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Dance Moms in the Media


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I was a little thrown by the article & the bit about the 24/7 security also, wonder if mommie dearest is just playing it to the hilt.. I feel saddened for both the girls Maddie & Mac because looking back at other 'child stars' they don't tend to grow up to be what was expected of them.. Hope I'm wrong in Mac's case because she appears to be the most humble of the two IMO..  I see they've announced the new series start which should be interesting.. 

Thanks for the link nana - unfortunately those who commented are not impressed either with the girls or the article. I wish her well but even with acting lessons - she has a long way to go. Hope Melissa is putting some of that money away for education and giving the attention to Mac that she needs as she's always overshadowed by her sister.



I hope chilling bit about 24 hour security isn't true. Even major celebrities don't need that kind of protection.

Mack is the one I worry about the most. She's young enough so that she probably can't remember life before DM and there isn't nearly as much interest in her as there is in Maddie. Plus, she's been led to believe that she will be an entertainer on par with Britney Spears. If Abby goes to jail and has to pay those fines (plus the legal fees, which she'll be on the hook for no matter what) I don't know what will happen to the studio.

I actually liked the Maddie and Brynn dance, thought they did beautifully. Kendall and Nia are a different story. Bad choreography, poorly rehearsed, poorly executed, and what was with those costumes? Wow.

Kendall and Nia's dance looked like something that little kids would do.  I don't feel anything while watching Maddie and Brynn's dance even though the dance was pretty.  However, I will give them the benefit of the doubt since their music stopped.  They didn't have the music to help with their emotions.  Plus they had to watch each other to stay synchronized.


I think Makenzie is showing signs of jealousy with all the attention that Maddie is getting.  Can't blame her when her own mom ignores her every time Maddie gets a role.

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First I've heard of this: http://www.tmz.com/2015/12/29/dance-moms-hackers-investigation/, http://www.tmz.com/2015/12/30/dance-moms-fbi-hackers/ , http://www.ibtimes.com/dance-moms-star-responds-mean-girls-hackers-we-r-coming-after-u-2244331


Now I know things like this do happen - but what a coincidence that Dance Moms is premiering next week. Is it some free publicity to bring viewers back or a way to take the heat off of Abby's current situation.

It does not appear to be just your run of the mill alliterative, does it?


Is Abbey a closet right wing conservative?  We saw some of that with Kira's out of wedlock pregnancy.  Is this a super secret way of trying to trash Chloe?  Inquiring minds would like to know!


About the BItersweet Charity piece, it's a take on iconic Fosse choreography and most of the girls are old enough to be learning it and working on Fosse choreograpy, even if presenting it in the Jr category is questionable. But these are fake competitions set up for meet and greets and taping, so the age category is sort of irrelevant at this point.  I'd rather see them take on Rich Man's Frug at their age, it can be done very well and isn't as overtly sexual.


Which brings us back to what the hell she is implying by her addition of the word innocent to her alliteration.

Edited by NextIteration
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Getting anxious! Updates on some of our past dancers! http://okmagazine.com/get-scoop/paige-brooke-hyland-dance-moms-kelly-after-show-abby-lee-miller/


Also an update on Cathy and Vivi - really makes you wonder if more is scripted than we think!  http://okmagazine.com/get-scoop/cathy-nesbitt-stein-talks-leaving-dance-moms-if-she-will-return/


I like Cathy's reference to..."my real dance studio." This stuff is clearly all staged.

Here goes more security but no mention of mom....


 "Maddie Ziegler celebrates Seriously Popular award win with Dance Moms' Abby Lee Miller at DailyMail.com People's Choice party... as she reveals plans for film with Sia"



Here goes more security but no mention of mom....


 "Maddie Ziegler celebrates Seriously Popular award win with Dance Moms' Abby Lee Miller at DailyMail.com People's Choice party... as she reveals plans for film with Sia"





Well here's Yahoo's announcement and yes Melissa was there. She always has been and will continue to live through her daughter - I feel bad for Mac. https://www.yahoo.com/


But what's this - "the actress" - is that telling us the whole show is a sham? I don't know the other nominees besides Kylie Jenner - who to me is only popular because of her mom's obsession of being in the spotlight - Melissa and Kris have a lot in common!


The actress beat nominees Kylie Jenner, Cara Delevingne, Ruby Rose and Bella Thorne.

