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S06.E05: Lover's Leap

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10 minutes ago, LucyHoneychrrch said:

I spent the entire ten seasons of this show quietly crushing on Steve Sanders. I KNOW, OKAY? But I'd be lying if I said I didn't make that shirtless photo the background on my phone. /shame spiral

You have a thing for guys who buttoned his shirts all the way up to their necks?

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I didn't rewatch the episode - and, of course, Valerie's backstory gets taffy pulled all over the place as the series goes on - but just from the clips, I could tell TAT was doing a good job with this material.  And I had forgotten about the e-mail from Cindy, that was a nice surprise!

Brandon is such a cock - Valerie was trying to open up and 1) he tries to stop her unburdening herself to him and then 2) tries to push her off on her mom. 

Hi Gut Check Hill Over The Highway!  We WILL see you again!

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Donna and that stupid mouse/rat (Mouse Rat!)...it reminds me of that annoying plotline next season where she gets trapped in a forest fire because she was trying to rescue a baby deer, even though the baby deer is probably smarter than her, and that hot fire fighter (Cliff, I think) rescues her and falls in love with her because she's a real life Snow White, even though she put her life and his life in danger. God, I hate the canonization of St. Donna of the Cleavage Cavern.

While I think Jennie Garth is pretty, she's in the same room as the Noxema girl. 99% of people are not going to be the prettiest girl in the room if they're in a room with Rebecca Gayhart. So really, show, let's dial it back. But her hair is still looking great, in my opinion.

I am looking forward to Val and David getting together. It's nice that she has someone who is on her side, unlike Brandon and Dylan. Tracy was recently brought up in one of the forums and while Tracy is sooooo boring and is obviously a place holder until Kelly and Brandon get back together, I really liked her and Val's friendship. It was nice that Val had someone on her side and didn't care about Kelly/Donna/Claire. I've said before that I'll never be 100% with Val, but I do hate seeing her get ganged up on.

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Nightmare Suicide Hallway is my new Nordic Death Metal band. Until some of the members leave and we re-form into Nightmare Suicide Bathroom.

Side project: Album of Electronica entitled "This Collection Of Bitchfaces"

Side Side Project: Yacht Rock group, "Crew-dites"

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One thing I do like about Tracey is that she didn't let Brandon off the hook at the end.  He dumps her and does the whole "can we be friends" thing and she basically says she can't be friends with a douche-bag like him.  I like that she finds her great guy later on.

I really wish Kelly's bitchiness wasn't always "right in the end".  She's mean to almost every new person (Suzanne and Val) from the start, before they can prove themselves. I don't like how the show justifies her behavior- like she's got a 6th sense or something.

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The best is when brandon sees a picture of him and tracy and looks all nostalgic like he wants her back.  Bitch please. He  couldn't dump her fast enough. 

I do think rebecca gayhart is really pretty, but her acting is really not on par. And how annoying is it every second when she says " my father". Idk why I notice these things lol. I do find toni and dylan cute together and that is the only time i'll say dylan looks cute with anyone because usually he is a miserable choice of a boyfriend. 

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1 hour ago, MerBearStare said:

Donna and that stupid mouse/rat (Mouse Rat!)...it reminds me of that annoying plotline next season where she gets trapped in a forest fire because she was trying to rescue a baby deer, even though the baby deer is probably smarter than her, and that hot fire fighter (Cliff, I think) rescues her and falls in love with her because she's a real life Snow White, even though she put her life and his life in danger. God, I hate the canonization of St. Donna of the Cleavage Cavern.

I had forgotten about Donna and the deer but you're right, that was probably St. Donna at her worst.  LOL about the baby deer being smarter.  I totally agree with that.

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I sort of appreciated that they tried to treat ECT as a legitimate therapy, and not as a cruel punishment for nonconformity (the way it's portrayed everywhere else in all of pop culture). The writing was risible, but hey, it's 90210.

Edited by Stowaway
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2 hours ago, TeeVee329 said:

Has there been any mention between these two that she used to date his friend?

No, not until next season when they go to the beach club reunion and she gets mad about Steve and Kelly sleeping together in high school.  She makes some point about how incestuous their little group is with each other.  Her pissiness about it comes out of nowhere because in the Unreal World episode she is there when Steve says that if Kelly would take him back, he would go in a second.  She's known for years that they dated.

