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The Wendy Williams Show - General Discussion

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But remember...Wendy will never be caught at Suzanne's house...she stays home with blinds drawn....

Yes, Kevin has her out making money but when she isn't he has her behind the drawn blinds doing his bidding. Wendy might have lots of money but she has no happiness and it shows all the time with her hateful mouth and jealous ways.

I'm a little bit late watching this show however, there was an episode in hot topics where Wendy was talking about some female singer (can't recall the name) whose 5 year old daughter was shown applying lots of make up to herself and revealing the big before and after photos.

suzanne made a comment about how even she can't apply make up like the 5 year old. Wendy responds with "Yeah, we can tell".

WTF?! How rude. There's not one thing about Wendy that is natural. Suzanne IS natural and looks so much better than Wendy. Damn Wendy pisses me off when she puts down suzanne.

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Did she really say on today's show that she would stay with her man "until he gives her a reason not to?".

If cheating on her while she was pregnant and on bed rest isn't a good reason, I don't know what is.

She's so warped in regards to relationships. Does she really think Miranda Lambert is upset that Blake Shelton is driving Gwen's kids to a baseball game?

She also said the reason Rhianna (?) wasn't at the Grammy's was because she was afraid of Beyonce.

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After today's performance by Norman, I'd rather listen to the 2 Normans cover hot topics, instead of having to whisper lines to Wendy McDumDums who can't be bothered to read her cards or get on a conference call (or, god forbid, read or google) on her car ride to the studio. His performance was excellent though.


Yea, she did shame Suzanne with the kitten heels, said people on Facebook were commenting on how out of style they were. Asshole. I can't believe she said that to Suzanne on camera. If you notice, Wendy walks on stage in her heels, sits down in her Hot Topics chair with them on, and once that's over she goes straight to flats for the rest of the show. So once again, STFU Wendy!


And today she lashed out at Suzanne's hair again, ugh. If Wendy berates (or has Kevin enforce) Suzanne into wearing real heels around the studio while she's having to do stupid clown-at-a-kid's-party shit and wildly spinning that wheel, she's going to end up with no producer and no one to do her bidding. The show would fall apart at the seams if that happened. Knowing Wendy though, she'd have Suzanne doing her job in a cast or wheelchair and berating her for being slow.


I've noticed every day for the past couple of weeks that the first segment of the show has some specific woman she calls out, shames, and shits on for not being a shell of a human. It's gotten to the point where I wince at whatever today's misogynistic, anti-female hate speech will be. 

Edited by meisje
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WHY is Wendy always so scathing and disrespectful to Suzanne?

When I first read this, I thought this was crazy talk, because I always saw them as friendly joshing.  However, today Wendy implied that people on the blogs mock Suzanne, and also asked if she was pregnant.  Then Suzanne said it was her kid's birthday and Wendy said 'tell him I said happy birthday even though he thinks I'm mean', and it came out that I guess he calls her "Miss Wendy" after calling her "Wendy" in the past and being corrected.


I don't know... it's 2016 and I don't think it's disrespectful to call your elders by their first name.  It's terrible that Wendy shamed the poor kid and now he thinks she's mean!  Poor Suzanne and her husband both work for Wendy and have to kiss her ass.

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Wendy said 'tell him I said happy birthday even though he thinks I'm mean', and it came out that I guess he calls her "Miss Wendy" after calling her "Wendy" in the past and being corrected.


I don't know... it's 2016 and I don't think it's disrespectful to call your elders by their first name.  It's terrible that Wendy shamed the poor kid and now he thinks she's mean!  Poor Suzanne and her husband both work for Wendy and have to kiss her ass.

But did you notice how fast Wendy piped in and said "and I'm NOT mean" ... well, I personally think she's mean as stink.


And I don't think Big Kev has anything to do with how she is or that he's forcing her to be anything she doesn't want to be.  If anything, I think Wendy would be the ball buster in the family.    She's being herself - her new entitled self..  


