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Season 19 Live Feed Discussion


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Jessica has a point, although her delivery usually kind of sucks.  Oh Christmas, I'm so disappointed in you. I hope this doesn't bite you in the ass a few weeks gown the road, but I have a feeling it will, and I have a feeling that's why Paul pushed it so hard. Guaranteed we'll be subjected to his DRs gloating about this. 

  • Love 11
10 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Not surprised. Paul said jump. She made noises against it but like all of them, as soon as the moment comes, they jump as high as they can.

Yep. Damn, I had some hope for Christmas, but that just went completely out the window. And now she's gone crazy going around trying to justify herself to everyone. Such a bad move for her and I can't see any reason she did it except Paul told her to. Embarrassing. I can't wait 'til it fucks her over. 

At this point I might be in the 'root for Paul to fuck every one of these idiots over' phase tbh.

  • Love 8
1 minute ago, Cutty said:

So Christmas has just been blowing smoke up Josh's ass? This doesn't make sense at all. She's on Jessica's shit list. Horrendous move. 

I don't think she was. Somehow  Paul misted the two of them. Or maybe they deiced it was to early to defy Paul.

And Kev wants to make a deal with Cody but it would mean keeping Paul safe.

When Xmas does not get her way, she really lets the mean girl out. I don't think she is going to be very proud of herself when this is over. This is so aasint the message the preaches in the real world.

1 minute ago, zorak said:

Now she's spouting Paul's jury argument to everyone about how Jess and Cody will vote if they both make jury.

Can anyone in this fucking house come up with one original fucking thought and not just repeat whatever bullshit comes out of Paul's mouth?

Edited by Callaphera
  • Love 14
Just now, Callaphera said:

Can anyone in this fucking house come up with one original fucking thought and not just repeat whatever bullshit comes out of Paul's mouth?

And the thing is, I don't think they would necessary;y vote the same at all. Cody would never vote for Paul ( and probably Josh) and Jess would.  I would be worried about Paul in jury. I would bet you anything if Paul were in jury he would try and take over the Dr Will role. The mediator  of both sides.

  • Love 3

This better not be the stay/fold comp since all the minions are devising a way to win that one.

Some people on another board are like, 'maybe Christmas just did it to not piss Paul off and she'll throw the veto,' or 'she'd use the veto on Jess.' Nah, everyone give up, Christmas is just a Paul minion like the rest of them.

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 7

Checked in to see what I've missed because I tuned out of the shit show after Thursday's live episode. I had hope, but then caught up and saw what a moronic move Christmas made. These people are so fucking stupid. It's not even funny. I hope it's Otev, and then they make Christmas sit out, and she sits there watching and realizing that she threw her game away for no reason. I can't wait until she's backdoored and didn't have a chance to play for veto. 

  • Love 7
3 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

I hope it's How Bad Do You Want It veto, or alternately, punishment/reward Veto. I wanna see someone crying about having to shave their head. 

Ugh, I wish! 

3 minutes ago, Slider said:

I can't wait until [Christmas is] backdoored and didn't have a chance to play for veto. 

This! I need it to happen.

I know our last one didn't work, but still let's get that 'Jessica for veto!' prayer circle going!

  • Love 7
8 minutes ago, PoshSprinkles said:

This would make the most sense. Like the graveyard compeition Janelle won in season 7. Take ALL the punishments, Jess! 

It also seems likely it's how bad do you want it cause there are no have nots this week except Elena. They may need that room clear because there's a solitary confinement punishment. 

OK now you got me thinking it might really be one of these comps and I'm all excited.

Paul and his minions are saying they want to mess with Jess during the comp and Josh really doesn't want them to do it. And everyone, including motherfucking Christmas, is telling him they have to do it. 

Christmas is being a real asshole again. What the fuck is up with her? I feel like it has to be the meds. They need to take her off that shit already.

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 6

The jury thing is so fucking stupid. "Cody and Jess would vote together" Okay, annnnnnnnnnd? What the fuck does that mean? If it is them all up there at the end, then why in the world would it matter if Cody and Jess voted together? They'd still have to vote for one of them. It's really, "Cody and Jess would both be votes against ME (Paul) and I can't have that." "Okay, Paul." 

Christmas is so all over the place. She seems nice at times and then is queen bitch at other times. 

  • Love 7

Christmas is one of those people who responds to doing fucked up thing by getting really pissed at people who question her, because she knows that if she thinks about her behavior honestly, she'd have to concede the point and she doesn't want to do that, so she lashes out instead to avoid confronting her own shit. 

  • Love 15
4 minutes ago, ByaNose said:

Jody sure ain't having fun. I'm sure deep down in side Jessica wants to stay and wishes she wasn't tied up with Cody. She would never admit but he tanked her game the minute he came back. 

She tanked it a little bit herself. Instead of putting two real targets on the block her HOH week, she decided to  try and "get along" with the house and put up someone she thought they all wanted out. She was definitely out witted and out played but its not like she didn't try to get along with the others.

  • Love 4

That was such a stupid move by Christmas. She was nowhere near Jessica/Cody's target list, and it shouldn't matter to her who leaves this week! Mark hates her most of all out of those three, so good job using it to get out Jessica.

If Jessica/Cody could have a calm, strategic discussion with someone like Christmas and point out they weren't targeting her, they're targeting Paul - that's why he's pushing to get them out for his own game, not for the "team" - I'd appreciate it. But that'd require them to think rationally and actually get out of their Love Den, so no hope there.

I haven't heard what Josh thinks - every time I turn on the feeds, Paul's barking orders. 

Edited by mooses
  • Love 6
Just now, mooses said:

That was such a stupid move by Christmas. She was nowhere near Jessica/Cody's target list, and it shouldn't matter to her who leaves this week! Mark hates her most of all out of those three, so good job using it to get out Jessica.

If Jessica/Cody could have a calm, strategic discussion with someone like Christmas and point out they weren't targeting her, they're targeting Paul - that's why he's pushing to get them out for his own game - I'd appreciate it. But that'd require them to think rationally and actually get out of their Love Den, so no hope there.

I haven't heard what Josh thinks - every time I turn on the feeds, Paul's barking orders. 

Oh yeah, Jess and Cody suck at this game, but it's still a dumb move by Christmas. "Oh no, Jess and Cody will vote together in jury! That's bad for me somehow!" Moron. 

  • Love 6
17 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

The jury thing is so fucking stupid. "Cody and Jess would vote together" Okay, annnnnnnnnnd?

Wouldn't Matt and Raven vote together too?  Paul and Alex....or any of the Paulettes really. If he's somehow not in the final two and they can't vote for him, he will dictate how every one of them votes from the jury.

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