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S01.E04: Fight, Flight or Freeze


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Ok..every week some new tactic is introduced.  It makes me crazy.  All of a sudden a license plate reader?

Why did that guy who helped Thu and her Sentra have to let the woman in?  Why was she allowed to search the whole house like that?  She said they had to let her in...what?  Is that new?   Then the two woman who went to the couple's house and searched without a warrant or anything.  I remember English telling her mother to use their social media to create diversions but the one girl got a hold of their computers and phones.

Thank God the middle eastern guys were safe.  I was holding my breath when they went to get money.  

David and Emily sighting!!!  Do the hunters get close next week?? 

Thu and Sentra made me shake my head... they had no idea they were going to be caught like that..especially after being so careful before that.

  • Love 7

There is only one thing I know about this show, and that is that I will not be back for season 2. Every damn minute some new convenience presents itself, and I absolutely refuse to believe the hunters are not getting fed information by production. All of a sudden they are hot on the trail in Vidalia Georgia because.....some friend who he knew 5 years ago randomly has their cell phone in that town? I've been in 4 different towns today, does that mean I'm harboring someone?

Then you've got those poor Asian girls. I refuse to believe they are that stupid. Someone posted a rumor that contestants are required to move 5 miles every 2 days. That is the only explanation I can come up with for them leaving their perfectly off the grid digs, as they were in so much better shape than that other Florida couple who tried to rough it and was exhausted after 3 days.

This show is maddening. Last week's magical drone/boat hunt really pissed me off, and nearly this whole episode did. Pretty clear at this point that David and Emily and maybe the escape room guys have the only chance at winning, based on the editing.

  • Love 15
  On 2/9/2017 at 2:48 AM, TheRabbi said:

There is only one thing I know about this show, and that is that I will not be back for season 2. Every damn minute some new convenience presents itself, and I absolutely refuse to believe the hunters are not getting fed information by production. All of a sudden they are hot on the trail in Vidalia Georgia because.....some friend who he knew 5 years ago randomly has their cell phone in that town? I've been in 4 different towns today, does that mean I'm harboring someone?

Then you've got those poor Asian girls. I refuse to believe they are that stupid. Someone posted a rumor that contestants are required to move 5 miles every 2 days. That is the only explanation I can come up with for them leaving their perfectly off the grid digs, as they were in so much better shape than that other Florida couple who tried to rough it and was exhausted after 3 days.

This show is maddening. Last week's magical drone/boat hunt really pissed me off, and nearly this whole episode did. Pretty clear at this point that David and Emily and maybe the escape room guys have the only chance at winning, based on the editing.


Well that makes sense now about moving every 2 days.  All of the sudden after 15 days they need a taco?  I guess they ran out of woods and decided to go for it. It's an irritating show.

  • Love 8

I understand that there have to be rules, like moving every two days, because it would be way too easy (and boring) to hole up in some random old friend's house or in the woods, but tell us the rules.   I have a feeling they are keeping it vague because there is so much "reenacting" of real investigative techniques, i.e., the hunters are being fed information by production because real hunters with resources and warrants might be able to get the information using real techniques.  That might be okay if they were subtle about it.   But they're forgetting to make it realistic enough to be watchable.  Tracking a random person's phone because someone said the pretend fugitives are with her and then guessing they got on a boat and sending a drone?  Repeatedly stumbling upon the one friend who happens to be helping them?   Searching random people's houses?  One team did internet research on kayaking, so of course that's what they're doing RIGHT NOW, even though the kayak was presented as a spur of the moment plan.   I liked seeing the fugitives come up with new ideas to elude the hunters and imagining what I would do, but it's gotten so ridiculous that I'm only staying because my kids like it.  And even they're saying that they've had to stop worrying about the fugitives and just cheer for the hunters since they're always going to "guess" right and win. 

  • Love 13

Oh my stars and garters, goodness gracious me and fuck the creator.  What an ill conceived show. They thought this would be what? Fun? Interesting? What? What? I agree with every post. 

I would like to see a season 2 with the fugitives and us knowing the details.

If, we all knew the rules this could be very nifty. 

Edited by wings707
  • Love 13

I liked the Asian girls, but they deserved to be caught for risking it all for Taco Bell.  They were into the food so hard they didn't hear a large SUV come squeeling up behind them, or the people rushing up to their door.  

