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S05.E16: Where are the now? Brittani and Sean

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5 minutes ago, MrsClaus said:

Am I the only one wondering what Sean's mom is carrying around in a backpack?  Just me?  Okay.

Yes, I did too and asked that same thing in the Live Chat thread. I was told it was probably turkey legs.

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22 minutes ago, DC Gal in VA said:

I'm watching the Supersized version right now auntjess and one of the pop-ups says he was diagnosed with ADHD as a child and prescribed medication which he is still taking. That's one.

WOW, why the hell would he need ADHD medication if he doesn't do anything.  My kids have it too, but I only give them the medication when they are going to school.  But they should try Vyvance, (SP?) it's the first ADHD medication that for adults, it's used to fight Binge Eating Disorder.  

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4 minutes ago, DC Gal in VA said:

Oh damn, another pop-up said Sean has hypohydrosis, the inability to sweat, so more prescription drugs for that?

Now you got me watching! I thought it was just a repeat of the show. I didn't know it gave more information. Why would they have two shows like that? Don't answer that; I already know: money.

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Just now, 55Unicorns said:

WHY wouldn't Mama Munchhausen get better care of the torn ligaments when they happened.  Physical therapy, surgery, if necessary....nope, she LIKES him this way.

I agree. I think she likes it because he can't grow up and leave her. She is desperate to not be left alone.

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26 minutes ago, Complexity said:

AND if that's not enough, those stimulants can only be prescribed in person (not over the phone) and only when the doctor sees the patient in person. The most a person can get is usually 30 days, but they might get 90 days using a mail order prescription service. So how is he getting to the doctor to get his prescriptions?

That's something that really ought to be looked into by whatever state they're from, can't remember. 

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1 minute ago, Miss Chevious said:

The pop up said Sean was working on getting his GED. What? Did Mommie Dearest pull him out of high school too? What else has she ruined for him?

He quit because of his injured leg.

I saw on one of the popups that he wants to one day own his own "yarn shop".  Shit, I'd be happy he'd walk unaided.

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I dozed off last night in the middle.  For the life of me though I don't remember Brittani!  Her first episode is being repeated in a few minutes so sure I'll have total recall, or I can hope!

Sean ... sigh.  I heard in my dozing Dr. Now's rebuke to Seansmom  I thought it was a dream.  If anyone saw Billy's doc years ago, there's sure some similarities.  None of them good.  

Looking forward to Brittani's success!  

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Hello fellow 600 fans! First - Brittani. She is just a ray of sunshine in this usually depressing show. Brittani doesn't blame anyone or anything else, takes responsibility for both the good and bad, and is determined to take everything straight on with spunk and a cute smile. And her hair? She had really cute hair when it had a braid and up in a bun. Love her. What a joy for Dr. Now to deal with a compliant, smart, and roll up the sleeves patient. 

Now for the snark on Sean.... First I have to say that I can't stand his fat voice. I know that's not a technical term and is mean, but good God had I heard that voice over the phone I would have known an obese person was on the other end. For some reason this type of voice grates on my last nerve. Is it me or do others pick up on that voice?

Sean's such a man-baby. What an unhealthy relationship between him and mom. Geez. 

He makes a bologna and cheese sandwich. A bologna and cheese sandwich! And he makes it ON HIS CHEST. Yep, assembles it right there on a dirty (my assumption) tee.

why does Sean pull his clothes off the first chance he gets? WHY?

i know there's more but these are my top of mind thoughts. 

Edited by hookedontv
Spelling error and it was driving me crazy
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1 minute ago, Complexity said:

Does anyone know why his toes are spread out so far apart?

Gee, just noticed this right as you were posting this question; still watching the Supersized show. I have no idea since all I can focus on is his severely damaged left foot.

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9 minutes ago, 55Unicorns said:

He quit because of his injured leg.

I saw on one of the popups that he wants to one day own his own "yarn shop".  Shit, I'd be happy he'd walk unaided.

Weird theory so take with a grain of salt.  Sean has no life, but I can see him watching ancient Andy Griffith episodes.  Barney Fife's hobby was knitting.  Maybe Barney is his hero?  I know ... weird.  But so is Sean and his mom and all that does on with them.

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Because only 5% of bariatric surgery patients succeed, I have always thought the show should show both sides.  While the last five episodes or so have shown failures that were difficult to watch, they were riveting.

