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S36: Rumors and Spoilers

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Well, I guess we're seeing the start of Donathan's downfall of his alliance.  Wonder if the final 5 is wrong and he goes before Seabass next week.  

Considering there's that stupid final 4 fire making challenge, I wonder if Laurel wins final immunity and picks Dom/Wendell (thereby completely sealing her fate of not winning), leaving the other to make fire, or if she's the one left making fire.  She must have gotten lucky if that was the case.  

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Laurel deserves to lose at this point. The jury is just going to see her as a coattail rider and a number in the Dom/Wendell alliance. She keeps saying she can't win with both of them in the final 3, and yet, she keeps them around. Bad gameplay.

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1 hour ago, TVFan1 said:

Laurel deserves to lose at this point. The jury is just going to see her as a coattail rider and a number in the Dom/Wendell alliance. She keeps saying she can't win with both of them in the final 3, and yet, she keeps them around. Bad gameplay.

My favorite line of hers tonight was saying Wendell didn't deserve to go home because he conceded immunity to her. 

Well played Wendell.

ETA: Oh yeah, if Seabass does get voted off next week, guess he's not reversing the curse of his advantage.  I'm more interested in what leads to him getting voted off over anything else in the finale.  Tonight he mentioned making moves, so that's the only thing I can think of is he tries getting rid of Dom or Wendell.

Edited by LadyChatts
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Based on the spoiler that Dominic, Wendell and Laurel are the final three, I’m trying to guess who the Jury will vote for.

Chris - Wendell

Libby - Dom

FDesiree - Wendell

Michael - Dom

Jenna - will vote for whomever Sebastian votes for

Sebastian - Wendell

Chelsea     Wendell - 

Kellyn - my gut says her gut says Dom

Angela - Wendell 

Donathan - Laurel (as a fuck you to Dom and Wendell)

A lot of them were toss ups to me.  There is still a lot of game to be played.  I think Wendell will win but won’t be surprised if Dom wins.  

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I am for a Dom or Wendell win at this point - they have controlled the game all season but everyone has LET them.  I was pulling for Laurel for a while but unless she does something epic next week (and I am not sure anything would be enough) she has been a huge disappointment.    Why do I have the feeling this is going to be the bitterest jury to ever jury?

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I think Chris could surprise us and vote Dom out of respect for the game (or just to show he’s got no hard feelings).  I don’t think Donathan will vote for Laurel, only because he’s tried flipping and she’s been the one refusing.  I’d be shocked if Laurel got one vote.  She’s nothing but a coattail rider.  She actually seems quite nervous and insecure when having to make decisions, so if she isn’t outright ignored at the FTC I think she could get very flustered.  I am sure someone (probably Donathan) will ask why she was willing to stick with 2 guys she knew she couldn’t beat.

Edited by LadyChatts
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So 4 jars still there (why?). Theres 3 vote advantages left, but they reuse one like they ran out and those other 3 don't exist?

The two idols that are still out there could come into play (I am guessing one will be at GI?, they wouldn't have two vote advantages at once). 

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2 hours ago, greyflannel said:

Not just the bottom of the 4. With them sending Sebastian to Ghost Island for a possible advantage, Donathan might have been thinking Sebastian had taken his place in the top 4. That just might have caused him to be a bit perturbed. 

I don't blame Donathan one iota for his behavior.  His concerns were legit.

2 hours ago, Oscirus said:

Apparently according to interviews, Kellyn also tried turning Dom on Wendell and vice versa. Shouldve been the strategy when you guys had the numbers because as of now, I don't see Angela and Sebastian being suavay enough to pull something like that off.


I think we're missing A LOT of gameplay this season.  The same thing happened last season.  It seems like the director/producer are reading us a story rather than showing us a game.  I get they can't show us everything but from things I've read, like this about Kellyn and elsewhere Dom throwing a challenge, we are missing big-ticket items.

Edited by Jextella
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2 hours ago, Nashville said:

Isn’t next TC the last in which idols may be played?

