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S07.E16: Big Buddha Brawl

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6 minutes ago, QuiteContraryMoni said:

Agree. I just think Eileen is a basic bitch. She's not terribly cunning, complicated or witty. She's kind of what you see is what you get.

LVP has land mines set up for people all over the place and Eileen has learned to sidestep them through deference to LVP. It's the best Eileen can do, and she knows LVP has the capability of being a "sniper from the side". Besides, LVP *LOVES* being deferred to, whether it's genuine or not is of no concern to her.

I've never been a  serious watcher of the show, but LVP's been busted more than a few times making up stuff! Trying to get onto Eileen's show was the most blatant lie telling Erika, Eileen asked her too, which was total BS; LVP begging to get on "Y & R;" even with only 1 line! She's pathetic! ;-(

Clearly Pantygate isn't about Erika's lack of undergarments.  I also don't think she's that stressed out about her son.  I have an immediate family member who is in law enforcement and you simply cannot worry like that every single time they walk out the door or you'd never be able to function. 

There is something else going on with Erika and this was just a catalyst to set her off.  She and Dorit haven't seen eye to eye from the start.  

I do think Dorit acknowledged Erika's lack of undies too often and P.K. is gross.  However, she apologized last night and Erika should accept the apology and move forward. 

I generally like LisaR far more than anyone else but she really should have stayed quiet at the table, most especially when Dorit was attempting to apologize. Dorit and Erika really should have had this conversation by themselves but we all know that's not how the RH work!  And where did the doing coke comment come from?  What the hell? 

I felt terrible for Eileen, who really got jumped on for no reason.  I stand behind what she said - - it wasn't like Dorit grievously harmed anyone.  It was insensitive but she didn't pee in your Wheaties or anything.

LisaV and Kyle, with their "watching a tennis match" faces, was everything.

I actually loved how shrieking Kyle, in the gondola, said that Eileen was probably freaking too and we switch over to see Eileen, along with LisaR and Erika, all calm and enjoying the ride, complete with zen music.  Ha!   I loved seeing the gondola ride and the Buddha.  Gorgeous.  The rocking of the boat ride through the tv made me feel queasy.

Xanax smoothie, please. 

  • Love 13

Has anyone watched the Bravo After Hours program hosted by Carrie Keegan? It's a series of very brief supplemental clips that are available in the Network offerings of OnDemand/xfinity. 

The Erikas actually have their own apartment in West Hollywood, which is something that I wouldn't have gleaned from the show itself. 

She calls it the "Pretty Mess Clubhouse." 

Things that make you go "hmmm ..." in the context of her bizarre Abrahamic view of marital dynamics.

The pop ups also note that black leggings are her favorite item of clothing, "underwear optional." 

  • Love 10
3 minutes ago, Jamie Satyr said:

I've never been a  serious watcher of the show, but LVP's been busted more than a few times making up stuff! Trying to get onto Eileen's show was the most blatant lie telling Erika, Eileen asked her too, which was total BS; LVP begging to get on "Y & R;" even with only 1 line! She's pathetic! ;-(

Miles may vary, but that seemed like an obvious joke to me.  

  • Love 24

what defense? that a guy wouldn't check out a naked woman?  I think any guy would!

My boyfriend. But not because he's ridiculously chivalrous, proper, and devoted, but because he is notoriously unobservant, haha!


Honestly I think Dorit thought it would be a "cute" way to let Erika know - and it just fell flat.  

I actually agree, but also think it would not have fallen flat if Dorit was 100% doing it to be cute; I think she partially was indeed into sticking it to Erika, only in a way that could be construed as innocent later. Clearly she was bugged by it and couldn't let it go. And maybe there was a little bit of newcomer wanting to impress the other ladies a little bit?

Edited by TattleTeeny
  • Love 8
15 hours ago, Sai said:

There have been housewives that I've hated put Rinna takes the cake.  She's disgusting.  I despise her.

Yeah, as much as I love this franchise above all the others, I am not tuning in next season if they keep Rinna.  She is a vile, nasty piece of work.   I want to enjoy the show and frankly with her on it I can't.  

