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Social Media: What's Up With Her?


Culture Check: How can we come up with catchy or snarky topic titles and still remember the human behind the title? 

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1 hour ago, ClareWalks said:

I don't understand why she responds to it, though. A hundred people give her praise and she says nothing, one person says something that could possibly be interpreted negatively and she's up their ass. She needs to focus on her big fans (pun) or she will lose them. She is WAY too easy for people to troll.

That's pretty common though.  I've heard a lot of TV creators say that.  Lots of praise can be swept away by a small bit of negativity.

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2 hours ago, ClareWalks said:

I don't understand why she responds to it, though. A hundred people give her praise and she says nothing, one person says something that could possibly be interpreted negatively and she's up their ass. She needs to focus on her big fans (pun) or she will lose them. She is WAY too easy for people to troll.

In my humble opinion, it’s because the negative comments mirror what she thinks of herself.  You do not eat yourself into morbid obesity if you love yourself.

Edited by Kid
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15 hours ago, Brooklynista said:

Where is her bottom??

I don't know if she has a rock bottom. She's living in her own world and can't even keep her lies straight at this point. I'm waiting for her to experience a catastrophic injury (caused by her weight) leading her down the path to bedridden and even then, I don't think that would be her rock bottom. She'll wind up like Dr. Now's patients. 

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On February 14, 2018 at 7:38 AM, JudgeyMcJudgyPants said:

Thank-you!  This happened to me.  A little more than 2 years ago, my husband bought me a Fitbit for Christmas.  It really made me realize how much I wasn’t moving.  So I started walking a lot and running a little.  And something CRAZY happened. I started losing weight!  Totally weird, I know. I started running more and you’re never going to believe what happened.  I lost more weight.  I eventually leveled off at about 130lbs, started at 150.

 Anyway, one day I was standing up at the front counter in my office and this gal who works in a different department says to me, “damn girl, you need to stop working out. You’re starting to look anorexic.”  Now I am 5’ 5” tall and well within the normal range on the BMI scale.  I’m also pear shaped so I have plenty of reserves to tap into from the thigh, hips, and butt area.  What I’m trying to say is that I’m far from unhealthy skinny.  

Said gal who made rude comment to me was also one who complained about people taking their walking breaks on her floor, was always “too busy” to take a 5 minute break to walk but also always said, “boy I really should start doing that.”  I don’t want to fat shame her either but she is overweight. 

Bitch, don’t try to skinny-shame me becasue I took steps to lead a healthier lifestyle and received positive results in other areas too and instead of you doing the same, you have to try to tear me down. 

I could tell you a dozen stories of "concerned" women telling me to stop losing weight/toning up. My fave was a "friend" telling me she was worried I was developing anorexia. I'm 5'6" and when she said that, I was 175 pounds, which coincidentally was about 20 pounds below HER weight. She started by telling me that when she was a nurse she'd managed care for hospitalized anorexic girls. I laughed at her and walked away. So she told her husband (my hubby's business partner) to tell my husband I needed an intervention. Both of the men did an eyeroll. #questionthosemotivesladies

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8 hours ago, ClareWalks said:

I don't understand why she responds to it, though. A hundred people give her praise and she says nothing, one person says something that could possibly be interpreted negatively and she's up their ass. She needs to focus on her big fans (pun) or she will lose them. She is WAY too easy for people to troll.

This just how Nicole Curtis behaves, or did.  I haven't been to her FB page in several years, or the forum here on her show.

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19 minutes ago, AUJulia said:

I could tell you a dozen stories of "concerned" women telling me to stop losing weight/toning up. My fave was a "friend" telling me she was worried I was developing anorexia. I'm 5'6" and when she said that, I was 175 pounds, which coincidentally was about 20 pounds below HER weight. She started by telling me that when she was a nurse she'd managed care for hospitalized anorexic girls. I laughed at her and walked away. So she told her husband (my hubby's business partner) to tell my husband I needed an intervention. Both of the men did an eyeroll. #questionthosemotivesladies

Never listen to these people unless you're losing something like 10lbs a week without trying. That is a rare, real life glandular issue which Whitney probably does not have.

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13 minutes ago, LordOfLotion said:

Never listen to these people unless you're losing something like 10lbs a week without trying. That is a rare, real life glandular issue which Whitney probably does not have.


I was lifting weights, doing cardio, and losing 10 pounds a month. 

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So interesting thought clothing size topic. I saw an episode of What Not to Wear today featuring a woman who had lost 170 lbs via gastric bypass.  Prior to surgery she was 330lbs. I’d say she was probably a couple inches taller than Whit. The photos of her at that time looked positively skinny compared to how Whit looks. She said she was a size 28. I looked it up and Torrid’s highest size is 30. There is no way if that woman was 330 that Whitney can wear the 30, even if we believe that she’s under 400 like she claims. 