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On Thursday, February 16, 2017 at 8:45 AM, MerBearStare said:

Donna and that stupid mouse/rat (Mouse Rat!)...it reminds me of that annoying plotline next season where she gets trapped in a forest fire because she was trying to rescue a baby deer, even though the baby deer is probably smarter than her, and that hot fire fighter (Cliff, I think) rescues her and falls in love with her because she's a real life Snow White, even though she put her life and his life in danger. God, I hate the canonization of St. Donna of the Cleavage Cavern.

This was the stupidest thing Donna has done on this show and even though I knew she would get rescued, I was  hoping she would die of smoke inhalation and the fawn would eat her.

On Thursday, February 16, 2017 at 8:45 AM, MerBearStare said:

I am looking forward to Val and David getting together. It's nice that she has someone who is on her side, unlike Brandon and Dylan. Tracy was recently brought up in one of the forums and while Tracy is sooooo boring and is obviously a place holder until Kelly and Brandon get back together, I really liked her and Val's friendship. It was nice that Val had someone on her side and didn't care about Kelly/Donna/Claire. I've said before that I'll never be 100% with Val, but I do hate seeing her get ganged up on.

As much as I can't stand Brandon, I really wish they hadn't thrown away the opportunity for him and Val to be great friends.  It was ruined by that stupid retconned storyline of Val always being in love with Brandon and missing her opportunity with him even after they almost got together, as well as at every turn by Kelly who just refused to give Val a damn break even when Val was trying (which just pushed Val to scheme more).  She was so much nastier to Val than Val was to her, and all of her shitty friends, besides David, never said anything to her and just shrugged their shoulders in an "oh well" when Val gets kicked every time.  I hate to agree with Ray, but they all really are jerks.

Speaking of Kelly, her complete lack of disregard for David is so shitty and continues beyond this episode.  When David starts exhibiting


signs of manic depression/bipoloar disorder

later on this season (or maybe it was the next one....these seasons are waaaaay too long!), everyone else at least asks around about David, except for her and she's family!  Anytime David comes up, she quickly turns the conversation back to herself.  I don't understand how she's supposed to be the heroine when she's just a straight up bitch all the damn time! [/rant over].  And thank god she doesn't become a psychologist/psychiatrist/therapist because she's obviously not learning shit in college.  Worst psych major Evah!  I've already selected her as the season LVP

Edited by luckyroll3
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12 hours ago, CurlyATX said:

I really wish Kelly's bitchiness wasn't always "right in the end".  She's mean to almost every new person (Suzanne and Val) from the start, before they can prove themselves. 

Kelly's whole angst the first 3 seasons was about how she was slut shamed and superficially judged or excluded by strangers. So what she does is...immediately do this to every newbie woman joining the gang. Learned nothing! Can't with her. GTFO with this "oh this sucked when it happened to me, but I'm going to perpetuate the cycle with every challenging (due to her beauty or confidence) girl I meet" bs. 

And then she says stuff like she's empowered or has grown and it's like ... really? Seems like you've taken 5 steps back. 

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16 hours ago, TeeVee329 said:

I didn't rewatch the episode - and, of course, Valerie's backstory gets taffy pulled all over the place as the series goes on - but just from the clips, I could tell TAT was doing a good job with this material.  And I had forgotten about the e-mail from Cindy, that was a nice surprise!

Brandon is such a cock - Valerie was trying to open up and 1) he tries to stop her unburdening herself to him and then 2) tries to push her off on her mom. 

Hi Gut Check Hill Over The Highway!  We WILL see you again!

While I don't like to say this but to be fair to Brandon. He kind of did want to make sure if she wants to talk about it and telling her to talk to her mother was the right idea. He was out of his depth and he knew it. 

Kelly is the worst. This was her brother and she didn't even help him at all. What a jerk. It is kind of sad that other than Donna and Valerie, no one tried to help. I would think Clare and Steve would have attempted but noooope. 

David and Brandon are generally on Val's side. Finally we get to see her in a relationship where she's not 'evil'

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21 hours ago, CurlyATX said:

Steve's privilege just is too much for me. 

