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Rosie seeks Genevieve's help to investigate Peri's murder; Marisol clashes with the new director of her movie; Carmen pretends to be Danni at an audition; Kyle is forced to choose between Zoila and his mother; Evelyn begins dating a new man.

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Adrian's scenes were my favorite tonight. Both with Evelyn's friend and Zoila, maybe even Carmen.

Carmen's plot continues to be weak. Marisol's is as bland as James Denton's acting.

I'm intrigued by the circle though!

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This ep was meh for me.

The circles's personal questions were so funny.  Susan Lucci was great...as always.

Adrian was great too. The reverend is mysterious. I look forward to his story.

Is the hairdresser Kyle's brother too? Otherwise,  how would he get in the circle, let alone use the e-meter?

I could look at Jesse all day. 

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Marisol and Carmen are the two most boring characters on this show, and I'm afraid they've always been from the get-go. The former had some semblance of relevance in the first season for being heavily involved in the mystery, but ever since then they've been struggling to keep her around and have turned her into a "Susan Mayer" kinda character: let's throw a new man her way every year to keep her busy. The latter... UGH, don't even get me started on that one! With Daniella gone, she's just gone back to being the useless character she once was: I was afraid that was gonna happen and it did! So what, is "let's sleep with the dorky/nerdy/geeky/socially awkward bartender" (who I'm pretty sure also appeared last season during a double date with Carmen, her lesbian boss and the woman's husband) gonna be her storyline for the remainder of the season? Double UGH! They could hold hands, skate off into the sunset together and never look back for all I care: they're THAT disposable (and to think I even like Ana Ortiz!).

Also, am I the only one who thought it was totally contrived and out of character for Gail to come on so strong to Adrian? I had no idea she was sexually interested in him, she had NEVER hinted at that in the past at all, and the whole time I was just standing there with a WTF look on my face waiting for her hidden agenda to be unveiled. In addition to that, I don't know how I feel about Evelyn's plot either: I like her MUCH better sassy and deliciously evil... I'm afraid this umpteenth romance of hers might turn her into yet another dud.

Overall, I'm afraid this show is on its last legs and they have pretty much run out of ideas, so they have to resort to recycling plot points or coming up with new ones that are totally unbelievable.

Edited by Giuliano Lanzilli
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8 hours ago, juliet73 said:

This ep was meh for me.

The circles's personal questions were so funny.  Susan Lucci was great...as always.

Adrian was great too. The reverend is mysterious. I look forward to his story.

Is the hairdresser Kyle's brother too? Otherwise,  how would he get in the circle, let alone use the e-meter?

I could look at Jesse all day. 

Kyle is the only biological son of Mother. She refers to all the men in the Circle as son. 

There must be a reason Evelyn's friend hit on Adrian he cracks me up . He has no friends unless they want a favor

 Carmen slept with barista boy because she was feeling old obviously. 

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I like how they're not even trying to pretend The Circle isn't Scientology under a different name. Mother called Zoila a "discontent" or something, equivalent of how Scientology labels others "suppressive persons." Unfortunately, I think the whole "circle" thing is turning out to be kind of a dud. I don't get how Tucker is the "key" to anything other than maybe an inherited fortune. Or do they think he's their reborn messiah or something?

I did think it was kind of funny the movie director wanted to turn the main character into a male disguised as a woman and suggested Will Farrell. That seems so truly Hollywood.

Best line was Genevieve's, lamenting how she was forced to list all of her secrets including the "lurid details of my sexual history. Of course, I did enjoy that part."

I don't know what the ratings look like this season but they would probably be higher if they just kept Ryan McPartlin running around in his underwear every episode.

(e.t.a. uh-oh, ratings are down this season, and Lifetime only ordered 10 episodes this year, so a fifth season looks unlikely at this point.)

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I guess I'm the only one who thought last night's ep was fun. I really like that the story is moving along this year, I suppose mostly due to only having ten eps instead of thirteen. IMO Adrian was the MVP last night, from his glee at plotting with Zoila to his surprisingly heartfelt conversation with Carmen about her birthday. It's funny how alike he and Carmen actually are, both selfish and self-centered and willing to manipulate everyone around them for their own interests.


