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Devious Maids - General Discussion

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I'm just watching it now, debating whether I want to buy into another season. 

I hoped they were giving Rosie a ticket to drop the annoying speech pattern, but apparently it was just acknowledgment, so pfft.  Otoh, if Peri's going to get it by the end of the episode, that's a big check in the "plus" column.

Adrian being able to walk:  of course.  How long before Carmen and her secret love child are romantic rivals?

(TV is EMPTY these days!)

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Thank heavens Adrian lives!  I was worried.  

And thank you for ridding us of nasty Peri.  And hello handsome James Denton!

Carmen's annoying spawn needs to go away quickly.

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Glad to see the show back. And cool surprise to see both Spence get his memory back and Peri get murdered so soon because I assumed both would be dragged out for the season. Plus, we get the bonus of a mystery where we actually care about everyone involved beforehand.

I like Carmen but I did not like her saddled with the long lost daughter storyline. Not sure how I feel now that the daughter has shown up but I agree that the actresses definitely could pass for relatives. 

Man, that Genevieve/Zoila scene was painful. As annoying as they both can be, I totally love them together. So, the room got a little dusty, when they had their fight. But I was tickled that Genevieve hates Rosie. And her imitation? Ha! Susan Lucci for MVP!

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I thought this set up the season nicely although I'm not really interested in Carmen and her erstwhile daughter. Otherwise it was pretty good. My God, Ryan McPartlin has not aged a day, he must be immortal. Wish the same could be said for James Denton but he still doesn't look half bad.

Who was Peri looking for at the end - her son, or her manager/lover/Spence's "sponsor?" If it's the latter I'm thinking that's probably who killed her. If it's the former I wonder what happened to him. I'm struggling to remember their son's name.

I also can't remember what happened to Ernesto - Rosie's first husband. Was he killed off last season?

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Ana Ortiz' figure has gotten fuller (especially her arms)... is she pregnant again?

Anyway, I HATE HATE HATE Daniel(l)a (she couldn't be more of a walking TexMex stereotype if she actively tried!) and she reminds me way too much (when it comes to both her looks and mannerism) of annoying Valentina. So Carmen's storlyine keeps being one of the weakest ones.

Evelyn keeps getting the best lines, and I loved that nice twist in the beginning where you'd think people were offering her condolences over the loss of her husband, but it was actually over the one of her house! Priceless! XD LOVED LOVED LOVED seeing Gail again: I heart that woman and she's so stunning! Hope she'll turn out to be the murderer somehow: I don't even care how they tie her to Peri, I just want her to be (have wanted to since last season and was really disappointed when it was Sebastian instead).

I haven't even finished watching the whole episode, but I'm happy they've brought back so many characters and developed new interactions between them (Genvieve-Rosie, Spence-Jesse and so on and so forth). That was the main selling point of last season to me and I'm glad it's being carried over into this one. 

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27 minutes ago, hoosiermom said:

I flove everything about this show! So glad it is back. Has two actors from desperate housewives which I also floved.

Which ones? As far as I know, only James Denton is... Eva only made a guest appearance! 

By the way, I'm so glad to see James back on my screen: as much as his acting on DH was rather stiff (to the point where many fans used to call him "Block of wood"), he just reminds me of that great show, which takes me back to a really good time in my life. :-)

Edited by Giuliano Lanzilli
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DM is my decadent pleasure.  Almost makes up for not having Cinnabon and chocolate-covered strawberries.

I was wondering up until the end if there would be a murder mystery this season, and poof, there goes unlamented Peri.  It oughtta be considered a mercy killing.  Mercy to us.  I didn't think anyone still went for the hit your head twice and your memory comes back trope but it wouldn't be our campy soap opera without some serious camp.  And not a word about poor Michael getting shot and blown up.  What happened to the evil spawn from last season?

