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On 5/25/2016 at 0:14 AM, ZoloftBlob said:

"Hey folks, it's thanksgiving! Lets whip pumpkins at wine bottles and break them!"

Seriously this felt totally staged.

I actually thought it looked really fun lol   If my parents saved their wine bottles they would easily have 50+ saved up lol

For someone who asked why they had so many, they're probably leftover from the weddings. People save bottles for odd reasons.

On 5/25/2016 at 9:19 AM, ZoloftBlob said:


He makes a scene. He sits down at the table, tapping his watch with a big old "I was TOLD dinner was at 6:30! Amy is always late!" This was a big passive aggressive 'see why I dovorced her, everyone?' moment designed to humilate her in front of guests that she probably wanted to please.

And she didn't even make the meal - it was his kids so it was an even bigger dig to THEM!

And to say he needs to keep things on scheduled.  Dude... Matt... it's "Thanksgiving" and all 3 sets of families are there, no one is on a freaking schedule. 

I may get a little cranky if Thanksgiving dinner time is a little behind but that's because I've been starving myself to eat the delicious food and I'm very excited lol

22 hours ago, Whyyouneedaname said:

on I think TWoP board several years ago when Molly was referring to Parmesan cheese and she called it parmesian (I know it's not spelled right but that's how she pronounced it) and then last night the chef and Amy's friend corrected her, her friend even saying "stop with the parmesian" lol, I guess that's how they really said it. Thought it was funny after so many commented about it way back when. 

How do they not know how to pronounce it??? So weird.... 


I really don't get all of the grief kids get from their parents when they can't attend Thanksgiving or Christmas events.  It's just a holiday.  I am thankful for my family every day of the year.  I don't need a day to set aside specifically for them.  

My parents live 15 hours away, my brother's family - 11 hours.  I usually spend Thanksgiving alone, which is PERFECTLY fine (and because I like to go shopping that day lol) and last Christmas was the first one I spent alone, we did our family Christmas the weekend before due to family work schedules.  I know my parents didnt like it but I was totally fine with it! And in fact I wasn't really alone because my friend invited me to her family Christmas dinner.  But I would have been perfectly find sitting at home and doing nothing.

But I know so many people who's inlaws (usually the MIL) get so guilt-trippy when their beloved son can't be with them on Christmas day. Even if they can see them the next day, but NEED Christmas day.  It's so ridiculous. 

Edited by gunderda
  • Love 3

I can understand Matt & Amy's feelings given the empty nest and divorce...but in the future they need to suck it up and realize the world doesn't revolve around the farm.  The fact that Amy had another Thanksgiving meal with Jacob and his girlfriend makes me think their situation is not as sad as they make it out to be.  

  • Love 3

The progressive dinner - I could not believe Amy drove like that with the women in the vehicle.  Who does that?  Very inconsiderate.  She always says that little people drive fast.  So, basically, she does not give a crap about anyone in her vehicle or others on the road.

Thanksgiving - did they not have appetizers?  I did not watch.

The twins are 26 years old?  Wow!  Do either of them work?

Edited by jumper sage

I have watched this show off d on over the years, so I tuned in this season (skipped the wedding specials b/c I can't stand Audrey).  There's many things that bug me about this family, but the one that made me snort was Amy's lack of understanding how to say "Parmesan".  I think she also made a comment about never using it?? Or knowing what it is??  Isn't she supposed to be a great cook? Didn't she try opening a restaurant/ catering company or write a cookbook. I could be misremembering that, but who doesn't know what "Parmesan" cheese is?  It's not exactly an exotic or esoteric ingredient. Pizza Hut and Olive Garden have it on their menus!

Did they ever explain where Jacob is?  Is he away at school or did he file for emancipation? 

Jeremy does sound profoundly dumb when he thinks he is just being profound spouting off about "hard work" and what it takes to run the farm.  I get the feeling Jeremy and Audrey are expecting to get the business handed over to them.  I think Amy and Matt should just sell it, split the profits and go start some new adventure.