I started to tear up watching and listening to Brittani at the end of the episode.  I'm going to look for her on social media and wish her the best.

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10 minutes ago, Otter said:

Weird theory so take with a grain of salt.  Sean has no life, but I can see him watching ancient Andy Griffith episodes.  Barney Fife's hobby was knitting.  Maybe Barney is his hero?  I know ... weird.  But so is Sean and his mom and all that does on with them.

I can roll with that. 

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1 hour ago, Miss Ruth said:

Do we even know how long she was in the hospital?

I thought he said she was in the hospital for a month, so I believe Mama Sean is sick.  The hospital wouldn't let her hang out for no reason.  She was in long enough for Sean to have to buy food.  Of course you could speculate that she switched from Munchausen's by proxy to Munchausen's and was making herself sick, but eventually she would be cured.  

27 minutes ago, hookedontv said:

why does Sean pull his closes off the first chance he gets? WHY?

Perhaps he is an ever nude.

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I haven't even known what  to say regarding Sean & his mudder - weird dynamic there. I had wondered if he had special needs of some sort & that started the dysfunctional ball rolling.

Dr. Now could've made his point with Sean's mom without the yelling & ego trip. He didn't even yell at Steven that way for abusing hospital staff. I get his annoyance but it really didn't help much except she stopped bothering him about Sean's 'care'.

Hopefully Sean will take control of his own health.

It was great to see Brittani doing so well & feeling so happy. I really thought that tummy they took off her was going to weigh more - that was a lot of flesh.

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So glad to hear that Dr. Now is going to schedule surgeries for Brittani's legs. She looked so small from the waist up even before her abdominal surgery; those legs must be very uncomfortable/painful for her. He wants her goal weight to be 160 pounds, but Brittani, ever the high achiever, wants it to be 140. Totally adore her.

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On 4/19/2017 at 8:44 PM, Christina said:

Storms knocked my electricity out so I'm just now caught up. I really liked Nikki so if they are showing an update for her, I will watch it, too, further setting back my plan to no longer watch this show. By next year, my resolve will probably dissipate completely. Sigh...

Brittani did great and the only negative comment I have about her process is that she lost just a bit too much weight in her face at the end. Throughout the episode, I thought to myself how pretty she looked since she hadn't become drawn in the face like a lot of the patients of this surgery. She looked ill and she was pretty before that last few pounds. Hopefully, her husband will get on track with her, since this couple really seems to love each other, which I noticed on the original show because it was surrounded by husbands who had sexual fetishes as opposed to actual love for the person they married.

There were several interventions for Sean and his mother before Dr. Now, but I can't remember the details at this moment. There was an article way back when the episode aired. I've never understood why APS wasn't involved, but suspect that they would take a step like calling a nutritionist or a doctor to make it look like they were trying. They clearly both need help, but don't see why or how Dr. Paradise can treat both of them. That doesn't seem right or productive. Hopefully I'm wrong. Sean didn't bother me as much this time as he did in the original episode, so perhaps there is some growth in him, even if it is just maturity based on age.

I think it is unethical for Dr. Paradise to treat both mom and son.  

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Someone commented upthread about the medication for adhd. I don't know about other states, but here in NJ, in order for me to get my son's Adderall refilled, I have to call his doctor, then go pick up prescription and take it directly to the pharmacy. It's limited to 30 pills a month, there is no call in available or mail in option with the insurance. He has to have blood work done twice  a year and also 4 dr. visits a year , even as a freshman in college. I assume that when Sean was in school, he probably struggled with a learning disability and/or couldn't focus enough to pay attention and was diagnosed with adhd. He may have dropped out of school due to poor grades.

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2 minutes ago, Complexity said:

In what way?

Personal opinion.  There may be issues with trust, confidentiality, blurring of issues, neutrality, etc.  For example, would it be a good idea for a child abuse victim and the abuser to see the same psychiatrist? No!

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23 minutes ago, twilightzonefan said:

Personal opinion.  There may be issues with trust, confidentiality, blurring of issues, neutrality, etc.  For example, would it be a good idea for a child abuse victim and the abuser to see the same psychiatrist? No!

I agree. I think it depends on who's being seen, the reason, and the "rules" agreed to by all involved.