Doctor and hubbie seem too naive to be left on their own.  They're going to get caught five miles from departure site.  Doctor was showing signs of a Walmart breakdown.

"Pastor's daughter" and her flat iron are dead weight.  Red is doing all the heavy lifting.  She will probably be tagged while doing her hair.  Too bad there's not an option to ditch your partner.  He could be gone for miles before she noticed.  

I was very concerned for the Muslim pair.  Since the kayak came up when they had to ditch all plans, I find it very hard to believe they were googling kayaking routs.  The shorter guy seems pretty out of shape, and they didn't seem to have proper clothing.  Not buying it. 

Really disliking the hunters.  The one lady seemed to think she was hunting a true fugitive, and I did not like they way she forced herself into that house and interrogated that man.  He looked terrified.  PD's father was an asshole and refused to give any info, and the one guy's wife was evasive and even lied.   I don't like how the rules keep changing. 

  • Love 6

Yeah, the more I watch this show, the more I think what it really needs is a change in tone. I completely agree with everyone who says we need a clearer explanation of the rules. But right now, I feel like I'm watching a bitter jury from Survivor interrogate a twitchy finalist. It's uncomfortable. I need everyone to remember it is a game. I'd lighten up with the "command center." Make it more game-like, less life-and-death. Emphasize there are game rules everyone has agreed upon. Even reiterate the game rules throughout, to remind the audience that it is a game. Every time the hunters try a new trick, explain it -- like it's a Roadblock or a Detour on Amazing Race. Repetition enhances the "game" aspect to it. Heck, get a host and have them explain it.

The contestants can help with this, by being instructed in their confessionals to use the word "game." Even if they're crying that they never thought the game would be so hard, like Big Brother contestants do -- at least it reinforces the point that it is, in fact, a game.

I just think the tone throws the show off, and it's especially weird given this odd political climate. "Could you escape if the government was hunting you? Let's find out!" I mean, Survivor hasn't stayed on the air for 33 seasons because they described their show as "Want to see people starve? And then get paranoid and turn on each other like Lord of the Flies?" No, it's a game. And this is a game, too -- so I'm not quite sure why this show is pretending that it's not.

  • Love 8
  On 2/7/2017 at 1:10 PM, MarkHB said:

while observing the daily sundown-to-sunrise fast during Ramadan.


That's incorrect.  The fast is during the day, so it should read sunrise to sundown.

  On 2/9/2017 at 5:06 AM, Eolivet said:

I just think the tone throws the show off, and it's especially weird given this odd political climate. "Could you escape if the government was hunting you? Let's find out!"


When they were doing the license plate scanning, I kept thinking, "Which side are you on? Do you want law enforcement to have all the information possible or do you not want the government to know every single time you pass a traffic camera?"  I do not know which side I'm supposed to be rooting for on this show.

  • Love 7

I agree that the tone of the hunters is a big problem, along with the lack of transparency about the rules. So a hunter sneers that the kayak guys will decide they need money and make a mustake, when in reality they're REQUIRED to take out money at least twice. 

And I agree that the house searching was strange. Apparently the friends have agreed to answer questions, but they all should have been told they don't have to let hunters in their houses without a fake warrant. At the very least, it would slow the hunters down.

The audiologist bragged about being so organized and then had NO plan other than to hitch? What trucker has room for two people and a camera crew? But I can't even enjoy her ineptitude because the hunters would have pulled some new advantage out of the air, even if she'd been smarter. 

Aaargh, this show. 

  • Love 9
  On 2/9/2017 at 2:30 AM, NYGirl said:

Why did that guy who helped Thu and her Sentra have to let the woman in?  Why was she allowed to search the whole house like that?  She said they had to let her in...what?  Is that new?  


That drove me crazy, I was screaming "don't let her in!" at the TV, why does she have the right to search the house? If this was RL, she would need a warrant, & that means proving to a judge there's a valid reason. This show is ridiculous. 

  On 2/9/2017 at 2:48 AM, TheRabbi said:

There is only one thing I know about this show, and that is that I will not be back for season 2. Every damn minute some new convenience presents itself, and I absolutely refuse to believe the hunters are not getting fed information by production. All of a sudden they are hot on the trail in Vidalia Georgia because.....some friend who he knew 5 years ago randomly has their cell phone in that town? I've been in 4 different towns today, does that mean I'm harboring someone?