I have to laugh, too, at the thought that in some parallel universe there's a Devious Maids movie starring Will Ferrell as "Maria." Don't get any ideas, Hollywood.

I loved Genevieve's willingness to join a cult to help Rosie investigate, and her horror at having to answer honestly during the totally-not-an-E-Meter interrogation. And of course Fabian's "Can you believe she thought I was gay?" while feeling up Jesse, lol.

Between the way her hair was styled and that purple dress, RW looked beautiful during her Biblical cram session. What a stunning woman. (Also, I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop with the Reverend. No one on this show is as good of a guy as he seems - there's always a secret lurking).

Despite some weak spots, and what show doesn't have those, there's still plenty for me to enjoy here. And if this does turn out to be the last season, at least it was fun.

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I don't know what the ratings look like this season but they would probably be higher if they just kept Ryan McPartlin running around in his underwear every episode.

I'd watch it. :)

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I am really enjoying this season.  I'm sorry to read that the ratings are down.  And, Susan Lucci for the win!  Among everything else, she seems to be the only person who makes Rosie tolerable for me in their scenes together.

When a studio buys the rights to something, the studio then owns it and do whatever they want, right?  I actually liked some of the ideas of the director (Will Ferrel indeed), but Marisol just seems arrogant-kind of like how last week she totally judged the other women at her table and then was told that one of the women was the boss of Denton's character.

I do like Evelyn's storyline.

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When a studio buys the rights to something, the studio then owns it and do whatever they want, right? 

Usually, yes. But depending on who the author of the book was, there might be some wording in the contract about script approval. The thing is, if they thought the first script was lousy and hired Marisol to write it, wouldn't that mean they wanted it to be more like the book? Why would they hire the author of the book to write the script and then start demanding monumental changes that fundamentally alter the story? Changing the protagonist from a female to a male is a pretty huge leap FFS - you don't see that very often in film adaptations. I get they did all this for laughs, but it might have been more realistic if Marisol had been tapped to write the adaption initially and then this bigwig director came on board afterwards. The way it went down made it seem like the director was totally on board with Marisol writing it.

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I'm sorry, but the Zoila romance is just not believable.  She has to realize something is wrong with him, and his relationship with his mother. If a man puts you on a ledge, you do not go back for more.

I realize they wanted comedy in this show and I got the stereotypes as being part of the show, but they have really gone too far with Carmen and Rosie, especially Rosie. She is such an exaggerated stereotype that it has become painful to watch (and hear)  her scenes.  So far the circle is boring. 

Great casting on the love interest for Evelyn.  I hope this goes somewhere and she does not end up with Adrian at the end of the season. 

To me it was totally believable that Gail would go after Adrian.

I missed some of the episode, but saw the previews.  Does Marisol want Jesse back? 

Of all the people they could have put him with, why Carmen's niece?  Susan Lucci and the Powells are the reason I watch!  Zoila is just boring, always has been boring, and for a smart woman Marisol just says and does stupid things...even for laughs.  

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My favorite Genevieve line was something like "I was in a cult once.  Of course it was the 80s.  And I thought it was an exercise class."  Just perfect.

Put me in the camp of enjoying this season.  I like the distribution of this season because even when there are scenes that don't intrigue me, it's moving on to the next story.

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I am enjoying this season, minus Carmen's gratingly annoying little niece.  

Susan Lucci continues to shine.  I love that she landed this part after AMC. It is perfect for her.

I can totally believe Gail going after Adrian.  The woman is a gold digger and Adrian is wealthy.  I had to laugh during the salon scene when her upper lip was all red, but she said she had been in for an eyebrow wax.

Poor Rosie just can't catch a break.  

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Great casting on the love interest for Evelyn.  I hope this goes somewhere and she does not end up with Adrian at the end of the season. 

