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"The View": Week Of 3/13/2017

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I know Jed is supposed to be the alternative voice on the panel, but the way she spews out her talking points without even pausing for breath makes me want to scream SHUT UP! to her. It's hard to know if she's doing this to play a role or if she's a natural-born contrarian. Because she comes across like someone who would see 600,000 people and swear up and down it is 1.5million, or someone who is literally getting raindrops on his suit and swears the sky is clear.

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I love Joy's hatred for he who shall not be named. After one of his clips today she crack, " ugh... everyday is like a nightmare with this guy" I totally cracked up.

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8 hours ago, atlantaloves said:

I literally turn the sound off when Jed starts to talk, I hate her ugly guts. She is ruining this show.

Jedi's greatest pleasure is to argue with the other women!  She gets a demonic smile on her face once she gets going.  Nothing stops her - there are no commas or periods  when she starts talking.

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4 minutes ago, May Jacks said:

Jediblahblah looks sounds so stupid trying to defend that Muslim ban. Strident and stupid.

I have mixed feelings about this. I think Jed was trying to combat Sunny's bombastic exclamations that there is not a chance a judge or court could possibly see Trump's Order differently than she does.  Someone needed to challenge her on that.  The thing is that I don't think Jed did a very good job articulating what the real flaw in Sunny's reasoning is.

Jed was too focused on the "language" changes made in the new order which corrected problems that were in the old order (things like people with visas and green cards being barred from entering the country) as if that has something to with why this second order has been halted. But those issues no longer have anything to do with it.  We are passed that.  We are now dealing primarily with the "establishment of religion" issue and that is going to be decided largely by the legislative intent as determined by the court (as Sunny explained).   Jed didn't seem to grasp what that really means.  But Sunny was a bit too confident that her own personal opinion of the legislative history would be shared by the Court.  And that is not at all the given she thinks it is. 

Sunny clearly agrees with the arguments made by the states of Washington and Hawaii which rely very heavily on Trump's interviews and campaign speeches to show an intent to discriminate on religious grounds. But the problem is that campaign statements and interviews are a shaky foundation in terms of being a basis of evidence to determine legislative intent.  It's not what a court typically uses to make such decisions.  More often courts will rely on committee notes and hearing transcripts, things that are presumably not as heavily slanted in an attempt to "sell" an idea to the general public as a campaign stump speech.  It is entirely possible a court might take the stance that things said during a campaign deserve relatively little weight, choosing not to "psychoanalyze" the motives of the President.   This is essentially the position of Professor Professor Alan Dershowitz (which Jed completely misstated).  I realize some may feel the things Trump (and that idiot Guiliani) said reveal far too much to ignore - I wouldn't disagree - but who knows what a court might decide.   It's uncharted territory, not at all the slam-dunk Sunny suggests it is.  

I do appreciate Jed trying to counter the opinions that were beings stated as facts today, but she was a bit like a dog with a bone and I don't think she understands the legal issues as well as she would like people to think she does.  Sunny, on the other hand, is totally capable of grasping the complexities of the issues.  But she is showing herself to be the career prosecutor that she is ... a lawyer who sees things in terms of black and white, right and wrong, guilty and innocent.  However there are shades of gray in this case that she is missing and that frustrates me as well.   I personally hope she is right, but she might want to dial back the cocksure, know-it-all attitude a notch.  She was giving me Whoopi-esque vibes today and I really don't need any more of that than I am already forced to deal with from Whoopi herself.

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I wish someone asked both Jedi and Tomi two questions, "Do you want to live in a jungle?" and "Do you want to live in a third world country?"  Because the thing about not living in the jungle, living in a first world country, is that we take care of the most vulnerable citizens, not throw them out to be eaten by hyenas.  

What do people like Jedi and Tomi  think will happen if you have a large population with no education, no jobs, no food and no place to live?  They don't magically disappear just because the government doesn't want to deal with them.  

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1 hour ago, susieq147 said:

And why shouldn't single households pay for Meals on Wheels?  Because they aren't a senior?  If we are going to use the argument that we don't need to pay taxes for things that don't directly benefit or affect us well then childless people shouldn't be paying taxes that are used for public schools.  If I don't drive a care and use mass transit then I shouldn't have my tax money used for highways.

