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Season 19 Live Feed Discussion

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Come on Mark, buck up.  Stop feeling defeated.  Go talk to Cody, he is your only friend other than Elena.   The three of you get some starch and give it a good try.  Kevin may be an ally, observe.  He is on the outs.  Get out of your funk and fight to win!  

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2 hours ago, Michichick said:

Yes, of course avocados have been around forever, but avocado toast was a recent hipster trend. I'm sure if we googled it we would find a lot of recipes and such.

The California Avocado Association put out an article in 1915 about Avocado toast. I saw an article about it last week.

But yeah trend of the day right now.

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7 minutes ago, Growsonwalls said:

Xmas is now doing that incredibly annoying thing she does of trying to get Paul's affirmation and praise for being such a badass bitch by lingering in the kitchen and reliving the convo.

Christmas, badass bitches don't need affirmation and would have Paul wrapped around their little finger.  Just sayin.  

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Cody did convey to Kevin that he thought Jess had a lot of support on the outside.  Kevin asked if there was anyone in disfavor.  Cody said probably anyone who gave Jess trouble (paraphrasing).  It Kevin puts that together he may get an inkling that Paul is not liked.  

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Just now, wings707 said:

Cody did convey to Kevin that he thought Jess had a lot of support on the outside.  Kevin asked if there was anyone in disfavor.  Cody said probably anyone who gave Jess trouble (paraphrasing).  It Kevin puts that together he may get an inkling that Paul is not liked.  

It doesn't matter. The writing is on the wall at this point. Kevin's going to be one of the next targets, if not the next target.

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1 hour ago, wings707 said:

Mark just said (whisper) go fuck yourself to Christmas.   LOL.  She didn;t hear it. 


36 minutes ago, zorak said:

She asked him why he voted to keep her in the game.  He told her it was a huge mistake and he wouldn't have if he had known then what kind of person she really is.  Ha!


34 minutes ago, zorak said:

Christmas:  "I don't have to re-explain it."

Mark:  "Well you never explained it in the first place."

Oh, Mark really trying to give me someone to actually root for!

1 minute ago, Callaphera said:

It doesn't matter. The writing is on the wall at this point. Kevin's going to be one of the next targets, if not the next target.


1 minute ago, Sandycat said:

Now will Christmas go off on Kevin for talking to Cody?

I hope. That would be fun.

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The irony of all this, while Xmas is yelling at Mark and or throwing accusations at him, she is  outright lying to his face. And with such indignation.  She lost me with this aggressive behavior. Only thing I don't like is it made Paul less of a target. Good job Xmas giving Paul another advantage.

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I mean, let's be real about the whole Kevin situation.

He talks to people without Paul's express permission. He makes deals without Paul's express permission. He talks to Cody, who no one is allowed to talk to. He wants to buck the trend occasionally and talk about "What if we put this person up/voted this way". 

Paul used him for a hinky vote. Kevin's usefulness is over and done with. Why expend so much energy trying to control someone like Kevin when you can just take him out quietly in the next two or so weeks?

He definitely has a target on his back in Paul's eyes. It's just a matter of how long before he decides the trigger needs to be pulled.

ETA: DE. I bet Kevin goes in the DE.

Edited by Callaphera
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Christmas trying to come in to have a calmer conversation. Mark telling her that he needs more time to calm down.

I do have to remind myself that Christmas is probably having serious mood swings because of her foot and her meds, because she usually does calm down and get her head back on her body after a temper tantrum like this. Again, why I keep holding on to that small love for Christmas that seems so so small nowadays. 

I feel like someone needs to knock some sense into me and tell me that Christmas is not that good to come to express regret about the condescending fight. Or to remind me that she may be truly regretful and wanting to be an adult.

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Jason: "Why don't I just take caffeine pills?"


That's why.

ETA: Sorry, guys. I'm an unabashed Saved by the Bell mega fan. It's the second thing the husband and I bonded over when we met. 

Edited by Callaphera
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7 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Christmas trying to come in to have a calmer conversation. Mark telling her that he needs more time to calm down.

I do have to remind myself that Christmas is probably having serious mood swings because of her foot and her meds, because she usually does calm down and get her head back on her body after a temper tantrum like this. Again, why I keep holding on to that small love for Christmas that seems so so small nowadays. 

I feel like someone needs to knock some sense into me and tell me that Christmas is not that good to come to express regret about the condescending fight. Or to remind me that she may be truly regretful and wanting to be an adult.

Christmas is terrible. Don't get fooled into thinking she's redeemable.

Now, if she ends up taking out Paul then I will grant that she had one nice moment.

Edited by Michichick
I keep typing a comma when I want a full stop and it's ticking me off.
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Mark, Kevin, and Alex are in the APSR.  Alex didn't know she had missed an argument.  Mark said he would tell her about it one on one later.  He better do it before Christmas gets to her.  Not that it'll make a difference.  I'm sure she'll take Christmas's side.

Now Matt is trying to tell Raven what happened even though he wasn't there.

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What the fuck is with Raven and Matt just wandering up to the HoH room and going in to chat and watch the TV screen like they own the place?

And what a surprise, Raven is stuffing her face. Guess that upset tummy feeling passed quickly. It's almost like it never existed in the first place!

Edited by Callaphera
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1 minute ago, Callaphera said:

What the fuck is with Raven and Matt just wandering up to the HoH room and going in to chat and watch the TV screen like they own the place?