I don't like listening to how Wendy talks to Suzanne, but on the other hand, I can't stand Suzanne's screeching and yelling.  Wendy has said many times that if she doesn't like something about someone, she has no problem dropping them like a hot potato and then pretending they're dead.  I've heard her say she has no close girl friends.  Maybe she's ready to 'drop Suzanne' but she can't because it's business, so that's why she's berating her on air.  JMO

Edited by Fishy

If I was a kid and an adult corrected me I'd think them mean too. But as an adult there's no reason in blue fuck why that kid should call his mother's boss by her first name. Boss or no I think all kids should call adults they do not know Mrsxxxx. Quite honestly the little kid should call her Mrs Hunter.

Did anyone watch her fashion special on bet? The production values....oh so bad. It was clearly done in the Wendy studio....but...I actually liked it. I'm thrilled to see Bevy and her brestisis back on tv doing fashion. They all had fashion related comments with a dash of humor. Way better then the retooled fashion police.

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Fishy, I would bet my life that she's mean as shit behind the scenes. I think she's so dominated and treated badly by BOTH of the Kevins in her life that she takes it out on those she thinks are beneath her.

I'm sure they all sign non disclosure agreements but I really hope one of her crew members writes a tell all book one day.

I bet she and Kevin are horrible to everybody, poor Suzanne just gets hers in front of America.

I would also bet that Wendy and her husband make Suzanne act the way she does because they know it makes her look bad, so I can't really blame her.

I hate how Suzanne acts like a lunatic but from what I've seen she seems like a nice, friendly sweet person who is a good mom in a good relationship with a good father.

Wendy is probably jealous of that in some ways so she has to show her who's boss by treating her like shit on camera.

I don't think there's anything wrong with a kid calling any adult by their first name. I just don't see the big deal at all.

I've never seen it in my real life, only on TV, but what I especially hate is when people are made to call their mother and father in law by Mr/Mrs. Your children in law are your family, I think it's ridiculous to have to call them Mr/Mrs.

I bet Wendy will make little Kevin's wife (that poor, poor woman) "Miss Wendy".

Edited by Maharincess
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I'm on both sides of this issue... one thing I do like about Wendy is, as nuts as she is, she does have some 'old fashioned' ideals from a kinder, more genteel time, including respecting your elders (I won't touch her retrograde views on marriage).  So in a sense, it's nice that she expects children to call her "Miss" Wendy.  Kids shouldn't feel on the same level as adults.  HOWEVER... the story as she told it had a lot of subtext that made me think Miss Wendy might be an imperious bitch behind the scenes - I can just see Suzanne introducing the kids to "Wendy" and thinking it would be just fine, and Wendy getting all haughty and demanding to be called Miss Wendy.  I mean, she is a big imposing woman so I'm sure it freaked the poor kid out.

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Most likely went like you said which mean the bad is on Susan. I wonder how much of this is cultural. Wendy has mentioned before that she's had to correct little kev's (subtext white) friends about calling her mrs Hunter. When I was growing up in a primarily white neighborhood friends parents would always correct me when I tried to go formal as I was taught. My mother always said she didn't give a darn what they told me to say and I'd better show 'good home training' when at friends homes.

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IMO.. Wendy has forgotten what it's like to be an authentic person. She sometimes appears to say things just to be controversial.

But moving on from that to a bigger issue I have with her is the comment she made in reference to "the people vs. oj Simpson" about Robert Kardashian.

She said the world lost a great guy when they lost Robert Kardashian.

Maybe Wendy isn't aware of it, and I will use the word "allegedly" but it is common knowledge that Robert Kardashian disposed of the murder weapons that OJ used to kill Ron and Nicole.

And Wendy claims the world lost "a good one"

she needs to READ more books and learn more truthful and factual information especially when it comes to a subject that is way beyond "celebrity gossip". Way beyond Wendy's grasp of concept of reality.

Edited by chenoa333
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It's called manners. Unless instructed to by the adult always start out defaulting to the more formal salutation. If the adult is comfortable with otherwise THEY will let it be known. For once I'm agreeing with Wendy on this one.

I think a child can have impeccable manners and still call an adult by their first name. Manners have nothing to do with it.

IMO.. Wendy has forgotten what it's like to be an authentic person. She sometimes appears to say things just to be controversial.

But moving on from that to a bigger issue I have with her is the comment she made in reference to "the people vs. oj Simpson" about Robert Kardashian.

She said the world lost a great guy when they lost Robert Kardashian.

