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S07.E15: Hong Kong Fireworks

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19 minutes ago, RHJunkie said:


Just my two cents on the 'hypocrisy' issue but I think the word is being misused here. Hypocrisy refers to pressing upon a moral standard on others that you yourself don't conform to. It's about creating an image of yourself while casting judgement on others for things that you are also guilty of. The word has impact and I think we should be more careful before using it because most people will take offense and will defend against the accusation of being a hypocrite.

I still wholeheartedly believe that the real discussion around Yulin isn't about eating dogs, it's about torturing dogs. I would never eat a dog. EVER. I love steak. I love chicken. Does that make me a hypocrite? Not at all. Now if I feel a sense of superiority to suggest that others shouldn't eat dogs either (especially without consideration that people have different economical, cultural, etc. circumstances), would I be a hypocrite? Damn straight I would.

This may be controversial to say, but I think the people who advocate aggressively are the ones that are more at risk for displaying hypocritical behaviour. For example - PETA protestors that go out and throw things at celebrities wearing fur and call them horrible human beings - does their advocacy end at just animals? Do they also protest the mining industry? Do they protest urbanization and de-forestation to protect the environment?  Do they ride a bicycle everywhere so that they don't contribute to the pollution in the air? Do they research wear they buy their clothing to ensure that it isn't being made by underpaid children working in poor factory conditions? Do they live in mud huts and churn their own butter to keep their energy footprint low? So if you're a vegan and you're going to tell me that I'm a hypocrite because I won't eat a dog but I'll eat a cow, then couldn't I just as well call you a hypocrite because you won't eat an animal but you'll engage in activities that still contribute to the increasingly poor conditions on our planet (which impact both humans and animals)? If you start creating checklists to determine if someone is an advocate or a hypocrite, then the only people who would pass the test would be Tibetan monks.

I am not a hypocrite for setting my own boundaries and making myself accountable to those boundaries and I am not hypocrite because when I choose to give my time to a cause, I choose a cause that I'm passionate about. It doesn't automatically suggest that I don't see the importance in other causes. Should I judge a PETA protestor for using their time to protest someone wearing fur instead of protesting the war, or lack of education funds for children, or high crime rates, or starving children, etc.? The world can't be saved by one person. Progress can only be made if we all do our parts in the things that we care a great deal about and we take steps backwards when we give any energy to assigning terms or inferences that people aren't doing enough when we should only give our energy to celebrating that people are doing something.


You said it more diplomatically than I did earlier. Mine got yanked.

  • Love 10
29 minutes ago, RHJunkie said:

I am not a hypocrite for setting my own boundaries and making myself accountable to those boundaries and I am not hypocrite because when I choose to give my time to a cause, I choose a cause that I'm passionate about. It doesn't automatically suggest that I don't see the importance in other causes. Should I judge a PETA protestor for using their time to protest someone wearing fur instead of protesting the war, or lack of education funds for children, or high crime rates, or starving children, etc.? The world can't be saved by one person. Progress can only be made if we all do our parts in the things that we care a great deal about and we take steps backwards when we give any energy to assigning terms or inferences that people aren't doing enough when we should only give our energy to celebrating that people are doing something.


  • Love 3
6 hours ago, Alison said:

So, if your boss flew you to, say, Hong Kong or Dubai and put you up in a luxurious hotel for the duration of the trip, but you only had to work, say, 2 hours a day out of the 5-day trip, with the rest of the time left for you to do whatever you want, you'd say no?


All of this Erika hate is starting to get really petty and stupid. Out of all of the offenses committed by the Housewives across the franchise, Erika is being lambasted for not having diarrhea of the mouth, not showing off her home multiple times, hiring a glam squad that travels with her, and releasing a few silly dance tracks and music videos? Got it.

Don't forget she's a miserable bitch who is either cheating on Tom OR not getting laid at all (no consensus there). Oops and a shameless, heartless hussy who ruthlessly abandoned her son in pursuit of being a supah-stah (although none of us knows the real inside story).  Let's burn her at the stake! 

I mean, there are things I like and dislike about both Erika and Dorit (and hell, all of these women)  But just because I come down more on Erika's side in the argument that took place on the boat doesn't mean I need to spend pages and paragraphs lambasting Dorit. 

1 hour ago, PhilMarlowe2 said:

I understand what you're saying, but I also feel like the same really could be said of any of the BH housewives. I mean, does Dorit really need a $250k Bentley? Does Mauricio need his Ferrari or whatever the f it is that he owns? How much money did it cost to purchase and fly two miniature horses for Ken's birthday last year? Or that watch that LVP bought for Ken this year? Kyle bought herself a Birkin bag as "retail therapy/reward" for "surviving" the reunion this year. Birkin bags cost $7,500 at minimum. That is certainly money that could have gone a long way toward helping people and families in need. Think about people who are surviving real ordeals - such as sex trafficking, refugee situations, domestic abuse - and who could use that $7,500 to get real therapy. Did Kyle really need that bag for surviving a reunion that she was already getting handsomely paid for? I get that Erika lives large and she puts it out there for all to see. But we have no idea how much Tom or Erika donate to charitable causes, and she is certainly not alone in spending a ton of unnecessary money on herself that could otherwise go to far more philanthropic endeavors. I don't know, I feel like if one housewife is going to be called out for how she spends her money, then they all do. For the record, I am personally not for criticizing how a Housewife spends her money. I just don't think it's fair to apply a double standard to Erika alone in that regard.

Just quoting this because it needed to be said again.  :)

Edited by Duke2801
  • Love 10

First Verse from Erika’s “It’s XXXpensive To Be Me”

My kitties like a python
Tick tickin' like a time bomb
Limited edition
Gotta buy it no try ons.

I purr just like a lion
Knock em out like Tyson
Everybody knows
That I'm a million dollar diamond

Wow…..deep!!! So now I kind of know what she has to go through every night. She has a python for a pussy that’s a ticking time bomb.


She might blow up, hair extensions, Ronald McDonald makeup and all….ANY minute people!!!!!!