Seriously. The woman suddenly decides to look at David's book again. sees Holly's name & decides out of the blue that she's the person to check out? I don't believe it for a minute, this show thinks we're all morons.

  • Love 10

Thought I was through with this show but stumbled on it again accidentally.  It gets worse and worse.

1, The post about the "tone" of the show being off is dead right.  Who in their right mind would ever root for the all powerful Big Brother establishment ever let alone these jerks "representing" same with their smugness etc. 

People always root for David against Goliath and when this Goliath is so mean spirited it is a no brainer to hate them.  It is just plain scary these people were involved at one level or another in said real establishment in the past because in their representin' on this show they make current members of all these various groups look like fellow thugs and ego-tripping power freaks by association.  Especially those inside The Wolf Blizer Room.  The ones in the cars seem almost normal by comparison.  Almost, but not quite.

2. Reference to showing the cameras again like they can access them?  They can't.

3. A real life clerk in a ice cream shop was it just happened to notice the color, make and model of one team's car?  Really?  Come on.  I could go on and on but you guys already mentioned other stuff.

And yes they do have to move at least 5 miles every two days and have to use an ATM at least twice.  Why would they not say that straight out?  Didn't they know everyone would just throw up their hands at the teams suddenly bolting for no real reason when they were safe?  Without such major rules like this let alone the minor ones the show makes no logical, common sense.

I'm 100% calling out this show in the form of the camera crew calling in central production and giving them all the information then production re-doctoring it so Team Smug and Arrogant can suddenly "solve" stuff inside The Wolf Blitzer Room.  It is totally fake from beginning to end.

Come right back at me producers and post here and prove I am wrong.  I know you won't because you can't.

Edited by green
  • Love 15

I was never a reality tv person but this looked like a  fun high stakes hide and go seak but after the first episode it looked waaaaaay too stacked in favor of the seekers so I settled for the recaps and it still looks like the hiders never had a chance which is no fair.

Edited by Chaos Theory
Because apparently English is too difficult for me.
  • Love 4

As ridiculous as this show is I still think about ways to beat their system.  Every scenario I create is flawed.  And apparently so am I for even going there. 

I am waiting for a K-9 unit to catch someone.  They have to do that, right?  

I would love to see a season 2 with drastic changes.  Their personal computers are hidden or off limits. What criminal leaves that behind after googling ways to escape notice?  Or stops at an ATM?  Good god. 

  • Love 5

And I really, really have a bone to pick with the timeline. So, after four episodes, David and Emiley have been on the run for approximately the same amount of time as the Muslim pair, who have only been on air for two (ish) episodes? Yet the survivalist store folks were supposedly on the run for 18 days -- ostensibly the longest of anyone -- and were "captured" in one episode? The Tinder boys were also on the run for 14 days, and were captured in one episode? The same as the Asian girls, who we at least saw for two episodes? And now there's an entirely different pair on the run, but they're just starting out? While David and Emiley are on day 15?!

Again, I have no idea who's actually good at this game and who isn't. It would be like showing Amazing Race pairs all in different countries. There's a complete loss of perspective.

A leaderboard of sorts (with each team and the number of days they've been on the run) would help tremendously.

  • Love 12
  On 2/9/2017 at 3:13 PM, Eolivet said:

And I really, really have a bone to pick with the timeline. So, after four episodes, David and Emiley have been on the run for approximately the same amount of time as the Muslim pair, who have only been on air for two (ish) episodes? Yet the survivalist store folks were supposedly on the run for 18 days -- ostensibly the longest of anyone -- and were "captured" in one episode? The Tinder boys were also on the run for 14 days, and were captured in one episode? The same as the Asian girls, who we at least saw for two episodes? And now there's an entirely different pair on the run, but they're just starting out? While David and Emiley are on day 15?!


I'm guessing the team starts are staggered.

  On 2/9/2017 at 6:57 AM, green said:

Thought I was through with this show but stumbled on it again accidentally.  It gets worse and worse.

3. A real life clerk in a ice cream shop was it just happened to notice the color, make and model of one team's car?  Really?  Come on.  I could go on and on but you guys already mentioned other stuff.


These particular customers had a camera team with them.  That would make me watch them leave.

  • Love 5
  On 2/9/2017 at 6:57 AM, green said:

I'm 100% calling out this show in the form of the camera crew calling in central production and giving them all the information then production re-doctoring it so Team Smug and Arrogant can suddenly "solve" stuff inside The Wolf Blitzer room.  It is totally fake from beginning to end.


