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LSSC: Season Three Episode Talk

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Some of those "go out into the real world" pieces* fall so flat for me. The one with the undecided/uninformed voter mom person was dreadful (to me she seemed trying too hard, even if it was all natural), and I thought the Flaw piece dragged. Except for the kitten - I was slightly nervous the whole time that it would jump from the van and run into traffic. But at least the piece reminded me that cats really get shafted when compared to dogs as animal compadres. I love dogs too, super cute, but I'll be damned if a dude gently holding a kitty is not so very adorable (and attractive).

*I think it might be the "Joe Schmo" aspect of it that disappoints me. Ex. While the greeting cards themselves are funny, the "random" blanderson chosen to hand them to Stephen = yawn. Stephen going to congresspersons' doors and stealing carpets = hilarious. Leave the comedy to the professionals!

Okay guys, did any of you see Colbert do his youtube makeup tutorial on Drumpt's new glowing makeup look. Drumpt changed his orange "look" at his latest rally to a greased shiny Florida look, and honey it is a riot. I am not sure if it is actually up on youtube or not, but I peed in my panties laughing at his show the other night. Wonderful parody.  If someone can find it and post it, please do, I am old and not computer savvy.

  • Love 4
6 minutes ago, atlantaloves said:

Okay guys, did any of you see Colbert do his youtube makeup tutorial on Drumpt's new glowing makeup look. Drumpt changed his orange "look" at his latest rally to a greased shiny Florida look, and honey it is a riot. I am not sure if it is actually up on youtube or not, but I peed in my panties laughing at his show the other night. Wonderful parody.  If someone can find it and post it, please do, I am old and not computer savvy.

It was hilarious! I'm sad to say I've seen actual makeup tutorials, and everything he did was so accurate, it was painfully funny. The catchphrases, the "like and subscribe!", the way he was showing the products...just perfect!

There was an outtake at the end of the credits. So funny!

Here you go!

  • Love 5

I agree. It was hysterical and perfect in every way. I just saw the movie "Eighth Grade," and the protagonist makes "how to" and inspirational videos, so this was so right on. I haven't looked at these kinds of things much, so just seeing it in the film was good timing.

He looked so much younger with that headband, for some reason. This skit reminded me of The Colbert Report, especially his Charlene music videos.

It made me remember how much I miss the "old" Stephen, and his many, many amazing, creative, and hilarious segments. That show will never be topped, by anyone. Right time, right place, right person.

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, partofme said:

I love pretty much everything Stephen, but I don't like Tuck Buckford.

A little of it goes a loooooong way. The segments are usually too long and aren't very funny. Alex Jones is just completely deranged, so a caricature of him, as much as he deserves it (and he really does), feels too obvious or easy. It could be done better, but I'm not sure how.

  • Love 4

Would love to hear the uncensored version of what Nicki Minaj rapped, I couldn't figure it out. 

Found a semi-censored version:


I might f**k Stephen after the show. 
He gonna come back to work with a magical glow. 
But when you see us please don’t f**king stare. 
Just address me as Queen Nicki Colbert.

Edited by AnimeMania
found a semi-censored version
  • Love 8
On 8/9/2018 at 9:55 PM, partofme said:

I love pretty much everything Stephen, but I don't like Tuck Buckford.

Same here.  I tried again the other night to like him, out of respect for Stephen, and I had to change the channel.  I think maybe most of Stephens views don't even watch/know/care about the idiot he's parodying, so maybe alot is lost on us?  I don't know.....I just don't like Tuck.

  • Love 2
12 hours ago, Annber03 said:

Oh, my god, I think the only other time I've ever seen Stephen blush THAT much was when Jane Fonda was a guest on "Colbert Report' and sat on his lap :D. That was hilarious. This interview is very entertaining. 

