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Season 19 Live Feed Discussion

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A) The cereal joke becomes less funny when they become aware of it.

B) Fuck off, Matt. I'm making it a point not to wear green for Gastroparesis at all this month.

Edited by Callaphera
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Is it too early to declare this the worst season of Big Brother ever?  It's hard to say for sure with so much game left to play in theory, but I'm fairly confident in declaring this the worst season of all time.  No one is thinking for themselves!  No one is playing the game!  No one has even considered going against "the house".  Hell, we haven't even really had alliances... we've just had a big group of assholes who bully one or two outsiders at a time.  I can't believe Production hasn't thrown a Coup d'Etat in or something to at least TRY and make this interesting.  This isn't enjoyable at all.

Edited by me5671
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Just now, Lady Calypso said:

....fuck, we're getting Derrick tomorrow for something.

Oh, for fuck's sake.

Just now, Lady Calypso said:

And...a new temptation twist? What the fuck? Unless it's specifically for Mark I just don't care.


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11 minutes ago, Michichick said:

Derrick tomorrow? Oh hell no.

Will Cody unlock his lips off of Derrick long enough to let him travel?

As in S16 Cody. lol

Edited by urusai
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Well happy and sad for Mark. Happy because he stayed, sad because the pile-on of him is so ugly. OTOH Mark seems to be one of those people who looks soft on the outside but has a pretty strong core in that no matter the bullshit that's thrown at him, he doesn't compromise his values or join in the groupthink. So I think he will be okay just because he has held up very well so far with all the bullying.

And just in case you forgot what a hideous person Alex is, here she is screaming at Cody while he's just reading the Bible:

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8 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

A) The cereal joke becomes less funny when they become aware of it.

B) Fuck off, Matt. I'm making it a point not to wear green for Gastroparesis at all this month.

I only own one piece of green clothing and I promised myself I will not wear it until September. 

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Just now, Brian Cronin said:

There's no way this is worse than BB8 or BB9. BB15 it is in spitting distance of. 

I like to pretend like BB9 never happened. Unless it's TMZ stories of Adam getting arrested for drug trafficking and tax evasion. 

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6 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Paul, seemingly to the room at large: "Congratulations on surviving double eviction, friend."

Oh yeah. You were really sweating throughout the whole show, weren't you? Asshole.

I don't know about Paul but I was !! I need to change my shirt now. So pissed there are no feeds. 

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6 minutes ago, Michichick said:

Will Matt get a clue that he's low on the pole? Maybe he and Raven can try to flip something with Mark.

hahahahahahahaha! I couldn't even type that with a straight face.

Bwahahahaha I couldn't even read that with a straight face. 

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1 minute ago, Cutty said:

I'm sure you guys have mentioned it but what total bullshit having a knockout comp. Of all the fucking comps you could use right now. Still can't believe that.

We're just lucky that Matt/Raven/Josh, possibly the most useless and the stupidest ones, got picked for veto, so at least Mark could foil their plans a little bit. Paul wanted Mark gone before Elena, so....foreshadowing to his downfall?

I know it's not, but it's probably the closest Paul loss we've gotten yet. 

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2 minutes ago, Cutty said:

I'm sure you guys have mentioned it but what total bullshit having a knockout comp. Of all the fucking comps you could use right now. Still can't believe that.

What galls me more about it is that I don't think they even gave it much thought. Like, I don't think they were WILLFULLY trying to fuck Mark and Elena over, but I also don't think they cared enough to change it. It was just already on the docket, so that's what they went with. 

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I so wanted Mark to win HOH. He just didn't push hard enough. Darn! I'm glad he won Veto and maybe he can extend his stay a little longer. I want Josh out of the house. I can't stand his clapping & voice & boo. He's got to go. It won't happen but I can dream, can't I? 

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Just now, Lady Calypso said:

I know it's not, but it's probably the closest Paul loss we've gotten yet. 

Target #2 going before Target #1 is Paul's biggest loss yet. That is hilariously sad (and I do agree with you that this is the biggest loss he's had yet). 

