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"The View": Week Of 3/13/2017


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Monday: Gillian Anderson and Jennifer Nadel (authors, "We: A Manifesto For Women Everywhere"); "View Your Deal" Oprah Edition with Adam Glassman (Look at the photo they used of Gillian)

Tuesday: Trae Crowder, Corey Ryan Forrester and Drew Morgan (authors, "The Liberal Redneck Manifesto: Draggin' Dixie Outta The Dark")

Wednesday: Day of Hot Topics

Thursday: Regina King (ABC's "American Crime"); Maksim Chmerkovskiy (ABC's "Dancing with the Stars")

Friday: The Political View with TheBlaze TV political commentator Tomi Lahren ("Tomi")

  • Love 2

I see that this "Tomi" person is not going to be on until Friday, which is St. Paddy's Day so if there was ever a good excuse to go to the pub, instead of watching TV, then this is it!!

Bonus being back in the studio. I know....sorry, I can't say it enough. Despised Disney World!!! Those ridiculous "games?" Made me feel like I was at a seven year-old's birthday party.

Edited by dinkysquid
  • Love 5

I saw the fake news about Whoopi, but I had no idea she and her family had gotten death threats. She must be a good actress -- since there was no hint of it in how she handled herself during the Disney shows. I'm glad she's going to pursue it legally. A huge liability settlement may put a damper on the fake news industry.

I'm glad they showed the BBC clip. One of my friends pointed out that the professor's wife went after those kids so fast that she didn't have her pants completely pulled up. A woman of action!

  • Love 6

If they’re going to turn into The Talk and discuss fluff nonsense nobody cares about the entire show, their ratings are going to go back down. They barely touched the surface of the story about the attorneys being fired; I guess the other insipid topics they had on the slate were more important....

I hadn’t seen the guest list yet and was pleasantly surprised to see Gillian Anderson. Looking forward to the Liberal Rednecks tomorrow—always worth shining a light on the fact that there is sanity down here in the South even if it’s buried.

  • Love 13

Ladies at the table, it's Daylight SAVING Time. It's not a Savings & Loan.

I agree, TheGreenKnight, I watch this show for the political and current events talk. I FF through The Talk because, oddly, I don't think the latest Kardashian happening is worthy of gasps (or even airtime). If The View turns into The Talk, more time in the day for me!

  • Love 9

If I had ANY doubts about how bat-shit crazy KAC is, I don't anymore. You are so bloody desperate, it's pathetic and if my microwave starts spying on me?!! It will die of boredom.

What is this business with Whoopi? And when she said she almost didn't go to Disney World over it? Sounds serious.

I'm a loyal viewer of Bill Maher but I don't recall this Tomi person. I'll do a quick Google and see what she looks like...if that rings any bells.

  • Love 1
2 hours ago, tvaddict44 said:

Oh my, that Tomi person on Friday was on Bill Maher a few weeks ago.  She will make you wrap your arms around Bitsy and welcome her back!  (not really, but Tomi makes Kellyanne sound sane).  Bill only had her because a good guest (Jeremy Scahill) wouldn't come on because Milo Iannopoulous was on.  She blathers like Jedi.  

Not quite. That racist, hateful troll was on Maher's show as a fucking panelist(??) the week before that other troll waste of space appeared as the top of the show interview. Scahill dropped out when he heard about that waste of space and Malcolm Nance took Scahill's place. Both Larry Wilmore and Malcolm Nance schooled that little motherfucker (on Overtime)and it was a thing of beauty.

Sorry, just had to clarify the circumstances.

And now my high and doped self is going back to sleep.

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, Haleth said:

Nothing gets Whoopi riled up more than fake news about herself. 

I have to be honest ... I have very little sympathy for Whoopi.  I have spent too many years listening to that woman defend the indefensible, misstate facts, and spread pure bullshit ideas to be bothered because some A-hole attributed something to her that she didn't actually say.  As castigated as she regularly is for her idiocy, I still think she gets away with saying too much and it sorta feels like ... ironic karma ... that she got put on blast for something she didn't even say. And I am LOLing at how bothered she is by it all.  

Maybe now she knows how the original rape accuser of Ben Roethlisberger felt when Whoopi went on the air and said the woman had "recanted" her allegations when she had done no such thing. Unfortunately she didn't have the forum to correct the record the way Whoopi does and couldn't inform the countless people who believed what Whoopi said about her retracting her allegations was untrue.  I think I will spend my energy being pissed off on that lady's behalf and Miss Goldberg can take her self-righteous indignation and get bent. 

