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Season 19 Live Feed Discussion


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I cannot wait until after the finale when they all go to social media and see what the viewers thought of them. Most of all, I cannot wait until Paul sees how much he was despised this season because he was shoe horned in and behaved in ways like a cult guru to control so many of them. And I cannot wait until they see what fools we think they are to behave like lemmings and carry Paul to f2.

Matt, Kevin, Alex, do they even want to win? 

I said it before: Paul and Raven will be the last two standing. And Raven will win. Ugh. 

  • Love 3

My opinion of Paul is that he is always aware he is playing a game that it's core is based on lies and manipulation so he behaves accordingly. I mean, there are many people who have won games such as BB and Survivor who were experts in manipulating other people's weak spots and the audience is OK with that and they admire them. I think that's why Paul doesn't mind using these methods cause he is of the opinion that the means jusifies the ends and that the audience always forgets about HOW someone won and they just remember that they won. I don't think Paul is evil or mean. I think he thinks everything is allowed cause it's a game (not abuse or violence ofc). I have a soft spot for Paul cause he is Armenian and well, Armenians are our brothers and sisters (I am Greek) and they have suffered a lot throughout the years. I know that's game irrelevant but well, it matters for me.

  • Love 9
8 hours ago, zorak said:

Paul says that if Mark uses the veto to definitely put Matt up.

He says that Matt and Raven aren't as dumb as people think because they've made it this far without ruffling feathers.

Well, that is an interesting spin on stupid.  So the food/lotion/ shampoo fights are to cover their game savvy.  

9 hours ago, zorak said:

Raven says she's ok with Josh putting her or Matt up because it will be easy to justify putting Mark up if she or Matt win the next HOH.

More brilliance?  

  • Love 1
5 hours ago, himela said:

My opinion of Paul is that he is always aware he is playing a game that it's core is based on lies and manipulation so he behaves accordingly. I mean, there are many people who have won games such as BB and Survivor who were experts in manipulating other people's weak spots and the audience is OK with that and they admire them. I think that's why Paul doesn't mind using these methods cause he is of the opinion that the means jusifies the ends and that the audience always forgets about HOW someone won and they just remember that they won. I don't think Paul is evil or mean. I think he thinks everything is allowed cause it's a game (not abuse or violence ofc). I have a soft spot for Paul cause he is Armenian and well, Armenians are our brothers and sisters (I am Greek) and they have suffered a lot throughout the years. I know that's game irrelevant but well, it matters for me.

Well voiced opinion. He does believe the ends justify the means in this game environment. And, he is there to play a game.  It is one reason I like Cody and Jess's push back. They are not sitting down and letting someone lead them to the promised land. They wanted to play there own game.

Do I think he has a mean streak? Yes . And Xmas too. I think it will hurt Xmas more becomes her message is inspirational motivation. I think she will regret how she comes across and her message in how to deal with adversity. It is not stand up for yourself as Jess does, it is do as I say or else. Not good.

11 hours ago, SiobhanJW said:

Mark doesn't care and isn't going to budge. He's going to use the Veto to pull himself off and if he wins HoH next week I'm pretty sure Cody will not be touching that block. I don't think he gives zero f**ks anymore. 

I didn't catch it- but before apparently Mark made a face behind Paul's back when he was behind him. So I'm pretty sure he's also over his shenanigans. 

I hope this is true, but I don't believe in Mark. That boy is very weak-minded and he's a follower. I think if he got HOH the pressure would really get to him.

10 hours ago, Cutty said:

Kevin talking about Megan and Jillian: They said they were SFs - super fans. They were SFs... stupid fucks.

Megan is probably the smartest person cast this season. She got the fuck outta that hell hole so fast!

10 hours ago, zenithwit said:

I wish Jessica was more articulate.  Sometimes she makes really good arguments but does not deliver them in a way for others to take into consideration (i.e. Jessica's argument that Xmas should have saved the ring of temptation for herself).

This. Or I wish she was a better competitor so she could be more of a Janelle type at least. 

8 hours ago, BK1978 said:

I still think Matt is just waiting until the Jury phase to become a better player.  Granted nothing that he has shown us thus far would validate said theory, but I still have that thought in the back of my mind.

I think a lot of people are holding onto hope for Matt. I get it, I was holding onto hope for so many people, but I've given up now. I don't think it's gonna happen with Matt.

