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S07.E18: Diamonds Under Pressure

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11 hours ago, WireWrap said:

Erika flat out distorted what Lisa told Kyle Mohammed said about his kids having LD, so yes, Erika does lie/distort IMO.

Not only did she do that, but she outright lied about reporting the conversation to Yolanda. Remember, at the time when she was asked about it and what was said she claimed ignorance. She said later in a TH that she didn't want to admit to it because it would be such a buzzkill since she was still feeling pumped from her "perfomance."

  • Love 16
3 hours ago, Lunata said:

Her face is just too frozen from all her Botox and the 'arrangement' she and Joe Girardi have is definitely an open relationship. They are apart from each other most of the time and I'm sure they each have other sexual partners.


I can buy that they have an arrangement, and even that they have an open relationship. But, there is no way you can convince me that Ericka is having sex with ANYONE. For all of her flaunting of her alter ego, I find her oddly asexual. In fact, I think a large part of her alter ego is because she isn't particularly interested in having sex, so the sexy alter ego is her outlet.

I have a sneaking suspicion that prior to having this particular outlet, she got her kicks in other ways, like being the center of attention at any gathering. A lot of this though comes from panty-gate. I think that even if she HAD been wearing panties that night, she would have said she wasn't wearing any, because she really enjoyed the reactions she got from it - that self-satisfied smile she had when she announced it says it all, IMO. I keep trying to put myself in her shoes in that situation, and at no point during that conversation would I have announced that I wasn't wearing panties. If LVP had cheekily asked me if Kyle could borrow my panties, I probably would have done something like check my purse and say, "sorry, fresh out."

I'm not saying there is anything wrong with her announcement. But, I do question why she announced it. The whole thing reminds me of Kelly Bensimon, honestly. Start with the "British humor" conversation. LVP was being self-deprecating about how long ago she was an actress. PK and Dorit took it one step further to tack on an additional joke about LVP's age. LVP was enjoying the back and forth, but Erika was offended by it. The whole thing reminded me of something Kelly said at the start of the "Scary Island" trip. She said something about how she just didn't like "the banter." And, you could see what she meant when anytime someone said something as a joke, she would take it literally and get frustrated when the banter would continue. The concept of a back and forth casual conversation seemed foreign to her and she acted out because of it. I see Ericka similarly. They both do well in one on one conversations because all they have to do is wait for the other person to stop talking so they can take their turn to speak. But, get them in a gathering where there is a lot of back and forth and light wit, and they don't know how to function. The only thing they can do is bring the conversation back to themselves because that is what they know and are comfortable with. 

So, after that first back and forth with LVP, Dorit, and PK. I think that the second part of the evening she had been surrounded by all of these couples who were having a go about Kyle's black undies and she didn't know how to join in when LVP gave her an opening into the conversation. So rather than laughing it off and playing alone, she makes a pronouncement that is sure to change the way the conversation is flowing and also brings the focus back to her. 

Which brings me back to my point about Ericka coming across as asexual. Like Kelly, Ericka's trade has been to be the hot wife of a rich and well-respected man. Kelly had no problem posing for Playboy, but believed having a one night stand made you a hoebag (personally, I see nothing wrong with either posing for Playboy or having a one night stand, but that's another rant for another day). Ericka has no problem announcing that she isn't wearing panties, but is upset that her accidental flash was talked about - and now she is worried people (ahem, Eileen) would think she is the kind of woman who would flash a married man on purpose. I cut Kelly only a tiny bit more slack than Ericka because Kelly had Jill Z. in her ear as well as having two youngish children to worry about. Ericka doesn't have either of those things and tends to have more control over her impulses (usually, Hong Kong was an aberration for me. Because even when she lit into Lisa Rinna at her Target BBQ, last season, that entire rant seemed rehearsed to defend Yolanda against something that wasn't even said). 

  • Love 19
5 minutes ago, AndySmith said:

So Tom married her because he wanted a sex-bot, but the two of them aren't having sex?

Nah, I wouldn't say sex-bot, I would say trophy wife. And, yeah, I find it highly doubtful that they are actually having sex. Maybe early on in the marriage, but now - I just don't buy it. The lack of chemistry between the two of them is a big red flag for me. The way he seems to tolerate her in social gatherings rather than seeming to engage with her also stands out to me. Also, I don't think it's really that uncommon for a trophy wife to not be all that sexually interested in their husband - especially if they know exactly what the arrangement entails. 


