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Bachelor in Paradise in the Media

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On ‎9‎/‎26‎/‎2016 at 11:36 AM, Artsda said:

Jade & Tanner comment on their decision to do Bootcamp.


.....guess, you know, we didn’t look at it as a negative thing like, ‘Our marriage is in trouble … We’re in shambles, we need it to fix us,’” Jade explained to me. “We’re more like, ‘Let’s learn from these couples now so we don’t have problems later.’ Because both of us come from divorced families … we really want to get through everything together. And so we just felt like, why not? We’ve done everything else on TV!”

Well, I watched the Boot Camp show, and no, Jade & Tanner certainly do have problems.   Actually, they seem pretty miserable for newlyweds.

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4 hours ago, waving feather said:

What kind of problems if you don't mind sharing? 

From what I've seen, Tanner works, Jade either doesn't work, or makes less money.  He wants certain things done, yells at her when she doesn't do things, like laundry, when he wants her to.  When stuff isn't done, he is mean, says she's not a partner in the marriage.  He seems like he thinks his way is the only way to do things.  Jade seems more like a free spirit, doesn't follow a set routine, resents his criticism.  The more he puts her down, the less she wants to do for him.  She seems disillusioned and depressed, he comes across as controlling and attacking.

It's not about who does what in the relationship, it's more the resentment and how Tanner puts her down and  tries to control her.  AND, I guess, how different their expectations of marriage are.

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On 10/18/2016 at 1:01 PM, Artsda said:

It's a scripted show. lol They come up with plotlines to fit the couples. Jade made over a  1 million this year just in social media posts. 

So, seems like they could hire someone to handle the housework and laundry...

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13 minutes ago, CalamityBoPeep said:

So, seems like they could hire someone to handle the housework and laundry...

They probably do. A lot of Bachelor alum are mactors -- they consider a stint on a reality show to be an acting job. If Tanner really is giving his millionaire ex-Playboy model wife grief for not getting his laundry done on time, he needs better life advice.

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And now Amanda and Josh are done, according to Reality Steve's latest blog.    She dumped him, according to Steve's sources.

She was an idiot to let him move in with her and the girls but at least she wised up and got rid of him before the girls became even more attached. 

Moral of the story is when you are looking for your soulmate on a crappy reality TV show and EVERYONE tells you that the person you are interested in is bad news, maybe, just maybe you should listen!   Guess Amanda will be paying attention to what the twins advise from now on.

Edited by CindyBee
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1 minute ago, ByTor said:

Wow, it's really sad when you can honestly say someone out there is dumber than those damn twins :)

lol. Thing is the twins are still young and juvenile and are really only responsible for themselves. So you can hope that time and age will make them grow up. Amanda has two kids she's responsible for. That's the worrisome part. 

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She was a fool, Nick outright told her parts of the book about him were true and she still insisted everything about Josh was lies.

RS again claiming he reported something, when really he was not sure. 

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Haha, I had to do a double take as well when I saw those two pics! For a sec I thought there was another article about Josh and Amanda.

Amanda is most definitely an idiot for even dating Josh let alone moving him in with her kids, but at least she had the good sense to get rid of him. She doesn't even seem bothered by the breakup unlike his previous ex.

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lol, I love Michelle Collins. Amanda was very irresponsible with this relationship when she has two very young impressionable girls to think about. As I've always said, as long as these people are single and answer only to themselves, famewhore all you want and be as irresponsible as you would like. But when kids are involved, yeah I judge them more. 

The fact is, per Entertainment Tonight after the BIP finale, Josh and Amanda had already broken up multiple times before the BIP season had finished airing. So despite that instability already in such a new relationship, they think it's a great idea for him to move to LA and immediately move in with her and start playing daddy to her girls. And that's not even counting the fact that just about every cast member who was there for BIP seemed to dislike Josh or at the least, felt Amanda should be cautious moving forward with him. But it was almost like she was determined to prove all the naysayers wrong, except, not so much.

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Not only did Amanda want to prove the naysayers wrong, both of them knew that being part of a successful  "couple" equaled cold, hard cash so even though the relationship was 2 seconds from imploding, to LA came Josh to play house with Amanda and her kiddos.   Every time he posted a pic with the hashtag #dadlife I wanted to hurl.  

Luckily the girls have a relationship with their dad so they should be ok with Josh no longer being in their lives but please Amanda, no more quick move ins.  Shill all the hair gummies you want but please, no more move ins until you know for sure that its a good thing for your family.

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1 hour ago, chocolatine said:

The million dollar question is now, will Amanda learn from her mistakes, or will she show up on BIP4 next summer looking for more tabloid coverage and Instagram shilling opportunities love again? 

lol, yes that is the million dollar question. And I will never not gloat about the hot ass mess that is Josh and how accurately I called it from Andi's season. I was never blinded by those blinding white chiclet teeth and cliche phrases and all his manic talking. I saw the red flags flashing brightly. Nick may be a famewhore now as much as the rest of them but at least he's not an angry, controlling asshole. I am really starting to worry that the next we'll hear of Josh is an ex accusing him of physical abuse. 

