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Season 8: Speculation and Spoilers Discussion

Message added by Meredith Quill

Advisory: This topic is for S8 Spoilers & Spec. If your post predominantly concerns book comparisons or a character's past season actions it will be removed. 

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2 minutes ago, Minneapple said:

So the feather is from the pilot; Robert put it on Lyanna's statue, something I had forgotten. Damn, I was hoping it was a raven feather to symbolize Bran. Maybe Bran Stark really is dead.

I was thinking that too. Bran is not really Bran Stark anymore .😢. He’s the three eyed raven now he keeps saying, maybe that’s why he’s not in this Stark centric trailer. I think this whole teaser has tons of heavy foreshadowing in it.

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23 minutes ago, GrailKing said:

She had to have done it off screen, Sansa is holding it as LF says, lets go where the dead can not hear us, and she still has it after LF kissed her and left her in the crypts.

That's right. She also could have kept it for herself. There's a feather on her wrist in the following episode when Myranda talks to her. Its somewhat ambiguous if its the same feather.

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19 minutes ago, Colorful Mess said:

That's right. She also could have kept it for herself. There's a feather on her wrist in the following episode when Myranda talks to her. Its somewhat ambiguous if its the same feather.

I don't think it's the same feather; Miranda ask about the stitching, that feather is attached to Sansa's right hand glove, we cut to Sansa seeing Theon her left hand is raised and leaning on the wall with another feather attached to that glove.

So my belief is when LF left; Sansa may have resume lighting candles and replaced the feather.

I don't think it matters so much except for the symbolism with Lyanna.

Whoot!  Teaser!  I really loved the feel and look of it.

As one poster already noted, all of the “dialogue” is about Jon.  It was interesting to me that the dialogue that Sansa (or, as my iPhone initially changed it to, Santa 😄) triggered was Catelyn’s line how she wondered if all the trouble that came to her family was because she could not love a motherless boy (despite her promise):  Foreshadowing for some Jon-Sansa conflict?

Edited by Lemuria
  • Love 1
27 minutes ago, Lemuria said:

triggered was Catelyn’s line how she wondered if all the trouble that came to her family was because she could not love a motherless boy (despite her promise):  Foreshadowing for some Jon-Sansa conflict?

You know, I got the exact opposite impression. What I noticed in this teaser is that during Catelyns voiceover, Sansa gives a brief flicker over at her statue, then walks on with a determined stride forward, almost as if she is brushing off her mother’s poison. Sansa no longer ascribes to her mothers prejudice against Jon and has fully embraced him as a Stark. ( His parentage reveal actually makes him more legitimately their blood and not a bastard) The way all three of them then come together in a power triad suggests to me that they are willing to face whatever comes at them together. 

Edited by GraceK
  • Love 14
7 minutes ago, GraceK said:

You know, I got the exact opposite impression. What I noticed in this teaser is that during Catelyns voiceover, Sansa gives a brief flicker over at her statue, then walks on with a determined stride forward, almost as if she is brushing off her mother’s poison. Sansa no longer ascribes to her mothers prejudice against Jon and has fully embraced him as a Stark. ( His parentage reveal actually makes him more legitimately their blood and not a bastard) The way all three of them then come together in a power triad suggests to me that they are willing to face whatever comes at them together. 

This is exactly how I feel, they go from this to the three Starks in a unity of 1.

Also from Sansa's hair style, she's on team D & J.

  • Love 5

From FF:


My mind is my weapon

43 minutes ago
I am astonished at the level of cautions and changes. HBO kept some parts of the work outsourced to vfx teams, discarded some parts, change the title from Etched in Stone to Crypts of Winterfell and added non-vfx shots from Stark characters and Jon. This is what they kept from the special effects teams work.

The initial dark candle-lit background is taken over at last with mist.

Cold breath of winter sound effect that was composed.

The teaser contains many statues not just for Sansa

This is what they discarded:

but for every major character, and also not just Starks that the Winterfell crypt is supposed to contain, as if all major characters had Stark rituals.

The statues do not just break, they turn into minute pieces and get washed away with the winds.

