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S06.E02: Alante & Nevaeh

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Alante has spent the last eight years planning a life with his online love Nevaeh. She's perfect, but her disappearances have Alante worried. Nev and Max help to uncover a mysterious truth that affects Alante's entire town.

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I have never watched a full episode of this show, but I checked this one out because it was filmed in my hometown. There are seriously people out there that spend 8 years of their lives in a "relationship" with someone they have never met or at least video chatted (in normal light) with? And i found the big reveal that it was his godsister kind of underwhelming. I kept expecting her to confess that she was secretly in love with him and that's why she did it. It sure seemed that way to me! 8 years of that was quite the lesson.

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I really liked Alante. He seems like a really great guy has it together (even had a root plant starter  in a vase)!

I normally don't get why someone would let  an online only thing drag on especially when you get sketchy behavior added in but I have to say in his case I give him a bit of a pass for several reasons even though 8 years is really too much. 

First of all this started in high school. Second of all he seems to work waaaay too hard and long and has a small child so in some way this would be Relationship Lite and would actually suit him. Of course I can see how letting this go on for so long is ridiculous but then again given his situation I can also see how he could slide into it and let it stay that way.

Edited by DiabLOL
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I think I might forever love Max for him quipping, "the neeeewwww Allante!" at the start of the episode.  I am amazed anyone else remembers that episode of Married With Children.  If only he did the Bundy Bounce too!

The themes are getting so repetitive though; I called that "god sister" being the catfish as soon as she came on screen.

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Did Erica ever say anything about all the other guys she was catfishing or was she not actually catfishing the other guys that Nev and Max reached out to and got a few responses? I missed some parts of the episode. Also, did Erica explain why she would stop talking to Alante and then start again after a few months?

I initially thought it was Erica when she was introduced, but the girl that was Erica's friend showed up, so I thought it might be her as well.

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Sorry- no offense intended, but what the heck is a godsister?  My children have godparents, but do not refer to their offspring as their "godsiblings".  Although, I guess they wouldn't because their godparents are actually their aunts and uncles so they are their cousins.  Still, never heard the term before.

I also think a lot was glossed over.  It seemed like Erica was catfishing tons of other unsuspecting guys.  I just don't know why she was doing it to so many local guys.

I also never understand why people who are not actually interested romantically keep the ruses going for so long.  It makes me feel like they are actually lying about not having those romantic feelings.  Also, how old was Erica?  Did she start this when she was like 11 or something?? 

The spelling of Sierra (cannot even remember all the vowels that were added) was crazy.  She is such a pretty girl.  Those extensions were a real tragedy. 

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4 hours ago, GenL said:

The spelling of Sierra (cannot even remember all the vowels that were added) was crazy.

If her parents were going for a phonetic spelling, it should have been "See..", not "Sei...". Eventually, she'll pick another name to go by, like people with incredibly old-fashioned names do.

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I, too, thought that Seiairah being "on the crush list" more likely meant he had a thing for her. I mean, he has a list of girls who have crushes on him? And yes, subtracting eight years from each of them, she seemed pretty young for him. AND, finally, how quickly they glossed over that he managed to have a child with someone during those long eight years. He mentioned something about a night after hitting the bars, but still, he had a real woman and has a real child, and all he can think about is some girl on the phone. Poor fool.

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8 years. This guy really thought there was a possibility that she wasn't going to be a catfish after not meeting her for 8 years? If I look up the word "delusional" in the dictionary, will I see Alante's picture? I still don't understand why Erika did it, it sounded like she was trying to think up an excuse, but couldn't.

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Okay I can't be the only one who thought this episode seemed SO fake. I usually love this show and get really into the episodes but this one was so ridiculously staged and fake to me! 

First of all... Alante just happened to be having a BBQ with his brother and god sister so they can conveniently meet Erica beforehand? I know something like this has happened with that one fat guy and his cousin and it seemed legit.. but this one didn't. Because Erica wasn't really in the episode helping them she just was there for five minutes so we know she exists. Like come on how convenient was that.. the producers had to have known she was the 'catfish' from the beginning. 

