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The Wendy Williams Show - General Discussion

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I did not like Hoda's ass kissing, constantly telling Wendy how much she loves her, and she and Wendy saying how they should live across the street from eachother and be besties, bleeech!!! I always get a bit of a phony vibe from Hoda. 

So I guess Wendy is too dumb but I kept waiting for her to say that Adele is a 'singer" while Beyonce is a "performer" (like Britney, Madonna, etc). Big difference between the two styles and plenty of room in the industry for both. God, she is so stupid. 

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  And what about how she was telling the one guy in the audience that sometimes it's the right thing to do to have sex an hour after meeting someone and then saying it was 24 hours for her and Kevin and then holding up her hand to show her rings?

  Yeah, he met you and figured you to be a suitable cash cow, so he married you and is staying for the money.........Big deal.

And who's hard work paid for those rings Miss Wendy!

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I can understand the mistake here and there, the not giving a shit attitude but how can she make so many stupid mistakes????

She is so unfocused.

I also noted that her parents have not been in the audience for a while, what's up with that??????

Then she did announce that the Hunter did not celebrate Christmas???

WTF is that all about?????

Something smells fishy in the Hunter Household, IMO.

I am starting to think that she might be back on crack.

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Then she did announce that the Hunter did not celebrate Christmas???

WTF is that all about?????

Something smells fishy in the Hunter Household, IMO.

I am starting to think that she might be back on crack.

She said they went to a movie and Chinese food. No decorations, no tree. WTF indeed. She didn't want to make any effort what so ever. When you have that much money you can hire people to do all of that for you, even deliver and decorate the tree for you. That's what I would do, I'm not a big Christmas lover with all the hooplah but I do it anyway for the family. Speaking of family, where was all of her family for the holidays?  She's just so damn weird anymore.  

Edited by bichonblitz
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I did an internet search for "reviews, comments on Wendy Williams comedy tour".

The reviews were lukewarm to bad.

And apparently, Wendy just sits in a chair and tells funny personal stories about her life.

Sounds like she stole that schtick from Kathy Griffin (however,I actually like KG). So Wendy can't come up with one damn original idea.

Too bad she's signed on for at least a couple more years of the WW show.

It's worth watching cause as many of us PT WW watchers have said..Wendy's gonna crack!

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I have friends that go to a movie and out for Chinese food too so I didn't find it all that weird.  Their kids are no longer living at home, though.   Wendy is paranoid to have anyone inside her home so forget someone coming in to set up xmas!

I would not find it weird if that was the Hunters tradition but she just started this year.

She even used the dog as an excuse and admitted doing so.

Just weird, IMO.

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There is a counterpoint to Alyssa's 'breastfeeding everywhere' point of view, but obviously Wendy did not present it intelligently. She just sounded like a complete moron.

Had no idea Kirstie is pushing 65. She looks amazing. I hate her, but I will give her credit that she could pass for 20 years younger.

I don't know what's going on with Miss Wendy. I still DVR the show, but I'm considering just deleting it. I agree with all of the others that predict a spectacular flameout this year. I hope she pulls it together. I really do like Wendy and when she's 'on', she's so entertaining. I hope it's not substance abuse.

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Not celebrating Christmas for the "boy" even though he's no longer a baby. She hates weddings, baby and wedding showers, breastfeeding, men who help around the house, and is a former drug addict and her son also has/had a problem with synthetic pot.

She can criticize people all she wants but I truly believe Wendy is one miserable, unhappy person. She criticizes out of jealousy.

Something is up and it ain't good.

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I am a new fan of Alyssa Milano after she challenged Wendy abouyt breastfeeding. That was SPECTACULARLY well done!

Best part when Milano questioned why it was OK to show Miley Cyrus's partial boobs exposed but not a child being breastfed. Point: Milano

I, too, loved how Kane wasn't having any of Wendy making fun of Jay Z's teeth. He was like stop it. Very classy.

  • Love 7

Wendy has become quite "strange" over the past 6 months.  She behaves like she is on "something".  Whether it's blow or some other stimulant, it has her edgy, unfocused, and more mean-spirited than usual.  I used to really like her show.  Now it has devolved to her growing ego, as the pounds have come off, with a bitchy, snarky commentary about everything and everyone.  It's not even like she's spilling the tea anymore; it's personal, nasty attacks.  She may have lost weight, but "Honey....you don't look THAT good!  Eat some meat and put the "uppers" away -- Oprah you aren't."

