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High Profile Scientologists: Tom, Travolta, and More!

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1 minute ago, bethster2000 said:

Actress Anne Archer is a devout member.  Her son, Tommy Davis, was spokesperson for the cult for several years until he apparently "blew" with his wife.  His whereabouts are unknown.

I still wonder about Tommy Davis.  He was front and center confronting John Sweeney, the host of BBC's Panorama expose of Scientology about 10 years ago.  

The whole documentary is available on youtube and well worth the watch.

3 hours ago, juliet73 said:

I think it's interesting that both Jett and Ella Travolta were /are "heavy" kids.  Especially, since Kelly is so thin, etc.  I wonder if eating is their coping mechanism for dealing with Scientology and/or Scientology parents. 

During the daily coverage of Suri Cruise before Katie took her and escaped, it was pointed out that Scienos regarded children as full-functioning adults and let them make their own decisions about everything - what they ate, what they wore, when they wanted to go to bed, etc.  Suri was depicted as a demanding little tyrant.  Fortunately Katie saw the light and from the blessedly little public exposure Suri has now, she seems to be a normal 10-year-old.

I read that the Travoltas pretty much left Jett to himself, where he'd eat junk food and watch TV all the time.  They used to take Ella out to pose with them on red carpets when she was little and thin. Gorgeous face. Now you only see an occasional informal pap shot.

The two older Cruise kids tend toward the solid, especially Isabella.  So maybe you're onto something.

On 12/10/2016 at 2:18 PM, spiderpig said:

  Fortunately Katie saw the light and from the blessedly little public exposure Suri has now, she seems to be a normal 10-year-old.

I read online (so take it with the amount of weight it deserves) that she hasn't seen her father in 3 years because she's not in the church. How can that happen and not have him think "hmm, maybe this is bad". It's not like an 8 year old can be an SP, right? 

Everytime I watch these Scientology expose shows I start calling everyone in my family SPs.  Get off the counter, cat, you are an SP. It is convenient as an insult.

14 minutes ago, MaggieG said:

I was never really a Tom Cruise fan (though A Few Good Men is one of my favorites), so I didn't really care for him either way. After watching Going Clear, I am terrified of him and I hope I never run into him in a dark alley.

If it wasn't for A Few Good Men, I think I could easily be one of those people who has strong enough principles to not watch any films or TV shows starring these big name Scientologists.  But alas...

1 hour ago, MaggieG said:

I was never really a Tom Cruise fan (though A Few Good Men is one of my favorites), so I didn't really care for him either way. After watching Going Clear, I am terrified of him and I hope I never run into him in a dark alley.

AFGM is a great movie in spite of TC, not because of him.  Also - I wouldn't worry about running into him in a dark alley: he's itty-bitty so even if you're tiny, you'd be able to take him out easily.  He doesn't scare me so much as he makes me wonder how a person can be so ... ... well, like him.

11 minutes ago, fastiller said:

AFGM is a great movie in spite of TC, not because of him.  Also - I wouldn't worry about running into him in a dark alley: he's itty-bitty so even if you're tiny, you'd be able to take him out easily.  He doesn't scare me so much as he makes me wonder how a person can be so ... ... well, like him.

Well. I am 5'7. So I think I might be taller than him :)

I think it's just him maniacal laughter that scares me the most

12 minutes ago, fastiller said:

AFGM is a great movie in spite of TC, not because of him.  Also - I wouldn't worry about running into him in a dark alley: he's itty-bitty so even if you're tiny, you'd be able to take him out easily.  He doesn't scare me so much as he makes me wonder how a person can be so ... ... well, like him.

I LOLd reading your post.  Tommy takes himself so-o-o-o seriously.  I guess the CO$ Dome of Silence protects him from all the people who are laughing at him.

Even though a lot of people claim Tommy was funny in Tropic Thunder, I always get the impression that in real life he has absolutely no sense of humor. About anything. Talking to him would be like conversing with a tree stump.

31 minutes ago, fastiller said:

He doesn't scare me so much as he makes me wonder how a person can be so ... ... well, like him.

I'm fascinated by how some of these huge celebrities become so rich and famous and surrounded by sycophants that they lose all concept of what it is to live in the real world and be a real person.  He's one of them.  That infamous video of him just magnified how out of touch he is, and how bizarre a life he really leads in this cult.

5 minutes ago, TaraS1 said:

I'm fascinated by how some of these huge celebrities become so rich and famous and surrounded by sycophants that they lose all concept of what it is to live in the real world and be a real person.  He's one of them.  That infamous video of him just magnified how out of touch he is, and how bizarre a life he really leads in this cult.