I believe so, although it might be final 5 (I seriously lose track because of the different idols and advantages that have come into play throughout the years).

I'm still not seeing how Wendell is getting a winner's edit, but I'm kind of thinking he might pull it off.  Perhaps barely.

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1 hour ago, LadyChatts said:

I'm still not seeing how Wendell is getting a winner's edit, but I'm kind of thinking he might pull it off.  Perhaps barely.

He's been targeted way more than Domenick.   That alone tells me his game is more respected.

Just because one is getting more airtime to the other, it doesn't mean he's the winner.

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13 hours ago, anthonyd46 said:

Theres 3 vote advantages left, but they reuse one like they ran out and those other 3 don't exist?

That confused me too.  And made the List all weird...

Out of Play:

  • One of James' idols from China [Became Malolo's first HII; Found and played by Michael.  Curse not broken.]
  • The Legacy Advantage from Game Changers [Found by Jacob on GI; "reactivated" when willed to Morgan; Morgan willed to Domenick.  Played by Domenick at F13.  Curse not broken.]
  • JT's pocket idol from Game Changers [Merge Idol #1.  Found and "powered up" on GI by Chris.  Went home in Chris' pocket.  Curse not broken.]
  • Ozzy's Fake Idol (the "f-ing stick") from FvF [Became a real HII and Malolo's second HII; Found and Played by Michael.  Curse Broken!]
  • Both Scot's Super Idol half and Tai's Super Idol half from Kaoh Rong [Both found by Donathan.  Combine to form Merge Idol #2.  Played by Donathan.  Curse not broken.]
  • Malcolm's Challenge Advantage from the Philippines F4 [Claimed and immediately used by Wendell.  Curse on challenge not broken.]

In Play:

  • Andrea's pocket idol from Caramoan [Became Naviti's HII; Currently in Domenick's possession.]
  • The Immunity Necklace from FvF [Became Yanuya's HII; Currently in Wendell's possession.]
  • David's Fake Idol (the one Jay found and played) from MvGX [Found by Domenick.  Still a fake.  Curse unbreakable.]
  • Sarah's Vote Steal from Game Changers [Found by Kellyn on GI.  Usable only as a second vote without a steal. Played by Kellyn on Laurel.  Curse not broken.] [Found again by Sea Bass on GI.  Still only usable as a second vote w/o a steal.  Currently in Sea Bass' possession.

Still On Deck:

  • Jon's pocket idol from BvW2 (SJDS)
  • The burnt Shell idol from HvHvH
  • Dan's Second Vote from Worlds Apart
  • Fishbach's Vote Steal from Second Chances
  • Lauren's Saved Vote from HvHvH

As can be seen, they had 3 other options that would have amounted to the same thing instead of re-reusing that particular item.  But there's this from Dalton Ross' regular post-episode Q&A with Peachy after this episode:


DR: Well, here’s something new. Sebastian goes to Ghost Island and gets an advantage, and in yet another Survivor twist — it’s one that has already been used this season: Sarah’s steal a vote that Kellyn used as an extra vote. Tell me about the decision to use items more than once, and were the two unpicked items in the other bamboo also items that had been used this season?

JP: We knew from the second Michael misplayed James’ idol early in the season that we should bring a Ghost Island relic back into the game. It didn’t end up happening with James’ idol because we had so many other idols we wanted to feature. But the vote… that one was perfect because it was the only one of its kind. I think one of the other items might have been a returning item, but as I sit here and write this, I honestly cannot remember!

I'm pretty sure that by "only one of it's kind", Peachy is referring only to the cursed items that had been played.  Everything other than that vote was either an idol (or an equivalent in the case of the Legacy), or a very specific challenge advantage.  So while there were equivalents to the vote available to enter play, this particular vote was unique.  And it seems that it wouldn't have re-entered play had Kellyn used it "correctly" when she had it.


