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Just now, Lady Calypso said:

Jason, Kevin, and now Mark are all telling Alex to put up Jessica/Ramses.

But before Mark and Alex were in there, Kevin was talking to Jason.  Kevin was telling Jason that Alex made a deal with Elena to not put up any of Elena's friends.  Kevin said Alex was probably going to put up Jessica and Ramses.  Jason sort of threw his arms up in the air like he couldn't believe it.  Oh Whistlenut, you shouldn't have dropped.

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7 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Yeah, she's probably putting up Christmas and Jessica, with Ramses as a backdoor. Yeah, big move there, Alex. Put up the one who can't win a competition and the social pariah.

Lol, yes. 

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Mark is telling Paul that the other 2 votes to evict Ramses were Kevin and Christmas.  He swears Jason was not one of those votes.  Mark says Kevin is intelligent and he knows what he's doing.

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6 minutes ago, PoshSprinkles said:

Josh/XMas would be slightly less terrible. 

Agreed.  In fairness, though, Christmas isn't a bad idea.  Alex has said to Kevin, Jason, and even Ramses (and to Jillian before her eviction) that she doesn't trust Paul.  Taking out someone she knows is essentially an ally of his isn't a bad call since she can't target Paul himself.

That said, Josh should be the other nominee, not Ramses.

But Alex probably just wants to get Jessica out, which would be a huge waste of an HoH.  Too bad she doesn't seem to realize that.

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Damnit; Alex won't put up Matt/Raven.

She's whispering to Jason. Jason wants her to put up Dominique. 

LOL, Kevin walked by, Alex asked what he thought about the Ramses vote, and Kevin threw out Raven's name.

Thank you, Kevin.

Alex is now telling Jason that Jessica has to be on the block but Jason really doesn't want her to. He is trying to convince her to do a Christmas backdoor. She's too afraid to make a big move because she wants to be in the group, and create cracks. 

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The outsiders are just as dumb as Paul's toadies. Jason is comically bad at this game. 

5 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Damnit; Alex won't put up Matt/Raven.

She's whispering to Jason. Jason wants her to put up Dominique. 

LOL, Kevin walked by, Alex asked what he thought about the Ramses vote, and Kevin threw out Raven's name.

Thank you, Kevin.

Alex is now telling Jason that Jessica has to be on the block but Jason really doesn't want her to. He is trying to convince her to do a Christmas backdoor. She's too afraid to make a big move because she wants to be in the group, and create cracks. 

Yes, backdoor the girl with the broken foot. Jason is a genius. 

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Eh. Christmas is probably leaving this week, so whatever. Alex, I think, really wants to go after Mark/Dominique because she keeps bringing them up. 

Ok, so Alex know sign language. She might have won some points tonight.

So, probably Christmas/Dominique/Jessica combination noms this week. Good job, Alex. 

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Alex is being smart. Jessica does have to be one of her nominees, it will keep that huge, majority alliance from deciding she's #1 target. But she doesn't seem to be going after Ramses, and the possibility of getting out Dom or Christmas would be good for her game. I mean, yeah, I'd love it if she'd put up Raven/Matt, but that would kill her game. HOHs don't work in a vacuum. She is vulnerable next week. You have to play with the cards you're dealt. And she doesn't even know what a lying snake Kevin is (and I adore him, but seriously. He's the lying snake everyone pretends Ramses is).

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At this point Jessica might be the only hope to get Raven out.  She is telling Jason and Kevin that Raven is among the safest players in the house because nobody will vote for Raven because she's the "sick girl".

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Yes! Jessica speaks the truth! It turns out Cody rubbed off on her...in a good, non-sexual way. She told Kevin/Jason that Paul and his Minions (Mark, Elena, Raven, Matt, and Dom) are completely safe right now, and that the numbers aren't there for them.

ETA: Jason/Jessica are talking. Without Cody around, we can finally see Jessica at work. She's really laying everything out to Jason, and he is clearly on her side, but Alex's dumbass is in the way of it. Also, Jason wants to put up Matt for some reason. He keeps throwing his name out, but it's good. Jessica suggested maybe Dom/Matt. One of the Untouchables is her exact words.