Susan Lucci looks like she's gained two or three badly needed pounds.  Loved Genevieve calling Rosie on her whininess.  This episode was very meta, between that and the discussion of Latina maids.  I wish I'd watched the Catch up because I can't remember what Genevieve did that saved Zoila but killed the baby. 

Don't know who the DH actors are.  I guessed that must be Eva Longoria only because they called her Eva and she mentioned DH, and there she was in the credits.  Shows how little I know about pop culture.

Ana Ortiz is, as always, the weakest link.  Can't act for crap.  Tired of everyone falling in love with her when she's a terrible actress and her character really is a bitch.  Marisol acts like she's pure but she's really out for herself every time.

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 I wish I'd watched the Catch up because I can't remember what Genevieve did that saved Zoila but killed the baby. 

There was some sort of complication with the delivery and the doctor made Genevieve choose who they should save if they could only save one of them - Zoila or the baby. Because nobody else was around to make the decision (Valentina in New York, hubby dead, etc.). It left on a cliffhanger but obviously Genevieve chose Zoila over the baby.

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22 hours ago, missbonnie said:

No one watched this tonight?? I SO knew that Mr. Powell was faking it! Hell hath no fury when Evelyn finds out. I thought it was hilarious that Peri ended up with her award stuck in her neck. Rosie still whines, at least they made it a point to acknowledge it this year. The girl that plays Carmen's daughter is a dead ringer for her. I have to applaud the writers for not saving both Zolia and her baby by some miracle. 

The way she always says "Mr. Spence" makes my teeth itch. She's the weak link in the cast.

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I thought it was a very weak season opener, but maybe that was my fault as I couldn't remember some of the plots from last season. I should have watched the catch-up.  

Overall, I'd have to say I don't really care about Carmen's storyline, I don't like Zoila's so far, and I'm rooting for whoever killed Peri.  ;) The Powell storyline was predictable from Adrian being alive to him faking it to her staying with him because he was crippled.

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Carmen's groove has always worked pretty well for her.  "I'm too good for this maid business because I'm a staahr.  And hot!"

But she's never had to do much except flounce and preen, while this whole (sexy, manipulative) daughter story requires a lot of complex emotional conflict:  guilt, jealousy, suspicion.  I guess it'll be a real showcase if she can pull it off--she'll need to do more than look at the floor and stick out her bottom lip.

Oh, wait, I just remembered when Carmen offered to take care of her former arch nemesis, who had cancer.  Whatever happened with that?

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I thought it was a very weak season opener, but maybe that was my fault as I couldn't remember some of the plots from last season. I should have watched the catch-up. 

The catch-up didn't really help much. They tried to squeeze three seasons of storylines into about 2 minutes, so you can imagine how much info was left on the cutting room floor. What helped me (after the fact) was looking up Season 3 on Wikipedia and reading the synopsis of all the episodes. Didn't take long and reminded me what happened with everyone last season. What I forgot about was that Taylor took Katy on the run using Rosie's ID so that's an unresolved cliffhanger I don't know if they'll even address. 


The way she always says "Mr. Spence" makes my teeth itch. She's the weak link in the cast.

I'd say all the maids (plus Marisol) have weak spots with the possible exception of Zoila. I think maybe the show's main problem is that the supporting characters like the Powells and Genevieve have turned out to be more popular and interesting than the "leads" which are supposed to be the maids. I'm much more interested in watching Adrian and Evelyn than Carmen's antics. 

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17 hours ago, Almost 3000 said:

The way she always says "Mr. Spence" makes my teeth itch. She's the weak link in the cast.

What's amazing to me is that the actress doesn't normally speak like that.  Somebody apparently got the idea that's how you show sweet and innocent.  She either was given direction to use a whiny baby voice or she did it on her own and no one has corrected her.

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I think maybe the show's main problem is that the supporting characters like the Powells and Genevieve have turned out to be more popular and interesting than the "leads" which are supposed to be the maids. I'm much more interested in watching Adrian and Evelyn than Carmen's antics. 

