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The Wendy Williams Show - General Discussion

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This woman is a moron.

Charlize Theron (a name Wendy still can't pronounce correctly), still has a friendship with Sean Penn's daughter. According to Wendy that is wrong. She says once the relationship is over with the man, the relationship with his whole family should end as well. Wendy thinks Robin Wright should be pissed off about this friendship and remind her child that SHE is her mother.

What? I'm sure these people are much more evolved than Wendy is and they're all fine with this.

I know this isn't the case with Theron, but this idiot thinks if a person has a long term, good relationship with their young step child, that relationship ends when the marriage ends.

What is wrong with this woman?!

My son is almost 30, he had his first love when he was 16 and his girlfriend was 18. They were together for 3 years before they broke up. He's been living with his girlfriend for 6 years and I have a great relationship with her but, I also still have a great relationship with his first girlfriend and her mother.

Guess what Wendy? Everybody is fine with it!

She also called her guest the wrong name to her face today. She called Kimberly Stewart Ashley which is her brother's name.

The best part if the interview was when Wendy asked about the father of Kimberly's baby. She asked if he was "anybody we would know". Kimberly gives her a look like she's an idiot and says no.

Wendy doesn't do her research. The father of Kimberly's baby is Benicio Del Toro. Shouldn't Wendy have known that?

OMG, I was screaming at the TV during this segment.  Wendy really has the most strange archaic "rules" when it comes to family and relationships.  For someone who has been around as long and seen it all, she is wildly misguided.  She has been saying the same thing about Ashton and his former step-daughters with Demi.  I find it to be incredibly cold to just "throw away children".  Yes, in some cases those relationships can get a little complicated, but that is what happens when you are blending families together, but to look at the situation as a bad thing I just don't understand that line of thinking. 


What really offended me was when she brought up Halle Berry and her relationship with her former step-daughter, which I thought was out of line.  Halle was the sole mother figure to Eric Benet's daughter India, and always referred to her as her daughter.  I believe that she was in the process of adopting her before Eric Benet cheated on her.  Now I don't know how much contact Halle still has with India now that she is an adult but Wendy's assertion that Halle should of washed her hands of India the minute her father cheated on her is just cruel.  A lot of us on the board have been talking about the movie "Clueless" since it is the 20 year anniversary this week (I know, how old do you feel).  Anyway one of my favorite lines from that movie which I think is just so prolific is when Cher is bugging her father about her former step-brother still being a part of the family and he tells her "You divorce spouses, not children". 


Loved what Kimberly Stewart did.  At first when Wendy asked her if we know her daughter's father and she said no.  I immediately thought, wait isn't Benecio Del Toro the father, and then I realized that Kimberly was saying that to shut Wendy down in her place.  That is how you throw shade.

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Well that was the season finale, right?, so if we need updates on Ciara and Amber Rose we are shit out of luck.  Does anyone know what acting role with A-listers she was talking about?  IMDB doesn't have it listed.  Considering the people she talks about, I am sure every actor is A list to her.

I am going to miss her constant updates on Chris Brown. NOT. Really, who cares? 

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I've watched a few repeats in the past couple of weeks and I noticed she frequently says things like "how could a man let his woman do that".

So apparently not only does she fully financially support her husband I guess she lets him tell her what she can and cannot do.

I'm so happy this idiot doesn't have any daughters.

She must have a horrible marriage.

New shows started today - hooray! Sounds like Wendy had a very dramatic summer break. I'm sorry to hear about Kevin Jr's drug experimentation - I know that had to break her heart and I hope they have things under control as well as she thinks they do. I applaud her for talking about it.

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I feel bad for Wendy. But I need to know all of that? And it also makes me wonder if it was an overreaction - dragging the kid to an overseas rehab?

Hmmm. I got the impression she was playing down the seriousness of it. In fact, I didn't by it when she said he was all good; too much stuttering & stammering. Synthetic drugs scare the shit out of me. What with the stories of naked cannibals & all.

