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S07.E21: Reunion Part 3

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22 minutes ago, noveltylibrary65 said:

Thank you! But instead he asks Dorit if SHE saw any drugs???  Don't ask the idiot who is making the accusation-- I'm sorry speaking her TRUTH.   wtf Andy.

Well, SatanAndy, is THE reason the reunions are terrible.  He's supposed to be a moderator, not a pretend to not play favorites even though you know he's really a biased commentator wannabe like his BFF Anderson Cooper.  I think you need to have someone who is more objective that watches the shows and takes notes, but is not sucked in and influenced by the drama.   For example, I knew Andy would be smitten with Erika because he loves over the top women, that drag along gay men in their squad.  He can't help himself.  Not that there's any wrong with that...Seinfeld...wink, wink.  BUT, if that's the case, and my evidence comes from watching Andy for so many years on WWHL and moderator since season 2 of the RHOC, we need a new moderator or it will always end in chaos...which is the way the Bravo executives seem to love it...

I like his familiarity with the women, but I think he takes "secret sides" and has too much influence on who is in the hot seat, when it's clear it's not always the one who deserves it!

Edited by IKnowRight
  • Love 15
1 minute ago, hecate2909 said:

Granted when you travel a lot and take a lot of meds they need to be in a Handy Plastic baggie to get through airport security, I don't know what the purpose would be to pull said baggie out at a dinner party unless one wanted it to be discussed.

This is precisely my point! There is no "there" there and both Rinna and Dorit came out looking like fools. The bag was completely innocuous. Rinna played coy and presented the bag like it was a big deal and Dorit was silly enough to run with it. And the other women looked just as silly engaging in the conversation. A bag of pills? Great. Rinna has Xanax? She probably has a prescription. Done and done. 

The emperor has no clothes and these women had no story lines this season. I'm just annoyed that in all this tomfoolery, people are discussing Xanax like it's some horrible drug. 

  • Love 5
Just now, thesupremediva1 said:

This is precisely my point! There is no "there" there and both Rinna and Dorit came out looking like fools. The bag was completely innocuous. Rinna played coy and presented the bag like it was a big deal and Dorit was silly enough to run with it. And the other women looked just as silly engaging in the conversation. A bag of pills? Great. Rinna has Xanax? She probably has a prescription. Done and done. 

The emperor has no clothes and these women had no story lines this season. I'm just annoyed that in all this tomfoolery, people are discussing Xanax like it's some horrible drug. 

The Sky is Falling.....

  • Love 1
59 minutes ago, bagger said:

I wish they had just sat the bunny down on the right couch between Kyle and LVP before the ladies sat down and not addressed his presence. 

It would be the proverbial "elephant" in the room.

The bunny wearing the panties Dorit bought, holding Eden's Jar of Smoothie Filled Love in one hand and a glass of rose in the other...

Edited by AndySmith
  • Love 9
11 hours ago, chick binewski said:

I understand why Harry spends so much time in Canada. Rinna is messed up - there's no way that bag of pills wasn't a set-up from the start. A woman who is absolutely anal-retentive about her weight to the point she jumps on anyone who notices has a bag put together filled with analgesics, vitamins, herbal meds and sleep aids disregarding dosage and expiration information? It doesn't happen. These women do a lot to fuck each other over for the most attention but I really hope she's gone after this season.

Plus if you put different types of pills together, the dust from each pill gets on other pills.  So if you have a sleeping tablet it's dust could get on a supplement capsule.  This is why you don't mix pills in a baggie.

  • Love 18
On 4/21/2017 at 10:22 PM, steelcitysister said:

 That sly Kyle, she do get around.

Aw, gosh, you edited your post! Bummer!

Do you remember when they showed the first shot of set where they were taping this show based on Kyle's life...it's a scene of her father and COCAINE?

Then Kyle has a discussion asking what they use and I think the set guy said either baby powder or baby laxative?

So if it's based on her life or no?