  • Love 7
4 hours ago, janie2002 said:

I've said before Erika is scared of Tom, he has shut her up in front of people and after that dinner on her patio she looked really nervous and made a big deal over the women not respecting Tom. I think the no prenup in BS, no way a lawyer like that # times married said oh no we don't need a prenup


Maybe he's structured his wealth in some way so that she wouldn't have claims on it in a divorce.

2 hours ago, walnutqueen said:

As I watched with a delighted mixture of awe and horror, I kept thinking of alternate episode titles:

"The Ice Queen Melteth(DOWN)"

"(HUGE)Loose Lips Sink Ships"

"What Ever Happened to Erika Jayne?"

"Buddha Wept"


Everyone "brought it" last night except Our Lady of Perpetual Hugs and Intensity, Eden, who just stares unblinkingly and always looks like she's sucking on a lemon wedge.

Eden did have the moment with the incense lighting where she said she was bringing blessing to everyone and totally managed to make it creepy.

2 hours ago, Kokapetl said:

"I don't actually believe that she could be this diluted (deluded)" - Dorit

To be fair to Dorit, maybe she actually said deluded and her affectation just made it sound like diluted.

1 hour ago, Addison de Pitt said:


A cursory glance at the rate of fatal injuries looks pretty staggering at first blush, especially for the top-rated professions of fishers, loggers and flight crews. The problem with basing a presupposition entirely on such a rate is that the data is per capita, meaning that in smaller industries the numbers can become easily skewed.


There's also the problem that it doesn't take into account non-fatal injuries.  For instance, I know a CHP officer that was in an explosion while trying to help someone that was in a MVA.  She suffered severe burns and has permanent injury.  I'm sure getting shot is probably a pretty big deal even if you don't die.  Just as the loss of limb or appendage would be for many of the professions listed.  I'm not facing that type of situation while sitting at my desk typing.  That being said, I have multiple family members working in the fishing industry up in Alaska and it doesn't keep me up at night.

  • Love 6
5 minutes ago, Giselle said:

Well I am so glad Erica cleared that up.  Whore and slut is so much worse than C**T. C**T is playful and empowering (which she stole from the Vagina Monologues). Call her a slut and whore (which was never done) and now she decides to give a fuck. Please bitch.

Just because she decides to have two personas doesn't put the onus on us but on her when we don't or can't differentiate one from the other because of the way she is choosing to act.  We are to figure out who she is at a given moment and act accordingly. Screw her. She sure jumps back and forth between the two as it suits her to gain advantage, attention or be little and shame someone. 

She likes to mind fuck people and uses it as a way to exclude, control and belittle. The bitch is psycho.

Don't forget her constantly referring to the others as bitches and hos.  That's also empowering and not at all like whore or slut.

Edited by yourmomiseasy
  • Love 20
2 hours ago, wings707 said:

Erika admitted she overreacted on WWHL and that is good enough for me.  I have warmed to her this season and chalked up her emotion to jet lag coupled with Dorit chewing on her face like a sewer rat.  Sometimes it is difficult to stay in control.  Rinna never does!  

Erica admitting it was purely damage control. Funny she didn't apologize for her over the top uncalled for behavior. She doesn't apologize but makes outrageous demands on who and how someone else should. No Erica doesn't want people jumping through hoops. Yeah right. Please.

Edited by Giselle
  • Love 16
1 minute ago, Giselle said:

Erika admitting it was purely damage control. Funny she didn't apologize for her over the top uncalled for behavior. She doesn't apologize but makes outrageous demands on who and how someone else should. No EriKa doesn't want people jumping through hoops. Yeah right. Please.

Demanding PK & Dorit to apologize was a bridge too far! I figured she totally lost her mind! lol! ;-)

  • Love 8
12 hours ago, ElDosEquis said:

If PK had flashed EJ and EJ happened to die from seeing his sack, wouldn't PK be guilty of testicular manslaughter?


12 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

I think she has seen worse with Tom.

I wonder if at night while laying next to Tom in bed Erica squints her eyes softening and altering her vision and fantasizes that she is sleeping with Ryan Reynolds as Deadpool and not a goblin.

