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S06.E04: Justice

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I'm surprised Dan getting the Selena story wrong didn't blow up in his face immediately. I guess that was more to help set up Selena's overconfidence. 

No explanation for how Amy ended up back with Selena? Doesn't Amy have other options?

Are they setting up Gary as the father of Selena's grandchild? That would be so creepy. Selena was too mean to him this episode. She always says terrible things but I didn't find it funny given the storyline.

Jonah finding Daylight Saving Time as his pet issue is pretty perfect.

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Selena's cruelty to Gary was over the top, but it did give us Gary on the stairs with the box.  Tony Hale is so brilliant at physical comedy.  This was the second week in a row with great background moments from Gary.

Jonah's ability to turn his rageaholic incompetence into a political career is a sad form of continuity.  Kent's "saving, it is neither plural nor possessive" had me rolling.  He was so perfectly deadpan while Jonah got all amped up. 

I enjoyed the way we saw Mike's automatic denial of something based on hearing a few words of a reporter's question turning into a news story.  That seems about right. 

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1 hour ago, Dots And Stripes said:

Are they setting up Gary as the father of Selena's grandchild? That would be so creepy. 

Gary seemed pretty pleased at the idea when the issue was being discussed a few episodes ago, chuckling, "Well, if it came to that..."

A sperm donor Gary would be bad enough, but Catherine seemed inclined to want to do things the old-fashioned way, which would take everything to a whole new level of creepiness.

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This is probably a minority opinion but I'm not enjoying this season. Every character feels like an exaggeration of its previous self. Frankly, I felt this way last season as well but to a lesser extent. Scenes feel rushed. Maybe that's because the group is still split up and each episode is "checking in" with everyone. Dialogue often feels forced. Early on in the series, the clever, often vulgar dialogue felt organic to the moment. It doesn't feel that way any longer, at least IMO.

I assume that there will be a reason to get the entire gang back to get together (including Ben and Kent) before the end of the season. Maybe a return to the old group dynamic will restore my enjoyment of this show.

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Jonah continuing to fall ass backwards into political opportunities despite (and because of) his ineptitude would be funnier if it weren't so disturbing. We're talking about a moron who had no idea that it was daylight saving (no S) time, thought he was supposed to set his watch back an hour, AND couldn't just use his phone to get the correct time because he dropped it in the toilet. And he doesn't know what the little hand points to! But I do love that it gave Kent and Ben yet another opportunity to berate him because he needs it. A lot.

On the opposite end of the spectrum, I knew there was no way that Selina would actually be nominated for the Supreme Court, let alone by Montez, because she is a perpetual Charlie Brown getting the football yanked away from her at the last second every time it seems like things are going her way. Ha, but let's be honest - even if Montez had given her the nomination, there's no way she could have gotten the votes. And can you imagine Selina as a justice? She would be so terrible at it! Gary has often crossed the line into totally inappropriate but when he said it was okay that she didn't get the nomination because it would have been a shame to hide her body under a robe, I was like daaaaamn, Gary, calm down there!

Poor Amy. She is becoming the new Gary. Selina keeps shutting her down and then praising Richard. Sometimes I wish I could be more like Richard, obliviously cheerful to any insults. Loved when Jonah picked up the phone and threw an insult at him and Richard's reply was, "No, this is Richard."

Selina's glee that she ONLY had a heart attack but wasn't menopausal was funny. Loved Gary having a heart attack in the background when he overheard the news. Later carrying that box up and down the stairs in the background was great too.

Dan, OMG. Loved how he immediately put down his magazine when Marjorie suggested that Katherine have sex with him and then he tried to turn it into a threesome and a date. Some men would be disappointed to hear that their sperm motility was so low that they might never have kids, but not Dan! He was practically skipping out of the room to go call those three girls who owe him abortion money.

When Gary told Katherine he shared a studio with three roommates in Hoboken, I thought she was going to authorize the foundation to give him a raise, not move him into their house. I didn't blame her for laughing when she heard that Selina had a heart attack. People react weirdly to news like that. I thought that she thought Marjorie was joking.

I totally loved when Tanz revealed that he had waited an hour for Jonah just to fuck with him and give him that one cent check, so I was disappointed when Tanz sent over a bill for him. I can only hope this bill backfires horribly and makes Jonah look like an idiot.

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1 hour ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

On the opposite end of the spectrum, I knew there was no way that Selina would actually be nominated for the Supreme Court, let alone by Montez, because she is a perpetual Charlie Brown getting the football yanked away from her at the last second every time it seems like things are going her way. Ha, but let's be honest - even if Montez had given her the nomination, there's no way she could have gotten the votes. And can you imagine Selina as a justice? She would be so terrible at it!

I kind of wish they had made the season about this, to show us another side of Selena (as she tried to say wise, judge-like things publicly and we see what she actually believes privately). I was actually excited to see her nomination pick up steam in this ep, because it would have given some purpose to this season. Right now it feels aimless, just a bunch of one-liners, except for Jonah's continuing ascendency in spite of himself.