13 hours ago, anthonyd46 said:

The two idols that are still out there could come into play

One of them is probably already in play, because of Donathan using the former Super Idol.  I'd put money on it being the Burnt Shell, since Peachy hyped that up as being on GI during the HHH finale.  (And as I recall, he didn't say anything about Lauren's Saved Vote being there.  Kind of an indication that that won't be coming into play.)  But we haven't seen anyone hunt for idols since the split-TCs, so we can't be sure of anything.  And the above Q&A implies that one of the other still cursed idols could still come back as well.

In any case, there's going to be a handful of cursed items that never got the chance to have their curse broken.  Which likely means that there's going to be a GI2 sometime in the future.

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It has been a long time since I was cool with seeing anyone of the proposed final three win, so this is a different feeling.  Granted I would rather have Wendell win, then Laurel, and then Dom.  However, I would not be disappointed if any of the three of them were to win.  Now if anyone else in the final six were to win, well then I would not be all that pleased.  

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One final spoiler for this season courtesy of SFRL.


"As others have said in some posts including this one. There is indeed a final tribal council tie between Wendell and Domenick. I'm not sure if Laurel gets any votes (would have to be 2) or none but my best guess is she gets none. I guess the thing we have to pay attention to is how good of a relationship Laurel seems to have individually tomorrow with Dom or Wendell. The votes are read on the island and presumably the only people who know the winner are Laurel, Probst and a select group in the crew."

**I just assume Probst read the votes in front of the jury but it's been brought to my attention that maybe that's not the case. Regardless, tie

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I mean, he made a point at the end of the GC finale about discussing a tie breaker, so everyone assumed that's how HHH was going to end.  Ghost Island hadn't filmed yet.  It's weird.  Unless he figured hyping it would give it away.  At any rate, I guess it does fit with the edit Wendell and Dom have gotten.  I still don't know whose going to win!

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10 hours ago, LadyChatts said:

I mean, he made a point at the end of the GC finale about discussing a tie breaker, so everyone assumed that's how HHH was going to end.  Ghost Island hadn't filmed yet.  It's weird.  Unless he figured hyping it would give it away.  At any rate, I guess it does fit with the edit Wendell and Dom have gotten.  I still don't know whose going to win!

What is the procedure for a tie?  I don't remember.

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1 hour ago, Special K said:

What is the procedure for a tie?  I don't remember.

There has never been a tie at the final so I am not sure. I think I remember reading that the jury will vote at the live finale. 

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2 hours ago, Special K said:

What is the procedure for a tie?  I don't remember.

It's only come up recently, in an interview between Probst and Dalton Ross I believe. In a two-way tie, the person in 3rd place would cast the deciding vote. I presume if there were a 3-way tie, the person in 4th place would be the tie-breaker. And the vote would have to be cast right after FTC, not during the live finale, as there would be too much outside influence during those intervening months.

Found the article:  http://ew.com/tv/2017/05/24/survivor-jeff-probst-tiebreaker-secret/

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1 hour ago, Special K said:

Wow, that's a lot of power!

It sure is! Though it does make sense. I wonder how long she got to decide. Like I hope she could think it over for a minute. If it truly is a tie, I hope Laurel picks Wendell as well...and not something annoying like giving it to Dom because he has kids...

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Obviously the big finale is coming up Wednesday night. Are there any big twists or things that you can tease in terms of what we’re going to see in the finale for Ghost Island?

PROBST: Well, really it’s a payoff to Ghost Island. There’s still a big decision to be made on Ghost Island. When you think back on the idea, the inspiration was, it really only works if we can get all these original artifacts. So, you know the story, we called collectors, we called fans, we called players, and we had one last thing we needed in the final episode to really pay off Ghost Island all the way through, and we have that, so there’s still a big decision and a tremendous finale. There’s still so much gameplay left.


A relic not on the list?

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So far I think Ghost Island has been a bust this season, so not sure what Probst sounds so happy about.  Actually, I guess his enthusiasm isn’t that great.  Trying to think what’s the most powerful thing from Survivors past that might be out there-unless it’s all the idols that got Cirie booted.

