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11 hours ago, Giant Misfit said:

Oh, lord. Nye County is home to some lunatics, isn't it? The drone-owning, anti-government hoarder was a big old piece of work and I was worried that he was coming out of his garage with a shotgun to start killing everyone in sight for being "on his property." Dude, your "property" is a slovenly hellscape of horror that no one would be visiting save for the fact that you're using a drone to terrorize your neighbor. But it seems invading someone else's property is OK with you? I still can't believe that scene didn't end in gunfire. 

I was worried for the poor little dog that was shown walking threw that mess! Hope someone reported him

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I know! There are always so many dogs running wild. That is just something you would never see where I live. Poor pups. At least we also saw the one woman who rescues dogs.

I wanted to see them trap the coyote! At least that one guy caught the pet rat (which was adorable!)

(Another Leverett-free episode! Always a plus! I don’t mind him as a cop but he’s just frickin annoying to listen to, he plays to the cameras way too much.)

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I'm watching last night's episode now. That pet rat stuff made me mad due to that cop's attitude thinking it was so funny that the animal escaped out of the box the guy had it in. If the cameras hadn't been there I wouldn't have been surprised to learn that the cop left before the guy captured the rat again. 

The dog issues make me sad too. 

That call in FL between the guy and his girlfriend who was holding the baby was weird. I guess the lady slapped her bf/ex-bf in the face off screen while holding the baby? They were cuffing the guy and one of the cops barked at the lady to put the baby down which resulted in her asking him where she was supposed to do that. He told her to put it in that dirty looking chair that was on the porch where the arms were open underneath?!? Then we learn that the baby was 9mo old and my first thought was if the lady had put her down there the kid could have fallen off the chair while the parents were focused on the adults. Wherever she put the kid down later on it started crying right after which none of them seemed to be bothered by. 

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15 hours ago, Jaded said:

one of the cops barked at the lady to put the baby down which resulted in her asking him where she was supposed to do that. He told her to put it in that dirty looking chair that was on the porch where the arms were open underneath?!? Then we learn that the baby was 9mo old and my first thought was if the lady had put her down there the kid could have fallen off the chair while the parents were focused on the adults. Wherever she put the kid down later on it started crying right after which none of them seemed to be bothered by. 

When the baby started crying after he was put down, he was crying in that "hold breath for 30 seconds, then scream, then repeat" mode.  Like he was really hurt, I mean.  I hope it was just that he fell over after being sat down on the porch.  Damn cops, take 5 minutes to protect the baby from harm, THEN arrest the criminal.

On 3/10/2018 at 8:13 AM, pasdetrois said:

Once again Kevin Lawrence handles querulous bystanders like a pro and calms everyone down. No doubt that in this situation being black helped. (The parents' complaints of racial profiling.)

I got tickled at the start of the show, seeing Tom wearing his fancy shirt, smiling and working the camera angle. He's having so much fun with this show.

The endless arguing with citizens would get on my last damn nerve.  Hate watching it too.

We're seeing a lot of broke down people - old, not enough money, ill - and I don't like Dan & Company making snarky remarks. There's a lot of misery out there.

I FFed through Levrette. Nails on a chalkboard to me.

After Marquez sprinted to get into his car I wondered if he'd have a cardiac event.

I saw him doing this and asked my mom what is he doing? LOL Its funny on periscope he hardly shows his face but on LivePD he is loving the camera.

I watch this show and think of how much money we could save in the courts and with PD time if we just legalized marijuana.  Like...oh, an empty jar that smells like marijuana - JAIL! 

I wish they didn't have to arrest grandpa.  It's like...hey kid, the grandpa who isn't biologically related to you is looking out for you.  Chit chatting with the dirtbag stepdaddy from prison (who - spoiler alert- is also  not biologically related to you) - - bad idea.  I felt bad for him when he was like... I knew by calling you guys, I'd probably get arrested.  But he cared enough for his NON BIOLOGICAL granddaughter to risk is.  And poor doggy wanting to go with his owner. 

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I can't believe that female cop turned that motor cycle crash victim over.  She could have snapped his neck. As it was,  his legs were already broke and were not stabilized when he turned.  You never turn an accident victim without securing his spine first.   If she had caused him to be paralyzed, then it would have been a big lawsuit against that police department.   Both of those people are lucky to believe alive. I can't believe how far the they flew off the bike. Especially the female.  Thank goodness they had helmets on.

