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S07.E15: Hong Kong Fireworks

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58 minutes ago, Tara Ariano said:

Harry was on "WWHL" tonight and backed up her "6th Sense" BS! He really gets into it making excuses or in total denial concerning her bad acting; esp. with Kim! He's the true "enabler" it seems! ;-)

  • Love 13
3 hours ago, notnowimbusy said:

We've had lots of fun seeing Kyle w/her kids & dogs and her house.  Dorit w/her adorable kids & PK.  Eden in her home with her son - and her mom.  LisaR with Harry and her daughters, at her lovely home, and even Lola.   LisaV w/the dogs, Ken & tearful with Max and some great house porn.  We have even managed to see Eileen in her house with Vinnie.  

So, besides the dressing room w/her glam squad, her music tour w/her glam squad & dancer boys, a brief visit w/her husband over an awkward lunch, and the trip to see her mom that had the same amount of time spent talking to level 2 glam squad than her mother.    No dinners at her house, no hosted events (besides taking Kyle to Greece).  NOTHING in the world she lives in daily.   Has Tom forbidden filming at her house?   If he's so supportive of her endeavors why not take part in this endeavor?   This has probably given her more exposure than her singing gigs - got her on DWTS.   Nobody in his position can't clear time.      What happens when he retires.  Do you think the "Boss" is going to allow her "crew" to be hanging around all day?   Is he going to want them with them on trips?  

Erika surrounds herself with people who are paid to tell her she''s witty, fabulous, and so above anybody.   They are more than willing to be her "friend" for a nice fat paycheck, a chance to travel, and dress her in ridiculous costumes.  She looks continuously bored by ANY of the events.  It's not that she doesn't want to let down her guard, she wants to sit back, judge and then goes on her TH to say how fabulous she is, and everyone else just doesn't get it.

Well there were a few scenes from her 45th birthday party. The party with an ocean of booze but no food to eat for her guests!

  • Love 7

Has Tom forbidden filming at her house?   If he's so supportive of her endeavors why not take part in this endeavor?   This has probably given her more exposure than her singing gigs - got her on DWTS.   Nobody in his position can't clear time.      What happens when he retires.  Do you think the "Boss" is going to allow her "crew" to be hanging around all day?   Is he going to want them with them on trips?  

Erika surrounds herself with people who are paid to tell her she''s witty, fabulous, and so above anybody.   They are more than willing to be her "friend" for a nice fat paycheck, a chance to travel, and dress her in ridiculous costumes.  She looks continuously bored by ANY of the events.  It's not that she doesn't want to let down her guard, she wants to sit back, judge and then goes on her TH to say how fabulous she is, and everyone else just doesn't get it.

How could a practicing attorney that does the important work Tom Girardi tends to do, remain legitimate if he becomes a regular on this silly show?  Harry Hamlin limits his exposure on this silly show. This is something for the wife to do that brings in money instead of losing money (cough--Rinna's clothing store--cough--EJ's glam squad).

Based on what you see in social media and tabloids, most celebrities (or D-listers who can afford it) limit their social circles to a combination of glam squad and dancers. I'm not sure what makes Erika bitchier than Kathy Griffin for only hanging out with her glam squad. 

EJ had a legit #1 single on Billboard. If she has a decent record deal; she's done pretty well. I don't understand why people insist on labeling it "Tom's money".  FFS it's not 1955

  • Love 14
24 minutes ago, Jamie Satyr said:

Harry was on "WWHL" tonight and backed up her "6th Sense" BS! He really gets into it making excuses or in total denial concerning her bad acting; esp. with Kim! He's the true "enabler" it seems! ;-)


He's as crazy as she is. According to Andy, Rinna gets her ass handed to her at the reunion.

"Flashbacks are not Lisa Rinna's friend this season. When you say it on camera, it's going to come back on camera. Lisa Rinna got beat up a lot"


  • Love 16
6 minutes ago, Dutchgirl said:

He's as crazy as she is. According to Andy, Rinna gets her ass handed to her at the reunion.

"Flashbacks are not Lisa Rinna's friend this season. When you say it on camera, it's going to come back on camera. Lisa Rinna got beat up a lot"


My respect for Harry Hamlin, has plummeted every season.  "All you have ever done is try and help Kim," what an ass. 

Rinna lives to get beat up-more camera time.

  • Love 17
1 hour ago, Drumpf1737 said:

How could a practicing attorney that does the important work Tom Girardi tends to do, remain legitimate if he becomes a regular on this silly show?  Harry Hamlin limits his exposure on this silly show. This is something for the wife to do that brings in money instead of losing money (cough--Rinna's clothing store--cough--EJ's glam squad).

Based on what you see in social media and tabloids, most celebrities (or D-listers who can afford it) limit their social circles to a combination of glam squad and dancers. I'm not sure what makes Erika bitchier than Kathy Griffin for only hanging out with her glam squad. 