  • Love 6

Gotta say the "mom-leaving-toddler" button is quite a hot one. I have deliberately not thought much about that because it immediately takes me to my judgy place (which is plush and comfortable and loaded with smug and snacks!), and I still won't. But for many moms, who are designed (natural selection or divinity, your choice) to protect and keep their young with them at all costs, this is a very hard one to understand. The truth is though, we don't know the circumstances of it, and until she tells us, we're all just speculating. 

I betcha Erika has been judged for that decision/choice/move whatever it was plenty of times, and maybe she regrets it. And maybe that's why she seems to have such a defensive personailty

  • Love 11
1 hour ago, PhilMarlowe2 said:

I understand what you're saying, but I also feel like the same really could be said of any of the BH housewives. I mean, does Dorit really need a $250k Bentley? Does Mauricio need his Ferrari or whatever the f it is that he owns? How much money did it cost to purchase and fly two miniature horses for Ken's birthday last year? Or that watch that LVP bought for Ken this year? Kyle bought herself a Birkin bag as "retail therapy/reward" for "surviving" the reunion this year. Birkin bags cost $7,500 at minimum. That is certainly money that could have gone a long way toward helping people and families in need. Think about people who are surviving real ordeals - such as sex trafficking, refugee situations, domestic abuse - and who could use that $7,500 to get real therapy. Did Kyle really need that bag for surviving a reunion that she was already getting handsomely paid for? I get that Erika lives large and she puts it out there for all to see. But we have no idea how much Tom or Erika donate to charitable causes, and she is certainly not alone in spending a ton of unnecessary money on herself that could otherwise go to far more philanthropic endeavors. I don't know, I feel like if one housewife is going to be called out for how she spends her money, then they all do. For the record, I am personally not for criticizing how a Housewife spends her money. I just don't think it's fair to apply a double standard to Erika alone in that regard.

It is a double standard. Call it on one call it on all.

It's their money. They earned it and can spend it any way they please or donate it any way they please.

What does piss me off is people telling me I need to, or must donate, not please donate. Then berate  because I won't. I have my own 2 causes that I donate my time and my money to and if I want to spend $500 on a copper pot for the kitchen rather than give it to a cause I damn sure will and won't feel guilty about it.

Don't get me started with mega millionaires or celebrities telling people they don't do enough or how they should be living. They all can fuck off.

  • Love 16

I still wholeheartedly believe that the real discussion around Yulin isn't about eating dogs, it's about torturing dogs. 

I'm with you on this 100%, and I'm saying that as one of those filthy vegans, haha! Maybe I shouldn't but I do have my own inner differentiation between just eating meat (even if the way it gets to the table is, to me, unacceptable) and committing outright torture for fun and entertainment. To oversimplify, the former is just something I don't want to do while the latter makes me feel every negative emotion that could come out of a person. And that might be where Lisa V. and many others are.



I betcha Erika has been judged for that decision/choice/move whatever it was plenty of times, and maybe she regrets it. And maybe that's why she seems to have such a defensive personailty

Maybe the dad's home was just a better option all around (schools, neighborhood, bigger apartment/house, more kids in the area?) regardless of Erika's career goals and whatever else. It happens--I know a few people who lived with their dads growing up after a divorce.

Edited by TattleTeeny
  • Love 8
36 minutes ago, Duke2801 said:

Don't forget she's a miserable bitch who is either cheating on Tom OR not getting laid at all (no consensus there). Oops and a shameless, heartless hussy who ruthlessly abandoned her son in pursuit of being a supah-stah (although none of us knows the real inside story).  Let's burn her at the stake! 

I mean, there are things I like and dislike about both Erika and Dorit (and hell, all of these women)  But just because I come down more on Erika's side in the argument that took place on the boat doesn't mean I need to spend pages and paragraphs lambasting Dorit. 

Just quoting this because it needed to be said again.  :)

True, no one does know the inside story but I really can't come up with an "inside story" that explains away moving away from your three year old son. Of course there could definitely be the possibility that there's a reason. Same reasons Dad's use to justify being barely there. Doesn't hold water for me in either case. I'm a true believer of doing you damnest to be there for your children. Emotionally AND Physically if at all possible. Don't get me wrong I'm not all about making everything all about your child and everything is about creating this childhood wonderland filled with cotton candy, playdates and no adult woes but I do believe in the basics. Their basic needs ALWAYS come first and to me a basic need is having BOTH parents in their lives. Invested and present if circumstances permit. And no not just any uncomfortable situation strained relationship constitutes permitting the absence of a parent. Not in my book.

Granted I do understand that some people were not cut out to be parents. Hint, hint don't have children. And if you do and can't hack it then unfortunately you live with that stigma. That's just a consequence especially if there seems to be an abrupt throwing up of hands and calling it quits aspect to it all . My disdain comes from the strong impression of her having left due to her selfish need to be the center of attention and chasing fame. If there is some other more respectful and heartfelt, selfless reason out there that explains leaving your 3 year old I would definitely take that into consideration but I can't promise that I still wouldn't be slightly disgusted.

Edited by Yours Truly
  • Love 8
17 minutes ago, TattleTeeny said:

I'm with you on this 100%, and I'm saying that as on of those filthy vegans, haha! Maybe I shouldn't but I do have my own inner differentiation between just eating meat (even if the way it gets to the table is, to me, unacceptable) and committing outright torture for fun and entertainment. To oversimplify, the former is just something I don't want to do while the latter makes me feel every negative emotion that could come out of a person. And that might be where Lisa V. and many others are.


Maybe the dad's home was just a better option all around (schools, neighborhood, bigger apartment/house, more kids in the area?) regardless of Erika's career goals and whatever else. It happens--I know a few people who lived with their dads growing up after a divorce.

And I'd be living right down the block.

I hate it when dads are nonchalant about being part time parents even if it's some simple, "logical" arrangement so I have no slack to give Erika. I get that it happens all the time. I just think its turned into too convenient of an option as if the comfort of the adults are what is more important vs. tasking children to adjust.

