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S05.E21: Where Are They Now? Joe W. and Pauline

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Joe was once housebound and alone, but is now engaged and planning a wedding. After losing over 300 pounds, Pauline is on the verge of independence if she can qualify for skin surgery.

This is your episode topic which will be open after the show airs on the East Coast. 

Before posting on this week’s episode, why not check out the newly updated Mod Note for the My 600 Lb. Life forum?  It’s like a slice of homemade pie with a big glass of refreshing lemonade!  (Or, if you prefer, a bag of greasy fast food eaten hurriedly in your car).  

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I wonder where was Joe getting his money to live all of that time because he said sometimes he'd live with Sarah and her mother in Iowa and then sometimes he would live in Tennessee with his family.  That had to be expensive to travel back and forth with no job.

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8 minutes ago, MrsClaus said:

I'm all for helping people, but was anyone else put off by Pauline driving around waving bags out the window of the car for the homeless?

It was driving me nuts how she called them "treat bags". Like...treat bags are what you give to six year olds at birthday parties. 

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19 minutes ago, KittyKat94 said:

I wonder where was Joe getting his money to live all of that time because he said sometimes he'd live with Sarah and her mother in Iowa and then sometimes he would live in Tennessee with his family.  That had to be expensive to travel back and forth with no job.

I suspect he was on disability because of his morbid obesity. And food stamps.  And Medicaid.  Since he had worked, he probably made a small, but decent amount. Hopefully my comment is not too political.

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22 minutes ago, MrsClaus said:

I'm all for helping people, but was anyone else put off by Pauline driving around waving bags out the window of the car for the homeless?

Definitely. Especially since she practically nominated herself for sainthood, but couldn't even be bothered to walk to the car. Oooooh, she held her arm out of her car for people. I hope she didn't over exert herself. Her son got more exercise hauling her to the car.

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Snooping around Facebook, it seems Sarah lost a young child in Nov. 2015. He was born with CdLS, some sort of genetic anomaly. Odd thing is, it does not seem to generally be fatal unless it was a severe case. Certainly may help to cast her story in a different light.

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I had to chuckle at the small computer printed sign on the door of Joe and Sarah's rehearsal dinner venue that said, "No firearms allowed..." with a little clip art gun. 

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5 hours ago, fonfereksglen said:

I suspect he was on disability because of his morbid obesity. And food stamps.  And Medicaid.  Since he had worked, he probably made a small, but decent amount. Hopefully my comment is not too political.

I doubt he got much for Food Stamps. My elderly, single aunt draws Disability and Medicare and she receives a whopping $30 a month in Food Stamps. She finally gave it up, said it wasn't worth the paperwork. Food Stamps are based on income brought in and number of people in the household so a single person doesn't get much. 

Joe looks SO feminine. I don't care about that one way or another, but I was finding it distracting tonight. 

How was he paying for trips to Texas and a wedding without a job?

I was hoping they would mention Joe's mother's boyfriend. He is a 21 year-old-Indian still living in India. He saw her on the show and contacted her. Actually, she claims they are married now, so who knows. 

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Right after Joe's original episode aired, he launched a GoFundMe to grift raise money to pay for a "dream wedding" that somehow both of them "deserved." I assume that failed and it appears TLC (or Sarah's mother) kicked in a most minimal amount to at least get something interesting on film.

And frankly, I don't blame Sarah's mother for ragging on her. She's got those two lazy slobs living in her house and their wedding to pay for. And Joe needs to shut his hole about "providing for his family." He had HOW LONG to find a job in the ensuing year after his weight loss?  He reminded me of every Judge Judy litigant who fails to pay for car insurance, has an accident, then sues and says they were "fixing to get" the car insurance the very day of the accident. 

I loved his "but we HAVE to have cake at our wedding" and "we HAVE to have snacks." Um. No you don't. There is no law on the books that says you have to have cake and snacks at your wedding. And even if you feel obligated, lest the long arm of the imaginary wedding law is coming for you, then have an angel food cake with some strawberries on the side and put out a bowl of hard pretzels on the tables or something. The only things I ever want at someone's wedding are the free booze and a decent DJ. 