I agree.  I feel like the writers enjoy writing for the Powells, but really have little idea what to do with characters like Carmen or Rosie.  I did love that Genevieve finds Rosie to be annoying and whiny.   

I also would have liked it a little better if Carmen Jr. wasn't presented as a shorter clone of her mother.   

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I agree about the Carmen storyline being meh. And Daniella reminds me so much of Valentina so I'm really meh about it! I do love the Powells, but as soon as Adrian entered the room in the wheelchair/rascal, I knew that he was faking. I was never a fan of Peri so I'm glad she's gone - permanently this time. I do think it was her son that killed her. They haven't shown him in I don't know how long, then he pops up for 5 seconds tonight and Peri blows him off with an Ipad. The scene was totally unnecessary except to remind the audience that Spence and Peri have a child. On a totally vain note, nice to see Jesse again. Yum-o!

Did anyone else notice Spence and Peri's house is the Walsh's house from the 1990's Beverly Hills 90210?  

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This show is such a guilty pleasure for me. As much as I love darker shows like Game of Thrones, The Walking Dead, and The Americans, I do love this campy cliche filled soap! Agree that it was obvious that Adrien could walk, that Zoila couldn't possibly be just fine, that Marisol was still hung up on Jesse, and that Mister Spence would get his memory back. Obvious is kind of the point on a show like this though! Disagree that Daniela is a Carmen look alike. She was styled to look like her but was about a foot shorter and doesn't have those killer cheekbones and prominent cleft chin that Rosalyn Sanchez has. I also didn't find her or her accent nearly as annoying as Valentina. With all the talk here about the weakest link acting wise, it made me chuckle as during the emotional scene between Zoila and Genevieve, I thought to myself "Wow, Judy Reyes just showed Susan Lucci how its done!" On a last shallow note, its always nice to see Ryan McPartlin and his gorgeous smile. I miss Chuck!

Edited by lark37
Misspelled lucci
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 I do think it was her son that killed her.

The kid looks like he's about five years old - he shouldn't be any older than that, anyway, given the timeline. In fact assuming three seasons have represented three years he should be younger but I guess they're allowed to rapid-age him a bit since it's a soap. Still, I don't know if they'd go there. A kid that little murdering his mother? That seems pretty dark for this show.

When Zoila was going through her employer's wardrobe trying on all her clothes I fully expected whoever owns them to walk in on her and catch her.

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Not much to add beyond what everyone else has said - I'm just glad this show is back! So glad to see the Powells front and center (knew Adrian was faking too, but I didn't think we'd find out for a few more episodes). Rebecca Wisocky continues to have the most beautiful hair on the planet.

Thank the tv gods that Peri is gone! I couldn't stand her before, and couldn't stand her again here. First wild guess of the season is that James Denton killed her, but it's too early to do more than wildly speculate.

I'm glad to see Jesse back again, I thought he had potential last season. Hopefully they won't saddle him with crazy Marisol right away - it'd be nice to see him interact with other characters for a bit.

Agree that the real heartbreaker of the night was Genvieve and Zoila's breakup - I'm sure they'll reconcile by season's end, but I'll miss their banter until then. Seeing Zoila pretend to be the lady of the house to neighbor guy was painfully predictable. You'd think she'd have learned her lesson about lying to guys after Javi last year, sigh. But Judy Reyes is awesome, so I'll hang in there. (And I loved Genvieve's Rosie impersonation, too).

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"If it's not too much trouble and I hate to impose, but would you mind killing yourself?". LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL How does this woman CONSTANTLY get the best lines of the whole cast? Seriously, she's hands down the most interesting character of the bunch: I always find myself craving for her screentime, even when her plots may be a bit dull. Not to mention, with her voice, I would gladly pay big bucks to watch her sit on a stool and read from the telephone book! 