During this reunion she said she would not tolerate cocaine in her home. I guess whenever Paris has been over with her Chanel bag that's gum in her purse just like at the police station.

  • Love 6
7 hours ago, renatae said:

I am now in hysterics, having seen Andrea Martin on WWHL reprising Rinna's dramatic reaction to Kim returning the bunny. I hope you all saw it! She brought out a bottle of eyedrops for the fake tears!Hilarious! Since that was obviously scripted, it looks like Rinna didn't fool TPTB with her phony act, nor did she escape unscathed, at least on that point.

How I love Andrea Martin!

Thanks for the heads up, I have adored her from way back on SCTV.  She is a comic genius!

  • Love 4
11 hours ago, lilsadone said:

Personally, when I fly, I put a bunch of various natural supplements, allergy pills and pain pills in a little unlabeled bottle - because it's easier then carrying all the various bottles separately.   So I can imagine someone doing it with a bag. 

Hers is REAL big tho - so I dunno.

May I ask if the pain pills are OTC?  I have intense back pain.  Tylenol doesn't help.  Thank you!

  • Love 1
3 hours ago, Snappy said:

Why is it they only showed "Rinna's family" instead of doing a clip on everyone's? Oh yeah, because her daughters are trying to be the new Gigi and Bella. Any time Rinna is focused on (family, husband, packing, dog, home) I fast forward. No interest. Not now. Not ever!

Those girls are beyond blah.  How they are even close to the modeling world is beyond me, except that money talks!

  • Love 12
On 4/21/2017 at 6:02 PM, steelcitysister said:


Sitting silently while others attack Kim has been Kyle's MO since S1. At that reunion, Tayor went after Kim and kept looking at Kyle as if to say, " aren't you going to jump in and help?"  Instead, Kyle peered down the front of her own dress. I believe Kyle, who seems to have tremendous bottled-up resentments, rather enjoys it when others go after Kim, as they say the things she's not comfortable expressing. And when she does pop off (eg, Limogate), I find those moments calculated and rehearsed. 

I do believe that was a calculated move on Kyle's part to out Kim and her addiction. Kyle had at that point dealt with Kim's erratic behavior and seen her high out of her fucking mind. Bravo was approached by Kyle and they didn't want Kyle without Kim as Kim was the best known cast member for its original season. Kyle's desire to be in the spotlight overshadowed knowing Kim's problems would come to light.

  • Love 4
2 hours ago, dosodog said:

Refresh my memory. Didn't Ericka and I'm Better Than You acknowledge that there was no apology until they got back to Beverly Hills during the reunion.

That the closest thing in Hong Kong was a brief borrowing of the Glam (that word sure is used loosely in this context.....) Squad to make I'm Better Than You pretty. And that I'm Better Than You knew it was an unspoken apology.

I find that sad.  I'm sorry.  Not that hard to say.  Particularly if said to someone you know is inclined to accept it immediately.   It's just 2 words.  Im. Sorry.  I'm sorry.

And EJ shrugs off Andy questioning why she didn't apologize the next morning with a "I dunno!"  How about because you are a selfish wench?

  • Love 14
51 minutes ago, hecate2909 said:

I find Rinna saying to Kim that she has never been more humiliated rather gauche considering she dressed up like a Nazi for Halloween, now that would humiliate me.

That was Harry. But I AGREE with you that something like that should have been far more humiliating!

Hell, I think that (and I hesitate to even call it this) "dance" she did on the boat to EJ's music was more humiliating than The Bunny Incident.

46 minutes ago, noveltylibrary65 said:

I honestly didn't even know soaps were still on before Eileen came on the show.  Who even watches them?  And Eileen's irritating 'Not true...not true...not true' response to Kim's very credible comparison of them to movies was ridiculous.  Eileen doesn't know soaps are played for high drama?  lol!

I agree that the thought of a soap opera seems strangely "outdated" or something nowadays. (But oh MAN how I lived for Guiding LIght back in my youth!) If I had to guiess, I image that it's older, retired women who have followed the stories for years who are their primary audience. 

