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Social Media: What's Up With Her?


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Is there a fireplace in that photo?  I don't see one.  

Alapaki.  If you watch the video you will see the top left corner of the fireplace above her right shoulder. We are aware that she is on one end of the human width spectrum but to be able to almost block it entirely is truly mind boggling.

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23 minutes ago, Me from ME said:

Alapaki.  If you watch the video you will see the top left corner of the fireplace above her right shoulder. We are aware that she is on one end of the human width spectrum but to be able to almost block it entirely is truly mind boggling.

I think @Alapaki was being sarcastic.

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I've said it before, but Whitney's photographer sucks. Even with a large subject it's possible to take better composed photos. Having a horizontal shot cut off at her widest point, dead center of the frame doesn't do her any favors. I'd also agree that it definitely looks like a fake smile. 

Edited by alabetser
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Twit, in response to a Nit-Whit's comment, apparently about how large she is now (I couldn't find the comment), sez she weighs less now than she did in season one. So, should I believe Twit or my lyin' eyes?

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24 minutes ago, Dot said:

Twit, in response to a Nit-Whit's comment, apparently about how large she is now (I couldn't find the comment), sez she weighs less now than she did in season one. So, should I believe Twit or my lyin' eyes?

She has apparently switched from Imperial to Metric. She can say "I'm 220" and leave the "...kilograms" out.

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2 hours ago, Dot said:

Twit, in response to a Nit-Whit's comment, apparently about how large she is now (I couldn't find the comment), sez she weighs less now than she did in season one. So, should I believe Twit or my lyin' eyes?

There is no possible way. I rarely discuss Whitney's weight but I 'ma stop her right here. In the newest ep (no spoilers, don't worry) there's a scene of her dancing with Todd, and I was shocked to see her 'apron' (panniculus?) tucked into her pants--it's objectively enormous. I don't say this to be mean, but only to refute her claim. When you watch, look for it. She's always been fat, but this is next-level fat.

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52 minutes ago, Pachengala said:

There is no possible way. I rarely discuss Whitney's weight but I 'ma stop her right here. In the newest ep (no spoilers, don't worry) there's a scene of her dancing with Todd, and I was shocked to see her 'apron' (panniculus?) tucked into her pants--it's objectively enormous. I don't say this to be mean, but only to refute her claim. When you watch, look for it. She's always been fat, but this is next-level fat.

Seriously, as many photos as she posted from the cruise it doesn’t take a genius to realize just how much weight she’s gained.

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More fun with Nit-Whit comments today on IG:

The best: "My god -- this woman can use her hips as armrests!"

Toddlr asks -- since she is into women -- would she pls consider being filmed  bumping bellies with another BBW as it would be so hot. Especially if it were with his BBW teacher & they were kissing at the same time. Twit uses this as an example of some of the comments she gets all the time, saying "imagine being assaulted by this shit everyday. THIS is harassment."

Talk about the pot calling the kettle a harasser.

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3 hours ago, Pachengala said:

There is no possible way. I rarely discuss Whitney's weight but I 'ma stop her right here. In the newest ep (no spoilers, don't worry) there's a scene of her dancing with Todd, and I was shocked to see her 'apron' (panniculus?) tucked into her pants--it's objectively enormous. I don't say this to be mean, but only to refute her claim. When you watch, look for it. She's always been fat, but this is next-level fat.

When your skin can start doubling as articles of clothing, you know it's a problem...

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On 10/12/2017 at 2:59 PM, auntjess said:

Don't make it a drinking game, or we'll never sober up.
And OT, but has anyone heard if 600 Lb Life will be back as well?

Years from now (OK, or maybe weeks), a participant will be able to say, "I studied dance under the great Whitney Thore."

Maybe “ The Great Big Whitney Way Thore”! ?

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On 10/22/2017 at 9:10 PM, AZChristian said:

That "article" looks like an ad for the product.  Her "before" picture looks like it was stretched horizontally to make her look worse (not that she needed help), and the "after" is carefully crafted to make the eye look up and down (toilet paper and towels).  Also, note that the "square" tiles are not square - the photo was squished horizontally as another ploy to try to make her look thinner.  Her make-up and hair look good in that one, though.

Also, I think they plopped that background behind them; she looks no thinner sitting next to Ellen than she has in years.  Actually, I have serious doubts as to whether she and Ellen have ever been in the same room.  This looks like photoshopping.  YMMV.

I call fake.

It’s a total fake ad. It’s been used as clickbait for years with different “celebrities” as long as I can remember.  Garcina Cambogia has been around for a VERY long time. It’s another “magic potion”.

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On 6/21/2017 at 2:58 PM, ClareWalks said:

I got this screengrab from the FB comments for a post about Glenn...