  • Love 5

Here's my long shot dream for the eviction since I'm not doing anything on this beautiful Sunday:

There will be 8 voters. Cody and Mark - one side. Everyone else - the other side. Let's say Josh puts up Raven. In my wildest dreams, Jessica talks to Kevin about throwing a vote Raven's way. Or better, she's able to get Kevin and Jason. I'm pretty sure Jason would just run it past Alex which would tank the whole thing. But if I'm engaging in wishful thinking, Kevin and Jason vote with Mark and Cody to take out Raven and Josh breaks the tie. Maybe they could keep gassing him up about voting out a floater -someone nobody was expecting.  Im going to need somebody to fly a banner plane that shakes up the house and let's them know we're sick of the targeting Jess, like the bull horn did.


This would actually be so much easier if Mark was willing to vote out Elena, because then maybe they could get Kevin and Jason and Josh would be more likely to break the tie in their favor. I would say maybe Christmas would join, but I don't trust Christmas and now she will be more gung ho about the vote going her way because otherwise she wasted her temptation. 


That said, I find these houseguests a little different from those in the past in that they never talk about "getting blood on my hands" or "floaters get a life vest." I barely hear them talk about floaters at all. I guess they don't talk about it because they're trying really hard to act like they aren't playing the game but they are strangely refreshing that way.

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, peachmangosteen said:


This is hilarious. Kevin quickly changing the subject like always, Josh's 'what the fuck you mean,' Paul's sad little face when Josh doesn't oblige.

These people are lost causes. It's like a house full of fucking Codys damn!

So you are not talking about Paul sending Josh down for water, right?  Paul actually tried to get Josh to sleep downstairs and he would man the HOH bedroom?   I am on vacation doing catch up.  

Is this true? 

Edited by wings707
1 hour ago, missyb said:

Well voiced opinion. He does believe the ends justify the means in this game environment. And, he is there to play a game.  It is one reason I like Cody and Jess's push back. They are not sitting down and letting someone lead them to the promised land. They wanted to play there own game.


Jess and Cody are playing a terrible game.  They recline in bed and do nothing.  They had opportunity to change things, but Cody's poor social skills killed that option.  Jess this week, Cody next.  

  • Love 4
42 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:



This is hilarious. Kevin quickly changing the subject like always, Josh's 'what the fuck you mean,' Paul's sad little face when Josh doesn't oblige.

These people are lost causes. It's like a house full of fucking Codys damn!

Paul: "Fuck, someone's coming. If it's The Blob..."

Wait, what?! What the fuck did you just say, Paul? 

  • Love 12
3 minutes ago, Michichick said:

Seriously, that is such an asshole thing to say. Especially since he's sitting in "the blob's" room.

The worst part is: I'm totally waiting for someone to come by and tell me, "Oh, Paul calls him that all the time. Right to his face! It's cool, Josh laughs about it and calls himself that now, too!" Because of course. 

  • Love 5
20 minutes ago, zorak said:

I'm not entirely sure but I think Kevin might actually be the originator of referring to Josh as the blob.  Not that that makes it any less terrible. 

Yeah, it's still horrible either way. 

I would love to know Kevin's genuine thoughts about the other house guests. Does he actually like any of them? He seems to get along with everyone, which is smart game play, but I wonder what he really thinks.

I'm at the point where all the house guests have shown behavior I don't like, so I'm not whole-heartedly rooting for anyone. But Mark might be my favorite right now, even though he's a sucker, because he seems like the nicest one. But even he has asshole stuff (e.g. throwing that juice in Josh's face).

  • Love 8
22 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

The worst part is: I'm totally waiting for someone to come by and tell me, "Oh, Paul calls him that all the time. Right to his face! It's cool, Josh laughs about it and calls himself that now, too!" Because of course. 

I know Christmas has lost a lot of favor the last couple weeks, but I do appreciate that she's telling Josh to make people treat him with respect. She's the one who told Josh to not let Paul order him around or use his HOH room as his own. She also told him he's allowed to ask Paul for information if he does use his HOH to talk to someone.

If Raven goes up there, Kevin is going to be so annoyed that they can't vote her out. He can't stand Raven and has absolutely no relationship with Matt. I think Jessica going is worst for his game (aside from Cody). Cody/Jess already agreed that, at this point, they're just rooting for Kevin.

  • Love 5
8 minutes ago, mooses said:

I know Christmas has lost a lot of favor the last couple weeks, but I do appreciate that she's telling Josh to make people treat him with respect. She's the one who told Josh to not let Paul order him around or use his HOH room as his own. She also told him he's allowed to ask Paul for information if he does use his HOH to talk to someone.