And this is what they added:

Non-vfx shots of Jon, Sansa and Arya of which the vfx teams had zero clue.

As you see, they just shown Sansa, Arya and Jon's statues, left out Bran's and other non-Stark characters that were edited. So even the vfx outsource teams were kept in dark. They are provided with only partial work, and only a part of their work was used, probably to keep secrecy and to make them in dark about which characters will be eventually shown as statues and how they will be presented.

HBO absolutely does not trust anyone it seems, not even their first/second tiers of outsourcers.

Following is the description that I heard for vfx work on the teaser which was not outsourced to the team I know. The parts that they kept are highlighted.

"Apparently the teaser will not discarded in favor of the winterfell reunion continuation that was included in yesterday's HBO shows promo, it will still be used*. She still does have no clue about the date. What she heard is that the teaser contains* many statues not just for Sansa but for every major character, and also not just Starks that the Winterfell crypt is supposed to contain, as if all major characters had Stark rituals. The initial dark candle-lit background is taken over at last with mist. The statues do not just break, they turn into minute pieces and get washed away with the winds, with the cold breath of winter sound effect that was composed."

59 minutes ago, GrailKing said:

He's the last Greenseer, he not dead yet, but no one knows him to make a statue. : (

What I posted is called 'humor'. Run with it, no need for seriousness.

18 minutes ago, ElizaD said:

After all the girlfights, I would laugh if we got Arya protecting Sansa and Dany braiding Sansa's hair in season 8.

And then Yara shows back up and GoT turns into Golden Girls: Westeros Edition.

4 hours ago, BitterApple said:

Jon's statue definitely looked older, however I'll be gobsmacked if both Stark sisters die. 

To me, Arya's statue looks older, too.  So maybe *gasp* both Jon and Arya live and grow old, and Sansa dies?!?!

Or maybe the likeness just isn't very good, as Arya once claimed of Ned's statue.

Remember how we all thought we saw a glimmer of light in Jon's eyes when he "died" at the end of Season Five, suggesting he was about to become Azur Ahai?  Nothing ever came of it.

  • Love 1
8 hours ago, GrailKing said:

“HBO confirms that the teaser was directed by David Nutter, who won an Emmy in 2015 for his work on the Game of Thrones season five finale, “Mother’s Mercy.” The eerie music heard is original work by GoT‘s Ramin Djawadi.”

Ok, so matching up timings, this was probably filmed on and around March 27th. David Nutter wrapped in Belfast sometime around the end of April. Sophie Turner was filming Heavy in Toronto for pretty much the entirety of March and then turned up in Belfast around March 27th along with Maisie. And there was filming at Shane's castle on March 27th

And Shane's castle  is used for the WF crypts.  Kit was also there around that time, along with Ben Compton. 

Sophie and Maisie both left Belfast on the 29th. So looks like they flew into Belfast to film this teaser and then left.

Isaac and John Bradley were spotted in Belfast on the 28th... So I am not sure why they excluded Bran from this.

Edited by anamika
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That’s some fine detective work, @anamika. This is probably when they filmed the little promo with Kit, Sophie and Maisie hyping the first seven seasons as well.

As for why they excluded Bran, I’m guessing they thought it would look less cool if one of the participants in a “Long Walk”-type trailer had to be pushed in a wheelchair by someone else...which is ableist and gross, but there you have it.

If Sophie’s March filming was for the teaser, then that would mean that between March 1st and the end of filming, she only filmed two scenes for the show: whatever she shot when she wrapped in Belfast in the middle of April and the Dragonpit sequence filmed in Seville.

Edited by Eyes High
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8 minutes ago, bubble sparkly said:

Since the promo was basically just the actors slo-mo power walking, I’m guessing they thought having Bran rolling along would ruin the aesthetic.

They didn't have to have him roll around. He could have been waiting for them were the statues were. I don't think it would have been difficult to do if they had really wanted to include Bran in this.

  • Love 10
22 hours ago, SeanC said:

The first paragraph you quote doesn't refer to the show, it refers to the idea of Sansa being kidnapped and taken to KL from the Eyrie in the books,

I was reacting to what you wrote here:


On 1/13/2019 at 8:57 AM, screamin said:

Sansa being dragged back to KL to be a hostage again is simply incompatible with that in the books, as well as frankly with any storyline where Sansa actually starts to learn the game of thrones...

