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Devious Maids - General Discussion

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I just can't get past my horror at Zoila rubbing her 'chicken hands' on a dishcloth and then proceeding to touch other food products, surfaces and people with them. That is just so incredibly unhygenic. And this character was dating a chef! He really should have taken a moment to teach her food safety procedures.


I imagine next week the police will be charging her for trying to kill her husband with salmonella poisoning.

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When Nick refuses to divulge his secret past, Marisol sets off on a quest to find out the truth. Zoila struggles with her feelings for Javier and Pablo. Carmen must play babysitter to Spence's son. Rosie recruits Lucinda and Didi to work together to rescue Kenneth and put a stop to Reggie's financial thievery. Valentina tells the police what she knows about Ethan and his crew.


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I just can't get past my horror at Zoila rubbing her 'chicken hands' on a dishcloth and then proceeding to touch other food products, surfaces and people with them.



Yes! I was disgusted! If they didn't want to deal with having to run a sink, they could have had her handling peppers or something else that was moist but not contaminated. Maybe I've just been watching too many episodes of Bar Rescue.

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Who thinks Tony will show back up to try and tell on Mr. Powell, or that he had a backup video of the two of them? Did they disclose whom he had been talking to on the phone when he said he could not wait to dump her?


I think what amazed me most was it seemed like Tony was going to try to cash a $100,000.00 check at an ATM.  I don't think that is possible, or even vaguely believable.  


And yes, Marisol's stupidity knows no bounds.  This is actually something that really pissed me off.  Are you going to tell me after all she went through last season, she was going to confront Opal entirely alone, even though she knew what was at stake for Opal?  And then, even after she's nearly murdered, she still leaves the gun where Opal can easily get to it!  I mean, if any character deserved to get shot at that point, it was Marisol.  

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I never even thought about that!  I just assumed he was depositing the check, but now that you mention it i don't know if you can even deposit a check of that amount at the ATM.

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I never even thought about that!  I just assumed he was depositing the check, but now that you mention it i don't know if you can even deposit a check of that amount at the ATM.


I want to say a comment was made about making the check out to "cash."  But yeah, a deposit in that amount would probably be something you actually have to do with a teller. 

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I'm going to be really, really pissed if they kill off Rosie, Spence, Carmen or Zoila. Marisol can get shot, I don't care one way or the other. I checked at TV Line and they are still showing that renewal for season 3 could go either way.

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This show hasn't been renewed yet? I find that surprising. I thought the ratings were doing pretty good for Lifetime. I hope they aren't getting rid of this and putting another reality show on instead because it is cheaper to make.

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No it hasn't and quite frankly, that worries me because I was thinking last year we knew before this. I didn't mention anything about The Powells getting killed because no one is that dumb, they have a fairly large amount of people who turn in just to see them.

Edited by missbonnie
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I have a bad feeling they are gonna kill of Spence (Please no).  I don't want that to happen.  Or they are going to kill one of Zoila's  guys.  I wonder if they would have the guts to kill off Valentina.

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I don't generally like to criticize a kid's appearance, but the child playing Miguel is neither appealing nor a good actor. The baby playing Tucker, on the other hand, is about the cutest kid I've ever seen. They mentioned on this episode that he's "trying to talk" and how cute that is. I'm wondering if he'll babble something that reflects badly on Peri, maybe resulting in Spence getting full custody.

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I thought the Carmen interaction with the baby was too predictable, and Reggie's commuppance too rushed. Can they get rid of the crazy nephew now?


I can't see a reason to keep Spence...if they get married and he has money then there is no reason for Rosie to be  maid, and a story line where she is working to support them because he can't get a job would be just too depressing. They already need to figure out a reason to keep  Marisol.


I totally agree with Zoila not going back to her husband.

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Marisol truly is the most devious of the devious maids.  She has no moral high ground to stand with anyone.


I thought after last season and I still think they can use the term "maids" to mean young women who don't necessarily have to do housekeeping.  Zoila, however, has to stay Genevieve's maid forever.  They're too good together.  Unlike Zoila and her husband...blech.


I'm not understanding the discussion upthread about killing someone off...is that in a preview or an interview or something?