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On May 24, 2016 at 11:00 PM, Chalby said:

I have read a lot about the differences between Matt and Amy, and I have watched the two of them go at each other and list their complaints about each other. The one complaint that has me ready to toss things at the tv is the subject of Amy's messiness. I watched Amy work, attend (at times coach) soccer games, drive the kids here and there, volunteer for events, help run that farm and I used to get tired watching her. I would also feel guilty because she does far more - with her limitations - then I ever do. Despite her trying to get the kids to clean up, as well as Matt, everyone ignored her. I'd just like to know where it is written that the woman has to maintain the cleanliness of the home? If the house is a pigsty, the woman is blamed. I have 4 kids and a hubby, and they will not lift a finger to help. I have let the house go for weeks, only to break down and clean because none of them cared. As I asked them, where is that master chore list, that has my name put down as a permanent toilet cleaner. Amy will get her clean house when they are all gone, which is soon.

MI have watched them since before there was this show.  It was like a documentry Amy come home from nursery teaching unloading groceries a sweeping  and Matt just sat there saying her working was sexy.  Couldn't stand him that moment. Then when he said timing wasn't her expertise then pulled a face i would hit him a a turkey  dick. 

Oh imdont know going over to the double wide makes me laugh 

I saw  the clip of lake arrowhead solitary Christmas  she has a silent day. 

Edited by athousandclowns
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I don't watch this show much, but a while back I remember Jer and Auj were living in LA. I assume that didn't work out, most likely because neither was willing to put any effort into finding a real job. They probably naively figured their reality show "stardom" would lead to other opportunities in Hollywood. Just a guess, but I would bet that when the money ran short and no one was beating down their door except for the landlord looking for the rent, it was retreat to Oregon for Plan B -- campaigning to inherit the farm. If I were Amy and Matt, I'd tell those obnoxious slackers to get a day job. Does Audrey do anything besides her hair? if so, it isn't apparent. 

Edited by Hpmec
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According to her Instagram, she teaches barre classes.  I don't know how lucrative that is and I can't imagine it would be sufficient to support their adventures, but I guess it's something.  I think she also does speaking engagements where she no doubt educates people on how to have an awesome hipster marriage like she and "Jer".  I can't wait til they have kids- they'll be giving parenting advice 30 minutes after conceiving. 

As for the show last night... not too bad, as LPBW episodes go.  I thought the party for the kids was very nice.  Of course there had to be Matt/Amy drama at the end, though.  I suppose I'd be stating the obvious to say that having the show and having to "work" together is just pouring salt into the wounds.  

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I wish Jeremy and Audrey would admit they  are more lucky  than the average  newlywed couple.  They both  have expensive tastes with their hobbies and toys and their getaway adventures have to be very costly....just admit that they can afford this due to the trust fund Jeremy came into that his parents  set up for him from the proceeds of their TV show!

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I really liked the Christmas party they had for the kids.  It seemed very well done and the kids looked genuinely happy.  I can still remember the times when someone went out of their way to make a really nice party for me and my friends when we were kids, and I think those children will always look back on the party at the farm as a really special time (shout out to my older sisters who threw a wicked Halloween party for us when we were in elementary school, complete with an autopsy-themed haunted house in the basement lit by blacklights and stocked with peeled grape eyeballs and cold oily spaghetti intestines ... and to their guy friends who showed up in masks to scratch at the windows and howl.  That party was talked about for YEARS!)

The major kadooze should really go to AMY who did the bulk of everything.  Just a little tiny kadooze for Matt because the train and laser show in the forest were really cool, but he just hired people do that stuff then hogged all the attention at the party - standard Matt.  I can understand Amy's feelings being hurt, but I am glad she sucked it up in the end.  She just doesn't have the outgoing personality Matt does and she got left out .... that's just the way it goes when your "partner" (X partner?) is one of those kinds of people and you aren't.