I really got a hoot out of Whoopi getting all salty about how quick people are to believe anything anyone says about her ... uhh, Whoopi ... it's called having a well-deserved SHITTY reputation for saying ridiculous things.  And that is 100% your own fault, you ignorant blowhard.

I can't wait to see where her big lawsuit goes.  I will go on the record now and predict it will go absolutely nowhere.  She can get as badass as she wants but you still need a valid cause of action and since the website clearly states its stories are parodies, I don't know what Whoopi is going to be able to sue anyone for.  And good luck with that "legislation" you are going to push for.  I have the feeling that somewhere between the First Amendment and all the laws on the books about libel and slander and the public's right to engage in parody, the subject has already been pretty well settled.  If there was anything to be done, I'm sure Donald Trump would have shut down Saturday Night Live by now, lol ... Let it go, Whoops.  Just let it GO.

  • Love 17
10 hours ago, honeydo7 said:

Laughed at KAC's comments about the government using our microwaves & smart TV's to spy on us, hope Gillian Anderson tells the panel, that idea came from an episode of the X-Files, where people's appliances ordered them to kill, kill, kill........only I think those messages came from space aliens.

And the original idea of appliances turning on us and killing us was on the late and great Twilight Zone.

I will never forget the sight of the toaster? or razor or some electric appliance chasing the person down the stairs and then eventually outside where the car chased him into the pool to drown.  I was a kid but talk about firm impressions!

One of the all time great and, as it turns out, prescient television shows.

  • Love 7
11 hours ago, honeydo7 said:


Laughed at KAC's comments about the government using our microwaves & smart TV's to spy on us, hope Gillian Anderson tells the panel, that idea came from an episode of the X-Files, where people's appliances ordered them to kill, kill, kill........only I think those messages came from space aliens.


I was an episode of Dr Who also. Only it was televisions. Not microwaves.

  • Love 2
17 hours ago, Celia Rubenstein said:

I have to be honest ... I have very little sympathy for Whoopi.  

As an animal lover, when she defended Michael Vick by saying that dog fighting was just a "part of Southern culture", that outraged me to this day. How the hell can ANYBODY possibly defend such a barbaric, disgusting practice?!!

And her initial defense of Bill Cosby didn't do much to change my opinion of her either.

  • Love 22
19 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

Not quite. That racist, hateful troll was on Maher's show as a fucking panelist(??) the week before that other troll waste of space appeared as the top of the show interview. Scahill dropped out when he heard about that waste of space and Malcolm Nance took Scahill's place. Both Larry Wilmore and Malcolm Nance schooled that little motherfucker (on Overtime)and it was a thing of beauty.

Sorry, just had to clarify the circumstances.

And now my high and doped self is going back to sleep.

  • Love 2

I'm really tired of the revisionist history about Democrats not talking about jobs during the election. Joy's hard on for Bernie Sanders and acting like he was the only one talking about "trade" as if that is the reason why these jobs have left and not automation. 

Democrats did prioritize healthcare. This goes into the point about the GOP's terrible replacement plan and the View ladies(Paula an Jediblabbermouth) and what is the point of healthcare when you can't pay bills. Well, you can't work if you are sick or dead. Most people in this country need a car to get to work too, Jedidingbat. 

Guess what, Hillary won low income voters in the primary and the general. Bernie won caucus states and when those same states had primaries Hillary won those same states in the popular vote. It is a complete myth that she didn't talk about jobs or only focused on how terrible trump was and is. It irks my soul. It was mostly white blue collar workers that voted for trump, how was it that POC blue collar workers who need jobs and higher income didn't get that message about trump bringing back those long gone jobs?

  • Love 17

Yes, the myth about Bernie and the poor blue collar workers (always white, apparently) has been propagated by the right to the point that it's a stranglehold on the conversation these days.

Sara looked really nice today. I liked Joy showing that Melania video during the mind-numbing Bachelor talk. I'm sure Trump sees Melania as nothing more than #5 (or whatever wife he's on at this point) and is as vile to her as he is to everyone, but I don't feel sorry for her.

  • Love 14

There was a show today?  I tuned in a little late only to find a local TV court show in place of The View and just figured none of the hosts made it in to the studio because of the storm.  Hmmm..........maybe just a transmission problem?