...where it seemed to me you were saying that in ANY storyline where Sansa learns the game of thrones (which includes the one we are currently following on HBO), it would be absurd for her to be captured by a military raid, which didn't seem necessarily so to me. If I misunderstood, sorry.

Re the statues: I don't think they were meant to look older, they just read differently from their originals because the likeness isn't strong. 

8 hours ago, GraceK said:

You know, I got the exact opposite impression. What I noticed in this teaser is that during Catelyns voiceover, Sansa gives a brief flicker over at her statue, then walks on with a determined stride forward, almost as if she is brushing off her mother’s poison. Sansa no longer ascribes to her mothers prejudice against Jon and has fully embraced him as a Stark. ( His parentage reveal actually makes him more legitimately their blood and not a bastard) The way all three of them then come together in a power triad suggests to me that they are willing to face whatever comes at them together. 

But I thought the interesting thing is that they chose the one bit of dialog in which Catelyn laments her failure to keep her promise to love a motherless child and thus blamed herself for the troubles that befell her family as a result. Catelyn wasn't be poisonous towards Jon in that one moment, in fact she admits she was wrong. I took Sansa's glance at her mother's statute as a recognition that both had been unkind to Jon and how much their opinions had changed, and that yes, they are all a united front against the coming enemy.

I am curious as to Bran's absence, although I'm not sure how they could realistically get a wheelchair down into the crypts. It makes me think that his role will be singular in season 8. 

Did anyone else notice that there was a wolf statue next to Lyanna's statue? I wonder which one of the direwolves it represented.

I did not see a statue of Robb. 

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17 hours ago, tangerine95 said:

I don't think Arya is totally uninterested in marriage or love.I just think she doesn't want to be married off to someone so she can give him heirs and run his castle which was basically her most likely fate before everything happened to the Starks.But a relationship with someone she choses herself and who doesn't expect her to be a traditional lady and tries to change who she is,imo would be something Arya would go for.And Gendry truly is that person for her I think,they're kinda perfect for each other.I'm just not sure they actually go there next season,I feel that it makes sense but idk.

If anyone is going to be a supportive partner to Arya and not try to force her into a role she doesn't want, it's Gendry. I don't think it will happen in the show or in the books, but if it did, I think they'd be an excellent match.

17 hours ago, WindyNights said:

Book Sansa is. Book Arya's too young to be married.

Book Sansa was married at 12, and that seems to be Book Arya's age as of TWOW. Book Arya could be old enough to be married (at least in the world of ASOIAF) by the end of the series, depending on how much time passes. Alysanne was 14 when she married Jaehaerys. Tyrion was 13 when he married Tysha in the books. Dany was 13 when she married Drogo.

13 hours ago, GrailKing said:

I want Sansa either single , with a hint she finds someone later ( we don't need to know who )

While it would be easy enough for the writers to hint that Sansa eventually finds someone--show her smiling across the room at some anonymous guy (or girl, to make it interesting) at a feast or something--I don't think we'll get even that. I think her endgame will be as the very single Lady of Winterfell with no whiff of any possible future entanglement, and to me, that would be bringing her storyline full circle from the 1x01 Sansa who said that going south to be Joffrey's betrothed was the only thing she ever wanted.

  • Love 4

Everyone is fighting (for lack of better words) over Gendry when there's that very hot Dothraki dude with the swagger. 

Also, about the feather. Robert placed it in Lyanna's hand while perpetuating the lie about what happened between Lyanna and Rhaegar. He kidnapped her, raped her, she died.

Back in season I can't remember which one, Sansa put the feather back in Lyanna's hand and LF told her the story of the tourney at Harrenhal and explicitly says that Rhaegar chose Lyanna and Sansa's reply was, yes, he chose her, then he kidnapped her and raped her. 

Ned's own lie about who Jon really is begins with the promise he made his sister to protect her son. That line about Ned having to protect him is the one that's repeated in the trailer.