That's one adjustment that I don't think children should be asked to make unless its a situation where there just isn't any other choice but to have a long distance, scarce relationship with one parent.

People are quick to claim "necessity" when in reality it's more about personal convenience or self indulgence. 

I just find it selfish in a nutshell.

Sorry, just realize I'm swerving OT.. I'll leave it here.

Edited by Yours Truly
acknowledging OT
  • Love 6
59 minutes ago, KungFuBunny said:

First Verse from Erika’s “It’s XXXpensive To Be Me”

My kitties like a python
Tick tickin' like a time bomb
Limited edition
Gotta buy it no try ons.

I purr just like a lion
Knock em out like Tyson
Everybody knows
That I'm a million dollar diamond

Wow…..deep!!! So now I kind of know what she has to go through every night. She has a python for a pussy that’s a ticking time bomb.


She might blow up, hair extensions, Ronald McDonald makeup and all….ANY minute people!!!!!!

That must be the important shit she's always saying.

  • Love 13
1 hour ago, Jel said:

Gotta say the "mom-leaving-toddler" button is quite a hot one. I have deliberately not thought much about that because it immediately takes me to my judgy place (which is plush and comfortable and loaded with smug and snacks!), and I still won't. But for many moms, who are designed (natural selection or divinity, your choice) to protect and keep their young with them at all costs, this is a very hard one to understand. The truth is though, we don't know the circumstances of it, and until she tells us, we're all just speculating. 

I betcha Erika has been judged for that decision/choice/move whatever it was plenty of times, and maybe she regrets it. And maybe that's why she seems to have such a defensive personailty

Erika told her story, she wanted to pursue her dream in California.  I guess one could say the father should have followed but it is not as if she had remarried and her husband had been transferred.  To me, Erika's situation became relevant only when she chided her mom about her upbringing.  Her saying she was critiqued, I guess Erika doesn't understand be it a performer, artist, writer, beauty pageant contestant, gymnast, ice skater-your performance and ability are critiqued.   I don't think you can have it both ways demand the accolades and ignore the critics.  Once established and successful that might be true. That one left me scratching my head thinking, just how talentless was Erika growing up?  Maybe she was resentful she didn't have Kathy Richards as a momager, or her mom didn't move to Hollywood?  That is what I want to hear about.  Erika has said she has been a performer all her life, sometimes it just enough to want it.  She is enjoying her performer status now, so back down from mom. 

My problem with Erika and her talent is it just seems over autotuned,  over coached and over produced.  Congratulations to her for having an audience.  Didn't get it with Kim Zolciak and I don't get it with Erika.  It always feels like Erika had more money to throw at contacts.   

Edited by zoeysmom
  • Love 11

She told us she wanted to pursue her dream, but she didn't tell us anything about the circumstances of leaving her toddler behind. On the face of it I find it very hard to understand. But there may be more to the situation than just a selfish motive. 

It'll take me a micro second to get to my judgy place, so if it was yes, I'm abandoning my kid for purely selfish reasons, and that's all, then I think that makes her an awful person. But I don't know all the details, so how am I in a position to judge?

  • Love 8
32 minutes ago, Yours Truly said:

My disdain comes from the strong impression of her having left due to her selfish need to be the center of attention and chasing fame. If there is some other more respectful and heartless and selfless reason out there that explains leaving your 3 year old I would definitely take that into consideration but I can't promise that I still wouldn't be slightly disgusted.

I guess I feel similarly. Erika left her son in New York, moved to LA, and had the same non-career in LA that she had in New York. It just seems so strange that for the first decade of her relationship with Tom she stops working as a actress/singer/ dancer/performer. If her drive to perform was strong enough to leave her kid, it just seems like it would be strong enough for her to keep at it when she met Tom. It makes me think that they had an arrangement where she supported him for 10 years and then he'd pay for her to do her thing. It just seems so strange that someone who was as allegedly passionate as she was wouldn't be booking extra roles and even a couple of garbage parts. She's a lot like Bethenny. Both of them came to LA to become actresses, but they loved the fame more than the performing. Kyle never stopped working. Monica Potter commuted back and forth between LA and Cleveland. Jenni Pulos still kept working when she was just Jeff Lewis' assistant before she pitched Flipping Out and she still kept acting after Flipping Out became successful.

  • Love 8
1 hour ago, KungFuBunny said:

First Verse from Erika’s “It’s XXXpensive To Be Me”

My kitties like a python
Tick tickin' like a time bomb
Limited edition
Gotta buy it no try ons.

I purr just like a lion
Knock em out like Tyson
Everybody knows
That I'm a million dollar diamond

Wow…..deep!!! So now I kind of know what she has to go through every night. She has a python for a pussy that’s a ticking time bomb.


She might blow up, hair extensions, Ronald McDonald makeup and all….ANY minute people!!!!!!

Hence the "no underwear" rules for the road?

Putting panties on the pussy is like the old 'lipstick on a pig' adage?

And why ruin a good pair of undies if you know your genitals are volatile?


It's Exxxcruciating to be Me

My pee pee dribbles, it's getting old

It does leak, like a hole-y old hose

Limited funds, my wealth is a put on.

I try to shop with Sunday's clipped coupons.

I growl like a dog, who has had it's fill

and cook outdoors, like Foreman on his grill

but everyone knows,

I'm like a Cubic Zirconia that JTV shills........

  • Love 5
6 hours ago, Yours Truly said:

OMG ME TOO!! and let me tell you I just started doing this. I mean I don't take pic but every time I would go somewhere I would have the worse time not knowing what to pack always bring too much cause I need to be able to put together an outfit, what shoes, are we walking, what are my favorites, what shirt can't be worn with what bottoms (muffin top) and so on and so on. I would throw in a bunch of favorites. Tops, bottoms, shoes accessories just a jumble of stuff. A LOT of stuff figuring I'd be able to pull together a weeks worth of outfits from what I was bringing and each and every time I was missing something to complete this outfit or that and it would drive me INSANE cause I like to put together outfits based on how I feel the weather the mood etc. etc.

