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The End of Days: Speculation on Narrative

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A lot of people have been wondering lately if Days is going to get cancelled in the near future - either because of this Megyn Kelly Show business, ratings or something else - so I can't help but wonder what the ending of the show might be if, let's say, it wraps up before the end of 2017.

Of course, we can use this thread to speculate on what might happen beyond 2017 should the show survive...


Given that half of 2017 is already filmed and in the can, were the axe to fall, I question how much time they would actually get to air a wrap-up for the series, for starters.

Plots wise, the following would probably make sense:

-John and Marlena would most certainly get married again. They've been putting that off since 2015.

-I suspect Sonny and Paul would also wed, if only so producers would be able to say that they had two gay weddings on their show, not that there are really any Sonny and Paul fans left at this point, as far as I can tell.

-They would fight hard to get Sami and EJ back, I'm pretty sure, since both of their stories are so unfinished and Allison Sweeney was the face of the show for so long. I'm guessing they would probably have EJ survive thanks to Kristen's injection and resurface to reunite with Sami and their kids. It would make more sense for Sami to return and fall back in love with Lucas since their love story goes further back and has its fans as well, but I'm guessing the EJami ending would probably please more fans who've been disgruntled in recent years.

-I could see Clyde making one more return to be killed off in retribution for killing EJ and tormenting Chad and Abigail and everybody else. The actor seems to have a good relationship with the show and I'm guessing he would return.

-I would like to think that Hope and Rafe wouldn't get married because I hate them as a couple, but with limited time I wouldn't put it past the writers to have them elope or something. I doubt they would want to go to the Big Wedding route for Hope after the mess of the 50th and the memory of her wedding to Bo in London still looming large.

-It would be nice if Theresa came back to wrap up her story as well. I think Jen is on good terms with the producers so they might devote a couple of episodes to her.

Edited by DisneyBoy
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4 hours ago, DisneyBoy said:

-I would like to think that Hope and Rafe wouldn't get married because I hate them as a couple, but with limited time I wouldn't put it past the writers to have them elope or something. I doubt they would want to go to the Big Wedding route for Hope after the mess of the 50th and the memory of her wedding to Bo in London still looming large.

Bo would come back from the dead and Bo and Hope would get their happy ending.  Peter would not have a problem coming back to do that for the fans.


4 hours ago, DisneyBoy said:

-I suspect Sonny and Paul would also wed, if only so producers would be able to say that they had two gay weddings on their show, not that there are really any Sonny and Paul fans left at this point, as far as I can tell.

Will would also come back from the dead and Wilson would reunite.  Paulson is just a token at this point, to stave off, the accusations of homophobia, surrounding Will's gruesome death. 


4 hours ago, DisneyBoy said:

-They would fight hard to get Sami and EJ back, I'm pretty sure, since both of their stories are so unfinished and Allison Sweeney was the face of the show for so long. I'm guessing they would probably have EJ survive thanks to Kristen's injection and resurface to reunite with Sami and their kids. It would make more sense for Sami to return and fall back in love with Lucas since their love story goes further back and has its fans as well, but I'm guessing the EJami ending would probably please more fans who've been disgruntled in recent years.

Lumi should reunite. The show could easily have had Lumi comfort each other, over the pain, of losing their beloved son. It would hearken back to when they were both at a very low moment in their lives and conceived Will at Titan. That was such a sweet scene and Lumi at that point were more than just co-conspirators in their quest, to keep Austin and Carrie apart, they were soulmates.  Sami is so damn likable with Lucas. He balances her and she is so protective of him.  EJ appeals to Sami's worst traits. Sami castrated her first rapist, there is no way that she would willingly  be with EJ, her rapist.   I also hope that it is revealed that both Johnny and Sydney are for Lucas and that Stefano made them appear to be EJ's kids, in order to have some type of connection, to his Queen of the night, Marlena.  The object of his obsession.

Edited by Apprentice79
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Satan comes back to take Marlenas soul again and claim his spawn Abigail. Sami heroically leaves her successful life as producer of blockbuster movies w her son real will as the writer/her loyal assistant  to come save her mom

Sami and Lucas reconcile 

belle comes back and she has some act right. 

John realizes he has eleventy jillion parents and backstories and none are true.

Edited by Petunia13
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The Brady Black name issue aside, let John discover he is Roman Brady since Wayne Northrop is likely never coming back again. The Josh Taylor version can be a brainwashed Chris Kositchek (JT's former '80s Days character) with no one noticing for...reasons.

(Of course, how to explain Theresa/Brady? Eh, this show can pull something out its ass, I'm sure!)

Bo rises from the grave and he and Hope marry once more. Rafe disappears. No one notices.