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I think Spence will survive because if he marries Rosie she can stay in the country (yes, it doesn't really always work like that, but nothing about Rosie's immigration situation is very realistic). Not a good storyline, but who knows if this show is even coming back.


Zoila should dump her horrible cheating, manipulating husband. After he donates the kidney.


Marisol is the only person who's surprised by what's in the box. It's like she's not even watching this show.

Edited by Lebanna
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Marisol is the only person who's surprised by what's in the box. It's like she's not even watching this show.


I appreciated that Opal left a helpful news article in the safe deposit box, so as to explain exactly why the bloody sock or whatever that was, was important.  Otherwise, poor stupid Marisol would never have gotten it. 

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I hate the crazy nephew too, and hope he will be arrested or killed off as soon as possible.


Man, Javier is the perfect boyfriend, isn't he?  I'll take one of those please.  I will find it difficult to believe if Zoila chooses her cheating husband over gorgeous, sweet and generous Javier.  Then again, her one true love is Genevieve, right? ... They're so cute together. ;)  Those two and the Powells are by far the best part of the show for me.


Tucker is so fricken adorable!  I would love to babysit that cutie-pie.


I am always so distracted when they show Nick and Marisol's mansion.  It is so obviously filmed in Atlanta, and the house itself looks super familiar to me.  I'm trying to figure out if it's famous or I just recognize it from when I lived in the area.   Anyway... with all the verdant landscaping and trees, it doesn't look anything like Beverly Hills to me, and every time they show the exterior, it totally takes me out of the show.


I hope this show gets renewed.  It is literally the only show I'm watching this summer.

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I am always so distracted when they show Nick and Marisol's mansion.

I personally think it's ugly as hell on the inside. For some reason the decor of that house reminds me of a prison lol!

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Ugh, freaking Marisol. I swear she's almost as bad as Valentina now. You are the worst detective ever and since you're the worst detective now you're asking Nicholas to just tell you things... why? Out of his great love for you after like 3 months or something? And when you get this information are you going to run to the police? Are you going to try and find a way to forgive him for his crime (even though he doesn't need your forgiveness) or to be OK with it? What possible reason would he have to tell you knowing your probable reaction? What is the point of her even trying to figure things out now? Just get the marriage annulled and be done with the whole situation you stupid, stupid person. Argh.


Valentina is super chill for someone who is about to talk to the police about the boyfriend that she claims to have lurved. 


I found the Zoila/Pablo/Javier thing funny. The drama is not cutting it right now so I need the comedy to keep me entertained. Carmen and the baby wasn't fantastic but I did enjoy the "where's his cage" thing and "his diction is worse than mine."


Oy. Rosie, you wouldn't have to choose between the selfish thing and the "right" thing to do if you hadn't been such an idiot about managing this whole situation. No sympathy.


Since this show is determined to have me hate Valentina more than anyone else we got the scene where she confronted Zoila, nevermind her own penchant for leading guys on. You know how to shut that conversation down? "I am your mom. You do not get to lecture me. Go live your own life. Don't you have to go talk to the police? I don't think you're in a position to be giving advice given your own fantastic judgment."


Javier has perfect boyfriend syndrome. If this show only had one protagonist it could be annoying but I kind of like having this fantasy guy hanging around when most of the other guys are terrible for one reason or another. 


Is anyone else bothered by the act that sometimes characters say Marisol's name with an accent and sometimes they don't? I feel like the accent has been coming up much more this season.


Carmen was kind of nailing her salsa commercial before Tucker started crying. It's sad that one of the only times we see Carmen actively working to pursue her goals it has to be in relation to another plotline. I think I'm just ready to cut Spence, Peri, Tucker, and Ty loose. Also, show, stop shaming Carmen with your dramatic music when Rosie is talking about her needing to have a kid and her dream maybe not coming true. I swear, show, if you make Carmen pregnant before the end of this season I may stop watching.


You can play all the sad music you want, show. You do not get to have a moment. It's not about Didi and Lucinda forgiving Kenneth. It's about them all being horrible people who deserve each other in their horribleness. Shut up, judgy. None of you know what family means. Also, Reggie didn't really get a villain moment where he admitted to his crime and justified it. The one thing I did like was how the forensic accountant was easily able to convince Reggie she was a maid and he never suspected her because sure, just another Latina maid.