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Three years later and neither Pauline nor Joe W met their goals meanwhile Joe's bride and Pauline's son both got fatter ? and Joe's Mother has gained so much weight she now is full time in a wheelchair !...All around unhealthy people ...

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Sarah's mother sure sounds like a big ol meanie, letting her daughter, daughter's internet fiance, and granddaughter move in with her. And probably providing much more financial assistance than that. How dare she have an opinion about the wedding she was probably paying for? How dare she care? Oh, in Joe's words, that's "asinine". And then something about taking all their wedding money and finding their own place? I assume he meant wedding gift money. Knowing about Joe's GoFundMe and how Sarah has attempted to become the Queen Bee of one of the M600PL groups on FB made me dislike them both intensely. Also I don't think "asinine" means what he thinks it means, and he said it like 9 times about Sarah's mother. 

Neither Joe nor Pauline made much progress since the last time we saw them, and there wasn't a lot to talk about with their weight loss, and we got 2 hours of them faffing about doing essentially nothing. Zzzzzzzzzz

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7 hours ago, magemaud said:

I had to chuckle at the small computer printed sign on the door of Joe and Sarah's rehearsal dinner venue that said, "No firearms allowed..." with a little clip art gun. 

I did the same thing, lol! Rough area?!

What dahling said!

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I'm not convinced Joe is actually a biological woman, but I know that these morbidly obese men tend to have a tremendous amount of estrogen and a low amount of testosterone (basically the opposite of many morbidly obese women, who may have PCOS). I definitely found myself searching for signs of masculinity (like a brow ridge) and coming up empty. 

Joe did not NEED to try the wedding cakes. He could have let Sarah pick the damn cake herself. Hell, I never tasted any cakes for my wedding - I got married at Disney World (not one of those princess-y affairs, don't worry), so I just picked from a list of 5 options, easy peasy. Highly recommended if you hate arduous decision-making for a one-day event. So yeah, I hate the "I have to pick cakes and food for the wedding" excuse. No, you don't. Delegate.

Also, I wanted to teach Joe how to lift weights properly. Those "chest flies" (BIG AIR QUOTES) were horrible and back-wrenching and used more biceps than anything else. Grim.

The less said about Pauline, the better.

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This is so unlike me, but when we got to the second half of the show, I started giggling and just couldn't stop. Everything was just so absurd. Whatever showed up on the screen, I kept thinking, "How are they paying for that?" Sarah's mom is probably only letting them stay in the house because she is worried about her eight-year-old granddaughter and wants the child to have some stability in her life. I'd love to know how the wedding dress, tux rental, and reception were paid for. Then we have the scene of Joe and Sarah walking through the park and coming up with a game plan for when to have the surgery. Hello, do you think maybe Sarah's mom might have something to say about this? Do you think she likes having three people in the house, two of whom are unemployed adults? Joe worked some sort of IT job from home previously; why couldn't he do that now?

The "Texas Tooth Lady" shirts made me positively snort. Again, how did they pay for the dental work? Were they comped because Texas Tooth Lady could wear her shirt on the show? Later, the "treat bag" nonsense from Pauline was just ridiculous. And who paid for the "treats"? Were they in the shopping cart that Dylan "found"?

More giggles came when Joe went to see Dr. Now shortly after the wedding. Dr. Now said that it was important to maintain the weight loss even when it is tough because "now you have responsibilities". What are you smoking, Dr. Now? What responsibilities does Joe have now besides having sex on a regular basis? The only extra work was filing that marriage certificate away.

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56 minutes ago, ClareWalks said:

Also, I wanted to teach Joe how to lift weights properly. Those "chest flies" (BIG AIR QUOTES) were horrible and back-wrenching and used more biceps than anything else. Grim.

OMG, right?! His form was HORRIBLE. It's like he was taking all his aggravation out on the weights. Also, note to Joe: you have to use the machines properly for them to work. Furiously pressing the weights around is only going to lead to injury. Idiot. 


58 minutes ago, ClareWalks said:

Joe did not NEED to try the wedding cakes. He could have let Sarah pick the damn cake herself.