Here goes more security but no mention of mom....


 "Maddie Ziegler celebrates Seriously Popular award win with Dance Moms' Abby Lee Miller at DailyMail.com People's Choice party... as she reveals plans for film with Sia"





Well here's Yahoo's announcement and yes Melissa was there. She always has been and will continue to live through her daughter - I feel bad for Mac. https://www.yahoo.com/


But what's this - "the actress" - is that telling us the whole show is a sham? I don't know the other nominees besides Kylie Jenner - who to me is only popular because of her mom's obsession of being in the spotlight - Melissa and Kris have a lot in common!


The actress beat nominees Kylie Jenner, Cara Delevingne, Ruby Rose and Bella Thorne.

 The actress beat nominees Kylie Jenner, Cara Delevingne, Ruby Rose and Bella Thorne.


They call her an actress because she has acted in a few TV shows and a movie and has an equity card.  It's pretty impressive that she beat out those other 4 because those are super popular models/actresses among young people.  Bella Thorne is a child actress who is about 18 now.   She's been on a ton of kids shows.  Who votes anyway? 

When I saw the promo of dance moms season 6 that I realize lots of drama and dance in this season. And It appears several of Abby’s dancers will get their chance to shine in Season 6 also. A new dance group with amazing dance style. more tears and violence threats in this season. I thought this season was full of entertainment as well as gossiping and critic reviews.

"Innocent"? What the hell does that mean in this context?


I would guess that its a typo and the word intended was Interested.   

Ms. Miller is now representing children in addition to her own students who are

imaginative, intelligent, inventive, inquisitive, innovative and interested to be professionals in the entertainment industry.


Either way the grammar is terrible.

I think she meant innocent. Innocent in a childlike sense - because Abby says her ideal dancers are petite, undeveloped (physically), clean cut looking kids who can stay in the jr division longer. Also innocen on a naive sense so she can manipulate and take advantage of them business wise.

The second a girl starts to mature and develop - not look pre pubescent and also develop a 'voice' where she starts to have an opinion and Abby feels threatened, she turns on them and kicks them out the door. She hates it when Chloe, Paige and Peyton got too tall. I suspect the same for Ava and whatever Black Patsy's daughter's name was. I think that's why she turned on Nia and am shocked she hasn't turned on Kalani. Kendall has a minute. So does Jojo. Apparently Maddie and Makenzie never age. Of course some nutso moms who realize their kids are only Maddies backup dancers get angry and nasty, but Abby has some weird obsession with the jr division.

I think Abby's insistence on a Jr. Mini team or whatever: a) makes the little girls sound like horses, and b) is more based in her need to rack up easy wins.  She pushes for her current team dances to go into the junior division and not the teen division because its more difficult to win.  I think by the "teen" stage, a lot of little girls who had parents put them in dance, realized they didn't have any talent and let the competitive field.  That means the teen division is full of kids who are just super talented dancers and have amazing choreography (from a teacher who has more than 4 moves) and the talent to put it all together.  Abby does not want to go up against better choreography and amazing dancers.


But the younger the girls the easier it is for Abby to win, because there will be a lot of little girls enrolled in dance that aren't going to put in 15 hours a day at it, or are just in it for fun and not for bloodsport.  So, their dance routines are going to be simple and easy for Abby to beat with her 4 dance moves and bullying 4 year olds into dancing until their feet bleed.

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I hope chilling bit about 24 hour security isn't true. Even major celebrities don't need that kind of protection.


That may be so, but she is still a kid and I doubt the celebrities' kids - or the celeb. kids themselves - are being nationally televised wearing dance outfits like the one Maddie wore as "Bond Girl."  A pedo's dream:  just squint a bit and - voila' !

I think she meant innocent. Innocent in a childlike sense - because Abby says her ideal dancers are petite, undeveloped (physically), clean cut looking kids who can stay in the jr division longer. Also innocen on a naive sense so she can manipulate and take advantage of them business wise.

The second a girl starts to mature and develop - not look pre pubescent and also develop a 'voice' where she starts to have an opinion and Abby feels threatened, she turns on them and kicks them out the door. She hates it when Chloe, Paige and Peyton got too tall. I suspect the same for Ava and whatever Black Patsy's daughter's name was. I think that's why she turned on Nia and am shocked she hasn't turned on Kalani. Kendall has a minute. So does Jojo. Apparently Maddie and Makenzie never age. Of course some nutso moms who realize their kids are only Maddies backup dancers get angry and nasty, but Abby has some weird obsession with the jr division.