Actually I suspect this is precisely where it's going. I can't imagine Adrian and Evelyn outside of each other's orbit. Probably the pastor Evelyn is dating will turn out to be in The Circle and Adrian will end up saving Evelyn's life.


I can totally believe Gail going after Adrian.

They've never really fleshed out the character of Gail enough to tell if anything about her is "believable." She's been more or less a two-dimensional "rich snob" character and that's about it.

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I'm sorry, but the Zoila romance is just not believable.  She has to realize something is wrong with him, and his relationship with his mother. If a man puts you on a ledge, you do not go back for more.

Every time Zoila got upset with Kyle for not being honest with his mother, I kept thinking: "You are lying to him about being wealthy.  Why are you messing up the life of a guy whom you've spent the entire relationship lying to?" 

Edited by txhorns79
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As much as everything is camp and overboard (which I love!), the hardest thing for me to buy is the relationship between Zoila and Kyle.  I keep waiting for the owner of the home to come back early and surprise Zoila and exposing her lie.  I understand that they need a storyline for Zoila, and I like the idea of the Circle and Susan Lucci going undercover in it, but Zoila and Kyle don't really seem to work on many levels (momma's boy, making Zoila hide, lack of chemistry, etc.).  Now, Adrian and Zoila have been a hoot in all of their interactions. 

Really enjoying this season.

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20 hours ago, seacliffsal said:

As much as everything is camp and overboard (which I love!), the hardest thing for me to buy is the relationship between Zoila and Kyle.  I keep waiting for the owner of the home to come back early and surprise Zoila and exposing her lie. 

I really don't understand why anyone would pay a full-time live-in maid when they don't even live the house? She's basically a house-sitter and only cleaning up after herself at this point. And since The Circle targets rich people, wouldn't Mother be interested in asking more questions about Zoila and is she has money? Or maybe she already knows Zoila isn't rich.

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I had to laugh during the salon scene when her upper lip was all red, but she said she had been in for an eyebrow wax.

And Evelyn says, "I have an eyebrow there too." LOL...

I am delighted with this season, frankly, and will be crushed if there's no fifth one. I love the Zoila-Adrian friendship. When she reveals her plot about Kyle's mother catching them, he says, "Kinky. I'm in."

But I agree that Zoila and Kyle are horrible together, there is zero chemistry between them unlike the boatloads of chemistry between Zoila and Adrian (now wouldn't that be a twist?!) but I can live with it for the sake of the plot.

Evelyn being tortured into revealing the lurid truth of her age and weight was hilarious. And the actor who plays Fabian is perfect, he has just the right bubbly lightness that this show does its best with. Loved his exchange with Jesse: "They think I'm gay..." Jesse: "Shocking."


I guess I'm the only one who thought last night's ep was fun

No, I loved it too. I have loved the whole season, I really think the show's writers are hitting the perfect notes of effervescent comedy that usually falls flat when it's attempted on a TV show (or a movie for that matter). It's much harder to do than it looks and they are hitting it out of the park IMO. The actors are also ding a wonderful job with what they've been given. There are some weak moments, sure. I continue to detest Marisol with every passing moment while continuing to covet all of her clothing, and Kyle needs to go, stat. But overall it's really been fun.

I'm even enjoying Rosie and Spence! Spence's prison stuff  with Killface is funny, and Rosie is finally starting to shine in her own right as the detective/heroine out to save her man.

Still love my Carmen but wish they would find a better plot for her. I did have to laugh at her throwing her back out at the dance audition, poor thing!

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On ‎7‎/‎13‎/‎2016 at 11:42 AM, iMonrey said:

Actually I suspect this is precisely where it's going. I can't imagine Adrian and Evelyn outside of each other's orbit. Probably the pastor Evelyn is dating will turn out to be in The Circle and Adrian will end up saving Evelyn's life.

I agree.  Genevieve/Zoila and Evelyn/Adrian are the couples of the show so I'm expecting these four's SLs to collide any day now.

Best scene ever:

Genevieve:  "I've been dieting my whole life for this moment."