In fairness, she didn't need to be eating any damn cake either. I don't understand the phenomena of tasting a cake anyway. Unless you're stuffing that whole thing down your throat, you're only eating a small slice of it so who cares if it's "not perfect." And for all the wedding cakes I've eaten in my lifetime, it's the absolute truth when I say I can't remember what a single one of them tasted like -- good or bad.

I recall Sarah being a bitch to a bunch of women commenters on Joe's FB page who had the audacity to simply leave words of encouragement for him. She immediately thought they wanted to sleep with him. Um, no dear, that punishment is all for you.

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2 minutes ago, Giant Misfit said:

And for all the wedding cakes I've eaten in my lifetime, it's the absolute truth when I say I can't remember what a single one of them tasted like -- good or bad.

So true. In fact, I have never had a *good* wedding cake. It's all been kind of dry and flavorless. Best wedding cake ever was when my cousin got married and she made her own cakes - a bunch of cheesecakes in different flavors. Amazing.

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12 minutes ago, ClareWalks said:

So true. In fact, I have never had a *good* wedding cake. It's all been kind of dry and flavorless. Best wedding cake ever was when my cousin got married and she made her own cakes - a bunch of cheesecakes in different flavors. Amazing.

We had two different flavors of cake at our daughter's wedding - selected at a cake tasting.  Several people came up to us during the reception and said, "We've never tasted a wedding cake that was SO GOOD."  If you want the rest of an event to be memorable, why not the cake?

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I found this episode to be very distracting. Joe looks so much like my high school American History teacher, I kept saying, "When did Miss Ramsey put on so much weight?"

I did not know that morbidly obese people are incapable of brushing their teeth. Huh. The more you know ...

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When I saw Joe's initial episode I remembered going away with rather positive feelings about him. He did lose a considerable amount of weight and, although I am not a total fan of finding one's soul mate on the internet, I was genuinely happy that he had found love. I even admired how he said at his highest weight was that he refused to have anyone bathe him, unlike so many subjects on this show. I was also glad to see that he had a loving, supportive mother who he seemed to adore.

Until last night.

Both he and his girlfriend/fiance/wife Sarah seemed to live in the delusional land of entitlement. I totally get that many couples desire a dream wedding, but people in their thirties (or were they older), especially with a child to support, should entertain the concept of delayed gratification. Since, from what I've read here, their GoFundMe campaigns went bust, they had to have spent money on the wedding that could have been put to better use, like getting their own place to live. As many here have speculated, they probably hit up Sarah's mom for a huge chunk of the wedding expenses. Very interesting that she apparently did NOT want to appear on camera for this shit show.

When you live under someone else's roof on their dime, you need to be real humble and neither one of them seemed capable of that.

Of course the worst was Joe's treatment of his mother when she said she needed help getting to the wedding. Someone on the Live Chat said that Joe didn't seem able to pick up on social cues, that his mother was hoping for him to offer to help her make the trip. His nonchalant, "Well, I hope you can make it" was beyond creepy. My thinking is that he really did understand what she was implying and that this was some kind of weird, cruel passive-aggressive shit on his part. Maybe he disapproves of her boyfriend? No explanation about how she made it to the wedding, but the way he spoke to her indicated that he had nothing to do with it.

I don't have a Facebook account but I would love to be a fly on their Facebook Wall and read the reactions of those who got to see the "real" Joe.

And don't feel neglected Pauline 'cause I got a boatload of shit to say about you later.

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37 minutes ago, ClareWalks said:

So true. In fact, I have never had a *good* wedding cake. It's all been kind of dry and flavorless. Best wedding cake ever was when my cousin got married and she made her own cakes - a bunch of cheesecakes in different flavors. Amazing.

I didn't do a tasting for my wedding cake either. I just told them what I wanted -- cheesecake with raspberry filling. Best.wedding.cake.ever!

I wasn't able to watch the entire episode last night (so I missed the wedding). I'm glad I wasn't the only one who thought Joe was effeminate and that Sarah looked pregnant at the rehearsal dinner. I don't understand why Sarah was so upset at her mother. The producers did a bad job of explaining that. It was most likely nothing major and J/S blew it out of proportion.

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42 minutes ago, AZChristian said:

We had two different flavors of cake at our daughter's wedding - selected at a cake tasting.  Several people came up to us during the reception and said, "We've never tasted a wedding cake that was SO GOOD."  If you want the rest of an event to be memorable, why not the cake?