EJ had a legit #1 single on Billboard. If she has a decent record deal; she's done pretty well. I don't understand why people insist on labeling it "Tom's money".  FFS it's not 1955


1 hour ago, Dutchgirl said:

What I don't get is the sudden Erika hate...it kind of came out of nowhere? For the most part, she stays quiet and sometimes has a flat toned comment and a couple of zingers during her interviews...other than that, she doesn't do much. She's just this chick who married a rich guy and she likes to play dress up. *shrugs* I don't get it.


Great posts. Both.

  • Love 9
30 minutes ago, Dutchgirl said:

What I don't get is the sudden Erika hate...it kind of came out of nowhere? For the most part, she stays quiet and sometimes has a flat toned comment and a couple of zingers during her interviews...other than that, she doesn't do much. She's just this chick who married a rich guy and she likes to play dress up. *shrugs* I don't get it.

More like Erika dislike.  The more she reveals the more unlikeable she becomes to some.  Erika needs to say out of things that don't concern her.  She has no dog in the fight between Dorit and Rinna and that issue is slim at best. 

Her dress up has more to do with her arrogance that she is always the most fabulous.  Her words.  Arrogance is never attractive.   

  • Love 23
1 hour ago, Drumpf1737 said:

How could a practicing attorney that does the important work Tom Girardi tends to do, remain legitimate if he becomes a regular on this silly show?  Harry Hamlin limits his exposure on this silly show. This is something for the wife to do that brings in money instead of losing money (cough--Rinna's clothing store--cough--EJ's glam squad).

IDK, Mr. Girardi seemed pretty content to be on the show last season having dinner parties, going out to dinner and lunch, etc. Also,  Erika gave a tour of her lavish home in addition to a slightly over the top pool party.  Tom Girardi is no more important than say Mauricio who's business requires that people trust him with large sums of money and real estate or Paul Nassif and Terry Dubrow both doctors who people trust with their lives.  Perhaps the Girardi homestead is off limits because Tom Girardi is being sued for millions of dollars for defrauding clients by keeping settlement money and spending it on personal expenses.


Mr. Kranich is complaining that Tom and other attorneys from his firm “swindled” plaintiffs by not paying them the full settlement amount each was owed. Instead, Tom and co. spent money for personal and other unrelated business expenses, but misrepresented to plaintiffs where their money was going. Yikes!

Maybe the Girardi's want to keep their lifestyle more on the down low hence the focus on Erika's career/performances and humble beginnings in Georgia and not so much on her palatial home and shopping sprees. 

There are multiple reasons for not liking Erika, she's guarded, she comes off as arrogant like on the junk when she told Dorit that Dorit was full of shit, had nothing legitimate to say and she Erika did have important things to say.  She has to have an entourage wherever she goes and she's two faced.  Bitch, please.  And the cherry on the sundae for me, she wears fur.

Edited by zulualpha
  • Love 14
16 hours ago, njbchlover said:

Ummm...because they all know that she is b.s. crazy??

Eden in her wig reminded me of Quinn/Roxie from her one season on RHOC.  She liked to pretend she was another persona when wearing her wig.  I was thinking that Eden was ready for a night on the town, in disguise, so she could pick up someone in a bar somewhere, and have random sex.

Why is it a big deal if Eden wears one wig when Cynthia on Atlanta wears 14 different wigs in one scene and nobody bats an eye?   Maybe she just wanted a different look for the night.  I don't understand why its a bad thing that she wore a wig. 

I don't mean you personally, I just chose your post randomly out of the posts about her wig. 

Edited by Maharincess
  • Love 5

I would, but Bravo editors love the taste of herring, especially the red variety...


 I was thinking that Eden was ready for a night on the town, in disguise, so she could pick up someone in a bar somewhere, and have random sex.

Disguise from whom? All the people in Hong Kong who have no idea who this woman is?

Edited by AndySmith
  • Love 3
10 hours ago, lololol said:



ErICKa is SO insecure. Anyone who has to travel with queens OBVIOUSLY is a LOSER. She ALWAYS looks ridiculous in most of what she wears. She reminds me of someone who grew up with the poor mentality. Now she's hit the jackpot married to the old fart and think she's ALL that. WAY too much PS, big ass and thighs, NO talent, and has a voice like Bart Simpson.

She's a disgusting pig.

Bart Simpson voice.  HA!!!

10 hours ago, notnowimbusy said:

You bet she did.  She desperately needs a story line.  The Kim one fell flat.  She's got nothing, except Harry's meat. 

Why does she have to try so hard for a story line anyway?  Because she's ass boring, that's why.  If you think about it, Kyle and LVP don't really have much of a story line either but they are interesting to watch.  Their family, their pets, their closets (lol), just their everyday lives in general.  I really enjoy watching those two in their day to day lives even when nothing much is really going on.

  • Love 9

They were in China. China probably controls everything they were allowed to shoot.