  • Love 2
Just now, QuiteContraryMoni said:

This is all well and good, but the worst offense of the evening has yet to be mentioned: Erika's dress. Clearly, her glam squad has turned on her. Anyone got a pic of that thing? It was something an insane blind toddler would put together.

I found more amusement in her clown makeup and big hair! It was over the top for going to dinner! You would think she was performing on stage afterwards! ;-)

  • Love 4
6 minutes ago, Giselle said:

Erica admitting it was damage control. Funny she didn't apologize for her over the top uncalled for behavior. She doesn't apologize but makes outrageous demands on who and how someone else should. No Erica doesn't want people jumping through hoops. Yeah right. Please.

Somehow the Erikas have nor grasped be it on WWHL or RHOBH an essential part is contributing to the conversation.  "I overreacted," was kind of no shit Sherlock statement.  Expound.  Details, something. When they are sitting on a boat and you have just called someone Bullshit and demand they explain and then keep telling them not to talk to you-is just not good reality TV.  The last time the Erikas were on WWHL, she was boozy and could not shut up, finishing the guests answers, telling him what to do, last night the show was an absolute snore, which consisted mainly of flashbacks and a scene from next week-featuring Rinna and an obnoxious guest from FOX news who led with she missed last week's episode because of Rachel Maddow.  The show ran at least a dozen times.   

In two years and tremendous exposure all we have learned about Erika-outside how fabulous she is, has been the introduction of her mother.  We know she doesn't like whiners and criers-what exactly has she been doing in Georgia and Hong Kong?  The Erikas pity party.

  • Love 12
4 minutes ago, lunastartron said:

I'm confused.

Where am I supposed to be looking? I know there are all of these heterosexual men who would NEVER let their eyes venture where mine are so maybe I should ask them. 

How DARE you look!

Look, this is not a "red dress" defense in Erika's case. Nobody implied she's a slut or a whore because she dresses provocatively or goes sans panties.  In fact, the only person I've seen use those words came from Erika.  And, this patriarchal shit where Tom is owed an apology?  She can miss with me with that.  You don't get to go on and on about embracing your sexuality and being a strong woman, then demand that your poor husband's honor has been impugned.  What next, pistols at dawn? Dorit owed Erika an apology. She gave it. Now, shut the fuck up.

Dorit obviously didn't read the situation well.  She should have just let it go and moved on without gifting the panties.  But, obviously, even Erika's "close" friends thought Erika would take it in stride.  To me, this wasn't about pantiegate.  Erika simply doesn't like Dorit and she is using it as an excuse to unleash on her. 

  • Love 16
Just now, janie2002 said:

The petty part of me loved Dorit stating Erika honestly you arent that interesting. Why would I want your attention? (or whatever words she used)

For someone who surrounds herself with paid yes men, that must of killed her. Someone looked her in eyes and said you arent as cool as you think you are and you dont impress me. If I'm trying to befriend someone and they in return tell me I'm begging for their attention I'd be pretty pissed too. There is a difference between perusing a friendship and being obsessed with you. Erika is in her own world thinking she is Madonna and people are desperate for her fabulosity.

But Dorit was FOS saying "that was the 1st compliment I've ever gotten from you!" I would have told her "don't expect another b!tch!" She truly needs constant stroking; most of them really! ;-)

  • Love 2
20 minutes ago, QuiteContraryMoni said:

This is all well and good, but the worst offense of the evening has yet to be mentioned: Erika's dress. Clearly, her glam squad has turned on her. Anyone got a pic of that thing? It was something an insane blind toddler would put together.

It was really short.  With the sunken ground level table I was worried there'd be a Pantygate 2: The Snatch Flash moment.

ETA: In theory I liked her look.  I thought it was fun on first glance.  Then I got an actual good look at it and everything fell apart.  I think the chunky glitter eye make-up was my least favorite part.