Since when do people do a white elephant gift exchange then select their own gifts when it's their turn to choose a present?  What's the point of even doing a gift exchange if that is how it is going to be?  Just go shopping for yourself and call it a day.  Or am I missing something and this is part of the fun?  

The only gift in the whole bunch I would have wanted was the picnic basket.  Auj being all excited about a "tampon flask" that would allow her to sneak her own alcohol into venues where it is prohibited confused me.  Then they mentioned how they couldn't wait to get home and have some wine.  I didn't know Auj and Jer <eyeroll> were drinkers.  I would have thought they were too goody-two-shoes for such base pastimes. 

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Maybe it varies by region, but that gift exchange they did is what I call a "Yankee Swap".  Same rules-pick a number, #1 gets to pick first and last after everyone else- usually a price limit and decision made ahead of time if it should be gag gifts or nice ones.  Around my neck of the woods, a"White Elephant" is a gift exchange where you intentionally bring a crappy gift you received in the past and re-gift it. So Amy with the re-gifted picnic basket was the only one who followed what I know as White Elephant. In my family, we have a crocheted toilet paper cover from 1970-something that rears its creepy doll head every few years when we opt for Whote Elephant vs. Yankee Swap.

If Audrey and Jeremy were so in love with their purchased gifts, why not just buy it for themselves then buy another item to exchange?  I'm sure these people all have a few extra TLC bucks in their accounts, no?

i can't pin down why I dislikeAudrey so much.  She looks very vacant and uninterested in most of her TH's like she'd rather be somewhere else. There's no light behind her eyes....shark eyes.  

  • Love 7

Amy always has to pout and whine about something.  Matt wasn't hogging the attention, it looked to me like he wanted to get some pictures with his kids and the other kids started joining in.   Amy could have done the same thing but she would rather complain about it.  The party wasn't about her, it was about the kids. 

I loved seeing how happy all the kids were.  There were kids of varying ages and they all seemed to be having a great time. It was a cute idea to have them decorate stockings and then filling them for the kids.

 I missed the first little bit of this episode so I missed who the kids were.  We're they underprivileged children?   

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, Maharincess said:

Amy always has to pout and whine about something.  Matt wasn't hogging the attention, it looked to me like he wanted to get some pictures with his kids and the other kids started joining in.   Amy could have done the same thing but she would rather complain about it.  The party wasn't about her, it was about the kids. 

I loved seeing how happy all the kids were.  There were kids of varying ages and they all seemed to be having a great time. It was a cute idea to have them decorate stockings and then filling them for the kids.

 I missed the first little bit of this episode so I missed who the kids were.  We're they underprivileged children?   

Matt waltzed in and changed stuff without a word to Amy. He planned some extravaganza and refused to tell her because he didn't want to be told no. He monopolized the photo booth until it was out of supplies. How was he not hogging attention and minimizing his wife? Amy needs to learn not to invite the ex. I still hope she forces the sale of the farm and companies.

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Oh I thought the Thanksgiving thing was Matt being a pure ass.  He set her up and he ignored the actual truth of the situation.

Whats the truth of the situation?

She told him pretty clearly that the kids were doing the cooking and she couldn't guarantee the time. He then chided her for time issues...

Then it did become clear that the band of idiot children was actually making the dinner. There's guests. Matt then planks his ass at the table and starts harping how Amy told him dinner was at 6:30 and Amy is always late and this is how Amy sucks. He did this in front of their inlaws, and painted her as the grand villainess over it... when it was the kids who were actually responsible for dinner's timing. And she knows this is all being filmed and there's Matt with a big ol' grin on his face snotting to the camera yet again over how he's poor pitiful Matt who *asked* Amy and was assured his dinner would be on time and here he is again, facing bitter disappoint at the hands of his wife for all of America to see. She lost her temper. Frankly, I wasn't shocked, because he was being a passive aggressive shit.

