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S06.E21: The Final Battle Part 1 / S06.E22: The Final Battle Part 2

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My thought during the first hour:

Gold/Rumple, if you can't see through those ridiculous excuses for photoshopped photos there really is no hope for you.

My thought halfway through the second hour:

Gee, they really are padding this aren't they.

My thought right near the end:

Why are they only sitting on one side of the table...oh [cringe].

  • Love 5

Henry's ugly homemade book had the exact same things he told Emma.  Why would it make her come all the way back?

So she comes back and she doesn't believe but she wants to.  Yet she agrees to go around wielding a sword searching for the Mayor?  

None of it makes any sense.

Edited by Camera One
  • Love 2

My new headcanon.  What we saw at the end of "The Song In Your Heart" was actually smoke.  Everyone at the wedding had smoke inhalation and passed out.  When they wake up, Blue tells them she de-winged Fiona and she tripped and fell into a volcano.  The End.  

Edited by Camera One
  • Love 7
26 minutes ago, Camera One said:

When they wake up, Blue tells them she de-winged Fiona and she tripped and fell into a volcano.

Did we ever see Blue again after her scene with BF and Rumple in the tunnels?  Gold came back and said he had freed her, but he was also lying about showing them the BF's heart.  For all we know Gold agreed to take Blue's dead heart to trick the hero's thinking he had killed the Black Fairy.

Just now, CCTC said:

Did we ever see Blue again after her scene with BF and Rumple in the tunnels?  Gold came back and said he had freed her, but he was also lying about showing them the BF's heart.  For all we know Gold agreed to take Blue's dead heart to trick the hero's thinking he had killed the Black Fairy.

Thankfully, she was holding hands with Marco and Granny at the wedding during the dancing/singing.

  • Love 1

Well, at least the storyline wrapped up and everyone can have their happy ending.

I did like the older 20s Henry - but why is it the same old story with a kid he doesn't know he has being the new 'author'.

Tired of Snow White's bad haircut, her lack of really doing much of anything.

I now have a free hour on Sundays for the fall season.


So now true loves kiss cures death? Twice?! I mean I know it's powerfull, but that goes too far, imo.

Otherwise it was a nice enough finale. Of course there was a lot of stupid. It is once upon a time afterall, but apart from that, I mean. I hope if they do the next season with older Henry in the future that they completely replace the writing staff, but I doubt that will happen...

Also didn't the father of the little girl in the beginning say she should go find her mother, but then when she found Henry she said that she was his daughter? Was Henry magically tranformed into a woman for a while and gave birth to that girl? That would actually be unexpected and interesting for once.

Edit: Tiger Lily said the girl should take the book to her mother. And her father in the beginning was not Henry, yet she turns up on his doorstep and says she's his daughter... hmm...

On 15.5.2017 at 4:07 AM, justmythoughts said:

That is It! This show ended 2 min before the "oficial" season ending for me. My happy ending was that last supper scene (quite resembling of the religious thing... Was Emma Jesus? lol).

Maybe Jesus was also the saviour? Those seem to be a dime a dozend these days.

On 15.5.2017 at 4:08 AM, Daisy said:

Why is Emma's belief paramount to all realms. How does that... why am I even bothering? Like seriously. 

Agreed. Also why didn't all realms crumble before she believed in season 1? This was just stupid.

Edited by Miles
  • Love 2
19 minutes ago, Miles said:

Agreed. Also why didn't all realms crumble before she believed in season 1? This was just stupid.

I have decided out of all the stuff that happened in these two episodes. This is the thing that bothers me the most. And now actually. the ultimate thing. 

The Saviour Thing. 

I have to re-watch Season 1 (eventually, I can't do it again i recently did it). but from what I can remember, Emma was the saviour.. because she was going to save them. the literal meaning of the word. Before there was no real "magic" to Emma, or anything. just. the baby will go through the wardrobe, grow up, save them - and life goes on. 