Maybe Wendy isn't aware of it, and I will use the word "allegedly" but it is common knowledge that Robert Kardashian disposed of the murder weapons that OJ used to kill Ron and Nicole.

And Wendy claims the world lost "a good one"

she needs to READ more books and learn more truthful and factual information especially when it comes to a subject that is way beyond "celebrity gossip". Way beyond Wendy's grasp of concept of reality.

This is good dirt, and info I have not heard before. I'm 37 and watched the trial with my mom. I was too young to read any of the many many books but I feel like I followed it very closely then and now. off to google.

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I had heard rumors about it at the time but there were so many rumors and theories being thrown around back then it was hard to know what was fact and what wasn't.

Nothing about the case and the OJ butt lickers would surprise me. I read a book called "How I Helped OJ Get Away With Murder" by Mike Gilbert, a former OJ suck up. It was unbelievable and it pissed me off so bad. Those hangers on would have done anything to protect him and the lifestyle he provided them. Nicole didn't matter to any of them. Disgusting people.

Edited by Maharincess

If I was a kid and an adult corrected me I'd think them mean too. But as an adult there's no reason in blue fuck why that kid should call his mother's boss by her first name. Boss or no I think all kids should call adults they do not know Mrsxxxx. Quite honestly the little kid should call her Mrs Hunter.

Did anyone watch her fashion special on bet? The production values....oh so bad. It was clearly done in the Wendy studio....but...I actually liked it. I'm thrilled to see Bevy and her brestisis back on tv doing fashion. They all had fashion related comments with a dash of humor. Way better then the retooled fashion police.

Yes, it was impolite for the young child to call WW by her first name, however it is not Wendy's place to correct someone's else child and embarrass both the mother of said child and that child on tv. Where are Wendy' s manners ?( theoretical question of course)

Yes, the bet show was great, both Verdi and Boston were on point, IMO.

As far as bev, if you like her on tv, check her radio show on Andy's radio station on satellite radio.

she is funny, informative and has great guests.

IMO.. Wendy has forgotten what it's like to be an authentic person. She sometimes appears to say things just to be controversial.

But moving on from that to a bigger issue I have with her is the comment she made in reference to "the people vs. oj Simpson" about Robert Kardashian.

She said the world lost a great guy when they lost Robert Kardashian.

Maybe Wendy isn't aware of it, and I will use the word "allegedly" but it is common knowledge that Robert Kardashian disposed of the murder weapons that OJ used to kill Ron and Nicole.

And Wendy claims the world lost "a good one"

she needs to READ more books and learn more truthful and factual information especially when it comes to a subject that is way beyond "celebrity gossip". Way beyond Wendy's grasp of concept of reality.

Wendy has been bought by the K. I bet you all it took was a fur coat.....

During Wendy's hay day on the radio I did not live in her market. While reckless with her mouth I generally found her tea to be accurate I thought . Can a long time listener fill me in? Yes she is a hypocrite, she herself was high as a kite yet she went in on Whitney. Yes big Kev most likely harassed her staffer and Wendy knew about it. But I seperate that from her celeb gossip. Her celeb gossip back in the day was fairly accurate. And I don't care when celebs clap back at her cause she can dish it but can't take it.