Edited by Giuliano Lanzilli
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I'd be curious to know how much Marc Cherry has to do with this show because the characters of Evelyn, Genevieve, Perry and Taylor are/were all written very much like the Desperate Housewives, and they all seem more engaging and compelling than the maids who are supposed to be the leads. Maybe whoever writes this show (be it Cherry or otherwise) just doesn't know how to write for characters that aren't desperate housewives. 

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Rosie finds herself entangled in the aftermath of the latest murder in Beverly Hills. Marisol makes a shocking discovery about Genevieve. Carmen worries about her ability to control Daniela when she begins displaying a wild streak. Meanwhile, Zoila becomes uneasy after discovering her neighbor’s relationship with his mother is a little too close for comfort. Evelyn’s desire to move on from Adrian has her reaching new lows.

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Oh man, this episode made me laugh more than most sitcoms.  Genevieve and Evelyn were hilarious as usual, Adrian was amusing, and even Rosie, who usually bugs me with her baby voice, was too funny with the stripper. 

May I just add how much I hate Rosie's hair this season.  I'm not sure why, but when she's on screen that is mostly all I can focus on, and it inspires a kind of blind rage that makes me want to reach into the screen and cut of both the braid and that long piece that sticks out.  I may need therapy.

Zoila and Kyle (I think that's Captain Awesome's name in this) seem like a mismatch to me.  I'm just not buying that he would be that into her... but it may be because I am still annoyed with how she treated Genevieve last episode.  What kind of plans does Kyle's mother have for him?   Marry rich?   Scam women out of money, and she likes Zoila too much for that?   I did enjoy the scenes with Mom, and I liked that she and Zoila had that touching conversation... I was afraid it would be that trope where son leaves the room and Mom's claws come out.

This show seems more enjoyable this season and the plot is really moving along.   I could have used an hour long recap of the first three seasons because there is so much I don't really even remember.  It hasn't seemed to lessen my enjoyment though.

I am wondering if the show wants me to root for Marisol because I am totally team Genevieve.  Marisol is so full of herself, I really can't stand her. 

On a trivial note, I was surprised when Genevieve's third husband (can't think of his name) mentioned that Marisol needed two jobs to afford to attend Stanford.  Stanford meets full demonstrated need of everyone accepted who qualifies for financial assistance, without the need for loans... so unless it was different way back in Marisol's day, or I missed something... somebody skipped the fact checking there.

Edited by AnnaRose
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The scene with Rosie and the stripper where the former shoved the latter's head into her tits made me REALLY uncomfortable and I thought it wasn't funny in the slightest and totally unnecessary. I was equally creeped out by the "evil mother-in-law" plotline, not to mention I thought the whole storyline was ridiculously sitcomish: you just know in real life a woman would've run out of the door two seconds into that dinner! I just thought they played up the "close mother/son bonding" WAAAAAY too much for me to take it seriously and not roll my eyes all the way back in my head!

Genviéve got a couple of gems this week ("Oh, your mom's only been married twice? Give her time!" and "He's gotta be in his 50s and I'm still in my 40s!" and treating Miguel as her butler), but I just don't get why she would wanna so desperately get close to her ex-husband again! At first I thought it was because she wanted to exploit his money and his position, but then she came up with the whole "friends don't date each other's exes" crap which I frankly don't buy. She and Marisol have barely shared any airtime at all since the beginning of the show and, besides (as Marisol said), she's dated all of Beverly Hills so you'd think she's the kind of woman who moves on quickly. Marisol has turned into a completely useless character, à la Susan Mayer (no wonder she's dating Mike Delfino): they obviously don't know what to do with her, so they keep throwing a different love interest her way each season hoping to keep her busy.