If I understand correctly, Hong Kong would control that.  And that will be the case for the next thirty years.  This is covered by the Sino-British Joint Declaration .


"The current social and economic systems in Hong Kong will remain unchanged, and so will the life-style. Rights and freedoms, including those of the person, of speech, of the press, of assembly, of association, of travel, of movement, of correspondence, of strike, of choice of occupation, of academic research and of religious belief will be ensured by law in the [HKSAR]. Private property, ownership of enterprises, legitimate right of inheritance and foreign investment will be protected by law." [12]

  • Love 1
16 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

I never understand why these women do something bizarre or controversial or say something inflammatory and then turn around and try and blame the receivers for their actions or words.  Rinna is a veteran she knows how it works.  Dorit was a bit of a newbie and now admits Kyle did try and warn her off about the panties (unseen footage), however Dorit thought that with Erika's brand being Pat the Puss, she would find it humorous.  Erika was the one who announced she didn't have panties on. 

Dorit brought up the bag of pills twice.  It was only after Rinna's over the top response in Mexico with the memory loss and going to go after Eden for falsely suggesting she said (what she said) about Kim, and outside crying, the next day getting on a table top and doing the Erika Jayne and finally confronting Eden and Eden telling Dorit what Rinna had said post-Mexico.  It wasn't as if Dorit hadn't experienced a very strange set of behaviors from Rinna.  The term induced doesn't even come close to problem or addict.  It is Eden and RInna who are being very disingenuous when it comes to what went down. 

I am unimpressed when these women use the word intent or imply.  Kim was definitely an example of implying-not initially when she said, "what is you don't want people to know?", and even then it was only after Yolanda told Kim, "her husband has been only three years sober."   

When she brought it up with LVP, I thought she made it clear that she was telling the story because she thought it was a funny moment experienced between herself, Rinna and Eden. In Mexico, it didn't come across as convincing though she did talk about it being a funny moment. I do think part of the problem may be that Dorit is just a poor storyteller and the women are trying to string together a bunch of moments to try and make Dorit's retelling of the story more malicious than it likely was.

1. Dorit knows that the bag of pills thing was just a funny moment...she knows exactly what the cameras captured that day at Eden's. Does it make sense to create gossip about something that can easily be disproved? Doesn't that defeat the purpose of gossip? I don't think any of the women are honestly that stupid to think that it's a good idea to intentionally lie or insinuate about something that happened on camera when they know it could make it to air and then there's just egg on their face and they look stupid.

2. I think if Dorit was called out in Mexico she would have clarified just as well as she did with LVP and emphasize that it was a funny moment and that everyone should take the stick out of their ass (as she told LVP). And this is where I have an issue with Erika because she constantly claims to be honest and not give an F, if that was what she felt was being insinuated, why not call out Dorit on the spot? Instead, she took the matter in front of the group and insisted on what was being insinuated - don't claim you only say important shit when the time to say important shit would have been in Mexico when you were feeling a certain way about what was being said and you decided to say nothing. Erika claims things about herself in hopes that people will be convinced of the facade. She gives plenty of fucks.

3. As you said 'induced' does not refer to addict or anything of the like. Rinna had already shared with Dorit how her father's death had given her different perspective on life and her relationships. That is an experience that can induce certain behaviours and reactions. It doesn't have anything to do with pills and Eden looks like an idiot once again, this time because she managed to put dangerous words in Dorit's mouth when Dorit's actual comments were far too vague to decipher exactly what insinuate was being made (if any).

It's interesting to me that in Eden's blog she defended herself for sharing information with Rinna but never took accountability for mistakenly telling Rinna that Dorit asked her if Rinna had a drug problem #youreexhaustingEdenshutthefuckup

  • Love 15
9 hours ago, UsernameFatigue said:

LOL! The thing is Erika can look quite pretty - I thought last week when she was at LisaV's for lunch she looked stunning. Very little makeup (relatively speaking) and quite young. LisaV also looks much better with minimal makeup. Why do they not see what we see? 

Ericka is physically stunning. She has beautiful skin and features. She's very lucky that all that heavy makeup has not caused skin breakouts. With all that money, the one thing she should do is improve the quality of hair extensions, inserts, color

  • Love 4
8 hours ago, AndySmith said:

Is there anything particularly wrong with queens? Do they not meet the standards of male masculinity? Are straight women not allowed to associate with them? Are they not "cool" enough for people to be friends with? This is borderline homophobic.

No, not a thing wrong with queens. I, personally love hanging out with a queen-it's like being with a guy, but one that can relate to women, and from my experience, usually very fun to be with. My problem with Erika's peeps are that they seem to be paid cheerleaders. Were they even invited to her party? If they are her friends they would socialize with her. 

  • Love 5

I do remember seeing them at her party. And it's possible they socialize with her off-screen. Many performers do become friends and family-like with their "squads" (god I hate that term), whether it be hair, make-up, backup dancers and singers, etc, even if they are getting paid. I don't see why Ericka's case is all that different.