Raven needs to be given the comfort and privacy of the HoH room because she's dying. You wouldn't want her to die in those downstairs bedrooms right?

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Raven tells Matt he should've woken her up for all this.

She says this whole blow up is good for her and Matt.

Matt says if Mark or Christmas win HOH next week, they're good. 

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2 minutes ago, Growsonwalls said:

Raven needs to be given the comfort and privacy of the HoH room because she's dying. You wouldn't want her to die in those downstairs bedrooms right?

Oh, shit. Raven's dying?! Why didn't anyone tell me?

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22 hours ago, PoshSprinkles said:

I don't think we've ever had a more jealous and insecure group of women than this season. It's so pathetic. 

It really makes me miss the ladies of BB OTT!  I would love to see Shelby in a house with these duds.  ;-)

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17 minutes ago, zorak said:

Raven tells Matt he should've woken her up for all this.

She says this whole blow up is good for her and Matt.

Matt says if Mark or Christmas win HOH next week, they're good. 

LOL!  Make it through this week first, Matt.  

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There is no excuse the feeds have to be down this long for nominations.   It is the quickest thing they do!  Sit around the table and HOH turns 2 keys.  WTF?  I am annoyed. 

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2 minutes ago, wings707 said:

There is no excuse the feeds have to be down this long for nominations.   It is the quickest thing they do!  Sit around the table and HOH turns 2 keys.  WTF?  I am annoyed. 

Fisticuffs, maybe? If someone so much as even whistles circus music now I feel homicidal, thanks to Josh. Imagine how the HGs feel.

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Just now, wings707 said:

There is no excuse the feeds have to be down this long for nominations.   It is the quickest thing they do!  Sit around the table and HOH turns 2 keys.  WTF?  I am annoyed. 

Heh. As you say this, the feeds come back.

It's funny how, as soon as Alex wins HOH, everyone suddenly becomes best buddies with her and can't seem to leave the money room.

I can't recall ever seeing this big of a group constantly hang out. 

Also funny how Maven is the new Jody with not being with the group, isolating themselves in a room and not really getting the good information. I mean, they've always kind of been in a room together, but it's more noticeable now.

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Downstairs group, shut up about production. I'm genuinely wanting to listen to Alex talk game with Mark. She's....well, she's not great at it because she's talking a mile a minute, but I don't want to see fish while they're talking!

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Mark:  "I had safety this week."

Alex:  "That's beside the point."

Is it really when you keep repeatedly using the phrase "that's why I didn't put you on the block this week"?

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1 minute ago, zorak said:

Mark:  "I had safety this week."

Alex:  "That's beside the point."

Is it really when you keep repeatedly using the phrase "that's why I didn't put you on the block this week"?

Okay, she's not very bright!

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Alex is just talking to hear herself talk.  She has no point to make because Mark is #1 on her hit list!  What a stupid conversation.  

Josh and Jason in storage room.  Jason is telling Josh not to point at women when he talks to them.  lol 

He is trying to calm him down.  Wonder what woman? 

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Just now, wings707 said:

Alex is just talking to hear herself talk.  She has no point to make because Mark is #1 on her hit list!  What a stupid conversation.  

She tried to tell him that she wasn't ever going to put him up and that Matt is who she wanted to put up.  Hopefully Mark realizes that's a lie. I'm pretty sure everyone, including Mark, was aware that Matt was the one who was going to throw the comp so he would end up as the 3rd nominee, which means Alex knew she would have to put up 2 other people that weren't Matt.

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Just now, zorak said:

She tried to tell him that she wasn't ever going to put him up and that Matt is who she wanted to put up.  Hopefully Mark realizes that's a lie. I'm pretty sure everyone, including Mark, was aware that Matt was the one who was going to throw the comp so he would end up as the 3rd nominee, which means Alex knew she would have to put up 2 other people that weren't Matt.

Well, to be fair, she corrected herself by saying that they were talking about it initially before they decided to let him throw the comp, which is true. Alex is just talking too much and too fast, so she's getting her thoughts all scattered, but I do think she might be semi-truthful with Mark. 

And yes, this is the second time I'm saying something positive about a houseguest I despise today. And I shit talked Christmas. I feel like I'm in an alternate universe.

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Mark told Alex lines will be drawn in the sand next week.  Goody!  It is time. 

3 minutes ago, zorak said:

She tried to tell him that she wasn't ever going to put him up and that Matt is who she wanted to put up.  Hopefully Mark realizes that's a lie. I'm pretty sure everyone, including Mark, was aware that Matt was the one who was going to throw the comp so he would end up as the 3rd nominee, which means Alex knew she would have to put up 2 other people that weren't Matt.

I sure hope he picked up on that!  I am not sure though. 

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Xmas and Mark having their chit chat in the ASPR. Xmas starts by saying I think we had a misunderstanding. What she really wants to say is you did not do as I say and now you should be punished.

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Just now, Callaphera said:

Like Paul is going to let anyone else play in the sandbox. 

I am thinking Mark, Cody and Elena talk some sense into someone that Paul has to go.  It can be done.  

1 minute ago, Growsonwalls said:

Xmas: "I don't back down, right or wrong." A moment of self-awareness. She's so calm now. The DR must have given her some vicodins.

Great.  She is proud she does not back down when she is wrong.  Jesus.  

Oh Mark.  Get a backbone.  This season is hopeless.  

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