Weirdly, I find myself intrigued by the whole Carmen storyline and the power dynamics ensuing with the Powells: I loved how they tied all plots together with Adrian trying to hide that he can walk from his wife and Daniella (predictably) finding out and Carmen finding out as well and blackmailing Adrian into kicking Daniella to the curb and Adrian blackmailing her back and Evelyn bribing Daniella into sleeping with her husband and offering her a music gig in return and Carmen getting jelly of her and Daniella rubbing it in her face. XD Evelyn constantly gets some of the best lines ("I'm confused: you look like Carmen, yet you're cleaning!" or "I swear I'm not having an affair with him!" - "Yes, but would you be open to the possibility?"). Besides, the scene at the club was priceless and I love how Rebecca starts talking really fast whenever her character's supposed to be pissed off! XD

PS. How tall is Gail? She's gotta be at least 6'. I keep hoping she's somehow involved with the murder, but I'm 100% sure she's just supposed to be a side character providing sporadic comic relief.

Edited by Giuliano Lanzilli
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Do people really buy houses letting their maids live there for months on end by themselves, without probably even knowing what they look like? Aren't they afraid they're gonna go through her stuff (which Zoila actually did) and steal from them? Seems very contrived to me!

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Susan Lucci was once again the highlight of the episode.  It cracked me up that she has taken Miguel under her wing and had him answering the door.

Carmen and her mush mouthed spawn need to go away.  She continues to be the most useless character.  I wish she was not part of the Powell storyline.

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2 hours ago, smiley13 said:

Carmen and her mush mouthed spawn need to go away.  She continues to be the most useless character.  I wish she was not part of the Powell storyline.

What about Marisol? I think she's even more useless now that she just keeps dating someone different every year. At least Carmen's storyline was entertaining, what with all the Powells' back-and-forth threats and setups.

Edited by Giuliano Lanzilli
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Easy, I like Marisol and can't stand Carmen.  The Carmen character has gotten on my last nerve from Episode 1.  At least at least we have not had to hear her attempt to sing in a while.

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Susan Lucci was funny tonight!

 The Powells were awesome as usual.  I love when Andrian said that Evelyn was carbon monoxide "because even when you can't see her,  she can still kill you!" Ha!

 I'm over the Carmen storyline. The only time I like Carmen's character is when she is interacting with the Powells.

I wonder if the mother/son thing is going to be them being grifters.  Zoila is their next victim because they think she's rich, etc.

So instead of Spence calling his lawyer, he has his AA sponser there?  Lame.  The obvious murderer is Ben. The not so obvious is Tucker (Spence's son)

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 It cracked me up that she has taken Miguel under her wing and had him answering the door.

And driving! That was hilarious! First she tells Miguel to "fetch the car" and Miguel reminds her, "Still 10." Next scene, she's telling Marisol Miguel is an excellent driver! OMG I thought that was hilarious. Also: "these are my sleep jewelry."

The whole thing was pretty good. Rosie usually annoys the hell out of me but I thought she was pretty funny with the stripper (and I totally cracked up when Cinammon motor-boarded her). 

So - the last we saw of Peri, she was frantically searching for Ben and walked in on . . . something. I'm guessing she walked in on Ben and some other woman, and either Ben or that other woman killed her then dragged her into Spence's room to frame him. It would be way too obvious if it was Ben himself so I'm betting on some mystery woman. (Or, man! Now that would be a twist.)

Even Carmen got a good line in about Kyle killing Zoila and turning her into candles.

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26 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

So - the last we saw of Peri, she was frantically searching for Ben and walked in on . . . something. I'm guessing she walked in on Ben and some other woman, and either Ben or that other woman killed her then dragged her into Spence's room to frame him. It would be way too obvious if it was Ben himself so I'm betting on some mystery woman. (Or, man! Now that would be a twist.)

How would that be a twist? We've never had any female killers on the show... the OPPOSITE would be a twist (unless you were being ironic?).