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I wonder if her lack of focus is due to the fact that she has given up meat and hasn't gotten a handle on it.  Going vegetarian is a big change not just to your body but lifestyle, and we all know how Wendy used to love her meat.


I have to comment on her outdated views on men and woman.  I'm still pissed over her declaration that she is turned off by men who help out around the house.  I literally wanted to reach through the tv and choke her.  I can understand if she said that Big Kevin tries and fails and she has to do it herself anyway so she rather he not, but the idea is that she is completely turned off by men who have domestic skills.  That to me takes the cake.


It is just so strange.  I know I wouldn't even date a man who wasn't somewhat domesticated (laundry, cooking, cleaning) being someone's maid is not my idea of romance.


Can you imagine what woman is going to put up with Little Kevin and his refusal to help out around the house because that is how his momma Wendy raised him?

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It sounds like her son treats her like her husband does, like the bread winning maid.

She's never come out and said the actual words but many times she's hinted that she would not be happy if he dated a white woman.

I think I'm going to have to stop watching this shit. It's not even fun to hate watch her anymore. She acts like she's the authority on relationships and marriage. Knowing that the world knows that he cheated in her while she was pregnant, I'd feel like a complete idiot ragging on other people's relationships. How can she not see how ridiculous that is?

I also hate how she thinks that marriage and babies are the main goal of every female. She's always saying shit like somebody wasted her "baby making years" or that a woman's eggs are all dried up. The worst though is when she advises women to "accidentally" get pregnant. She's said this quite a few times, if somebody is dating an athlete or something she'll say they should get pregnant then they'll get checks every month.

Like I've said before, I hope that thing she's married to dumps her in a humiliating, very public way and takes all of her money.

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Wendy seems a little more sane this week.  Is it just me?

Only watched the episode with Russ and besides the crying at the opening of the show, she seemed a bit better.

She still does not seem to be able to remember some details.

For example, during hot topics, she was discussing two young actresses and both times, she could not recall their ages.

Her interview with Russ was messy but she did ok, IMO.

As far as her relationship with little Kev, I did not get that she wanted him to be with an AA woman only but I recalled that she went on and on about investigating the person and making sure that she was not a gold digger.

She is paranoid about so many things..lol

But of course, she had to pay off the woman that her husband sexually harassed in the work place and probably many jumpoffs as well.

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Did anybody else laugh until they cried today when Wendy said she was progressive in terms of relationships? Then proceeded to spout that she picks out everything for inside the house because that's her job, and the guys can go buy cars because that's a guy thing.

Yes, I was bursting out with laughter.  So deluded.


I wonder what she thinks is her progressive aspect.  I suppose it might be that the woman is the earner and the husband lives off of her efforts.  I suppose that is very feminist.  I wouldn't want it in my own marriage unless I was desperate.   I guess I'm not that much of a feminist.


Wish she would so something about that throat clearing thing.

I really think Wendy has GERD.  The throat clearing, the burping, the mouth watering (water brash), and she used to always ask her stage manager for Tums.  Since that is an "old persons disease", young Wendy may not want to own it.


Also, how stupid of her to say that the reality star shouldn't trash her boyfriend's house/clothes because men get even.  How about not trashing it because it is wrong, and a crime.  She drives me nuts.

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I thought Wendy's interview with Ice Cube was cute.  I guess I mean, Ice Cube was cute.  However, I didn't think he was shading Iggy Azalea.  I thought he was legitimately saying, "I don't listen to much current pop rap.  I'm an actor now."  Wendy was all "OOOH GURL SHAAAAADE" and he gave her a look like, this bitch crazy.   Then the next day she was like, Ice Cube totally shaded Iggy on yesterday's show!  Um, Wendy, no he didn't, and besides - wasn't Wendy one of the only ones supporting Iggy in the past?  I just don't get her.  Somebody needs to get her meds right.

  • Love 6

I thought Wendy's interview with Ice Cube was cute. I guess I mean, Ice Cube was cute. However, I didn't think he was shading Iggy Azalea. I thought he was legitimately saying, "I don't listen to much current pop rap. I'm an actor now." Wendy was all "OOOH GURL SHAAAAADE" and he gave her a look like, this bitch crazy. Then the next day she was like, Ice Cube totally shaded Iggy on yesterday's show! Um, Wendy, no he didn't, and besides - wasn't Wendy one of the only ones supporting Iggy in the past? I just don't get her. Somebody needs to get her meds right.

