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S35: Spoilers & Rumors

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5 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

Ep 13 press photos.

At least it's not an endurance-y IC finally!

This pic is funny to me:


Ben and Ryan look kinda inquisitive, Devon looks meh, but Chrissy and Ashley look overjoyed.

ETA: Oh, and my current prediction for how tonight's ep goes is that Ben wins immunity and/or finds another HII and Ashley is booted. Or possibly Devon. Basically, I feel pretty confident Ben won't be booted and that one of Ashley/Devon will.

Could this mean Mike is out?

19 hours ago, piequinn35 said:

F3: Mike, Devon, Ryan, who do you think will win?

I don't think there's any chance of that happening, but I'd say Mike. Which makes me even more sure it won't happen since I don't think Mike has a chance in hell of winning with his edit. That would be a hilarious F3 though!

My predictions have never been right this season lol, but I'll give it one more go. I'm thinking either a Ben/Chrissy/Ryan F3 with Ben winning or a Chrissy/Ryan/Devon F3 with Chrissy winning.

Although the tie spec has me wondering about things. At this point I'll be shocked if there isn't a tie since Probst mentioning it almost guarantees there is one. But I can't really picture it happening with this group.

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Just now, peachmangosteen said:

I don't think there's any chance of that happening, but I'd say Mike. Which makes me even more sure it won't happen since I don't think Mike has a chance in hell of winning with his edit. That would be a hilarious F3 though!

My predictions have never been right this season lol, but I'll give it one more go. I'm thinking either a Ben/Chrissy/Ryan F3 with Ben winning or a Chrissy/Ryan/Devon F3 with Chrissy winning.

Although the tie spec has me wondering about things. At this point I'll be shocked if there isn't a tie since Probst mentioning it almost guarantees there is one. But I can't really picture it happening with this group.

From interviews, though, Mike seemed well liked and though he was playing a better game than edited.  Which probably means he won't win with the edit he's getting.  I'd say that he and Ryan probably have the least chance of winning, with Ben and Chrissy having the best.  If it's a tie, I can see why it would end up being so with those two.  I just don't know if it'll be because people think they played a great game, or voted for who they liked most despite not liking either lol  As I've said all along, it's been a crappy season, and Chrissy winning would be fitting.

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My F3 guess from Oct was BCR, but I think Mike or Devon will somehow make their way to F3, the biggest threat is Ben, they will take him out next, the second threat is Chrissy if Ben is immune, UNLESS the survivor gods gives another idol to Ben and Chrissy wins IC in F5, in F4, Chrissy wins FIC, she brings Ryan to F3, Devon or Mike loses to Ben in fire making challenge or Ben wins FIC, Chrissy wins FMC. 

Edited by piequinn35
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It's funny but I actually go the other way with Mike that his edit is actually generous based off the gameplay we're seeing. For example, him burning his HI was stupid and it was briefly acknowledged as such, but Mike gets the last word on the subject, claiming it was necessary to "shake things up." I feel like the editors have never gone all in on making Mike look as stupid as they could when it comes to gameplay, which suggests to me that he does better than expected at F3.

I'm not thinking that Mike will win but I think he could end up as the second placer with some votes from Joe and his fellow healers. I'd probably guess Chrissy as our winner at this point. This is a reasonably balanced edit and I think they would have gone full Mike Holloway if Ben had won. 

I keep going back to that conversation between Devin and Ben, some episodes back (they are sitting on the beach and Ben is wearing his cowboy boots).  It seemed very significant.  It reminded me of the Parvati/Amanda/Cirie talk on the boat in the first FvF. Add to that the editors over and over  showing Ryan impressed with Ben's gameplay, and I feel like they're setting up a Devin/Ben/someone (Chrissy?  She and Ben had a strong, strong alliance) final three.


On the other hand, it seems like Ryan and Mike get more screentime than their play deserves, so maybe they make it to the end.

I was just watching the promo from the end of the ep again and I think it spoils Chrissy winning the F5 IC. Unless it's a shot from them walking back after the F6 IC and Ashley is just cropped out.