I still live in her market.  The shame of it if you can call it that was that all of the things you mention lent to destroying her credibility.  I'm actually shocked she physically and (this part is debatable) emotionally recovered well enough to take another career turn.  But yes, in her heyday she was astoundingly accurate.   How do we know this?  Because area industry celebs (and she really only concentrated on music business people then) used to regularly listen then call up the radio station and raise hell.   Now you can call that some sort of reputation protective move, but a dog won't holler unless he's hit.  Then she'd be banned or suspended for a couple of days and come back on the air and tell us the real reasons why.   From a transparency perspective, it was glorious.  She said stuff you simply don't say if you're trying to keep your job.  She spilled tea before that was a thing and I don't really mean gossip, I mean stuff that was pretty well known in the industry but not spoken about openly/publicly.  She talked about watching your drink around Bill Cosby and Whitney's drug  use decades before mainstream picked it up.  Cosby called the station and I don't remember if he'd arranged to buy it to fire or simply demanded that she be fired, but he was a little miffed lol.  Wendy's favorite boss was a man named Vinnie Brown, the program director at WRKS-FM.  He subsequently moved to competing station WBLS and Wendy moved with him.  She was messy and reckless at the mouth and talked to her audience in the way you'd imagine a young girl talks to her best friend.  She was his blessing and his curse.  The FCC would regularly threaten the station, but Vinnie's conundrum was that where and whenever Wendy was on, it didn't matter if it was 2am or 4pm, she shut the ratings down in her time slot, every day.   Which might make you say so what?  But this was before facebook, before twitter and before we were living our lives on cell phones, radio was a big deal then.  Wendy was the only woman to lead/carry a show and hold the top of her slot consistently enough to have urban radio be considered a player in an uber competitive and largely non-urban market.  This little black girl nobody had ever heard of was slaying legends like Don Imus and Howard Stern.  Her ratings changed the stations' advertising and revenue opportunities.  It's more than you wanted to know, sorry lol, but I say all that to say, she's earned her spot.   The dishing it but not being able to take it thing is a typical Cancerian trait.  I know ya'll won't believe me when I say this but she is shockingly sensitive for somebody who wags for a living and I think it's because she believes that her *job* is completely compartmentalizable from who she is as a person.  She's made reference to Wendy Williams being a different, nearly opposite, person from Mrs. Kevin Hunter.    So there's no reason for her to expect clapbacks from somebody who doesn't do this for a living - if that makes any sense.   And I see it, when she starts crying or carrying on because somebody she's had a history of dogging out on the air (Ciara, Puffy) comes up to her and peaces it up and hugs her, she's emotional because (my dimestore psychology hat) they get that what she's doing as a tv personality is a hustle that has nothing to do with how she may see them otherwise.  The problem is it's hard to remember there's an otherwise. 






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Zaldamo..I wish I could like posts on mobile. That was some good dish and insight. Thanks

No matter how messy Wendy gets I just can't stop being a fan. Even on the days she grates so much and starts peddling her relationship BS.

I think you really hit on something, the only reason we don't hear about big kev's shenanigans now is because of things like Twitter and Facebook. That wasn't around she she was in the radio and the rumours were flowing. I think he's wised up to be really quiet with the dirt if not stopped all together.

And heck yeah Wendy is sensitive as Fuck. I think her childhood was really effd up. Her parents calling her fat and sending her to fat camps, when really she wasn't really that fat, she was just big. Her mother is tiny is size and stature so I have no doubt she road Wendy hard about how big she was. They both admit it. Honestly I can't stand her parents because of this and I'm glad they no longer come to the show. She also had issues fitting in cause she was 'too white.' It's clear no amount of success will satisfy her insecurities. And I think big kev just continues the put downs that she grew up with. Messy boots Wendy but I still love ya.

Thanks for the info on Bevy. I'll see if I can find her radio show online. Glad Andy didn't throw out the best part of the defunct fashion queens when that show wasn't renewed.

Edited by Shoppergal
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You're welcome.  Mother's here to serve! Lol.  


Likability might be too strong a word for me to use but I do find her relatable.  I'm also a Jersey girl, an older sister, grew up black in an all white town, a sensitive Cancer and can be real slick at the mouth.   Fat camp/weight shaming is a shitty thing to do to a child, but from her own description and from seeing/hearing her parents, it fits their dynamic.  Wanda (Wendy's sister) was their perfect little girl.  Tommy (Wendy's brother) was their only boy and a smartie in school.  She says by comparison she felt like the family black sheep.  I think part of that is self imposed, part of it is that nobody can get on your nerves with "constructive" criticism like your mother can and part of it was trying to find something that made her a family standout.  She'll always have and may unfortunately always display those insecurities, she doesn't feel like she fit into her nuclear family and she's not exactly a fit in the family she created.  She has said that one of the reasons she married him was that he made her feel like she was good enough as is though so there's that.    I'd be shocked if he continued past carryings on, I just don't have the impression that he's got that much juice outside of her. 

  • Love 3

So what do you both think is the reason why Wendy is losing so much weight and is in such a bad mood lately?


Big Kev acting up?

Graves' disease?

Not for nothing but she was inducted in the radio hall of fame. This is not a small achievement for a youngish woman of color.


Not sure if this was directed to me, but guessing anyway ;)


Is Graves the name of her thyroid condition?  I vote no because she's managed it for a long time but I'm no medical expert, I couldn't even begin to say how it affects someone long term as they age.