I have trouble finding clothes that I think look good on me because I’m overweight but my biggest problem is that I’m almost 6 feet tall. But even still, I can find clothes. I would think that being sized out of the larger sized store would be another neon sign that she needs to do something. 

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19 hours ago, Brooklynista said:

Where is her bottom??

All of Row 17. 

9 hours ago, ClareWalks said:

I don't understand why she responds to it, though. A hundred people give her praise and she says nothing, one person says something that could possibly be interpreted negatively and she's up their ass. She needs to focus on her big fans (pun) or she will lose them. She is WAY too easy for people to troll.

I can think of a lot worse commentary besides "hey, is it really her posting?"

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4 hours ago, Ravenna said:

Their form is horrible. Especially whit, deadlifts are meant to be done slowly. 

Maybe she can (and no - still not something to be proud of at 33) but she did it was a LOT of difficulty -love the almost-grunting while her dad seemed to barely be winded. 

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On 2018-02-13 at 8:57 AM, TurtlePower said:



I really liked Glenn until I saw the ass-slapping comments about him. Creepy and wrong! That kind of person doesn't change and as nice as he seems, that creepiness is still within. Let's hope he didn't do anything else to young girls and that he keeps that behavior in check. 

That really surprises me. He seems very conservative and fatherly. Is it possible that they were joking/teasing him?

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Have you seen the video of Ms Thore and crew 'dancing' in Hawaii? She just *had* to grind up on and put her hands on the poor teacher. Amazing how no one else In her group even attempted anything similar. I felt bad for him, as he had to 'go with it' as part of his job.

Edited by connieinnc
Missing word
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2 hours ago, connieinnc said:

Have you seen the video of Ms Thore and crew 'dancing' in Hawaii? She just *had* to grind up on and put her hands on the poor teacher. Amazing how no one else In her group even attempted anything similar. I felt bad for him, as he had to 'go with it' as part of his job.

Where can we find the video? Or maybe I’m better off not seeing it. Yuck!!!

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21 hours ago, AUJulia said:

I could tell you a dozen stories of "concerned" women telling me to stop losing weight/toning up. My fave was a "friend" telling me she was worried I was developing anorexia. I'm 5'6" and when she said that, I was 175 pounds, which coincidentally was about 20 pounds below HER weight. She started by telling me that when she was a nurse she'd managed care for hospitalized anorexic girls. I laughed at her and walked away. So she told her husband (my hubby's business partner) to tell my husband I needed an intervention. Both of the men did an eyeroll. #questionthosemotivesladies

That woman ought to know what anorexic is then. However, all anorexics start somewhere and it can take quite a while to look sick. By then, the person has been sick for a loooong time and the anorexic portion of their brain has a death grip on them. I didn't look "sick" until several months of calorie restriction. What people need to be observant of is a person's behavior, not weight loss in general.

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4 hours ago, TurtlePower said:

That woman ought to know what anorexic is then. However, all anorexics start somewhere and it can take quite a while to look sick. By then, the person has been sick for a loooong time and the anorexic portion of their brain has a death grip on them. I didn't look "sick" until several months of calorie restriction. What people need to be observant of is a person's behavior, not weight loss in general.

I was 50. She was a mess. Anorexia was never and never will be a problem for me and she knew it. 

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On 2/18/2018 at 6:29 AM, Tosia said:

Is this another example of Glenn tricking Twit into actually moving? 

I've been reading some info about over eating ( for myself,  cuz I tried on a couple of summer dresses to hem up and they were tighter than last year) and thought abt Twit for motivation to eat healthier and go to the pool an extra day. 

This author says that deprivation of emotional, psychological, or physical needs causes overeating,  overspending,  over-anything, etc....  So,  for all of Twit's life, Glenn could never say no, then how was she deprived?  I'm figuring that out was other people not giving into her or treating her like the queen...  not just Mom, but friends, lovers, bosses,   and co-workers. And Twit NEVER got--or understood-- that real life is not like that.  Can narcissism be developed or is it inherent?  IDK. 

You know, on a personal note, I go to the grocery store and avoid the aisles with candy/sweets/chips/bakery products and Starbucks.   When I'm walking out the door to my car I ALMOST always see an obese person, and think to myself,  "That's  why."  Thank you,  God, for self-awareness. 

She was deprived of boundaries and the opportunity to learn to do/earn things for herself, I guess. 