Then what was up with that Sierra girl? She was 'in the middle of it' and met with them just to call the girl to have HER meet them.. what was the point of that? They could've done that on their own. But instead they called Erica ONCE and then gave up lol. To me it seemed like she just wanted to be on TV and this was an excuse for some camera time. She literally had nothing to do with anything. Except when they asked Alante he got all awkward and said she had a crush on him.. but his body language and the way he said it made it seem like he was lying. Like what he was really thinking was 'she wanted to be on the episode too and our excuse is she likes me'. 

Who was that Latoya girl? They never addressed why she was linked to that number or however she came up. But then all of a sudden its the god sister.. and instead of something really crazy like her confessing her love for him she just gives some weird excuse about her being mad at him for something that happened a while back and like helping girls catch their dudes cheating.. and they don't really push her any further. I feel like Max & Nev usually get pretty serious about pushing the truth out of the catfishers but they didn't in this episode.  Eight years is a LONG time! Especially to someone as close as a 'god sibling'. And they just let it slide like it wasn't that big of a deal lol if this actually happened to someone that would be extremely fucked up. Like the episode with the cousins didnt they not even talk anymore by the end of that episode? That was genuine. 

Okay and this was the icing on the cake.. at the end they're together and she's pregnant?! But won't say by who? Umm those two are together and were together the entire time! And now they're having a baby! And then they make sure to end the show with those two saying something that sounded totally scripted about being glad they came on the show and whatever else. Like it was a little advertisement to get more people to come on the show. 

Lol I'm sorry but this whole episode was so ridiculously fake and just an excuse for that whole town to get on TV. I really hope this doesn't mean the rest of the episodes will be fake like that because I love this show. But this one and that whole psychic episode were painfully fake so I think this show should just end soon. 

(I just created an account on here so I could say this haha I just can't believe no one has said this yet! & sorry I wrote a novel lol it just bugged me)

Edited by msgxoxo
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Yeah, I'm not usually one to automatically jump on the fake/scripted bandwagon, but I'm calling bullshit on the entire episode. I think all these hood rats just wanted to be on MTV, from the lovelorn yet "lovable" fat guy to the ugly ass "Godsister" with the ridiculous story, to the teen prostitute looking girl who couldn't stop smiling a the ridiculousness of it all. Give me a break.

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On 3/9/2017 at 9:00 AM, GenL said:

Sorry- no offense intended, but what the heck is a godsister?  My children have godparents, but do not refer to their offspring as their "godsiblings".  Although, I guess they wouldn't because their godparents are actually their aunts and uncles so they are their cousins.  Still, never heard the term before.

I also think a lot was glossed over.  It seemed like Erica was catfishing tons of other unsuspecting guys.  I just don't know why she was doing it to so many local guys.

I also never understand why people who are not actually interested romantically keep the ruses going for so long.  It makes me feel like they are actually lying about not having those romantic feelings.  Also, how old was Erica?  Did she start this when she was like 11 or something?? 

The spelling of Sierra (cannot even remember all the vowels that were added) was crazy.  She is such a pretty girl.  Those extensions were a real tragedy. 

I refer to my god-mother's daughters as my god-sisters. My god mother is my Mom's BFF. The term "God-brother/god-sister" is used in the black community pretty often (at least where I'm from- Chicago). 

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Just caught up on the episode and I agree with @msgxoxo and @kitten59. This was another scripted, fake episode. Yet again, the phone number went to a photoshopped FB account, the camera's were conveniently at the home on the revisit, Sierra was too giggly and scripted during her little interview in that sorry empty lot. I guess after so many seasons of the show, they can't get real folks being catfished by real catfish (how about Meri Brown of Sister Wives fame????). I watch this trainwreck for stupidity, not the scripted plots.