Overwork - I vote no here too, she's busy sure, but she likes the autonomy of a schedule that allows her to drive Kev to school if she wanted and be home by the time she gets out if she wanted.  It's actually a shorter day than when she was on 'bls.


Big Kev has been an embarrassing pain in the ass.  See if you rebel against your family by marrying someone who is not of their, um, ilk, the least he can do is prove their disapproval and condescension wrong.  I'd be mad at him for life because a dick is not a terrible thing to waste.  He can control that.  As for his current movements, please reference above, I've seen him in person, this is not an impressive looking individual.


I'll be honest I don't tune in often enough to say that her mood is bad.  I think she's grown and older and at an age where she's lost patience about whether or not she's "accepted" anymore.   I hear the fuck-it stage is the best time of your life (for you) but it's kind of hell on everybody else. lol.   


But again, I default to her radio days when there were no holds barred.  I remember her couch interview with Omarosa and think to myself, time was, Wendy woulda left that girl a shiny carcass on the studio floor and then tipped off to get a coffee.  So I'm not the one to ask because I actually think she has mellowed lol.

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Well, then, she sure has changed from her radio days. Her Hot Topics now are downright boring ever since the season started. She spends too much time on one topic , interjecting her own off the wall opinions and really doesn't bring anything juicy to the table. Just opinions. Which I don't care about. I can form my own opinions, thank you. Perfect example, the other day she was talking about Rhianna being afraid of Beyonce and Adele. WTF? Where does she get this shit from? I don't think Rhianna has any damn thing or anybody to be afraid of.  She's an icon in her own right. 

I mean, really, how may times do we have to hear about Jordin Sparks and her break up or Ciara and her mess which I find a complete bore. Thank god she backed off of Chris Brown and Justin Beiber for a while, I was really getting sick of hearing about them. Maybe she's trying to target a younger audience which I don't think comes off so well with a 51 yr. old woman. She just  doesn't bring it anymore as far as Hot Topics. The other things she does on the show I think are original and unique  such as Celebrity fanout, Celeb lookalikes,  Eye Candy of the day and the Giveaways. 

  • Love 1

Yeah but I think she had to have changed. She was 25 years old and high as Jesus' feet when she was on the radio.   So even if she'd never heard of a thing or person, she might've been able to pull off *current* because she was young.  You're right, I think now, doing the same type of thing at 51?  That generational gap is a little too wide.  These topics might not be hot because she's twice the age of the people she's talking about and being all in their business, at this age, can sound a little ridiculous.  Hell, half the time she cannot hide that she don't know what or who she's talking about lol.    I love Celebrity Fanout, I like it when they stop and indulge their fans when they really don't have to.  I also like Ask Wendy, I'm tickled by some of the stuff people are willing to divulge for the camera time.

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I may not agree with what Wendy says in regards to marriage and her often jealous ideas regarding other women but part of me will always be a fan because of what she has endured. She can say and do whatever comes into her mind but the woman is very insecure and deep down inside she is just not happy with her life.

She does not appear like she enjoys any of her accomplishments.

Also, It is very hard also for her to accept a sincere compliment, she either gets corny or get confused.

She also really, really tries to convince herself that Kevin is the right man for her.

Deep down, she knows he is a no good mofo and I don't care how good the dick is , she knows that her son is absorbing all his nasty ideas about women...

And she is a cancer?

She will never, ever leave that man, IMO.

  • Love 3

Oh, about the weight loss, I think it would look like a normal amount if it wasn't for her implants.  If they were natural, there'd be loss there too but because she's slimming down everywhere else and her chest remains whatever size that is, it looks crazy.

Zaldamo I am quoting this shorter post but what you posted about Wendy's history needed to be said in this thread.  Yes, Wendy can be sloppy and weird and judgmental on her show, but i think a lot of people forget that first and foremost, this woman is a legend in the radio industry.  She does not get the credit she deserves.  She built her entire empire herself (unlike say Robin Quivers or even Oprah, who some claim benefitted from coming up in an era when execs were eager to get people of color on the airwaves).  Hell, I still bust out Wendy's interview with Whitney every couple of years and kick back while I luxuriate in its messiness.  She had no fear and gave zero fucks which is why people like Howard Stern bow down to her.