If Raven goes up there, Kevin is going to be so annoyed that they can't vote her out. He can't stand Raven and has absolutely no relationship with Matt. I think Jessica going is worst for his game (aside from Cody). Cody/Jess already agreed that, at this point, they're just rooting for Kevin.

Kevin is the only one I like at this point and maybe Mark but that is recent and can change quickly.   Jess or Cody going is not going to hurt anyone's game.  

Edited by wings707
  • Love 5
13 minutes ago, Michichick said:

I'm at the point where all the house guests have shown behavior I don't like, so I'm not whole-heartedly rooting for anyone. But Mark might be my favorite right now, even though he's a sucker, because he seems like the nicest one. But even he has asshole stuff (e.g. throwing that juice in Josh's face).

I dislike everyone. Every single one of them. Any time any of them show any redeeming qualities, they have to go and ruin it by being a complete and total asshole. 

  • Love 7
2 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:


This is hilarious. Kevin quickly changing the subject like always, Josh's 'what the fuck you mean,' Paul's sad little face when Josh doesn't oblige.

These people are lost causes. It's like a house full of fucking Codys damn!

Paul is the ultimate bully in my eyes. Its not his HOH room, Josh earned that! Paul stop being a bitch.

32 minutes ago, wings707 said:

Elena has had a breast reduction, those are her natural breasts.  I think she is beautiful, augmented lips and all.  If she used fillers they will decrease in size and maybe she will go with a little less next time.  She has recently lost a lot of weight so I understand her desire to wear sexier clothes. 

I think her lips are so ugly, when she in the DR, they need not too be. They can go in alone they are so inflated :) 

  • Love 5
35 minutes ago, PoshSprinkles said:

Someone in that house needs to ask the question: Do we really want Paul in jury? 

They need to put aside their petty childishness for one week and work together to get the big fish. A lot of them have stated Paul would win if he made it to the end. Why risk it? He already won 50K. I would reiterate this over and over and over to anyone who came by and anyone I could pull to the side and talk to. 

This show is rigged anyway, so come on DR, throw us a bone! 

I think that each and every one of his minions are convinced that Paul loves them the best.  Therefore they think it's great if he were on the jury.  He would convince everyone to vote for them. 

  • Love 5
13 hours ago, zorak said:

Paul is telling Matt, Josh, and Alex that they need to get under Cody's skin on eviction night so he won't play well in the HOH comp.


13 hours ago, Auntie Velvet said:

pppppfffftttt...... Tell it to the Marines. 

Right?   It made no sense to me that they targeted Cody during that one comp.  I mean Marines are basically trained not to break under pressure.

   Anyone who's seen even one military movie that included basic training should realize that having some actor squirt ketchup on the back of Cody's shirt is not going to do shit.   If anything it will fuel him and make him more focused and determined.   But they continue to think that they will be able to distract him during a competition.

  • Love 10
2 minutes ago, Cutty said:

Kevin playing a bit reckless wanting to cut a deal with Cody to keep his group (including Paul - lol) safe. First of all that's not realistic. And secondly if Paul catches wind that he likes Cody, he's going to shoot up the target list. 

Did Kevin mention Paul in the deal ? I know last night Cody said no way to Paul.

Let assume Raven goes up. There's just not a scenario where Jessica doesn't go home.

The funny thing is, Elena is the most safe after Josh wanted her gone this week. Paul/Alex want Jessica gone. Mark/Cody are not going to vote her out. That leaves Matt/Jason/Kevin/Christmas/Josh tiebreaker - a real random group of people who will never coordinate their votes together.

For Raven to go, you'd need Jason/Kevin/Christmas/Mark/Cody. For Mark/Cody, it makes obvious sense. For Jason/Kevin, it makes little sense (they have no relationship with Raven/Matt, Jessica/Cody hate Paul/Alex/Josh most of all, and they can gain more security with Mark/Cody/Jessica/Elena than they have with Raven/Matt- but they'd never vote against Alex, and they'd make an enemy out of half the House and put themselves on the radar for no real reason). The RoR really locked Christmas' vote for Jessica, and it doesn't really make sense for her anyway.

That said, after this Alex should be a huge target for the HGs (along with Paul, but that is not happening). You'd have to convince all three (mainly Alex) to make a decision, and the Kevin/Jason/Alex trio are a big voting block the longer the game goes on. 

  • Love 1
Just now, missyb said:

Did Kevin mention Paul in the deal ? I know last night Cody said no way to Paul.