Update the guy was on probation and it was his second time he had fled from police on the cycle.  Wonder if his wife will stand by her man?  This accident was bad enough that the sheriff responded to it.

Edited by howiveaddict
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Sex offender lady just needs to be in jail for long timey, and her dogs need to be placed with decent people. People like her have an excuse for ERRYTHANG. Nothing is EVER their fault. I hope the judge who released her watched this footage. She cannot function in society without being nasty and deceitful.


I was disturbed that the crash “victim” was turned over as well...but I don’t feel sorry for him whatsoever that he crashed in the first place. This wasn’t his first rodeo, and hope wifey gets wise to the fact that he is a scum nugget. 

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Joining the appalled club here - the cop who manhandled the motorcycle accident victim. I am STUNNED that she moved him at all.  I'm sure she was reprimanded. All I could think about was a broken pelvis or other fractures that rupture blood vessels with movement.

I think that chase went on a very long time, because they opened the show with it. I think I heard the driver say he had a suspended license. Interesting that he claimed his leg was broken yet he and his wife were released from the hospital. Maybe a tiny fracture?

K-9 Finn is retiring, hopefully to an awesome home. Thank you for your service Finn.

I don't like the look of the new Cowboy Hat Sheriff. It's a reflexive reaction to law enforcement who think they are cowboys. Is he running for re-election? He felt jammed into the TV action.

Edited by pasdetrois
Cowboy Sheriff is in AZ, not FL.
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14 hours ago, kittyglitter said:

Sex offender lady just needs to be in jail for long timey, and her dogs need to be placed with decent people. People like her have an excuse for ERRYTHANG. Nothing is EVER their fault. I hope the judge who released her watched this footage. She cannot function in society without being nasty and deceitful.

Can some kind person recap what happened with her last night? Wouldn't this be her third appearance already on the show?? 

I was out last night and completely missed the whole show. :( 

1 hour ago, Giant Misfit said:

Can some kind person recap what happened with her last night? Wouldn't this be her third appearance already on the show?? 

I was out last night and completely missed the whole show. :( 

For some unknown reason, she STILL hasn't registered as a sex offender!  No idea why she keeps putting it off, as the officer told her: "I'm gonna arrest you every time I see you".  He did arrest her.  I want someone to take her dogs!

  • Love 3
10 minutes ago, Brattinella said:

For some unknown reason, she STILL hasn't registered as a sex offender!  No idea why she keeps putting it off, as the officer told her: "I'm gonna arrest you every time I see you".  He did arrest her. 

Good! Thanks for the recap, brattinella! And what is it that she's so "busy" doing? Being a full-time lunatic isn't quite time consuming.

And yes, someone needs to take those dogs.  

1 hour ago, Brattinella said:

For some unknown reason, she STILL hasn't registered as a sex offender! 

Am I missing something or oversimplifying...she registers as a sex offender at the desk before she's leaving the jail?  Why is that so hard...she registers, she gets released.  


ETA - Thanks, Schnickel...I missed that part.  

Edited by VartanFan
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34 minutes ago, VartanFan said:

Am I missing something or oversimplifying...she registers as a sex offender at the desk before she's leaving the jail?  Why is that so hard...she registers, she gets released.  

It seems this time she did register, as an out of state "guest" so to speak and swore that she was leaving the state last Wednesday... and then didn't. I don't think the authorities are too pleased with her at this point.

ETA- I wish we knew her name. I'd really like to know about the original case. She's sure a handful.

Edited by Schnickelfritz
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Kinda bored tonight. Glad those kids at the house with the marijuana and loud music didn't get into much trouble. They were staying at home doing what they were doing and nobody was belligerently drunk.

I did find this tweet from last night's motorcycle accident sad and funny. I didn't even realize there was a dog in the car that the motorcycle hit. It appeared to be ok afterwards though. Everything I wanted to say about that policewoman turning the guy victim in that crash has been mentioned already. I really do she got spoken to about that. I was seriously thinking about calling that department to say how disappointed I was to see that occur.

Edited by Jaded
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2 minutes ago, Jaded said:

Kinda bored tonight. Glad those kids at the house with the marijuana and loud music didn't get into much trouble. They were staying at home doing what they were doing and nobody was belligerently drunk.