ETA: I can give her the benefit of the doubt and suggest that she throws him a bone on his birthday, like LVP does for Ken. 

Edited by MatildaMoody
  • Love 13
6 hours ago, HunterHunted said:

Quite possibly. I don't know how I managed to not include Jacqueline Laurita on my original list.

Is it messed up that picturing these awful women with filler filled faces beating each other nearly to death with Birkin bags brings a smile to my face?

Guess I'm messed up too then.

The thought is making me smile right now, so thank you!

1 hour ago, AndySmith said:

Whatever the arrangement is, it seems they are both ok with it, if they're still married this long.

I love how you call their marriage an "Arrangement".

I think of it as an arrangement also.

  • Love 5
19 hours ago, HunterHunted said:

I'm assuming that she's spending $39,000 on her skin every month and $1,000 on hair, makeup, clothing, and accessories because her skin is fantastic, but everything else is abysmal.

I agree with all, but her skin actually looked pretty awful the night of the big blowup at the restaurant, when all the suck-ups where fussing over her, and patting away her her tears (give me a break! Phoney idiots) on her face in the lobby waiting to leave. The harsh lighting really revealed all the caked on, heavy concealer and there where plenty of bumps and wrinkles going on. It was a quick shot, but it was there. 

  • Love 7
19 hours ago, hecate2909 said:

metiche AKA nosey listen Lisa just doesn't know when to let the knicker joke drop,she even talks about her own knickers and I'm pretty sure she showed Kyle and a few others them on a limo ride this season, she can larf at herself but also does indeed like to poke fun at others and say it;s all in jest, I look at those she has poked fun at, Rinna who called her Machiavellian and Erica who from the start wore pink (just to piss her off) and called her a sniper who casts a web, Lisa is just getting them back in her own way and I think she at least is trying to do it with some levity rather than downright character assassination.

I think it's Lisa's attempt at actually moving past it. Like when something happens that can cause a huge screaming fight, or something scary happens and be a big deal at the time, and after a bit everyone reflects and jokes and laughs about it, about how stupid and crazy it all was. It's actually an elegant way of getting over something and putting everything in perspective. With normal people it can actually bond a friendship. Like " going through a war " together, -- just an expression people, nobody needs to post that a real war is terrible...yada yada, I know! Lol

and actually, I do agree a bit that it's a bit needling, but so harmless and can be fun if you are the right person, and not an uptight, self-important, humorless dummy. 

Edited by VedaPierce
  • Love 12
17 hours ago, hecate2909 said:

She was ROBBED!

They say there are 3 sides to every story ie. yours/mine and somewhere in between,

I say that possession is 9 tenths of the law and perspective is 9 tenths of the truth.

Just look at how many "truths" there are on this board about the show alone! Everyone has a truth. I remember being a little sanctimonious to my dad and saying 'but it's the TRUTH! How can so and so say that when it's the TRUTH?!' (We were debating something inconsequential and I was very arrogantly heated and sure of my position) and he just shrugged and said 'meh, truth, everyone has a truth. Nations go to war for their truth.' And that actually shut me up. 

  • Love 6
5 hours ago, MatildaMoody said:

I can buy that they have an arrangement, and even that they have an open relationship. But, there is no way you can convince me that Ericka is having sex with ANYONE. For all of her flaunting of her alter ego, I find her oddly asexual. In fact, I think a large part of her alter ego is because she isn't particularly interested in having sex, so the sexy alter ego is her outlet.

I have a sneaking suspicion that prior to having this particular outlet, she got her kicks in other ways, like being the center of attention at any gathering. A lot of this though comes from panty-gate. I think that even if she HAD been wearing panties that night, she would have said she wasn't wearing any, because she really enjoyed the reactions she got from it - that self-satisfied smile she had when she announced it says it all, IMO. I keep trying to put myself in her shoes in that situation, and at no point during that conversation would I have announced that I wasn't wearing panties. If LVP had cheekily asked me if Kyle could borrow my panties, I probably would have done something like check my purse and say, "sorry, fresh out."