She did something similar with Russel Simmons.

And why does she insist to let people the next day , know that she sent an email to Russel Simmons?

She just doesn't get that she is getting the polite brush off, does she?

Wendy has so many things going on and yet she is thirsting for more....

I bet that she somehow wants to capitalize on her conversion to veganism and yet all she does, is drooling over food. Lol

She is no Beyoncé!

Edited by LIMOM
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Wendy says her whole family is vegan.  Somehow I don't see the Kevins (who are both big beefy guys) maintaining a 100 percent vegan diet just because that is what is wants to do.  I can see them getting a burger or a steak when they are away from her.  Didn't she say the rehab that Little Kev went to was completely vegan and so the whole family started it and maintained it?  


I have wondered if some of her manic behavior lately has been because of problems with Little Kev and his recovery.  That synthetic marijuana is dangerous stuff and the recovery can be difficult and subject to relapse.  Hopefully he is one of the lucky ones and his recovery sticks.  

Wendy says her whole family is vegan.  Somehow I don't see the Kevins (who are both big beefy guys) maintaining a 100 percent vegan diet just because that is what is wants to do.  I can see them getting a burger or a steak when they are away from her.  Didn't she say the rehab that Little Kev went to was completely vegan and so the whole family started it and maintained it?  


I have wondered if some of her manic behavior lately has been because of problems with Little Kev and his recovery.  That synthetic marijuana is dangerous stuff and the recovery can be difficult and subject to relapse.  Hopefully he is one of the lucky ones and his recovery sticks.  

Edited by Morgalisa
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I had never heard of synthetic pot before Wendy talked about little Kev. A New England Patriots player apparently did some and went to the police station not far from his house half dressed and half crazy last week. So that drug has been in the news lately.


That stuff is dangerous and if little Kev had an episode like the football player Wendy must have been scared. I hope little Kev has stopped.

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I wonder why Wendy made that incident with her son so not a big deal.

She said something about yes, little kevin did synthetic pot and they got him in treatment and all is well.

I don't believe her....that all is well. That shit can cause serious erratic behavior and make people physically and psychologically ill.

I wish her son the best, but I think Wendy swept that issue under the rug real fast and it's never been mentioned again.

She is so busy with her career and who knows what "Big (fat) Kev" is up to while Wendy is away.

She is such a hypocrite. But I'm still going to watch in great anticipation of the downfall of Wendy.."how YOU doin?"

Edited by chenoa333
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I get the feeling that Wendy keeps little Kev on a short leash.   She mentioned he was with her when she did the cohosting of the New Year's Eve show.  I can't imagine he wants to spend time with his parents at his age.   She's not about to let him out of her sight if she can help it.  I bet she's scared shitless over the whole ordeal but she's certainly not going to let her adoring public know her fears.  She wants us to think she's in control.  Good luck and God bless.  I don't know anything about synthetic marijuana, but is a vegan lifestyle supposed to help??  I just think Wendy is paranoid about soooo many things, she's on overload.

Edited by Fishy
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I love to snark on Wendy and read other posters snark on Wendy, but I don't want to see anything horrible happen to her.  She used to be a lot of fun. Occasionally, she will make me chuckle, but I'm annoyed with her more than I enjoy her these days.

I feel that way too. Wendy had a very difficult pregnancy and Kevin cheated and probably wasn't the most loving or supportive husband during that time. She loves her boy and I would hate anything to happen to him.

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I have to join y'all on the comments about synthetic pot. I've never done it (or natural pot) but read some studies and articles on the synthetic shit and it can cause serious addiction and psychosis. It must be from all the chemicals and crap.

Vice magazine was one publication who has done articles on the synthetic pot problems.

Why not just smoke regular old weed? At least it won't kill you or make you go crazy like all of the chemicals in the synthetic stuff.

Until Wendy I had never heard of it either.

That synthetic stuff is sold at the bodegas and 7 eleven while pot you know, you have to have a connect.

The sad part about it is that it was introduced to little Kev by a relative.

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Ray Liotta didn't seem to get settled until the very end of his appearance. In the beginning he kind of looked like a deer caught in headlights wondering what Wendy was going to say next. It made me wonder if he had been watching lately to try and prepare for being a guest. I caught him on Kathie Lee and Hoda's show and he wasn't uncomfortable with them never had the look he did while on with Wendy.

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