I went away for the weekend with a girlfriend of mine to the beach. We slept in a bit then she suggest we go have brunch on the boardwalk and while I opened up my bag and started digging through my separate pieces trying to throw together something she reached in her bag pulled out 5 ziplock gallon bags.  Studied each one then decided on one. Opened it, pulled out a pair of shorts, a cute top, earrings, necklace and sandals. Got dressed and laid back in bed waiting on me.

Needless to say I was amazed and completely in awe and immediately adopted the idea. It takes me hours to pack but it's soooo worth it. I try on outfits, put together looks, choose the jewelry everything. Once I'm happy with a look I fold it up slip it in a ziploc, put the jewelry in a snack size ziplock bag and put it in too. I usually try to coordinate about 2 days looks per day of trip and maybe 2 extra night time looks per length of trip. Alternate heel heights as well. I like to make sure a night time look that is originally paired with heels also has maybe a flat but savy sandle option as well depending on my mood. It's so much fun and it's such a relief to know that I can relax and enjoy my trip knowing that I won't be stressed out each day trying to figure out something to wear. Which would happen ALL the time no matter how many items I packed in the past. It really used to take a bit away from my enjoyment of my trips and vacations.

Anyway, that's my version of "look book"... For me it save time, energy, and A LOT of grief to have my outfits prepacked. It also cuts down on the amount of stuff you pack and bring with you cause you not jamming everything you own into a million suitcases so you can have choices.

I used to do the ziplock bag thing for my sons when they went to sleep away sports camps.  I would label each bag for each day they would be gone.  It worked like a charm, and they always wore a fresh change of clothes every day.

I do this for myself now, but with packing cubes.  

  • Love 1
3 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

When is the group of women going to buck it up and call Rinna out for screwing up the third vacation in a row?  Anyone who doesn't is a wuss. It is not about loyalty, or she has more virtues than faults, it is about screwing up some more than others' trip.  I forgot about her screwing up Mexico.  Does anyone feel Rinna should be given a pass?  Amsterdam, Dubai, and now Hong Kong were all a direct result of Rinna and her mouth.  I hate the term but she did start shit all three times.

Absolutely agree 100%.

Although, with these ladies and knowing that production wants there to be some type of drama and "fireworks", if it's not Rinna, it would have to be someone else.  Not excusing Rinna, at all, but maybe it would be nice to see drama from someone else on a trip!  :-)

  • Love 5
5 minutes ago, Jel said:

She told us she wanted to pursue her dream, but she didn't tell us anything about the circumstances of leaving her toddler behind. On the face of it I find it very hard to understand. But there may be more to the situation than just a selfish motive. 

It'll take me a micro second to get to my judgy place, so if it was yes, I'm abandoning my kid for purely selfish reasons, and that's all, then I think that makes her an awful person. But I don't know all the details, so how am I in a position to judge?

I think it is pretty obvious Erika and her husband lived in NY/NJ when they married and had the child.  Erika said the circumstances were she left the east coast and her child to pursue a dream.  What more is there? 

To me and this is my Pollyanna approach, perhaps Erika thought she would make it in show business and send for her son and maybe even his father to join her in her fabulous career in LA.  Instead she took a night job as a cocktail waitress, so she could go on auditions during the day and that wasn't really an ideal situation for a young child.  At some point she and Tom fell in love and their focus was on being together and travelling in support of his career and as we learned this week fabulous vacations.   Sometimes time just gets away from us-a little like a Cat's in the Cradle situation.  It may have not been her original intent, but things just worked out that way.

Which leaves the situation with her mother and Erika felt like her mother should have pursued her dream and left Erika with her grandparents.  Don't know but a lot of what Erika was saying seemed more emotional than logical. 

  • Love 5
21 hours ago, KungFuBunny said:

There is a blogger named Therese Odell. She used to post on Houston Chronicles and now she is over on the Foolish Watcher. She doesn't post about the RH ladies as often as she used to but she is really funny. Her last blog about it is from March 2nd

Anyhoo grabbed this pic from her site


Erika's hair - isn't this the same hair look as when she will be saying "you don't know what I go through every night"

I haven't gone through all the comments yet, so forgive me if it's been mentioned, but Kyle's reaction in this gif is everything!

  • Love 5
28 minutes ago, Jel said:

She told us she wanted to pursue her dream, but she didn't tell us anything about the circumstances of leaving her toddler behind. On the face of it I find it very hard to understand. But there may be more to the situation than just a selfish motive. 

It'll take me a micro second to get to my judgy place, so if it was yes, I'm abandoning my kid for purely selfish reasons, and that's all, then I think that makes her an awful person. But I don't know all the details, so how am I in a position to judge?

In the context of Erika's behavior specifically, she reTweets commentary disparaging the parenting of others and has lamented her plight and "exhaustive struggle" as a "single mom" so I think that such conduct kind of invites judgment and scrutiny of her own actions.

More broadly, I'm rather puzzled by the idea that, even though Erika has articulated her account of what compelled her own choices as a mother, the matter is inherently beyond reproach because the nuances haven't been autopsied. Many of the subjects that arise on this series transpired off screen - we don't know what minutiae or trauma, if any, precipitated Kim's alcoholism, entitlement, or the interpersonal details of what transpired in the "second wife" and "you stole my house" dynamic; what immediate stimuli, if any, preceded Kim's assault of a police officer or her five-finger discount spree at Target; whether Lisa actually said "I thought you were going to bring Kyle into," "why didn't you bring Kyle into it," or "there goes our storyline"; whether or not Lisa was actually abused by a former boyfriend; even Erika's "web" remarks about Lisa were edited out. 

The entire series is largely about formulating a perspective on second-hand narratives. 

To me, Erika's maternal instincts or lack thereof aren't that different. 

All my subjective opinion, of course. 