Also, there's a new promo:

"Unlike any ending in the history of Survivor." Yep, there's definitely a tie.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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If there is a tie, interesting that this year of all years is the year for it.  I just find the top 5 as a whole uninspiring, but maybe that's why-the jury can't make up their mind.  I kind of pity whoever wins in the tie breaker, and whoever casts the deciding vote, because there's no doubt going to be a lot of backlash coming their way.  People will probably start saying "Michele and Aubry who?"

Since the vote reveal always goes 10 minutes into the reunion, I wonder how early they will go to the FTC because they will have to settle the tie during the live show.  Unless they stick to the normal routine, get to the reunion show at 10:20 instead of 10:10, and Probst only gets to talk to 2 castaways instead of 3.  

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43 minutes ago, loki567 said:

I think it's been said in interviews before, a tie just means the third placer casts a vote at FTC. If so, that's a good sign for a Chrissy win. I imagine Ryan's guaranteed F3 and unlikely to get any votes. So if he's the deciding factor, I think it's good odds that Ryan would pick Chrissy. 

I think this is where it might be interesting.  Chrissy is very polarizing, and while I would expect Ryan to pick her, I question if this were a different scenario, someone saw their ally getting all this backlash all season, if that might prevent them from voting for them to avoid more backlash and calls of favoritism in casting their vote.  If you get some mega superfan that wants fans to like them so much, would they vote for who was popular, who they worked with, or who they thought played the best game?  Which anyone whose watched one season of Survivor knows it's really a popularity contest anyway.  And I can't say that Ben is all that popular, either, so if it is a B/C/R final 3, I don't think Ryan can win with how he votes.  Well, not with me anyway lol

Who knew that what I consider a crappy season might have the most exciting finale in a long, long, long time.  I just wish I cared about 4 out of the final 5, since the one person I do care about (Devon) probably doesn't stand a shot.  I'd love to be wrong, however!

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1 hour ago, loki567 said:

I think it's been said in interviews before, a tie just means the third placer casts a vote at FTC. If so, that's a good sign for a Chrissy win. I imagine Ryan's guaranteed F3 and unlikely to get any votes. So if he's the deciding factor, I think it's good odds that Ryan would pick Chrissy. 

This raises a very very interesting question: is the person you partner with in the game necessarily the person you vote for to win the game?  Or, to put it another way - once one member of a team is evicted from the game, do they  necessarily continue their previous game loyalties?  

Personally, I wouldn’t automatically take that as a given.  Many alliances are formed and maintained over time for reasons other than the game skill of your ally; perceived loyalty and simple availability immediately pop to mind as two alternate reasons.  Once the alliance is dissolved, though, might not the evicted ally be more disposed to view the games of all remaining contestants in a more objective light?

Ryan is an excellent example.  Ryan, of course, currently busts his butt to support Chrissy; they’re allies, and what helps her generally helps him as well.  Ryan, however, has also voiced to other players his opinion that Ben is playing an unbeatable game.  If Ryan is removed from the possibility of winning - even if that removal doesn’t occur until F3 - then he is also removed from the necessity of considering Chrissy’s game as conjoined to his own.  

Under such circumstances, might not Ryan be prompted to reevaluate both Ben’s and Chrissy’s games in a more objective light?  Ryan’s ultimate decision might eventually reach the same conclusion, but it’s still a notion worth considering.

12 hours ago, loki567 said:

I think it's been said in interviews before, a tie just means the third placer casts a vote at FTC. 

That's what I was just wondering about. I would think they'd have to do it at FTC. It would be monumentally unfair if they did it live, after the tie breaker has watched the whole season. But that means the structure of the FTC will be different because normally they don't announce the votes at FTC, but if there's a tie and we presume the final vote must be cast at FTC, then they'll have to reveal the vote tally during FTC and not live at the reunion.

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There is a simple way to do a tie-breaker vote at FTC, without much change to the format.