I ended up watching the rear end of a giraffe for a little while, which was actually more entertaining than The View would have been!

Edited by Tunia
  • Love 3
8 hours ago, TheGreenKnight said:

Sara looked really nice today. I liked Joy showing that Melania video during the mind-numbing Bachelor talk. I'm sure Trump sees Melania as nothing more than #5 (or whatever wife he's on at this point) and is as vile to her as he is to everyone, but I don't feel sorry for her.

Yeah, for once the inevitable idiotic Bachelor discussion paid off.  Sweet!  I was so glad Joy "went there" about Melania.  I've been waiting and wanting them to talk about it.  I like how Joy stuck to her guns about Melania being miserable, but I have to admit Sara was funny with the suggestions about why Melania doesn't smile.  Sara actually had a couple of good ones today.   If she can keep up landing her "I'm so dopey" lines in the right spots I may start to un-hate her.  

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I really enjoyed today's show. It's just so much lighter in tone without Whoopi pontificating and everyone having to pause to kiss her ass. It wasn't perfect, but I really found myself liking it so much more.

And I floved the liberal rednecks. They made me laugh. Confession: my fantasy man is a liberal rancher or cowboy. My sister, who lives in Oklahoma, tells me they don't exist. The liberal rednecks give me hope! :-)

Edited by ChicagoCita
  • Love 9
13 hours ago, Jewlmc said:

Really BOTH Jed and Paula today???


Personally I'll take Whoopi any day of the week over those two clowns.

The first half of the show was unbearable, with everyone talking at the same time.  Jed rattling off a bunch of stuff that made no sense, everyone else talking right over her.  They don't even INTERRUPT, they just all keep talking. 

At least Whoopi puts an end to that, sometimes. 

  • Love 3
17 hours ago, Haleth said:

SHUT UP, JED!  Gah!  We HAD free market healthcare/insurance before the ACA.  Remember how well that worked?  (Getting ready to throw something at the tv.)

We have a free market healthcare system.  Many hospitals and insurance companies along with the pharmaceutical companies are for profit businesses.  They make money by turning away patients that can't pay (until the patients are so sick that they can't legally turn them away from the ER), charging high premiums and deductibles while denying coverage and selling life saving medications at obscenely inflated prices.  

Jed, just try to find a doctor who will take you into his practice if you do not have insurance or the money to pay him up front.  

  • Love 12

Carol's Daughter Products: So? Another infomercial, embedded in a TV show? That's all this show is becoming lately - one giant commercial for something or other! Her products might be good - I don't doubt that they aren't - but really?!! If you go into any major department store, the entire first floor is nothing but perfume and "skin care". There are a million brands of products already! Do we really need another one?!!!

  • Love 8

Healthcare:     Before there was the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) I had "normal" medical insurance.  Twice in seven* years I had to change my doctors:  PCP, rheumatologist, dermatologist, because they decided not to re-sign contracts with my carrier.  When we're told that we can choose our doctors, that might be true--but merely on a temporary basis.

*Seven years might seem like a long time, but think of it...having to look for other doctors, being sad to leave someone you knew and appreciated (vice versa).  I think it was two years after I made the first change that I had to make the second change.   I researched insurance carriers, but there was no one that even covered TWO of my doctors.   Now I just feel lucky to have medical insurance (Medicare Advantage) at all.

Wait!  Maybe that's the game.  Just make us satisfied with anything we can get.

  • Love 10
24 minutes ago, Former Nun said:

Wait!  Maybe that's the game.  Just make us satisfied with anything we can get.

That is their objective.  Has been for a long time.  They keep taking more and more away and then expect us to be thankful for the crumbs they throw at us.  People that have enough (of health insurance, money, job security, whatever) might be comfortable now but they will come for them eventually.

  • Love 16

Joy hit the nail on the head when they were talking about race and how Republicans are scared to death that soon white people may be outnumbered (not that all white people are Republicans, just saying that ahead of time). That’s something that fueled Trump’s racist hysteria, imo. Maybe they're worried about their horrible treatment of minorities the past 60+ years and they may end up being treated the same way once the tables are turned.

  • Love 14
2 minutes ago, FairyDusted said:

Question: What was Whoopie screaming about at the top of an episode either early this week or late last week? Sorry I watch them all at once. She was really pissed off and saying she had to up security around herself and family. Someone piss her off on social media? of course she doesn't care so don't email tweet or call.

See Monday up-thread!!

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