Edited by yourmomiseasy
  • Love 4
5 minutes ago, Jamie Satyr said:

But Dorit was FOS saying "that was the 1st compliment I've ever gotten from you!" I would have told her "don't expect another b!tch!" She truly needs constant stroking; most of them really! ;-)

See I could see Vanderpump telling Dorit that and laughing. I just think Erika takes herself way to serious. She isnt a quick wit or funny. It's like she is either Conservative tight lipped cold Mrs Gerald(whatever her last name is) or raunchy drag queen Erika Jayne. there is no iddle ground, which is confusing AF

  • Love 10
14 minutes ago, QuiteContraryMoni said:

This is all well and good, but the worst offense of the evening has yet to be mentioned: Erika's dress. Clearly, her glam squad has turned on her. Anyone got a pic of that thing? It was something an insane blind toddler would put together.

LOL  I can't screenshot a full look yet (no ff) 


  • Love 5

Utterly hypocritical for Erika to be upset for pantygate when she struts around barely dressed and letting her slut flag fly. I remember a scene with Erika when she was completely naked and her glam squad were trying to squeeze her ass into some kind of bodysuit. 

How is getting dressed akin to being a so-called "slut"? I'm really asking in the hope it's not the same old misogynistic antiquated ideas still dustily clunking around in 2017. Haha, brides often have help getting dressed--and they're probably even nekkid at some point before that happens!

Edited by TattleTeeny
  • Love 7
3 minutes ago, janie2002 said:

See I could see Vanderpump telling Dorit that and laughing. I just think Erika takes herself way to serious. She isnt a quick wit or funny. It's like she is either Conservative tight lipped cold Mrs Gerald(whatever her last name is) or raunchy drag queen Erika Jayne. there is no iddle ground, which is confusing AF

Well I wouldn't be able to take it as a joke! They've done nothing but to be at odds! I would "read" her to filth after all the snarky comments and actions with the panties! When young, some thought I was "flip," but I'm as serious as a heart attack in my old age and wouldn't be able to put up with Dorit's nonsense! ;-)

  • Love 1

The petty part of me loved Dorit stating Erika honestly you arent that interesting. Why would I want your attention?

And yet she'd been chasing after it all season...


How is getting dressed akin to being a so-called "slut"?

The same way we're supposed to assume she is a slut based on her music videos or something like that? Who knows.

  • Love 5

The reason the Erikas are so concerned with Dorit and PK is of all people on the show, PK and Dorit are the ones most likely to call out the Erika Jayne is a hobby/sham vanity career.  David Foster would not even listen to one of her tapes.  The fact she throws a lot of money behind it and lot of distraction speaks more to her lack of confidence in her talent or even a true market for her music.  Even her big show in Greece was part of a much bigger week long music orgy not a true Madison Garden or Hollywood Bowl type gig.  There was that gig at the Honda dealership that she headlined.    Erika Jayne is terrified of being critiqued and yet she readily agreed with the Dancing with the Stars judges who claimed she was both raunchy and technically deficient in her dance technique.  Andy and all her fans just marvel and drool over the fact she came on stage with a unicorn and somehow that should up the score.  It is the curtain being pulled back from the wizard.

  • Love 10
2 minutes ago, QuiteContraryMoni said:

Well, Eden was one of the people across from her, and she was fast asleep, so at least her eyes would have been spared. In fact, I'm a little annoyed with all of them for the volume level. Clearly Eden was trying to get some shuteye.

As someone that has fallen asleep at dinner a few times, I can say if you're tired enough to do it, a little yelling probably won't wake you up.  I've slept through both a luau and a flamenco show.

  • Love 4
5 minutes ago, TattleTeeny said:

How is getting dressed akin to being a so-called "slut"? I'm really asking in the hope it's not the same old misogynistic antiquated ideas still dustily clunking around in 2017. Haha, brides get help getting dressed--and they're probably even nekkid at some point before that happens!

Where was she called a slut?  I'm serious.  People are saying that she had no problem getting naked on camera, but is completely overreacting to a wardrobe malfunction.  She announced she wasn't wearing panties. People looked.  Just like if I told everybody I had a huge stain on my shirt.  Guess what?  They would immediately look at the stain on my shirt. 