Now Emma has Magic due to being True Love's Baby. 
I can dig that. 

So then Why is Aladdin a saviour? Is he true love's baby too? 
So then Why was Rumple a Saviour? Are you telling me that Fiona + Malcolm were true love? 
and then
Why isn't Alexandra a saviour? Or Philip Jr? (aka. Cinderella + Aurora's kidlets). 

Why is Emma so special in regards to Saviour Magic-ness? (it can't just be the whole test tube thing of True Love Rumple did. Is it?) no it can't. because Aladdin had magic powers too. So does being a Saviour give you Magic Power? Who is the First Saviour? 

Which brings us back to the dumbass final battle. What was the final battle? Emma not remembering and thus destroying all worlds.. (again. why?  ALADDIN  CUT AWAY HIS POWERS. and FIONA CUT AWAY RUMPLE'S. I mean, okay Rumple was a baby but I'd imagine literally being at a point in your life that you decide to willingly pick up the Deus Ex Snipna and be all "Bye, Felicia" to the powers... is no longer believing in... yourself, or what you can do.... or whatever Emma's non-belief is tied in that could destroy everything else). 

if it was just about the Enchanted Forest then fine. but Oz, Wonderland, Arendale (which... from what I remember wasn't even it's own world, it was just a boat ride away, not "hat-accessible) shouldn't have been impacted. Because that makes sense. 

or was the final battle Gidiot stabbing Emma and turning her into a nightlight? 

also... what happened to Zombie-eyed Henry? that only happened once and Isaac was so freaked out about it... nothing happened. only the whole "Light beats Light" crap. Whatever. 

  • Love 7

When the dwarves revealed the name change on Regina's door, instead of going, "Awww," I was more, "Well, I'm glad these idiots finally realized they don't live in a democratic society anymore. Welcome back to your archaic monarchy. Good luck to the next person who wants to be elected mayor...oh wait, they can't. Term limits? Ha! Regina will rule until she dies." 

Also, since when did Regina need that reassurance from the dwarves, and why was it so important that it needed to be included in the final montage of happy endings? Didn't we already wrap up this storyline in Season 5 when Regina was moping about the dwarves not seeing her as their leader, but then they copied the Guardians of the Galaxy thing and Grumpy was all, "Wow, that really proved you can lead this town!" Why did we need to repeat those exact same notes again? Oh, right. Since Eddy mentioned that that was one of his favorite scenes in the finale, we can assume Regina is A&E's self-insert and A&E wanted the satisfaction of watching their critics bow before them.

Edited by Curio
  • Love 15
9 hours ago, Miles said:

Agreed. Also why didn't all realms crumble before she believed in season 1? This was just stupid.

Because her belief wasn't being actively tested in a Final Battle. Also, she hadn't had any belief back then, which is different from having it and then losing it, which would mean darkness had won over light.

  • Love 2
10 minutes ago, Noneofyourbusiness said:

Because her belief wasn't being actively tested in a Final Battle. Also, she hadn't had any belief back then, which is different from having it and then losing it, which would mean darkness had won over light.

Puh, that's a hard fanwank. How does the universe know that it's the final battle now? It's not like the black fairy did some special ritual or anything. This curse is the exact same we also had in season 1. Also why would the universe care if she had the believe and lost it or if she never had it to begin with? That state seems to be the same. If the realms are dependant on her believe, they should have crumbled long ago. In general, why are the realms dependent on her, when a lot of them seems to have had their own saviours?

Edited by Miles
  • Love 4
7 minutes ago, Miles said:

Puh, that's a hard fanwank. How does the universe know that it's the final battle now? It's not like the black fairy did some special ritual or anything. This curse is the exact same we also had in season 1. Also how why would the universe care if she had the believe and lost it or if she never had it to begin with? That state seems to be the same. If the realms are dependant on her believe, they should have crumbled long ago. In general, why are the realms dependent on her, when a lot of them seems to have had their own saviours?