I'm not saying there is anything wrong with her announcement. But, I do question why she announced it. The whole thing reminds me of Kelly Bensimon, honestly. Start with the "British humor" conversation. LVP was being self-deprecating about how long ago she was an actress. PK and Dorit took it one step further to tack on an additional joke about LVP's age. LVP was enjoying the back and forth, but Erika was offended by it. The whole thing reminded me of something Kelly said at the start of the "Scary Island" trip. She said something about how she just didn't like "the banter." And, you could see what she meant when anytime someone said something as a joke, she would take it literally and get frustrated when the banter would continue. The concept of a back and forth casual conversation seemed foreign to her and she acted out because of it. I see Ericka similarly. They both do well in one on one conversations because all they have to do is wait for the other person to stop talking so they can take their turn to speak. But, get them in a gathering where there is a lot of back and forth and light wit, and they don't know how to function. The only thing they can do is bring the conversation back to themselves because that is what they know and are comfortable with. 

So, after that first back and forth with LVP, Dorit, and PK. I think that the second part of the evening she had been surrounded by all of these couples who were having a go about Kyle's black undies and she didn't know how to join in when LVP gave her an opening into the conversation. So rather than laughing it off and playing alone, she makes a pronouncement that is sure to change the way the conversation is flowing and also brings the focus back to her. 

Which brings me back to my point about Ericka coming across as asexual. Like Kelly, Ericka's trade has been to be the hot wife of a rich and well-respected man. Kelly had no problem posing for Playboy, but believed having a one night stand made you a hoebag (personally, I see nothing wrong with either posing for Playboy or having a one night stand, but that's another rant for another day). Ericka has no problem announcing that she isn't wearing panties, but is upset that her accidental flash was talked about - and now she is worried people (ahem, Eileen) would think she is the kind of woman who would flash a married man on purpose. I cut Kelly only a tiny bit more slack than Ericka because Kelly had Jill Z. in her ear as well as having two youngish children to worry about. Ericka doesn't have either of those things and tends to have more control over her impulses (usually, Hong Kong was an aberration for me. Because even when she lit into Lisa Rinna at her Target BBQ, last season, that entire rant seemed rehearsed to defend Yolanda against something that wasn't even said). 

Who is Erika's target audience?  Gay men, (and Eileen) so her appeal is directed at a class of people who don't have sex with women.  So I think of her as being faux sexual.  Add to the fact like a spinning head from the Exorcist, she then starts calling herself a slut and a whore.  So she is not terribly comfortable with the sexual being and apparently that is what she thinks people think of her.  Slut or whore puts the onus on those as making a moral judgment based on her look or act.  Imagine if people just said they found her tawdry, shallow and untalented.  She would not have one of her snappy comments about people being offended and it being on them.   I don't think most people find her Erika Jayne all that different than Erika Girardi.  Both personalities aren't fond of women.  No one wants to hear that a person has to fully vet you before deciding if they want to have you as a friend.

Erika wants the attention but it has to be under her terms and she wants to be deified or else.  She pays good money for her sycophants and when others don't buy in she gets angry and calls them prudes or judgmental. When people don't get her or flat out find her talentless or search for words that rise above mediocrity the Erikas lash out. Eileen sounded ridiculous claiming Erika was a warm and sensitive person-these would be the same woman who had just told Eileen to STFU and went days before apologizing. 

Mostly I want Rinna, Eileen and Erika to start realizing words matter. Cold and stoic doesn't mean heartless, cold and frigid doesn't mean heartless.  Cold, stoic and frigid are a description of someone who doesn't warm up to someone (or most anyone in the Erikas case) heartless is more of a person who is actively cruel or cold-blooded meaning they do something with callous disregard. I am so worn out about entire storylines evolving around these three growing a storylines from things that aren't really as these women portray them. 

  • Love 16

My husband, who has few opinions, thinks Erika looks like a whore in this episode.  He admitted to having known a whore before we were married, so I guess he knows what one (or more than one) looks like.  Sadly, I do believe she sold herself to the highest bidder.  Would she ever have looked twice at Tom Girardi if his package weren't so large?  And by package I do mean wallet. 

Edited by BabyRocker
  • Love 4

At this point I'm assuming the rose is a house label that will be available at Villa Blanca, SUR, and Pump because I couldn't find any evidence of a new rose by Vanderpump wines and spirits. This party barely made any sense if LVP was actually launching a new wine for her brand. We barely saw the wine. People drank it, but we saw limited discussion of how good it was. I feel like the best finale parties are ones where a housewife isn't trying to push a product or shill in any way. The parties get out of control so quickly that anyone who is legitimately there to see housewife X launch product Y is soon left a bit horrified by how the housewife sausage is made.