I dunno.    I laughed at Stephen's embarrassment over the rap lyrics, just as I did when Jane Fonda ambushed him on TCR.   But picture some male rapper using the same lyrics on Sam Bee or Michelle Wolf, or a male guest star forcibly kissing one of them (as Fonda did to Stephen on TCR) during an interview.   I did giggle, but I'm not proud of that.  The rest of the interview was very entertaining. 

  • Love 2
2 minutes ago, Alexis2291 said:

Bernie Sanders is on and I honestly don’t know what to feel about it. Brings me back to 2016, for sure, though. Weird. 

Right? The reaction when he came out alone... And he's in full on politician mode, too. I hope the energy and support for what he says resonates come November. 

On a lighter note, the segment on sex robots was hilarious. Motivational sayings :D????

  • Love 3
On 8/15/2018 at 12:34 AM, Annber03 said:

On a lighter note, the segment on sex robots was hilarious. Motivational sayings :D????

It was hilarious and very reminiscent of the type of stuff he did on Report.   I hate it when machines I own do what I want, that slut coffee maker, I hit the button and it makes coffee!! 

Last night taking the millennial girl out to use the phone booth was funny too. 

You know you're old when a young knows Bill Murray from Wes Anderson movies (WTF) and thinks "the Jerries" refers to Jerry Seinfeld. 

Yes, dear, call your sweetheart before he goes off to war to fight Jerry Seinfeld. 

  • Love 7

So she never even saw Captain America First Avenger because I believe they referred to them as the Jerrys in that, so it's not that she doesn't hang out with Grandpa and watch TCM WII movies. 

I would love to see a Millennial try to figure out the old time coffee pots, tv antennas, and apparently they aren't being taught how to write checks or mail letters.  A friend's son had no idea you had to put a stamp and an address on an envelope before it went in the mailbox, and my niece who is 28 never learned how to write a check. 

I don't care how young you are, or what technology there is now, checks and the mail are constants.  Don't they buy cars? Don't you take a check as the down payment or deposit?  Don't you mail your Grandparents a birthday card? 

  • Love 3
4 hours ago, teddysmom said:

It was hilarious and very reminiscent of the type of stuff he did on Report.   I hate it when machines I own do what I want, that slut coffee maker, I hit the button and it makes coffee!! 


I also laughed at, "You could find plenty of real women who wouldn't be interested in having sex with you."



Last night taking the millennial girl out to use the phone booth was funny too. 

You know you're old when a young knows Bill Murray from Wes Anderson movies (WTF) and thinks "the Jerries" refers to Jerry Seinfeld. 

Yes, dear, call your sweetheart before he goes off to war to fight Jerry Seinfeld. 


Hell, I'm part of the millennial generation (I'm on the older end-born in '84) and that segment made me feel old! I DO remember pay phones-my parents used to use them on occasion when I was a kid (when I first got into watching "Criminal Minds" back in 2012, there was an episode where one of the characters was talking to their girlfriend via a pay phone (long story) and I actually remember thinking, "...those still exist?" It'd been some time since I remembered seeing one!). 

And I know Bill Murray for his older works (course, I've also never seen a Wes Anderson film, so there's that, too :p), and what the actual "Jerries" reference was supposed to be (I loved Stephen nearly falling over with laughter when she said "Jerry Seinfeld?" :D). Apparently there's a bit of a pop culture gap even among those within the same generation :p!

On that note, for some reason, it's weird to me that Jon's two years younger than I am. Maybe it's 'cause of all he's accomplished compared to me, LOL. 

Also, I'm impressed by that pizza place-five pizzas ready within five or six minutes? 

  • Love 5
14 hours ago, teddysmom said:

Last night taking the millennial girl out to use the phone booth was funny too. 

You know you're old when a young… thinks "the Jerries" refers to Jerry Seinfeld. 

Yes, dear, call your sweetheart before he goes off to war to fight Jerry Seinfeld. 


13 hours ago, possibilities said:

Jerry Seinfelds, apparently! That's one hell of a war!