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1 hour ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

And can you imagine Selina as a justice? She would be so terrible at it! Gary has often crossed the line into totally inappropriate but when he said it was okay that she didn't get the nomination because it would have been a shame to hide her body under a robe, I was like daaaaamn, Gary, calm down there!

I thought it was funny, and then Selina agreed with him.  Hah!

Selina is so strange that I had no idea Gary actually had a serious heart attack.  She was so flippant and unconcerned that I thought she was mixing up her own symptoms with Gary's, who had just fainted.  I thought she was needlessly making him panic about his condition so she wouldn't have to deal with hers.

Only as time went on and I saw Gary's weakness and symptoms did I realize it was the truth.  I thought the elephant pajamas were great.

Was Dan's makeup artist purposefully over-bronzing him because she hated him?  And then after she was fired, he was even more bronze, so either the makeup people just find him disgustingly pale or they do not like him and are acting out?

With this show I probably overthink when I'm not supposed to and vice versa.  The emotions make no sense.  I only understand Richard.

I actually didn't like Margaret Colin as Ms. Waldorf but she's better for me here.  As a woman who does a meaningless office job I absolutely hate when people at work try to give me treats (I have huge problems keeping my weight down) so it's crazy for me that a woman who has to be on television can just accept COOKIES; either she has a fantastic metabolism, a great trainer, doesn't eat, lipo etc.

For Daylight Saving Time both my phone and computer automatically change, and of course I turn on the television in the morning from time to time so that would be another indicator (a morning show, the channel guide, my PVR).  Does Jonah wake up in some sort of Amish/Luddite house.  

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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9 hours ago, Eyes High said:

A sperm donor Gary would be bad enough, but Catherine seemed inclined to want to do things the old-fashioned way, which would take everything to a whole new level of creepiness.

I had thought Catherine was just saying it as an excuse to have sex with Dan. 

3 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

Loved when Jonah picked up the phone and threw an insult at him and Richard's reply was, "No, this is Richard."

He used his full name which is even better!

1 hour ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

so it's crazy for me that a woman who has to be on television can just accept COOKIES; either she has a fantastic metabolism, a great trainer, doesn't eat, lipo etc.

She did through a line in there about her ass, so I thought it implied she has a good metabolism or worked out a lot. 

Daylight saving time is a perfect Jonah issue. It's also a stupid thing that I'd wish we'd get rid of.  There's places in the country that don't change the clocks. 

I wouldn't have a problem with Selina as a justice compared to some of them. It's obviously a stretch since the sitting president is from the other party, so I don't know why Selina thought it was actually going through. 

I think Selina needs some direction. She's not really doing anything per se. I would have liked if she was nominated for something like UN ambassador or something like that. 

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51 minutes ago, ganesh said:

Daylight saving time is a perfect Jonah issue. It's also a stupid thing that I'd wish we'd get rid of.  There's places in the country that don't change the clocks. 

The changes in people's regular schedules - ironically for this episode - actually cause people to have health problems and heart attacks.  I don't understand why the episode didn't show Selina and Gary having their attacks AFTER the DST took place.  

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It's the little things that make this show so great, like Selina taking Gary's water and asking the nurse to bring Gary some, then taking that too as she's walking away. It isn't so much that Selina is cruel, exactly, it's just that she's such a narcissist she doesn't even realize she's doing it.

Also, Jane's lead-in to her next story: "Is reading dangerous to your child's self esteem? Why one Texas housewife wants to phase it out." It's funny and yet, it's sad because that could actually be a thing today in this topsy-turvy world. 

I could actually get behind a bill to eliminate Daylight Saving Time. I've always thought it was stupid - why make the sun stay out longer when it's hot outside? 


  • Love 13

Oh god. The two of them waking up in the twin bed, and Selena spooning up to Gary, and him reaching over only for her to realise what was happy. So cringe-y, so hilarious.

I've also loved Dan's interactions with Catherine and Marjorie. I appreciate that Dan didn't bring up the "old-fashioned way." That Catherine floated needing more humanity out of the experience, and Marjorie pondered the physical method, but then Dan ups the ante to a threesome, which Marjorie seems on board with.

  • Love 5

And there wasn't any blue cheese in that old chicken sandwich from before they had their heart attacks! I liked that scene because it was both very sweet (from both of them) and also so cringeworthy.

Selina is such a narcissist, totally oblivious and usually so thoughtless, but she really was trying to do a nice thing for Gary. Hell, that's probably more of a homemade meal than she's ever made for Katherine.

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Dan is incredibly more chill since leaving politics. This guy had a severe anxiety attack on the campaign trail, and now he finds out that he can't reproduce and is hunky dory straight away? I think Dan always would have landed there, but it would have taken time to get over hurt male pride and the possibility of getting an in with influential people by impregnating their daughters. Hell, I'm still convinced he agreed to being the donor in the first place because he wanted to have permanent pull with Selina, and none the obligations of raising a child. It seemed like a win-win for him.