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Adam Pally on WWHL was asked if the other RH were envious of Erika's Glam Squad, he is said normally he would say yes because they all want what the others have but in this case no because Erika's Glam Squad is so annoying.  I could understand Erika, who is basically insecure taking a single hair and makeup person, but why a "Creative Director", Mikey, they had already given her a look book.  What happens is all the hours spent getting Erika ready take away from time and filming opportunities with the cast.  It just seems odd that Erika needs a crew to direct her to play "herself".

  • Love 10
34 minutes ago, AndySmith said:

I do remember seeing them at her party. And it's possible they socialize with her off-screen. Many performers do become friends and family-like with their "squads" (god I hate that term), whether it be hair, make-up, backup dancers and singers, etc, even if they are getting paid. I don't see why Ericka's case is all that different.

Because no matter how friendly you become, being paid colors the relationship.  No matter how much you may like your boss or be friendly with them, there will always be that nagging "this is where I get my paycheck, so I'd better be careful" aspect to the relationship.   If my boss asked me my honest opinion, I would be much more careful on what I said than I would with someone who was not providing my paycheck.    

As far as Erika's "glam squad" goes, I'm sure they are friendly with her, but I seriously doubt they would be hanging around if they weren't getting paid.  It just seems strange that we haven't seen any real friends of Erikas i.e. people who aren't getting paid or aren't pretending to be a friend introducing them to the other HWs.  Erika likes control and her money providing paychecks to her "friends" provides it. 

  • Love 18
9 hours ago, Dutchgirl said:

What I don't get is the sudden Erika hate...it kind of came out of nowhere? For the most part, she stays quiet and sometimes has a flat toned comment and a couple of zingers during her interviews...other than that, she doesn't do much. She's just this chick who married a rich guy and she likes to play dress up. *shrugs* I don't get it.

I'm not sure either....but...I was enjoying her until this episode.  She just crashed and burned for me.  I'm not a great Dorito fan but Erika's attitude on the boat was ugly.  She's picking a lane with Rinna and I don't like it.  She, Erika, likes to sit back and watch and then pick her time to strike.  Just reminds me of shades of the munchiehousen with Yolanda.  When Erika wanted answers she was a real bitch about it.  When it's time to take ownership of her involvement of the gossip she backs away until she's ready to give it up.  

Shrugs...I'm a flip flopper with her.  The clown squad needs to go though.  Mikey and his liver lips give me the creeps.

  • Love 15
59 minutes ago, QuiteContraryMoni said:

Yeah, the hubby and I are going to Vegas. In the summer. LATE summer. I currently have my outfits entered into a spreadsheet, along with each item I'll need to pack, appointments I'll want to take care of before I go, things I'll need to purchase in advance, and locations of itineraries, confirmations and possible tourism locations.

The reason for this seemingly obsessive planning is so that I can go on vacation and give zero fucks about anything from clothing to car service while we're there. To give zero zero zero none. Not because I think anyone actually gives a crap about what a chubby 45 year old is wearing. Therein lies one of the many differences between Erika and I. And go figure, I didn't need a glam squad and a look book to accomplish that. Although, now, I'm kind of tempted to make one and post it. It'd be epic mediocrity. "And here's my Wednesday day look. The jeans skirt paired with that tank top and flip flops. We'll do a nude lip that day, like, burt's bees?"

Some useless trivia regarding the “look book”. The original is Cher Horowitz from Clueless. She did not have a look book per say as opposed to a computer program that organized all of her clothes. She’d pick out an item let’s say a skirt and the computer would suggest all of the other items that would go with it including accessories i.e. jewelry/shoes/bag. It also kept her informed of when she wore a particular item last so that she wasn’t wearing the same outfit within the same year.

I think it would awesome for you to post your look book. For your Wednesday look, how about a sagging side ponytail with a few bobby pins sticking out your forehead for the I give zero fucks today look? As a real suggestion, if you are going out where it goes onto the evening – tie a sweater around your waist – the temperature really drops at night.

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, QuiteContraryMoni said:

Yeah, the hubby and I are going to Vegas. In the summer. LATE summer. I currently have my outfits entered into a spreadsheet, along with each item I'll need to pack, appointments I'll want to take care of before I go, things I'll need to purchase in advance, and locations of itineraries, confirmations and possible tourism locations.

The reason for this seemingly obsessive planning is so that I can go on vacation and give zero fucks about anything from clothing to car service while we're there. To give zero zero zero none. Not because I think anyone actually gives a crap about what a chubby 45 year old is wearing. Therein lies one of the many differences between Erika and I. And go figure, I didn't need a glam squad and a look book to accomplish that. Although, now, I'm kind of tempted to make one and post it. It'd be epic mediocrity. "And here's my Wednesday day look. The jeans skirt paired with that tank top and flip flops. We'll do a nude lip that day, like, burt's bees?"