I was in therapy years ago. The therapist saw me, my husband, and both of my daughters individually. He also saw us as a family, and saw my husband and I as a couple. There were a few times in which I was with one of my daughters during their sessions. He was excellent. But we all agreed to how we would all handle confidentiality issues.

He refused to see sexual offenders at all. Being an adult survivor of prolonged childhood sexual abuse, I was curious and asked him why. He said he thought it was wrong to have sexual abuse victims and offenders sitting in the waiting room together. I agree.

There are no hard and fast rules, and there is nothing in the ethics (Texas) to preclude working individually with people who know each other. The biggest problem is dealing with confidentiality issues (and can the therapist not take sides, but if s/he does, that would indicate that therapist needs his/her own therapeutic help).

Personally, I saw nothing wrong with Dr. Pleasure seeing both Sean and his mother individually.

Edited by Complexity
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9 hours ago, Complexity said:

Fried chicken and a pie?

Now you're just confusing your shows, Complexity! That was the person on MBFFL, who showed up for the intervention! (Sorry, forgot their name!)

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6 hours ago, twilightzonefan said:

I think it is unethical for Dr. Paradise to treat both mom and son.  

Wouldn't that be considered family therapy?  My ex-husband and I had the same counselor -- we saw her separately, and at times, together.  We had an abusive relationship -- my ex was the abuser. 

Edited by LocalGovt
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10 hours ago, crazycatlady58 said:

I thought Sean hurt his foot playing  football? If he cannot sweat no way could he play football  he would  have heat stroke  before he finished  suiting  up.

wouldn't surprise me though if he didn't have this problem at a normal weight and he has screwed up his body so much that various systems no longer work properly.  Maybe (I'm being serious here) all the fat just squeezed the sweat glands shut.  

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7 hours ago, CarolMK said:

Someone commented upthread about the medication for adhd. I don't know about other states, but here in NJ, in order for me to get my son's Adderall refilled, I have to call his doctor, then go pick up prescription and take it directly to the pharmacy. It's limited to 30 pills a month, there is no call in available or mail in option with the insurance. He has to have blood work done twice  a year and also 4 dr. visits a year , even as a freshman in college. I assume that when Sean was in school, he probably struggled with a learning disability and/or couldn't focus enough to pay attention and was diagnosed with adhd. He may have dropped out of school due to poor grades.

Same process in Florida to get ADHD meds.  We have to do all that PLUS the added bonus of playing pharmacy games.  For whatever reason (probably pill abusers), my local CVS rarely stocks this drug and they won't "order" it for you.  The only way to get was to go by the pharmacy each day to see if they have it.  NO THANKS.  Luckily we have an "in" with one of the pharmacists in Walmart because my husband does their refrigeration, and many times she has the pills on hand or will order them for us.  If she's on vacation, then its a no go and they tell us to check back in a week.  This is mostly why my kids only take the pills when they need them for school because they are like gold.  THANK YOU PILL POPPERS! (Steven, I'm looking at you!) 

Sean's mom took him out of school because he hurt his foot.  Now everyone was saying it was a football injury, and I thought he literally sprained his ankle going downstairs--although the fact that we now know of him having a clubbed foot may have made the injury worse.  I think some are confusing him with Gideon (SP?), he was the one who lived in the house with 10 other family members and his dad would praise him for being big because it made him better for football.

Also, for the life of me, and as I mother (of ADHD boys, who can be difficult), I can't imagine why she would let him just drop out of school.  He's young enough where there were probably online classes that he could have taken FROM HIS BED to finish his diploma.  What was her end game to keeping him in bed since he was 18?  The only thing I can think of was to garner sympathy from others.

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1 hour ago, LocalGovt said:

Now you're just confusing your shows, Complexity! That was the person on MBFFL, who showed up for the intervention! (Sorry, forgot their name!)

I knew that. It was supposed to be funny. Guess it fell flat.

46 minutes ago, Granny58 said:

wouldn't surprise me though if he didn't have this problem at a normal weight and he has screwed up his body so much that various systems no longer work properly.  Maybe (I'm being serious here) all the fat just squeezed the sweat glands shut.  

According to the show, he hurt his foot and ankle which caused him to become bedridden. Then he gained 500 lbs in the following 7 years.

What I wonder about is why he was bedridden with a foot/ankle injury? Sure, he couldn't use that foot/ankle, but why not use crutches? Or at the very least, a wheelchair? He may have been told to keep his leg elevated which meant laying down, but I don't know of any doctor that wouldn't give crutches to at least go to the bathroom. So how does a person end up bedridden with just a foot/ankle injury (even a really bad one)?