What the actual FUCK. So Glenn slaps girls' asses, including his daughter? What the actual FUCK. Oh, and Whitney has a creepy Saudi stalker who writes on all her posts that he wants a big wife, LOL.


That's just sick

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A couple of FB posts from Twit today.

The first shows her again in that Torrid blouse/skirt outfit in front of a hedge. The first Nit-Whit comment is from a woman named Vickie, who uses caps to exclaim about how fat Twit is now. It's worth reading the 18 replies to Vicki, esp. her own lengthy explanation of why she made the comment.

The second is of Twit & Boo Boo bumping bellies during the cruise dance party. Donna looks like she's gained at least 50 #s. Living with Twit has done neither of the 2 Boo housemates much good.

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24 minutes ago, Dot said:

The second is of Twit & Boo Boo bumping bellies during the cruise dance party. Donna looks like she's gained at least 50 #s. Living with Twit has done neither of the 2 Boo housemates much good.

And Twit's like "happy birthday Donna!!!" I would give someone here SO MANY STREET CREDITS if they would respond "isn't that the girl that you force to massage your tits?"

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45 minutes ago, Dot said:

A couple of FB posts from Twit today.

The first shows her again in that Torrid blouse/skirt outfit in front of a hedge. The first Nit-Whit comment is from a woman named Vickie, who uses caps to exclaim about how fat Twit is now. It's worth reading the 18 replies to Vicki, esp. her own lengthy explanation of why she made the comment.

The second is of Twit & Boo Boo bumping bellies during the cruise dance party. Donna looks like she's gained at least 50 #s. Living with Twit has done neither of the 2 Boo housemates much good.

First comment was edited so no more caps but that and the now 33 replies are worth the read. Seems a fan or two may finally be starting to see through her shenanigans.

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21 minutes ago, sainte-chapelle said:

First comment was edited so no more caps but that and the now 33 replies are worth the read. Seems a fan or two may finally be starting to see through her shenanigans.

I liked her comment with the caps better. She kinda wimped out with the Nit-Whit posse after her.

The Nit-Whit comment I liked best went something like this: "The wind is blowing her skirt & making her look fat."

If Twit were standing in the rain, would she be dripping the fat off?

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1 hour ago, Dot said:

I liked her comment with the caps better. She kinda wimped out with the Nit-Whit posse after her.

The Nit-Whit comment I liked best went something like this: "The wind is blowing her skirt & making her look fat."

If Twit were standing in the rain, would she be dripping the fat off?

I liked that comment too!  There were a few that conceded that she gained since season one. One comment I loved was about them being bullies and Whitney not responding, considering they are all no shamers.

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The second is of Twit & Boo Boo bumping bellies during the cruise dance party

That photo is the best example I have ever seen of someone's weight having ballooned. The difference between her upper and lower arms is  astounding. From her elbow down it looks almost normal. Perhaps a reminder of the body she once had? 

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2 hours ago, Me from ME said:

That photo is the best example I have ever seen of someone's weight having ballooned. The difference between her upper and lower arms is  astounding. From her elbow down it looks almost normal. Perhaps a reminder of the body she once had? 

Speaking of the body she once had, I found these photos of Whitney before her weight gain when she claims to have been insecure and unhappy with herself. I don't doubt her, but sounds like not much has changed. She's still dealing with issues, except now she IS fat versus just "feeling" fat (she wasn't, she was adorable!). Now, morbidly obese, she has the same issues and claims she's happy being fat. She means to tell us that if there were a magic button that would change her back to her earlier physique and let her start over, she wouldn't do it?


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I love her desperate attempts to convince herself that being a normal weight is less healthy than being massive, or that she no longer has eating disorders because she has switched from bingeing/purging to endless bingeing.

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On 12/21/2017 at 4:04 PM, ClareWalks said:

I have a fireplace, you'd have to be over 3 feet wide to totally block the view of the fire pit area. If Whitney's circumference, like all circles, is pi times diameter, it's a miracle any store can clothe her.

Most of what she wears is from Lane Bryant.   They go up to a 32 in some things.  I guess when she blows out of them there's always Catherine's or Brylane brands (that go up to 6x)

Edited by Threnners
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1 hour ago, Threnners said:

Most of what she wears is from Lane Bryant.   They go up to a 32 in some things.  I guess when she blows out of them there's always Catherine's or Brylane brands (that go up to 6x)

She's often mentioned wearing Lane Bryant & Torrid.

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Thank you for making me go back and read her facebook page, and let me tell you, I AM SHOCKED at the amount of negative comments!  When I stopped following her about a years ago, there were ZERO negative comments and all suck-up-ish "you're fabulous Whit" comments that drove me nuts (no one gets all positive comments, I bet if Mother Teresa were still alive and was on Social Media, she would even get naysayers).  I can't stand dishonest people.