We all live here in this country.  Last time I checked we are all human beings (although I'm beginning to doubt most Republicans are) and we have one life to live so it behooves (I always wanted to use that word) us all to try to make it the best life possible for everyone.

And note to Jedi and Tomi:  Fuck you both.

But... but... we need to have compassion for the people who pay for government services, rather than those leeches who use services. 

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43 minutes ago, sugarbaker design said:

I'll wait until crackpipe hour.

One of my very best friends said I was a Yankee Julia Sugarbaker because of my way of putting people in their place.  I don't think I have ever been paid such a great compliment before.

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15 minutes ago, susieq147 said:

One of my very best friends said I was a Yankee Julia Sugarbaker because of my way of putting people in their place.  I don't think I have ever been paid such a great compliment before.

And this is exactly what this show needs, someone like Julia Sugarbaker (and susieq147), someone with wit, confidence and the facts to counter all the bullshit streaming from Jediblahblah's mouth.  I appreciate Whoopi, Joy and Sunny, but they aren't enough.  We need a liberal terminator.

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Just now, sugarbaker design said:

And this is exactly what this show needs, someone like Julia Sugarbaker (and susieq147), someone with wit, confidence and the facts to counter all the bullshit streaming from Jediblahblah's mouth.

Awww thank you Sugarbaker Design.  I've always thought any of us here could easily do better than the ladies sitting at the View table.

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That Tomi lady wasn't as bad as I thought she would be. She was slightly more tolerable than Jedidiah and her ponytail. She annoyed me at the beginning, but I liked what she had to say about being pro choice. Her voice bugged the heck out of me.  I felt like I was listening to Jessica Simpson talk. Considering her age, I can't help but wonder if she has spent a lot of time listening to the adults talk politics at the grown up table. 

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I just couldn't deal with the trifecta of Jedidiah, Paula and Tomi today, so I deleted right after the actor/singer. Paula was at her worst -- totally ignoring the message of his video so she could tsk-tsk him for making her uncomfortable by showing a Trump mask being rolled over by a man in a wheelchair. I have to wonder if she was made uncomfortable by targets appearing on the faces of conservative-"unfriendly" politicians BEFORE Gabby Giffords got shot.

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Sara is starting to win me over.  When she chimed in right at the end with "Charles Manson can buy a gun now, you know" I LOL'd.  That was perfect.

I was really surprised by what the former cast member from The Girls Next Door had to say.   I had no idea they were so political at The Mansion.

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9 hours ago, Neurochick said:

What do people like Jedi and Tomi  think will happen if you have a large population with no education, no jobs, no food and no place to live?  They don't magically disappear just because the government doesn't want to deal with them.  

the country would become like South Africa used to be  and the "white folks" would have to barricade themselves behind their walls.    

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A wife forgiving a husband for an affair is the a worse offense than a man degrading talk about a women? 

I usually love Joy but she didn't even try with the Toni girl. 

Guess I am in the minority I don't mind the lady who talks a mile a minute and has a name out of star wars movie.  think that the fast talking is a pretty good strategy on this show.  I don't agree with most of her points but she gets them heard plus she has pretty hair *g

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3 hours ago, Celia Rubenstein said:

Sara is starting to win me over.  When she chimed in right at the end with "Charles Manson can buy a gun now, you know" I LOL'd.  That was perfect.

I cracked up at that, too. Sara isn't a factor that draws me to watch, but she never bothers me. And I've actually liked her a little more lately. I think she has a similar quality to Joy as far as being able to get along with everyone behind-the-scenes. She just seems completely drama-free (outside her marriage life, lol).

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Yes, Sara is less of an air-head these days.   she's funny at times, and laughs at herself, which is a good quality on this show.

Jed had some weird eye makeup going on, at least in the beginning of the show.  I might have been fixed during a break, I'm not sure.  It looked like she had grey-green eyeshadow UNDER her eyes.   She is WAAAAY too made-up lately. 

Paula just GUSHED over Tomi Lahren,  a real hero-worship thing going on there.   Tomi must have brought her own audience, because the View audience is not usually that enthusiastic about a conservative point of view.  And to continue with my shallow appearance-based opinions, Tomi Looked like her preparation for the show consisted of peroxide and a trip to the tanning salon. 