Yes, Paul is part of the deal in Kevin's mind. Cody saw right through it and told Jess that he's not doing their dirty work.

It's stupid because he's not going to be targeted by Cody anyway, and it's just going to make people start wondering why he thinks he can have a working relationship with him.

  • Love 1
6 minutes ago, Cutty said:

Yes, Paul is part of the deal in Kevin's mind. Cody saw right through it and told Jess that he's not doing their dirty work.

It's stupid because he's not going to be targeted by Cody anyway, and it's just going to make people start wondering why he thinks he can have a working relationship with him.

This, "I want to work with you but you have to keep these trillion people safe" is such a silly play by all these HGs. "I want to work with you but I want you to keep all of my closest allies safe along with me so we can cut you when the time comes. Also, I don't care about those other HGs, don't let them know. Thanks!"

Edited by mooses
  • Love 3
2 hours ago, wings707 said:

Jess and Cody are playing a terrible game.  They recline in bed and do nothing.  They had opportunity to change things, but Cody's poor social skills killed that option.  Jess this week, Cody next.  

Totally agree.  They could be planting little ideas in people being real low key about it--I stray remark here and there so it's not real obvious.  I even think they could get Josh on their side if they approached him right.  but instead, they just roll over and play dead.  

  • Love 4

Kevin, Paul and Jason are chatting and talking about how the mean is coming out of Raven. Kevin drops some great lines. Something about someone else looks at you when they talk unlike RVen who is looking at the mirror Hey, Im over here. And then when she was screaming about Cody's dick . He says is that what they teach you at the hospital? Classic.

  • Love 3
2 hours ago, wings707 said:

Jess and Cody are playing a terrible game.  They recline in bed and do nothing.  They had opportunity to change things, but Cody's poor social skills killed that option.  Jess this week, Cody next.  

Their biggest problem is they can't separate personal from game. This is a social game. You have to at least pretend to like people. You're not gonna get anywhere laying in bed sucking face and generally behaving like anti-social misanthropes. 

In Jessica's defense she would be totally fine from a social aspect without Cody. I'm guessing at some point she's going to regret throwing her game away for a summer fling. I feel bad for her because she seems like a fairly sweet and levelheaded person in real life.

  • Love 3
2 minutes ago, missyb said:

Kevin, Paul and Jason are chatting and talking about how the mean is coming out of Raven. Kevin drops some great lines. Something about someone else looks at you when they talk unlike RVen who is looking at the mirror Hey, Im over here. And then when she was screaming about Cody's dick . He says is that what they teach you at the hospital? Classic.

I still don't understand this supposed insult. Okay, Cody's packing. That's great for Jessica. How is that a bad thing, Raven? Do you need a magnifying glass to find Matt's? Are you jealous? Are you offended by big dicks? Did a big dick touch you and give you a terminal disease? 

Of all things you can say about someone to insult them, saying they have a big dick is like the complete opposite of what you want to accomplish. 

  • Love 14

Cody and Jessica just had terrible reads on the house. Cody doesn't DO social, so he can't read the house and Jess wants to belong so badly that she'll ignore obvious signs that she is on the outs with the rest of the house. Just poor players. But hey, at least Cody knows Paul is leading the other group. That's something. 

And Paul is an asshole, through and through. Sure, there are some strategic aspects to his game play, but in general, the guy is just a pure jerk. He's young, so he can hopefully improve on this aspect of himself, but probably he won't. Fuck that guy. 

  • Love 10
2 minutes ago, missyb said:

I think Jessica's reads are pretty spot on. She has just painted herself into a corner with Cody that she cannot get out of. But her reads, right on. Most of the time !

Except when she was HoH and thought that the house was on her side. Which was when reading the house was the most important. 

  • Love 8
Just now, missyb said:

True, that was when she decided to try out her social game. Make the house like her .  Prove her redemption week and worked. LOL Very poor judgement. 

I do agree that she's more on the ball than Cody (she told him that maybe she should take Ramses down), but she seriously believed that she had gotten back into the good graces of the rest of the house for, like, no reason! That horrible read of the house screwed their chances the rest of the season. So while yes, she has shown some okay perceptions of the house at times, it is pales to just HOW MUCH she was off at the most important time.

Or hell, remember that she then thought that mentioning the temptation would keep Paul from putting her and Cody on the block? Even after they just fucked them over! That's nuts!

And I think it seems like it all stems from her desire to be part of the group. She doesn't do "loner" well. She's a social creature (which is totally understandable - that's her whole career right there). 

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