Speaking of disguises, oh, yeah, Carmen is super fantastic at makeup. All they did was put a bad wig on Marisol and dress her in Opal's clothes. The giant sunglasses help but she should have tried to not open her mouth so wide because those teeth are a dead giveaway.



I don't generally like to criticize a kid's appearance, but the child playing Miguel is neither appealing nor a good actor.


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I'm having the same reaction to Marisol, aradia22. At this point, why is she even bothering to continue digging into Nick's past? She's already told him she's leaving him, because he refuses to confess this great sin to her, and what possible motive would he have to do that now? And what does she plan to do with this information anyway, go to the police? Or just find some closure on the whole thing?


At any rate, I fail to see how a bloody cloth and a newspaper article prove - anything. At all.


I'm not sure I understood what happened with Lucinda, Dee Dee and Mr. Kenneth, either. How was Kenneth able to get his power of attorney back without Reggie signing something? That's what started the whole thing in the first place, him trying to get Reggie to sign that document. Admittedly, I don't know how these things work, and maybe by taking Kenneth to an attorney or something, Kenneth was able to get it back but I don't really see what part Lucinda and Dee Dee played other than getting him out of the hospital.

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Admittedly, I don't know how these things work, and maybe by taking Kenneth to an attorney or something, Kenneth was able to get it back but I don't really see what part Lucinda and Dee Dee played other than getting him out of the hospital.

I think the point of Lucinda and Didi was to get past the whole "family only" policy at the hospital and to convince Kenneth that they still cared so it was worth fighting (carrying over that plotline from the last episode). Otherwise, yeah, we now know that apparently Rosie just had to bribe the guard with a necklace. Seriously, I thought maybe Lucinda or Didi would provide the bribe but nope. Why did they even need a bribe? You should be getting fired for taking a bribe in the first place.

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Why was Valentina wearing a knitted hat and why would she tell a super creepy stranger that she told the police everything she knew about Ethan?  Surely somebody told her to keep quiet until the case is fully investigated.  No need to tip off the others involved.  Way to go, Valentina.  :(

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I'm not sure this evidence could be used. Marisol used a false identity to get Opal's safety deposit box, and under the von Bulow case, she's essentially been acting as a private investigator without any warrants that I've seen.


If Nick were really smart, he'd accuse Marisol of being part of covering up the crime. She's committed crimes to uncover the evidence. He can easily say that she was blackmailing him into marriage just like Opal was. And as the coup de grace say  "of course, she killed Opal and made it look like a suicide."

Edited by portfino
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I'm not sure this evidence could be used. Marisol used a false identity to get Opal's safety deposit box, and under the von Bulow case, she's essentially been acting as a private investigator without any warrants that I've seen.


I'm not sure I follow this.  That's a Rhode Island Supreme Court case.  It isn't binding on a case in California.  I  also want to say that the court in that case did allow some of the evidence in from the search, but excluded some due to problems in the chain of custody and later actions by the police.  My understanding of the law would be that so long as Marisol wasn't acting as an agent of the police, how she finds the evidence is more of a side issue.  Also, there would probably a question of whether Nick would even have standing to challenge the search, since it would have been Opal's rights that were violated, not Nick's.    


Though I am in complete agreement that I don't understand why Marisol didn't just walk away once it became clear that Nick wouldn't be honest with her.  It's like she's needlessly putting herself into a dangerous situation for no real reason.  Yes, a person died (or at least that is what has been suggested), but Marisol's connection to all this is pretty weak.   

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That's a Rhode Island Supreme Court case.  It isn't binding on a case in California.  I  also want to say that the court in that case did allow some of the evidence in from the search, but excluded some due to problems in the chain of custody and later actions by the police.  My understanding of the law would be that so long as Marisol wasn't acting as an agent of the police, how she finds the evidence is more of a side issue.  Also, there would probably a question of whether Nick would even have standing to challenge the search, since it would have been Opal's rights that were violated, not Nick's.

I was using the Von Bulow case as the most famous example, but you are right Marisol would probably not be an agent of the police. But chain of custody issues could still be present.

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I'm not sure this evidence could be used.