Edited by truthaboutluv
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It's deliciously ironic that Josh's people are saying she "disrespected" him which is what he was saying during one of the major incidents on BIP which made everyone warn her to be careful.  Or it would be if it weren't for the two innocent kids involved. 

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2 hours ago, truthaboutluv said:

lol, yes that is the million dollar question. And I will never not gloat about the hot ass mess that is Josh and how accurately I called it from Andi's season. I was never blinded by those blinding white chiclet teeth and cliche phrases and all his manic talking. I saw the red flags flashing brightly. Nick may be a famewhore now as much as the rest of them but at least he's not an angry, controlling asshole. I am really starting to worry that the next we'll hear of Josh is an ex accusing him of physical abuse. 

I never got the Josh love, I would say it was b/c he was F1 but Courtney and Vienna were unpopular with the viewers. What was the attraction?

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Ashley I and Sarah Herron are having a watch party for the first episode of Nick's season--for charity-- at some bar in LA on premiere night.    And Amanda is one of the guests along with a couple of JoJo' s guys so she can get an early start on looking for her next love as she has to stay relevant before Nick's girls hit the airways.   Got to keep those Instagram followers numbers up.

I'm not sure why Josh was so popular during Andi's season with the masss--I guess it was a combination of his edit, not being Nick, southern white boy, ex jock,  sorta famous family, etc.    

And agree, he went on BiP and Famously Single to redeem himself after Andi's book and well the Famously single part sorta worked out but being on BiP was an epic fail.   I'm just glad those little girls are no longer being used to promote his "dad" image which was such a farce.  

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I wouldn't be surprised if one day we find Jared getting married to Ashley as I've always felt that he loves the fact that she's so obsessed with him.   Or better yet, he chooses Lauren over her.  

Something has to give as this "friendship" between him and the sisters just seems weird.   

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I couldn't stand Josh on Andi's season  ... he had a temper tantrum when he had to take a lie detector test as part of a group date and acted as if it was all Andi's idea because she didn't trust him, not that it was producer set-up. The dude is seriously either 1) really dumb or 2) easily triggered but probably 3) both and there were red flags coming out of his armpits and butt but Andi ignored them.

Well Josh can join Chad in the overused, irredeemable Bachelorette reject corner for good now. 

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For those that care, Amanda is in Atlanta with Josh.   Guess things are back "on" and she just can't quit him.   RS said in his twitter Q&A today that she doesn't want to be alone. 

all I can say is that Dad Nick needs to make sure his daughters are protected and not allow Amanda to move Josh back into the house while things are still so up in the air.

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I think if you looked up "zero self-esteem" in the dictionary, you'd find Amanda's picture.  Too bad for her kids.  She must have had some shitty parenting growing up, if this is what she turned into.  I kind of feel bad for her.

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If Josh is as emotionally manipulative as Andi stated and many think he is, I'm not surprised that he was able to get Amanda back in his grasp right after his beloved dog died. I'm sure she called to check up on him with nothing but good intentions and that was all he needed to play on her emotions and probably convince her how much he needs her. And let's face it, Amanda is really not the brightest bulb in the shed. 

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What I've noticed from these shows is that engaged couples will hang onto their fake relationship until a new season of the franchise starts and then they would call it quits. I remember the same thing happened to Andi and Josh. Is it in their contracts or something? It's still incredibly gross of Amanda to not only ask her young kids to shill stuff for her on the regular (she probably knows she's not as interesting or hot without her cute kids) but to include them in the lie of what a big happy family with Josh they were.

Josh is no prize but at least he doesn't have young kids and only has to answer for himself. 

Amanda may very well be on the next BiP with her new sob story of how she should have listened to the warnings from her friends about Josh and how she vows to never let that happen again after getting her heart broken. Bitch, please. She's no victim.

Edited by waving feather
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A) How is it possible that Amanda's ex has not requested/gotten custody of the kids? I had painfully raised eyebrows even during her FIRST go-round of "looking for love and a stepdad for the kids I'm pimping out on national TV to make myself look good," no less her constant and sweat-floppingly desperate ploys for more-more-more TV time that require weeks away from said kids (except when the producers fly them in to make "good" TV).

B) Not sure if anyone else here has been watching MTV's "Are You The One?" which my daughter turned me onto (HER guilty pleasure TV show), but not only is it BIP on steroids with 22-year-olds but I am still not convinced that Tyler (if that's REALLY his name) is not actually Jared.

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RS said in one of his blogs or maybe it was his podcast that to get a release to film "Famously Single", Chad had to agree to do Bachelor in Paradise 4.0.

Not that was a hard decision for Chad to agree to go to Mexico on ABC's dime--I actually can see him lasting a bit longer this time as a girl (or girls) know Chad equals airtime.

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2 hours ago, CindyBee said:

RS said in one of his blogs or maybe it was his podcast that to get a release to film "Famously Single", Chad had to agree to do Bachelor in Paradise 4.0.

Did he say why?

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