If anything, her show tarnishes her rep a little bit, because it's a feelgood, kind of corny show, and that is not the Wendy who came up through the ranks on radio.  She slayed and brought the heat, and I think all of us who nitpick her show need to step back and remember that this woman is an icon (haha am I overstating it?  I love Wendy...)

  • Love 5

She does not appear like she enjoys any of her accomplishments.

Also, It is very hard also for her to accept a sincere compliment, she either gets corny or get confused.

She also really, really tries to convince herself that Kevin is the right man for her.

Deep down, she knows he is a no good mofo and I don't care how good the dick is , she knows that her son is absorbing all his nasty ideas about women...

And she is a cancer?

She will never, ever leave that man, IMO.


All of which makes perfect sense for a little girl whose esteem was fucked with from the start.  I mean we all have a something but it's kind of evident she still doesn't feel worth a damn.  If I recall, I think it's what began her habit.    Yeah she's a Cancer, I giggled when I read what you wrote because, you do kinda need a TRO to get rid of us.


Zaldamo I am quoting this shorter post but what you posted about Wendy's history needed to be said in this thread.  Yes, Wendy can be sloppy and weird and judgmental on her show, but i think a lot of people forget that first and foremost, this woman is a legend in the radio industry.  She does not get the credit she deserves.  She built her entire empire herself (unlike say Robin Quivers or even Oprah, who some claim benefitted from coming up in an era when execs were eager to get people of color on the airwaves).  Hell, I still bust out Wendy's interview with Whitney every couple of years and kick back while I luxuriate in its messiness.  She had no fear and gave zero fucks which is why people like Howard Stern bow down to her.


If anything, her show tarnishes her rep a little bit, because it's a feelgood, kind of corny show, and that is not the Wendy who came up through the ranks on radio.  She slayed and brought the heat, and I think all of us who nitpick her show need to step back and remember that this woman is an icon (haha am I overstating it?  I love Wendy...)


Let's say it together - legen...dary.  Lol.    No seriously love her or hate her, and some days many times in the same episode, I can't decide, but I have to respect her come up.   There were no gimmicks, no sound effects and at first, no sidekick.  She beat the mens' asses with nothing but her quick wit and hot mic.  Because of the irony of one crackhead trying to get another one together, Wendy vs. Whitney is up there with Janet's tittie flop for one of my 5 most memorable media moments that have happened in my lifetime.

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I think I may have a little bit of a different take on Wendy.  I have to say that I do find her likeable when she is being a relatable "regular" person.  Her stories about child rearing, her family.  Those instances is when I find her to be the most pleasant.


When it comes to old Wendy vs New Wendy, I think that Wendy as a 51yr old woman in the position she is now is going through some "reflecting".  I don't know if I would call it a mid life crisis but maybe you can.  I think that Wendy is starting to "reflect" on the things she did and said and what that history means to her now in the position she is in.  I don't think she regrets either the things she said or did back when she was the "Queen of Gossip".  I think now she is starting to realize how those statements really do effect those celebrities that she has talked about. 


For example, when Wendy makes mention to having "gone through it" with such and such celeb.  What she means is, she talked about them like a dog, they insulted her back, so on and so forth.  To me this is a sign of her guilt showing.  She may have been telling the truth about them but she may be at a crossroads to her own past actions.  For example, Whoppi Goldberg.  Wendy has said some pretty nasty things about Whoppi in the past.  When Whoppi did her show I believe Wendy alluded to being nasty to her back on the radio, with Whoppi telling Wendy that her daughter was not speaking to her at the moment because Whoppi was coming on Wendy's show.  I believe Whoppi mentioned something about it being in the past and that Wendy apologized, it being a million years ago, etc.


A somewhat recent example was when Master P came on the last time.  Wendy started the interview being defensive because she heard that MP was upset with some of the reporting she was doing on his tumultuous divorce.  MP point was that whenever he sees, speaks to Wendy it is all love, we are friends, they have a great respect for one another.  He felt that she should of reached out to him to get his side of the story since they actually know one another.  Wendy's response was that she didn't say anything disparaging about him, which she did.  Wendy then tried to blame MP's people on getting him stirred up about what was reported.  When MP finally asked Wendy why she didn't reach out to him for a comment or his side of the story she immediately got defensive and said "I don't have your number".  This of course is after her numerous bragging stories about how her crack Hot Topics team has no problem calling people for a comment, including Justin Timberlake's grandmother. 