Zoila:  "Run you skinny bitch, run."

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Evelyn and Adrian, once again, for MVP this episode. Zoila thinking about Adrian while getting busy with Kyle was hysterical. 

Really kind of a nice moment between Zoila and Genevieve as well, I'm glad those two are friends again.

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Did I miss a better formulated explanation for why Spence isn't Tucker's father? My kids don't have their father's blood type, either; they have mine. Really, unless I misheard the nurse, that's next-level dumb.

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Parents and children don't necessarily have the same blood types, but parents with SOME blood types can't have children with SOME blood types.  Just like two blue eyed parents can ONLY have blue eyed children.

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29 minutes ago, RogerDodger said:

Having Ryan McPartlin in the cast must save this show a ton of money on wardrobe expenses.  

There is no good reason to ever have him in clothing! I'm guessing his character is on to Zoila, and that she's going to be bait to trap Rosie/Tucker, and whatever the Circle is after. I hope we get a "War of the Roses" type of thing for Adrian and Evelyn now that she's back in the house.

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2 hours ago, RedInk said:

Did I miss a better formulated explanation for why Spence isn't Tucker's father? My kids don't have their father's blood type, either; they have mine. Really, unless I misheard the nurse, that's next-level dumb.

Spence has AB blood and Tucker is an O which makes it impossible for him to be his biological son... because if he were his son, he would have to have received either an A or a B from his father... so his bio son could be a type A, B or AB depending upon his mother's blood type.  The only type Spence couldn't produce is an O.   The show got it correct.  (Kudos for that, I've seen television shows that messed that up.)

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Adrian and Evelyn once again steal the episode, with an honorable mention going to Genevieve. I'm so glad she and Zoila have finally made up, and it was good to hear Zoila admit why she was so mad in the first place (exactly what I suspected, that she just needed someone to blame, but I'm glad she owned up to it. And her blue dress was pretty).

I love Adrian and Zoila's odd friendship - it's fun to see tiny glimpses of Adrian's actual humanity now and then. Her fantasy of him at the very end was all kinds of wrong but her reaction was great. Curious to see if Kyle will finally start to put all the pieces together regarding Rosie.

I would be freaked out if I found surveillance photos of myself with my head photoshopped off, too, Carmen. Though kudos for dumping him in the worst possible way that's guaranteed to come back and bite you in the ass.

No more Odd Couple with Marisol and Evelyn?! I'm strangely bummed. But it will be worth it to have Adrian and Evelyn back in each other's orbits all the time. (Though I was kind of surprised that the reverend was willing to continue dating a separated woman who's still sharing a house with her still-husband. Maybe his congregation is super open minded?) I've really enjoyed seeing them play around with new friendships this year - Evelyn and Marisol, Zoila and Adrian, Jesse and Rosie. It gives us a chance to see different sides of the characters, which is a good thing after several seasons.

Poor Spence! Though I always get a chuckle out of seeing Killface. Which sounds wrong, I know. ;) Still liking Rosie Falta, P.I., though I really wish she'd braid that damn chunk of hair in with the rest. It looked pretty just hanging loose and straight in the one scene. So I wonder who Tucker's real father is and how he connects to the Circle?

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I really enjoyed the episode.  Who knew Adrian would be the voice of reason for Zoila regarding Genevieve.  Rosie should have told a cover story about why she was there "Miss Genevieve needed to send a message to Zoila..." or something.  Susan Lucci looked stunningly beautiful in the wedding dress (good genes...).  Carmen story's was a bit blah, but oh well.  

Because the movie Fund with Dick and Jane bled into Devious maids time slot my dvr cut off the end of the episode and the previews.  Doesn't really matter as I am loving this season and will watch the rest of the episodes anyway.

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I don't suppose there is anyway I could luck out, and one of the idiot members of the Circle kills Rosie.  Then takes out Marisol and Carmen just for the hell of it.

