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Season 19 Live Feed Discussion

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Forgive me for being sexist (and no, I do not and have never worked for Google), but I'm guessing the three nominees hope tonight's live show ends on time so they won't be late for their jobs as pole dancers.  I hate that this show has become so much about T & A and hooker makeup. 

Edited by Thalia
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Julie's interview with Jessica was really good.  I thought Julie asked really insightful questions.

Just now, missyb said:

Jess's interview with Julie is very good. She is very swell spoken.

Great minds think alike :)

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Good God! You've known each other for a few weeks. You aren't in love. At best, you were each other's hostage. 5 minutes out in the world and she's going to lose Cody's phone number.

I proclaim Megan the winner of BB19 because she got out before this dumpster fire killed everyone.

I can't root for anyone. I'm only sticking around for Paul's e-v-i-c-t-i-o-n

{{Oh fuck no!}}

Well, thanks for making me feel normal you guys.

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Alex, you look like a fat 12 year old with stupid cat ears.  Grow up!


ETA: These people are all assholes.  I can be one too.  They ruined my summer by bowing to Paul.

Edited by Slider
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I think Alex is actually one of the best of Paul's minions to win HoH, because it puts a target on her back. There's a very good reason that Jason and Kevin want no part of HoH.

But she's far too egotistical to realize it made more sense to let Raven win. 

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Well, bye Cody or Mark.

4 minutes ago, zorak said:

Please let Cody win the temptation comp.

And let Mark win veto. I don't trust that Jason can convince Alex to target Maven instead. 

But hey, at least Raven didn't win. 

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Ok, my new BB pleas for the week, and this can happen in any order. Of Cody, Elena and Mark, one wins safety, only one on the block and the other wins veto and pulls that person off. Unfortuantely, Paul will make sure they are up together  so veto could only used to save one. :(

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Paul will be even more insufferable this week, if that is even possible. I can't stand his voice, his yelling and know-it-all attitude. How can these dolts not see this? Why do they want to just hand him the money?

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Raven:  "The guy who said he respected me the most voted for me.  Fuck you!"  Did she really think he would out Jess?  I hope Elena interprets that statement as Raven feeling like Elena deserved to get that one lone Cody vote instead of Raven. 

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