Oh my goodness, right?! Seriously, I will stress and stress and stress hard until the moment comes that...oh, well--too bad, can't do a damn thing about it anymore*! Like when I'm boarding the plane, or whatever. And while the former part is kind of my natural "setting" that I am used to, the latter is quite liberating. (However, I do have to add that this can sometimes be a tough way to live. Working on it.)

And guess what else? Depending where I'm going, it is entirely likely that, no matter what I packed, I'll spend 95% of the time in beat-up cut-off jeans and flip-flops anyway. Sometimes I think there's no damn middle ground with me, man.

(* This was also my approach to  exams in college, and editorial deadlines now--e.g., once I was in my seat to take the test (that I may or may not have been prepared for), there was nothing more I could do even if I wanted to. Poof, stress gone.) 

Edited by TattleTeeny
  • Love 4
7 minutes ago, Jack Terrier said:

I'm not sure either....but...I was enjoying her until this episode.  She just crashed and burned for me.  I'm not a great Dorito fan but Erika's attitude on the boat was ugly.  She's picking a lane with Rinna and I don't like it.  She, Erika, likes to sit back and watch and then pick her time to strike.  Just reminds me of shades of the munchiehousen with Yolanda.  When Erika wanted answers she was a real bitch about it.  When it's time to take ownership of her involvement of the gossip she backs away until she's ready to give it up.  

Shrugs...I'm a flip flopper with her.  The clown squad needs to go though.  Mikey and his liver lips give me the creeps.

Here is a recap from a woman who is usually pretty vicious in her recaps and she tells the story of why her opinion of Erika changed:  http://jewishjournal.com/blogs/keepingitreal/216687/real-housewives-beverly-hills-weeks-14-recap/  This is very mild for this author.

  • Love 4

Hilarious. I do the SAME thing. The plan says wedges and a dress. Let's see, I have ripped jeans and sandals and a tee shirt on the floor that I wore to bed. Good enough for a steakhouse. I just, so can you imagine having a crew of people pinning in hair extensions and spackling make up on you while you prepare to jump off a building into your next age-inappropriate, wildly uncomfortable outfit?!? NO!

Yup. Though if I could become glammed by just snapping my fingers or saying a magic word -- no people futzing about and tugging and poking -- I'd give it a go. And I'm not too bad with the age-"inappropriate" or the platforms (I have a closet full of '70s, with some '90s clunks thrown in) as long as the wedge doesn't dramatically taper toward the bottom. I hate that! Consistently fat wedges only, please! CLUNKY!

And haha to Excel--that's how I Christmas shop among other things in life. Makes me wonder exactly how in the hell I am so addled in other aspects!

Okay I have to say it. I remember LVP's reaction to Dorit's mention of LisaR's bag-o-pills being somewhat shocked and SHE was the one that introduced the different tone about the pills. I remember Dorit being surprised at the shift and was even trying to downplay the bag o pills once LVP started sniffing around extra thristy at this new piece of information. Dorit seemed a bit annoyed that LVP made such a jump and I thought I saw a little bit of an oh shit moment happen with Dorit when LVP had that reaction cause now there's been a negative connotation attached to her story and it looked like she was slightly regretting sharing the story since it was being received by LVP that way. Yeah, Dorit wasn't trying to push that angle.  I love LVP and I was extra giddy when she pounced on that detail cause Rinna bugs the shit outta me and I knew it really wouldn't go anywhere anyway but I do remember thinking okay LVP I love the attempt but you're really reaching especially since Dorit didn't bite and shift her tone to maybe entertain the more sinister implications a bag o pills would suggest. Dorit maintained that it was just a feel good story.

Also, can someone explain to me where the fuck Erika came from. Like why on earth did she insert herself the way she did and proceeded to express a point of view mainly throw hypotheticals cause all she kept saying was "well, you could have.... or it could have been taken...not to say you did, no, no but what I'm saying is that it could have been seen as......" I mean Erika was confusing the shit out of me and eventually all of Erika's talking in circles created an alternate narrative where Dorit brought up the pills as some reasoning as to why Rinna behaves the way she does.  Like HUH?? When did that conversation start?

Also, I don't think Dorit saying I don't remember is an old gag and tired. I wished she wouldn't have said I don't remember and straight up said I didn't say that. Point. Blank. Period. When you start saying you don't remember that leaves you open for someone else's narrative to be POSSIBLE since you can't outright deny it now. Fuck that. I would have been "Nope, uh-uh didn't say it. I told the story in jest and described how funny the moment was and how crazy it was that we bonded over a bag o pills.  I never felt there was a problem, it never crossed my mind that you had an issue with it so therefore I know for a fact that I wouldn't be going around specifically asking any of these women if they thought you had a problem with Xanax.. Done. Over. Next topic."

  • Love 6
6 hours ago, Maharincess said:

Why is it a big deal if Eden wears one wig when Cynthia on Atlanta wears 14 different wigs in one scene and nobody bats an eye?   Maybe she just wanted a different look for the night.  I don't understand why its a bad thing that she wore a wig. 