  • Love 8
42 minutes ago, thesupremediva1 said:

This is driving me bananas. As someone who has a diagnosed panic disorder and keeps Xanax on me constantly, the stigma these women are giving it makes me angry. It's not some cool designer drug that gives you a high. It literally flattens you out so that you can relax to the point of at least feeling tethered to the earth.

You cannot buy over-the-counter Xanax and it's not exactly popular on the black market. If you have it, a doctor has prescribed it and you have it for a reason. If you take it, it is because you need it to function at normal human level instead of on a full-body-shake, tower-of-terror plane. I have my disorder under control and rarely need the pills, but they are always with me just in case. The notion that one could be a "Xanax addict" is strange. Too much Xanax and you'd be passed out on the floor or dead. It calms you down - so if you're not one of those who is constantly nervous and afraid, you'd literally collapse. It's not a painkiller.

Also, for real, try getting Xanax without a prescription or a bi-monthly doctor visit. It doesn't happen. I travel a lot and I have a "Rinna bag." Most of my Xanax is in prescription bottles, but I always keep a few handy with my Biotin, vitamins, melatonin, etc. There's nothing outlandish about a ziploc of pills and no one at airport security (unless you're at Heathrow in London where security is the highest in the Western hemisphere) is going to stop you for having such a bag with you.

I'd understand the offense if someone said you were addicted to Oxy or something, but Xanax? It makes no sense whatsoever. Christ, that would be like someone saying you're addicted to insulin as a diabetic. Yeah, I've got this horrible habit of trying to live well and productively. Sue me.

I'm sorry you suffer from panic disorder and believe me, I can relate, but Xanax is a very serious drug and it definitely is used and abused on the black market.  It's not a painkiller, but many people use it with painkillers.  You can absolutely become addicted to Xanax and quitting can be deadly.  I have witnessed severe seizures in someone trying to stop Xanax without tapering down.  I also know of someone who had a seizure coming off xanax which caused a traumatic brain injury.  That person will never be the same again.  In Australia, they have severely tightened the prescribing of xanax due to some of these issues.  I understand that there are people who need it and do not abuse it, but there is definitely widespread abuse of it and I would advise anyone using it to not take it lightly.  It may not yet have the stigma of oxy, but the potential damage can be just as great.  

These women making a joke of it and acting like it's something to play with is irresponsible, especially Rinna with two young girls starting out in the modeling field.  What message is she sending them?

  • Love 23
2 minutes ago, Duke2801 said:

That was Harry. But I AGREE with you that something like that should have been far more humiliating!

Hell, I think that (and I hesitate to even call it this) "dance" she did on the boat to EJ's music was more humiliating than The Bunny Incident.

I agree that the thought of a soap opera seems strangely "outdated" or something nowadays. (But oh MAN how I lived for Guiding LIght back in my youth!) If I had to guiess, I image that it's older, retired women who have followed the stories for years who are their primary audience. 

I watch soaps and RH's and my fave show right now is Outsiders, I am eclectice in my viewing pleasures.

I am also an Eileen Davidson fan , purely for her acting, her personality I could do with out watching.

ETA: yeah it was Harry they were actually Sid and Nancy, but I could never stand next to anyone wearing a Swastika even in jest.

Edited by hecate2909
  • Love 5
50 minutes ago, hecate2909 said:

Granted when you travel a lot and take a lot of meds they need to be in a Handy Plastic baggie to get through airport security, I don't know what the purpose would be to pull said baggie out at a dinner party unless one wanted it to be discussed.

I just came back from overseas and my meds were loose in my carry-on, only liquids needed to be in a baggie.

  • Love 1
8 minutes ago, KungFuBunny said:

I do believe that was a calculated move on Kyle's part to out Kim and her addiction. Kyle had at that point dealt with Kim's erratic behavior and seen her high out of her fucking mind. Bravo was approached by Kyle and they didn't want Kyle without Kim as Kim was the best known cast member for its original season. Kyle's desire to be in the spotlight overshadowed knowing Kim's problems would come to light.