Jack also returns from the dead with real Jennifer in tow and their grown kids. The current people are evil/stupid doppelgangers vanquished by falling meteors or some crap.

Steve/Kayla are happy and he and Ava do NOT have any kids. Ava switched DNA or some crap and Steve is relieved. He, Kayla, and Joey and Stephanie are once more a happy family.

Marlena and John reunite (although I prefer John/Isabella and for Izzy to have had a twin that John becomes fascinated by [since that death was actually well done!], but that's just me here!)

Shane/Kimberly stay happy and clear Theresa. We see Andrew before the end, and Eve again.

Maggie/Victor and Doug/Julie take the place as elders of Salem.

As for the rest, don't care in the slightest.

And The End

  • Love 6

Okay WOW, wishful thinking people?


Jack also returns from the dead with real Jennifer in tow and their grown kids. The current people are evil/stupid doppelgangers vanquished by falling meteors or some crap.

Well naturally.


Maggie/Victor and Doug/Julie take the place as elders of Salem.

Haven't they already?

1 hour ago, Silver Raven said:

The New York affiliate is owned by the network, so they would have had to get approval from the network to move the show.

Yeah, but unfortunately, it could still be bad news. Not saying it will be, but ABC did the same to Ryan's Hope with their owned networks to make room for Loving back in the '80s, and moving RH to noon basically killed its ratings. Time will tell.

15 minutes ago, Prairiemakeup said:

Go there People Magazine's FB page, ther s an article re: possible cancellation and Megyn Kelly. Sorry, I don't know how to link it. 


A source connected to the beloved soap opera tells PEOPLE that several cast members have been told that this upcoming year of the series will likely be its last.

Days is one of the longest-running scripted television programs in the world, airing nearly every weekday since Nov. 8, 1965. According to the insider, for several years now, the show has been renewed on a year-to-year basis — but the current contract for the show only carries them through 2017.

The source says executives at the show have given some key staffers indication that their days are numbered.

“Basically, we’ve heard that there won’t be a Days in 2018,” says the source associated with the show, which recently celebrated its 51st anniversary on the network.

12 hours ago, DisneyBoy said:

The article is just the same stuff we're saying about how past soaps were axed for shows that came and went.

Really? I don't see it. I see boring polite chewing gum commercial smiles on their faces and nothing else.

My "ditto" reply referenced fans of Sonny & Paul, and had nothing to do with their teeth and/or their smiles...although they're not bad either ;-)

I like them as a couple WAY more than neurotic Will.

Is the time Days is shown that  important? 4 years ago I got 2 NBC's as part of my cable package, Salt Lake City which changed Days to 1am and Las Vegas that moved Days to the CW and off NBC. I have to assume SLC and LV are decent sized markets? Did Days lose some viewers ? Maybe? but most local fans I know use a DVR and binge watch on weekends or vacations. I tried to go to a fan event locally and the lines were hours in the heat, there were well over 1,000 people and since we live landlocked I doubt too many people drove 5+ hours or flew in.


Do I believe Megyn Kelly will get a talk show, yes. Could Days still air , yes. NBC needs to get with it and get better streaming services for Days. They need to have the episodes online longer or have Days on Hulu, or have an all access channel. Not all episodes are on iTunes. With Days airing at 1am sometimes or cable is down and I have no way or knowing. I go to catch up on the show and there is nowhere to view it, including sometimes iTunes. Obviously many of us are very loyal viewers. I paid $6 a month for big brother, I would also pay $6 a month for Days.

My biggest concern still lays with the hacked sony emails years ago. Those emails were not meant to be seen, and sony clearly didn't want to keep Days long term. I think the best bet for a future is to have Days be sold to someone who is willing to give us good viewing options.  It is also clear some of the actors don't care about big salaries or are willing to do web series. Look at the Days cast members in The Bay (did they even get paid for that?). Bryan (Lucas) said he did construction work when he wasn't on Days, Judi(Adrianne) sold funeral plots, so I'm betting there still could be a show with some of the cast at a minimal salary even if it is cancelled by NBC or sold by sony.

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Days used to be on Hulu along with most of the shows I followed for free. It was great because they wwould drop off the queue as I watched them. Slowly they started directing you to the network site.  I don't think it's free anymore.  The NBC player runs badly on my old computer and for some reason it doesn't automatically play the next episode.  Episodes are pulled at 5 days it used to be 2 weeks.   I can't understand why NBC keeps such a tight lid on their content. Someone pointed out a while back what do they have to lose  by potentially earning more ad revenue.  Don't get me started on Megan Kelly. 