But what does this "evidence" even prove? It's a bloody piece of fabric. That proves . . . what, exactly? If we're reading this correctly, Nick was the driver in a hit-and-run accident. Emphasis on run. Was there a piece of the victim's clothing stuck to the grill of his car? I'm sure that car is long gone by now, how can it be tied to that car at this point? Just because Opal had this piece of cloth doesn't prove Nick did anything. We can safely assume Nick's own DNA isn't on the fabric I'm guessing, since he hit the victim with his car, not his body. None of this really makes any sense. I don't think the writers are thinking in terms of evidence that can be used in court, but rather evidence that proves to Marisol (and possibly the Powells, if we're guessing the victim's identity correctly) that Nick was responsible. Still, nothing here gave Opal the upper hand over Nick.

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I don't think the writers are thinking in terms of evidence that can be used in court, but rather evidence that proves to Marisol (and possibly the Powells, if we're guessing the victim's identity correctly) that Nick was responsible. Still, nothing here gave Opal the upper hand over Nick.

Even though it would stretch believability to have another person die at the Powell's, it would make more sense than the police being able to build a case against Nick.

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I don't normally care one way or another about child actors, but...the kid playing Tucker is so darned cute.  Maybe Spence will have an accident and Peri will be found to be an incompetent mother and we can have the Tucker and Carmen show.   Also, I've liked Carmen so much more this season than last season-she just seems more fun.  I agree with others that Marisol's demands of Nick make no sense.  She's clear that she doesn't love or trust him, so why in the world would he ever tell her anything.


Also, the bad boy gang is planning on getting rid of Valentina-therefore, the writers have been paying attention to us...

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Agree with everything everyone has said.  I just want to add that I thought Marisol's black and white skirt with black top was fabulous.  I was so impressed with the outfit that I did not necessarily care about the plotline.

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When Nick finally admits his secret to Marisol, she convinces him to make things right with all those involved. Carmen meets a handsome stranger who offers to help her with her music career. As Zoila waivers between Pablo and Javier, she gets some shocking news. Valentina is offered the opportunity of a lifetime. Spence and Rosie decide to tie the knot.


Season Finale!

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Was this show renewed yet or is it going to end with us not knowing who died? I am guessing that Valentina ends up being the match for Genvieve to get a new kidney next season, if we get a new season.

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I have not heard anything about a renewal yet, so yes we could be left hanging without knowing who gets shot.  In my mind, it is Valentina because I have wanted her gone since the first show.


The "big" reveal about Nicholas running down Barrett Powell was a let down IMO because there was no reveal, we already knew it.  How soon after the hit and run did Dahlia get pushed off of the bridge?  

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I couldn't believe it when ROSIE was the most mature person in the room, discussing whether she really should marry Spence as he has no money sense and is a child.  Red flags were waving everywhere and yet she went forward with the wedding.  So, Spence's credit cards are being denied, he is an alcoholic (whose rehab didn't even last an episode), he is child like and argumentative when Rosie tries to address real issues/concerns.  Yep, a real winner.  Of course, I think Rosie is hypocritical in many ways, and really resented the fact that she fired Carmen as Carmen did not work for her, she worked for Spence.  So, Spence needed to fire her, AND Carmen really came through for Spence so I was not happy with how easily they let her go-especially when Rosie seemed angry that Carmen suggested they sell the house.  Absolutely they need to sell that house.  


Am hoping that the shooting is how they write Valentina off the show.  However, I think that instead of writing her off, there will be young love angst with Remy and her recovery.  Unless, of course, they decide to have someone die (the thing with not showing us who was shot is that the producers could having it be anyone at the wedding depending on what storylines they develop for the 3rd season should there be one...[of course, with night time soaps, it's not even necessary for the person who was shot to have been at the wedding...]).


Last season, I did not care for Carmen, but she really grew on me this season.  

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if the don't renew this show they for sure should start a show just about the Powells!! I love them so much. As for this episode, why was I shocked when Pablo pulled his kidney? what a jerk. He proved his true colors over and over again. I hope he doesn't come back. In the first season I loved Marisol. Now I can barely stand her. She can go too. All in all this was a disappointment from season one. So if it doesn't get renewed I won't be that upset.