Jon being the one to displace the feather could be that the lie is done with now and the truth is out in the open with what really happened and that he accepts who his bio parents are and perhaps embraces that as well.

Edited by YaddaYadda
  • Love 8
3 hours ago, YaddaYadda said:

They didn't have to have him roll around. He could have been waiting for them were the statues were. I don't think it would have been difficult to do if they had really wanted to include Bran in this.

They must have reached the cap on their statue budget.  Sorry Bran, Robb, and Rickon. 

  • Love 2

I think the reason Bran wasn’t there was because he’s not a Stark anymore. He’s the Three eyed raven now. That might really come into play next season and he will play a pivotal role. 🤷🏻‍♀️ He made sure everyone knew in season 7 that he wasn’t Bran Stark anymore, that’s for sure ( poor Meera!) The fact that this teaser was specifically so Stark Centric and  so focused on the siblings ( and cousin 😂) and omitted Bran so obviously I think was done intentionally.

  • Love 2
8 hours ago, Smad said:

What I posted is called 'humor'. Run with it, no need for seriousness.

You think I was insulting you ? 

Did you not see my sad face.

2 hours ago, Eyes High said:

While it would be easy enough for the writers to hint that Sansa eventually finds someone--show her smiling across the room at some anonymous guy (or girl, to make it interesting) at a feast or something--I don't think we'll get even that. I think her endgame will be as the very single Lady of Winterfell with no whiff of any possible future entanglement, and to me, that would be bringing her storyline full circle from the 1x01 Sansa who said that going south to be Joffrey's betrothed was the only thing she ever wanted.

That's possible; Sansa can go either way.

Friki's words " Everyone wants Sansa Stark; adds to the mix.

46 minutes ago, YaddaYadda said:

Everyone is fighting (for lack of better words) over Gendry when there's that very hot Dothraki dude with the swagger. 

Seriously. I drool every time I see that guy. Dany has the hottest Dothraki bodyguard around. I would riding him. Ha. I was re-watching the scene where she burnt the khals to death. He was there kneeling amoung the people.

44 minutes ago, YaddaYadda said:

Back in season I can't remember which one, Sansa put the feather back in Lyanna's hand and LF told her the story of the tourney at Harrenhal and explicitly says that Rhaegar chose Lyanna and Sansa's reply was, yes, he chose her, then he kidnapped her and raped her. 

S5-4; but if Sansa put it back, it was off screen, LF says lets talk where the dead can't hear us, Sansa is fiddling with the feather as LF talking about KL, he leaves and it ends with Sansa watching him leave feather in hand.

Then in S5-4 we have Miranda and Sansa the feather's not with her ( though many say's she used it for her dress ) Miranda looks at the stitching and we see a black feather attached to Sansa's RH glove, later seeing Theon we now see her LH glove with a black feather.

27 minutes ago, GrailKing said:

Friki's words " Everyone wants Sansa Stark; adds to the mix.

That's not a spoiler, that's Friki speculating. His opinion outside the little leaked information he has, and he claims to have shared all the spoilers he has, carries no more weight than anyone else's.

No one doubts that Sansa will have any number of suitors. Whether she wants or will ever want anyone is what's in question, and that seems very unlikely based on what we know.

Edited by Eyes High
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Just to show you how observant I am, it took several viewings before I saw the wolf! Lady, maybe?

 The first time Jon walked past Lyanna I didn’t realize that it was a feather coming off of her hand; it almost seemed as if she were reaching out to him. And even though I now know that it’s a feather, I still get that feeling when I see it.

 I just noticed that after Jon walks past the statue of Lyanna and then turns his head back as if he’s hearing something, there’s a green glow along the side of his face. Wildfire?? 

The teaser almost certainly doesn't mean anything besides a  nice look of the walking Starks (which, for the record, is ablest af) power-walking through the crypts. There are memes going around about the Starks looking horrified not because of whatever the statues are supposed to foretell but because they were just so badly done. But of all the theories and speculations I've seen, the only one I'm remotely interested in is that Sansa's hairdo is a sign that she and Dany will end up being best buddies. Which is actually a logical conclusion, considering their common history. The rivalry between the two characters has always been shipping/stan-culture-fueled, not based on any kind of logic or narrative coherency.