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Jessica is telling Jason that the other side is just going to use Alex as a puppet.  She says Alex is on the bottom of the totem pole and they will just use her to do what they want.  Jessica is saying that if Alex wants to make a big game move she needs to somehow get out one of the 5 untouchable people.  She specifically threw Matt's name out there.  She also told Jason that Raven is the one that hid Alex's bunny ears (?) under the couch.  Jason had said they thought it had been Jessica who had done it.  She said it wasn't but that she knew who did it and that it was Raven.  His response was, "That bitch!"

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Man, this makes me wish we had a Jessica HOH. This is why I was rooting for it; she would have gone after them, no problem. This really sucks. Alex winning, as it turns out, was bad. She stupidly thinks she'll be part of the group if she does what they want. No, girl, they'll never accept you. 

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Just now, PoshSprinkles said:

Jess, tell this dirt to Alex! 

I wish she would.  But I don't know if Alex will listen.  She seems blinded by her hate of Jessica.  Jason was telling Jessica that she needed to give back Alex's glasses.  Jess seemed fed up and said she didn't take the glasses.  Jason seemed to be trying to make Jess understand that Alex thinks she does and as long as she thinks that, she will continue to hate Jessica.  Who knows if that's really true.  But she insisted she didn't take them and Jason was bummed because he felt like the glasses could be a bridge to mending their relationship.  Jason told her he really doesn't want Alex to put Jess up.

Now Ramses and Jess are talking about what a waste of an HOH it will be if Jess is evicted.

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Yes! Kevin also knows that Raven's a snake but he doesn't want to say anything in fear of social media.

Don't worry, Kevin; if I could tell you anything, it's that nobody likes Raven on social media, so bitch all you want! 

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1 minute ago, Lady Calypso said:

Yes! Kevin also knows that Raven's a snake but he doesn't want to say anything in fear of social media.

Well that's good to know.  I also think he doesn't believe that Matt is as into Raven as he wants people to think.  He told Jason either today or yesterday that if Matt and Raven were on the block together, Matt would sell Raven out because he doesn't love her.   That is about the only thing Matt could do that would make me root for him.

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Jason give Jess his brilliant suggestion of how Jess can get in good and solid with Alex. Give her glasses back. Jess, I don;t have them. Jason, find them and return them to her. Jess, I don't have them.


I was literally laughing out would at Jason believing this was the answer to the problem.

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I guess Jessica accepted Cody's will you be my girlfriend question. She told Ramses "they evicted my boyfriend. I want revenge."  Don't think she called him that before. LOL

Edited by Artsda
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Is this whole week really coming down to Jason convincing Alex to make a big move? Really?

I don't think it'll work, but I can't believe I'm rooting for Jason, Jessica, and even Kevin to convince Alex to do a big move.

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Just now, zorak said:

Alex continues to insist that Jessica is untrustworthy.

And Jason keeps insisting that Jessica has nobody, so they can use her.

Listen to him, Alex! You gotta make a big move! And who knows? Maybe one of you will get into power next week and do the same thing over again with a new target! Who knows?!

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She really doesn't want to believe that Raven hid the bunny ears.  Jason told her it was Raven but she kept asking how he knew it was true.  Jason also said something about Raven being the one who also was dumping Alex's Coke.  I'm not sure what he's referring to.

Kevin, Ramses, and Jason kept trying to convince Alex to make a big move and put up one of the people she promised she wouldn't.  Alex insisted that if she does that, she will be on the block next week guaranteed.

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Somehow, I feel like Kevin's truly with Alex, Jason, and Ramses. He's basically telling them that they need to use their power wisely and not do what the other side want them to do.

Man, I wish Alex was really absorbing this, but I guarantee Paul flips her, regardless, and she puts up Jessica/Christmas.

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2 hours ago, Callaphera said:

Also: what the fuck with Raven and her "The slime is green for gastroparesis!" Like no. The slime is green because slime is traditionally green. What, you've never seen You Can't Do That On Television? Or, like anything on Nickelodeon ever?

Well to be fair, she is young so she might not even know what YCDTOT is/was.  It did go off the air in 1990, either three or four years before she was born (Depending on what year she was born in).  