  • Love 2
15 minutes ago, HunterHunted said:

At this point I'm assuming the rose is a house label that will be available at Villa Blanca, SUR, and Pump because I couldn't find any evidence of a new rose by Vanderpump wines and spirits. This party barely made any sense if LVP was actually launching a new wine for her brand. We barely saw the wine. People drank it, but we saw limited discussion of how good it was. I feel like the best finale parties are ones where a housewife isn't trying to push a product or shill in any way. The parties get out of control so quickly that anyone who is legitimately there to see housewife X launch product Y is soon left a bit horrified by how the housewife sausage is made.

I am thinking since they filmed back in October the wine must not be all that good.  Maybe it wasn't such a great idea to get on the Rose train.  Pandora, since it is her job, is usually pretty good about promoting product.

My guess is these parties last for hours and aren't a terrible lot of fun.  LVP was certainly doing her best to move things along.

  • Love 2
18 minutes ago, HunterHunted said:

At this point I'm assuming the rose is a house label that will be available at Villa Blanca, SUR, and Pump because I couldn't find any evidence of a new rose by Vanderpump wines and spirits. This party barely made any sense if LVP was actually launching a new wine for her brand. We barely saw the wine. People drank it, but we saw limited discussion of how good it was. I feel like the best finale parties are ones where a housewife isn't trying to push a product or shill in any way. The parties get out of control so quickly that anyone who is legitimately there to see housewife X launch product Y is soon left a bit horrified by how the housewife sausage is made.

I can't imagine that people at the party aren't aware that they are background guests for the show.  I have friends in DC who know a woman who auditioned for RHDC (didn't make it) but if she had made it, I totally would have tried to wangle an invite to a party where they were filming! :)

  • Love 3
4 minutes ago, princelina said:

I can't imagine that people at the party aren't aware that they are background guests for the show.  I have friends in DC who know a woman who auditioned for RHDC (didn't make it) but if she had made it, I totally would have tried to wangle an invite to a party where they were filming! :)

The guests clearly know that they are background for the show. But I guess I'm also someone who doesn't really like acknowledging the fourth wall. Aviva's leg throw at Sonja's Team Sonja thank you party is perhaps the most egregious. The guests just stop pretending to be there for any other reason than to watch the finale shit show.  For me it makes it harder to believe that there are real feelings motivating the wives actions when everyone else in attendance is so obvious about the artifice.

  • Love 1
On 4/5/2017 at 11:24 AM, bichonblitz said:

A few superficial comments:

Erika looked rediculous and so out of place with the black dress while everybody was wearing pink. Her glam squad strikes again.

Kim and Kyle were the only HW wearing pink outfits. LVP, Dorit, Rinna, Eileen, Camille, Eden, and Pandora were not wearing pink outfits. Erika's ridiculous wig was more pink than the other non-pink dress wearers combined. :)

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, Michichick said:

Kim and Kyle were the only HW wearing pink outfits. LVP, Dorit, Rinna, Eileen, Camille, Eden, and Pandora were not wearing pink outfits. Erika's ridiculous wig was more pink than the other non-pink dress wearers combined. :)

They weren't require to wear pink, they could also wear something "sparkly" as well. I do believe Erika was the only one that wore a sparkly black dress though, so she and her pink wig stood out more.

  • Love 2
2 hours ago, HunterHunted said:

At this point I'm assuming the rose is a house label that will be available at Villa Blanca, SUR, and Pump because I couldn't find any evidence of a new rose by Vanderpump wines and spirits. This party barely made any sense if LVP was actually launching a new wine for her brand. We barely saw the wine. People drank it, but we saw limited discussion of how good it was. I feel like the best finale parties are ones where a housewife isn't trying to push a product or shill in any way. The parties get out of control so quickly that anyone who is legitimately there to see housewife X launch product Y is soon left a bit horrified by how the housewife sausage is made.

LVP's rose is the Pink Sangria.  The label says "rose" with other natural ingredients.

  • Love 1
5 minutes ago, notnowimbusy said:

LVP's rose is the Pink Sangria.  The label says "rose" with other natural ingredients.

Lame. That's been out for a couple of years. I know because I bought a bottle a couple of years ago. But then LVP had a grande opening in season 3 for a restaurant, SUR, that had actually been open for a while and really had only been remodeled.

Edited by HunterHunted
  • Love 1

I thought the invite said to wear Pink?

Pink and sparkles. It seemed like that was just recommended more than required, since you can see a lot of the guests in the background neither wore pink or anything sparkling either.


He needed a woman on his arm to stop the rumours of him being Gay.