I don't get the severe alkaline diet either. What happened to my Wendy who loves food? I like that she's being healthy, but dang.

The break felt really long. I'm glad she's back.

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I feel bad for Wendy. But I need to know all of that? And it also makes me wonder if it was an overreaction - dragging the kid to an overseas rehab?

I wondered why she was telling the story as well. I watch this crap show for the hot topics and gossip, not to hear the personal problems of the Hunter family. Their family dynamic is so strange and I just don't care.

Did she say that she's a vegan? How does one go from salivating every time food is mentioned to saying she only eats now so she doesn't fall over. She used to talk about how much she loves fold and now she doesn't? I wonder what caused the turnaround.

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I wondered why she was telling the story as well. I watch this crap show for the hot topics and gossip, not to hear the personal problems of the Hunter family. Their family dynamic is so strange and I just don't care.



Damage control? Maybe she thought it was better to bring it out herself instead of the tabloids getting a hold of it. I really think Wendy needs to slow down, she's doing too much and possibly the kid is not getting enough attention/discipline because of her busy schedule. She needs to pull back a little bit from HSN, comedy tour, her show, Broadway, etc, etc... Really, what is she trying to prove?  The show should be enough for now. A little more focus on your son, Wendy, and not as much on yourself.  Obviously something isn't working. 

Edited by bichonblitz
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A lot of times, Wendy can be foolish with her advice, but one thing I agree with is when she says to women celebrities, black women in particular:  "Go find a duke, or a count, or a hedge fund guy."  I think Wendy is trying to tell black women, "you don't have to struggle, you have the right to live well."  I see so many black women celebrities, smart women, who marry these lousy men with one, two or three baby mamas, and I'm like, WTF is wrong with these women?  I think Wendy, in her strange way, is trying to tell them to live well, you have the right to live well.  

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Why doesn't Wendy encourage women to go out and be those things themselves instead of telling them to have a man take care of them? Especially when she supports her cheating man.

I don't think that's good advice at all.


In the cases I mentioned, the women already have those things.  Her feeling is, "why fuck yourself over by marrying a lousy man?"  I see so many accomplished black women married to men who bring them down.  She's asking, "why do black women feel we have to struggle all the time?"  "Why can't black women accept that we have a right to live well?"

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In the cases I mentioned, the women already have those things.  Her feeling is, "why fuck yourself over by marrying a lousy man?"  I see so many accomplished black women married to men who bring them down.  She's asking, "why do black women feel we have to struggle all the time?"  "Why can't black women accept that we have a right to live well?"

Except Wendy did marry a lousy man. A cheating man that was pretty much nothing until she became rich and famous, now he is enjoying riding her coat tails as her "manager". 

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Neurochick - I think you hit it on the head. I think she's a family person, and so she stays in this marriage for her son, but she knows it was a bad choice. People in that position often do a lot of preaching about how to choose a mate b/c they know THEY did it wrong and don't want to see someone head down that part.


And yes - Aubergine = Eggplant = Deep Purple ... not maroon!!!

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She's an idiot if she's staying in a bad marriage for her kid. Divorce and a 1 parent household is better for a kid than living in a household with 2 parents who are in a bad relationship.

Wendy...stop trying to make "claimation" a word. You sound ridiculous. Claimation isn't a word and it does not mean that somebody is trying to claim something as their own, that would be called laying claim. It means nothing and it doesn't make you sound cute like you seem to think it does, just makes you sound (even more) dumb.

Edited by Maharincess
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Anybody else find it interesting that Fetty Wap stood Wendy up after she mocked him all week?  I mean, I agree with her, I'm not a fan, but I was surprised she was kind of dismissive of him all week and then she'd be like, "And yeah, he'll be here Thursday, whatever."  She really seemed to be caught unaware, with having to vamp for the last 20 minutes of the show.

I realized today as I was watching this idiot that if I spend an entire hour yelling at the TV and calling the host names, its probably time to stop watching.

This woman can not be serious can she? Some of the ridiculous crap that comes out of her mouth just can't be real.

