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Quotes: "Oh dear God!"

SunShine Gal
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Niles: "Just how is that brandy getting here... by Saint Bernard?"


Niles: "Anything left in the box Pandora?"


Kate Costas to Frasier at the hospital: "Wouldn't you know it'd be my middle finger... how am I supposed to drive?"


A drunk Daphne in the limo with Bulldog: "Thanks, Pitbull! I had a nice time!"


Simon to Roz: "I'm starting to doubt that you're the mother of my children."

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The best part about it coming back on Cozi now is it's been a long time since I've seen it so a lot of stuff feels new (although looking forward to the parts I do remember, especially the no-dialogue Niles Gets Read for a Date where he passes out every time he looks at his finger).

Last night Niles had a sack of flour as a pretend baby to see what fatherhood was like - when he shows up to the apartment and it's all scorched and taped together.

"I was doing my morning Tai-Chi and accidentally kicked it into the Koi pond.  I put it near the fireplace to dry and it got a little....singed.  To be fair a real baby would have cried before it burst into flames".

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From episode 4.1:

Frasier: You know, if you and Maris ever reconcile, I'm gonna miss these tranquil mornings - I reading my newspaper, you tweezing your muffin!

And later:

Niles: Now she hyphenates. She goes by Moon-Crane.

Martin: I remember the first time I ever drove a moon crane. Nearly rolled it into the Sea of Tranquility.

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On 9/21/2016 at 2:05 PM, sigmaforce86 said:

Last night Niles had a sack of flour as a pretend baby to see what fatherhood was like - when he shows up to the apartment and it's all scorched and taped together.

"I was doing my morning Tai-Chi and accidentally kicked it into the Koi pond.  I put it near the fireplace to dry and it got a little....singed.  To be fair a real baby would have cried before it burst into flames".

Funniest episode of the series!  That dingo's got your baby!

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Niles comes out of the bathroom covered in shaving cream:  "I feel.....hot...and foamy"

Dad:  "Know what must have happened?  My Hot & Foamy must have exploded"

Daphne:  "He was a detective you know".

Besides being funny on it's own it's worth looking up the outtakes of this of you haven't seen them yet - they can't get past Daphne's line without cracking up and the more they try to do it the more they laugh.

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From episode 4.6, Mixed Doubles:

Frasier and Niles just spotted Rodney (the Niles clone who Daphne has been dating) with Adelle, the woman Niles has been dating. Niles is preparing to confront them, and Frasier says, "Niles! Whatever you do, do not engage him in a physical fight. The whole thing would just look too weird!"

And now I'm watching 4.7, A Lilith Thanksgiving, which is one of my all time favorites...where Frasier and Lilith are trying to get Frederick into that snooty prep school.

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To Kill a Talking Bird:

Niles: Follow me, there's someone I'd like you to meet. It was love at first sight! She's very exotic, only eats every other day, and she's so white she's almost blue!

Martin: Wow, I'm getting nervous. That's what he said just before he introduced us to Maris!

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On 5/6/2017 at 10:46 AM, Oldernowiser said:

Well, that makes sense. I suspect the provenance of 80% of the world's great lines can be traced to her!

Yep, her, Oscar Wilde, Winston Churchill and Shakespeare. And I guess the Bible. I love Frasier, but original he was not. Niles gets in some real zingers though and really so does Roz. I hope the writers for this show when on to do great things.

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There are so many fantastic lines. 

Someone comments about Sherri's perfume. She says for $100 she could buy enough to drown herself. Niles turns to Frasier, "I've got $60".

I love this topic. All my favorites at a glance. I've been laughing so hard. 


On 9/21/2016 at 1:05 PM, sigmaforce86 said:

The best part about it coming back on Cozi now is it's been a long time since I've seen it so a lot of stuff feels new (although looking forward to the parts I do remember, especially the no-dialogue Niles Gets Read for a Date where he passes out every time he looks at his finger).

Last night Niles had a sack of flour as a pretend baby to see what fatherhood was like - when he shows up to the apartment and it's all scorched and taped together.

"I was doing my morning Tai-Chi and accidentally kicked it into the Koi pond.  I put it near the fireplace to dry and it got a little....singed.  To be fair a real baby would have cried before it burst into flames".

When Eddie starts clawing at the flour sack on the couch, Daphne says "that dingo's got your baby:.

I love this topic. All my favorites at a glance. I've been laughing so hard. 

Edited by JuliaJenkins
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I hope the writers for this show when on to do great things.

Not sure why I looked at this thread today.....but on 9/11 I always remember that one of the creators of Frasier (and Cheers) Peter Angell died on Flight 11, the first one to hit the Trade Center. RIP

The writing staff was pretty accomplished by the time they got to Fraiser (Cheers, Taxi, Wings, MTM (write the Chuckles the Clown episode), MASH etc...) and one (Christopher Lloyd) went on to create a little show that shares the record with Frasier for most Best Comedy Emmys-Modern Family 

Edited by AriAu
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3 hours ago, JuliaJenkins said:

When Eddie starts clawing at the flour sack on the couch, Daphne says "that dingo's got your baby:.

I still find uses for that line!


1 hour ago, AriAu said:

Not sure why I looked at this thread today.....but on 9/11 I always remember that one of the creators of Frasier (and Cheers) Peter Angell died on Flight 11, the first one to hit the Trade Center. RIP

I remember that.  In the series finale, when Niles and Daphne have their baby, they named him David in tribute.

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Niles: Have you seen that movie? Maris and I rented the video - I don't mind telling you we pushed our beds together that night! And that was no mean feat - her room, as you know, is across the hall.