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Jason is calling Josh out for never following through with what he says he's going to do.  He's bringing up the vote for Jillian, the pickle juice bet, being the first one to drop this week, etc.  He's telling Josh to not listen to the other side.

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I really hate when Alex hits Jason repeatedly. Playfully or not, she always does it when she's irritated at him. Now she's expanding on her Jessica hate, convinced that Jessica will flip and go back on the other side....even though the other side got her boyfriend out. Idiot.

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Alex is saying that if they trust Jess, Jess will run to Paul and tell him that they tried to make a deal with her.  She is being so damn stubborn about not trusting Jess.

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4 minutes ago, BK1978 said:

Well to be fair, she is young so she might not even know what YCDTOT is/was.  It did go off the air in 1990, either three or four years before she was born (Depending on what year she was born in).  

Nickelodeon continued the green slime on their channel and I think they still use it today. Don't they slime people at some Kids Choice Awards?

My point being, what comes next? "Oh, the frog costumes and lily pads are green for gastroparesis! The bedroom is green for gastroparesis. Y'all, the grass is green. Do y'all know what that means?"

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Josh is calling out Ramses about his fast veto time since Ramses claimed to try to throw it.  Josh tells him that if Ramses had won and taken himself off that Josh and Alex would have been fucked.  Ramses claims that if he had won the veto he would not have used it on himself and would have taken Josh or Alex down.  He also says when they watch the tape they will see that he tried to throw it. 

Jason:  "God, I really wish I would've won this motherfucker!".  I can't believe I'm saying this, but I wish he would have, too.  Alex refuses to do anything to shake things up.

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16 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

My point being, what comes next? "Oh, the frog costumes and lily pads are green for gastroparesis! The bedroom is green for gastroparesis. Y'all, the grass is green. Do y'all know what that means?"

Earlier this week, Raven told Matt that her goal for being on the show is to raise awareness for gastroparesis.  She actually said she wants America to know what color ribbon to wear.  So don't be shocked if Raven continues to say this lame crap.

Alex just said, "I need to find my rosary".  If ever there was a time for God to start talking to someone in this house telling them what to do, that time is now.

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4 hours ago, Lamb18 said:

Man, Mark is soaked. Raven's makeup will be totally washed off. That green stuff looks like the pickle juice Josh threw up earlier today. More pickle juice!

Raven rubbing her butt against the wall reminds me of a ewe that's just starting labor and rubbing its butt against the wall, the barn door, the feeder, the railing.


Well, if anyone would know about sheep it would be ewe, little Lamb18

I'll show myself out.

Edited by Scout Finch
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And this is going in circles and I doubt Alex puts up anyone other than one of Jessica/Christmas/Dominique/Ramses, so I'm out for the night. I'm not gonna watch Paul come in and steamroll her into targeting not one of the showmance couples. She just won't listen to anyone else and she is blinded by her Jessica hate to see things clearly. No, Alex, she won't run to the other side because they got rid of her boyfriend. You didn't, and you're in power. Take advantage of the weakness that Jessica has before you lose your chance to. Alex talks about how she knows girls and hates their jealousy, but she's exactly like those girls.

So yeah, not here for any more of this.

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3 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

And this is going in circles and I doubt Alex puts up anyone other than one of Jessica/Christmas/Dominique/Ramses, so I'm out for the night. I'm not gonna watch Paul come in and steamroll her into targeting not one of the showmance couples. She just won't listen to anyone else and she is blinded by her Jessica hate to see things clearly. No, Alex, she won't run to the other side because they got rid of her boyfriend. You didn't, and you're in power. Take advantage of the weakness that Jessica has. Alex talks about how she knows girls and hates their jealousy, but she's exactly like those girls.

So yeah, not here for any more of this.

Exactly. She's a wounded bird, who is pissecd cuz her boyfriend was just evicted. She will be loyal to you if you scoop her up & be nice to her. Stop being so ridiculous. 

Edited by SiobhanJW
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3 hours ago, zibnchy said:

She was standing too close to Raven and caught her deadly disease and died.