9 hours ago, Annber03 said:

loved Stephen nearly falling over with laughter when she said "Jerry Seinfeld?"

LOL, better than any scripted line, and Stephen appreciated it! She probably remembers seeing  phone booths on reruns of Seinfeld.

In the college where I work, when the power went out for several hours, someone made the mistake of sending a (millennial) student around to note which analog wall clocks needed to be reset. She reported that they were all okay because the second hands were moving—had no clue how to read them.

  • Love 4
7 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

She reported that they were all okay because the second hands were moving—had no clue how to read them.

 I remember trying to teach my niece how to read an analog clock.

I don't want this to come across as millennial bashing from olds.  It's not their fault , the schools need to remember that some things still need to be taught.  And that each generation has a hard time wrapping its head around the previous' struggle or experience. 

Speaking of the Jerrys, I have a friend who just turned 41 and she had never heard of the Blitz during WWII.  I was telling her about a movie where they hid in the tube stations, etc, and that the Royal Family (We're Crown fans) took the kids out to Windsor so they'd be safe,  and she had no idea what I was talking about, that the Germans bombed London relentlessly. 

  • Love 3
22 hours ago, Annber03 said:

Hell, I'm part of the millennial generation (I'm on the older end-born in '84)

Honey, I have shoes older than you.  I don't want to sound old, but I'd already finished college, grad school, a stint in the military, and was halfway through nursing school in 1984. 

12 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

In the college where I work, when the power went out for several hours, someone made the mistake of sending a (millennial) student around to note which analog wall clocks needed to be reset. She reported that they were all okay because the second hands were moving—had no clue how to read them.

Are you sure she was just a millennial and not a blonde?  I mean, analog clocks exist in public places everywhere.  And what parent doesn't teach their kid how to tell time by the time they're three or four? 

When I was a little girl in the early 60s, I drew pictures of digital clocks, which did not exist in the public domain at that time.  I should demand a cut.

22 hours ago, Annber03 said:

what the actual "Jerries" reference was supposed to be (I loved Stephen nearly falling over with laughter when she said "Jerry Seinfeld?"


4 hours ago, teddysmom said:

Speaking of the Jerrys, I have a friend who just turned 41 and she had never heard of the Blitz during WWII.

Sometimes people are just ignorant (I don't mean it as the insult, but as the meaning of lacking knowledge).  I had a friend in college, in the 1970s, who was an accounting major with a 4.0 GPA, so presumably smart and educated.  Not to waste your time with the backstory of how it came up, but she had never heard of Eva Braun.

I thought Stephen gave Christine a break by telling her she needed to put quarters in the pay phone.  (Of course, I remember when they were nickels and then dimes.)  It would have been fun to see her figure out why she wasn't getting a dial tone.  And I'm obviously a baby boomer, but even I have to look at my phone to get my daughter's phone number, and I have to think long and hard about what mine is.  Oh, and I taught my 28 year old daughter to write a check this year, and how to make a deposit and file her taxes.  (She steadfastly resisted my instruction for years.)

I liked the cold open last night ("Now that's what I call racist").  And Laura Benanti can play Melania every night of the week.  Which is where I stopped watching.

  • Love 4

I was watching a little of a new movie on Netflix this morning The Guernsey, and I guess I had forgotten the Germans occupied the Channel Islands.

Bwah!  Speaking of ignorant....   I saw your post and thought "Wait, what?!!  Catalina and Santa Cruz Islands were occupied by the Germans?   Is teddysmom serious? or being sarcastic? or did the Germans really establish an outpost on Anacapa?"   I guess Guernsey should have been my clue that you were referring to different Channel Islands than the ones off the coast of southern Cal.  Thank the gods for google or I would have been puzzling over this for days.