Or there are some parents who only know how to show love via giving material things to their kids, but as we see every episode, Whitney seems to be a very touchy-feely person. Maybe she never felt she received love the way she needed to receive it, thus the deprivation?

But it wouldn't just be deprivation, necessarily. Trauma can cause addictive behavior as much as deprivation can, and I have a feeling something crappy happened to Whitney along the way that she's just never learned to deal with, plus at a certain point after enough bad habits and shitty coping mechanisms like eating to soothe your feelings, you end up with a very entrenched habit and momentum to carry on the same way. Whit being in denial about everything in general tends to not do anything to break that momentum.

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On 2/18/2018 at 8:51 AM, ClareWalks said:

The denial is astonishing. Anyone with eyeballs can see that Whitney is overeating. The fact that her weight isn't decreasing is all the proof we need.

Yeah, I stupidly let my weight creep up to 270 in the last couple years, so 100 lbs less than Whitney claims to be, and I assure you, it's because I was overeating (and still am, though I'm slowly cutting back step by step). If Whitney was actually fasting until 9pm at night, there's no way she'd still be 380++... unless this is her way of telling us she sleeps all day to 8:45pm.

I'm sure she has screwed up her metabolism pretty badly, but even so, if she ate as little as she seems to believe she does, she'd be dropping 10 pounds a month easily.

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On 2/18/2018 at 9:11 AM, TurtlePower said:

Jesus Fucking Christ (sorry, but that was necessary): 

"I don't have any specific weight loss goals, I just want to be healthy."

"I'm perfectly happy in this body."

What. A. Bunch Of. BULLSHIT. How can Will even have her on this panel? She's so full of shit! All I have right now is swear words because logic and reality don't work on Whitney. 

The nice thing about having no specific goals is that you never have to feel disappointment or shame when you fail to meet those goals. 

Y'know, it's occurred to me that Whitney is probably using a mixture of food and denial to squelch out the parts of reality that give her bad feelings, ie pain. Thing is, that doesn't work, because it just keeps bringing more pain. There's the ongoing low-lying gnawing feeling of not being like everyone else and not having the same successes as everyone else, there's the regular pain of rejection from those buff guys she drools over, and since her drug of choice is calories, there's all the pain from the physical consequences of eating too much - let's say for instance that she isn't lying when she says she can't do xyz because of her latest sprained toe or plantar fasciitis or tweaked back: all of those are painful. She can't walk without pain even though she barely walks, I can't remember if she said anything about having acid reflux but surely she must, she had trouble breathing at night and that's probably painful... and the solution to all this is to keep on denying and keep on eating, therefore guaranteeing future pain as she tries to distract or avoid current pain. 

PS: my guess is Will had her on the panel both as part of a TLC contractual obligation thing, and also because anyone with an IQ above room temperature there would know she was full of shit and to be taken as the voice of "what not to do." 

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I saw a video on her Instagram that I thought at first was going to be her doing tire flips (and was surprised) only for her to just be leaning on the tire to jump her feet out and in. The fact that this is seen as an accomplishment despite her form being terrible even with that movement is a bit horrifying for me esp since she said she hasn’t been able to do this in 4 years! This is the first time I’m seeing her Instagram, I usually just see her Facebook comments, has she seemed to be ramping up her “workouts” or does she commonly get into a kick of posting these at various points throughout the year? Wondering if it’s not coincidence that she’s posting these alongside when the 5/8k is airing to try and convince people that she’s working on her fitness to distract from struggling with the Hawaii race. 

As much as she will sometimes respond to negative comments I’d like to see her respond to someone calling her out for her selfish brat attitude of making Glenn out to be the bad guy with the race stuff. Esp considering she’s letting out the impression that she was forced into it when she both could’ve looked up race info online beforehand and she didn’t have to say yes to the trip in the first place. 

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26 minutes ago, vsd78 said:

Yeah, I stupidly let my weight creep up to 270 in the last couple years, so 100 lbs less than Whitney claims to be, and I assure you, it's because I was overeating (and still am, though I'm slowly cutting back step by step). If Whitney was actually fasting until 9pm at night, there's no way she'd still be 380++... unless this is her way of telling us she sleeps all day to 8:45pm.

I'm sure she has screwed up her metabolism pretty badly, but even so, if she ate as little as she seems to believe she does, she'd be dropping 10 pounds a month easily.

Not eating until 9 pm would easily wreck weight control. First, your body needs a stable blood sugar level just to keep a metabolic level. Then there's the loss of control anyone would get when they haven't eaten all day. I'd be eating 5000 calories like I was comatose. 

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On 2/21/2018 at 5:13 AM, Thrifty said:

That's pretty common though.  I've heard a lot of TV creators say that.  Lots of praise can be swept away by a small bit of negativity.