Adrian's advice to Zoila was really good.  Evelyn moving back into the house with her minister lover in tow was hilarious.  Oddly enough, these kinds of love/hate relationships do tend to last for several years.

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2 hours ago, AnnaRose said:

Spence has AB blood and Tucker is an O which makes it impossible for him to be his biological son... because if he were his son, he would have to have received either an A or a B from his father... so his bio son could be a type A, B or AB depending upon his mother's blood type.  The only type Spence couldn't produce is an O.   The show got it correct.  (Kudos for that, I've seen television shows that messed that up.)

Thanks for the explanation! I missed the specifics and just caught that the blood wasn't a match. 

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The whole Adrian and Zoila arc this season has been really well done.  It's the kind of thing daytime soaps used to do really well but never got talked about as much as 'back from the dead' stories and love affairs.  (It was decades ago and they stopped doing it around the time I stopped watching.)  They put these two together in a mildly plotty but mostly believable way.  (Would Adrian remember her?  Probably but at the same time, he's self-centered enough that I could believe he wouldn't.)  They both had a motivation to make someone else jealous.  They also both carry this undercurrent of loneliness that fueled a desire to keep up this unconventional relationship.

They spent episodes building up this mature friendship helped by how well the actors are playing it before making it obvious one major thing they have in common---the loss of a child.  And how that shared experience could help Zoila heal enough to reunite with Genevieve. 

Plus, with lines like "would you rather feed your boyfriend spaghetti-o's?" Just perfect.

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I would be freaked out if I found surveillance photos of myself with my head photoshopped off, too, Carmen.

How dumb is this guy anyway? Why would he just hand over his laptop knowing full well he had a whole folder full of stalker photos on his desktop clearly labeled "Carmen?" At first I thought there would be some reasonable explanation for it but I guess not. He's crazy.


I don't suppose there is anyway I could luck out, and one of the idiot members of the Circle kills Rosie.

Spence is the one I'm really sick of. Rosie would be better off letting him rot in jail. I can't believe how defeatist he is about his entire incarceration. It doesn't make him look "noble" to keep telling Rosie to stay out of it, it makes him look like an idiot. Hey, if he'd rather spend the rest of his life in prison than try to prove he was framed, let him. BTW - has he even been on trial yet? Rosie has done all the leg work on this case and Spence keeps telling her to stop. It's almost like they had to make Spence an idiot just to make Rosie look smarter.


Rosie should have told a cover story about why she was there "Miss Genevieve needed to send a message to Zoila..." or something.

Rosie didn't have any way of knowing Kyle knew who she was. He wouldn't know who she was if he wasn't privy to the plot to bump her off and get her out of the way.


Though I always get a chuckle out of seeing Killface.

Yeah - I hope Spence does stay in jail so we can keep Killface on the show.

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I didn't like this episode. Adrian and Zoila continue to be a highlight and I'm glad Genevieve and Zoila made up.

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As usual, it is Rosie's story that is dragging down the show. The Circle and anything connected to it is not interesting.  They have missed several opportunities to make Carmen more engaging. They should have kept her husband, or let her keep the money when he died. 

Susan Lucci and the Powells are gold.  I like Jesse, Marisol doesn't bother me much, and I like Zoila when she is sparring with Aidren, but not any other time. First she had the annoying daughter, then she had the pregnant by the ex husband after having the BEST boyfriend...and now the I am mad at you because you chose to save my life....and I am sleeping with a man child....I can't think of a single time I have liked Rosie and fast forward through most of her exaggerated speaking and facial expressions. I get the actress is doing what they asked of her, but with Rosie and Carmen they do too much of the tongue in cheek mocking of Latino stereotypes.  

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I almost forgot . . .

When Zoila walks in on Genevieve in the wedding dress, and Genevieve says "So what if (Fabian's) gay?" - Zoila responds with "He's gay? Didn't you learn anything from husband number five?" So apparently Genevieve's fifth husband was gay.

But . . . wasn't Peter Husband No. 5? Am I mis-remembering this, or did the writers forget? Or, are we to believe that Peter is really gay?