  • Love 6
8 minutes ago, ursula said:

The teaser almost certainly doesn't mean anything besides a  nice look of the walking Starks (which, for the record, is ablest af) power-walking through the crypts. There are memes going around about the Starks looking horrified not because of whatever the statues are supposed to foretell but because they were just so badly done. But of all the theories and speculations I've seen, the only one I'm remotely interested in is that Sansa's hairdo is a sign that she and Dany will end up being best buddies. Which is actually a logical conclusion, considering their common history. The rivalry between the two characters has always been shipping/stan-culture-fueled, not based on any kind of logic or narrative coherency.

Dany and Sansa will literally end up braiding each other’s hair. I love it!

  • Love 5
5 minutes ago, ursula said:

The teaser almost certainly doesn't mean anything besides a  nice look of the walking Starks (which, for the record, is ablest af) power-walking through the crypts. There are memes going around about the Starks looking horrified not because of whatever the statues are supposed to foretell but because they were just so badly done. But of all the theories and speculations I've seen, the only one I'm remotely interested in is that Sansa's hairdo is a sign that she and Dany will end up being best buddies. Which is actually a logical conclusion, considering their common history. The rivalry between the two characters has always been shipping/stan-culture-fueled, not based on any kind of logic or narrative coherency.

Yeah I saw the gifs comparing them and it does look similar to Dany's hair,especially with the hair ornament which I'm not sure Sansa has worn before,i don't think she has.I wouldn't give it much attention if it hadn't been a thing with Sansa to symbolically show who she's influenced by with her hairstyle.Dany's hair also looked more northern style in that Omaze video Emilia did.

I'm one of people who think the conflict will be short and they'll end up getting along but I'd be pleasantly surprised it goes so far as braiding each others hair lol

  • Love 4
2 hours ago, Lemuria said:

I just noticed that after Jon walks past the statue of Lyanna and then turns his head back as if he’s hearing something, there’s a green glow along the side of his face. Wildfire?? 

I thought it was more blue than green (question of resolution, maybe) but it reminded me of Ned turning back when Bran called him, at the TOJ.

  • Love 2
13 hours ago, ursula said:

There are memes going around about the Starks looking horrified not because of whatever the statues are supposed to foretell but because they were just so badly done.

Seriously, forget the Night King, forget Cersei; those statues are the true evil that needs to be defeated in s8 lol.  The Starks need to lure a talented statue-carver to the North pronto to make sure their attractiveness is correctly captured in perpetuity. 

  • Love 6
14 hours ago, tangerine95 said:

Yeah I saw the gifs comparing them and it does look similar to Dany's hair,especially with the hair ornament which I'm not sure Sansa has worn before,i don't think she has.I wouldn't give it much attention if it hadn't been a thing with Sansa to symbolically show who she's influenced by with her hairstyle.Dany's hair also looked more northern style in that Omaze video Emilia did.

I'm one of people who think the conflict will be short and they'll end up getting along but I'd be pleasantly surprised it goes so far as braiding each others hair lol

I don’t think Dany and Sansa will be BFF, but we’ve already seen Dany braiding Missandei’s hair, it’s well established that Sansa’s hairstyles are influenced by the people she uses as role models, and of course “braiding each other’s hair” is a phrase that generally refers to sisterly bonding, so the idea of Dany actually braiding Sansa’s hair is hilarious. I guess if relations remain frosty between Dany and Sansa, Dany could inform Sansa as she once informed Viserys that she has no right to a braid since she has won no victories. I’m sure that would go over well.

On another note, one of the best things about the earlier premiere date is that it moves up the release date for everything, maybe even by two weeks. We could get a trailer by the end of February.

Edited by Eyes High
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It's more likely that similar to the Sansa Vs Jon and Sansa Vs Arya plots, Sansa and Dany will argue and fight and plot and then it will all get sorted out suddenly and Sansa and Dany will profess their respect for each other. I am just glad that unlike Jon and Arya, Dany is not going to be stuck an entire season fighting with Sansa and that both of them will have other characters to interact with and other more important plots to deal with.

