Matt lost his job and Amy took on two jobs, secretary for the local LPA and as the boys soccer coach, that wasn't because she was trying to help save the farm that Matt's lack of employment almost lost, that was her displaying her ass and her female entitlement for all the stuff Matt *earned* while she sat on her ass like a female entitled princess. It was Matt who changed EVERY shitty blow out diaper, it was Matt who drove the kids to school every day, it was Matt who made every breakfast, lunch and dinner, and attended every soccer game, and who handled every single parenting chore all while Amy used her "female entitlement" to steal all of his wealth even tho she DID NOTHING and WAS NOTHING but an entitled female owed NOTHING.

No. Matt the parent who did it all never actually happened. A lot of the money, if not all of the money that led to "the big house" came from the show that Amy was a working paid participant on. Second, even if they were still in the little farmhouse on the 34, and not 108 acres, Amy would still be entitled to half of the marital assets because she raised the children for Matt. That Amy WAS an active participant on the show only makes it more clear that she's owed some compensation for the time in the marriage.

Finally, Amy was never happy that Matt *walked out on her* and *was the one who initiated the separation and divorce*. She wanted to stay married and when Matt insisted they divorce, it starts to be on Matt that he had to share out some of HIS property. As it is, the divorce decree was really very fair - the property and holdings were split right down the middle and Matt got the better of the side businesses (in my opinion). But yes, Amy got the main house and since she is no longer married, that's her main financial asset for retirement which means her able bodied son who is only 26 really needs to get off his ass and get a job and EARN a home for himself and his family rather than expect his mom to hand over hers.

  • Love 20
1 hour ago, Ina123 said:

I think Tori was the only person being honest about the baby in the entire show. No one seriously wants their child to be born a dwarf. If it is, they cope, but want it, no. Matt was blowing smoke out his a$$. 

A parent should always want better for their kids than they had it. My husband is not tall, 5' 8" at the most, likely shorter. We have 4 sons, and I've always hoped they would be taller, because in the real world, it's desirable for a man to be tall or at least average height. My hubby has always said he hopes they all grown up to be no taller than he is 'because a son should never be taller than his dad'. My older two have since passed him up by a good few inches, which has caused jealousy/insecurity issues for him. When I saw Zach being okay with his child potentially being a little person, it reminded me of my husband wanting short sons. It's very selfish, but I don't think they see it. Or don't care to see it. 

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