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On 5/7/2017 at 8:42 PM, Dots And Stripes said:

No explanation for how Amy ended up back with Selena? Doesn't Amy have other options?


Jonah finding Daylight Saving Time as his pet issue is pretty perfect.

I think Amy just invited herself, which is why most of "her job" involves poaching tasks from Richard.

Agreed on Jonah, and DST. Perfect example of Jonah being right for the wrong reasons, at least until Tanz' people wrote that last speech for him. 

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On ‎5‎/‎8‎/‎2017 at 9:16 AM, Ottis said:

I kind of wish they had made the season about this, to show us another side of Selena (as she tried to say wise, judge-like things publicly and we see what she actually believes privately). I was actually excited to see her nomination pick up steam in this ep, because it would have given some purpose to this season. Right now it feels aimless, just a bunch of one-liners, except for Jonah's continuing ascendency in spite of himself.


On ‎5‎/‎8‎/‎2017 at 7:38 AM, escapetoreality said:

I enjoyed this episode less due to Selena's horrific treatment of Gary and her daughter (more of that to come per the preview).  I think there is likely agreement as to this. Show is at its best as satire of current events. 

Selina was never a nice person, but this season she is a total asshole.  In the first season she was not a great employer or mother, but you could tells she cared somewhat.  However, I do think it is realistic.  Her political career was a failure and now she is living on hand outs from her daughter.  Speaking of which, I really wish Catherine would cut her mother off (this was a woman who thought almost $100,000 was not enough to live on for a month).  She is aimless and has no idea what to do with herself.  It would be wonderful if Gary would stand up to her, but it seems like that will never happen.

  • Love 2
15 hours ago, bijoux said:

Dan is incredibly more chill since leaving politics. This guy had a severe anxiety attack on the campaign trail, and now he finds out that he can't reproduce and is hunky dory straight away? I think Dan always would have landed there, but it would have taken time to get over hurt male pride and the possibility of getting an in with influential people by impregnating their daughters. Hell, I'm still convinced he agreed to being the donor in the first place because he wanted to have permanent pull with Selina, and none the obligations of raising a child. It seemed like a win-win for him.

I agree. I think the show just wanted to go for the cheap humour of Dan being so callous that his reaction is relief over saving money on morning after pills and abortions (which...it's called a condom, Dan).

  • Love 5
On 5/8/2017 at 4:38 AM, ElectricBoogaloo said:


Selina's glee that she ONLY had a heart attack but wasn't menopausal was funny. Loved Gary having a heart attack in the background when he overheard the news. Later carrying that box up and down the stairs in the background was great too.


Tony Hale does the best comedy in the background of scenes.  And his description of the horrible food that Selina kindly brought him!  It just kept getting worse:  "there was no goat cheese."

I kept expecting some tie in to the female anchor telling the producer that she wanted a full beaver shot.   Maybe it got cut?  Needless to say, I was watching every shot of Selina very carefully.  She always wears dresses.

  • Love 3
2 hours ago, meep.meep said:

I kept expecting some tie in to the female anchor telling the producer that she wanted a full beaver shot.   Maybe it got cut? 

Anything's possible, I guess, but to me it seemed clear that the line itself was the joke, and I wouldn't have wanted any more. Just one more throwaway line letting us see how deep her version of narcissism (as big as, but utterly different from, Selina's) goes.

OMG. I loved this ep. I was finding the previous ones this season to be too mean, the characters too unlikable. I'm not sure why Selina's self-centeredness was so funny to me here. 


On 5/8/2017 at 6:20 AM, Ms Blue Jay said:

Was Dan's makeup artist purposefully over-bronzing him because she hated him?  And then after she was fired, he was even more bronze, so either the makeup people just find him disgustingly pale or they do not like him and are acting out?

He was really bronzed as he started the Rwanda story. I don't think he was quite at the level of playing "blackface," but I wondered if the show was going for that.

Loved Kent's constantly correcting people saying "savings." I've probably said it that way, but I never will again. Thanks, Kent!

Gary/Tony Hale is so hilarious. Loved how disgusted he was having to give Sherman a shoulder massage. Loved how he was always giving people the stink-eye whenever they'd refer to Selina's age. Loved him on drugs. But man, when he was carrying that file box up the stairs I literally put my hands on my head in horror. 

The scene where Selina brings him dinner in bed was sweet and funny and so Selina. I thought at one point JLD was about to crack up. Gary was too kind by not telling her how terrible the pasta with cut-up old chicken sandwich (with bread!) was.

Richard was awesome as usual. Did we know before that Jonah had hold music on his cellphone?

Selina: If they're wondering why I'm at the hospital, just put that on Gary 'cause HE had a massive heart attack luckily.

Love that when Selina mentioned super left field, Gary said that's the position he played in Little League.

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