I agree.  And I think they told the guy in the red truck to stall and told him to buy ice.  The fugitives appeared to be discouraged rather than begging him to go faster.  And they weren't even waiting for him in his truck which would have shaved off some crucial seconds. 

  • Love 7
  On 2/9/2017 at 4:37 PM, wings707 said:

I agree.  And I think they told the guy in the red truck to stall and told him to buy ice.  The fugitives appeared to be discouraged rather than begging him to go faster.  And they weren't even waiting for him in his truck which would have shaved off some crucial seconds. 


Why in the world stand out in clear view so much?  It's like the two guys on the boat -- get inside, fer cryin' out loud.

  • Love 2
  On 2/9/2017 at 6:01 PM, Puffaroo said:

Why in the world stand out in clear view so much?  It's like the two guys on the boat -- get inside, fer cryin' out loud.


Because they knew.  That is all I can think of.   OR they felt safe having no idea what the hunters had at the finger tips to track them.  More likely the latter.   I thought they were looking pretty good there until the helicopter.  I assume they are caught next week but I am hoping we see someone being able to avoid capture by a stealth move at the last minute.  

Edited by wings707
  • Love 3
  On 2/9/2017 at 6:09 PM, wings707 said:

I am hoping we see someone being able to avoid capture by a stealth move at the last minute.  


My friend from the U.K., who said this show was great there, talked about some "fail-y fugitives" doing surprisingly well because the whole point of the show is chaotic evasion. I don't see how that's even possible with this U.S. version. Every time I think, "well, that's so random -- the hunters will never find that"...they do. On the contrary, it seems like only the over-planned teams have done well.

Speaking from personal preference, it's usually more fun to see an underdog blaze a trail to the end in some totally unexpected way rather than some game bot who has overthought every move to the n-th degree. But with this show, I don't see how the former is even possible.

  • Love 4
  On 2/9/2017 at 4:12 PM, basiltherat said:

At lease someone FINALLY had the idea TO CHANGE THEIR APPEARANCE by cutting off their hair!  And, smartly, AFTER accessing the ATM.


Bet the hunters find the place where they shaved and see the hair.  Just watch. Like that matters anyway.  They have not been finding them by sight. 

  • Love 6
  On 2/9/2017 at 6:55 PM, wings707 said:

Bet the hunters find the place where they shaved and see the hair.  Just watch. Like that matters anyway.  They have not been finding them by sight. 


And of course, they will find the place completely "randomly". The hunters will be driving around when one of them will say "Hmm, you know what? They had a drink of water 3 days ago, I bet they'll have to use the bathroom at some point. Hey look! there's a bathroom over there!, we should check it out!" And of course they'll find the hair on the floor.

  • Love 9
  On 2/9/2017 at 6:21 AM, GaT said:

That drove me crazy, I was screaming "don't let her in!" at the TV, why does she have the right to search the house? If this was RL, she would need a warrant, & that means proving to a judge there's a valid reason. This show is ridiculous. 

Seriously. The woman suddenly decides to look at David's book again. sees Holly's name & decides out of the blue that she's the person to check out? I don't believe it for a minute, this show thinks we're all morons.


To be fair they tracked each name and only she had suspicious behaver.

  • Love 1

While flipping channels after watching Six, we saw this one, got curious and decided  to watch it 1 hour before The 100.

Seriously, why did that guy let the investigator in? If was him, I would ask her first, are you a cop? do you have a search warrant?  no? fuck off (my husband just laughed at me), just because there's a tv crew following them, he would just let them in?

  • Love 8

There are a bunch of different previous posts that I should probably be quoting to respond to comments and put in my thoughts but it would be hard to catch everything.

Regarding the Law Enforcement going to hard - being jerks - To me this is the most interesting and perhaps most important part of the show. That's what they do - they lie, and intimidate, and pressure. Make the interviewee feel guilty even if they aren't. Keep asking to look around the house until the person relents because the average person wants to be helpful even though they have No Obligation to. If even a few people watching this show realize that I think it's beneficial.

In general I think that all these teams would probably have decent luck just asking strangers for help since they are obviously tracked with camera crew I'd imagine your average person might be willing to help just to be on TV or for the fun of it. You get automatic safety and credibility with that crew one would otherwise not have.
    I know some reality shows restrict what they can say to people, and we don't have that info, but there must be ways to work around that and get random people on your side to help out.