I agree.  I get why a celebrity would join Scientology, it's because Scientology protects them.  If someone tries to slur Tom Cruise's name, Scientology will go after them; it's like being in a gang, "you mess with my homie, and I'll fuck you up." 

Bart Simpson's voice (Nancy Cartwright) has been a long time member. I wonder how many times she has had to do the bridge?  I get the sense that real top performers-very famous and/or super rich-don't have to redo the bridge.  They are the shining "stars" of Scientology and they earn their COS god like treatment by bringing in more and more young celebrities who hopefully will bring in more and more money.

The only new (relatively) one I can think of at the moment is Alanna Masterson (Tara on Walking Dead ). But, she is of the Masterson family of the two brothers Danny and Christopher. One was on "That 70's Show and one on Malcolm in the Middle. I know at least one of them is a Scientologist. So, there's another family situation. 

I think Elisabeth Moss is a member. Obviously Kirstie Alley.  Maybe Jenna Elfman?  Oh, there are others I can't think of right now.  There is a list out there, I was just trying to remember who I've known for a long time were members.

Going to back to the really rich and famous, I can almost understand why they stay.  They truly are treated like gods.  They see all that a mulit-billion dollar church has to offer.  They stay in the best places all over the world. The lowly sea.org, if they have to come in contact with a Tom Cruise or John Travolta, have to, AGAIN, heh, treat them like gods.  It would be hard to walk away from that strange, other worldly reality.

Oh and L.Ron creep was always crazy, crazy, crazy.  Miscavige was his errand boy on the ship L.Ron creepy floated around on to avoid the law everywhere.  According to some people, some really sick stuff took place on that ship for years.   This is where DM got his start and all his bizarre, cruel behavior.

The only reason that I can think of that COS might not want members to have children is that fact that the family dynamic keeps members from giving 100 percent of time and money to the church and it can also pull more people out by the threat of disconnection. COS doesn't want to have more members by members having children. That doesn't make money for them.  They want single people to bring in more single people who bring in more money. Kinda simple.  

I have no idea how much COS might be shrinking.

Edited by AlwaysWatching
On edit, I didn't mean single people, I meant childless people.

^^Valid observations, AlwaysWatching. 

Alanna Masterson has been the subject of much derision over on The Walking Dead board.  She's a horrible actress, and they recently wasted an entire episode on her character whom nobody cared about to begin with. Does CO$ have a mole in Central Casting?

The thing that bothers me most about CO$, apart from everything, is the weird Sea Org subsect.  Forced abortions?  It's been reported from several sources.  Pennies an hour for wages?  And worst of all, "Where ya gonna go?".  It's like a damn Body Snatchers remake.

I would like to know more about the kids of CO$.  Cruise's (minus Suri as she is out), Travolta's, etc.  I think Will and Jada are CO$?  Their kid's are a bit odd.

Also, I wonder why Nicole hasn't spoken about those years and why she abandoned her kid's to CO$ and Cruise?  I really am curious what those cult leaders have on her.  Otherwise, she would have pulled a Katie and gotten those kids out at the time.  Sad that the sick person that Cruise is has such a hold over those kids.

Also, I loved watching Masterson on tv till I found out he was a CO$.  

49 minutes ago, CofCinci said:

Second-generation $cientologists are the worst. 

It's astonishing how much is imprinted on our little brains when we're too young to make informed decisions.  I grew up in a well-rounded, wholesome Midwestern household, yet was raised to think all vegetables (except corn on the cob in August) came in a can, and that little girls worth their salt should grow up to marry doctors or lawyers as self-validation.

(I now love fresh veggies and stayed single until I was good and ready...but I remember everything I was told and experienced as a child.)

These poor kids are true vicitims of the cult.  Wait til they find there's no there there.

And James Barbour, Broadway actor. 

Barbour famously pled guilty to molesting a teenage girl, and I've always suspected that the online smear campaign that ensued against the girl had Scientology involvement, as did his ability to still work after that. It's hard to say, though, because there's a lot less open Scientology involvement in the theater world than in Hollywood, despite the big honking Scientology building across from the Richard Rodgers (current home of Hamilton). 

Edited by Kareny
12 hours ago, greekmom said:

Also, I loved watching Masterson on tv till I found out he was a CO$.  

I just finished the audio version of Bryan Cranston's memoir.  He makes a one-sentence comment about flirting briefly with Scientology back in the day when he was looking for answers.

I still love him, Hal and Walter White.