  • Love 1

Sometimes people are just ignorant (I don't mean it as the insult, but as the meaning of lacking knowledge).  I had a friend in college, in the 1970s, who was an accounting major with a 4.0 GPA, so presumably smart and educated.  Not to waste your time with the backstory of how it came up, but she had never heard of Eva Braun.

Oh, wow.

My mom told me about somebody she worked with years ago-like your friend, college graduate, all that good stuff-who kept insisting that Washington, D.C. was in the state of Washington.


I liked the cold open last night ("Now that's what I call racist").  And Laura Benanti can play Melania every night of the week.  Which is where I stopped watching.

I like the Melania bits, too :D. I'd wondered if that "I don't care" coat of hers that caused so much controversy recently was actually meant as a message to Trump-if Omarosa's comments are anything to go by, it seems that was the case. Which would be kinda funny if true.

I liked the cold open the other night with the "Say My Name" video clip in reference to Trump notably not mentioning McCain by name in a recent speech he gave. Dear god, talk about petty and pathetic. 

Also, in regards to last night's show, I liked the tribute to Aretha. I got all teary-eyed watching that clip of her from the Kennedy Center Honors, and loved the reactions of everyone in the audience. Can we go back to that time? For a whole host of reasons? 

(And Jon talking about getting to play with her. Talk about a great honor. That's awesome that he got to do that.) 

  • Love 8
On 17.8.2018 at 7:48 PM, meowmommy said:

Are you sure she was just a millennial and not a blonde?  I mean, analog clocks exist in public places everywhere.  And what parent doesn't teach their kid how to tell time by the time they're three or four? 


Kimmel did a segment on that after reading that schools in the UK remove analogue clocks from classrooms because kids can't read them anymore. They asked kids in LA and the results were sobering. Kids simply learn to read the time from tablets/smartphones etc.

  • Love 3
On 8/17/2018 at 3:56 PM, Annber03 said:

Also, in regards to last night's show, I liked the tribute to Aretha. I got all teary-eyed watching that clip of her from the Kennedy Center Honors, and loved the reactions of everyone in the audience. Can we go back to that time? For a whole host of reasons? 

(And Jon talking about getting to play with her. Talk about a great honor. That's awesome that he got to do that.) 

You know what it showed? CLASS. Class, which is 100% free. No amount of money, no name-branded skyscrapers, no gold toilets, no private jets equal class.

It was incredible to see the entire Kennedy Center audience be so awestruck by Aretha's talent and show her the RESPECT she deserved. Carole King was positively levitating and Barack Obama was crying. So many people were joyfully dancing and singing along. It was exquisitely beautiful.

Watching it felt like seeing and recalling a different world from the one we live in now. It's unbelievably heartbreaking how divisive and destructive certain people have been in a relatively short time, and it's so hard for me to hope that we can have CLASS and RESPECT again instead of ignorance, spitefulness, backbiting, pettiness, unbridled anger and sheer hatefulness.

But seeing this clip reminded me that we're all still here, waiting for the music to start again so we can get on our feet and dance. We might be sweaty, bruised and tired, but we're still going. We've got miles to go. This isn't Aretha's or our swan song; it's our fight song. Press play.

  • Love 19
15 hours ago, MissLucas said:

Kimmel did a segment on that after reading that schools in the UK remove analogue clocks from classrooms because kids can't read them anymore. They asked kids in LA and the results were sobering. Kids simply learn to read the time from tablets/smartphones etc.

Good grief. How much time and effort would it take for the schools to teach the kids how to read them??!!??

7 hours ago, shok said:

Good grief. How much time and effort would it take for the schools to teach the kids how to read them??!!??

My youngest daughter couldn't read analog clocks in high school even though she'd been taught earlier.
Use it or lose it.
She now effortlessly creates complicated spreadsheet formulas on the fly and makes more money than I do.
Round clocks with 3 arrows and numbers that do not match digital clocks are really not intuitive.