I don't mean you personally, I just chose your post randomly out of the posts about her wig. 

I guess you are right - personally, I was probably projecting my feelings about Eden and how I perceive her behaviors onto the whole wig wearing.  The ladies of Atlanta are known for wearing wigs, so I don't usually make anything out of what they do.  Except for when Nene would wear something really atrocious, then I would have to comment on it.  

With Eden, I do think that she is attention hungry, and wore that wig to draw attention to herself with the ladies, especially since the hair color was pretty much the opposite of her current hair color.  I also thought that the severity of the style of wig (straight, black with heavy bangs) was something worn for comment.  Cynthia, as far as I can remember, mostly wears wigs that are the same color or similar color to her current natural hair.

Erika, also, I think wears wigs and different hair pieces/weaves, but they are always in her blonde color.  

Just my random thoughts on the wig and Eden...

  • Love 3
3 minutes ago, Jel said:

I feel like if you follow this line of thinking to its logical conclusion you end up where? If you're not doing 100%, then you shouldn't do anything? If she eats meat, then screw those dogs getting tortured, because she's too hypocritical to say anything about it?  Or is it more, she can do the work, but let's make sure to call out everything she ISN'T doing, and not worry if we diminish her real efforts because by God, we have to point out the hypocrisy? If one is for animal welfare, then shouldn't that be the focus over the personal behavior of the individuals fighting for the cause?  I can never find the logic in this kind of argument. 

In our house, we have a "rescue animals only" policy. But we don't rescue all the animals; any my son and his girlfriend bought a hamster from a pet store (stupid kids! waves fist in air!), which makes us hypocrites. Plus, we eat meat. Should we now tie a hobo bandana filled with kibble around our little dogs necks and send them back to the California kill shelter they came from because there are still so many other problems and we aren't worthy? I will ask my dogs with their love and comfort and security and full tummies what they think. ... They say no.  We do what we can. It's never enough, and we still do what we can.

If Lisa eats meat (and if that does indeed make her a hypocrite), then she's a hypocrite who's working hard to stop dog torture in Yulin.  That is 100% more than many are doing, and 100% good enough for me. Besides, someone as hard working and dedicated as is Lisa might be a great person to try to recruit to other animal welfare causes. 

I don't love your argument, but I love that you work for animal rescue, and that is a lot more important. Many thanks to you for that.

Very well put. Things like this are not all or nothing--LVP loves dogs and she's doing a good thing for them. I don't think eating meat makes her a hypocrite, who knows where her meat comes from. They could be grass fed  pasture cows that are humanely killed or free range chickens for all we know. 

I do understand the argument that, in general, beef cattle nowadays don't live a wonderful life. Where I grew up, beef and dairy cattle were roaming pastures, not stuck in muck being fed corn. It really is kind of sad, but each person must choose their battles. Taking down the beef industry will never happen, no matter how many documentaries are done--and most people cannot afford grass fed or free range meat sources, so short of a global apocalypse, they're going to keep that industry alive.

  • Love 17
36 minutes ago, Yours Truly said:


Also, can someone explain to me where the fuck Erika came from. Like why on earth did she insert herself the way she did and proceeded to express a point of view mainly throw hypotheticals cause all she kept saying was "well, you could have.... or it could have been taken...not to say you did, no, no but what I'm saying is that it could have been seen as......" I mean Erika was confusing the shit out of me and eventually all of Erika's talking in circles created an alternate narrative where Dorit brought up the pills as some reasoning as to why Rinna behaves the way she does.  Like HUH?? When did that conversation start?

Also, I don't think Dorit saying I don't remember is an old gag and tired. I wished she wouldn't have said I don't remember and straight up said I didn't say that. Point. Blank. Period. When you start saying you don't remember that leaves you open for someone else's narrative to be POSSIBLE since you can't outright deny it now. Fuck that. I would have been "Nope, uh-uh didn't say it. I told the story in jest and described how funny the moment was and how crazy it was that we bonded over a bag o pills.  I never felt there was a problem, it never crossed my mind that you had an issue with it so therefore I know for a fact that I wouldn't be going around specifically asking any of these women if they thought you had a problem with Xanax.. Done. Over. Next topic."