1 hour ago, Yours Truly said:

True, no one does know the inside story but I really can't come up with an "inside story" that explains away moving away from your three year old son. Of course there could definitely be the possibility that there's a reason. Same reasons Dad's use to justify being barely there. Doesn't hold water for me in either case. I'm a true believer of doing you damnest to be there for your children. Emotionally AND Physically if at all possible. Don't get me wrong I'm not all about making everything all about your child and everything is about creating this childhood wonderland filled with cotton candy, playdates and no adult woes but I do believe in the basics. Their basic needs ALWAYS come first and to me a basic need is having BOTH parents in their lives. Invested and present if circumstances permit. And no not just any uncomfortable situation strained relationship constitutes permitting the absence of a parent. Not in my book.

Granted I do understand that some people were not cut out to be parents. Hint, hint don't have children. And if you do and can't hack it then unfortunately you live with that stigma. That's just a consequence especially if there seems to be an abrupt throwing up of hands and calling it quits aspect to it all . My disdain comes from the strong impression of her having left due to her selfish need to be the center of attention and chasing fame. If there is some other more respectful and heartfelt, selfless reason out there that explains leaving your 3 year old I would definitely take that into consideration but I can't promise that I still wouldn't be slightly disgusted.


The "maybe she realized she wouldn't be a good mom" argument in particular mystifies me. Maybe, just maybe, that's a decision parents should make before they pop out a kid that's completely dependent upon them for emotional and pragmatic care. This is not, oh, I thought I wanted to be a doctor until I took organic chemistry. 

  • Love 15

It's been a while since I've seen the scene, but in my memory what happened was that Dorit told LVP about the pills, in the context of it being comical, LVP's radar pinged and she seized on it, Dorit clarified, "Oh no, it was just the funniest thing" (paraphrasing) and Boy George had the good sense to adios himself from the conversation. 

Someone previously mentioned that LVP is good in the kitchen, and I don't doubt it, as she sure is Teflon. 

Edited by ladle
  • Love 5
1 hour ago, Giselle said:

It is a double standard. Call it on one call it on all.

It's their money. They earned it and can spend it any way they please or donate it any way they please.

What does piss me off is people telling me I need to, or must donate, not please donate. Then berate  because I won't. I have my own 2 causes that I donate my time and my money to and if I want to spend $500 on a copper pot for the kitchen rather than give it to a cause I damn sure will and won't feel guilty about it.

Don't get me started with mega millionaires or celebrities telling people they don't do enough or how they should be living. They all can fuck off.

I agree.

LVP lost me when she got lost on her way to the Chinese embassy.

Take a left when you hit Sepulveda.

Look for the signs.

  • Love 3
15 minutes ago, lunastartron said:

In the context of Erika's behavior specifically, she reTweets commentary disparaging the parenting of others and has lamented her plight and "exhaustive struggle" as a "single mom" so I think that such conduct kind of invites judgment and scrutiny of her own actions.

More broadly, I'm rather puzzled by the idea that, even though Erika has articulated her account of what compelled her own choices as a mother, the matter is inherently beyond reproach because the nuances haven't been autopsied. Many of the subjects that arise on this series transpired off screen - we don't know what minutiae or trauma, if any, precipitated Kim's alcoholism, entitlement, or the interpersonal details of what transpired in the "second wife" and "you stole my house" dynamic; what immediate stimuli, if any, preceded Kim's assault of a police officer or her five-finger discount spree at Target; whether Lisa actually said "I thought you were going to bring Kyle into," "why didn't you bring Kyle into it," or "there goes our storyline"; whether or not Lisa was actually abused by a former boyfriend; even Erika's "web" remarks about Lisa were edited out. 

The entire series is largely about formulating a perspective on second-hand narratives. 

To me, Erika's maternal instincts or lack thereof aren't that different. 

All my subjective opinion, of course. 


The "maybe she realized she wouldn't be a good mom" argument in particular mystifies me. Maybe, just maybe, that's a decision parents should make before they pop out a kid that's completely dependent upon them for emotional and pragmatic care. This is not, oh, I thought I wanted to be a doctor until I took organic chemistry. 

My 'communicable diseases' courses ruined sex, for me.

Kinda like noodling, with your privates?

  • Love 3
11 minutes ago, ladle said:

It's been a while since I've seen the scene, but in my memory what happened was that Dorit told LVP about the pills, in the context of it being comical, LVP's radar pinged and she seized on it, Dorit clarified, "Oh no, it was just the funniest thing" (paraphrasing) and Boy George had the good sense to adios himself from the conversation. 

Someone previously mentioned that LVP is good in the kitchen, and I don't doubt it, as she sure is Teflon. 

LVP was the listener in that situation not the carrier.  She shut it down-I think she saw it for what it was a set-up by Rinna to deflect. 

I never understand when one of these chuckleheads does something or says something stupid on camera, such as "I am not wearing panties," or whips out a bag of pills, or "she a sniper from the side," why it becomes the re-teller of the event's or comments responsibility.  I say this in contrast to someone citing something they read in the tabloids. 

There is a really big story if true about the Atlanta Reunion and there is mention of Rinna's sixth sense as an example.  http://tamaratattles.com/2017/03/17/exclusive-rhoa-reunion-tea-what-the-hell-happened/ 


So was it production or Erika?  This is becoming way too close to scripted if true.

  • Love 8
58 minutes ago, HunterHunted said:

I guess I feel similarly. Erika left her son in New York, moved to LA, and had the same non-career in LA that she had in New York. It just seems so strange that for the first decade of her relationship with Tom she stops working as a actress/singer/ dancer/performer. If her drive to perform was strong enough to leave her kid, it just seems like it would be strong enough for her to keep at it when she met Tom. It makes me think that they had an arrangement where she supported him for 10 years and then he'd pay for her to do her thing. It just seems so strange that someone who was as allegedly passionate as she was wouldn't be booking extra roles and even a couple of garbage parts. She's a lot like Bethenny. Both of them came to LA to become actresses, but they loved the fame more than the performing. Kyle never stopped working. Monica Potter commuted back and forth between LA and Cleveland. Jenni Pulos still kept working when she was just Jeff Lewis' assistant before she pitched Flipping Out and she still kept acting after Flipping Out became successful.