Sure, but I didn't think the fan's question was negative. More likely they hoped it really was her, and the best response (if she didn't want to do a quick video as someone else suggested, because we know she's lazy), would simply be to say "Yup, it's me, can't afford a social media assistant, lol!"

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So I've been lurking for a loooong time before finally making an account. Hi everyone!

I've just had a look at Whitney's personal trainer Instagram... she has a video of Whitney and Glenn doing the deadlifts which is BS enough but spliced next to it is another video.

The two of them are training and it's the lowest energy I think I've ever seen anyone give in the gym. Glenn is dropping a medicine ball over his shoulder and Whitney is doing some weird jump/pull up thing... why would you want that as an example of how you train people?!

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4 hours ago, JFC91 said:

So I've been lurking for a loooong time before finally making an account. Hi everyone!

I've just had a look at Whitney's personal trainer Instagram... she has a video of Whitney and Glenn doing the deadlifts which is BS enough but spliced next to it is another video.

The two of them are training and it's the lowest energy I think I've ever seen anyone give in the gym. Glenn is dropping a medicine ball over his shoulder and Whitney is doing some weird jump/pull up thing... why would you want that as an example of how you train people?!

I looked at that. The trainers comments were interesting. They have to scale the workout because Whitney can't move too well.

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If you guys find that kind of stuff can you link to it? I don't know who Whitney's trainer is now so I wouldn't even know how to find his/her Instagram. (Sometimes I reference Whitney's FB page but there is a link to that on page 1 of the thread)

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1 hour ago, ClareWalks said:

If you guys find that kind of stuff can you link to it? I don't know who Whitney's trainer is now so I wouldn't even know how to find his/her Instagram. (Sometimes I reference Whitney's FB page but there is a link to that on page 1 of the thread)

The trainer is tagged in Sweatney's IG. It's Jessica Powell, @dragonqueen11

Edited by AUJulia
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Gawd. This trainer is a dolt. Her answer about why heavy lifting is helpful is so incomplete. 

THIS is a dancer??? "dragonqueen11@jhop369 yes jumping pull ups are a scaled version of the regular pull up and can help if you’re tryin to learn. So can banded pull ups. For Whitney though right now we are covering bases that may seem simple to most people-stepping, jumping, getting off the ground quickly etc. the jumping pull ups in the workout were to facilitate jumping for Whitney which she can’t do right now without assistance."

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Holy fuck. Whitney can only get two inches off the ground and that's WITH her arms pulling her up a bit. Considering how healthy she claims to be, she is extremely unfit. I've had clients with recent back surgeries and knee replacements who could do far more than her.

And the trainer says it's no extra charge for an additional person? Nuts. I charge more for two clients at once, so does every trainer worth their salt.

Edited by ClareWalks
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3 minutes ago, ClareWalks said:

Holy fuck. Whitney can only get two inches off the ground and that's WITH her arms pulling her up a bit. Considering how healthy she claims to be, she is extremely unfit. I've had clients with recent back surgeries and knee replacements who could do far more than her.

And the trainer says it's no extra charge for an additional person? Nuts. I charge more for two clients at once, so does every trainer worth their salt.

She's a dolt. ?

My 20 month old granddaughter can do better "hops."

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7 minutes ago, ClareWalks said:

Holy fuck. Whitney can only get two inches off the ground and that's WITH her arms pulling her up a bit. Considering how healthy she claims to be, she is extremely unfit. I've had clients with recent back surgeries and knee replacements who could do far more than her.

And the trainer says it's no extra charge for an additional person? Nuts. I charge more for two clients at once, so does every trainer worth their salt.

Where I live people are cheapskates and trainers have a rough time getting paying customers. Sometimes trainers will do a group discount with the notion that it fills their schedule and eventually some of the participants will prefer one-on-one. 

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22 minutes ago, AUJulia said:

Where I live people are cheapskates and trainers have a rough time getting paying customers. Sometimes trainers will do a group discount with the notion that it fills their schedule and eventually some of the participants will prefer one-on-one. 

I am surprised Will Powell's daughter would need to resort to that! Maybe it's in exchange for being able to post humiliating videos of Twit on IG ;)

She can't be that good a trainer, though. Although the jumping pullups are one way to modify pullups, they are far from the best way, especially for a 400-lb client. I would have Whitney do lat pulldowns, or angled pullups from a low bar which I have seen Whitney do a version of before. I wouldn't make a 400-lb woman who supposedly has plantar fasciitis (LOL) jump up and down on a wooden platform. At least give the bitch a foam pad to lessen the impact. Jumping creates 3-4x the jumper's weight in impact forces on their joints. Her "bad knees" are taking 1200-1600 lb of force with each pathetic little hop, and for what? To do the same thing a lat pulldown does, with about 1/10th the range of motion? Baaaah.