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So there was a rumor going around reddit today that Stephanie Johnson was not out in LA and sure enough when they showed the pre-jury members she wasn't there.  Wonder what is up with that.

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41 minutes ago, LanceM said:

So there was a rumor going around reddit today that Stephanie Johnson was not out in LA and sure enough when they showed the pre-jury members she wasn't there.  Wonder what is up with that.

Okay, I thought someone was missing.  She's such a big Survivor fan so I can't see her missing it on purpose.  Hope everything is okay.

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17 hours ago, LadyChatts said:

So far I think Ghost Island has been a bust this season, so not sure what Probst sounds so happy about.  Actually, I guess his enthusiasm isn’t that great.  Trying to think what’s the most powerful thing from Survivors past that might be out there-unless it’s all the idols that got Cirie booted.

Parts of Ghost Island were cool -- I mean the evoking of Survivor mythology and the flashbacks to key moments throughout the seasons, and when the current  contestants referred to the past "mistakes" like they were lore.  Those were fun, good for the franchise, and felt like nods to us longtime fans. 

What didn't work about Ghost Island at all was its actual role in the game.

Edited by Special K
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Ghost Island was a bust because they put too much crap out at the camps. All of the hidden idols and advantages should have been at Ghost Island. Each time someone went there, they should have had a chance to find/play for something. 

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The final List of the Damned.   With it comes a minor format change.

Curse Broken:

Ozzy's Fake Idol (the "f-ing stick") from FvF. 

Seen but Still Cursed:

  • One of James' idols from China
  • The Legacy Advantage from Game Changers
  • JT's pocket idol from Game Changers
  • Scot's Super Idol half from Kaoh Rong
  • Tai's Super Idol half from Kaoh Rong
  • Sarah's Vote Steal from Game Changers
  • David's Fake Idol (the one Jay found and played) from MvGX [Curse was described as unbreakable.]

Curse status unknown:

  • Andrea's pocket idol from Caramoan [Became Naviti's HII; Found by Domenick.  Played unnecessarily at F5.  Nullified 0 votes]
  • The Immunity Necklace from FvF [Became Yanuya's HII; Played by Laurel at F5. Nullified 1 vote.]
  • Malcolm's Challenge Advantage from the Philippines F4 [Claimed and immediately used by Wendell.  Curse on challenge not broken.]

Never Seen thus Still Cursed:

  • Jon's pocket idol from BvW2 (SJDS)
  • The burnt Shell idol from HvHvH
  • Dan's Second Vote from Worlds Apart
  • Fishbach's Vote Steal from Second Chances
  • Lauren's Saved Vote from HvHvH

Between the 5 unseen items, the 7 noted as still cursed (Peachy made note of 7 of 11 items being played wrong in the reunion) and the questionable status of 3 more, we haven't seen the last of Ghost Island.

A while ago, when the list of artifacts on GI was leaked, I said this:

On 1/27/2018 at 1:18 AM, SVNBob said:

3 Voting Urns (for some reason); representing Australia, Cagayan, and Game Changers.

If I'd realized the connection between the first two on this list and the theme of the season, we might have seen that last non-twist coming.  (The third one, GC, doesn't really belong.  Culpepper didn't lose to Sarah because he chose to save her.  The other option was Tai, so he and Troy were going to lose no matter who the 3rd was.  But I guess TPTB needed 3, and they had that one handy still.)

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I would argue that none of those Urns were "cursed." Woo played a crappy game. Yes, Kass was annoying but she at least played the game. I have a hard time believing that Kass was so annoying that the gamers in that season would vote for Woo. I have a hard time believing that anyone would vote for Woo. 

Colby's urn wasn't cursed. He choose Tina because he hated Keith and would not reward Keith. I have never heard Colby said he thought he would beat Tina or that he was surprised that he lost or that he regretted his decision. 