That is so true.  Abby views the girls as products, and is always looking to develop new lines, such as what we see in any industry (cosmetic industry, for example). What happens to the "old" stuff, though? Abby, in classic narcissistic style, has gotten what she needed from the girls.  Once they "age out" of her studio,  Abby feels as though she's already stamped them with her label, and her job is done (ultimately, her purpose has always been to serve herself),  so now it's up to the dancers and their moms to market/promote themselves. 

Edited by StayingAfterSunday

I was reading an r/relationships thread on reddit the other day. The poster was asking about when to tell her boyfriend that her brother was a child sex offender and the poster mentioned that her brother loved Dance Moms. Ugh.

That has always been a concern for me.  These Dance Moms may be bad, but a lot of these women who push their kids into dance do so because they crave attention of any kind.  And these dance shows are likely open to the public.  You get a single guy that picks up women at one of these shows and gets access to her kid?  Oh boy.  And these are the sort of women that are so desperate for any attention that they would happily sacrifice their child to get it.  


I remember watching one of the early episodes, where Abby had the girls dressing like "prosti-tots" and the girls are walking around this hotel convention center and people are looking at them and all I could think is how easy it would be for some pervert to do something.  This show has to have some viewers that are watching for all the wrong reasons.

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That has always been a concern for me.  These Dance Moms may be bad, but a lot of these women who push their kids into dance do so because they crave attention of any kind.  And these dance shows are likely open to the public.  You get a single guy that picks up women at one of these shows and gets access to her kid?  Oh boy.  And these are the sort of women that are so desperate for any attention that they would happily sacrifice their child to get it.  


I remember watching one of the early episodes, where Abby had the girls dressing like "prosti-tots" and the girls are walking around this hotel convention center and people are looking at them and all I could think is how easy it would be for some pervert to do something.  This show has to have some viewers that are watching for all the wrong reasons.


Oh, I remember that episode, and seem to recall some of the posts on here (or was it TWoP?) that voiced concern over the whole disturbing spectacle. 

And now, here we are several years later; Abby's girls have aged out of the "mini" category, for the most part, so now it seems logical that this sort of costuming will continue along a certain predictable path:   Prosti-tots (I love it) to Prostiteens, and then -- well, we won't go there....


ps:   I still can't get over that "Bond Girl" outfit Maddie was catting around in for her solo.  Who selected it? 

Edited by StayingAfterSunday
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Oh, I remember that episode, and seem to recall some of the posts on here (or was it TWoP?) that voiced concern over the whole disturbing spectacle. 

And now, here we are several years later; Abby's girls have aged out of the "mini" category, for the most part, so now it seems logical that this sort of costuming will continue along a certain predictable path:   Prosti-tots (I love it) to Prostiteens, and then -- well, we won't go there....


ps:   I still can't get over that "Bond Girl" outfit Maddie was catting around in for her solo.  Who selected it? 

I noticed Abby had the mini's dressed in little outfits that were almost as bad.  And their mothers put them in that super adult makeup.....its just bad....bad, bad, bad

As originally conceived, I believe Dance Moms was Lifetime's attempt to cash in on TLC's Toddlers And Tiaras bandwagon.  T&T was itself inspired by the attention that the Jon Benet Ramsey murder brought to those pageants, and the way they prematurely and overly sexualized prepubescent girls.


And so the main focus of the first season was the risqué routines and coshtumes, including one episode (the dollar-bill fan dance maybe?) that Lifetime promised to never air again.


After that negative publicity, they morphed the show into one where Abby would treat everyone not named Maddie or Melissa like shit.

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Ugh, why do they keep ordering episodes when it is clearly way past it's prime?


I have no willpower to stop watching shows when they start to suck, so I really rely on networks cancelling them to force me to.  

  • Love 10

ps:   I still can't get over that "Bond Girl" outfit Maddie was catting around in for her solo.  Who selected it? 


I don't understand the offense over an incredibly modest standard mock turtle neck leotard?  Is it because of the color?  The armbands?  That leotard is much more modest than the standard ones in the Capezio ad.

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Maddie's latest Capezio video - I really like it even tho I have never been a real fan of Maddie's. I do think she is doing much better without Abby's influence and growing leaps and bounds.