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if the don't renew this show they for sure should start a show just about the Powells!! I love them so much. As for this episode, why was I shocked when Pablo pulled his kidney? what a jerk. He proved his true colors over and over again. I hope he doesn't come back. In the first season I loved Marisol. Now I can barely stand her. She can go too. All in all this was a disappointment from season one. So if it doesn't get renewed I won't be that upset.

I was stunned at the turn Pablo has taken.  He seemed like a nice guy last season and even seemed to have a least an understandable reason for leaving Zoila (other than the BS with cheating, but that alone doesn't make someone a worthless human being).  But the way he slithered back into Zoila's life lying and smarming around and then was going to not only barter with his kidney, but refused to actually donate it to a woman whom Zoila and his daughter love after initially saying he would, Jeebus.  Pablo was under no obligation to give anyone his kidney, but to use it as a bargaining chip with his ex-wife was just gross plus actually refusing when said ex-wife declined to take him back, holy crap he's awful.

Edited by RachelKM
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Continuity is not friends with this show. Last week, when Marisol took the newspaper clipping out of the bank box, it said "Tragedy in Bevery Hils" and underneath that was a sub-head that read "7-year old dies after hit and run accident." When they showed the newspaper clipping in this episode, the sub-head had been completely erased, with a big blank spot where it used to be. I guess they were trying to keep the reveal a big secret? Like we all hadn't figured it out anyway.


I agree the Zoila/Pablo thing was kind of all over the place. First he leaves Zoila because he can't stand her being such a control freak; she was trying to control his diet (because of his high blood pressure, shame on her!) and because she stole that Faberge egg from the Powells to get Valentina fired. Then, it turned out he had been cheating on her with Helen. Then suddenly he wants to get back together with her and it turns out Helen dumped him a month ago. Were he and Zoila even separated a whole month? Whatever.


I think Spence will probably die, since Rosie wouldn't be a maid anymore (unless she has to keep working since he's broke) and Genevieve will probably get his kidney. Or maybe they'll catch Ethan or Zach and one of them will donate a kidney to get a lesser sentence, or something. I doubt they'll kill off any of the leads. 


But, it's going to be a real struggle to keep Marisol relevant next season. They did a fair job by marrying her into one of the local families but they can't do that every season. The whole thing with Nick was kind of a bust anyway, and I'm glad the police pointed out to her that the "evidence" she had was pretty much worthless.

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They can always keep Marisol relevant by having her hire one of the maids. After all, even with Nick in jail, she'd still have their great big house and all that money. I could see her having to deal with employing Carmen or Rosie and the whole friend/boss dilemma.

Edited by Lebanna
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I thought this was one of the better episodes, up until the drive-by.  Who would be stupid enough to risk it all on hitting Valentina in a crowd at a church with dozens of witnesses? 


Loved Marisol getting smacked down by the cops.  I guess she decided she's Junior Detective after everything last season.  Whatever happened to her son, anyway?  I suppose they told us but I've forgotten.


While I like Adrian and Evelyn forgiving each other, I thought Adrian's anger came because Evelyn supposedly didn't keep her eye on the boy for a second.  How does knowing who the hit-and-run driver is change that?


I never liked Carmen before but I thought she rocked this episode.  And I agree that Rosie and Spence are in trouble, especially now that she's apparently an inadvertent bigamist.  And Zoila always rocks.

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I thought this was one of the better episodes, up until the drive-by.  Who would be stupid enough to risk it all on hitting Valentina in a crowd at a church with dozens of witnesses? 


Loved Marisol getting smacked down by the cops.  I guess she decided she's Junior Detective after everything last season.  Whatever happened to her son, anyway?  I suppose they told us but I've forgotten.


While I like Adrian and Evelyn forgiving each other, I thought Adrian's anger came because Evelyn supposedly didn't keep her eye on the boy for a second.  How does knowing who the hit-and-run driver is change that?


I never liked Carmen before but I thought she rocked this episode.  And I agree that Rosie and Spence are in trouble, especially now that she's apparently an inadvertent bigamist.  And Zoila always rocks.