I say all this to express that I think Wendy has a lot of guilt/relief over the things that she may have said in the past, true or not.  I think she is in a position now with her show where the stakes are so much more higher than her days at radio.  She has to find that balance of remaining interesting while also not pissing off the whole entertainment community.  As successful as Wendy's show is there is still a barrier there.  She should be competing for the A-list celebrities that go to Good Morning America, Today, and Kelly and Michael.  I believe that she believes that her past can a lot of the time be a hindrance to that. 


I have been a huge fan of Howard Stern and I have to tell you that his attitude on a lot of things has changed, as people do when you go through life.  But specifically with him I have seen him over the last 5-7 years really make an effort to mend a lot of fences that were damaged when he would talk about people negatively on the radio.  He has very publicly spoken about being an asshole on the radio towards others just to make a name and get his show put on the map.  He has talked about attempting to make amends with Robin Williams the day he actually died. Recently he made amends with Adam Sandler on his show.  He apologized to Adam for the horrible things he has said about him over the years.  Part of it just for ratings.


I think Wendy may be re-evaluating some things in her life.  Whether that has to do with her latest changes that we have noticed or the direction of the show I can't say.  I think she may be going through some personal things.

Edited by JBC344
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I just hope the weight loss is not due to drugs. She kept it together for years on the radio while high so can she still do that 20 years later. I never have understood addicts who drink. That has always puzzled me....that coupled with she quit on her own. I don't think rehab happened right?

Back to her fashion show. Anyone find it funny their next show is like the BET awards,,,,not the oscars.

I just hope the weight loss is not due to drugs. She kept it together for years on the radio while high so can she still do that 20 years later. I never have understood addicts who drink. That has always puzzled me....that coupled with she quit on her own. I don't think rehab happened right?

Back to her fashion show. Anyone find it funny their next show is like the BET awards,,,,not the oscars.

Yeah, drugs were my first thought too.

The weight loss is shocking to me. I get that she has huge implants but her arms and legs look so tiny.

I wonder if the problem with little Kev last summer plus the way people make fun of her stature did not somehow get to her.

From what I heard, it was a relative who introduced him to spice.

Wendy is already so afraid to trust, this might have been a trigger.

Anyways, she might have to follow BET requirements and since so many people are boycotting the oscars this year, she might have to do the same.

Selfishly, I am enjoying that choice because people at the BETs are truly original and the potential for the funny and the snark is unlimited.

The barter between Verdi and Boston is going to be hysterical.

...if your kid goes to an UBER costly deliberately EXTRA exclusionary private grade school, that means your kid is smart and or will be smart. Okaa-ey. Wow.

I'm sure Paris Hilton,...will be glad to know that.

And, I am really sure that Michelle Obama,...will love to know that.

Wendy. Wendy. Damnit Wendy! Geez!


Edited by BookElitist
  • Love 2

The weight loss is shocking to me. I get that she has huge implants but her arms and legs look so tiny.


The weight loss doesn't shock me because she has said she lost 50 lbs. slowly over 3 yrs. I guess after the last 20 lbs and her new vegan lifestyle it really started to show.  It's alot of her other behaviors I find odd. 

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Had to laugh today -- Wendy was doing an Ask Wendy with the audience - girl stands up rambunctiously and Wendy says "why are you yelling?" - girl says "well, they told us to be loud and..."   


So I'm confused - you mean to tell me that all that screaming and screeching isn't spontaneous love by Wendy's co-hosts??? Who would have guessed it was 'directed' love.  Pfftt. 

  • Love 6

I can't believe she told the caller today that she was crabby. Just because the woman wasn't acting like an over excited idiot because the great Wendy called doesn't mean she's crabby.

I LOVED when Wendy did the stupid how you doin' crap and the caller replied "I'm fine, how are you?".

Took the air out of Wendy's sails.

She also referenced Jon Benet Ramsey when she was talking about a picture of Jessica Simpson's daughter, which I thought was way out of line. Even for Wendy.