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4 hours ago, iMonrey said:

But . . . wasn't Peter Husband No. 5? Am I mis-remembering this, or did the writers forget? Or, are we to believe that Peter is really gay?

Good question.  That's what I thought too but felt I must have been mistaken.  Maybe we both are.  Or maybe we're not.  However, wouldn't Zoila have said something to Marisol?

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17 hours ago, iMonrey said:

I almost forgot . . .

When Zoila walks in on Genevieve in the wedding dress, and Genevieve says "So what if (Fabian's) gay?" - Zoila responds with "He's gay? Didn't you learn anything from husband number five?" So apparently Genevieve's fifth husband was gay.

But . . . wasn't Peter Husband No. 5? Am I mis-remembering this, or did the writers forget? Or, are we to believe that Peter is really gay?

I thought Peter was Genevieve's third husband, not fifth, so I doubt that Peter is gay.

I never thought I would say this but I really enjoy the Zoila and Adrian friendship this season.

When they kept talking about blood types, I just knew that it would be revealed that Tucker was not Spence's son. Rosie is still annoying but I'm intrigued by The Circle and its endgame.

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The season is actually getting better without Carmen's annoying and ill cast daughter around. Too bad she's going to return before the season is over.

Genevieve and Zoila will always be the couple to ship on this show - Brotp

I like Carmen with the coffee shop guy. Still rooting for them.

The cult/Tucker/Peri storyline will be a boring let down. The signs are in the air.

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On 7/19/2016 at 6:30 PM, seacliffsal said:

Susan Lucci looked stunningly beautiful in the wedding dress (good genes...).

Well, if anyone has had the practice and experience of how to look good in a wedding dress it would be Susan Lucci.

Nice to them using her more this season.  This role plays to her strengths well.  I bet she enjoys playing such a colorful schedule, but with a lighter schedule and probably feels less responsibility of keeping the show afloat.  This way she gets to keep up with her acting,but has more time to spend with her grand kids and hitting the theater etc. than her AMC days.

I liked that they are mixing it up acting partners a bit.  With different people intermingling, it has more of a community feel about it.  In some ways I think this might be the best season.  Too bad it is not doing a little better in the ratings.

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I'm still trying to figure out exactly what Zoila and Kyle would see in each other.  I mean, maybe his body is enough so she cares about nothing else, but as far as I can see, he's essentially a jobless man-child who lives off his mother.  I'm not pretending that Zoila is a huge prize either, given she's lying about her lifestyle, but it doesn't really seem like those two could maintain a relationship.  

I laughed at Jesse's "fitness" pictures.  I have no idea who his desired clientele is supposed to be, but those pictures didn't seem like they were geared towards women, so much as like they were for the casting agent at the local gay porn studio.  

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I am really enjoying the Zoila/Adrian stuff this season, but other than that, Zoila is bugging me.  Hasn't she once considered the harm her charade is going to do to Marisole's business?  I really doubt the real owner could return and not find out about Zoila's usurping her life, not to mention her wardrobe.  When Zoila got on her high horse about Kyle wanting to keep secrets from his mother, my eyeballs nearly rolled out of my head.

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Carmen finds herself caught in the middle of the Powell household. Genevieve continues to meddle with Marisol’s love life. Shannon makes a confession that puts Rosie one step closer to finding Peri’s real killer. Zoila and Kyle both receive unpleasant surprises.

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I didn't love this episode. 

Seriously, another boyfriend is a bad guy seemingly out of nowhere?

Carmen's plot line just annoys me. Even the Powells this week weren't very funny.

Spence and Rosie are married again. Yawn.

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"I wanted her to come home with her tail between her legs, and she came home with a handsome black man between her legs."  I can't believe they went there!  Adrian for the win!

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It appeared to me that he told Dani who the man was. Dani got in contact with him and he must have expressed that he wanted to see Carmen.  To punish Carmen and make her feel guilty about not telling her (or him) she made Carmen believe he was dead, thus denying her the chance to meet her father. She then told Lucas? that Carmen did not want to see him...after she realized that he meant something to Carmen.  Dani is more annoying than Zoila's daughter whose name I can't remember.