I've never seen a more insecure person in my life. Today she said that if a woman gets with a new guy, the guy should basically get rid of anything another woman may have touched, she should have the carpets in his house ripped out and stuff like that.

She's always pushing marriage when her own marriage seems horrible. Today she said that since its been 4 years of dating, Jennifer Lopez should get married. Why? Wendy's own marriage sounds like a sexist nightmare to me. From what she's said she prefers the "traditional gender roles" where the man is king of the house. In other words her husband tells her what to do and it sounds like her son does too. It sounds like they sit on their asses and she waits on them hand and foot.

In my mind traditional gender roles means the man makes the money and supports the household. What does her husband do exactly?

What is with this new thing she's doing where she puts "ation" at the end of words? Today as she was talking about Johnny Depp's yacht she said something about "yacht-ation". Does she think it's cute? It's not.

My last complaint is that you'd think that somebody on TV who frequently wears dresses would learn how to smooth her dress over her ass before she sits down.

Yeah...I need to stop watching this idiot.

Edited by Maharincess
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What is with this new thing she's doing where she puts "ation" at the end of words? Today as she was talking about Johnny Depp's yacht she said something about "yacht-ation". Does she think it's cute? It's not


It was cute when Tamar Braxton did it LAST YEAR. Wendy wishes she was Tamar...and has copied a lot of what Tamar does, including the "dot com".

In any event, Wendy is NOT cute at all. Copycats never are.

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I couldn't believe that today Wendy implied that Kim Zolciak was faking her TIA incident to get out of dancing on DWTS?  Really?  I couldn't roll my eyes hard enough over that one!!   She'll say or do ANYTHING to get attention to her Talk Show.  Sometimes it comes across as really pathetic.


I hate to say it but it would NOT surprise me if Kim faked some of what happened to her.  Kim loves the attention; she always wants to show how delicate, fragile and dainty she is.  She wasn't like that when she was first on RHOA when she was on her cell phone, calling "Big Poppa" and saying she needed a new Bentley.  

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I couldn't believe that today Wendy implied that Kim Zolciak was faking her TIA incident to get out of dancing on DWTS?  Really?  I couldn't roll my eyes hard enough over that one!!   She'll say or do ANYTHING to get attention to her Talk Show.  Sometimes it comes across as really pathetic.

Or what made her think it was that Wendy herself was plotting to fake an injury so she could get out of her season on DWTS.  How completely disingenuous of her.  Talk about a wasted opportunity.  When push came to shove Wendy couldn't hack it.  She knows full well what DWTS was going to be like.  The daily routine of the show is no secret.  Way to be professional Wendy.

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Wellll... Kim did fake cancer on Real Housewives of Atlanta. And she was supposedly jetting away from the set and not focusing on dancing. So my first thought was she was faking it also...

***Raises hand*** I thought the same thing. That's the problem when you are a known liar, people doubt everything you say.

Um. Wha happen? I tuned in for BET's midnight showing & there's a "Martin" marathon on until Sunday. A little notice would have been nice....

There's an article in the DailyMail about how rude WW was to Nicole Scherzinger the other day & the comment section is on fire:


I saw that episode & I thought "ouch!" WW told 37 year old Nicole that she wasted 7 years of her reproductive life on that race car driver, Lewis Hamilton. As someone who has suffered through reproductive issues herself, I thought Wendy was incredibly insensitive. Nicole handled herself with class without revealing anything to personal. Perfect!

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There's an article in the DailyMail about how rude WW was to Nicole Scherzinger the other day & the comment section is on fire:


I saw that episode & I thought "ouch!" WW told 37 year old Nicole that she wasted 7 years of her reproductive life on that race car driver, Lewis Hamilton. As someone who has suffered through reproductive issues herself, I thought Wendy was incredibly insensitive. Nicole handled herself with class without revealing anything to personal. Perfect!

Wonder how Wendy would like it if someone told her she has wasted the last 17 years of her life on that scumbag husband of hers.