THIS ^^^ and the fact that Kim wants to get on any damn show any way she can. 

  • Love 3

For me, that definitely verified there was a plan to take down LVP and install Ericka as queen, just a Yolanda had hoped to do.  

What plan, exactly, since LVP was outside of the drama this season? Maybe they were just smirking at the silly idea of "taking someone down" lololol


I like how CONFUSED Erica looked when Dorit was very adequately defending herself against Rinna.

Nah, she probably couldn't pick of some of Dorit's accent...

Edited by AndySmith
  • Love 8
1 hour ago, thesupremediva1 said:

There's nothing outlandish about a ziploc of pills and no one at airport security (unless you're at Heathrow in London where security is the highest in the Western hemisphere) 

So true, recently came back from Heathrow and my friend got held up because she had a few jams she'd bought in the countryside--she may as well have been carrying a knife.  To be fair they aren't solids, but the agent was a jerk.

  • Love 1
53 minutes ago, hecate2909 said:

The Sky is Falling.....

Another great band name!;)

56 minutes ago, thesupremediva1 said:

I'm just annoyed that in all this tomfoolery, people are discussing Xanax like it's some horrible drug. 

I liked someone's theory earlier in the thread that Rinna denied specifically a Xanax addiction to offset any Adderall discussion.

  • Love 9
26 minutes ago, Duke2801 said:

(But oh MAN how I lived for Guiding LIght back in my youth!) If I had to guiess, I image that it's older, retired women who have followed the stories for years who are their primary audience. 

I picture shut-ins watching too.  Another World was 'my' world in the early 80s:)  I swooned over Mac and Rachel haa

  • Love 1
18 minutes ago, noveltylibrary65 said:

I just came back from overseas and my meds were loose in my carry-on, only liquids needed to be in a baggie.

This just fascinates me.  I haven't flown in decades, but I know for a fact that carrying pills in a baggie while in my car can result in a trip to the pokey.  I had no idea that the TSA didn't bat an eye over it!!  From what I know, I would not suggest carrying around any pills without their proper containers.  Better safe than sorry in my book!

  • Love 4
35 minutes ago, SweetieDarling said:

I felt bad for Eden, no one would let her talk.  They were all totally dismissive of her. 

I think she looked the most beautiful btw.

28 minutes ago, hecate2909 said:

I am also an Eileen Davidson fan , purely for her acting, her personality I could do with out watching.

Is there a difference?  I really couldn't tell in her scene with EJ.

  • Love 4
9 hours ago, AndySmith said:

I'm not saying Dorit has selective amnesia whenever it suits her, but...

I think, to a certain degree, almost all of the housewives suffer from selective amnesia at times.  Rinna has also displayed the same thing.  Where Dorit is concerned, I think her amnesia is not so much as forgetfulness, it is more that she says something, and then, others interpret what she has said, or put their own spin on it, and then, they repeat it as they have interpreted it.  She is very clear on "I don't remember saying those words" - which she didn't.  She has used other words that imply the point she is trying to make.  

Edited by njbchlover
  • Love 14
20 minutes ago, Normades said:

Did anyone else notice when they did talk about LVP's "crown" that Ericka and Rinna smirked (as well as they could) at each other?  For me, that definitely verified there was a plan to take down LVP and install Ericka as queen, just a Yolanda had hoped to do.  

Well, she'd have to do more than writhe around in booty shorts, hang out with her glam squad, and occasionally see her husband to be "the queen."

The way I look at that central role on these shows is that the woman in that role is like an anchor store in a mall (ironic because malls are dying). That central wife has to have it all. She's got have business, charity, family, and friends and be willing to show it on TV. Kyle and LVP alternate back and forth as the central wife. Rinna could be that wife, but she's constantly being poisonous and undermining her friendships. Erika won't ever be that wife because she's largely unwilling to show her family and has yet to show any of her charity work.

  • Love 16

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