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All Episodes Talk: Small World, Big Lives

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Wow, Amy was really sticking it to Matt in her TH's. How much fun she's having, how nice it is to have an adult conversation with a man, how good she feels with her new life, lol... she was really laying it on thick! 

Having said that, I think a lot of this is for show. Does Amy really have sooooo many friends as she depicted at her pool party or are half these people from central casting? Where has she met all the men friends? And this Chris guy, I don't trust him. Amy has a couple of girlfriends that are attractive and single and can't find a man, but she has no problem. Sorry, but it just doesn't really work like that in the real world. I have several single girlfriends Amy's age and it is hard finding someone! Not that Amy isn't nice and all but let's face it, it could be her house and money that Chris is attracted to, not necessarily Amy. 

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I hope Chris isn't a production set up - it doesn't feel that way but I'm gonna be honest - Amy isn't a good enough actress to fake the nerves and the cheerful awkwardness on the date.  And frankly Jeremy isn't a good enough actor to fake the anger.

He'll need to get over it or accept that he might alienate his mom. He clearly doesn't want to alienate his dad - even Auj dances around Matt and doesn't encourage Matt to go back to Amy. But it's very noticeable that Matt gets this free pass from the married obsessed. Have we ever seen Jeremy really take Matt to task over how Matt rather openly planned his exit from the marriage, complete with intentionally manipulating to get a second house set up so he had a comfortable place to go to? How does Jeremy feel about Matt pointedly telling his wife he wants the divorce happening faster? Funny how Jeremy never flashes that bitter little puss face at Matt, and how Auj keeps her garish lips shut tight when it comes to Matt's choice to walk away from his marriage.

This is actually a case where Zach is really the example - because I think Zach isn't happy that his parents split and it shows, but he's mature enough to get that its not about him and its not his place to interfere.

As for the marital advice - Jeremy and Auj repackage the work of others pretty freely. The whole Navigator's Council concept is lifted quite openly from a book called A Severe Mercy

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Well when I got a divorce I had no trouble finding dates.  Why is it so hard for people to believe it is genuine?  Amy is not an actress.  She seems happier than I have seen her in awhile.  I suspect Chris has been around more than we know.

Don't most people date after getting a divorce?  That's the best part.

I have a renewed interest in this show so I am enjoying this new development.  I agree Jeremy seems to think he owns the family. (and farm)  

  • Love 6

Jeremy is the product of his rearing. He's always been the Golden Boy, the center of the family. Who is the family hero? Jeremy! Jeremy is the child that Matt and Amy lived vicariously through and in return, Jeremy pretty much always got his way, and always found himself getting a tonguebath of praise for pretty minimal behavior. The tv show only made that worse - the very fact that Jeremy spent Zach's wedding referencing how it was always Jeremy first in their world was pretty telling about how Jeremy sees himself.

The problem is that he's starting to find out that he's not that pretty and he's not that special. One thing I have found very genuine about the recent episodes is Jeremy's utter shock at the idea that he might not be allowed to raise his potential family on the family farm, that *what Jeremy wanted* wasn't even really being considered (and the divorce terms Amy owns half of the farm so Mr. I'm Pissed with You Mamma! needs to remember how he needs to keep Mamma sweet now if he expects to inherit)

He's starting to see that he and his whims are no longer that important to either of his parents and his siblings and old friends no longer hang on his every word and in the world of grown ups, he's just average at best. I don't think it ever occurred to him that the reason his father gets a lot of praise for basically half assing it through life is because people have really low expectations for people with disabilities. Matt has a serious disability and works and raised a family. All things considered, that's impressive. Jeremy doesn't seem to understand that his accomplishing the same thing is a low minimum expectation for someone without disabilities... and he hasn't even managed that - there's no kids and Jeremy doesn't appear to have any income other than the show and all the career plans he has are CLEARLY coming from Audrey - seriously, Jeremy is a macho mouth breather for the most part, does anyone really think he's interested in the real ins and outs of wedding planning?

  • Love 10

I just caught up with the prepper episode and the episode where Amy goes on her motorcycle date. 

I can identify with some of the craziness in this episode. In 2012, my father-in-law built a shelter-type thing just like Matt did, except he truly buried his. He borrowed against his own retirement savings and maxed out a really high limit credit card to do it thinking the world would disintegrate into chaos and anarchy before the 2012 elections. In 2015 the box flooded and the water destroyed a lot of his expensive supplies. After this thing was buried, I never went inside because I have a bad case of claustrophobia when it comes to being underground, and barring nuclear war, I would want to be above ground in an end-of-world event.