I did find this tweet from last night's motorcycle accident sad and funny. I didn't even realize there was a dog in the car that the motorcycle hit. It appeared to be ok afterwards though.

He really DID look like a good boy! :)

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Maybe I’m just a cold hearted 25 year old but I really wish Danny Brown would have actually Did something or gave them the tickets to that group of 19-20 yr olds with the loud music,under age drinking & weed. They are all old enough to know better,why should they get a break? 

They will just be back to doing the same shit next week and I’m sure this wasn’t their first time. 

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3 hours ago, Hellohappylife said:


Maybe I’m just a cold hearted 25 year old but I really wish Danny Brown would have actually Did something or gave them the tickets to that group of 19-20 yr olds with the loud music,under age drinking & weed.


I can't believe he didn't ticket them either -- didn't he (or someone else) say that there had been many calls to that house in the past? It's a public nuisance! I sincerely doubt the police's confiscation of a bong and a baggie of weed is going to deter them from future annoying behavior. And wasn't that house in SC -- a state where if you can spell "marijuana" you can get arrested for it?

I did laugh when they pulled up and were greeted by the blasting Fleetwood Mac music. A partying group of teens blasting Fleetwood Mac?

Based on personal experience with neighbors, I'd rather the police aggressively pursue noise violations. Lost sleep makes for a miserable day. People who blast music late at night won't stop doing it until there are serious consequences. We've had two nuisance houses nearby (both with young tenants) and it wasn't until the owners were notified that their property had been designated a public nuisance that anything was done about it.  Maybe Brown let it go because no one was driving.

Glad the black poodle is OK. He was so calm, sitting in the damaged car on Friday night's episode.

Random thought: it must be frustrating for the K-9s to get all wound up in the car, get released for a couple minutes to search a car, and then get put right back into their car. But they are safer that way.

I think the female sex offender is gaming the system. I think she's cruising back and forth between multiple jurisdictions, living in an RV, trying to avoid establishing permanent residency anywhere, and thereby avoiding registering in a single jurisdiction. Kind of like being homeless with no fixed address. Wasn't it revealed the first time we saw her that her drivers license has expired or maybe it was her vehicle's registration? Can't get one without an established residence. Anyway, when confronted she launches into circuitous agitated rambling while dodging questions and perhaps she's gotten away with it over time.

Edited by pasdetrois
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12 hours ago, Hellohappylife said:

Maybe I’m just a cold hearted 25 year old but I really wish Danny Brown would have actually Did something or gave them the tickets to that group of 19-20 yr olds with the loud music,under age drinking & weed. They are all old enough to know better,why should they get a break? 

They will just be back to doing the same shit next week and I’m sure this wasn’t their first time. 

I wish he had actually done something, as well. And to be honest, my first thought as he was letting them off was "this would be 100% a different situation if all of those young people were African American." 

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I wish he had actually done something, as well. And to be honest, my first thought as he was letting them off was "this would be 100% a different situation if all of those young people were African American." 

I tend to disagree, because he had just recently left the hotel where he could have arrested the African American guy at the hotel with the drug paraphernalia.  He didn't even ticket that guy.  Having said that, I wish he had ticketed them also.  


Another thing I've learned from watching this show is that I would never ever want to live near the desert. I get depressed even seeing that landscape.  It makes me want to drink a gallon of water.  

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I chortled audibly when the one kid came out of the house wearing TKE letters. TEEEEEKES!!! Pretty much all of the chapters in my state when I was in college circa 2000 had a reputation as nice-ish dorks who tried wayyy to hard. They seemed like OK kids though. It’s not like they were doing shit like persuading girls to let them snort lines of coke from their cleavage or anything. Still...I do wish wonder if the same outcome would have occurred had they been young people of color. It’s sad that my mind has to go there, and the Richland County deputies seem pretty straight-up and the least dickish of the departments we’ve seen on the show, but I can’t help but wonder in this day and age.

On 3/18/2018 at 2:04 AM, Hellohappylife said:

Maybe I’m just a cold hearted 25 year old but I really wish Danny Brown would have actually Did something or gave them the tickets to that group of 19-20 yr olds with the loud music,under age drinking & weed. They are all old enough to know better,why should they get a break? 

They will just be back to doing the same shit next week and I’m sure this wasn’t their first time. 

RCSD will be back again.  The next time, they won't be so lucky as they were.  If they had arrested them, they would probably be out that night.  