Neither makes her a slut.  Honestly, if I weren't wearing undies and someone saw, I wouldn't freak the fuck out. And, I don't even sell my image as sexy.  I just don't find it to be that big of a deal.  It's a body part.

  • Love 15
5 hours ago, ghoulina said:

Right? It was a cultural expedition, not a fashion parade. Save your designer clothes and shoes for dinner; I'll never understand walking around on vacation dressed to the nines. Next month I'm going to Ireland (my first time out of the country, squee!) and I do not plan on letting the rain get in the way of exploring all that country has to offer. These women don't realize how fortunate they are. 

Yes. Have fun in Ireland!

One can dress well when traveling, but as you said save the big stuff for the nightclubs and restaurants. I try to dress like the locals and love it when I get mistaken for one. Which does happen and I love being asked for directions . I study the lay out of a city beforehand, carry a stripped down mini version of a map with my daily points of interest marked, my G10, and my cell in a handbag.  I also carry a folded black Ikea market bag to hide souvenirs. Those things come out only when needed. I also set aside time to experience the daily life of the locals. No tourist places just walk the streets, eat at everyday places, go to the markets.

You are right they really don't know how fortunate they are to travel to some of these places and be exposed to different cultures.

  • Love 5
18 minutes ago, TattleTeeny said:

How is getting dressed akin to being a so-called "slut"? I'm really asking in the hope it's not the same old misogynistic antiquated ideas still dustily clunking around in 2017. Haha, brides often have help getting dressed--and they're probably even nekkid at some point before that happens!

She was fully naked in front of the bravo camera crew, for a very popular cable show. I think help getting dressed versus getting spray tanned and asking them to get inthere is alot different.

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, AndySmith said:

And yet she'd been chasing after it all season...

The same way we're supposed to assume she is a slut based on her music videos or something like that? Who knows.

Funny it seems Erika is the one showing up at Dorit's home-not the other way around. Erika sounded absurd. Sounds more like Erika is chasing her. When they were at Game Night Dorit was perfectly happy off with Eden and Erika until Rinna and Eileen demanded she join them.  Kyle and LVP like Dorit, she is certainly allowed to attend their events and enjoy.  Most of all why does Erika want to make her hosts feel uncomfortable by ignoring their guests.  Granted she has managed to go the rest of the season since meeting Eden without uttering a word toward her or even looking in her direction but she has attended parties at Eden's either.  Wasn't it Erika gifting Dorit with a beautiful Chanel cosmetic bag?   Erika can only send so many mixed messages. 

I thought Dorit delivered the perfect line after Erika blew up on her when she said, "good I can stop trying."  No one wants to be the bearer of the albatross around their neck.  Eden was the season's first casualty and now we have a divide with Erika and Dorit.  How about neither of them making the group dynamic uncomfortable?    Which of course would mean Rinna needs to stay home. 

Edited by zoeysmom
  • Love 12
3 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

 Rinna 100% lost me this ep when Dorit and Erika were fighting on the boat and Rinna jumps up, gets in Dorit's face and gives her the finger!  What grown ass woman does something like that? Way to make yourself look like a juvenile moron, Rinna. 

Rinna is the absolute worst! First trying to grab Kim in Amsterdam and getting in Dorit's face! This walking asshole has serious anger issues and I wouldn't be surprised she's taken a swing  or two at Harry Hamlin(tm), especially if she's combined the wrong pills.

I hope the rumors about the reunion are true and she gets taken to the woodshed. The husband trust questions and the coke question were so far out of line it's clear she is trying to throw some shit at Dorit to make her crack and it isn't working. 

  • Love 17

Yeah, well -- those things are not what is meant by "slut" in common parlance. But, IMO, the use of that word to describe a woman says much more about the describer than it does the "describee." 


Ah, I just read it again and missed that.  Yes, I don't subscribe to the "slut" usage. Sorry about that.

No worries; I actually read your question as "wait, where was that?" as opposed to, "no one said that, damn it!"

Edited by TattleTeeny
  • Love 3

I loved that scene of Kyle and Fuckin'Rinna dabbing at Erika's mask, as she stood there like an ice sculpture while her eyes roamed for a camera lens.