Edited by bichonblitz
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   Yeah, so today they were discussing Demi Lovato and showing a pic of her nude, with no makeup, no photoshopping/airbrusing.

   This was about Demi wanting to be real and getting the message across that everyone is beautiful just as they are, which is really a nice sentiment and great that someone who had an eating disorder was able to overcome it.

   Of course, Wendy's first comment was something about a little bit of extra skin that hung from Demi's rear as she perched on the edge of the tub facing away from the camera.

   Nice going Wendy.  Leave it to you to take a nice gesture, meant to help women with body image problems and try to find fault and poke fun at a minor imperfection.

   This coming from a woman who looks like a man and has 2 fake over-sided watermelons strapped to her chest.


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Her comment today about Bindi Irwin being "thick" really rubbed me the wrong way. In the same sentence where she lamented that girls have all this pressure to be stick thin, she says she likes that Bindi is thick. Bindi is not overweight. Bindi is a normal size. She should have phrased it differently. I don't know what my problem is - maybe I've outgrown Wendy - but I haven't enjoyed this new season much at all. 

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Talking about Tori Spelling on Tuesday's show Wendy said that Tori said she is sure her husband won't cheat again. Wendy made that stupid stink face she makes and said Tori was dreaming.

Does this idiot not see the irony in that? Wendy's husband cheated while she was pregnant and from what I've read, rimors have been going around for a while that he's still cheating.

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rimors have been going around for a while that he's still cheating.

That must be why Wendy made a point of saying when the guest foodie said how she 'glows from the inside out and it must be from the clean eating she's doing' and Wendy shut her down by saying 'no, it's cause of the sex I had... blah blah whenever' (not a direct quote).... Interesting....

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Her comment today about Bindi Irwin being "thick" really rubbed me the wrong way. In the same sentence where she lamented that girls have all this pressure to be stick thin, she says she likes that Bindi is thick. Bindi is not overweight. Bindi is a normal size. She should have phrased it differently. I don't know what my problem is - maybe I've outgrown Wendy - but I haven't enjoyed this new season much at all. 



Me too.  It seems she has ramped up her judgments and is further out if left field that usual.  Bindi has a beautiful body; I was shocked at this too.  

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  More Wendy ignorance: she defended Matthew Knowles for giving a one-day, "Be Like Beyonce'" seminar for $199 (for $100 extra, one can get lunch & a picture with Knowles), acting like Matthew's almost solely responsible for Beyonce''s success, as if her mother Tina & Beyonce' herself had nothing to do with it. In fairness, Matthew did his share, but Tina has not only made her fair share of sacrifices, she put up with his cheating ass for years until she kicked him to the curb. At those prices, Beyoncé had better be there too. A few months ago, Wendy also said re Beyonce's movie career that she's not a great actress, like her performances in the Think Like A Man  movies were Oscar-worthy.


  On yesterday's show, Wendy put Mila Kunis on blast for not wanting to hire an attractive nanny to watch her daughter while she goes back to work, citing Ahnuld's ex-maid as proof that Ashton's gonna cheat just like he did. That's an exception, not the rule. Then Wendy tried to say that hiring an older woman as a nanny's no guarantee either because he was once married to an older woman recently-and look how that turned out.  Between those comments and her body-shaming Demi Lovato & Bindi Irwin, Wendy proves as always that she's not just stuck on stupid, she's marooned there. 

Edited by DollEyes
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The ridiculous thing about Wendy saying that Mila hiring an unnatractive nanny is stupid is that Wendy herself has said many times that a woman should never hire a good looking nanny.

I guess it's OK for Wendy to say those things but not OK for anybody else.

Yes, wasn't she just blasting Jennifer Garner a few weeks ago for hiring an attractive nanny.

As some one else has mentioned up thread I'm just not that into Wendy this season. She seems so different, more judgmental and plain mean. In the past I'd just laugh and roll my eyes at Wendy and her ridiculousness. Now I'm find my self getting annoyed with her. I think it's time to take a break from Wendy.

Edited by imjagain
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