Dorit for all her faults is a good listener, something Erika and Rinna lack.  This isn't the first time Erika has not listened to what Dorit is saying before she pounces on Dorit.  She did it the night she was flashing her puss, Dorit was speaking as an American and her views of humor, Erika went in for the jab with the "born in Connecticut" comment.  She did the same thing when Dorit said, "don't you think women in their forties. . . ", you turned forty last week and shut Dorit down.  A 25 year old man have an opinion about women in their forties. It was fairly clear Dorit was taking the polite, I don't remember things that way as opposed to saying when confronted, "I don't ever remember saying that." (Rinna to Kyle).  Perhaps Dorit needs to up her game to, "that is not my recollection of the conversation."  With Dorit she had every right to ask who relayed the conversation.  If those were Erika's feelings about the conversation and she conveyed them to Rinna-say it.   This it is not important who told Rinna is nonsense.  As to Rinna's sixth sense nonsense, she very deliberately planted the Xanax and bag of pills story, so after sewing the seeds she is delighted it was discussed outside her presence.  The only problem is it wasn't discussed quite to her satisfaction with definitive statements about Rinna being an addict or having a problem.  The only one who came close to carry out the Rinna agenda was Eden, and she out and out lied about Dorit said.

  • Love 15
25 minutes ago, QuiteContraryMoni said:

I was thinking Eden was more along the lines of Quinn Fry from the OC. I thought Eden looked like a lunatic in her wig.

The difference between Eden's wig and Cynthia Bailey's wigs are that Cynthia Bailey's wigs don't wear her, she wears them.





Yup...I mentioned Quinn/Roxy in my original post~~that was the first thing that came to my mind, too.  

(Well, just because I think that Eden is a whack-a-doodle, and I thought that Quinn was a little kooky, too)

  • Love 1

Great points, zoeysmom.

I think Dorit tries hard to do that UMC Brit humor thing, (an insult or "adorbs" little jab, disguised as a compliment), but she's just not very good at it. 

Erika's zero-fucks-given policy only seems to apply to her actions, and never to the actions or words of others when Erika is on the receiving end.  When that happens, many fucks are given, 

  • Love 6
18 hours ago, Normades said:

Perhaps we should ask how many nannies Erika's son had.  Oops, guess we'd have to ask his father that question.

Wow, I just caught up with this. I'm thinking THIS is what causes her break down. What she goes through at night???? Ummmm maybe the guilt of leaving her son behind cause she just had to do "HER"... So basically she didn't let her son stand in her way of chasing HER dream of being an entertainer, celebrity, making it big.... Girl had a goal and nothing was going to keep her from it not even her own child. I think that's extra disappointing.  But some women aren't made to be mom's and considering how her mom was with her I'm guessing she never trusted her own maternal instincts and probably decided her not being in his life wouldn't be such a bad idea especially since that thought process opened her up to freely chase her own "fabulous" life since this released her from her obligations.

Yeah, I'm sure she had it all polished and laminated in her brain and then froze it in ice. I try not to judge people on their limitations but I think it's extra selfish to convince yourself that YOU come first before your own child. In cases of legit limitations, mental issues, sickness or immediately deciding you don't want to be a parent (hence putting a child up for adoption) I understand completely but deciding your 3 year old son was just baggage on your vain journey towards fame and fortune?????? That one is a bit harder to swallow. I will contend that she herself has some issues and limitations when it comes to outward expression and warmth but it's still a stretch for me to be "understanding" of her decision to up and bail for such a superficial reason.

But at the end of the day what I think affects her life.. ZERO, <shrug> but I had to share my opinion on that...

Edited by Yours Truly
  • Love 8
30 minutes ago, Runnergirl said:

Very well put. Things like this are not all or nothing--LVP loves dogs and she's doing a good thing for them. I don't think eating meat makes her a hypocrite, who knows where her meat comes from. They could be grass fed  pasture cows that are humanely killed or free range chickens for all we know. 

I do understand the argument that, in general, beef cattle nowadays don't live a wonderful life. Where I grew up, beef and dairy cattle were roaming pastures, not stuck in muck being fed corn. It really is kind of sad, but each person must choose their battles. Taking down the beef industry will never happen, no matter how many documentaries are done--and most people cannot afford grass fed or free range meat sources, so short of a global apocalypse, they're going to keep that industry alive.

I agree I don't see the connection.

Correct me if I am wrong, but don't most cats and dogs food contain animal protein?  Did all those animals who protein is in the food just die of natural causes? 

  • Love 6
11 minutes ago, QuiteContraryMoni said:

Girlfriend, NO! I worked in ag (at an actual slaughterhouse) for three years. The life of a contained animal intended for food in a 24-7 caged/penned environment is horrific. I won't go into the details, but you can easily find footage of a day in the life. Being able to move about is not only humane and comfortable, it's hygienic as well.

I'm not saying that that anything isn't horrific--just the opposite in fact: it's all horrific. I'm just saying that when people picture "cage-free" or "free-range" animals happily roaming loose, it's inaccurate.



I know this is a lot, but Temple Grandin's work proved that it really does make a difference to the animal to be in a calm, natural, non-stressful environment. :-)

Well, thanks (that ain't snark--I mean it, haha)! While I have no doubt that it's all super-interesting (I'm a documentary nerd), I just can't do it to myself; I don't deal well with the subject matter. 