I am tired of the ex-husband, boyfriend from the other country coming back. Didn't we see that with Rosie last season?   Also, Jesse could not have been in Marisol's house that long. He comes out, fully clothed and the assistant tells Peter they are seeing each other, which automatically means they are having sex? 

So, is Marisol serious about Jesse, or does she want Peter? Why even sleep with Jesse after he told her his insecurities about whether she could really be interested in him?  Why can't any of the women be in a decent relationship? Is that a rule? 

Zoila- Ruin his relationship with his mother, then decide you don't want him? The mother told you to move on in the beginning.  It was just too contrived to get her involved in the Circle. It would have made more sense for her to be their maid instead of pretending to be rich. Also, wasn't Zoila wearing her bosses clothes? There is no way she was in the clothing of the woman that showed up at the door, and even if she was supposed to be a designer, the odds of the clothing being those that Zoila could just slip into are slim to none. 

The whole Rosie and Spence remarrying and immediately getting conjugal visits in county jail is just too stupid to even contemplate, even for a comedy. 

Yeah Evelyn and Genevieve! 

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I enjoyed this one. They're really ramping up for the finale - only two episodes left! It better be renewed for next year. A world without the Powells snarking at each other is a sad world indeed. TomGirl, I'm continually surprised with the stuff they're able to sneak in past the censors on this show.

Loved the War of the Roses at Powell Mansion - "If I were speaking to you, I would've given you a warning." I liked how Carmen weaseled her way into working for Evelyn, because annoying Adrian is worth being annoyed herself for Evelyn. And hiring Dani to work there was a magnificently bastardish move on Adrian's part. I felt really bad for Carmen by the end. She's made mistakes and mishandled things, but for Dani to ruthlessly lie about Lucas being dead is pretty damn harsh, IMO. My favorite moment of the night had to be when Evelyn walked in on Carmen crying and managed to be nice to her in her own Evelyn way. "Now I'm torn because I still need you to iron something."

Marisol sure can pick 'em, can't she? Murderers, that is. Marisol: You can't do any better than Jesse. He's nice and gorgeous. Take what fate gives you.

Jesse: You can do so much better than Marisol. Run! Run for your life! And I had to laugh at how Genevieve kept trying to come onto him. So typical.

Nice to see Rosie and Zoila putting the pieces together about the Circle. I think it's interesting how Rosie is the one that the other maids confide their secrets in. Poor hairstyling choices aside, I've really liked watching Rosie step up and take the lead on the mystery this year. Much better than last year, watching her be the damsel torn between two jerks. Poor Zoila. I'd be completely disturbed too if I were having visions of Adrian Powell. "Who is this gross old man you're dreaming about?" lol

I can only assume Mother had Ben stuffed in the mothball cabinet, because it's been awhile since she poisoned him. Yikes!

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So am I to gather from this episode Peter is the killer? Because, when Shannon mentioned the "hot shot in the movie business" (or something along that line), the camera INSTANTLY cut to Peter. I thought they made it pretty obvious, and, considering the way they've handled past seasons' mysteries, I don't trust these writers to be particularly inventive and unpredictable in that department.

By the way, is this whole circle thing all about a son born out of a rape? I REALLY hope there's more to it than this, because it would be a HUGE letdown (not that it would be particularly surprise me, seeing as this show treats the mystery aspect as some sort of "bonus" not worth losing your sleep over that much). Besides, I know he was a bad guy, but I find it really preposterous that Ben dies and apparently no one has been looking for him and the police didn't start an investigation.

I found Genevieve really DESPERATE, coming on to the YOUNG trainer... I mean, I know she's had quite the love life and seems to be perpetually horny (despite her age), but even she wouldn't sink that low! She came across as pathetic.

I have NO idea what the deal is with Carmen's daughter, but I found that last reveal interesting.

Edited by Giuliano Lanzilli
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