21 hours ago, goodbyeglittergirl said:

I wish he had actually done something, as well. And to be honest, my first thought as he was letting them off was "this would be 100% a different situation if all of those young people were African American." 



No, not in Richland County.  We saw where Lt. Brown let a black male go that had drug paraphernalia in his car go.

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On 3/18/2018 at 3:48 AM, Giant Misfit said:

I can't believe he didn't ticket them either -- didn't he (or someone else) say that there had been many calls to that house in the past? It's a public nuisance! I sincerely doubt the police's confiscation of a bong and a baggie of weed is going to deter them from future annoying behavior. And wasn't that house in SC -- a state where if you can spell "marijuana" you can get arrested for it?

I did laugh when they pulled up and were greeted by the blasting Fleetwood Mac music. A partying group of teens blasting Fleetwood Mac?

You don't need to be in a certain age group to like music from different times. My son is 22 and his favorite Classic rock band is Pink Floyd

ETA: Good music, is good music. no matter when it was recorded

Edited by stillhere1900
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FYI As an emergency nurse and a volunteer EMT, when you commit a crime like that motorcyclist, you get cuffed and secured *before* you get treated. He ran from the cops and had a legal history, he could have had a weapon under him. So yeah, he got cuffed and rolled and searched. Then the cops will risk their own lives to save the criminal. I've seen it over and over. They have to secure the scene and protect others from the potential of there being a weapon. I'm just glad the car they hit didn't have injuries, thats what I see over and over, innocent people screwed by people like that motorist.

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On 3/16/2018 at 9:36 PM, howiveaddict said:

I can't believe that female cop turned that motor cycle crash victim over. 

I was kinda shocked at that as well but he did plead with her to turn him over. 

On 3/17/2018 at 12:57 PM, QuinnInND said:

Dan Abrams said at the end of the show, that the couple on the motorcycle weren't injured badly and were treated and released. Into police custody, I'm sure. I was stunned they weren't hurt badly. 

I couldn't even comprehend HOW they crashed that bad.  It looked like they ran into that car in slow motion. If I were that guys wife I would be beyond pissed at him for not stopping!  I also hated when they originally stopped chasing him, which was the 2nd time that same department stopped a chase that night.  Motorcycle drivers are learning that if they can out run the cops then the cops will stop and not pursue. 

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  • Have friends that are officers my husband was chief of police.  One officer had a K9 and i wanted to see it.  He told me to stand perfectly still and he his the release button for the door on his key chain....The dog flew out and he yelled platz...and down that dog went right in front of me....he released the dog from command and the dog decided i was the best thing since hamburger...and proceeded to love all over me.  I had schutzhund trained rotties so i knew better than to move....what a wonderful animal...i m so in love with those police K9s
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Really, officers (Maryland tonight) PLEASE stop using "real quick" when you are asking them for ID, insurance, etc.  Sorry, I know you have lots more IMPORTANT stuff to do, but don't demand they give you their "papers" instantly, okay?

ETA: It may be Missouri tonight, MO and MD look the same to me.


Okay, it is Green Co Maryland and office Craigmyle who uses the phrase "real quick" WAY too much.

Edited by Brattinella
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4 hours ago, Brattinella said:

I didn't understand the need for this guy to register in that town when he was only visiting.  Why don't they make it a state-wide registry?

I think the officer was trying to imply that he wasn't just visiting but rather living with his girlfriend at that address. The sex offender claimed he only worked in Nye County. One for the judge to sort out, I guess. I think that Nye county wants to get out the word that they are tough on sex offenders who don't register for some reason. I think it is a state wide registry but you have to register with the address you live at, not one in another county.

I felt so bad for that poor old woman in Nye county who got the threathening phone call. Can't remember if she was on Fri or Sat.

The one house they went into in Pasco (that had the 2016 calender on the wall) gave me hives with how dirty it was.

Also, towards the end of Saturday's episode they were in Pasco and were called to a disturbance and allegedly the Ham guy was involved! They never followed up before the episode ended so I don't know if he was involved or not.

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The guy they always show dealing with the sex offenders....I just feel like he hates his job, hates people, hates his life, hates the weather....I dunno.  He just seems very miserable.

I, too, was hoping we'd see Ham Guy again before we ran out of time.  I hope Dan updates us on what happened with him! 

I wanted to see pics of Finn just relaxing and enjoying his retirement. 

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