Amen to that AZChristian, most definitely I would be tasting the cake and  whatever food is going to be served! And, unlike what Twitney said at the gorging "tasting" for her parents' party, I actually do like cake, LOL!

Edited to add that having those multiple flavors of homemade cheesecakes sounds scrumptious ClareWalks. What a wonderful idea. 

Edited by DC Gal in VA
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3 minutes ago, mmecorday said:

I found this episode to be very distracting. Joe looks so much like my high school American History teacher, I kept saying, "When did Miss Ramsey put on so much weight?"

I did not know that morbidly obese people are incapable of brushing their teeth. Huh. The more you know ...

Btw- I love your icon.."the new Jan Brady"

And, Lol!! If they can't get out of bed to use the bathroom, teeth brushing takes a back seat too. I work with bed bound people, we can take them a bowl and tooth brush and have them get to brushin' it's gross but it can be done

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Joe ha a round baby face and his hair tends to fall forward, looking like bangs.  He looked more traditionally masculine near the end when his face thinned out more and he started showing his age.  There were times when he looked really worn.  He also has the voice of someone with swollen or irritated adenoids.   And he is soft spoken.  Quite frankly, I know many men that have his type of face and voice so I didn't fall into the "He's a girl!" camp.  He's a baby-faced man who made a feminizing-appearance hair choice. 

As far as finances go, this show really annoys me.  They enjoy playing up the whole not working angle, even if people are working.  Sarah is employed.  She works at Target.  Joe had been working in IT.  In earlier seasons they didn't talk about some people's work because it was considered unseemly.  Now it has become a bit of a standard to let everyone assume that no one in the family works because it is not said if they do.  Joe needed to find local work after he moved.  The job he got was at the low end of IT, but he landed something.  Given how he does stand out as having physical issues, he would have a much harder time finding work than most people.  That is the unfortunate nature of job hunting.

Pauline's teeth were frightening.  Dang.  There is a strong chance the Texas Tooth Lady gave away free services to be featured on the show.  We'll see how those caps hold up.  The big question is, now that Pauline can get to the bathroom, will she brush her teeth or is that not on her goals list?  See dolphins, travel, put on pants by self, learn to brush teeth.  I would like to have her add get Dillon a decent hair cut.  He has enough challenges being her son.  No need to announce them all up front.

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I think Joe has done a great job of losing the weight, however, something was "off" about the whole wedding scenario, either he and Sarah weren't comfortable in front of the cameras, or production has to stage EVERYTHING in order to get a storyline. All of the hand holding and kissy face just seemed odd, like they were putting on a show, or again, staging for the cameras. I think Joe is even going through the motions because this is what he thinks he wants, marriage, family, insta-fatherhood.

Pauline, ugh. Just, ugh. I feel so very bad for Dillon. Pauline gets new teeth and talks endlessly about how she's "down" and needs to feel positive about herself. What!!!! What about your son, who's dragging you everywhere and pushing your wheelchair? No new teeth for him, at the very least? Awful human being, overweight or not.

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7 minutes ago, cpcathy said:

I think Joe has done a great job of losing the weight, however, something was "off" about the whole wedding scenario, either he and Sarah weren't comfortable in front of the cameras, or production has to stage EVERYTHING in order to get a storyline. All of the hand holding and kissy face just seemed odd, like they were putting on a show, or again, staging for the cameras. I think Joe is even going through the motions because this is what he thinks he wants, marriage, family, insta-fatherhood.

Pauline, ugh. Just, ugh. I feel so very bad for Dillon. Pauline gets new teeth and talks endlessly about how she's "down" and needs to feel positive about herself. What!!!! What about your son, who's dragging you everywhere and pushing your wheelchair? No new teeth for him, at the very least? Awful human being, overweight or not.

Dillon has got to be 25 at least, no?  So he's a big boy and can make some adult choices. People aren't going to pity him when he's 35, 40, pushing his mother around - jobless and purposeless. His mother is much more capable of taking care of herself and she can figure it out if she needs extra help.  He needs to pack a bag and leave. 