Wouldn't his previous marriages and kids stop those rumors? Though I guess that's a discussion for a different thread.

Edited by AndySmith
  • Love 2
26 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

They weren't require to wear pink, they could also wear something "sparkly" as well. I do believe Erika was the only one that wore a sparkly black dress though, so she and her pink wig stood out more.

Yes, I thought the dress code was pink, sparkly, and wedge heels. So Erika hit two out of three, anyway. Ha, did anyone do the wedges? I forgot to look. Camille stood out nicely in her green dress, she looked beautiful even if she blew off the dress code.

  • Love 3

In addition to hearing things that have not been said, is it possible Rinna is also unable to count?  Pantygate came down the first part of August, this party and Hong Kong were in October.  How is that four months?  I believe they went the entire month of September and into October without Pantygate being discussed.  Same with Rinna not remembering a comment from TWO months ago-more like thirty days earlier. I not only like accountability-one of Eileen's favs-but the ability to count. 

What is this other weird business where Dorit was expected to call Rinna, Erika Girardi, Erika Jayne, Tom Girardi and her husband call Tom Girardi and both Erikas?  Both Rinna and the Erikas brought it up.  Did either Rinna or the Erikas think Dorit would or should have called? 

My last mystery and the Erikas seem to still be in the accusatory excuse making mode-who pushed the Erikas at dinner in Hong Kong the night of her breakdown?  I don't believe it was Dorit?  As they regain their memory or watch the show is she going really absorb what happened?

Rinna, filmed right before the Reunion is still persisting with this Dorit calling her an addict and a pill popper.  Saying it doesn't make it so.  I was glad PK approached lunatic Rinna at LVP's party and asked what they had down to her to  make her go nuclear on them?

18 minutes ago, Michichick said:

Yes, I thought the dress code was pink, sparkly, and wedge heels. So Erika hit two out of three, anyway. Ha, did anyone do the wedges? I forgot to look. Camille stood out nicely in her green dress, she looked beautiful even if she blew off the dress code.

Maybe the dress code was just for those  who were expected to be filmed combatants.  I am very curious what Camille wanted to say at the Reunion.  If she comes back next year it will be interesting to see if she sides with LVP/Kyle or Rinna/Erika.  She has a take on someone.

  • Love 8
On 4/5/2017 at 1:04 PM, nexxie said:

When will older women learn that the general public really doesn't want to gaze upon our breasts?!

About the same time that older men realize that young women don't want to see their dicks*. No really- we don't. Or when they realize that younger women (who aren't catfish, bots, trolls, professionals, or opportunists) aren't dying to send them pics of themselves naked. So about never! Haha :)

*And contrary to male belief, the size of your bank account does not influence the attractiveness of that body part.

Oh, RH, where did you take me?

And yes, Harry looks foolish for being involved with Rinna. Eileen needs to distance herself immediately, if she's going to play the pearl-clutching, voice- of- reason part.

  • Love 5
Just now, Granimal said:

About the same time that older men realize that young women don't want to see their dicks*. No really- we don't. Or when they realize that younger women (who aren't catfish, bots, trolls, professionals, or opportunists) aren't dying to send them pics of themselves naked. So about never! Haha :)

*And contrary to male belief, the size of your bank account does not influence the attractiveness of that body part.

Oh, RH, where did you take me?

And yes, Harry looks foolish for being involved with Rinna. Eileen needs to distance herself immediately, if she's going to play the pearl-clutching, voice- of- reason part.

You were nicer than I would be-when are men and women going to stop looking

My issue with Eileen, is this is a non-scripted show-QUIT TELLING PEOPLE TO STOP TALKING.   Learn to keep up with the conversation.  Learn prolonged exposure to Rinna and Erika's rear end makes you irrelevant.

Erika needs a to take a basic psychology class and learn basic terms.  PK calling her inherently cold, was not projecting.

  • Love 12
1 minute ago, zoeysmom said:

You were nicer than I would be-when are men and women going to stop looking

My issue with Eileen, is this is a non-scripted show-QUIT TELLING PEOPLE TO STOP TALKING.   Learn to keep up with the conversation.  Learn prolonged exposure to Rinna and Erika's rear end makes you irrelevant.

Erika needs a to take a basic psychology class and learn basic terms.  PK calling her inherently cold, was not projecting.