The universe knows because now is the time. They established that with Henry's powers going out of control now. It's not the same curse, the Black Fairy perfected it with tons of dark fairy dust (like Gideon said in "Mother's Little Helper" she'd been trying to do ) and didn't even have to sacrifice a heart. You can't test Emma's belief in a Final Battle for her soul before she has it.

You can like it or not (I think it's poorly set up, especially that this is just happening now for no particular reason), but this is clearly what the writers are going for.

Edited by Noneofyourbusiness

Why does BF get to keep her magic inside the curse/land without magic?  Regina didn’t get to.  Contrived.

The original Curse was designed specifically to bring them to a Land Without Magic, because that's where Baelfire went, so that's where Rumple designed the curse to bring them. Then Rumple brought magic to StoryBroooke in S02 E01. Theoretically, that could be why the Black Fairy still has magic in her iteration of the Curse. Except . . . Henry ended up bring magic to New York City a couple seasons ago, so . . . that whole theory goes out the window.

It also doesn't make any sense why Henry wasn't affected by the curse. If Fiona's goal is to make Emma stop believing, why have the one person she might listen to still be awake? They never explained that.

Probably the most absurd thing about this Curse (if such things can be measured against one another) is the idea that Emma's lack of belief would destroy not only The Enchanted Forest but all other Realms. Why? The Black Fairy is from the same Realm as The Blue Fairy, the Charmings, Rumplestiltskin, Regina, etc. How can her curse extend to other Realms that Emma has no part of, and that existed long before she was even born? Her belief in them does not keep them in existence. That was just stupid. And if all realms disappear if she stops believing in them why wouldn't her own realm a.k.a. Storybrooke/our world also disappear? I mean, I guess we're meant to think "all" the stories in the Once Upon a Time book would disappear but doesn't that book at least mention our world too? 


 I still am not seeing the point of the EQ split at all. 

A&E have spent five seasons trying to excuse Regina's murderous past by saying she's a "different person" now and maybe on some level knew that didn't wash so they literally made her two people like they figured maybe that would fix it once and for all. Except . . . then they just went and redeemed the Evil Queen too. So no, there wasn't a point to it. They still seem to think all you have to do is say "I'm sorry" and have your various murders and other crimes forgiven and forgotten.


No, they had a sneaky flash-forward. That was something they got from Westworld.

Or Lost, more likely. 

  • Love 6
11 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

A&E have spent five seasons trying to excuse Regina's murderous past by saying she's a "different person" now and maybe on some level knew that didn't wash so they literally made her two people like they figured maybe that would fix it once and for all. Except . . . then they just went and redeemed the Evil Queen too. So no, there wasn't a point to it. They still seem to think all you have to do is say "I'm sorry" and have your various murders and other crimes forgiven and forgotten.

<sardonic>Of course there was a point.</sardonic> Why settle for giving Regina one happy ending when they can give her two?

13 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

The original Curse was designed specifically to bring them to a Land Without Magic, because that's where Baelfire went, so that's where Rumple designed the curse to bring them. Then Rumple brought magic to StoryBroooke in S02 E01. Theoretically, that could be why the Black Fairy still has magic in her iteration of the Curse. Except . . . Henry ended up bring magic to New York City a couple seasons ago, so . . . that whole theory goes out the window.

It also doesn't make any sense why Henry wasn't affected by the curse. If Fiona's goal is to make Emma stop believing, why have the one person she might listen to still be awake? They never explained that.

The real problem with it is that they said they couldn't use the Hat to get to a land without magic, which is only true if Storybrooke doesn't have magic, but Fiona was able to cast a spell, so it must have had magic. And when it had magic in Season 2, the Hat *was* able to go there.

Fiona did explain that to Henry; she was using his belief to manipulate Emma into thinking belief was harmful to him. Not that it worked.