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Since the show has been renewed, I wonder how many "this was written in in case we were going to be cancelled" wrap-ups we'll see come the end of summer. My guess? Will will regain his memory and choose Sonny again by September, and the long-awaited (and sure to be underwhelming) Jarlena wedding will finally happen. Steve will probably also see again somehow and (gag) Rope will have reunited as well.

It'll be interesting to see which storylines Ron gambled with and left "open" in case the show did get renewed...

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1 hour ago, methodwriter85 said:

I'm calling it- Abby is going to develop Evil Ben as one of her alters, and "he" tries to frame Good Redeemed Ben but then winds up going to the nuthouse instead.

That would actually be kinda fun.  I don't think Princess Abby, heir to the Horton throne, will ever be allowed to be in the wrong; but it's a nice thought.

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With September 2020 hovering as a possible finale date for the show, I think it's time to revive this thread.

...although it may be easier to list the ways in which we don't want the show to end.

I think I would like to see Maggie finally leave Victor for good. He isn't a very good guy, although I love him, and I'd like to think Maggie wouldn't have to spend her last years crying over his messes and reminding him not to use the word "whore" 10 times a day. Better to see her single and happy I think.

I would really rather Stacy wasn't on the show in the end. I'd like to think they could get Eileen to come back for the last few episodes. It sucks for the replacement, but she knew that was the job she was taking on.

I definitely want to see Theresa back in town with her parents and her brother. I think that's long overdue.

Edited by DisneyBoy
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6 hours ago, methodwriter85 said:

This show is going to live out to at least 4 years past the start of this thread. Never would have thought. I do think all the marriages are kind of just wrapping up the characters.

I think that too because at that point Days wasn't renewed now we know it will last till 2021 so I wonder what that means for some of the storylines they did wrap up.

  • Useful 1

Maybe the show will end with a flash forward of Thomas and Ari wedding.  Abigail & gabby will put the difference aside to break up the happy couple.  Charlotte will be a little trouble maker.  She gets kicked out of school.  Charlotte has a crush on her handsome mysterious tutor David.  David best friends with Holly.  Holly is very serious student who wants to get into medical school.  She finds out a secret about her step father that rocks her world.  

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5 hours ago, tribeca said:

Maybe the show will end with a flash forward of Thomas and Ari wedding.  Abigail & gabby will put the difference aside to break up the happy couple.  Charlotte will be a little trouble maker.  She gets kicked out of school.  Charlotte has a crush on her handsome mysterious tutor David.  David best friends with Holly.  Holly is very serious student who wants to get into medical school.  She finds out a secret about her step father that rocks her world.  

Thomas and Ari are related since Will/Abby are cousins.

Since the end really does look nigh this time, I vote for simplicity- Marlena and John throw a big get-together for their anniversary and everybody comes back and reminisces, and then Marlena gives a big speech about love and goodbyes and whatnot. I think that's how Guiding Light ended and that might be fitting here as well.

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I saw the finale of GL I know that Billy/Vanessa got remarried(my favorite part of this), Buzz/Lillian got married, Alan dies. Josh/Reva were the final scene. There was even a cameo of Jeanne Cooper and Christian LeBlanc who played her boytoy. I don't recall a major party.

Course it was a long time ago.

My ideal ending would be Doug/Julie having the final scene in the Horton Living Room (yes I know Jarlena is more recognizable for younger fans but Doug/Julie put this show on the map and got the cover of Time) talking about all that has happened in their lives (recounting past storylines/romances) and how they believe that even though Grandpa Tom and Grandma Alice are gone they are still watching over all of us. Then they turn off the lights and the camera pans to an hourglass with MacDonald Carey's voiceover "As sand goes through the hourglass so do the Days of our Lives..." 

That being said I think the show will end in a random episode because I would legit be surprised after this move to Peacock they would be allowed to film a finale... 

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Since it is only about a month to go, I am still guessing that there will not be a big good-bye and that they will somehow schedule the reveal of Abby's killer on the last day on NBC and you have to go to Peacock the next day to see who it was. Since we saw that someone will be possessed again in January, I think whoever is possessed this time will just end Salem in a blaze of "glory." If they end the show on NBC with nice tie-ups of stories and characters, where will the Peacock show pick up? I don't think they care enough about the viewers who have been devoted forever to give them a nice ending.

  • Sad 1

If Ron and Ken and the powers to be cared about the fans, which I'm sure they don't, they'd take the last week on the air on NBC to just have major characters sit around and reminisce the good stuff/good old days with real flashbacks. (Like the used to do for their big anniversary years). Then they can pick up the continuing storyline over on Peacock. But it would at least give the show a bit of an NBC daytime send off. 

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