Thank god no one besides the cats can hear my snort laughter at each of these posts. I'm also envisioning a movie about her life, entitled "Raven's Song." 

Edited to add: Okay, someone needs to get to work on the lyrics from "Brian's Song" and make it Raven's.

If the hands of time
Were hands that I could hold,
I'd keep them warm and in my hands
They'd not turn cold.

Hand in hand we'd choose
The moments that should last.
The lovely moments that
Should have no future and no past.

The summer from the top of the swing,
The comfort in the sound of a lullaby,
The innocence of leaves in the spring,
But most of all the moment
When love first touched me!

All the happy days
Would never learn to fly,
Until the hands of time
Would choose to wave Goodbye.

Edited by Scout Finch
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2 hours ago, wings707 said:
2 hours ago, zorak said:

Alex is saying she is going to put up Jessica and someone else.

Well that is not a huge move already.  Jessica?  The loner?  Dumb move. 

Not really, on two points:

  1. In Week 1 Jessica was at the height of her Mean Girliness when she was leading the drive to push Cody into putting Alex OTB - not for strategic reasons, not for revenge, but solely because Jessica was jealous of Alex (or, more specifically, Cody's attraction to and respect for Alex).  And even if Alex is willing to give Jessica a pass for J's past bad behavior, Alex can't afford to from a strategic standpoint.  Alex can't assume Jessica will adopt the same bygones-will-be-bygones attitude.  Jessica could still be jealous - and even if Jessica isn't, in later days (after Alex's HoH reign is over) Jessica's paranoia might lead her down a path where Jessica fears Alex still harbors ill feelings; brood it overmuch, and Jessica might get it into her head that a preemptive strike might be in order.
  2. Even if we haven't heard much verbalization on the topic in the House, I'm certain more than a few HGs are expecting a Battle Back to pop up shortly - and if even a modicum of physicality exists in the Battle Back challenge, then Cody is a clear favorite to win his way back in.  So wouldn't it be in the bests interests of every HG not named Jessica or Cody to avoid reconstitution of Jody?  And the only way to ensure THAT is to have Jessica and Cody side-by-side, both competing for the one shot at re-entering the House.
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8 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

Alex is now telling Jason that Jessica has to be on the block but Jason really doesn't want her to. He is trying to convince her to do a Christmas backdoor. She's too afraid to make a big move because she wants to be in the group, and create cracks. 

 Getting Jessica out is actually not a bad plan.   Granted it would be more interesting for us if she goes all guns blazing and puts up a showmance.   But doing that she just puts an even bigger target on her back.    If she can work her way in and then create division,  ultimately the group would turn on each other. Leaving her in a better spot.

The bright spot to putting up and potentially voting out Jessica is that then Jessica would be competing against Cody in the battle back.   Would Cody throw it for her? I'd love to know the answer to that.

Edited by brdwygurl
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18 hours ago, wings707 said:


Danged editor. I can't get the quote  box to delete.

Didn't Julie say, at the end of the show, that the hammies could block the Buy Back somehow? She didn't explain, but it is a tantalizing idea. 

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@Nashville, good points.  I was not thinking about the jealously angle.  I must have been blinded by Jason's brilliance.  I just had to say that.  

I now like her plan for Jessica out assuming that Cody wins the battle back.  He will have to play with the others, something I would like to see.  

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I don't see the problem with Alex putting Jessica on the block. Initial nominations after all can always be revoked by vetoes. Besides eliminating Jessica isn't really a bad idea considering soon after this eviction, Cody will be back (coz let's face it, there's no way he'll lose that battle) and I personally don't want a repeat of the 1st 2 weeks. I already have to deal with at least one more week of Paul and that's enough for me. Jessica + Dom/Christmas would be good for me. I like Kevin's game so far, he seems like a snake laying low, ready to pounce when the time is right and we saw what stirring the pot early did to Cody's game. The HGs may not know about the return of an evictee but this is BB where you have to expect the unexpected, so there will be no shortage of producer driven twists and turns to keep it interesting and playing it safe/ boring and winning is better than making a big move and crashing and burning.

ps. Nashville already said the same, I missed reading that first before posting.

Edited by dizzyd
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