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1 hour ago, iMonrey said:

So - the last we saw of Peri, she was frantically searching for Ben and walked in on . . . something. I'm guessing she walked in on Ben and some other woman, and either Ben or that other woman killed her then dragged her into Spence's room to frame him. It would be way too obvious if it was Ben himself so I'm betting on some mystery woman. (Or, man! Now that would be a twist.)


I thought the same thing, that Peri walked in on Ben and maybe Carmen's daughter but someone completed unrelated to that killed Peri and placed her body near passed out Spence. At any rate, I'm glad we don't have to deal with Peri all season.

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Well Ben definitely knows something, otherwise he wouldn't be hypnotizing Spence (or whatever he's doing) into confessing. The question is whether he's covering for himself or someone else.

I don't know how long Zoila thinks she can keep up this charade; the home owner she works for is going to show up sooner or later and the longer she waits the more foolish she's going to look. Besides, when Carmen thinks it's a good idea, that should tell you right there it's not.

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I'm so naive that, like Rosie, I didn't immediately get "see you next Tuesday," although when I repeated it in my head, I got the reference.

The daughter really is channeling Carmen.  When she walked in on Adrian, I thought for a second it was Carmen.  Loved the blackmail impasse, although it didn't last long.

Rosie just gets more annoying every season, and every week of every season.

Zoila's lying about her situation and yet her biggest worry is that the guy lives with his mother? 

Edited by cattykit
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It was an enjoyable episode. I didn't really care for Zoila's storyline but it was harmless. 

Genevieve vs Marisol could be good!

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The daughter really is channeling Carmen.  When she walked in on Adrian, I thought for a second it was Carmen.  Loved the blackmail impasse, although it didn't last long.

I'm not really seeing much of Carmen in Daniela (in fact, she seems an awfully lot like Valentina instead). There's certainly not much physical resemblance as far as I can tell, aside from both women being Latina. And the fact that they both want to be singers, although that's probably a pretty common dream for girls that age. We've also never seen any evidence that Carmen would whore herself out just for a chance at a recording contract the way Daniela jumped at the chance to seduce Adrian.  

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Nude Genevieve behind those flowers was worth the price of admission.  Posing seductively for a man who walks in with a date is Classic Scenario 1.0, but I've never see anyone maintain the pose instead of mortified shrieking and rushing to cover. 

Probably not likely to happen to me at this point, but I made a mental note, just in case.


Zoila's the only one of the main four I can stand--why have they made her stupid?  Her little ruse is over at the very first cocktail party or public appearance.

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As usual, the Powells win the night with their one-liners and general snarky awesomeness. I really appreciated that Adrian's secret came out to the entire household by episode's end, instead of it dragging out for another ten episodes like most shows would've done. And Carmen and Adrian's blackmail-off was very clever.

I like that Rosie is being somewhat proactive this year by trying to help Spence, instead of passively sitting back as she did last year. The scene with the stripper was simultaneously hilarious and weird, but I did like Rosie's "Um, thank you?" reactions. And it's nice to see her working with Jesse - I always like it when shows have characters interacting whose storylines don't normally intersect. Though, for the love of all the tv gods, can someone please either braid that chunk of hair in with the rest or chop it off? It was distractingly annoying. I don't know why, but it was. I'm glad I'm not the only one bothered by it.

Carmen and Daniela could be interesting, if it makes Carmen take a good hard look at herself and actually, I don't know, grow up a little? A mature Carmen would be a welcome change. Time will tell, though. I did love her horrified reaction at the mere possibility of Dani sleeping with Adrian, though.

Not sure about Zoila's story. I don't want to watch her lie to another love interest again this season, and I'm not sold on the mother/son story, either. The idea of mother and son as grifters after Zoila's supposed fortune makes the most sense of anything, so we'll see if the show actually goes there or not. But I'd rather watch be watching Zoila and Genevieve. Their dynamic is one of the best things on the show, hands down, and I miss it.