THIS!! New York is a place for artists too. Hollywood on the other hand..... room for all kinds which is why EVERYBODY wants to go there to be a STTTAAAHHHHH... So many outlets are based there, especially the baseless fame. NY ya gotta kinda work a lot harder for it. It ain't barbie town. Either way, be it true arteeesssttt or reality whoredom or paid for celebrity selfishly running off leaving a child behind cause ya wanna go play?

Living with his father I can completely understand. Plenty of circumstances where that could definitely make more sense. No doubt. What I'm not understanding is what could have possibly been cause enough to move to the complete other side of the country away from your child? Other than she just felt like it.... What possible benefit could have come out of her moving to LA outside of personal gratification? No matter how ya slice it it kinda points to simply selfish reasoning unless some NEED is established.

It's common though cause Dad's do it all the time. Justify leaving and being far away cause they need their own life, space and need to be able to have freedom and since they are confident in the concept that mom has got it covered they shed any guilt over the other details that are and will be lacking in their child's life dealing with a part time parent. I'm acknowledging the dad side just in case people think that just cause she's the MOM I'm being harsher. I don't approved when either parent turns it into "you got this? bet, I'll be in touch regularly, visit from time to time and call evvvurrrry day...... smooches" <eyeroll>

  • Love 9
14 hours ago, Feline Goddess said:

I was simply saying that if you have compassion for dogs and don't believe they should end up on someone's dinner plate, while chowing down on a juicy steak - then yes, it's a tad hypocritical.  It's actually a fairly big debate within the rescue community because some people do eat cows, pigs & chickens while saving dogs locally and from the dog meat farms while others are vegans who believe in compassion for all living beings, not just companion animals. 

I hope the Yulin meat festival and eating dogs and cats in general comes to an end. But I'd also like to see the end of the killing of all animals for consumption. Anyone who can help get that accomplished has my support. 

Campaigning to save dogs from being eaten while munching on a hamburger makes someone a hypocrite. If you can give me a reasonable explanation as to why it's okay to eat one kind of animal while being horrified at the consumption of another, I'll reconsider my position on the subject.  

Meat is just too delicious. 

  • Love 8
1 hour ago, Kokapetl said:

Meat is just too delicious. 

I come from a serious family of carnivores that have to have some kind of meat at every meal; even if it's fake like "veggie-burgers!" My mom would drive out into the country with a neighbor and they would buy a cow to share it! The "deep freeze" was always full! Steaks, roasts, chops, and the garbage grinded into hamburger was standard fare available in our household! I don't mind fake meat, but my mind and eye needs to see something looking "rare!" lol! ;-)

Edited by Jamie Satyr
Punctuation correction
  • Love 2
4 hours ago, KungFuBunny said:

I like that her hair is elaborate. I'm sure it took lots of work and hairspray. I've seen this look done much softer and more appealing.

One Ringy Dingy...Lily Tomlin called and left a message


"Bitch Stole My Look!!!"

Hello, Erica speaking.

"Let me connect you with the 40's, they want their look back........."

  • Love 5
54 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

I think it is pretty obvious Erika and her husband lived in NY/NJ when they married and had the child.  Erika said the circumstances were she left the east coast and her child to pursue a dream.  What more is there? 

To me and this is my Pollyanna approach, perhaps Erika thought she would make it in show business and send for her son and maybe even his father to join her in her fabulous career in LA.  Instead she took a night job as a cocktail waitress, so she could go on auditions during the day and that wasn't really an ideal situation for a young child.  At some point she and Tom fell in love and their focus was on being together and travelling in support of his career and as we learned this week fabulous vacations.   Sometimes time just gets away from us-a little like a Cat's in the Cradle situation.  It may have not been her original intent, but things just worked out that way.

Which leaves the situation with her mother and Erika felt like her mother should have pursued her dream and left Erika with her grandparents.  Don't know but a lot of what Erika was saying seemed more emotional than logical. 

I don't know. I think your scenario could be one, maybe she found she was an impatient and terrible mother who was not good for her kid, and the dad was really great and the kid was super bonded with him and not her? Maybe, like women who put their kids up for adoption, she didn't see it as abandoning, but saw it as giving him a better life in some way. Frankly, it's hard for me to come up with possibilities because nothing would have kept me from my toddler, so I honestly cannot understand it. But I think the idea that she abandoned her kid for purely selfish motives is so despicable that I am holding out some hope that she had a reason that makes some actual sense. 

She's awfully guarded and defensive and that kind of thing is often seen in people who have a lot of deep emotion to guard and defend against. No-conscience psychopaths are callous and simply don't give a fuck; I think her defensiveness and guardedness says she feels a lot. I wouldn't be at all surprised if she regrets her decision.

48 minutes ago, lunastartron said:

In the context of Erika's behavior specifically, she reTweets commentary disparaging the parenting of others and has lamented her plight and "exhaustive struggle" as a "single mom" so I think that such conduct kind of invites judgment and scrutiny of her own actions.

More broadly, I'm rather puzzled by the idea that, even though Erika has articulated her account of what compelled her own choices as a mother, the matter is inherently beyond reproach because the nuances haven't been autopsied. Many of the subjects that arise on this series transpired off screen - we don't know what minutiae or trauma, if any, precipitated Kim's alcoholism, entitlement, or the interpersonal details of what transpired in the "second wife" and "you stole my house" dynamic; what immediate stimuli, if any, preceded Kim's assault of a police officer or her five-finger discount spree at Target; whether Lisa actually said "I thought you were going to bring Kyle into," "why didn't you bring Kyle into it," or "there goes our storyline"; whether or not Lisa was actually abused by a former boyfriend; even Erika's "web" remarks about Lisa were edited out. 

The entire series is largely about formulating a perspective on second-hand narratives. 

To me, Erika's maternal instincts or lack thereof aren't that different. 

All my subjective opinion, of course. 