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4 minutes ago, Cutty said:

I'm sure you guys have mentioned it but what total bullshit having a knockout comp. Of all the fucking comps you could use right now. Still can't believe that.

It wasn't so much the comp that I couldn't believe.

It was Jason's pettiness when Mark went to go to the same lane he had used every single time before and Jason snatched up the disc with a "bitch, please" look on his face. That was, of course, the round that Mark went out on. 

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2 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

It wasn't so much the comp that I couldn't believe.

It was Jason's pettiness when Mark went to go to the same lane he had used every single time before and Jason snatched up the disc with a "bitch, please" look on his face. That was, of course, the round that Mark went out on. 

And Josh was such an ass to him. I'm so glad he has to live with Mark in the house, even though Mark won't retaliate as much as he should.

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5 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

We're just lucky that Matt/Raven/Josh, possibly the most useless and the stupidest ones, got picked for veto, so at least Mark could foil their plans a little bit. Paul wanted Mark gone before Elena, so....foreshadowing to his downfall?


Yeah, that was a great veto draw for Mark. Mensa member Raven didn't even solve one puzzle.

Was Josh butthurt because Mark put him up against Christmas in the knockout? Was he really surprised at that? He's such a child.

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Im just so happy Elena screwed nasty Alex out of five grand. I loved Cody with Julie, walking out, not saying a word..love love love


I cheered loudly for Mark to win POV< and he did!!


I guess thats its though. I'll record the show until Mark leaves, but this lot put me to sleep. Cereal boy as the pawn( yawn) seriously?

Edited by Hello Lady
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3 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

Actually, it's very possible that Paul wanted Elena to last past this week even, so maybe it's a bigger loss than I was initially giving it credit for.

I actually think he did want her to stay longer. Wasn't he going over the targets yesterday or the day before and Elena was after Mark, Matt, and Kevin, I think.

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2 minutes ago, Auntie Velvet said:

And Josh was such an ass to him. I'm so glad he has to live with Mark in the house, even though Mark won't retaliate as much as he should.

It's hilarious that, after the HOH comp, when they walked inside, Josh walked in behind Mark, shouting "BYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" like a complete moron. Looks like the joke's on him, because Mark's still here! Even if it's for one more week, he still has a chance to get Josh out before him. 

Mark needs to win tonight's HOH in order for anything interesting to happen. I need Josh to be back up on the block next to Alex or Paul. One of those three need to go, but if Christmas ends up going, that's no real loss for me.

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5 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

Actually, it's very possible that Paul wanted Elena to last past this week even, so maybe it's a bigger loss than I was initially giving it credit for.

I think he did. 

Earlier this week, he was talking with Alex, Josh, and Jason in the HoH room and he kept floating the idea of taking out Mark and then taking out Matt, leaving both Elena and Raven floating with no one attached to them. And it would've been the better plan than going Mark > Elena > Matt > Raven. 

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22 minutes ago, Michichick said:

Will Matt get a clue that he's low on the pole?

He doesn't care anyway. He'll probably volunteer to go up if Mark wins HOH just so his master doesn't have to be nommed.

21 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

There's no way this is worse than BB8 or BB9. BB15 it is in spitting distance of. 

I think all 3 of those seasons were better than this. People were at least playing the fucking game! I do still think this season beats BB16 though because at least there's been some fights to make the feeds at least somewhat interesting. BB16 had literally nothing.

LMAO at Derrick being the draw for the Friday ep. No thanks!

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2 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:


Mark needs to win tonight's HOH in order for anything interesting to happen. I need Josh to be back up on the block next to Alex or Paul. One of those three need to go, but if Christmas ends up going, that's no real loss for me.

Not necessarily. He needs to win HoH OR PoV. Either one would work.

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Just now, peachmangosteen said:

LMAO at Derrick being the draw for the Friday ep. No thanks!

He's also the reason for the feed outage, because we wouldn't want to spoil Derrick's Very Special Return to the BB house.

Fuck you, Derrick.

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Just now, Brian Cronin said:

Not necessarily. He needs to win HoH OR PoV. Either one would work.