After talking about the picture Wendy said she's glad she doesn't have a daughter and I thought, yeah me too. If she did that poor girl would have such a warped view of marriage and relationships.

Suzanne just gets worse each day. I feel bad for her sometimes but other times I can't stand the lunatic.

  • Love 4

I can't believe she told the caller today that she was crabby. Just because the woman wasn't acting like an over excited idiot because the great Wendy called doesn't mean she's crabby.

I LOVED when Wendy did the stupid how you doin' crap and the caller replied "I'm fine, how are you?".

Took the air out of Wendy's sails.


That was almost painful to watch. Glad someone stood their ground despite the pressure of Wendy practically threatening to hang up and call someone more grateful. 


Hated the garbage about Ciara again today... I mean, how dare she bring her son around her significant other who is, by all accounts, an upstanding and present guy for her son, instead of sitting him in front of his bio dad's twitter feed. It's an asshole move to assert that neither Ciara nor her son are allowed to be in group photos of their lives and their experiences/memories. Why do they need to minimize their exposure for the cheating, shit-talking ex-fiance's sake?! Does it upset Future to see it? Who gives a shit! Did he assume she would join a nunnery until the kid turned 18? Come on... Are his 4 other baby's mothers all relationship-free or not allowed to document their lives so that Future doesn't start railing them on social media? 


Wendy made her choice to stay with her husband, and if she's happy, then great, but I am sick to death of hearing her berate a woman who chose not to and who has made a real effort to try to find someone who will treat her and her son like they are special and not disposable. 

Edited by meisje
  • Love 6

Wendy was complaining yet again during Warm Topics on Thursday about how much time she has to waste between topics because of the noise the audience makes. It drives me crazy too but Wendy and her people can actually do something to stop it. I think she likes to have stuff to complain about that boosts her own ego.

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The story, she did about Keisha pissed me off big time.

Ww is always on the side of the men victimizers.

I am sick of her bullshit at this point.

Why would Keisha and/or her mother tape the alleged abuse?

1. Not everyone is as paranoid as Wendy.

2. Not everyone is stupid as big Kevin not to realize that he is being taped.

As far as Ciara, she can do what she likes, IMO.

Russel is a straight up guy and it is refreshing to see a young mother winning against a thug like Future.

Wendy is misreading her audience if she thinks that her hatred for women is not noted, it is a disgrace at this point.

I forward the stupid game as it is too annoying at this point.

Also, I am sick of hearing about the people against OJ and all the nonsense spewed by Wendy at this time.

Quit being kris kardashian bitch, Wendy,

End of rant lol

  • Love 3

The story, she did about Keisha pissed me off big time.

Ww is always on the side of the men victimizers.

I am sick of her bullshit at this point.

Why would Keisha and/or her mother tape the alleged abuse?

1. Not everyone is as paranoid as Wendy.

2. Not everyone is stupid as big Kevin not to realize that he is being taped.


The Kesha story goes well as a side dish to her favorite entree, "poor Chris Brown, he's really changed... Why won't people stop pushing him down over 1 DV incident with 1 woman?!" Never a mention of the broken window, the fights since, the threats that never end. She sure had his back over the last woman's complaint and smeared her all over television for daring to press charges.


Back to Kesha though, Wendy's reasoning was beyond sick. Kesha would have been 17 or 18 at the time of the alleged incidents, and it takes the mind of a mature (and wildly paranoid) woman, to think of setting up a sting operation. I've found that often people who go to great lengths to record and are always suspect in interactions are exactly the type of people they say they're protecting themselves from. When you don't hurt people and lie just because you can, you don't expect that of other people. Obviously, there are exceptions to good people having an eye out and taping things when appropriate, but it's ridiculous that a teenager (10 years ago) would be thinking that way.


When news broke about her blaming Kesha and promoting the idea that "everyone" would try to break a contract by mounting fake abuse accusations, there was backlash to the point where I wondered if she was risking her new contract, but I guess not. She's teflon. 

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This is because when big kev was sued for sexual harassment, he somehow convinced Wendy that he was set up.

There is also a tape out there of him with another woman ( it is debatable if it is him or not but still)

Wendy had made the decision that all women out there are out to get powerful men out,

While this happens from time to time, more often than not women are victims of powerful men imho.

In her mind, groupies are out to get her Kevins.

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