Anyway, the one big difference between my FIL and Matt is that my FIL would be livid if he knew I even mentioned this thing's existence on the Internet. My FIL would tell Matt really quickly: the first rule of prepping is you don't talk about prepping.  My point here: even the true crazies would be rolling their eyes to Matt's nonsense.

About Jer's reaction to Amy dating, I was bored, to be honest. Jeremy's probably just "flexin'" as my teenage students would say.   He's not the first and won't be the last spoiled kid to have a bad reaction to their divorced parents dating. Who cares? (I don't say this excusing his behavior, just not giving him more credit than he deserves.)

Maybe Zach and Jer can get together and do some kind of freaky Parent Trap- type episode.

Edited by sucker4reality
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45 minutes ago, galax-arena said:

See, I still think he's below average. Not a total bottom feeder, but I'm looking at the average guys I know and they're so much better than Jeremy. Are they setting the world on fire? Nope. But they're not lazy schmucks who are relying on Mommy and Daddy, either. 

Jeremy, Zach and Amy have intellects no greater than room temperature (Amy particularly). 

Matt, Molly and Jacob—Jake especially—have the actual brains in the family.

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I disagree about Matt being smart. Clever maybe and manipulative  but not smart.

Zach is no genius but he is figuring out how to make the best decisions  for his family. I realize Tori has  a lot to do with this. They are the kids who will have a long and happy marriage and raise good kids.

We really don't know much about Jacob now but moving away from his family was a smart move. Molly, again no real current knowledge.

Amy was so marginalized for so long I really don't know if she's nothing   smart or just beaten down.  Even now Matt is doing his best to control and marginalize her in regards to the farm.

Jer is a selfish, stupid little boy and if Oddj wasn't such a creepy twit I'd tell her to run fast.

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Jacob's recent instagram post is interesting...


Well I've just finished my final book of the year, #30, and it was yet again a stunner from Alan Watts. It changed my perception and inspired me so much, I was compelled to write a 7-page (!) letter, to my brother, about it.

Generally put, it's about an opportunity for Christianity to stop isolating itself by being solely focused on morality—at all costs, while, at the same time, ignoring the inner (mystical) feeling that makes 'good' morality quite obvious and self-evident; thus creating a Christianity vs evil world complex that is nowadays misinterpreted as a War on Christianity. 
This opportunity is for Christianity—rather for individual Christians, since it isn't the doctrine but the perception of it that needs medicine—to look into the beneficial aspects of Far Eastern philosophies: Hinduism, Taoism, and Buddhism. .
Specifically highlighted by Watts is their well-developed conception of non-duality in the Divine Being—God, Brahman, Tao, or whatever other name it could be known as. Speaking of this non duality is parallel to and equally as difficult as speaking of what it was like before the beginning of the universe and existence; so he uses it as his first point of departure. .
This is by no means a "Christianity should become Buddhism" manifesto. Rather it's a comprehensive, lucid guide to the benefits the teachings of Buddhism could have to the very real inner experience of the average person, and Christians in particular. For "Christianity has .. degenerated into a system of morality with only remote eschatological sanctions, and in practice is therefore a religion largely bereft of joy and power." But it's not too late to be saved, is his point of this book— because, "The Truth from which all the joy and power of Christianity proceeds [is] the truth of the Word made flesh—that the eternal life of God is given to man here and now in the 'flesh' of each moment's experience" and this understanding of the mystical experience of life is where Far Eastern religions greatly exceed our own.
Behold The Spirit: A Study in the Necessity of Mystical Religion by Alan Watts

Jeremy: "Eschatology? Hurr, what's that??" 

(Because it was totally Jer whom Jake wrote the letter to.)

As much as I think Jake is going through a phase where he thinks he's more profound than he is, he at least seems more willing to try intellectually challenging/stimulating fare compared to Jeremy. I'm always struck by how so very basic Jeremy's bookshelf is. There are plenty of books out there that are intellectually rigorous while ultimately affirming (or at least not going against) more conservative values, but Jeremy doesn't read any of that, all he reads is fluff. Maybe he could try something like the Confessions of St. Augustine. As it is, I'm sure that Jake's 7-page letter went right over his head. 