I know it would never happen,  but if John Travolta left the Co$,  I would be curious about Kirstie Alley's reaction.  She's admitted in the past her major crush on him and how much she adores him! Would she leave the church as well or would she bash him like she does everyone else who comes to their senses and leaves? 

On 12/14/2016 at 9:12 PM, CofCinci said:

Second-generation $cientologists are the worst. 

Like the Ribisis?

2 hours ago, fifty8th said:

Beth Riesgraf from Leverage and had a kid with Jason Lee (who I think is now out), I hope to hell she is out too because Parker was my favorite character and her involvement in Scientology took away some of my enjoyment of the show when it was on.

Yeah, I had the same thing.  At least BR was/is quiet about her involvement with Co$.  I also have the same issue with Beck. Love his music; always wonder if there're some embedded Co$ messages in the songs 

I went down the rabbit hole googling & clicked my way to this:


I'm sure it's click bait crap, but this portion:


Cruise will also be promoted to the level of "OT IX" (Operating Thetan IX), according to the publication.

The source added, "Thetans, in Scientology doctrine, are the alien life forms that inhabit human beings. Tom will be bumped up alongside Miscavige to OT IX and, ultimately, one day become OT X! This is a super-secret level that will give Tom immortality, and automatically add 60 years to his lifespan!"

made me snort-laugh. It's super secret y'all & you get an extra 60 years of life & immortality. Do you have to live the extra 60 years to gain immortality or are they just bad at the maths? Maybe they haven't cleared the word immortality. 

5 hours ago, ramble said:

I went down the rabbit hole googling & clicked my way to this:


I'm sure it's click bait crap, but this portion:

made me snort-laugh. It's super secret y'all & you get an extra 60 years of life & immortality. Do you have to live the extra 60 years to gain immortality or are they just bad at the maths? Maybe they haven't cleared the word immortality. 

This is the best laugh I've had all day!  Can you picture a 120-year-old Tommy Cruise dangling from helicopters and outrunning enemy drones?

40 minutes ago, rhys said:

I may be misremembeing, but I ~think~ I read that Cruise has dyslexia or some type of reading disorder. It boggles if true because I would have thought he'd have tons of trouble  doing that bridge  reading. 

Tom does have self admitted dyslexia, but no worries , nothing that probably his millions of dollars to the CO$ can't help him overcomes to help him understand when he screams WORD at some unfortunate underling to look something up in the CO$ dictionary.

This sounds really mean but maybe some day Tom gets some kind of illness that neither he nor the church can cure and he will be shit out of luck like so many of the CULT members unless he returns to the real world and modern medicine.

ETA: If anyone ever tried to charge me to re-read anything because of typos or additional info added after the original publishing I would not so kindly tell them that the owed ME money for wasting my time!

Edited by mbaywife123
1 hour ago, rhys said:

I may be misremembeing, but I ~think~ I read that Cruise has dyslexia or some type of reading disorder. It boggles if true because I would have thought he'd have tons of trouble  doing that bridge  reading. 


1 hour ago, mbaywife123 said:

Now you have me curious!

OK, but you made me do it...

Maybe Davy read them to him during Tommy's nice long romantic honeymoon with Katiebot.  Certainly Tommy had nothing better to do.  At least with Katie.

(I'm going back to my bunk in imaginary Hell now.)

59 minutes ago, spiderpig said:


OK, but you made me do it...

Maybe Davy read them to him during Tommy's nice long romantic honeymoon with Katiebot.  Certainly Tommy had nothing better to do.  At least with Katie.

(I'm going back to my bunk in imaginary Hell now.)

Ha! Almost like Davy's nightime stories he reads to Tommy as he tucks him into bed. (Don't worry about that woman aka your "wife" asleep in the room across the hallway, I love you more than she ever will).

10 hours ago, rhys said:

I may be misremembeing, but I ~think~ I read that Cruise has dyslexia or some type of reading disorder. It boggles if true because I would have thought he'd have tons of trouble  doing that bridge  reading. 

Didn't Tom claim that Scientology "cured" him of his dyslexia?  

He needs to look up the word douche.

HA! Like Tom ever had to read anything!  He listened to some audio versions, maybe, but only what he needed to know.  He is high on being #2 and not from any teachings.  

Anyone know who found Katie for him and brought her to him?  He had been on a wife hunt for awhile and dated a few who were brought to him. I have no idea how they met. 

ETA,  Found it!  Among the juiciest highlights: -Cruise asked Scientology leader David Miscavige to find him a suitable wife. ... -Then Scientologists struck gold when Katie, 26, mentioned in an interview that she'd like to marry Tom Cruise. They met with her, liked what they saw, and set her up with the star.


Edited by wings707

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