I'm not so bothered by the Hunters (re-enacting?) figuring something out and then jumping to that part of the chase because this all has to be edited down for broadcast. I'd like to think they are chasing down a ton of other leads that don't pan out and we just don't see them. But it sure would help our suspension of disbelief to at least occasionally see some wrong turns. We did see that with the rental car and them showing up to a house that was already vacated, but there should be more.

David and Emily - Totally second guessing things - but I would like to think I would be smart enough to tell anyone I was with to power off their phone since I know those can be tracked.

Trans - that is a shame - they were doing very well. They stuck with the same car too long. They should have probably known that licenses can be tracked. (I know in game world we've decided there are shenanigans regarding that but realistically they could easily find license plates with a warrant) Although, it's hard to get another ride without reaching out to people that LE might be tracking in some way.
   I don't know why their friend seemed to give up as much info as he did, but it seems like he wasn't actually that helpful overall.

Aarif & Immad - I liked them paddling to the ATM (did they buy any supplies there before or after getting the money?) but why did they not wait until their helpful driver was actually ready to go? It didn't turn out to matter, but it seems sloppy.
    Lake Hartwell is actually quite large, and borders GA & SC, so I wonder if realistically that might cause jurisdictional troubles the show doesn't have.

Forgot to add this -

As for the lack of planning - leaving computers and phones and such. I don't actually have a big problem with this. If the premise is that you have to Suddenly go on the run, then it's likely you might not be able to get or destroy all of that stuff.
Say you shot a guy in front of a bunch of people. "Shit, I gotta get out of here right now." That's what their hour head start is. Grab what you can and get moving. Now, if it's a different situation where you know you might be arrested and can plan, then there is opportunity to set up all sorts of options - and some teams have taken advantage of that. So it's kind of a cross between needing to immediately go away and being able to set up some help and for a game like this I am OK with that.

I still think that a lot of the LE tools they are using would take way longer to get than we seem to be seeing and that hurts the overall believability of the show.

  • Love 4
  On 2/9/2017 at 6:21 AM, GaT said:

That drove me crazy, I was screaming "don't let her in!" at the TV, why does she have the right to search the house? If this was RL, she would need a warrant, & that means proving to a judge there's a valid reason. This show is ridiculous. 

Seriously. The woman suddenly decides to look at David's book again. sees Holly's name & decides out of the blue that she's the person to check out? I don't believe it for a minute, this show thinks we're all morons.


I think the Hunter getting access to the house is instructive. We never saw him say, "NO." LE doesn't need a warrant if you say yes, and they will do everything they can to convince you, and it usually works. So remember, You Don't Have To Say Yes no matter what game they run on you.

I think the book part is believable if they are trying to nail down a circle of aquaintences but it would have been far more beleivable if we had seen them running down a bunch of those names that Didn't pan out. All we saw was the one that worked, so it seems fake. Maybe it was fake. I don't know. But I can see them over a week tracking down those names and ending up with the woman who drove way out of her normal area (assuming you can get warrants on all those phones somehow). That's why you have her turn off her phone so they never know she WENT to Vidalia.

  • Love 3
  On 2/9/2017 at 3:13 PM, Eolivet said:

And I really, really have a bone to pick with the timeline. So, after four episodes, David and Emiley have been on the run for approximately the same amount of time as the Muslim pair, who have only been on air for two (ish) episodes? Yet the survivalist store folks were supposedly on the run for 18 days -- ostensibly the longest of anyone -- and were "captured" in one episode? The Tinder boys were also on the run for 14 days, and were captured in one episode? The same as the Asian girls, who we at least saw for two episodes? And now there's an entirely different pair on the run, but they're just starting out? While David and Emiley are on day 15?!

Again, I have no idea who's actually good at this game and who isn't. It would be like showing Amazing Race pairs all in different countries. There's a complete loss of perspective.

A leaderboard of sorts (with each team and the number of days they've been on the run) would help tremendously.


According to the Review posted right above your post the English and Whoever team started out appox a month earlier than the David and Whoever team. 

Reviewer used Tropical Storm Colin to pinpoint the latest team's departure date as in the first week in June whereas we know the June calendar that Team Wolf Blitzer has is based on imprints from the July calendar page where the original stuff was written.  Written by what party is another thing.  I'm assuming it was just a show plant put there by production at this point.