  • Love 5
15 minutes ago, Noneofyourbusiness said:

The real problem with it is that they said they couldn't use the Hat to get to a land without magic, which is only true if Storybrooke doesn't have magic, but Fiona was able to cast a spell, so it must have had magic. And when it had magic in Season 2, the Hat *was* able to go there.

And they were going to use a bean to get back to Storybrooke, and according to season 3, the bean would only work if there was magic in Storybrooke (why Hook didn't even try it until he learned about Curse 2). Unless maybe that was one of the superpowered special beans like Bae used to get to the World Without Magic.

  • Love 2

You know what REALLY makes me angry, in retrospect? That Regina really never did face any actually consequences for what she did, especially her murder of Graham. Remember that guy? Emma started to fall for him, only for him to suddenly drop dead after rambling about fairy tales. I mean, did Emma really give that little of a shit that she never put two and two together and realized something must have happened to him, and his death wasn't by natural causes? Isn't she the Sheriff? After she saw Regina's typical method of killing, she should have figured it out instantly! Yeah they were always getting dragged from one plot to the other, but shouldn't someone who is both an officer of the law AND a magically appointed Savior be more concerned? I spent the whole damn series waiting for that to come up, and it never did! Its just insane that a main character murdered another one in cold blood, and it never came up once! Emma never even found out!

Granted, there are plenty of other murders that Regina has committed and not one fuck was given (the groom at his wedding, the village that was helping Snow, Percival's village and family, countless random guards, soldiers, and bystanders she executed, children she sent to be eaten by the witch in the gingerbread house, etc.) but Graham was a pretty major character in the first part of the first season, that normally at least allows for some form of justice being done. But, nope, nothing. She raped and murdered an innocent person who we got to know and sympathize with, and I guess we are all just supposed to forget about that. Did I mention he got into that whole mess because he refused to kill Snow, and then was trying to help Emma? Then they were both like "Eh, I'm sure him croaking just as he was waking up was just a weird coincidence. Come on BFF Regina, lets drink Margaritas!"

By the end of the show, I had basically made my peace with Regina and her redemption, and she even grew on me as a character, but now that we are basically starting a new show, it seems like she will never have to face anyone whos loved ones she murdered, never had to apologize to a widow or widower or a child who will never see their mother or father again, or any kind of punishment at all. If she had just dealt with these murders, and it just seems like shoddy and even creepy story telling. I honestly could have forgiven her if we had seen her really apologize and have to deal with Emma being angry or something,, but leaving it all just out there, it just seems...unfair.* Like, there are all the bodies of Regina's victims rotting in the ground, while there's Regina, who gets not one but TWO Happy Endings, and gets the people who she ruled over as a bloody tyrant to bow and praise her. Goody.

*You could probably say all the same things about Rumple, but he tends to bother me less because most of the main characters just put up with him, they don't act like he's totally the Best Person Ever, and he is very much aware of his flaws. Regina never really seemed to get it like he did.*

Edited by tennisgurl
  • Love 12
34 minutes ago, tennisgurl said:

You know what REALLY makes me angry, in retrospect? That Regina really never did face any actually consequences for what she did, especially her murder of Graham. Remember that guy? Emma started to fall for him, only for him to suddenly drop dead after rambling about fairy tales. I mean, did Emma really give that little of a shit that she never put two and two together and realized something must have happened to him, and his death wasn't by natural causes? Isn't she the Sheriff? After she saw Regina's typical method of killing, she should have figured it out instantly! Yeah they were always getting dragged from one plot to the other, but shouldn't someone who is both an officer of the law AND a magically appointed Savior be more concerned? I spent the whole damn series waiting for that to come up, and it never did! Its just insane that a main character murdered another one in cold blood, and it never came up once! Emma never even found out!

There was a deleted scene where Emma put it together, but it was deleted. A&E have said in interviews since then that Emma thinks it was a heart attack.

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, Shanna Marie said:

And they were going to use a bean to get back to Storybrooke, and according to season 3, the bean would only work if there was magic in Storybrooke (why Hook didn't even try it until he learned about Curse 2). Unless maybe that was one of the superpowered special beans like Bae used to get to the World Without Magic.