I feel like Joy and I are experiencing the same thing - every day, depressed at the direction our country is headed, worried about what is gong to happen next.  She and I are becoming crabby old ladies, bitching about politics.

Edited by backformore
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11 hours ago, susieq147 said:

And why shouldn't single households pay for Meals on Wheels?  Because they aren't a senior?  If we are going to use the argument that we don't need to pay taxes for things that don't directly benefit or affect us well then childless people shouldn't be paying taxes that are used for public schools.  If I don't drive a care and use mass transit then I shouldn't have my tax money used for highways.

We all live here in this country.  Last time I checked we are all human beings (although I'm beginning to doubt most Republicans are) and we have one life to live so it behooves (I always wanted to use that word) us all to try to make it the best life possible for everyone.

And note to Jedi and Tomi:  Fuck you both.

I wish I could ❤️ your post 100 times.  Awesome. 

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7 hours ago, backformore said:

Yes, Sara is less of an air-head these days.   she's funny at times, and laughs at herself, which is a good quality on this show.

And she's trying.  She reads a lot and wants to learn.  I think she realized she's the lightweight on the panel and wants to remedy that by preparing better.

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12 hours ago, Celia Rubenstein said:

When Sara chimed in right at the end with "Charles Manson can buy a gun now, you know" I LOL'd.  That was perfect.

That was funny.  But my LOL moment of the show was when Joy said, "Ugh, why isn't he dead yet"?   It's moments like those that I love her more and hate I've never seen her stand up act.    

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MY LOL moment was during a discussion of Prince William's "shocking" antics sans wife, Joy mentioned Prince Charles's disgusting (wiretapped!!) desire to be a tampon in Camilla's "area" - the other panelists were stunned/amazed/revolted, & Joy said something like, "What AM I - the oldest person in America??"

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On 3/17/2017 at 0:20 PM, TheGreenKnight said:

I wish Sunny and Joy had their wits about them when trash like that Tomi woman comes on the show. Like when she was saying “We have to be honest, these countries have a terrorist problem,” one of them should’ve asked why she doesn’t be honest and acknowledge that no known terrorist attacks in the U.S. have happened from people that have emigrated from these countries.

I wish they also mentioned that each of these countries have been destabilized due to the US sticking their nose in things they had no business in. Plus, they (minus Iran) get droned all the time for no reason. The media here can say they droned terrorists and we're okay with it, but once you learn that they droned a graduation ceremony, or a wedding, or children then it's harder to believe that. There's also some accusations that during the last drought (not the one going on now) the US purposely blocked food from Somalia.

And yet, most of these people would love to come to the States and have no ill will towards the people there.

I know he probably wouldn't come on the show anytime soon, but I'd love for Jeremy Scahill to come on and educated everyone about what's going on. His documentary, Dirty Wars, should be mandatory viewing.

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Kind of an uneventful week. I was quite surprised with Tomi's visit being as low-key as it was. I was expecting that the panel would perhaps be the hungry lions in the Coliseum......but instead, I got a kitten, lapping up a bowl of milk. I wondered, had Whoopi been there, would she be the someone to have taken this over-processed bimbo to task? I thought Joy was going to come out with guns blazing but after months of dealing with fuckwits like KAC, that Kayleigh person and various other Trump surrogates and ass-kissers, she is just exhausted and fed up with it all and just can't be bothered?

And it drives me bloody CRAZY when these women - especially Jed - talk ON TOP OF EACH OTHER!!!! It's beyond rude and it's incredibly distracting! STOP DOING IT!!!!!

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I swear I just have to fast forward through the talking over each other, it's so stupid, and reminds me of Fox News...I just can not deal. That blond piece of bleached turd pie, they should have taken her out, but didn't. Joy, honey, we depend on ya baby cakes!

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3 hours ago, atlantaloves said:

I swear I just have to fast forward through the talking over each other, it's so stupid, and reminds me of Fox News...I just can not deal. That blond piece of bleached turd pie, they should have taken her out, but didn't. Joy, honey, we depend on ya baby cakes!

Best description of her, right here.

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