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"The View": Week Of 5/22/17

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I personally don't mind Jed too much. They all have things that are annoying about them. Whoopi is a know it all, Sunny is a prude, but she doesn't push her agenda on others, Joy tells really bad bad jokes, Sara really doesn't bother me, she's ditzy, but she's cute and has a good heart. I feel like Jed has taken the place of Sherri where no matter what she does, she is bashed for it. Did I miss something about her and the gay community? I politically lean more towards Joy, but find her to be very immature at times. What did Jed do against the gay community?

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I can believe Jedi has those issues.  She does seem to want to be perfect.  No one is perfect so she will find something wrong. 

Hot topics are only interesting to me when all the ladies talk (not over each other').  Today it seemed like Jedi and whoopie were talking to each other. 

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I feel like Jed has taken the place of Sherri where no matter what she does, she is bashed for it.

Make that the new Elisabeth.  It's like neither could/can ever do or say anything that was well received. 



What did Jed do against the gay community?

I haven't heard anything about Jed being against gays.  If I'm not mistaken, hasn't she shown her support for the gay community many times?  Furthermore, I can't imagine Sara being so cool with Jed if she was "against gays".  Sara has said many times that she has a gay brother.  People just hate on Jed for no other reason than she is a Conservative voice.  That's her job.   

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2 hours ago, Apprentice79 said:

That is typical of the ladies of the talk, they kiss up to their guests in an embarrassing manner.  They tend to shy away from controversies, except for the troll with the clown hair that speaks in a British accent. That woman is vile on so many levels.  As much as I bitch about the ladies of the view, I will take them at their worst over the her any day of the week and twice on Sundays.

I don't watch The Talk that often anymore but I could't believe the ass kissing and the fawning. And yes...that troll with the clown hair is horrific. Just hearing her voice sets my teeth on edge.

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I chuckled at Jedidiah's argument that the Notre Dame students should have stayed and listened to Pence because she said she is often around people with whose views she disagrees. She said when that happens, she sits and listens and sometimes learns something.

My question is, WHEN? Certainly not on The View, when she spews out her words so fast that auctioneers look at her with envy. She is determined to talk relentlessly and not allow anyone else to get a word in. This is my main objection to her, it's a non-stop, no-breath-taken monologue every time she gets a bee in her bonnet. I don't mind conservatives (hell, I'm related to half of Trump's voters) voicing their opinions, but for Jedidiah, of all people, to counsel people to sit back and listen to opposing viewpoints and expand their minds? She's hardly a gleaming role model for that.

Edited by ChicagoCita
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1 hour ago, HoboClayton said:

Eeek! I didn't mean to start anything lol.. I was just wondering if I missed something. 

You didn't.  That's the norm. 

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Here are all the reasons I loathe Jedi blah blah:

  • When the show opens, she walks out every single day singing to the View song (is there a song?) and waving her hands over her head; she is the only panelist that does this and for this alone, I want to punch her.
  • She pretends to be mainstream and normal, but then has to always take a completely unreasonable stance.  As in, the Notre Dame students walking out.  Her position is they should have stayed to hear Pence, even though they were clear on his policy (her favorite word: policy).
  • The way she sits at the end of the table, kind of sideways; don't know why, but it irks me.
  • She pretends to be an Independent, but then she defends Trump.
  • She randomly criticizes Trump; what is her game?
  • She pontificates; oddly, she is like Whoopi in this way.  And when Whoopi attacks her, she either shows her teeth in pretend agreement or in total disagreement.
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I recall that many magazine articles and tv shows about makeup would say to choose a feature to highlight, eyes or lips,  and downplay the other.  Like, if you highlight your eyes, your lipstick should be a subtle color like beige.  Or if you wear bright red lipstick, then your eye makeup should be more delicate.   That advice never applied to me, because I don't over-do makeup. 

But, seeing Jed today, the advice makes perfect sense.  She wears very dramatic eye makeup, with sparkles, false lashes, heavy liner.  Then, she had bright red lipstick, finished with  a high shine gloss.  The overall effect is garish.  with the glossy red lips, her eye makeup should be more natural.  Or, if she wants to do the dramatic eyes, her lipstick should be a nice neutral color (no gloss). 

She'd still be an idiot, but at least she wouldn't look like a clown.

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Did I miss where it's been proven that Chris Cornell's death was from "drugs"?  He was on anxiety medication besides that there hasn't been anymore medical information released that I know of. The way Kasich said Chris died due to "drugs" made it sound like he was talking about illegal ones. I've seen so many comments from people on social media and comment sections about famous people who died from drugs or if they had a previous drug history saying things like "He/She was a druggie who deserved to die....".  I know Chris's family thinks it may be drugs pending toxicology results. nobody really knows for sure.

This seems so weird for an acting governor like John Kasich to be co-hosting a show like The View when he's not running for anything. I guess this could be him promoting his book some more. His pop culture talk at the start of the show kind of made me squirm due to being kinda icked out. 