Maddie is great in this ad, but the premise of the ad is sort of self-defeating for Capezio.  Sending a message that is derisive of barre is really dumb for serious dancers.  There is an order and reverence to ballet class that should be followed.  You only get to go to center work once you have properly warmed up - there is a well defined progression to a ballet class, and breaking the mold of it could actually injure a dancer.


Never mind the disrespect to a standard colored basic tank leotard that is a sign of ballet level in a school.  Capezio makes far more money off of basic leotards and ballet shoes than anything else - these are the foundations that most little ones start with, and they are also by far the most often replaced items in a studio or ballet academy dancer's wardrobe.

Edited by NextIteration
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I agree that the capezio ad is snubbing the traditional ballet system that I would assume has been a big part of capezio's customer base for years. Interesting they would do an ad like that, but maybe they think those traditional ballet kids aren't big dance moms fans anyways and they are appealing to a different sef of people.

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Maddy Bond girl outfit would've looked less risqué if she'd had on tights. It may have been a thee neck but it looked almost flesh colored and painted on. The legs were very high cut, too. Wasn't a bra top and booty shorts, but it was a little much for a 12 year old. Almost all of their costumes are though. Maddy isn't isolated.

She's 13.  And back when my 21 was her age, the look would have been to add nude tights with crystals either scattered or on the seam - but from what I've seen the trend now is very nice leotards for many styles and no tights.  Most of the "contemporary" pieces that we watched in this age group last summer were costumed similarly.  The only issue I had with it is that she wasn't wearing petals or boobeez under it, at Maddies age, those should be standard in her competition kit.  I know if I went and dug into my daughter's old kit, both kinds are still in there.

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Yeah, I mean, it is disturbing to think that the girls may be getting attention from sick people but I don't think that dancing in long-sleeved, floor-length shapeless sacks is the solution to that problem.


From a general perspective, good sized competitions in performing arts center or high schools with great auditoriums never concerned me from a "pedo" perspective, you can pretty much tell that everyone is family by behaviors - but we do have a few four-five day huge competitions at the convention center.  Those were the competitions where I insisted (and it was a team rule, followed more loosely than you'd like), that my kid had her team suit on going back and forth to different parts of the center.


What is creepy, is that Dance Moms competitions sell tickets for observing which to me is motivation to have strangers around.

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Ugh... Can she just go to jail already? I'm so tired of having this dragged out.


Oh, and of course she's blaming any possible fraud on others. Of course ... (Spoiler Alert: After she finishes talking about the fraud she starts talking about the show, and there might be a spoiler. I'm not sure because I'm not on the current season)


Edited by takalotti
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I don't think the spoiler in regards to

Maddie and SYTYCD is true because all of the judges are confirmed as returning and Cat is being advertised as the host. Maybe they are planning on adding another judge or a special correspondent for the kids point of view? I don't know, but I tell you one thing, I'd rather see Maddie judge kids/tweens then Nigel or Jason. That's going to be really weird to me because neither of them has shown that they are able to consistently be appropriate. I think Paula can pull off commenting on a 13 year old without coming off as pervy or inappropriate but I don't believe those two can. It's not because they are men either, it's because they are who they are. 

So I guess my point is, of all she had to say in that article, that's the least objectionable lol. 

I couldn't tell if she was saying, "My dad did the bookkeeping well, but then he retired/died and I had to rely on people who aren't family," or "My dad did the bookkeeping and I trusted him just because he was family, but I guess he screwed up."

I think she's saying that her father did the job well.  The other people after him screwed up.  I think she's a liar and knew what she was doing.

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She was hacked, I'm sure!

In all seriousness, I don't actually hate Abby so much that I want her in jail. I just want her off my fucking screen. I want her stripped of all this fake celebrity that has severely overloaded her ego which was inflated enough pre-series. I want her taken down enough pegs that she wakes up to her delusions.

It's just that if going to jail is what it takes for all that to happen, I'm cool with it.

Edited by takalotti
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I didn't realize M&M left the show?  Although I guess it's really just about Maddie ... poor Kenz, Abby always treated her like she wasn't as good and never will be as good as Maddie (and Melissa let her / affirmed that!!).


So Maddie and Kenzie are gone, with maybe more kids gone, and 10 episodes left. So sad :( Wonder what Kenzie will do now.

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