Not quite; Regina said that her rolling back of Pan's Dark Curse created a barrier between worlds that even a magic bean couldn't cross. Baelfire's bean wasn't special.

1 hour ago, tennisgurl said:

*You could probably say all the same things about Rumple, but he tends to bother me less because most of the main characters just put up with him, they don't act like he's totally the Best Person Ever, and he is very much aware of his flaws. Regina never really seemed to get it like he did.*

The thing that really bothers me about Gold, is that the person who did think he is the "Best Person Ever" was someone he was in a romantic relationship who at times he was very manipulative and controlling.  There was kind of a message, if your partner has been abusive, if you believe in him enough he can change, and then simply forget all of the times he treated you badly.  This was made worse by the fact that he got redeemed more than once only to quickly revert, so there was a bit of a "I am sorry honey - I won't abuse you again - this time for real - I promise - I love you - only you can save me" cycle to it that was a little too much like real-life abusive relationships.

  • Love 11
1 hour ago, Noneofyourbusiness said:

There was a deleted scene where Emma put it together, but it was deleted. A&E have said in interviews since then that Emma thinks it was a heart attack.

Actually Matt Mitovich said that he was told by A&E that there was a deleted scene and then a couple of years later it got brought up to Adam who then claimed there was no deleted scene. I believe Matt.

  • Love 1

Matt answered the question about Emma knowing that Graham was murdered in a video and then denied saying it when Adam was called out as a liar. If it's posted on the internet, it never goes away, people.

As to the end of the story for the villains, I gave up long ago on the writers understanding how disgusting it is that Regina and Rumpel never faced any consequences for their evil. It sickens me that Regina ultimately does win. She never pays a price. No hole in her heart because of Henry, which was a reward for casting the curse. Rumpel continually screws these people over, even murders his wife a second time, and goes on to live happily ever after with his abused spouse. The message of this show is rape, slaughter, curse and terrorize people. It doesn't matter. You too can never pay the consequences and have all your dreams come true. 

  • Love 12
34 minutes ago, XrystalPond said:

I didn't get Regina's happy ending at all. So she got to keep the title queen, her office, etc. And her apples? Her happily ever after is about produce?

Don't forget forehead kisses with Henry! Isn't it everyone's dream to be able to walk their teenager to the high school bus and kiss him on the forehead? (massive eye roll). 

  • Love 5
31 minutes ago, Kktjones said:

Don't forget forehead kisses with Henry! Isn't it everyone's dream to be able to walk their teenager to the high school bus and kiss him on the forehead? (massive eye roll). 

The Writers think Henry is still 10.  Who would agree to get kisses from their mothers just going to school in the morning.  Why does Henry even need to take the school bus?  They put sooooooooo much thought into that dumb final montage.  Ooh look, David is heading out to do manual labor.  Did he get fired from the Sheriff's office?  Did Snow get fired as a physics teacher, since she's back to doing the same lesson about bird houses.  That has got to be rewarding.  Might as well still be under a Curse, eh?

Edited by Camera One
  • Love 10
1 hour ago, KAOS Agent said:

As to the end of the story for the villains, I gave up long ago on the writers understanding how disgusting it is that Regina and Rumpel never faced any consequences for their evil. It sickens me that Regina ultimately does win...The message of this show is rape, slaughter, curse and terrorize people. It doesn't matter. You too can never pay the consequences and have all your dreams come true. 

By all rights that logic would apply to Captain Hook as well. We know he's murdered, tortured, pillaged, etc. He got his happy ending without consequence (unless you count sad sacking about the past, which Regina has also done quite a bit of).

  • Love 1
2 minutes ago, Camera One said:

The Writers think Henry is still 10.  Who would agree to get kisses from their mothers just going to school in the morning. 

Since the poor kid now has four mothers, this would also take an awfully long time. Do they want him to get to school on time?