No one said Erika was a "brain surgeon!" She's a woman of the world; barely intelligent enough to sit and listen intently! She should go back to that and SHUT UP! ;-)


f she sides with LVP/Kyle or Rinna/Erika

Since Kyle and Ericka don't seem to have a major beef with each other, why would Camille choose any side? Kyle hasn't chosen a "side" so far. She is closest to LVP, but out of all the women this year, she seems to get along with everyone else. Hell Kyle is even on record saying she doesn't think Rinna is a bad person, just that Rinna sometimes does and says bad things.


PK calling her inherently cold, was not projecting.

No, but it was a really, really bad edit on the producers part.

23 hours ago, Giselle said:

Well we have seen Vincent tune her out on more than one occasion. Even her son lets her blather on and on while tuning her out. Only defense aside from divorce.

So, Does this mean my wife ISN'T going deaf?

33 minutes ago, Granimal said:

About the same time that older men realize that young women don't want to see their dicks*. No really- we don't. Or when they realize that younger women (who aren't catfish, bots, trolls, professionals, or opportunists) aren't dying to send them pics of themselves naked. So about never! Haha :)

*And contrary to male belief, the size of your bank account does not influence the attractiveness of that body part.

Oh, RH, where did you take me?

And yes, Harry looks foolish for being involved with Rinna. Eileen needs to distance herself immediately, if she's going to play the pearl-clutching, voice- of- reason part.

All my pics are Dick pics.

And NO, my name isn't Anthony Weiner.

  • Love 5
28 minutes ago, AndySmith said:

Since Kyle and Ericka don't seem to have a major beef with each other, why would Camille choose any side? Kyle hasn't chosen a "side" so far. She is closest to LVP, but out of all the women this year, she seems to get along with everyone else. Hell Kyle is even on record saying she doesn't think Rinna is a bad person, just that Rinna sometimes does and says bad things.

No, but it was a really, really bad edit on the producers part.

The actual quote regarding Rinna was:  She is not an awful person she made awful choices.  I don't see that as an endorsement of Rinna.  Awful is a pretty strong word.

Kyle has repeatedly said she is friends with Dorit and PK, they actually spend time together.

Erika on the other hand did one of her fabulous moments when asked about support from her cast  mates-"oh they all support me,  I just have to be careful  when and who comes as they don't get along."  In other words since week 1, no RH has wanted to come watch her strut her stuff on DWTS.  Two out of three weeks have been dark with RH.  Not a Kim, Camille, Yolanda or Brandi or Kathryn. 

I am basing my opinion on Camille saying she wanted to weigh in at the Reunion. 

22 minutes ago, ElDosEquis said:

So, Does this mean my wife ISN'T going deaf?

All my pics are Dick pics.

And NO, my name isn't Anthony Weiner.

Is this like the little by named Mountain Dew that asks his kindergarten teacher to guess his name and his clue is, "it'll tickle your innards,"  And the teacher said, "okay DIck go have a seat?"

  • Love 5

As if watching Rinna's foulness wasn't bad enough, now I have to think about her dragon breath to boot. Thanks, Dorit!


If she's back next season, will Rinna go after Erika for something?  And if she does, will Eileen still stand by her?

Now that would make for an interesting scenario, given how Eileen is attached to Rinna's hip and Erika's colon. Maybe Erika could have a nip slip in front of HarryHamlin to get the storyline going.


I think Erica should be dumped. She is cold and hides behind a façade.

You would think someone with two faces would be more engrossing. She should send her cooch and the Kemsleys thank you cards, because the rest of her act is lame and stale.

  • Love 11

The actual quote regarding Rinna was:  She is not an awful person she made awful choices.  I don't see that as an endorsement of Rinna.  Awful is a pretty strong word.

Since this is a court of law, the quote itself is "I like Lisa Rinna, despite what she’s said and done. She doesn’t know how to control her mouth. I’ve known her to be a nice person, I wonder why she says things or does things. She’s not an awful person – but she’s made some awful choices.". That sounds like an endorsement on the more positive side than the negative to me, but as they say, mileage varies.


In other words since week 1, no RH has wanted to come watch her strut her stuff on DWTS

Not being able to attend is not necessarily the same as not wanting to attend.

  • Love 5
54 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

My issue with Eileen, is this is a non-scripted show-QUIT TELLING PEOPLE TO STOP TALKING.   Learn to keep up with the conversation.  Learn prolonged exposure to Rinna and Erika's rear end makes you irrelevant.

Erika needs a to take a basic psychology class and learn basic terms.  PK calling her inherently cold, was not projecting.