Peachy just needs to announce a tie exists.  That's all; no mention of any numbers or positions, just that there is a tie.  Then he just says that to break the tie, all 3 finalists now have to vote, but cannot vote for themselves.  And then when reading the votes back in the US, only the vote of the third place finisher will count.  And this can be done in the episode by editing FTC to start about 5 minutes sooner than usual to stay on schedule.

Then at the reunion, Peachy simply reads the jury votes to demonstrate the tie, then ends by reading just the tie-breaker vote and announcing the winner.

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Musing the psychology of voting, I know in sports playoffs when someone's team is knocked out people will then root for whoever knocked out their team to win so they can say their team was beat by the final winner.  Not sure what that means here but I suppose even if an alliance member you played hard with blindsided you, you might be more likely to vote for them because it meant you were beat by the winnder. 

  In this season I don't think we have a particularly bitter jury so even if Chrissy isn't popular if she is deemed the better player I think she gets their votes.  Desirree might not vote for Chrissy.  The editors walk the fine line of make sure we see the game play of the winners so it makes sense but showing enough of others peoples games to its not too obvious a winners edit.  I think that means Ben and Chrissy, not sure about third. 

Edited by marys1000

The editing has been all over the place, which would make sense if there was a tie.  So who knows.  While Chrissy and Ben seem the most likely, maybe that’s another clever editing ploy to take attention away from someone else.  Some posters at Clubs That Suck mentioned that Devon was the poster boy for selling the Survivor buff this season, and he’s front and center for the finale promo picture.  At this point I wouldn’t be shocked if Mike won.

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6 hours ago, Diana Berry said:

lol that's my dream scenario.  Unfortunately, I feel it will be a Chrissy  or  Ben win.

Chrissy and Ben are mostly equal sparring partners and they've been the main players in the building drama that producers have shown us the last few episodes.  It seems one or both have to go the distrance.   For one of the others, Ryan, Mike, and Devon, to step in and be presented as actually having a shot seems like a case of too little, too late.  

There is a promo of Chrissy with her arm around Ben.  Could be she feels some  heat such that she is forced to work with Ben to stay in the game.  Ryan, Mike, and Devon know they wouldn't have a shot against either of either Ben or Chrissy - but mostly Chrissy and maybe they target her first.  She cozies up to Ben and promises to deliver Ryan.  

To align with Chrissy and Ben wouldn't be smart on Ryan's part, but he seems pretty loyal to Chrissy.

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There was a sneak peek clip on YouTube that showed them back at camp, and Chrissy went to make amends with Ben.  However, she was doing so solely for strategic purposes, because if he won immunity she didn’t want him to target her.  So the friendship bit looks to be an act.  Between that and Chrissy’s not so excellent social game, I wonder if that’s foreshadowing to her downfall.  

6 hours ago, Jextella said:

There is a promo of Chrissy with her arm around Ben. 

There's several promo pics of Chrissy with Ben as well. 

1 hour ago, nutty1 said:

Heard Dr. Mike is out at 5.

I figured that might happen.

I'm thinking Chrissy and Ben realign and Mike goes at 5 because they feel he's the biggest threat/Chrissy wants to keep her options open with Devon. Then Chrissy wins the F4 IC and brings Ryan to FTC and Ben beats Devon in the fire-making challnge. Tie vote between Ben and Chrissy (I need to think about how this happens though lol) with Ryan casting the deciding vote. I initially thought he'd go Chrissy, but now I'm actually leaning more towards him voting Ben.

If it’s Chrissy vs Ben, I think the jury will go:

Cole: Chrissy

JP: Chrissy

Joe: Ben

Lauren: Ben

Ashley: Chrissy

Mike: Ben

Devon and Desi I’m up in the air with.  Desi clearly doesn’t like Chrissy, but did say she’d vote for her if she played the best game.  I do wonder if Ryan gets thrown under the bus during th FTC by Chrissy and if that could factor in his tie breaking vote.

Edited by LadyChatts

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