About the young woman in the phone booth who didn't know any phone numbers:
Back when we knew a bunch of peoples' numbers, mostly you only had to know 4 different numbers per phone number.
I am old enough to be her grandmother and only know my youngest daughter's number because we got our cell phones together in the early 2000s when you had to get a new number if you relocated, so only her last 4 digits are different than mine.
My middle daughter has had the same number since 2001, and I don't know it. She doesn't know mine either. But we do have some long distance mind meld moments when we know to call each other, which seems more important.

And I'm still chuckling over @possibilities post of "Jerry Seinfelds, apparently! That's one hell of a war!" because it's exactly how Jerry Seinfield would say it. Memorizing phone numbers and reading analog clocks may go the way of learning Latin, but being able to do funny impersonations of celebrities will be around until the apocalypse at least.

Edited by shapeshifter
  • Love 2

Pish!  I still know the phone number I grew up with (last used in about 1980, and was originally on a party line shared by 5 other households) but beyond that, I doubt I ever knew more than three phone numbers at any given moment.   If Stephen  had really wanted to blow the mind of the young woman using the phone booth, he should have told her to make a collect phone call.

Edited by Hooper
edit: Gah! So I may remember a phone number from my long lost childhood, but apparently I couldn't remember how to spell Stephen's name.
  • Love 6
22 hours ago, Hooper said:

I still know the phone number I grew up with (last used in about 1980

Got you beat.  My phone number in the 1960s was TR8-4773, then 695-3897 (different area codes).  Something about the way long term memories imprint.

My current library card uses the last four of my phone number as my PIN, and I mentally have to scroll through a bunch of old numbers to get to the current one.

20 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

Can that still be done? 

I would think mostly on a landline, where they still charge for long distance, but I have heard there are mechanisms for collect calls on cell phones.  I suppose station-to-station vs person-to-person is dead.  Remember the old trick, when you wanted to reach someone without paying the collect call charge, of calling collect person-to-person and having the recipient say they aren't there, thus avoiding the collect charge, and then they would call you back?  Or it was a quick way to let a distant family member know you got home ok.  You called collect and they refused the charges, but they knew by the call that you were ok.  If you're a millennial, I'm speaking gibberish.

On 8/19/2018 at 2:28 AM, shok said:

How much time and effort would it take for the schools to teach the kids how to read them??!!??

How much time and effort would it take for PARENTS to teach their kids how to tell time, like 99.99% of parents used to do before the kid hit kindergarten?

There are so many things that have disappeared from current culture that Stephen could do a segment on it every night if he wanted to, with a different anachronism and a different millennial.

Edited by meowmommy
  • Love 9

To Meow:   Oh yeah, I still remember my old home phone number when I was a kid back in the 50's and 60's....when you had numbers like Capitol 55555 or Jackson 44444. Can't remember my name half the time, but I can remember those old phone numbers, you dialed them so often, yeah dialed! We didn't even have keys back then. Snort.  Damn I miss phone booths. I don't have a cell phone and can never find a phone booth. (yeah, I said it, I don't have a cell phone, I hate them, nobody needs to know where I am 24 hours a day). Anyway, I digress, that was a great little bit that Mr. Colbert did!  I love him so. 

  • Love 9
10 minutes ago, atlantaloves said:

yeah, I said it, I don't have a cell phone, I hate them, nobody needs to know where I am 24 hours a day

Just a suggestion that you get a cheap burner in case you're in trouble and nowhere near a payphone, so you can call 911 or the auto club.

My public service announcement for the day.

Edited by meowmommy
  • Love 5
3 hours ago, Annber03 said:

Gotta love the timing. Colbert goes on vacation, and then all that crazy news breaks yesterday. I just kept imagining what he would've said about it all :p. 

I bet he's going nuts over it.
But it's probably good for his mental health and his artistic output to have this time to not have to respond every 24 hours; when he gets back to it, he'll have the perspective that as crazy as all of this has been, there will no doubt be even more craziness in a couple of weeks.

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