Eileen irked me beyond belief when she started talking about her "write a letter and tear it up" strategy. What a bunch of conflict avoidant claptrap. It makes me wonder how many letters Eileen wrote and then tore up last season to result in the affair grudge that would not die. Maybe if Eileen had bothered to send one of these letters to LVP she wouldn't have started this season waiting for a damn apology that wasn't going to come.

Even if Erika took a basic psychology class, it wouldn't help. She has no self awareness. Dorit and PK call her cold and she objects. They remind her that she, herself, shared that people find her reserved and aloof. Erika agrees. I'm not sure she needs a psychology class, maybe just a thesaurus.

I have to laugh at Erika pointing out that Dorit can't pick up on social cues. That's true, but what went down between Dorit and Erika is not an example of Dorit failing to pick up on cues. This was a series of contradictory cues. Erika tells Dorit they're cool, but complains how humiliated she was to Eileen and Rinna. Eileen and Rinna bring it up all season. This has been a season long gaslighting. Given what Erika and Yolanda pulled last season and how Erika took all of the time in the world to apologize to Eileen, I don't know that any housewife should take Erika's words at face value from now on. 

  • Love 15
3 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

What is this other weird business where Dorit was expected to call Rinna, Erika Girardi, Erika Jayne, Tom Girardi and her husband call Tom Girardi and both Erikas?  Both Rinna and the Erikas brought it up.  Did either Rinna or the Erikas think Dorit would or should have called? 

Yes - this is what I mean about something being wrong with Rinna.  Why would Dorit call her?  Forget the husband/coke comments at dinner - if I were Dorit, I would have been "done" after the way she leaped up (like she was in the cast of Peter Pan Live, according to the recapper - hee, hee - I'm still giggling about that) and got in her face, and then sat back down giving the finger and yelling, "Fuck you Dorit!"  Why Rinna would expect a phone call, a double kiss, or anything more than a coldly polite "hello" is beyond me.

  • Love 12
5 minutes ago, princelina said:

Yes - this is what I mean about something being wrong with Rinna.  Why would Dorit call her?  Forget the husband/coke comments at dinner - if I were Dorit, I would have been "done" after the way she leaped up (like she was in the cast of Peter Pan Live, according to the recapper - hee, hee - I'm still giggling about that) and got in her face, and then sat back down giving the finger and yelling, "Fuck you Dorit!"  Why Rinna would expect a phone call, a double kiss, or anything more than a coldly polite "hello" is beyond me.

I don't even know why people allow Rinna to hug them! If she acted anyway like she has with these broads to me and she came up attempting one; I'd put my hand up and ask her "WTF are you doing?" Why does Kim or Kyle even speak to the b!tch?? I don't play those phony games giving air kisses to everyone! I'm not that big a person; I hold grudges and can be quite passive aggressive if I feel slighted! ;-(

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, zoeysmom said:

Erika on the other hand did one of her fabulous moments when asked about support from her cast  mates-"oh they all support me,  I just have to be careful  when and who comes as they don't get along."  In other words since week 1, no RH has wanted to come watch her strut her stuff on DWTS.  Two out of three weeks have been dark with RH.  Not a Kim, Camille, Yolanda or Brandi or Kathryn. 

Don't they dance for like less than a minute and a half? I wouldn't go out of my way to see that. 

  • Love 6
2 hours ago, zoeysmom said:


Erika on the other hand did one of her fabulous moments when asked about support from her cast  mates-"oh they all support me,  I just have to be careful  when and who comes as they don't get along."  In other words since week 1, no RH has wanted to come watch her strut her stuff on DWTS.  Two out of three weeks have been dark with RH.  Not a Kim, Camille, Yolanda or Brandi or Kathryn. 


The heck with the rest of the BH HWs, has Tom even made an appearance in support of his wife yet? I haven't seen him but I could have missed them showing him in the crowd. LOL

  • Love 7
28 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

The heck with the rest of the BH HWs, has Tom even made an appearance in support of his wife yet? I haven't seen him but I could have missed them showing him in the crowd. LOL

If he was in the crowd she would have run over and kiss his little bald head, and told him how much she "appreciates" his support.   I don't think he really cares what she does, on stage or off, as long as it doesn't interfere with his life, and she's on-demand for when he wants.