Just now, HariboPeach said:

By all rights that logic would apply to Captain Hook as well. We know he's murdered, tortured, pillaged, etc. He got his happy ending without consequence (unless you count sad sacking about the past, which Regina has also done quite a bit of).

I disagree. Hook is the only one who said, "I've done terrible things that I need to atone for" and then actually tried to atone for them. He's the only one who's questioned whether he even deserves happiness.

  • Love 14
9 minutes ago, AudienceofOne said:


I disagree. Hook is the only one who said, "I've done terrible things that I need to atone for" and then actually tried to atone for them. He's the only one who's questioned whether he even deserves happiness.

Regina has questioned it throughout the series. There was the villains don't get happy endings and that whole schtick. She's been working toward redemption for six seasons, whether or not you agree with her methods. Regina is definitely aware of the horrors of her past.

Edited by HariboPeach
  • Love 1
1 minute ago, Kktjones said:

Not to complete change the topic, but did they ever mention the Dark Realm and what would/did happen to it now that the Black Fairy was dead? I admit I wasn't really paying attention to any BF/Rumple scenes, but do we know if those poor children are still trapped there? Does anyone care? 

No, it was never mentioned.  And no, you're not supposed to care.  All that matters is Gideon and Rumple got a do-over.  If you're lucky, maybe everyone will visit Child Labor Realm in Season 9.  Enjoy Season 7!

  • Love 6
Just now, HariboPeach said:

Regina has questioned it throughout the series. There was the whole villains don't get happy endings and that whole schtick. She's been working toward redemption for six seasons, whether or not you agree with her methods. Reginald definitely aware of the horrors of her past.

We're at YMMV territory. I will just say that, to me, Regina woke up one day and decided she was going to be a hero and then whinged endlessly about how her villain days were going to stop her from getting the happy ending she wanted. As though her villainy was something done to her by somebody else. 

Then she literally blamed her own behaviour on a different person AND created a physical version of that person to take the blame for her own actions. That's not working towards redemption. The first step would be for her to admit responsibility for her own actions and she has never done that. Ever.

  • Love 10
5 minutes ago, AudienceofOne said:

We're at YMMV territory. I will just say that, to me, Regina woke up one day and decided she was going to be a hero and then whinged endlessly about how her villain days were going to stop her from getting the happy ending she wanted. As though her villainy was something done to her by somebody else. 

Then she literally blamed her own behaviour on a different person AND created a physical version of that person to take the blame for her own actions. That's not working towards redemption. The first step would be for her to admit responsibility for her own actions and she has never done that. Ever.

Didn't she just recently do that though in "Page 23"? 

6 minutes ago, HariboPeach said:

Didn't she just recently do that though in "Page 23"? 

You mean the one where the Evil Queen got a totally unearned happy ending just for being a part of Regina? That episode?

The one where Regina murdered Snow and Charming in cold blood but never had to account for it?

EDITED because I think Regina murdering Snow and Charming was in a previous episode and the Evil Queen was just sent back to that realm in this episode.

Edited by AudienceofOne
  • Love 7
5 minutes ago, AudienceofOne said:

You mean the one where the Evil Queen got a totally unearned happy ending just for being a part of Regina? That episode?

I can't believe they wasted time giving The Evil Queen yet another happy ending with Robin's "arrow".  It really shows their priorities.  If they had to have someone make a big sacrifice, why not Regina, the actual character?  It's unfathomable how the Writers' minds work.  They couldn't put this in Season 7, when they still have access to the actress?   Use the actors who are actually leaving, damnit!

Edited by Camera One
  • Love 10
3 minutes ago, AudienceofOne said:

You mean the one where the Evil Queen got a totally unearned happy ending just for being a part of Regina? That episode?

The one where Regina murdered Snow and Charming in cold blood but never had to account for it?

Ok, definitely a YMMV based on bias toward certain characters. I get it. I like Hook but I don't think he's in a special class away from Regina and Rumple. They've all done despicable things, being more vocal about it doesn't change the deeds. 