It's not that it is beyond reproach, it's just about giving her the benefit of the doubt on this very huge issue. Yes, it's a silly tv show and this isn't a court of law, and we're all just shooting the breeze on an internet forum, but the idea that a mother abandoned her kid for purely selfish reasons is, to my mind, so horrible, that it is a thought I don't even want to entertain unless I absolutely have to.  

I feel this particular issue is a big one, much bigger than what did Kim steal and when, or who said what to whom about some dumb, manufactured, stupid, unimportant tv show drama, so I see this issue as different than the other ones you mentioned. 

Has she really articulated her account, or did we get some guarded, packaged version of what transpired? I am unconvinced we got the whole story because the vibe I picked up was --  I left to pursue my dreams, unlike my poor mom who couldn't pursue hers because she was home, being a terrible mother to me, and now look at her, a pathetic shell of a woman, so dreamless with the unrealized dreams! So Tragic! -- looks a lot like defensiveness to me.

I think what it really comes down to is I just feel icky about judging her about something so serious when I don't know the whole story.  I'm going to reserve judgment til I know more. And if I find out she did do it only for selfish reasons, it's going to be an all night judgment festival, with lobster.

  • Love 10
44 minutes ago, Yours Truly said:

Living with his father I can completely understand. Plenty of circumstances where that could definitely make more sense. No doubt. What I'm not understanding is what could have possibly been cause enough to move to the complete other side of the country away from your child? Other than she just felt like it.... What possible benefit could have come out of her moving to LA outside of personal gratification? No matter how ya slice it it kinda points to simply selfish reasoning unless some NEED is established.

It's common though cause Dad's do it all the time. Justify leaving and being far away cause they need their own life, space and need to be able to have freedom and since they are confident in the concept that mom has got it covered they shed any guilt over the other details that are and will be lacking in their child's life dealing with a part time parent. I'm acknowledging the dad side just in case people think that just cause she's the MOM I'm being harsher. I don't approved when either parent turns it into "you got this? bet, I'll be in touch regularly, visit from time to time and call evvvurrrry day...... smooches" <eyeroll>

There is definitely a gender-divide on this issue. No doubt about it.

I grew up with divorced parents, and a father that moved across the country. It never occurred to me to be upset about it- or that it meant that he loved me less (until I read about it here). On the other hand, as a child, I was appalled when my best friend's mother did the same thing.

As an adult, I see things as less black and white. However, as a society, most of us have been conditioned to expect a mother to never "leave" her kids. This is slowly changing over the course of the last decade, but I think a lot of us- even the most progressive of us- have a gut-level reaction to these situations that almost clouds the logic of the "issue".

I'm not exactly sure how I feel about the non-custodial parent moving so far away from the minor child. Of course I think its noble to want to stay close to your children, but on the other hand, I feel that- in a small way- I can understand leaving. After all, if I'm not horrified by my own parent leaving, how can I really be horrified by Erika doing the same thing?

Very interesting conversation.

  • Love 10

I think what it really comes down to is I just feel icky about judging her about something so serious when I don't know the whole story.  I'm going to reserve judgment til I know more. And if I find out she did do it only for selfish reasons, it's going to be an all night judgment festival, with lobster.

She and her son seem to have worked through it, and if they have, then good for them.

  • Love 10
2 hours ago, njbchlover said:

Absolutely agree 100%.

Although, with these ladies and knowing that production wants there to be some type of drama and "fireworks", if it's not Rinna, it would have to be someone else.  Not excusing Rinna, at all, but maybe it would be nice to see drama from someone else on a trip!  :-)

Do they draw straws? Shortest one gets the bitch edit for the season. Or are they assigned.

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, Jamie Satyr said:

I come from a serious family of carnivores that have to have some kind of meat at every meal; even if it's fake like "veggie-burgers!" My mom would drive out into the country with a neighbor and they would buy a cow to share it! The deep freeze was always full! Steaks, roasts, chops, and the garbage grinded into hamburger was standard fare available in our household! I don't mind fake meat, but my mind and eye needs to see something looking "rare!" lol! ;-)

Not only carnivores in my family but hunters and fisherman, cattle ranchers and sheep herders and farmers.  Our family was always respectful of what it meant to breed, raise, and slaughter animals. One doesn't hunt for trophies you hunt for food to fill the freezers the trophy is an afterthought. Waste isn't allowed. My uncles would say that a poor life begets a poor final product. They wouldn't tollerate torture nor a bad kill when harvesting or hunting that is poor stewardship. They send their herds to market knowing they were raised properly.

I'm proud of them. They put food on people's tables and with wool and cotton they put clothes on people's backs.

Jamie Satyr I'm a "rare" girl too.

  • Love 7

On this episode, Dorit while on the boat commented about the helicopter in the air. Erika made some important comment about a helipad.

On the next episode…PK decides to surprise Dorit.

PK decides to one up Rinna on the junk boat and show his dancing skills.


The visual brings up traumatic times for Erika as she sees a different version of what is waiting for her back in Cali, hence you don’t know what I go through at night…..

  • Love 5
26 minutes ago, ElDosEquis said:

I was waiting for Mo to pop out of the back ground and yell, "MY wife will only get on Jewish junk, not Chinese Junk!!!"

For some reason this reminded me of funny Chinese Restaurant names...please to enjoy




PS Dorit was wrong to say the custom is to burp after eating - bitch you gonna get slapped in Hong Kong

  • Love 10
17 hours ago, Feline Goddess said:

I was simply saying that if you have compassion for dogs and don't believe they should end up on someone's dinner plate, while chowing down on a juicy steak - then yes, it's a tad hypocritical.  It's actually a fairly big debate within the rescue community because some people do eat cows, pigs & chickens while saving dogs locally and from the dog meat farms while others are vegans who believe in compassion for all living beings, not just companion animals. 

I hope the Yulin meat festival and eating dogs and cats in general comes to an end. But I'd also like to see the end of the killing of all animals for consumption. Anyone who can help get that accomplished has my support. 