And the kids were none too pleased with him, and it is very telling how the kids all simply ignored it and didn't make any mention of who's side they might be on. I thought he'd been drinking and the kids were trying to avoid a major fight. He definitely seemed a lil tipsy at the "lets break shit" part of the evening.

  • Love 9
18 hours ago, Celia Rubenstein said:

Since when do people do a white elephant gift exchange then select their own gifts when it's their turn to choose a present?  What's the point of even doing a gift exchange if that is how it is going to be?  Just go shopping for yourself and call it a day.  Or am I missing something and this is part of the fun?

It happens a lot and that's why I hate 'white elephant' gift exchanges.  It truly only works if you have a very large group.  And a lot of people just buy crap so you choose your own since you know it's the safe bet. Of course someone could steal it from you so I guess that's the 'fun' of it. 

I've only been apart of one gift exchange like that where it was actually fun.

At my job we have a small staff (about 6-8 depending on the years) and when I started people would exchange names. people would forge who they had. The first two years I was here I never got a gift because the person forgot they had me. And the one year the one person who forgot me obviously went to the dollar store and spent a couple bucks to try and get me a gift.  Then I suggested the white elephant thing, only more like the yankee whatever someone else suggested, because it was suppose to be NICE gifts, I think the price range was $25-$30.  It never failed that a couple people gave really stupid gifts. So after a few years of that I put the kabosh on that and tried to come up with a way to exchange gift cards.  Everyone likes a gift card!!!

11 hours ago, AZChristian said:

I wish Amy had said, "Look, kids - Santa dropped some gifts off here while you were on the train!"  Instead (typical Amy), it was "Look what we bought for you."

I think a lot of those kids were way too old to believe Santa brought them the gifts.   

  • Love 4
10 hours ago, jumper sage said:


Just caught the Thanksgiving part where Matt was a bit of an ass but really Amy took it to a whole nother level.

exactly...I am the queen of ignoring you if you've pissed me off. Matt sat down and never said a word until she asked him "what are you doing" to which he replied "waiting on dinner, you said dinner was at 6:30" if that had been me I wouldn't have even gave him a second glance. 

Then the Christmas party she was whining about Matt taking over the party, taking pics with all the kids, him in the center......no, he wanted pics with his kids and the others just joined in. gah, I'm really disliking Amy more every episode. 

  • Love 4
10 hours ago, ZoloftBlob said:

I thought he'd been drinking and the kids were trying to avoid a major fight. He definitely seemed a lil tipsy at the "lets break shit" part of the evening.

Matt is a mean drunk to add to his already lousy personality.  Ignoring them is not always the best option although it might be for filming.

Ratings are in:  1.431 M viewers and a .35 rating. 

  • Love 5

"Matt sat down and never said a word until she asked him "what are you doing" to which he replied "waiting on dinner, you said dinner was at 6:30" if that had been me I wouldn't have even gave him a second glance. " Except that there were cameras there, and Matt was staging a scene, sitting all by his little lonesome, pulling a widdle sad face at the table while everyone else had fun. I mean seriously, he couldn't tell by the fact that no one said "lets all head to the dining room, dinner's almost ready" that it wasn't ready? He couldn't be a mature adult and sit with his inlaws enjoying their company? This was all about Matt making himself the center of attention, and while I agree Amy was dumb to reward him with bad behavior on her part, if lil diddums precious Matt doesn't want to fight then he needs to stop smirking as he merrily explains how he's intentionally pressing his wife's buttons. He also needs to be right - his lil bitchface smirk to the inlaws on how Amy is always late? Completely unfair considering it was Matt's children and *daughter in laws* preparing the meal and wasting Matt's precious time by not having his plate filled in front of him at exactly 6:30pm as he demanded.

  • Love 11

If Matt had pulled that crap with me at Thanksgiving .... I'm torn.  Part of me would slap together a peanut butter sandwich and slam it down in front of him and tell him if he is that hungry, here, eat this because dinner is going to be a while.  Then DARE him to say another word.  If he opened his mouth again and it wasn't to take a bite of his sammy, he'd be wearing it like a hat.