  • Love 1

Let's ignore Regina and pretend she's totally separate from her alter ego. The Evil Queen got a happy ending in this episode. The same Evil Queen who did the following: "Many years ago, a boy returned to his village in the Enchanted Forest to find it ablaze. Villagers screaming, terror in their eyes... his whole world burning like a funeral pyre. The boy hid, praying for mercy. But none came, only an angel of death. And she slipped through the flames, relishing in the horror she wrought. But before she escaped, she saw the boy. And amidst the carnage, do you know what she did? She smiled at him."

You know what happened to that young boy? He was killed for daring to try to get justice for his family. No happy ending for him. Fuck this show. 

  • Love 12
33 minutes ago, Kktjones said:

Not to complete change the topic, but did they ever mention the Dark Realm and what would/did happen to it now that the Black Fairy was dead? I admit I wasn't really paying attention to any BF/Rumple scenes, but do we know if those poor children are still trapped there? Does anyone care? 

Nope. That was one big question mark for me. All those people living there, children and adults alike.

I must say, it was really nice of the Black Fairy to restore Snow and Charming's castle to a pristine state. Since, you know, the last time we saw it, in Season 2, it was in ruins. That's why Snow and Charming went to live with Regina in her castle when they were sent back to the Enchanted Forest for a year in Season 3.

  • Love 2
27 minutes ago, AudienceofOne said:

You mean the one where the Evil Queen got a totally unearned happy ending just for being a part of Regina? That episode?

The one where Regina murdered Snow and Charming in cold blood but never had to account for it?

EDITED because I think Regina murdering Snow and Charming was in a previous episode and the Evil Queen was just sent back to that realm in this episode.

That reminds me of something that bugged during the finale. When the Evil Queen comes in bitching about how she had to leave the Wishverse because everybody thought she murdered Snow and Charming. Uh... technically you did sweet cheeks. 

  • Love 7
7 minutes ago, XrystalPond said:

Where are the children?

And where are the forehead kisses for these children? Maybe that can be part of Regina's happy beginning - lining the children up before high school to give them all forehead kisses. It would also help make up for all the villages she burned as the EQ ;).

  • Love 3

A poster on a different show's forum that I post on said she got as far as the scene where The Black Fairy was trying to feed Emma pills (which ended up being pointless, by the way), and then she quit and just read a recap and has no interest to watch the rest.  She thought the Black Fairy was The Black Witch.  I can see lots of casual viewers feeling that way, and no way they will be back for Season 7.

Edited by Camera One
1 hour ago, Socks said:

That reminds me of something that bugged during the finale. When the Evil Queen comes in bitching about how she had to leave the Wishverse because everybody thought she murdered Snow and Charming. Uh... technically you did sweet cheeks. 

Nope, Regina devoid of her "EQ" parts did those murders.

Although when Regina gave the gift of her "I love me" heart she probably gave EQ the dark part that killed Wish Snowing.

2 hours ago, HariboPeach said:

We know he's murdered, tortured, pillaged, etc. He got his happy ending without consequence 

I don't see how dying numerous times and being physically tortured in hell to a bloody pulp isn't a consequence. 

1 hour ago, HariboPeach said:

I like Hook but I don't think he's in a special class away from Regina and Rumple. They've all done despicable things, being more vocal about it doesn't change the deeds. 

The showrunners actually do classify Hook in a different villain category than Regina and Rumple. There are several interviews out there where they describe Regina and Rumple as being in a worse class of villainy than the other characters, and they don't group Hook into that class. You're welcome to have your own opinion, and A&E have certainly said contradictory things in interviews before, but I'm going to default to the creators of the show on this one because I agree that that's what's been shown on screen.

1 hour ago, Socks said:

That reminds me of something that bugged during the finale. When the Evil Queen comes in bitching about how she had to leave the Wishverse because everybody thought she murdered Snow and Charming. Uh... technically you did sweet cheeks. 