She's always so grateful in scenes with him and she's probably feeling like she's let him down.

Well, she never dumped him for a life in showbiz, so obviously Tom is very special to her.


I think the Erika thing can be summed up pretty simply: she was drunk and everything seemed epically important at that moment. 

So, she does have fucks to give, and what others say is of importance? I guess her other face didn't get the notice.

I wonder if Erika apologized to Parker Young's girlfriend for the bulldozer flirting?

  • Love 9
19 minutes ago, QuiteContraryMoni said:

Well, Eden was one of the people across from her, and she was fast asleep, so at least her eyes would have been spared. In fact, I'm a little annoyed with all of them for the volume level. Clearly Eden was trying to get some shuteye.

Maybe she accidentally drank Rinna's glass.  Just saying. The pellet with the Xanax could have been in the vessel with the pestle.

  • Love 10

Funny it seems Erika is the one showing up at Dorit's home-not the other way around

Well, Crazy Eyes does do it in a more subtle, passive-aggressive way...


Funny it seems Erika is the one showing up at Dorit's home-not the other way around.

Well, Ericka showed up at 2 parties Dorit hosted, and Dorit showed up at the one party Ericka hosted. Unless I missed all the scenes that were aired this season of Ericka inviting herself over to Dorit's house? This is a RH show, you kind of are expected to show up for events that the other women host...especially the bigger parties, unless you have a good excuse not to (and it better be a real excuse, unless you want to be like Rinna and get busted for shoe shopping somewhere else)...


When they were at Game Night Dorit was perfectly happy off with Eden and Erika until Rinna, Eileen and Erika demanded she join them.

Dorit was happy with Ericka until...Ericka demanded she join her? I don't get it.


Most of all why does Erika want to make her hosts feel uncomfortable by ignoring their guests. 

Why would ignoring another guest make the host feel uncomfortable? As long as you are polite to the other guests, you're under no obligation to engage with those other guests.


Granted she has managed to go the rest of the season since meeting Eden without uttering a word toward her or even looking in her direction but she has attended parties at Eden's either. 

What parties has Eden hosted this year?

  • Love 1

OK, that ensemble has way too many elements!

I forgot to mention, what is with Rinna's "tough chick" gestures? The "come at me" fingers and the standing up over people. I feel like she wants everyone to be all, "Ooooh, it's goin' down now! Don't mess with the Rinna!" Or to have everyone get up to restrain her. 

Edited by TattleTeeny
  • Love 4
3 hours ago, Addison de Pitt said:

Erika Jayne, Girardi or whatever her true name is simply nuts—or a master manipulator. Or, hell, something as common as a phony, as ugly and self-centered on the inside as she may be good looking on the outside. Reminding us again that "beautiful people" are not necessarily so and that a book's cover may be and often is misleading. This woman—who knows what arrangement she has with her rich husband—is a hyper-pampered jerk; one we may argue has not known real hardship for most of her adult life, at least not since she struck gold with daddy warlocks Girardi. Yet she indulges in grotesque displays of wealth, taking her "glam squad" everywhere she goes, something that until recently not even actual royalty did. A totally unpleasant personality. Did I leave anything out?

I liked it when she said that her true self was a jeans-wearing woman who wears no make-up. That's her on the inside, underneath all the pounds of make-up, the glam-squad, the high heels and elaborate dresses. LOL!

  • Love 10
5 hours ago, noveltylibrary65 said:

haha if they had apologized to him like she wanted he would've been like, what are you talking about?

And after Erica's bitchiness while speaking to Tom I would have been  like..... "Oh, (pause, questioning look) she didn't tell you did she? (chews lip) Well, she pointed out to mixed company that she wasn't wearing any underwear. My husband saw her and later I tried to make light of it with a gift of underwear. (innocent smile) But apparently it seems she's been up set about it. I wonder why she didn't tell you. (questioning look). " and then I'd excuse myself.

Yes I know it would be a total bitch move but IDGAF it is Erica after all.

  • Love 11

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