But more likely I would loudly stage whisper to Matt so that everyone could hear: "Matt, please, the kids are doing their best and they are having such good time. Don't spoil it for them.  It's the first time they've ever cooked a dinner like this and it's hard to time it just right.  Please try to be more patient.  You are ruining dinner for everyone by sitting in here alone complaining this way."

Then if he had anything else to say I would apologize profusely to the in-laws about Matt's behavior like he was a small child who was misbehaving, trying to embarrass him as much as possible.  "I'm sorry, Matt can be this way sometimes.  He gets impatient and loud when he doesn't get exactly what he wants.  It's why we're not married any more.  I'm so sorry." 

But that is assuming things at the dinner really went down like it appeared. And I am not sure what we saw is how it really happened.  Matt was, of course, actually sitting alone at the table and whining about dinner being late.  That much seems clear.  But I have doubts about how Amy was shown responding to his behavior. 

What I mean is, are people sure that the "shove it up your ass" comment from Amy wasn't spliced in somehow and she did not actually say it the way she appeared to, in front of everyone?  Because it just doesn't seem like something she would blurt out in front of the kids and in-laws to me.  And if she had, wouldn't there have been more of a reaction from people? I know after the comment, Zach is edited in and remarks about their bickering, but there could have been other things he was referring to.  Just the typical general hostilities between his parents, basically.  It was not necessarily about Amy cursing that way at Matt. 

The thing that also makes it seem seem edited is the fact that you couldn't see Amy's face as she said it.  In fact you don't see her speaking any of the words that are a part of the scene. And what she is saying doesn't seem like it would be stuff she would be saying to her kids, either.

The whole exchange starts off with her saying "is he supposed to be sitting here waiting for everybody?" and "well why is he just sitting here?"  That to me sounds like something she would say to production as they were setting up a shot.  Why would she ask any of her kids that, and if she was asking them why did they not have any that conversation on camera?  They only have the sound which is shown over footage of Amy moving about the kitchen.  She doesn't even appear to be directing her questions to an actual person, which makes no sense.   She was talking to somebody.

It made for an interesting scene, but I don't believe it happened at all the way they made it appear.  Of course, Matt was sitting alone at the table whining and Amy did utter the words "shove it up your ass," LOL.  I feel safe assuming that was indeed aimed at Matt for being a little asshole to her in front of everyone.  But I don't think Amy blurted that out in the middle of kitchen the way they made it look. If she had, they would have shown it and not done such an obvious job of cut and paste.

Edited by Celia Rubenstein
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I actually liked the way they worked on the Wonderland Day for the kids.  They each did their own thing, and by-and-large, acknowledged that the other had done a good job.  Amy got peeved about the photos, but she got away and vented away from the kids and the camera (and was pretty self-depreciating about it).  I think they're slowly learning how to work with and around each other,

In short, I don't see Amy or Matt as "the bad guy" and I don't think they do, either.  My sympathies are more with Amy -- she seems more aware of her short-comings and tries to overcome them.

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Matt said he wished Molly was at the family gift exchange. What about Jacob?  He's either the forgotten child or has specifically asked his parents not to mention him on the show because he doesn't like filming. 

I really like seeing Tori and Zach together.  Zach has a good sense of humour, the solid $10 water bottle and missing mom's cooking actually made me lol. Which doesn't happen often on this show.

  • Love 4
On May 18, 2016 at 7:09 AM, FlirtMcGirt said:

Who cares about that fake salsa drama, though. But it perfectly fits with Amy and Matt's viewpoint: why compromise on the amount of salsa to order  (or anything else) when you could just go overboard and bitch about it later for the cameras?

I give Amy credit though, because if Matt phoned me to come to the office immediately, while I was dealing with customers, I would tell him to get off his butt and come to me. It was such a stupid scripted event because why would Matt be calling on Amy to 'do something about her salsa', when it was his idea to purchase too much. Just all-around annoying.