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Kasich is ok but he seems "on" all the time.  At least he kept Jed from hogging the conversation.  He did clarify that the drugs he meant re Chris Cornell's death was the antidepressant that has a side effect of suicidal thoughts.

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51 minutes ago, Haleth said:

Kasich is ok but he seems "on" all the time.  At least he kept Jed from hogging the conversation.  He did clarify that the drugs he meant re Chris Cornell's death was the antidepressant that has a side effect of suicidal thoughts.

Was that right after he said drugs killed him? If it was I honestly don't know how I missed it.

I had to go to the bathroom at one point so if he said it later on that would explain me not hearing him.

Edited by Jaded
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16 hours ago, ChicagoCita said:

I chuckled at Jedidiah's argument that the Notre Dame students should have stayed and listened to Pence because she said she is often around people with whose views she disagrees. She said when that happens, she sits and listens and sometimes learns something.

My question is, WHEN? Certainly not on The View, when she spews out her words so fast that auctioneers look at her with envy. She is determined to talk relentlessly and not allow anyone else to get a word in. This is my main objection to her, it's a non-stop, no-breath-taken monologue every time she gets a bee in her bonnet. I don't mind conservatives (hell, I'm related to half of Trump's voters) voicing their opinions, but for Jedidiah, of all people, to counsel people to sit back and listen to opposing viewpoints and expand their minds? She's hardly a gleaming role model for that.

I think Jed talks so fast because she knows that once she starts talking she will be quickly interrupted by Whoopi, Joy or Sunny.  Jed is just trying to get her point out before this happens. It can't be easy being the only conservative voice at the table, especially when you have far leaning left panelists who are very rude and don't want to hear any opposing views. The fact that she talks at lightning speed is actually the other panelists fault - especially Whoopi. She is completely insufferable.

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I enjoyed the segment showing Melania swatting Trump's hand away as if it were a fly. How telling is that?! And when Obama kissed Michelle's hand? You could just see the love and affection that these two have for each other.

Trump will never, ever know that.

Was 2Chain's wife wearing a REAL fur coat? 

Otherwise a pretty ho-hum show.

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I didn't mind Kasich, but his "gee golly folksiness" gets on my nerves. I agree with whoever said he was always on. It seemed like he was auditioning for something, either for a spot on cable news or like he's trying to portray that nice guy image for a future political campaign. I'm wondering if he's trying to keep his name out there just in case Trump leaves office and Pence (or someone else) needs a VP. 

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I wish Kasich had just been a guest and not a co-host, eh. I had to laugh at him trying to defend the budget. And Whoopi's response to him saying it won't pass was perfect. She still hits it on the mark occasionally, although she's usually rambling around the board.

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4 hours ago, mrbean5411 said:

The fact that [Jedidiah] talks at lightning speed is actually the other panelists fault

Well, it's annoying as hell, and I immediately mute the show when she goes into word diarrhea mode, so she needs to find another way to get her point across. 

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1 hour ago, Haleth said:

Kasich was on Nicole Wallace's show talking about how much fun he had on The View. 

What did Nicole respond when he said that?

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4 hours ago, mrbean5411 said:

I think Jed talks so fast because she knows that once she starts talking she will be quickly interrupted by Whoopi, Joy or Sunny.  Jed is just trying to get her point out before this happens. It can't be easy being the only conservative voice at the table, especially when you have far leaning left panelists who are very rude and don't want to hear any opposing views. The fact that she talks at lightning speed is actually the other panelists fault - especially Whoopi. She is completely insufferable.

I might actually cut Jed slack if she  didn't always respond to others on the panel pointing out that what she's saying isn't entirely true by responding, "Yes, it is, it is, IT IS!" and "Yes he/she did, he/she did, HE/SHE DID! (whatever she accuses Obama or Hillary of).

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10 minutes ago, rcc said:

What did Nicole respond when he said that?

Oh, they just laughed about their relative knowledge of pop culture.  Nicole said she was fired because she couldn't name the Kardashians. 

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8 hours ago, Stacey1014 said:

I didn't mind Kasich, but his "gee golly folksiness" gets on my nerves. I agree with whoever said he was always on. It seemed like he was auditioning for something, either for a spot on cable news or like he's trying to portray that nice guy image for a future political campaign. I'm wondering if he's trying to keep his name out there just in case Trump leaves office and Pence (or someone else) needs a VP. 

I think is is going to run against Trump or Pence for the Republican nomination in 2020.  I live in NH and the 1st in the nation primary B.S. is already starting to gear up.  I will pay more attention to the circus and let you all know if or how often Kasich shows up to "visit" our fair state.

Edited because I just looked it up and Kasich was here last month to promote his book and to "visit" with several friends he made during his presidential campaign.  So he IS thinking about running in 2020. 