If you think that they're the same character (which THEY ARE, Regina has referred to the Evil Queen using the terms "I" and "me" on multiple occasions, including this episode), then yes. If you think they're totally separate characters, then the Evil Queen was actually throwing Regina under the bus by saying she was solely responsible for killing the Charmings. But whatever, it was the Wish Realm, it was all fake and doesn't matter! Except it totally is real and does matter. Why was Emma so nonchalant about Regina murdering her parents again?

Also, how did Regina know with certainty that the Evil Queen was sent to the Wish Realm and was hanging out with Robin? I thought that Regina didn't know exactly where Henry sent her but she had an inkling? But the way Regina stated it in this episode, she said it like it was fact.

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28 minutes ago, ParadoxLost said:

Nope, Regina devoid of her "EQ" parts did those murders.

Although when Regina gave the gift of her "I love me" heart she probably gave EQ the dark part that killed Wish Snowing.


18 minutes ago, Curio said:

If you think that they're the same character (which THEY ARE, Regina has referred to the Evil Queen using the terms "I" and "me" on multiple occasions, including this episode), then yes. If you think they're totally separate characters, then the Evil Queen was actually throwing Regina under the bus by saying she was solely responsible for killing the Charmings. But whatever, it was the Wish Realm, it was all fake and doesn't matter! Except it totally is real and does matter. Why was Emma so nonchalant about Regina murdering her parents again?

Also, how did Regina know with certainty that the Evil Queen was sent to the Wish Realm and was hanging out with Robin? I thought that Regina didn't know exactly where Henry sent her but she had an inkling? But the way Regina stated it in this episode, she said it like it was fact.

Nope I don't buy it. It's one character. Curio said it, they talk using "I" and "me" too much to be multiples. They finally had their hug fest because Regina finally accepted herself and chose love. Or some such bullshit. Same person, just happens to be in two bodies. 

Emma didn't care because A&E suck. 

And even if this wasn't the case the Evil Queen led a murderous life. It should come as little surprise to her that people aren't super keen to invite her to their little Enchanted Forest cookouts. 

Edited by Socks
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3 hours ago, HariboPeach said:

She's been working toward redemption for six seasons, whether or not you agree with her methods.

No, she worked toward redemption for five seasons, since in the first season she was a pure villain.

Arguably, she's only worked toward it for four seasons, since her attempt early on in Season 2 ended up amounting to nothing.

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6 hours ago, Socks said:

Nope I don't buy it. It's one character. Curio said it, they talk using "I" and "me" too much to be multiples. They finally had their hug fest because Regina finally accepted herself and chose love. Or some such bullshit. Same person, just happens to be in two bodies. 

Emma didn't care because A&E suck. 

And even if this wasn't the case the Evil Queen led a murderous life. It should come as little surprise to her that people aren't super keen to invite her to their little Enchanted Forest cookouts. 

They aren't the same person.  I'd describe it more as EQ being a clone with all of the same memories up until the point they split.

Regina bears responsibility for her clone because she took the action that brought her into existence and did the deeds that formed her personality.

EQ does not bear responsibility for the death of Wish Realm Snowing because Regina did it after the EQ clone was a separate entity.

I took EQ's displeasure over being chased out of Wish Realm because they thought she murdered Snowing as throwing shade at the "good" Regina with an unsaid when it was really you who murdered them.

14 hours ago, tennisgurl said:


In retrospect, none of the former villains (neither Hook, neither Regina, neither Rumple etc.) have really redeemed themselves. They simply one day found themselves in the company of heroes and all of their past deeds were simply swept under the table, because in that show's universe, they don't mean anything at all.

11 hours ago, XrystalPond said:

I didn't get Regina's happy ending at all. So she got to keep the title queen, her office, etc. And her apples? Her happily ever after is about produce?

She didn't get a happy ending in my opinion, only her counterpart did.

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