Campaigning to save dogs from being eaten while munching on a hamburger makes someone a hypocrite. If you can give me a reasonable explanation as to why it's okay to eat one kind of animal while being horrified at the consumption of another, I'll reconsider my position on the subject.  

Gotta disagree.  Like others, I also come from a family of hunters and cultivators. Where I grew up, meat animals either were free range or were hunted and faced as painless a death as possible--they were not beaten, tortured or crammed in pens. There's a difference between respect for life--and the taking of it for food--and torture. Humans have historically hunted animals and also showed deep respect, so it's not hypocritical for LVP to try and help these dogs and still consume meat, especially is she is conscientious about the source. 

  • Love 18

Also, I don't need to give someone a justification for my dietary choices. I'm a grown ass woman.

And let me tell you, even from the other side of the food-choice fence, one has to justify it nonstop! Good lord, sometimes at functions, I dread letting anyone see me not eat meat! I swear, one more weird, pointed question disguised as concern about protein, and I'll take a bite right out of a person!


3 hours ago, Giselle said:

Do they draw straws? Shortest one gets the bitch edit for the season. Or are they assigned.

I don't find this farfetched when it comes to Rinna, haha. In fact, I can picture her waving her arm up in the air, all "ooh, ooh, pick me!"

Edited by TattleTeeny
  • Love 6
25 minutes ago, TattleTeeny said:

And let me tell you, even from the other side of the food-choice fence, one has to justify it nonstop! Good lord, sometimes at functions, I dread letting anyone see me not eat meat! I swear, one more weird, pointed question disguised as concern about protein, and I'll take a bite right out of a person!


I don't find this farfetched when it comes to Rinna, haha. In fact, I can picture her waving her arm up in the air, all "ooh, ooh, pick me!"

You shouldn't have to justify a damn thing or put up with that. Nobody should. On either side of the food choice equation. :-)

  • Love 12

Well, I don't like to think about where my 'meat' came from.  I do know that if I don't eat it for a couple of days I feel it.  On the other hand, shoot Bambi (not Kyle's precious dog) anytime you want.  Bambi and her friends brought the Lyme ticks who caused my son's neurological Lyme Disease and the worst time of my life.  Bambi and her friends love to come into my yard, chew on my plants and some of them just laugh at me when I try to shoo them.  One of Bambi's friends jumped in front of my niece's car, totaled it and there for the grace of God, she was OK.  And then I have neighbors who feed them... WTF.

My problem with Erika (Jane) and her leaving her son to pursue a career is that she could have pursued a career much closer to where her son was.  Along with that, she had this child.  She, as a parent, has an obligation and that is priority one before your 'dreams'.  I can get being a parent and 'having' a child.  I can certainly 'get' being a parent and being in the military when there are times you are deployed.  For me, Erika (Jane)'s reasons were totally selfish.  And then she has the nerve to say she was a 'single' parent.  Nope.  Doesn't fly.

As for the Erika/Dorit situation.... I really don't care for either of them.  I mean, really, the fake accent?  What are you trying to prove Dorit?   And it's speak 'with' an accent.  Not 'in' an accent.  She's just as much a phony as Erika.  Yeah, Erika, what you say is important.  Not so much.  They're both wrong.  Pantygate went a little too far.  And Dorit, Erika has complimented you.  And Dorit does have selective memory.  But that doesn't justify Erika dismissing you either with saying that her words are important.   She's got her own set of problems.  I don't find either particularly 'smart'. 

Edited by breezy424
  • Love 7
5 hours ago, Jel said:


No offense folks but at not time was the mention of eating meat an issue in the show, this week or at any other time.  They had an episode titled "Harry's Meat".  I am not getting this conversation about meat.  I think all the women on the trip were supportive of stopping the torture of animals for the Yulin DOg Festival.  Did I miss something? 

  • Love 10
2 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

No offense folks but at not time was the mention of eating meat an issue in the show, this week or at any other time.  They had an episode titled "Harry's Meat".  I am not getting this conversation about meat.  I think all the women on the trip were supportive of stopping the torture of animals for the Yulin DOg Festival.  Did I miss something? 

Yep.  You're right.  I guess it came up because of why LVP was in Hong Kong to begin with and then, as usual, we get off topic a bit.  It's three days after the episode aired.  You know the drill....  :)

  • Love 4
2 minutes ago, Giselle said:

I figured it out ... I know why Erica cries out "You don't know what I go through at night!"... she is talking about her removing her makeup at night . It must be physically and emotionally exhausting and a psychological let down.Gotta be it.

The pain of having Mikey scrape the layers off, and seeing a face that isn't "Next Level" is horrifying, and I think we all need to emphasize with her.  Just imagine the agony of seeing Plain Jane, not a fabulous, next level face.  Come on, we all need to reach out to feel her pain.  Not to mention that those scrapers must hurt like hell.

  • Love 13
18 minutes ago, notnowimbusy said:

The pain of having Mikey scrape the layers off, and seeing a face that isn't "Next Level" is horrifying, and I think we all need to emphasize with her.  Just imagine the agony of seeing Plain Jane, not a fabulous, next level face.  Come on, we all need to reach out to feel her pain.  Not to mention that those scrapers must hurt like hell.

I picture the gay trio using solvents and vigorous scrubbing. 

  • Love 12
58 minutes ago, Giselle said:

I figured it out ... I know why Erica cries out "You don't know what I go through at night!"... she is talking about her removing her makeup at night . It must be physically and emotionally exhausting and a psychological let down.Gotta be it.

I like Erika but, oy--yes! Her makeup, while excessive, is flawless. But so much. So, so much (to me, at least--I'm pretty minimal out of lack of desire and ineptitude). I guess that's kind of true for many of the HWs though. 

  • Love 2

I think that the Erika's "You don't know what I go through at night!" is a teaser, and she is really just acting out her role in YR for the ladies to see her acting talent. It's my guess. Bravo did that before with Tom making it seem like he was throwing people out of the house. It's because they are so controlled that Bravo has to play up their tiny bits of emotion shown, even if it's not authentic. 

  • Love 1

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