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On March 11, 2017 at 0:25 AM, msgxoxo said:

Okay and this was the icing on the cake.. at the end they're together and she's pregnant?! But won't say by who? Umm those two are together and were together the entire time! And now they're having a baby! And then they make sure to end the show with those two saying something that sounded totally scripted about being glad they came on the show and whatever else. Like it was a little advertisement to get more people to come on the show. 

Whaaaaaaaat??? I fell asleep about 3 seconds after the reveal that the godsister was the catfish (which I totally saw coming, just like the guest star with name recognition is always the killer on Bones or Elementary), so I missed this little nugget. 

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On 3/9/2017 at 4:42 AM, Lizzing said:

I think I might forever love Max for him quipping, "the neeeewwww Allante!" at the start of the episode.  I am amazed anyone else remembers that episode of Married With Children.  If only he did the Bundy Bounce too!

Not only do I remember it, I got an amazing lease deal on a 2017 Hyundai Elantra this summer, and my primary hesitation about even looking at it was that I STILL hear that line* every damn time I hear the name of the car.

As I couldn't very well admit that I didn't want to consider something (lest, something more affordable, esp. when my folks--who were helping me shop. I HATE that single women are treated so differently when it comes to car shopping, and I hate doing anything to feed into that, like Bringing A Man, but I've also learned the hard way that I WILL get a very different result, and, financially, it's just not a battle I can help fight right now, esp when the reality is that I can (and, previously, have) do all the research and go in sounding like I know my shit, but the reality is that neither cars nor negotiatiating are in my wheelhouse, whereas my stepdad is a great schmoozer and will get me a better deal /defensive- and guilty-bad-feminist)--know I couldn't care less about cars, as long as I will be comfortable and able to work around my disabilities with it) because of a (I was gonna say 20-, and I just realized it's gotta be WAY more than that, and I refuse to look it up*, whatever-year-old) TV show, so, we went before I had time to research a better reason not to, I ended up getting it, and I STILL hear that line every time I am looking for it in the parking lot. Which might make that the most effective* bit of product placement I've come across.

*Or, apparently, counter-effective, since of course I couldn't stop myself, looked it up to find out just how old I really am close in age that episode and Nev's "kidult" mother-o-child are, and the line really IS as Max says?!?!?! I thought he was riffing off of it as, I swear, for 27 years (yeah, my friends, that episode was from 1990), I've been hearing it as "The Neeeew Elantra." Or, at least, somewhere along the way, it got switched in my brain, as (more Google-foo) the Elantra came out that year, and I don't even recall ever having heard of the Cadillac Alanté until Nev product pooped it last night. But, I also doubt I've ever been within sight of a real Cadillac, except maybe some old, souped up one with rims worth more than the car's Blue Book or something.

Which means 1) I've wasted a whole lot of earwig time on a line that doesn't even exist that could have been devoted to songs I hate, instead; 2) I can no longer even half-believe that Max's line actually came from Max's brain (or at least at the time he said it), given the very quick chain that led from it to Nev's (awkward) Cadillac placement, which now has me wondering if 3) those hotel room expository scenes are COMPLETELY scripted.

Clearly, the've always been highly set up, with fake production letters to read and points for Max and Nev to hit/images for them to create for fan girls makers of digital ephemera to screenshot, but as savvy/jaded as I normally think I am about these things, I hadn't thought their 1:1 interactions were fully scripted.

But I guess the same poor-person brain who thought Kelly Bundy was bouncing her boobs about her lowly plastic piece of Elantra and didn't even know about cars in the 80s with cell phones, but which maybe I'd still prefer to the special type of cluelessness, like a Mr. Kidult Who Is Totes Older Than The Millenial Label He Desperately Seeks' claiming he's always wanted a long-discontinued Cadillac, that only a lifetime of unabashed privilege and not only lack of consequences but rewards for shithole behavior can bring, got the best of me.

Oh well, at least now I can 1) join everyone else in their Nevhate (I never minded him until just now, but the more I hear him saying that line? HATE), and 2) maybe I won't hear any 90s-TV voices (not) talking about my car the next time I think I go to it.