On 1/14/2019 at 6:23 PM, Eyes High said:

As for why they excluded Bran, I’m guessing they thought it would look less cool if one of the participants in a “Long Walk”-type trailer had to be pushed in a wheelchair by someone else...which is ableist and gross, but there you have it.

If Sophie’s March filming was for the teaser, then that would mean that between March 1st and the end of filming, she only filmed two scenes for the show: whatever she shot when she wrapped in Belfast in the middle of April and the Dragonpit sequence filmed in Seville.

I wonder how easy it is to make those statues, considering they had one done for Catelyn just for that one line of dialogue in a promo. Isaac, John Bradley, NCW, Gwen etc. were there end of march while filming was taking place in Saintfield and Magheramorne at the same time. John Bradley had mentioned that this time around there were three units filming simultaneously and it could be that both D&D and Sapochnik were also filming. Isaac may just not have been available/free to shoot that teaser. Plus, this teaser seemed to be about Jon's lineage and the emotions and conflicts it brings and as everyone knows, robo Bran is unconcerned about all that. He's probably going to monotonously tell Jon the news and move on.

As for Sophie, I think she did the majority/most of her filming by February. Apart from March 27th, she was in Belfast around mid-April, once again when most of the cast was also around including a documentary crew that was there when wrap gifts were handed out and she cried. So I am not sure about what she may have filmed in April. I think Feb was when she filmed the most for season 8 -  she may have been in Dubrovnik, her bf mentioned that she was busy with work and I think she missed her indie movie premiere/award show around then.  January - March was mainly WF battle filming and April - July was mainly KL battle filming.


So apparently Kit kept the Jon Snow statue and took it home and plans to make into a water feature, lol.  He says that he is very satisfied with the ending of GOT and is excited for everyone to see it. But Kit was also the guy who wanted and expected Tyrion to end up on the Iron Throne, so who knows.

Edited by anamika
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1 hour ago, anamika said:

It's more likely that similar to the Sansa Vs Jon and Sansa Vs Arya plots, Sansa and Dany will argue and fight and plot and then it will all get sorted out suddenly and Sansa and Dany will profess their respect for each other. I am just glad that unlike Jon and Arya, Dany is not going to be stuck an entire season fighting with Sansa and that both of them will have other characters to interact with and other more important plots to deal with.


Sounds about right.


I think Feb was when she filmed the most for season 8 - she may have been in Dubrovnik, her bf mentioned that she was busy with work and I think she missed her indie movie premiere/award show around then.

I'm not so sure about that. Sophie may have been in Dubrovnik, since she skipped the film festival where her film premiered the week the production was in Dubrovnik (February 5th-9th), but I'm pretty sure she went on vacation for the last half of February. She was in the Maldives at least by February 18th and then was in New York until at least the 25th. 

I assume Sophie as usual filmed almost all of her scenes during the first few months when most of the interior scenes are filmed, although even then she took long breaks unlike Kit and Maisie.

Her 2018 filming time for the show, however, as opposed to promo materials, past January, seems to have been limited to February in Dubrovnik (one scene), whatever she filmed in mid-April in Belfast (one scene?), and May in Seville (one scene). It seems like Sansa will spend most of S8 indoors.

I suspect that the Jon/Cersei tower scene was a fake and that whatever was actually filmed in Dubrovnik was from the epilogue as Architectural Digest (who claimed that Dany's last GOT scene was filmed in Dubrovnik) implied. If so, that could be a scene with Bran, Jon, Dany, and Sansa. It would account for all the secrecy.


Apart from March 27th, she was in Belfast around mid-April, once again when most of the cast was also around including a documentary crew that was there when wrap gifts were handed out and she cried. So I am not sure about what she may have filmed in April. January - March was mainly WF battle filming and April - July was mainly KL battle filming.

They were still filming other interior scenes, though, at the same time as they were doing the exterior film shoots, like this mysterious 8x06 scene Hibberd saw filmed in early March. 

Edited by Eyes High
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Message added by Meredith Quill

Advisory: This topic is for S8 Spoilers & Spec. If your post predominantly concerns book comparisons or a character's past season actions it will be removed. 

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