Man compare this show to the early seasons of The Amazing Race before all the gimmicks took over and you have the absolute classy peak of reality TV (TAR) and the absolute armpit of the genre (this crapper).  Safe to say this show won't win any Emmys anytime soon let alone a mantelpiece full of them like The Amazing Race has.

(OT: Got to add that the first two Anderson Cooper-hosted seasons of The Mole were really really good and as intellectually fun as TAR too but those seasons were it for that show.  It dropped like a lead balloon after Cooper left.  And kudos for Survivor "surviving" quite well all these years even though I view it more as my guilty pleasure show.  But the chess-like strategy stuff with human psychology and emotions intervening is sometimes awesome on it.  Never saw any other reality show remotely approaching those three). 

Edited by green
  • Love 5
  On 2/10/2017 at 5:48 AM, green said:

Reviewer used Tropical Storm Colin to pinpoint the latest team's departure date as in the first week in June whereas we know the June calendar that Team Wolf Blitzer has is based on imprints from the July calendar page where the original stuff was written. 


Wow. OK, knowing that, I'm even more irritated with the show and I didn't think that was possible. So, what they ostensibly should've done is devoted each episode (or two, if they made it far) to one pair, so we could see their time on the run, the obstacles they encountered and how they were caught. It would also have given us a good barometer as to which teams actually did well. This makes it more of a documentary style (an Undercover Boss-type deal) more than a competition.

But no. This show decided it had to be a reality competition. So, they spliced together entirely different timelines to create the illusion that teams are on the run at the same time, when they're months apart?! We're seeing 11th place finishers and final 4 pairs -- pre-merge boots and late jury boots all at once. It's the Dogs and cats! Living together! reality competition apocalypse.

Show, if you're going to mess with the laws of time and space and fool your audience into thinking you're something you're not, at least have the decency to produce a good product. Now I feel like I'm watching a non-linear novel, and not a very good one.

  • Love 6

I agree with all the posts regarding the revealing of the rules and most everything else. It's too bad, because I think the premise is fantastic. IMO, they found some great characters to play as fugitives. The hunters could use some more personality.

One thought I had is why couldn't you just trade the ATM card and PIN for cash. You could trade it with someone who is committed to helping you. Suddenly you have cash and possibly could get the hunters following a false lead. It may be against the rules, which I would know if I knew the rules.

There's an OnDemand "Behind the Scenes" episode. Maybe I'll watch it and see if the rules are explained.

  • Love 1
  On 2/10/2017 at 6:14 PM, tvsoothesthespirit said:

I agree with all the posts regarding the revealing of the rules and most everything else. It's too bad, because I think the premise is fantastic. IMO, they found some great characters to play as fugitives. The hunters could use some more personality.

One thought I had is why couldn't you just trade the ATM card and PIN for cash. You could trade it with someone who is committed to helping you. Suddenly you have cash and possibly could get the hunters following a false lead. It may be against the rules, which I would know if I knew the rules.

There's an OnDemand "Behind the Scenes" episode. Maybe I'll watch it and see if the rules are explained.


Please let us know if that behind the scenes reveals anything pertinent!

  On 2/10/2017 at 6:14 PM, tvsoothesthespirit said:

I agree with all the posts regarding the revealing of the rules and most everything else. It's too bad, because I think the premise is fantastic. IMO, they found some great characters to play as fugitives. The hunters could use some more personality.

One thought I had is why couldn't you just trade the ATM card and PIN for cash. You could trade it with someone who is committed to helping you. Suddenly you have cash and possibly could get the hunters following a false lead. It may be against the rules, which I would know if I knew the rules.

There's an OnDemand "Behind the Scenes" episode. Maybe I'll watch it and see if the rules are explained.


I  looked for this.  Do you have any more information that might help me find it?  There is a drama series with the same name and they have a show that says "extras."  Maybe that is what you saw and didn't realize there were 2 shows?

Edited by wings707

Is this the video you are looking for (at bottom of this post)?  You learn a few things - especially that Lenny is a smug condescending bastard.  If you're planning on applying to this show, I wouldn't give away your strategy - someone in production is probably reading all the forums.  That is typical; especially at the beginning of a show.