Edited by galax-arena
  • Love 8

I have a question about Zack/Tori's new deck. Maybe you guys can help me out. The way Zack/Tori were talking it was as if Zack put up the new deck himself, but I saw workers out there putting it up and Zack just sort of standing around. No slight towards Zack in this comment, I was just confused by his remarks. Did he actually do something besides make a phone call? Also, during all the deck scenes I caught a glimpse of Zack busily doing something (??? couldn't tell what) and caught a side view of his head. He seemed to have some oddly shaved patterns on the side of his head. I wondered if he'd had some surgery that was never mentioned or it was just head deco. :)

I know these are ridiculous comments, but I enjoy Zack and Tori the most.

Another question, do Jer and Audrey get paid extra for all the little film cuts that are shown on other shows such as Outdaughtered (which I don't watch)? I notice that they often appear more in these little cuts which are woven into  other TLC shows rather than in Little People. Possibly they are angling for their own show?

Edited by kat165
  • Love 1

Zach basically made a joke about how he called a contractor to do the new deck. Zach does have some head scars from surgeries that show when he has a short hair cut, I think that's what you saw - sometimes its more noticeable than other times. And I assume Jeremy and Audrey get paid for the little videos and I very very much think they would like their own show. Of course, I don't think they realize how much work that would really be.

2 minutes ago, ZoloftBlob said:

 And I assume Jeremy and Audrey get paid for the little videos and I very very much think they would like their own show. Of course, I don't think they realize how much work that would really be.

There's something in Auj Poj that reminds me of Kate Gosselin.  I can see her going all diva with the production staff partway through the first episode.  

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Zach and his wife are adorable. They made me smile which was a welcome change after spending the day crying over Carrie Fisher. Thanks Zach!

Amy is way too into that guy. She doesn't know him. And he is a career bachelor. Amy - shop around!

I like Matt this week to - I enjoy pickin' at auctions too

That Jeremy kid is the worst. And his wife's shorts are too short

  • Love 3
On December 28, 2016 at 7:32 AM, bichonblitz said:

Wow, Amy was really sticking it to Matt in her TH's. How much fun she's having, how nice it is to have an adult conversation with a man, how good she feels with her new life, lol... she was really laying it on thick! 

Having said that, I think a lot of this is for show. Does Amy really have sooooo many friends as she depicted at her pool party or are half these people from central casting? Where has she met all the men friends? And this Chris guy, I don't trust him. Amy has a couple of girlfriends that are attractive and single and can't find a man, but she has no problem. Sorry, but it just doesn't really work like that in the real world. I have several single girlfriends Amy's age and it is hard finding someone! Not that Amy isn't nice and all but let's face it, it could be her house and money that Chris is attracted to, not necessarily Amy. 

I skipped the prepper  episode and just watched the Amy date dilemma show. I agree with the poster that said she is not that good of an actress she was quite nervous and is really taken with this Chris and very happy!  She was on some Hollywood noon show today and said as much that Matt had had his realonships ( while married).  Good for her I hope Chris's interest is sincere.  I can just see in Jeremy's face that he thinks some guy is going to move in "his" farm and he will have to get off his ass and get a job at a Home Depot.  He and wifey can have a seat and mind their own business/ sex life and stay out of Amy's. 

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Am I the only one who wants to throw things when the commercial comes on where Amy is talking to the boys about Dayton by and Zack is asking normal questions and Jeremy is all pius asking "are you courting or dating?" If I recall he "dated" his wife, so I'm not sure why he is so condescending about it a mere 2 years later.

  • Love 3

Its like on the one hand, I don't want to slut shame Audrey over wearing very revealing shorts because its really her business.

On the other hand, she's slut shaming a 52 year old divorced woman for literally just touching a man while riding on a motorcycle on a daytime lunch date that involved camera chaperones. So...

Audrey, you're married now. Time to stop dressing like you're selling it on the street corner. Particularly if you're oh so desperately worried that you might draw male attention. You've made the point ON your website, your flesh is for Jeremy's eyes only, so please stop slutting and strutting on what your fans claim is a Christian family show.

  • Love 11
1 hour ago, ZoloftBlob said:

Its like on the one hand, I don't want to slut shame Audrey over wearing very revealing shorts because its really her business.

On the other hand, she's slut shaming a 52 year old divorced woman for literally just touching a man while riding on a motorcycle on a daytime lunch date that involved camera chaperones. So...

Audrey made it everyone's business when she wore those shorts on filming day.