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On May 11, 2016 at 10:49 AM, cereality said:

 And eventually when they inherit is - they'll get farm income plus the ability to sell off plots to developers. I think they are saavy yet lazy hipsters who will NOT work 9-5.

Without selling the land off, how on earth does the Roloff farm make enough money to carry them through a year. I think they should charge more for the general experience, but aside from that, pumpkin season is very short. How do they make money? Anyone know?

On May 11, 2016 at 1:05 PM, Joan van Snark said:
On May 11, 2016 at 11:27 AM, ZoloftBlob said:

Idon't normally defend Matt and I dont feel that strongly but... a bunch of middle aged women tearing up the lawn is kinda stupid and it does cost money to repair so I can see why he's annoyed. On the other hand, if they're divorced and it needs to be repaired... send Amy the bill. Instead, 

I just laughed when I saw this. Amy and the kids were always the ones doing all the seeding, and Amy's job as a primary teacher or aide is well helped financed those seeds. Amy probably wasn't worried because a) it wasn't any land that has crops, and b) she'd be the one reseeding the grass anyways, so it's a moot point. Matt was probably annoyed because he doesn't have fifteen friends he can invite over.

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On May 12, 2016 at 3:29 PM, stillhere1900 said:

This show is mostly scripted, right ?  They are handed scripts to learn and go over, right ? 

I don't believe for one minute that Tori married Zack in 'real life'   She had to have been paid to marry him for the show.

I am surprised you would say this. Of all of the family, these two seem the most realistic. I do not understand though, why Zach is so intent on wanting a baby who is also little. I thought little people had to undergo tons of painful operations. Who'd wish that on a child?

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Zach's main health problem has been been  hydrocephaly, which has been trouble if the shunt from his head to his stomach clogs. Amy has had few,if any, serious health issues beyond needing c-sections with the kids. It depends on what on what  type of dwarfism  is involved. 

Edited by Willowsmom
because I really do know where one word ends and the next begins
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Without selling the land off, how on earth does the Roloff farm make enough money to carry them through a year. I think they should charge more for the general experience, but aside from that, pumpkin season is very short. How do they make money? Anyone know?

They do get paid for these shows. The TLC money has clearly enhanced their lifestyle. When the show originally started, and Matt was drama queening on the farm after losing his job, they were pretty clearly struggling for money because they were attempting to live off just the farm. Matt and Amy both then started getting paid for their little speeches at schools and corporate meetings (Matt was getting over ten k at one point) and Audrey seems to be wanting to follow along in that tradition. (Made all the more hilarious that these little talks about diversity avoid the apparently well cherished Roloff belief that homosexuality is against the Bible).

With the tv shows, the farm pumpkin patch does bring in a LOT more than it originally did as well. But again, it's the show that has enhanced their lifestyle. I mean really, how exactly do Auj and Jer survive on his rare photo gigs and her occasional fitness trainer money? Oh right - the show.

Zach and Tory are the only ones who appear to actually work normal jobs. No, I don't think they have a sham of a marriage (I actually give Zach, Matt and especially Amy credit for sniffing out whether someone is "in love" with Zach for the fame) and I think Zach is simply being realistic. Every time he has a child, there is a 50 percent chance the child will be a dwarf. Amy was pushing the odds with three of four of the kids being average height.

  • Love 4
3 hours ago, Caracoa1 said:

The farm is an astronomically huge financial asset to the Roloff family.  Does Jeremy honestly believe he will be given sole ownership of the farm at the expense  of his siblings?  

well based on the last show in his TH he was somewhat pleased that he & Zach were working together like old times, Zach hand me a hammer, Zach go get me some pliers.....Zach did as he was told ;) so why shouldn't he think Zach wouldn't give over his part to him. 