Edited by movingtargetgal
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On 5/24/2017 at 2:44 AM, bannana said:

Here are all the reasons I loathe Jedi blah blah:

  • When the show opens, she walks out every single day singing to the View song (is there a song?) and waving her hands over her head; she is the only panelist that does this and for this alone, I want to punch her.
  • She pretends to be mainstream and normal, but then has to always take a completely unreasonable stance.  As in, the Notre Dame students walking out.  Her position is they should have stayed to hear Pence, even though they were clear on his policy (her favorite word: policy).
  • The way she sits at the end of the table, kind of sideways; don't know why, but it irks me.
  • She pretends to be an Independent, but then she defends Trump.
  • She randomly criticizes Trump; what is her game?
  • She pontificates; oddly, she is like Whoopi in this way.  And when Whoopi attacks her, she either shows her teeth in pretend agreement or in total disagreement.

I agree with all your reasons, but the 2 I bolded are the main annoyances for me.  

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Please remember to keep your political discussions isolated to what was discussed on the show.  If you have any questions, please contact myself or @17wheatthins

Thank you!

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I’m glad that Joy made the connection to Trump’s daily attacks and denigration of the media to the Montana Republican bodyslamming a reporter. The lack of civility trickles down from the top.

F*** Rumsfield. I wish Joy and Sunny had come with a list of things to cite in response, but I doubt they expected him to have his head that far up his ass. At first I had no idea why they had him on the show before several of the veterans said they had on wanted to meet him.

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Donald Rumsfeld is a deflecting little troll. His grin when he's trying to spin things looks so devious. He was trying to do anything he could not to answer any questions Sunny, Joy or Whoopi were trying to ask him. His segment with the military members didn't soften me towards him at all. 

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I always thought that Rumsfeld and Chaney were two sneaky, devious, evil MoFos. I see he is still a vile little man and the fact that he was defending Trump didn't surprise me at all. 

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I found Donald Rumsfeld interview boring.  He did not even defend his position. Whatever it was.  Joy and Sunny would not let go of a question that obviously wasn't going to be answered. Thankful for Sarah redirecting the conversation.  Jedi and Whoopie were uncharacteristic quiet during this interview. 

Joy and Rumsfeld seemed to have a mutual dislike for each other 

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"Take a little time to enjoy the view and remember those who serve cuz we don't."

Is it me or did that sound all sorts of awkward? 

Cuz we don't what? Cuz we don't remember them?

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46 minutes ago, Blissfool said:

"Take a little time to enjoy the view and remember those who serve cuz we don't."

Is it me or did that sound all sorts of awkward? 

Cuz we don't what? Cuz we don't remember them?

LOL, I think she was clumsily saying "because we don't (serve)".  I think???!!!

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2 hours ago, Blissfool said:

"Take a little time to enjoy the view and remember those who serve cuz we don't."

Is it me or did that sound all sorts of awkward? 

Cuz we don't what? Cuz we don't remember them?

Yeah, that was a wtf moment. I thought she meant that we as a nation don't remember enough the sacrifice of those who served and lost their lives.  But then I often don't understand what the heck she means. 

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I also think Whoopie meant to remember those who serve because we're not them, but then, I'm just happy she hasn't started screaming "show's over, get out" a dozen times to balance out her "welcome to The View" shitcanery.

Edited by Bronzedog
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I am what many claim doesn't exist -- a liberal leftie Christian patriot. So as annoying as Rumsfeld was, I completely lost it at the end of the show when they started reuniting the crew of the helicopter that was shot down, and then gave the major a promotion to Lt. Colonel. It was awkward as could be, and Rummy didn't help matters, but I thought Sunny and Sarah did a great job with what they had to work with. I'm really happy they didn't have Joy, Whoopie, or Jedidiah as part of it. It was a job for the pros (although I very much enjoyed seeing Joy have a chance to go after Rummy during the interview portion).

It was a nice tie-in with Fleet Week and with Memorial Day. 

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6 hours ago, ChicagoCita said:

I am what many claim doesn't exist -- a liberal leftie Christian patriot. So as annoying as Rumsfeld was, I completely lost it at the end of the show when they started reuniting the crew of the helicopter that was shot down, and then gave the major a promotion to Lt. Colonel. It was awkward as could be, and Rummy didn't help matters,

Awkward it was. Rumsfield didn't know what to do and he did not seem completely sure he was qualified to do it. A couple of times he said "someone told me I'm able to do this so..." who is this someone? A View intern? 

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Rumsfeld  only performed the ceremony. The show would have gotten permission from the Major's chain of command. Rumsfeld probably had seldom or maybe never performed a promotion. And certainly not in many years. However, he totally rocked awarding the coins (with the handshake). He has done that a few times. Normally when promotions take place it is strict military order so it came off a little clumsy on tv, so I give him a pass. He's still a snake.

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