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I'm sorry, I normally really like your articles but it kind of bothered me that you were so flippant about saying a "godsister" was not a thing. I'm a Catholic (not really practicing anymore) but godparents and godbrothers/sisters are definitely a widespread thing in Christianity. If your parent is a godparent to another child, then it only makes sense that their "godchildren," are your "godbrothers or sisters." Just because you haven't heard of it doesn't mean it's not a thing.

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18 hours ago, Auka said:

I'm sorry, I normally really like your articles but it kind of bothered me that you were so flippant about saying a "godsister" was not a thing. I'm a Catholic (not really practicing anymore) but godparents and godbrothers/sisters are definitely a widespread thing in Christianity. If your parent is a godparent to another child, then it only makes sense that their "godchildren," are your "godbrothers or sisters." Just because you haven't heard of it doesn't mean it's not a thing.

Not to get into a Catholic-off, but my dad was a Jesuit before he met and married my mom at the Catholic college where they both worked; I am pretty familiar with the tenets of the faith. Given that godparents can and often are unrelated people, their progeny don't have any official designation in the church.

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On 3/9/2017 at 8:40 AM, Misslindsey said:

Did Erica ever say anything about all the other guys she was catfishing or was she not actually catfishing the other guys that Nev and Max reached out to and got a few responses? I missed some parts of the episode. Also, did Erica explain why she would stop talking to Alante and then start again after a few months?

I initially thought it was Erica when she was introduced, but the girl that was Erica's friend showed up, so I thought it might be her as well.

She said it was because she had hoped she would be flakey enough that he would end the relationship so she would disappear and then he'd text her wondering where she was and she felt bad so started talking to him again.  Or something like that.  Seems shady to me... you don't talk about getting married to someone and say you love them for 8 years and then say it was just to teach them a lesson!!

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  On 13/03/2017 at 6:01 PM, Auka said:

I'm sorry, I normally really like your articles but it kind of bothered me that you were so flippant about saying a "godsister" was not a thing. I'm a Catholic (not really practicing anymore) but godparents and godbrothers/sisters are definitely a widespread thing in Christianity. If your parent is a godparent to another child, then it only makes sense that their "godchildren," are your "godbrothers or sisters." Just because you haven't heard of it doesn't mean it's not a thing.

Not to get into a Catholic-off, but my dad was a Jesuit before he met and married my mom at the Catholic college where they both worked; I am pretty familiar with the tenets of the faith. Given that godparents can and often are unrelated people, their progeny don't have any official designation in the church.

True, it's not official, but it's definitely a widely used term at least in the black Christian community.

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I always look forward to hearing the ridiculous names on this show, but they were especially ridiculous on this ep. I don't even know how one arrives at that spelling of Sierra. 

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On 3/9/2017 at 4:42 AM, Lizzing said:

I think I might forever love Max for him quipping, "the neeeewwww Allante!" at the start of the episode.  I am amazed anyone else remembers that episode of Married With Children.  If only he did the Bundy Bounce too!

THANK you!!  I recognized the quote (and in my mind's eye could even see someone making the grand flourish, finished with a little bounce), but couldn't for the life of me place the reference.  Weird, the things that stick in your head for years and years!

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On March 11, 2017 at 10:24 AM, Scarlett45 said:

I refer to my god-mother's daughters as my god-sisters. My god mother is my Mom's BFF. The term "God-brother/god-sister" is used in the black community pretty often (at least where I'm from- Chicago). 

Yes to this.  A god-sister is the daughter of your god-mother/god-father.

Ericka is a nutcase.  I laughed when Alante said, "I don't know what Tyler Perry movie you've watched."  Hahahaha.

Interesting how Ericka liked being Nevaeh, she mentioned how people told her, "you're pretty for a dark girl."  She felt "Nevaeh" was light and everybody wanted her.  Sad but true.

Edited by Neurochick
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