Can someone please enlighten me about the Avi and Nada deal (wasn't Nada the ex or something?).  I remember briefly hearing about this, but I forgot.  @Dot, I think it was you who mentioned this in the other thread?

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On ‎12‎/‎22‎/‎2017 at 5:01 PM, Dot said:

Toddlr asks -- since she [Whitney] is into women -- would she pls consider being filmed  bumping bellies with another BBW as it would be so hot. Especially if it were with his BBW teacher & they were kissing at the same time. Twit uses this as an example of some of the [Facebook]comments she gets all the time, saying "imagine being assaulted by this shit everyday. THIS is harassment."

So VERY harassing, Whitney! So why did you promptly post a picture of you and Donna Lee bumping bellies? Did you forget? Did you decide to make Toddlr's day after all?

notyrmomma: If you go back to the beginning of this thread, I believe the Nada/Whitney story begins close to the bottom of the first page, on April 8, when DanaMB   posted:


Whitney (supported by her real life friends) is going off on fb about one of her ex's planning to marry another girl during their entire relationship. She says it is not about Lenny. Some of her fans are loving it and some are criticizing her for being petty.

A much longer discussion follows. Unfortunately, I don't think any of us saved the original Facebook postings, but you can still figure out much of what was going on by reading the posts here.

Edited by Ketzel
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2 minutes ago, LivinLovinLife said:

This showed up in my news feed. I don't know if it's true but I had to share! https://www.sott.net/article/372729-Social-Justice-Targets-Personal-Trainers-Check-Your-Thin-Privilege-and-Anti-Fat-Bias#

LOL amazing. I have been a trainer for 10 years and nobody has ever had the balls to call me "fat-phobic" or anything, but if they did I would say "people seek me out to help them meet goals. Sometimes that's weight loss, but not always, and I never coerce anyone to diet if they don't ask me for weight loss advice. Either way, nobody pays me for my services unless they WANT to." Of course it seems to some of these Fat Activists that the mere existence of thin people and fitness trainers is oppressive.

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10 minutes ago, ClareWalks said:

LOL amazing. I have been a trainer for 10 years and nobody has ever had the balls to call me "fat-phobic" or anything, but if they did I would say "people seek me out to help them meet goals. Sometimes that's weight loss, but not always, and I never coerce anyone to diet if they don't ask me for weight loss advice. Either way, nobody pays me for my services unless they WANT to." Of course it seems to some of these Fat Activists that the mere existence of thin people and fitness trainers is oppressive.

Hey, I've literally worked my fanny off this past year, a personal trainer is absolutely the best investment I've ever made. I'm 90 lbs lighter and my mobility is better than it's been since high school. Diet and exercise. I applaud my trainers patience and appreciate what you do.

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12 minutes ago, LivinLovinLife said:

Hey, I've literally worked my fanny off this past year, a personal trainer is absolutely the best investment I've ever made. I'm 90 lbs lighter and my mobility is better than it's been since high school. Diet and exercise. I applaud my trainers patience and appreciate what you do.

That is amazing, congrats! You sound like a dream client. :)

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Thank you for making me go back and read her facebook page, and let me tell you, I AM SHOCKED at the amount of negative comments!

I wonder if it has become just too time consuming for her to delete the ones she doesn't like. But then, on the other hand, she might want to show all the evidence of the body shaming she still must endure and receive more love from her sycophants.

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2 hours ago, Ketzel said:

So VERY harassing, Whitney! So why did you promptly post a picture of you and Donna Lee bumping bellies? Did you forget? Did you decide to make Toddlr's day after all?

I thought the same thing, @Ketzel! How obtuse does Twit have to be to post that photo after ranting about Toddlr?

1 hour ago, LivinLovinLife said:

This showed up in my news feed. I don't know if it's true but I had to share! https://www.sott.net/article/372729-Social-Justice-Targets-Personal-Trainers-Check-Your-Thin-Privilege-and-Anti-Fat-Bias#

Thanks for sharing this, @LivinLovinLife. The article described is one of the stupidest ever produced by Fat Acceptance advocates, IMO.

Do you suppose someone gave Twit a subscription to Fat Studies for Xmas?

45 minutes ago, Me from ME said:

I wonder if it has become just too time consuming for her to delete the ones she doesn't like. But then, on the other hand, she might want to show all the evidence of the body shaming she still must endure and receive more love from her sycophants.

Or sociopaths.