  • Love 4
25 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

The heck with the rest of the BH HWs, has Tom even made an appearance in support of his wife yet? I haven't seen him but I could have missed them showing him in the crowd. LOL

5 minutes ago, notnowimbusy said:

If he was in the crowd she would have run over and kiss his little bald head, and told him how much she "appreciates" his support.   I don't think he really cares what she does, on stage or off, as long as it doesn't interfere with his life, and she's on-demand for when he wants.


I don't think he has. I'm sure he's busy, but part of the reason that you hustle to become partner is so you don't have to hustle like that in the latter parts of your career. He's 77. You would think he'd show up...once. You would think that ABC would work with him so that they could at least get some reaction shots.

  • Love 7
10 minutes ago, notnowimbusy said:

If he was in the crowd she would have run over and kiss his little bald head, and told him how much she "appreciates" his support.   I don't think he really cares what she does, on stage or off, as long as it doesn't interfere with his life, and she's on-demand for when he wants.

Sad, that is really sad IMO.

1 minute ago, HunterHunted said:

I don't think he has. I'm sure he's busy, but part of the reason that you hustle to become partner is so you don't have to hustle like that in the latter parts of your career. He's 77. You would think he'd show up...once. You would think that ABC would work with him so that they could at least get some reaction shots.

They would at least get a TH of him boasting how "proud" he is of her if he couldn't make it to the show. Something is off, really off here. When she was on WWHL after her first dance, she did not have her wedding ring on but maybe she doesn't wear it when she is in EJ mode.

  • Love 8
3 hours ago, HunterHunted said:

Eileen irked me beyond belief when she started talking about her "write a letter and tear it up" strategy. What a bunch of conflict avoidant claptrap. It makes me wonder how many letters Eileen wrote and then tore up last season to result in the affair grudge that would not die. Maybe if Eileen had bothered to send one of these letters to LVP she wouldn't have started this season waiting for a damn apology that wasn't going to come.

Even if Erika took a basic psychology class, it wouldn't help. She has no self awareness. Dorit and PK call her cold and she objects. They remind her that she, herself, shared that people find her reserved and aloof. Erika agrees. I'm not sure she needs a psychology class, maybe just a thesaurus.

I have to laugh at Erika pointing out that Dorit can't pick up on social cues. That's true, but what went down between Dorit and Erika is not an example of Dorit failing to pick up on cues. This was a series of contradictory cues. Erika tells Dorit they're cool, but complains how humiliated she was to Eileen and Rinna. Eileen and Rinna bring it up all season. This has been a season long gaslighting. Given what Erika and Yolanda pulled last season and how Erika took all of the time in the world to apologize to Eileen, I don't know that any housewife should take Erika's words at face value from now on. 

I wonder where a beaver flash rates in social cues? 

I still don't understand after Pantygate proper, why didn't Erika just tell Dorit to eff off?  Who fed the Erikas all this extra information? Instead we have the Erikas in Greece and Dorit rollerblading with Rinna and Eileen.  Which would mena there was almost two months the issue of Pantygate was not raised.

Erika's words are empty and she is not a reliable historian.  She cares for no one but herself.  Post Reunion her comment were about how she could ream Eileen, but the others would have held it over her head.  Various other ego centric comments.  I know the popular opinion is Kyle and she are buds but if Erika keeps up the comments she may find herself riding shotgun with Rinna attending D-list modeling jobs with her daughters.  I just don't see Eileen coming back unless she does something interesting at the Reunion like pop a vein or drag Dorit around by the hair.

  • Love 15
2 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

I wonder where a beaver flash rates in social cues? 

I still don't understand after Pantygate proper, why didn't Erika just tell Dorit to eff off?  Who fed the Erikas all this extra information? Instead we have the Erikas in Greece and Dorit rollerblading with Rinna and Eileen.  Which would mena there was almost two months the issue of Pantygate was not raised.

Erika's words are empty and she is not a reliable historian.  She cares for no one but herself.  Post Reunion her comment were about how she could ream Eileen, but the others would have held it over her head.  Various other ego centric comments.  I know the popular opinion is Kyle and she are buds but if Erika keeps up the comments she may find herself riding shotgun with Rinna attending D-list modeling jobs with her daughters.  I just don't see Eileen coming back unless she does something interesting at the Reunion like pop a vein or drag Dorit around by the hair.

Eileen's truly disappointed me this season! I've already spoken of her being "the enabler," allowing Rinna to be a real C#Nt; esp. in the finale! The b!tch looked loaded; actually staggering around the party! She was Fk'd up! Eileen didn't reel her in at all; almost encouraging it; "I dare you to go over there!" ;-(

  • Love 3

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