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26 minutes ago, notyrmomma said:

What was her end game to keeping him in bed since he was 18?  The only thing I can think of was to garner sympathy from others.

Or to keep him at home so she won't feel alone and abandoned.

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Loved seeing Dr Now interacting with Brittani, she was like a breath of fresh air compared to some of the other patients. His whole demeanor changed when he was dealing with her, smiling, cutting up a bit, something we don't see very often. Looked kinda like a school boy crush ;) but really you could tell he was finally proud of someone doing what they were suppose to and showing everyone that yes it can be done you just have to work at it. On another note, I don't know that's why I'm asking, can you have a baby after all that surgery, skin removal? 

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2 minutes ago, Whyyouneedaname said:

On another note, I don't know that's why I'm asking, can you have a baby after all that surgery, skin removal?

I would expect Brittani discussed this with Dr. Now since she said that was her biggest motivator for losing the weight. Therefore, I would say yes.

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1 minute ago, Whyyouneedaname said:

Loved seeing Dr Now interacting with Brittani, she was like a breath of fresh air compared to some of the other patients. His whole demeanor changed when he was dealing with her, smiling, cutting up a bit, something we don't see very often. Looked kinda like a school boy crush ;) but really you could tell he was finally proud of someone doing what they were suppose to and showing everyone that yes it can be done you just have to work at it. On another note, I don't know that's why I'm asking, can you have a baby after all that surgery, skin removal? 

This! This is why I liked this show. I know the patients are going to have setbacks, but it was nice to see Brittani get back on track. I enjoy rooting for people, not seeing train wrecks like Sean, Ass-anti or "ow mah leygs".

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Sean's story reminded me of a TV show I watched years ago.  Same situation.  Overweight teenage boy and doting dangerous mother.  When the boy got help and started losing weight she didn't like it.  She wanted to keep him bedridden and dependent. 'How can one slice of pizza hurt?' she would say holding it out to him.  That's not love.

Sean's mother really irritated me how she would agree with Dr. Now - oh, yes, I know I am.  So condescending because she knew she had every intention of carrying on regardless.  

I wish Sean the best, but not holding out much hope.

Brittini was a delight.  Hubby now needs to diet, tho. 

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12 hours ago, MrsClaus said:

Ok.  I watched again and Sean was born with clubbed feet and wore braces and corrective shoes in his childhood.

It must have healed enough for him to play football.  I think I need to see the original show, because the story seems to be changing.

2 hours ago, Complexity said:

What I wonder about is why he was bedridden with a foot/ankle injury? Sure, he couldn't use that foot/ankle, but why not use crutches? Or at the very least, a wheelchair? He may have been told to keep his leg elevated which meant laying down, but I don't know of any doctor that wouldn't give crutches to at least go to the bathroom. So how does a person end up bedridden with just a foot/ankle injury (even a really bad one)?

And this is the crux of his whole situation.   If his mother did what it looks like, kept him crippled to keep him, she is pure evil.  I hope she never sees Sean again.

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I agree that Brittini's husband also need to work in his weight. Ashley D's husband also had some serious weight issues. It really is the whole family that needs a lifestyle change from proper nutrition to exercise. When I was over 400 pounds, I had a talk with my wife and said that I needed to make some changes. At first, she wasn't very supportive taking the kids to a pizza buffet when I stayed at home eating some leftovers but eventually she got on board. We now try to cook and eat meals together that are healthier. We also go for walks together for exercise. A non-supportive spouse and family can really destroy your goals. It really helps to have a supportive spouse and family.

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2 hours ago, Cherrio said:

One of the pop ups said that Sean bit a teacher at some point in school.   

Always hungry, that boy. 

Mom sounded robotic. And always, in talking to Sean, had a faintly negative tone. I can't think of an example right now but there always seemed to be. "Yes, but . . ." Implied in any response to whatever Sean might say. Also I think she had a fake attitude of restraint and forbearance, I imagine to try to establish that she is the dominant adult and has the power over Sean. 

Actually she puts me in mind of HAL in "2001: A Soacr Odyssey." "Mom, quit feeding Sean so GD much." "I'm afraid I can't do that, Dr. Now."

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