  • Love 1
33 minutes ago, Caracoa1 said:

Jeremy expects to inherit the farm outright or at least a quarter of it split with his siblings.  There is no way Matt is selling and giving Amy her half.  Deep down Amy  knows if she forced Matt to buy her out and he had to  sell she risks losing Jeremy and his future family in her life.

If Amy's only value to Jer and his greedy wife is the farm she's better off without them or any kids they would raise.

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Amy and Matt aren't that old.  I don't think anyone should be planning on inheriting anything anytime soon.  Matt and Amy may have to use assets from the farm for their futures.  They really should sell it, split the money, and, go their separate ways.  They don't owe any of their kids a future income. That's up to them.

  • Love 11
1 hour ago, Bronzedog said:

Amy and Matt aren't that old.  I don't think anyone should be planning on inheriting anything anytime soon.  Matt and Amy may have to use assets from the farm for their futures.  They really should sell it, split the money, and, go their separate ways.  They don't owe any of their kids a future income. That's up to them.

I agree!

  • Love 2

Seconded. It's certainly lovely when a parent or parents can afford to do that but it is not expected or required, and I do find it cheesy and lazy at best that Jeremy - able bodied and with no obvious impairments - expects to be handed a business, particularly when he does have a brother with a serious physical disability who might actually have a hard time finding work. Zach has health issues simply from being a dwarf - it sucks but the reality is that it wouldn't take much to put Zach in a wheelchair - it happened to at least one person who used to be featured on the show back in the early years (Jen) and it does surprise me that there isn't more acknowledgement that Zach, not Jeremy, might need the financial support of the farm due to his disability.

Mind you, I am not shocked that this has never come out of Jeremy's mouth... Jeremy isn't a thinker in the slightest and if it's not about him and what he wants, he doesn't seem to give two shits. This is why I am very glad the journey of Auj n Jer hasn't crapped out a baby yet.

  • Love 8

I don't think Matt and Amy will ever sell that farm.  It's Matt's whole life - he could never part with it.  I'm waiting for his next project to be a shrine to himself where he can be entombed for eternity so that future generations of Roloffs can pay their respects forever.   And Amy ... she may not be as emotionally attached to the physical farm itself as Matt is, but I think she treasures the idea of it as a family home and sees it as the place her children, grandchildren and maybe even great-grandchildren will gather for years to come.  I'd be really surprised if they ever parted with the property voluntarily.

That being said, Amy needs to use the fact that she could probably force Matt to sell the farm if she wanted to as a tool to keep him in line.  I hope she does behind the scenes.  Although he still appears to be the same little jerk he's always been, so it may not be working.  He probably knows any threats she makes are empty ones, that she would never follow through. 

But I would go nuts if I had to live there like that with him.  And work together.  If she just lived in the house and he stayed in his double wide (lol) it might be okay, but they have to cooperate on farm and business matters.  The opportunity for conflict is endless.  And then on top of that, because of them being 200 yards apart, any time there is any kind of activity with the kids they are going to have to spend time together.  She can't ban Matt from the family Thanksgiving Dinner in her house, she would look like a jerk.  Same with Christmas and birthdays.  They are going to be dealing with each other constantly, fighting and sniping and on and on.

It's not really all that much different than when they were married. 

I think the only way they will end up not sharing the farm and spending the rest of their lives picking at each other is if Amy meets a man a falls in love and wants to move away to be with him or something (I doubt that Matt would leave to be with a woman, he's too in love with that farm and the little egoist would insist his girlfriend join him there).  But I don't think Amy wants to spend the rest of her life alone (so to speak) and she might be willing to physically move off the farm if she actually fell in love with someone.  But I still don't see her actually selling out her interest in it, if for no other reason than because Matt can't afford to buy her out and I don't think she wants the farm to go to strangers.  

Maybe Amy could move out and live on her share of the farm's income and let Auj and Jer rent the house from her.  Pay them minimum wage to work in the pumpkin patch, lol.  Then leave them the same1/4 interest in the farm all the other kids get .... forty years from now when Amy dies, lol.  

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