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I just caught myself saying "off you go" and realized I've been using that particular phrase a lot.

It begs the question of am I saying it because I heard it on the show or I've been saying it all along and just noticed because it's often said on the show. In other words, am I copying Frasier or is Frasier copying me? 

I know, I know, I've got too much time on my hands. Or I'm "over-analyzing" (another often used quote).

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On 11/9/2017 at 8:01 PM, Miss Chevious said:

I just caught myself saying "off you go" and realized I've been using that particular phrase a lot.

It begs the question of am I saying it because I heard it on the show or I've been saying it all along and just noticed because it's often said on the show. In other words, am I copying Frasier or is Frasier copying me? 

I know, I know, I've got too much time on my hands. Or I'm "over-analyzing" (another often used quote).

I say it too but I think I got from all the Brit Coms I watch.

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Frasier: Uh, excuse me? She's been missing for three days and you're just panic-stricken now?

Niles: I only just realised it. The last two nights, I knocked on Maris's bedroom door to wish her goodnight and I was greeted with a chilly silence, so naturally I assumed everything was status quo.

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From season nine's Don Juan in Hell:

Kirby: Damn, baby, why you got to be this way? I'm trying to show you respect by keeping you from seeing my other lady!

Roz: I was never his lady!

Kirby: Damn, baby, that's cold.

Kristi: She's old enough to be your mother practically!

Roz: Damn, baby, now THAT'S cold.  Peri Gilpin's delivery was perfect!


Another Roz line, from season 11's "Murder Most Maris", one of my favorite episodes, Niles has a breakdown and gets naked at Nervosa, and Roz is trying to handle the situation:

Nervosa employee: I'm calling the cops.

Roz: The hell you are! This man's tips alone have probably paid for all the pot you'll ever smoke!

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I have been having a Frasier-thon with the DVDs in memory of John Mahoney, one of the best TV dads ever. Loving this thread and rediscovering some zingers from past shows.

From Everyone's a Critic:

Niles: (talking about his theatre critic gig) Olga and I were up till all hours at a party for the Royal Shakespeare Company. I'm rubbing pretty impressive shoulders these days. And to think it's all because I have a small column.

Frasier: That would certainly be the Freudian interpretation.


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Found another!

Gil, talking about his very camp producer: He's catnip to the ladies. Well, that's what he claims. Of course, I've never actually seen him with a woman. Well, just between us, I've always thought he went the other way.

Ros: Which way would that be?!

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And still they keep coming!

From Lilith Wants a Favor, which is, of course, where Lilith tells Frasier she wants another child and for him to be its father:

Frasier: Would we sleep together?

Lilith: I thought we'd freeze your sperm.

Frasier: Is that a yes or a no?

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19 hours ago, katisha said:

And still they keep coming!

From Lilith Wants a Favor, which is, of course, where Lilith tells Frasier she wants another child and for him to be its father:

Frasier: Would we sleep together?

Lilith: I thought we'd freeze your sperm.

Frasier: Is that a yes or a no?

Frasier and Lilith were magic together!

Edited by Gothish520
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From High Holidays:

Niles, after mistakenly thinking he has ingested some pot: I know all the symptoms I can expect to experience. I'm especially looking forward to something called the "munchies" stage. It's where one enjoys bizarre food combinations. I'm thinking of pairing this Chilean sea bass with an aggressive Zinfandel!


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10 hours ago, katisha said:

From High Holidays:

Niles, after mistakenly thinking he has ingested some pot: I know all the symptoms I can expect to experience. I'm especially looking forward to something called the "munchies" stage. It's where one enjoys bizarre food combinations. I'm thinking of pairing this Chilean sea bass with an aggressive Zinfandel!


Oh, Niles, you madcap fool!

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From Secret Admirer, as Niles has another round of divorce woes with Maris in regard to a financial settlement, and Frasier has self-sabotaged another potential relationship:

Niles: I'll be stripped clean and devoured like an animal.

Frasier: And I WON'T be.

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From Kisses Sweeter Than Wine. I love Kelsey's delivery of this one:

Frasier: I cut myself because I was shaving without water. And why was there no water? Because I had to move your chair, which gouged the floor, which made me call for Joe, who found bad pipes, which called for Cecil, who ate the cat that killed the rat that lived in the house that Frasier built!

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From Agents in America:

Frasier, to Niles after Niles has arrived to find Bebe in one of Frasier's shirts after they spent the night together: All right, just go ahead. Get your shots in 

Niles: Oh, no. I'm just glad you're all right. I would have assumed she killed after mating.

Edited by katisha
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From 'A Word to the Wiseguy', where Maris is being threatened with imprisonment over traffic violations:

Niles: The police simply would not listen to reason.

Roz: Police?!

Niles: They're persecuting my Maris over some silly parking fines. I felt sure they'd ease off if they just understood Maris a little better so I tried to explain her to them.

Frasier: Oh, dear God.

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On 10/28/2016 at 12:14 PM, sigmaforce86 said:

Niles comes out of the bathroom covered in shaving cream:  "I feel.....hot...and foamy"

Dad:  "Know what must have happened?  My Hot & Foamy must have exploded"

Daphne:  "He was a detective you know".

Besides being funny on its own it's worth looking up the outtakes of this of you haven't seen them yet - they can't get past Daphne's line without cracking up and the more they try to do it the more they laugh.

I remember that scene the first time it aired because it made me laugh so hard. My mother had died not long before, and it was the first really belly laugh I'd had since her passing.

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