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7 hours ago, mamadrama said:

I was hoping they would mention Joe's mother's boyfriend. He is a 21 year-old-Indian still living in India. He saw her on the show and contacted her. Actually, she claims they are married now, so who knows. 

Say what now?! If I know TLC the way I think I know TLC she'll have her own show about this...or they'll be on the next season of 90 Day Fiancé.

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7 minutes ago, Negritude said:

Say what now?! If I know TLC the way I think I know TLC she'll have her own show about this...or they'll be on the next season of 90 Day Fiancé.

Pitiful.  Pathetic.  Sad.  Gross.  Desperate. Ridiculous. Delusional.  

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Joe, Joe, Joe. You don't need a cake, a rehearsal where your cantankerous soon to be in-laws give their two cents (literally and figuratively), flowers, or any of the other trappings you've seen on Four Weddings to get married.

Have a quiet ceremony in keeping with your dire economic circumstances. Sure, it doesn't offer the bells and whistles that you and your Bride think you deserve on the Big Day when all the cliches (I'm marrying my Best Friend/Soul Mate, who will look like a Princess, and we will live Happily Ever After because our Journey Together has been tough, and gosh darn it, we Deserve It!) surface. Keeping it simple and dignified (and affordable) will still get you married, and isn't that really more important than a tiered white cake with lemon filling? It will also give you more time and energy to find that all-important job you say you desperately need to support yourself and your new family . . . and P.S. Joe, that job search is even more important than the wedding.

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7 hours ago, mamadrama said:

I was hoping they would mention Joe's mother's boyfriend. He is a 21 year-old-Indian still living in India. 

Sounds totally legit.  

Years ago, my friend and I lived in different, pretty run-down neighborhoods. We'd laugh constantly about the number of stray shopping carts we'd randomly find around and someone would always be moving them around to different spots -- I guess neighbors dragging the thing to someone else's yard and the cycle continuing. So, when Pauline's son had the "good fortune" to find a random shopping cart for her to -- do something with - it gave me a giggle fit. 

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30 minutes ago, ThinkerBell said:

Joe, Joe, Joe. You don't need a cake, a rehearsal where your cantankerous soon to be in-laws give their two cents (literally and figuratively), flowers, or any of the other trappings you've seen on Four Weddings to get married.

Have a quiet ceremony in keeping with your dire economic circumstances. Sure, it doesn't offer the bells and whistles that you and your Bride think you deserve on the Big Day when all the cliches (I'm marrying my Best Friend/Soul Mate, who will look like a Princess, and we will live Happily Ever After because our Journey Together has been tough, and gosh darn it, we Deserve It!) surface. Keeping it simple and dignified (and affordable) will still get you married, and isn't that really more important than a tiered white cake with lemon filling? It will also give you more time and energy to find that all-important job you say you desperately need to support yourself and your new family . . . and P.S. Joe, that job search is even more important than the wedding.

As a wedding officiant myself for the past 10 years, I can vouch for the inexpensive dignified ceremonies in the local town hall/ court house or in a backyard or living room. Cost? In Connecticut, state licensing and officiant fees would amount to about $150.  With "extras" - like a professional photographer, flowers, new non-wedding dress, rented tux - maybe $500-$650.   Anyway - definitely they could have gotten married for less than $1000.  

Edited by Carrie
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I don't agree that Pauline is the one who should be seeing a therapist!!   The son is the one who needs help.  He is like a lapdog. Wherever she needs to go, he is there.  He doesn't seem to want a life outside of eating.  The only thing you see him do is play with his phone. Pauline is in her fifties, she made these bad choices but her son has been swallowed up by those choices.  As for Joe thinking he is so in love with the first woman he's ever said hello to. That is sad!  Two grown people planning a big wedding only to live with MAMA. Job first than wedding.

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2 minutes ago, joh said:

I don't agree that Pauline is the one who should be seeing a therapist!!   The son is the one who needs help.  He is like a lapdog. Wherever she needs to go, he is there.  He doesn't seem to want a life outside of eating.  The only thing you see him do is play with his phone. Pauline is in her fifties, she made these bad choices but her son has been swallowed up by those choices.  As for Joe thinking he is so in love with the first woman he's ever said hello to. That is sad!  Two grown people planning a big wedding only to live with MAMA. Job first than wedding.