ITA. I agree that of the regular cast, Steve, personality-wise is the best choice and of all the characters, I thought he grew up the most. But man, the way they sometimes make him racist-ish and elitist is too much for me. In theory, I would probably go for a "MR. LIBERAL"-type like Brandon, but he's such an annoying BRAY in the ass there's no way. Dylan is a stick insect and no way I date a man with a waist smaller than mine. David - nope. Not with his orange juice addictions and tone of voice set to perpetual bitch. Now that I think about it, I NEVER liked any of the guys of the niner. I think the closest I came was liking - a little bit - S1 and S2 Delicious!Cumin! Dylan before he became aggro asshole SOD!Dylan. 

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1 hour ago, Klaw said:

way I date a man with a waist smaller than mine

A little TMI, I dated a guy in college like this.  I used to go for tall and thin but somehow I got so freaked out that his thighs were smaller than mine (and I'm a very petite gal).  I guess this proves that I wouldn't have been in The Gang since I wouldn't have wanted to date them all. 

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I think dylan was very over rated by the ladies. Brandon and David were much cuter, with steve for the personality win. David's personality could be cute at times too. 

I have to say, I don't buy that Donna was really in love with David at the end of the show. I think they ended up together  by default because Noah did something shady so Donna then became single for a day...After Donna lost her virginity to David, she seemed very cold to him and moved on to Noah in a hot second.

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I think Toni, Susan, Clare (with better make up), and (obviously) Val are prettier than Kelly. This isn't to say Kelly isn't pretty but none of these women should feel insecure next to her. Plus, they all have better personalities to make them more attractive.

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Speaking of St. Donna...we all can look forward to her and Joe's car breaking down in the "bad" neighborhood and them taking care of those kids whose mother had to work...they really did lay it on thick making her a savior.

Watching that episode on Pop right now. I find myself wanting to punch Donna.

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I sort of appreciated that they tried to treat ECT as a legitimate therapy, and not as a cruel punishment for nonconformity (the way it's portrayed everywhere else in all of pop culture). The writing was risible, but hey, it's 90210.

Agree. I cringed when I realized they were headed in that direction.

On a personal note, my sister credits ECT with saving her life. She had been in the hospital multiple times for several weeks (don't get me started on how someone who attempted suicide isn't in a regular hospital room with GLASS vases of flowers like the dimwits on TV always show). It was still up to her and the only reason it was discussed with me is because she wanted to hear my opinion. The doctors would have never let me talk her into it though.

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6 hours ago, Flamingo said:

Watching that episode on Pop right now. I find myself wanting to punch Donna.

I have been home a lot this week and have been watching this stretch of episodes on Pop. I have really been enjoying them, actually! I feel like this was the last gasp of this show. The writers were still building on ongoing events with the characters, and they were pretty consistent. The new characters really helped out. It is so frustrating to know that after Kelly's coke addiction, this show pretty much stops trying. The SWF Tara nonsense killed it. I am so sorry for the podcast recappers, because this is the beginning of the end. But the end drags out for five more years.

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Why has no one brought up Donna's scarily long toenails in the GIF of the mouse wrangling?  I think I'd rather cuddle a rat/mouse than touch those talons.  Eep!

Screen Shot 2017-02-20 at 12.02.05 PM copy.jpg

Edited by Corey Ann
Pics needed adding so I'm not the only one horrified
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35 minutes ago, Corey Ann said:

Why has no one brought up Donna's scarily long toenails in the GIF of the mouse wrangling?  I think I'd rather cuddle a rat/mouse than touch those talons.  Eep!

Screen Shot 2017-02-20 at 12.02.05 PM copy.jpg

Please god let that be some sort of terrible optical illusion and not really long toenails! PLEASE! Barf!

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I know it could have been cheesy, but the revelation at the end that Val regularly tempts herself like this just shows how badass she is. Our hosts have mentioned this before, but she really is too good for these other dummies.

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Didn't think of this until just now but nice of Dylan to put Brandon and Susan's life at risk by snooping around the house of a mobster while they were in the mansion.  Speaking of which, nice to Brandon to put Susan's life in danger there because he knew what Dylan was doing with Marchette.

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