The things I noted is he said they had a lot of aviation support including thermal imaging (where a helicopter with special equipment can fly overhead and see a thermal image of your body; even through the trees in a heavily forested area). He also mentioned K-9 support.

They mention the camera people using Go-Pros, but it was against the rules for the hunters to hack into them.  (hmmm - I wonder if they could ping the camera person's phone?)

They mention "$100 a day" from the ATM card.  I had previously only heard "$100 at a time".

They also said they only had 9 cars stationed across the 100,000 miles.  That makes it seem that the cars are very spread out.  So even if they got an ATM hit; there wasn't necessarily a search car nearby.  I call red herring on that.  They are going to position the cars in the area  where they think a team is.  And I want to know if those 9 cars stayed active all the way to the end.  In other words; did the last 2 or 3 teams have all 9 cars searching for them?


Edited by kharley
  • Love 6
  On 2/11/2017 at 1:09 PM, kharley said:

They also said they only had 9 cars stationed across the 100,000 miles.  That makes it seem that the cars are very spread out.  So even if they got an ATM hit; there wasn't necessarily a search car nearby.  I call red herring on that.  They are going to position the cars in the area  where they think a team is.  And I want to know if those 9 cars stayed active all the way to the end.  In other words; did the last 2 or 3 teams have all 9 cars searching for them?




Thanks for the info you garnered.

The teams were staggered so they were NOT all on the run at the same time.  See above in the Review where the newest team we saw actually started a full month before the first team we saw in Episode 1.  The show is totally fake.

And the area they covered is pretty small drive-wise.  100,000 miles, haha, what a spin doctor. That's square miles.  It is only a few hundred miles to cross on an interstate so 9 cars is more than enough to track maybe 2 teams max at a time.  Especially since production would send one up to near the starting point when a team was ready to jump off no doubt since production knew where they lived.

Even the car most farthest away could most likely get to any place "ballpark wise" they wanted them to get to in less than 4 or 5 hours on the interstate.  And the cars spread out like that one would always be within maybe an hour or two tops away.

Edited by green
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Thanks for that link.  I got a few things out of it.  They are taking applications now for season 2.  Lenny is a smug and repugnant man.   

A few rules and random pieces of info:

Not allowed to hack go pros. The cameramen are discreet so they don't attract attention in public.  

Get ATM hit within 1 hour, photo/video included.

Off grid is impossible because they have heat detection cameras on helicopter.  

Up to 100 a day withdrawal. 

They use dogs.   

They claim they only know your name.

Lenny said they do not divulge all the tracking methods they use because they don't want them to be known to real criminals that the department is actually tracking.  


Something I read said they had to travel at least 5 miles every 3 days.  Did anyone see that? None of the rules were mentioned other than the ATM.

Edited by wings707
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New plan.  Forget going off the grid, not that I considered that.  But good if anyone was, saves the expense and bother to carry all the stuff needed.  

Season 2 has a huge advantage in setting up places to hide with people who are not traceable to them.  It is possible to use Uber if your stranger/host calls one for you.  And that, of course, depends on them not knowing where you are because you did some smart planning ahead, the minute you applied.   

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  On 2/10/2017 at 5:48 AM, green said:

Reviewer used Tropical Storm Colin to pinpoint the latest team's departure date as in the first week in June whereas we know the June calendar that Team Wolf Blitzer has is based on imprints from the July calendar page where the original stuff was written. 


Correction: the hunters are using a July calendar page, and the imprints are from the June page that was above it.  So in this case the dates could roughly align regardless of what might have gone on with the other teams.

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So I'm in full eye-roll mode now. So the two bearded dudes (do I really not care enough to even look up their names? That seems to be the case...) meet some people who happen to mention that they have a kayak. Which makes it extra-special convenient that one of the guys looked up something about kayaking.

Not canoeing. Not paddling. Not boating. KAYAKING.

I'm surprised that they didn't google something about traveling specifically via a red tandem kayak....

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I'm sorry I left you all hanging! I watched the OnDemand "behind the scenes" video (it was just listed with the other episodes in my OnDemand menu) was a complete bust. It was basically just a 4 minute commercial for the show. That youtube video is way more informative.


If you're planning on applying to this show, I wouldn't give away your strategy - someone in production is probably reading all the forums.  That is typical; especially at the beginning of a show.


I would love to do something like this. Too many commitments, unfortunately. My ideas are totally up for grabs.

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