I guess Jeremy wants to put cameras inside his mom's house now so he can make sure they do not touch each other.

I will not be surprised if Amy gets married one day.  She is young, healthy and her kids are out of the nest except for Jeremy.  :-)

I am not saying it will be Chris BTW.  

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I suspect Matt is letting Amy take Jeremy's wrath so that it will be a bit easier when Matt attempts to restart dating. Personally, I am struck by how Jeremy keeps his little bitch mouth shut tight when *Matt* says its ok for Amy to date - no "YOU BROKE YOUR MARRIAGE DADDY AND YOU THREW IT AWAY AND YOU WERE WRONG WRONG IN JESUS"S NAME YOU BROKE YOUR VOW!" for Matt. Funny how Matt isn't sat down like a child by his child and told how he needs to man up and fix his marriage.

I think Zach is hurt but Zach also sees that his mom (and his dad) are a lot happier not married. Of the depicted children, only Jeremy seems to have the fantasy that mom and dad will get back together... and its probably not helped by his own total lack of awareness, and the awkward reality that his wife's parents did separate and remarry.

  • Love 6
4 hours ago, ZoloftBlob said:

Its like on the one hand, I don't want to slut shame Audrey over wearing very revealing shorts because its really her business.

On the other hand, she's slut shaming a 52 year old divorced woman for literally just touching a man while riding on a motorcycle on a daytime lunch date that involved camera chaperones. So...

Audrey, you're married now. Time to stop dressing like you're selling it on the street corner. Particularly if you're oh so desperately worried that you might draw male attention. You've made the point ON your website, your flesh is for Jeremy's eyes only, so please stop slutting and strutting on what your fans claim is a Christian family show.

I wasn't slut shaming the shorts. They are too small and too short - She must go by the Amy Schumer guideline of buying two sizes too small.

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What is Jeremy's freakin' problem?  Does he expect Amy to just sit in a rocking chair on the porch waiting to die?  She's fifty-two, not a hundred and two.  She's got a lot of time ahead of her.  The little shit should be wishing her well, not clutching his pearls about her wrapping her legs around some guy when she's on a motorcycle.  You wrap your legs around anything - or anyone - you want to, Amy!  Screw Jeremy.  And that judgey little snot Audrey, too.  It's less than none of her damn business. 

Wait until Amy goes away for a weekend with some guy, or even better ... let Jeremy show up one morning and find some guy in a bathrobe in the kitchen pouring coffee, lol.  Oh, please let the cameras be there.  I know this show is painfully scripted, but I just want one genuine shot of the look on Jeremy's face when he realizes his mother is getting laid.  Actually, I wanna see him go running down the driveway to the double-wide crying with his ratty hair flying behind him, but I will settle for just seeing the look on his smug little face.  

  • Love 13

No, I think Jeremy's worried she'll remarry and ruin his and Auj's feel good story of how they taught Matt and Amy to "beat 50 percent". Plus, unlike the other kids, he is squarely on Matt's side in the divorce and since he's a spoiled douche he doesn't hesitate to whine to Mommy how she's pissing him off by not bending to his will.

Willowsmom - no worries - my comment was about me and my own weirdness on the topic. If she wants to dress in revealing sexy clothes, ok.... but don't sit there and judge the morality of other people when I can see your lower lips because your shorts are painted on.

  • Love 1
2 hours ago, Jellybeans said:

The money "issue" could be producer driven- they are now divorced and it seems those kind of things would have been legally addressed.

It probably is. But if the divorce agreement just split ownership of the farm 50/50, which is what they've kind of hinted around (and I think was discussed on the show), the money issue could be a big problem. Matt said, in an offhanded way, that he was buying things "for the farm" and using an account that Amy his access to. That tells me that he's not using his own money he's using farm money. I can see Amy being very upset that this junk is being purchased and really hoarded to fulfill Matt's need to have stuff. It's not as if he's collecting things with a specific idea in mind, he's just buying stuff that interests him in the moment. If it was my money, I'd be pissed.

  • Love 5

So the end of the world comes, an alarm sounds. Everyone that knows the alarm has 15 minutes to get to "the box". 2 people live on the property. One has to be there to sound the alarm (cow bell). Unless it's being filmed, I don't see that working well. 

How many days were there after the planning meeting putting Amy in charge of food? It was for one night, for goodness sakes and that's what she came up with? And no utensils? And she wants to run a B&B?

Edited by ginger90
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