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6 minutes ago, ClareWalks said:

I am surprised Will Powell's daughter would need to resort to that! Maybe it's in exchange for being able to post humiliating videos of Twit on IG ;)

She can't be that good a trainer, though. Although the jumping pullups are one way to modify pullups, they are far from the best way, especially for a 400-lb client. I would have Whitney do lat pulldowns, or angled pullups from a low bar which I have seen Whitney do a version of before. I wouldn't make a 400-lb woman who supposedly has plantar fasciitis (LOL) jump up and down on a wooden platform. At least give the bitch a foam pad to lessen the impact. Jumping creates 3-4x the jumper's weight in impact forces on their joints. Her "bad knees" are taking 1200-1600 lb of force with each pathetic little hop, and for what? To do the same thing a lat pulldown does, with about 1/10th the range of motion? Baaaah.

Yup, a dolt.

You think she's related to Will? 

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It's Will's gym, they have the same last name, and they look alike ;) All T all shade, this is why I am so skeptical about Crossfit. It seems like the trainers are really hit or miss with how responsible they are, or aren't.

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I would think that being sized out of the larger sized store would be another neon sign that she needs to do something. 

I think she would just say the stores are being biased against bigger women and are just part of the general fat-shaming culture.

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46 minutes ago, Elizzikra said:

I think she would just say the stores are being biased against bigger women and are just part of the general fat-shaming culture.

But stores like Torrid and Lane Bryant are for bigger women. How could they be biased against them if they were created specifically to serve them?  

I know - applying logic is not Whitney’s strong suit. 

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But stores like Torrid and Lane Bryant are for bigger women. How could they be biased against them if they were created specifically to serve them?  

Well because even Torrid and Lane Bryant are fat shamers by serving only fat women size 30 or smaller? All stores should have all clothes in all possible sizes?

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7 hours ago, Elizzikra said:

Well because even Torrid and Lane Bryant are fat shamers by serving only fat women size 30 or smaller? All stores should have all clothes in all possible sizes?

Remember, PCOS is duct tape. All things to all people. 

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22 hours ago, AUJulia said:

Gawd. This trainer is a dolt. Her answer about why heavy lifting is helpful is so incomplete. 

THIS is a dancer??? "dragonqueen11@jhop369 yes jumping pull ups are a scaled version of the regular pull up and can help if you’re tryin to learn. So can banded pull ups. For Whitney though right now we are covering bases that may seem simple to most people-stepping, jumping, getting off the ground quickly etc. the jumping pull ups in the workout were to facilitate jumping for Whitney which she can’t do right now without assistance."

I’m all for encouraging any movement when trying to start your weight loss journey but these really didn’t need to be video taped.  The left hand portion is extremely telling in Whitney’s delusion of her physical abilities.  It seems like Glenn is killing himself to get Whitney to do any sort of physical activity.  She needs to do real water aerobics and swimming and plan old walking until she gets to a more reasonable weight. Jumping 2 inches on a box doesn’t seem particularly helpful since I doubt she could do it for any real length of time.

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2 minutes ago, Irate Panda said:

I’m all for encouraging any movement when trying to start your weight loss journey but these really didn’t need to be video taped.  The left hand portion is extremely telling in Whitney’s delusion of her physical abilities.  It seems like Glenn is killing himself to get Whitney to do any sort of physical activity.  She needs to do real water aerobics and swimming and plan old walking until she gets to a more reasonable weight. Jumping 2 inches on a box doesn’t seem particularly helpful since I doubt she could do it for any real length of time.

That's another reason I think Will Powell is such a fraud. His (and now, I guess, his daughter's) exercise program for Twit -- at least what has been filmed -- has always been too strenuous for someone of Twit's size. So she does it ineffectively -- and only occasionally -- so it's relatively pointless that she's in the gym at all.

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12 minutes ago, Dot said:

That's another reason I think Will Powell is such a fraud. His (and now, I guess, his daughter's) exercise program for Twit -- at least what has been filmed -- has always been too strenuous for someone of Twit's size. So she does it ineffectively -- and only occasionally -- so it's relatively pointless that she's in the gym at all.

I totally agree with you. The exercises I saw Twit doing had improper form and chance of injury would be high. A good trainer would spot this and instead of filming it would actually find exercises more suitable for her to do. She could do deadlifts without weights and still get benefit by it without putting so much strain on her lower back. 

Edited by Ravenna
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