Could not agree more. Good insights.

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13 hours ago, Pretty5Vacant said:

Holy damn Joe looks more lady like than from the last update. I think he could wear a wedding dress just as well as Sarah could


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52 minutes ago, Carrie said:

As a wedding officiant myself for the past 10 years, I can vouch for the inexpensive dignified ceremonies in the local town hall/ court house or in a backyard or living room. Cost? In Connecticut, state licensing and officiant fees would amount to about $150.  With "extras" - like a professional photographer, flowers, new non-wedding dress, rented tux - maybe $500-$650.   Anyway - definitely they could have gotten married for less than $1000.  

ITA completely Carrie. One of the loveliest and thriftiest weddings I ever attended was held in the backyard of either one of the couple's relatives or friends; it's been awhile so can't exactly remember who hosted. Anyway, their backyard area was more like a glen and it was a beautiful Spring day. There was even a butterfly that hovered over the couple right on cue!

The food, as I recall, was homemade potluck. And yes, there was a very nice but modest cake. That's really all one needs if money it tight.

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I can't believe how much weight Dillon gained over the 2 years; he's definitely a candidate for Dr. Now's scapel. And he's learned to eat like his mom, i.e., constantly. A telling moment: just a few minutes before Pauline finishes cooking & calls out, "dinner's ready" & he lumbers to the TV-table they share, he's been munching on a sandwich.

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1 hour ago, ThinkerBell said:

Joe, Joe, Joe. You don't need a cake, a rehearsal where your cantankerous soon to be in-laws give their two cents (literally and figuratively), flowers, or any of the other trappings you've seen on Four Weddings to get married.

One of my pet peeves on many shows.  I've seen couples tell Mike Holmes that if they paid for an inspector, or roof replacement, they'd have to delay getting married.  They all equate a marriage with a wedding.
And I loved the dentist scene.  I suppose Pauline must have been in earlier to have that made, though can't figure why they didn't say so.
It made me think of a commercial I saw for Perfect Smile, http://tinyurl.com/mzrxyha .

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I haven't seen this yet, but regarding them feeling like they had to do a wedding cake testing, I can totally understand wanting a nice, delicious cake, but for someone with an eating disorder that would probably be similar to a recovering alcoholic sampling the booze.

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16 minutes ago, fonfereksglen said:

Who is/are the brave soul/s who are willing to watch the pop up version tonight? 

Me fonfereksglen *** jumping up and down with snarky glee ***!

Too bad we can't have a Live Chat on that one, but we can still do our blow-by-blows in real time on this thread. The idea that those pop-ups could give us even more crazy shit to ponder about these two is making me positively drool!

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53 minutes ago, fonfereksglen said:

Who is/are the brave soul/s who are willing to watch the pop up version tonight? 

I might take a gander since I missed many of the scenes being discussed - I.e., wedding ceremony, dentist visit, gift bags.

Edited by Carrie
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8 hours ago, dahling said:

Sarah's mother sure sounds like a big ol meanie, letting her daughter, daughter's internet fiance, and granddaughter move in with her. And probably providing much more financial assistance than that. How dare she have an opinion about the wedding she was probably paying for? How dare she care? Oh, in Joe's words, that's "asinine". And then something about taking all their wedding money and finding their own place? I assume he meant wedding gift money. Knowing about Joe's GoFundMe and how Sarah has attempted to become the Queen Bee of one of the M600PL groups on FB made me dislike them both intensely. Also I don't think "asinine" means what he thinks it means, and he said it like 9 times about Sarah's mother. 


I actually thought Sarah came across as pretty normal on the first show. Then I got to know her on social media. Yeeks! I especially like it when she rips elderly grandmothers' heads off for complimenting Joe, accusing them of trying to take her man. 

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5 hours ago, Negritude said:

Say what now?! If I know TLC the way I think I know TLC she'll have her own show about this...or they'll be on the next season of 90 Day Fiancé.

The social media posts are, uh, interesting. They are public posts, with both Joe and his mother posting in the 600 POUND LIFE discussion groups. The boyfriend/husband is constantly posting pictures of Joe's mother and talking about how she is the most "beautiful woman in the world." It's all rather fascinating. 

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