Marisol vs. Genevieve could be fun, or it could reduce two grown women to junior high schoolers fighting over a boy they both like. We'll see. I did like Miguel as Genevieve's butler ("he's an excellent driver!" lol)

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19 hours ago, iMonrey said:

I'm not really seeing much of Carmen in Daniela (in fact, she seems an awfully lot like Valentina instead). There's certainly not much physical resemblance as far as I can tell, aside from both women being Latina. And the fact that they both want to be singers, although that's probably a pretty common dream for girls that age. We've also never seen any evidence that Carmen would whore herself out just for a chance at a recording contract the way Daniela jumped at the chance to seduce Adrian.  

Carmen was ready to be the gay singer's fake wife for a chance at a career, so she would totally whore herself out IMO.

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True, but he and his manager made her the offer, and she didn't have to sleep with him. She was basically asked to play a role. Evelyn actually wanted Daniela to seduce Adrian and it looked like she was up for it. I guess we'll never know how far she would have gone.

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Even though I thought this was a pretty weak episode I still got a few good laughs out of it. Of course, Adrian and Evelyn were the MVPs as usual and I loved when Evelyn was pulled up at the gate and Carmen said she looked like she wanted to kill her, and Adrian said "She has resting murder face." But even better was the later scene where Adrian was spelling out what life would be like without money and Evelyn's escalating horror. "Yes you have pennies." "I don't just throw them away?"

I also got a kick out of Daniela telling Carmen she wrecked Adrian's car. "Which one?" "The Bentley." "Which Bentley?" "The black one." "That's his favorite Bentley!"

On the other hand I'm not getting a kick out of Daniela herself. Did this show learn nothing from Valentina? Plus I found Genevieve's little war with Marisol childish and beneath her.

Next week looks like it could be fun, now that Evelyn has moved in with Marisol. 

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iMonrey pretty much nailed my thoughts on tonight. The Powells steal this show hands down, and the thought of Evelyn and Marisol as roomies is just too good. I loved the horror on her face during Adrian's description of her bleak future as a single woman ("I eat peanut butter?!")

Am glad to see the end (hopefully) of Genevieve and Marisol's petty war. But I'm definitely missing Genevieve and Zoila's snark fest, especially since I'm still not sold on Zoila's storyline (though her scene with Carmen at the end was interesting).

RME at bad guy Ben just happening to have a prison guard on the take who just happened to hear Rosie talk about Cinnamon being Spence's alibi. Talk about contrived. Speaking of Rosie, does she still work for Genevieve or has Miguel taken over housekeeper duties?

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I thought this was a very weak episode. The Marisol Genevieve war had promise, but didn't reach it, imo.

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Carmen's spawn needs to go back to where ever she came from.  If it is possible, she is worse than Carmen.  So she does drugs, wrecks other peoples cars and has casual sex with multiple people in someone else's home.  She's a real prize!

Poor Mr Spence.  I hope that we actually get an explanation of why evil Peri came back in the first place.

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While I don't like the way Adrian is trying to control Evelyn through money, they still are the thing I look forward to the most on this show.  "Resting murder face" was awesome!  But I need them sparring yet drawn together.  Not sparring to be totally apart and that's the only way I see this going right now.

Genvieve has been cracking me up these past two episodes but I do think it had to end. I like Marisol but I don't think she could get down and dirty.  Now had it been Carmen...

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I agree, this episode was weak.

The Marisol and Genevieve storyline was pretty lame.

 I'm over the Rosie/Spence/Ben storyline. I'll suffer through it though to see Jesse. 

I liked the Carmen/Zoila storyline, but the Carmen/Daniella one is just awful.  Smoking pot in her employer's house...not cool.  Wrecking her employer's car...not cool.  Being a complete skank...not cool.  I hope Josephina takes her home (off the show)  next week. 

The Powells were even a little weak this episode. Don't get me wrong, THEY make this show,  but I like them catty and snarky together. Next week should be funny though with Evelyn living with Carmen.

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