I mean, him winning POV is good too, but it'll most likely be him and Matt or him and Kevin up on the block, both options which Paul is not opposed to. I need Paul to not get what he wants, which is a minion leaving. 

I'm rooting for ultimate chaos. We better get to vote on who gets the temptation again because I have no doubt it'll go to Mark for everything that he's been through, as well for ultimate chaos. 

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1 minute ago, Brian Cronin said:

Not necessarily. He needs to win HoH OR PoV. Either one would work.

It might actually be more interesting if he wins veto instead of HOH.

Just now, Callaphera said:

He's also the reason for the feed outage, because we wouldn't want to spoil Derrick's Very Special Return to the BB house.

Fuck you, Derrick.

Fucking Derrick fucking up my life one more fucking time!

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Mark winning veto would be the best case scenario for the week because it would reveal where the cracks are. 

But I'm 100% sure Paul would convince these idiots to vote Kevin out and they would fall in line like the sheep they are.

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2 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

I mean, him winning POV is good too, but it'll most likely be him and Matt or him and Kevin up on the block, both options which Paul is not opposed to. I need Paul to not get what he wants, which is a minion leaving. 

Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if Mark won HOH and then just nommed Kevin and Matt anyway. Sadly, as much as I wanna root for Mark, he's super spineless.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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Already removing Friday's episode from the DVR. I don't even mind Derrick in and of himself (I don't LIKE him, either, but I don't have any strong dislike of him), but I hate how they treat him. Like he's a freaking genius when he had the game handed to him like few others have ever had the game handed to them. I think Derrick would have done well in a normal BB season, but his season was a joke, so I can't stand how much plaudit the show gives him (and you can tell he looooooooooooooooves it). 

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1 minute ago, peachmangosteen said:

Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if Mark won HOH and then just nommed Kevin and Matt anyway. Sadly, as much as I wanna root for him, he's super spineless.

He said he'd put up Paul and Josh..I find them all petty spineless

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1 minute ago, Cutty said:

Mark winning veto would be the best case scenario for the week because it would reveal where the cracks are. 

But I'm 100% sure Paul would convince these idiots to vote Kevin out and they would fall in line like the sheep they are.

Paul's already set Kevin up as the next target. Jason/Alex/Josh/Christmas already have shit talked the poor guy and even though Jason seems reluctant, they'd all vote Kevin out anyway. 

Mark winning veto wouldn't expose very much, personally.

2 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if Mark won HOH and then just nommed Kevin and Matt anyway. Sadly, as much as I wanna root for him, he's super spineless.

Perhaps, but he's the only one who might put up surprising people like Josh/Paul. Right now, the expected noms are Mark/Matt/Kevin. I know Mark might just nom Matt/Raven, which would be pretty easy, but the poor guy has nothing to lose. He knows he's the next biggest target. I have hope. 

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Just now, peachmangosteen said:

Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if Mark won HOH and then just nommed Kevin and Matt anyway. Sadly, as much as I wanna root for Mark, he's super spineless.

I bet he tries to align with Matt and Raven, unfortunately. He would always say they need to do that to Elena and she would say no. He doesn't have many options at this point though.

I bet he would nom Josh/Christmas even though he said the other day that would be a waste.

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Just now, Hello Lady said:

He said he'd put up Paul and Josh..I find them all petty spineless

He's said a lot of things. He's said he'd do that, he's said he'd do Paul/Alex, he's said he'd do Alex/someone else. I just think ultimately he would cave and do the thing 'the house' (i.e. Paul) wants tbh. Because yes, every single one of them is spineless as hell.

I do take solace in the fact that everyone, including BB alum, hates this season. I can't wait for this cast to see how disliked that are. Especially for Paul to see how much the alum are over him.

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1 minute ago, peachmangosteen said:

He's said a lot of things. He's said he'd do that, he's said he'd do Paul/Alex, he's said he'd do Alex/someone else. I just think ultimately he would cave and do the thing 'the house' (i.e. Paul) wants tbh. Because yes, every single one of them is spineless as hell.

He didn't even have the balls to put Paul up in the knockout. I don't have high hopes.

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