Edited by TattleTeeny
  • Love 4

And who can blame them in many cases? You want to believe that what you're told is the truth, especially when it's told by hopefully trustworthy sources, you know? And without knowing that there is something deeper to dig for, you generally don't start digging (if that makes sense). Everyone can't run around being suspicious of everything, or have the time, resources, and constitution to investigate everything. For example, my allergist says do this, I probably won't run off to Google her "this" and see if she's wildly off course (...or maybe I will. Bad example, I am kind of That Guy sometimes). The urge to research is often the innate, reflexive result of simply finding "Issue Z" more close to home/interesting/horrific/gut-punching than Issues A through Y. No one can do it all, but everyone should do something!

And a job's a job--good for you for being able not to have a public meltdown and subsequently get out of it as well.

Edited by TattleTeeny
  • Love 1
1 hour ago, Yours Truly said:


Also, can someone explain to me where the fuck Erika came from. Like why on earth did she insert herself the way she did and proceeded to express a point of view mainly throw hypotheticals cause all she kept saying was "well, you could have.... or it could have been taken...not to say you did, no, no but what I'm saying is that it could have been seen as......" I mean Erika was confusing the shit out of me and eventually all of Erika's talking in circles created an alternate narrative where Dorit brought up the pills as some reasoning as to why Rinna behaves the way she does.  Like HUH?? When did that conversation start?


I think Erika is Rinna's sixth sense and the sixth sense was not truthful.  Now with Dorit asking who told Rinna, Erika is starting to sweat because she knows she's the one and that she lied about how the conversation really went down so she's jumping into the conversation, deflecting and trying to make Dorit look bad so she herself doesn't get busted.  She's the sniper from the side.  A bitch too, if you ask me.

  • Love 21

Why my opinion of Harry Hamlin continues to decline:  http://www.bravotv.com/the-daily-dish/lisa-rinna-kim-richards-sobriety-drama-harry-hamlin-reacts  As to Harry's syntax statement-this is what Rinna said, verbatim:

That's what Kyle's afraid of, She's afraid to turn her back on her sister because of that. She's afraid she is going to die.  I know it, you know it.  To me that's what is going to happen next.  They're this close to Kim dying."  I believe saying, "to me that's what is going to happen next," pretty much seals the deal.   

Reading is essential Mr. Hamlin.  Or watch the fucking show.

Pretty harsh to refer to "the sins of the grandparents".  I can't believe these idiots have so many lofty discussions about Kim, who has only asked they not discuss her.

  • Love 12
5 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

Why my opinion of Harry Hamlin continues to decline:  http://www.bravotv.com/the-daily-dish/lisa-rinna-kim-richards-sobriety-drama-harry-hamlin-reacts  As to Harry's syntax statement-this is what Rinna said, verbatim:

That's what Kyle's afraid of, She's afraid to turn her back on her sister because of that. She's afraid she is going to die.  I know it, you know it.  To me that's what is going to happen next.  They're this close to Kim dying."  I believe saying, "to me that's what is going to happen next," pretty much seals the deal.   

Reading is essential Mr. Hamlin.  Or watch the fucking show.

Pretty harsh to refer to "the sins of the grandparents".  I can't believe these idiots have so many lofty discussions about Kim, who has only asked they not discuss her.

It's embarrassing if he actually believes that, and insulting to viewers' intelligence if he doesn't. 

  • Love 11
11 hours ago, zulualpha said:

IDK, Mr. Girardi seemed pretty content to be on the show last season having dinner parties, going out to dinner and lunch, etc. Also,  Erika gave a tour of her lavish home in addition to a slightly over the top pool party.  Tom Girardi is no more important than say Mauricio who's business requires that people trust him with large sums of money and real estate or Paul Nassif and Terry Dubrow both doctors who people trust with their lives.  Perhaps the Girardi homestead is off limits because Tom Girardi is being sued for millions of dollars for defrauding clients by keeping settlement money and spending it on personal expenses.

Maybe the Girardi's want to keep their lifestyle more on the down low hence the focus on Erika's career/performances and humble beginnings in Georgia and not so much on her palatial home and shopping sprees. 

There are multiple reasons for not liking Erika, she's guarded, she comes off as arrogant like on the junk when she told Dorit that Dorit was full of shit, had nothing legitimate to say and she Erika did have important things to say.  She has to have an entourage wherever she goes and she's two faced.  Bitch, please.  And the cherry on the sundae for me, she wears fur.

This is the one thing I dislike about her.  

  • Love 3

I seem to remember her first season Miss. Slap Her Snatch was blaming the mean girls in school for making her the way she is now. This season it's all mommy's fault. I tend to think her current emotional make up has always been there from the git go from birth, I think it's called her " id" if I remember correctly. Mommy was just a factor that fed it. Other have had mothers like hers and don't have her issues. I believe those in her life perceived who she was inside and acted to protect themselves. Those willing to be a part of her life had to accept what she was only willing to offer and only on her terms, even her son.

She wears it like armor and is proud of it. I just don't understand it.

  • Love 19

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