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8 hours ago, ProfCrash said:

Woo played a crappy game. Yes, Kass was annoying but she at least played the game. I have a hard time believing that Kass was so annoying that the gamers in that season would vote for Woo. I have a hard time believing that anyone would vote for Woo. 

Would probably depend more than anything else on how much damage control - or additional damage - Kass might’ve done at FTC.  :>

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On 5/23/2018 at 9:05 AM, kassandra8286 said:

I presume if there were a 3-way tie, the person in 4th place would be the tie-breaker.

Quoting myself to say that wouldn't really work. The 4th place person would end up getting to vote twice, presumably for the same person they voted for the first time. They'd have to have some other tie-breaker and what would that be? Fire again? Boring. Whoever predicted we won't be seeing any more 9-person juries as long as there's an F3 in order to avoid a 3-way tie is most likely exactly right.

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44 minutes ago, kassandra8286 said:

Quoting myself to say that wouldn't really work. The 4th place person would end up getting to vote twice, presumably for the same person they voted for the first time. They'd have to have some other tie-breaker and what would that be? Fire again? Boring. Whoever predicted we won't be seeing any more 9-person juries as long as there's an F3 in order to avoid a 3-way tie is most likely exactly right.

Maybe... each of the F3 votes, but they have to cast a vote for one of the other two?  Zero chance of a tie, anyway.  :)

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With a 10 person jury, there cannot be a 3-way tie, because 10 does not divide evenly by 3.  The closest thing would be a 3-3-4 vote, and the person with 4 would win by that slim margin.

If all 3 finalists get votes, one will always have a different number of votes than the other two.  It could be more (a majority winner as in my example) or less (as seen this season), but there will be one guaranteed unique number.

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4-4-2 is a tie with ten jurors.  Never mind, you said 3 way.  

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8 hours ago, SVNBob said:

With a 10 person jury, there cannot be a 3-way tie, because 10 does not divide evenly by 3. 

But there can be with a 9-person Jury and a F3, which is what we were discussing.  :)

In which case I still kinda like my tiebreaker proposal - each of the F3 has to cast a vote for one of the other two F3 finalists.  And while a 1-1-1 vote is still admittedly a technical option, I don’t think it will be a realistic one; one of the F3 is almost certainly a goat, and I don’t see either of the other two voting for the dead meat they dragged to the end.

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The only way to get a 3-way tie in finals is if the jury has 3, 6, 9 or 12 members.  i.e. a multiple of 3.  3 or 6 jurors seems impossible, and 12 unlikely.  So to avoid 3-way ties, the producers only have to make sure there aren't 9 jurors. 

Nashville, seems to me your suggestion likely produces the same result we got this season.  I agree, one of the finalists is probably goat-like, and won't get the others' votes.  The two contenders vote for each other, negating each other.  So it's entirely in the hands of the third.  Just like this season. 

Another question for you.  Suppose the two contenders hate each other.  So much so, both vote for the goat.  Does the goat then win, even though he/she got, say, zero votes from the jury? 

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1 hour ago, kikaha said:

Nashville, seems to me your suggestion likely produces the same result we got this season.  I agree, one of the finalists is probably goat-like, and won't get the others' votes.  The two contenders vote for each other, negating each other.  So it's entirely in the hands of the third.  Just like this season. 

True - but it ain’t a tie.  ;)


1 hour ago, kikaha said:

Another question for you.  Suppose the two contenders hate each other.  So much so, both vote for the goat.  Does the goat then win, even though he/she got, say, zero votes from the jury? 

No, because the all-F3-voting scenario I described would only be in play if all three F3 finalists got an equal number of votes - basically, a 3-3-3 split from a 9-person Jury - so by definition, even the goatiest of goats somehow managed to wrangle 3 votes.  

If (as you posit) the goat had gotten zero votes, the all-F3 scenario wouldn’t be the tiebreaker in play; it would be the exact same scenario as we saw at the end of this season, with the same resolution - the zero-vote-getting F3 player would become the 11th Juror and cast the deciding vote.

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