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It is seriously incredible to me how stupid the NitWhits are. They ripped apart that woman for saying Whitney looks like she's gained weight. They're claiming she only looks bigger because her skirt is blowing in the wind and puffed out. RIGHT. Because we are blind and cannot see her upper body at all. 

You know, in my career I have encountered a lot of people who are in severe denial, or who refuse to change their terrible eating/exercise habits, even if it would literally result in their dreams coming true. Thankfully, most of these people have never bothered to hire me. But one thing I really cannot stand is the person who surrounds themselves with yes-men who will validate their every delusion. These are the people who will never, ever improve themselves, because they will never see the need (it is basically Narcissistic Personality Disorder). Ragen Chastain and Whitney Thore are the queen bees of the Fat Activism movement in this regard.

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Or sociopaths.


I know a lot of the same people who watch Twit also enjoy 600 # Life. I have a really hard time watching it so I haven't commented.


I just saw a promo for Family By the Ton Maybe I'll be able to watch that and join that forum. It looks like the premise is for 3 cousins to lose weight and become more healthy.

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2 hours ago, LivinLovinLife said:

This showed up in my news feed. I don't know if it's true but I had to share! https://www.sott.net/article/372729-Social-Justice-Targets-Personal-Trainers-Check-Your-Thin-Privilege-and-Anti-Fat-Bias#

That is absurd. I was never heavy but I gained some weight and got a bit flabby when I went from an active service industry job to a desk job. I hired a trainer to help me with my goals and I quickly learned more about nutrition. She even said I likely would not see much difference on the scale as I would be building muscle. The first thing the trainer asked was what my goals were etc, no shaming or forcing me to lose more weight than I wanted etc. I switched jobs a few years ago and can no longer work out during lunch, which caused me to slip a little but I found my trainer to be helpful, knowledgable and supportive.

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Yet another picture of her in the Torrid outfit, this time posed sideways in an extremely unflattering way. She has to be trolling us at this point. It is funny to see the dichotomy between the "ur so beautiful OMG I love you" and "oh dear, you have gotten enormous" comments.

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1 hour ago, ClareWalks said:

Yet another picture of her in the Torrid outfit, this time posed sideways in an extremely unflattering way. She has to be trolling us at this point. It is funny to see the dichotomy between the "ur so beautiful OMG I love you" and "oh dear, you have gotten enormous" comments.

Boy, that is one butt-ugly pose! I guess she's just trying to use up her stash of promo photos that did not get her extra work before the new year starts.

The rabid fans, including Barnacle Heather, really got their fangs into one poor soul who merely commented that it was an unflattering pose.

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OK, are you guys ready for this. A person commented on her latest photograph on her Facebook page saying that the dress didn’t look good. Heather responded asking the person commenting if she knew that this was Whitney’s personal Facebook page and would she go up to Whitney face-to-face and make a comment like that.

But then, here is the kicker, Heather included a post script pointing out the commenting person’s age and that, given her age, she should not be trolling the Internet because that behavior wasn’t attractive on her.  What a hypocrite!! It’s not a right to make a statement of fact about someone’s size. But it’s OK to make a nasty comment based on age. That doesn’t qualify as bullying, evidently.

One could say that Heather’s reply before the post script was appropriate if that’s how she felt. But the post script shows what a hypocrite Heather is.

And, by the way, the outfit is not flattering at all. Even as big as Whitney is, she could choose clothes that flatter her figure.  Too bad TLC no longer does What Not to Wear.

Edited by Kid
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OK, are you guys ready for this. A person commented on her latest photograph on her Facebook page saying that the dress didn’t look good. 

The wind isn't blowing, so that excuse is gone. My favorite fan defense was some cameras make you look big. I'd bust a damn camera that did that to me!!

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1 minute ago, LivinLovinLife said:

The wind isn't blowing, so that excuse is gone. My favorite fan defense was some cameras make you look big. I'd bust a damn camera that did that to me!!

OMG I don’t really use Facebook, but I really had to check out her page.  I thought you guys were exaggerating about her fans.  I never really read the comments more than once or twice, but I ran over here because I KNEW somebody would post that camera comment!  Really? A camera is the reason she looks fat...good grief these people are more delusional than Whitney.

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9 minutes ago, LivinLovinLife said:

The wind isn't blowing, so that excuse is gone. My favorite fan defense was some cameras make you look big. I'd bust a damn camera that did that to me!!

I want to channel my inner Chandler Bing and ask how many cameras were actually on her.

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9 minutes ago, ClareWalks said:

I want to channel my inner Chandler Bing and ask how many cameras were actually on her.

OMG I'm laughing!!  I'm a huge Friends fan so I know exactly when Chandler said that, so yeah that pertains to Whitney......LOL  You made my new year laughing, thank you!!

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