I think that Adrian mostly blamed Evelyn because he needed someplace to put his anger and blame and the driver was an unknown while Evelyn, who was supposed to be watching their son, was right there as a target (although they seemed to be out together so I don't know why Adrian wasn't also responsible in either of their eyes).  As soon as the driver had a face and a name, Adrian finally had a monster at whom he could rage allowing him to release Evelyn from the role.


I still don't love Carmen, but I admit she grew on me this season.  Last season I FF half her scenes. But this year, I even liked her sometimes.


With regard to who would be stupid enough to attempt the hit, the answer is Ty.  This is the same idiot kid who tried to set up a home invasion with 30 plus people (i.e. 30 plus unknown variables) in order to make himself look like a hero... and failed.

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Wasn't fond of this episode.  I thought it was rushed (the wedding, especially) and some of the performances were not good (Rosie was awful).  I think it will be Spence that will die (but it would work if he was still in the picture for a foil for the presumed dead husband) and/or Valentina.  Whomever it is, Genvieve is getting their kidney.

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Are we sure someone dies, or did they just get shot?  I could see it being Spence who was shot and Rosie trying to cope with them being broke and with caring for him.  She would still have to be a maid in that case.

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Loved Marisol getting smacked down by the cops.  I guess she decided she's Junior Detective after everything last season.  Whatever happened to her son, anyway?  I suppose they told us but I've forgotten.


I think they had said he had moved back east or something like that.  Essentially he had left town after he was proven innocent. 



I couldn't believe it when ROSIE was the most mature person in the room, discussing whether she really should marry Spence as he has no money sense and is a child.  Red flags were waving everywhere and yet she went forward with the wedding.


I just wanted to scream: "You are marrying a guy right out of rehab with no job, no money and who is clearly living a lifestyle he can't afford."  Rosie needs much better friends.  Spence was doing everything except wearing a t-shirt that said "You should not marry me."  I feel like Rosie could have told them that she found a dead body under Spence's bed and they would have told her that it wasn't enough to put off the wedding.


One thing I thought was odd was how personally Marisol seemed to take Nick's cover up.  She seemed overly invested in an incident that she was only marginally involved in.  I thought her greeting him with a slap across the face was way over the top, and it's something of a double standard, i.e. if Nick had been furious with Marisol and punched her in the face, I think that would be called abusive.     

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Perhaps she was invested in getting the truth out because she had seen last season how Barrett's death had ruined the Powell's lives.


And yes, if he had slapped her, people would have been crying abuse, so no, she should not have attacked him.

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Pablo was under no obligation to give anyone his kidney, but to use it as a bargaining chip with his ex-wife was just gross plus actually refusing when said ex-wife declined to take him back, holy crap he's awful.


I was wondering why the hell Remy was the only one who seemed mortified by this while everyone else was like "Oh well, what can you do?" Valentina thinks he won't change his mind, so why bother trying? Uhh... cause otherwise your boyfriend's mother might die! She could have at least chewed him out or something. Sheesh.


My guess as to the shooting... I think if there's only one hit, it's one of Zoila's men. (Both were there, right?) If it's Javier, he dies and if it's Pablo, he lives but Zoila has to take care of him. I think this because it's exactly what I don't want to happen. I can't imagine that Valentina is hit because that would mean Ty actually achieved a goal.


I totally missed that Rosie's presumed dead husband is actually alive. When the Mexico scene came on, at first I thought another show came on by mistake, then I thought maybe it had something to do with Ethan. I couldn't even remember Ernesto's name so that scene seemed totally random until I read about it this morning.

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I was out of town and didn't see anything but the end.  Why did Marisol and her husband go to the Powells' before going to the police? How much time has passed that Spence and Rosie are already getting married? Did they say what happened to Mr. Kenneth and his family?


Also, I've never watched Ana Ortiz in anything. Does she always walk like that, or is that for this show?

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Why did Marisol and her husband go to the Powells' before going to the police? How much time has passed that Spence and Rosie are already getting married? Did they say what happened to Mr. Kenneth and his family?


Marisol went to the police prior to going to the Powell's.  They did not initially believe her or her evidence, and suggested she was making it up due to her troubled marriage.  She then confronted Nick and convinced him to confess to the Powells.  After Nick confesses, Marisol says they are going to the police, who I guess will believe Nick's confession.  


It appears only a two or so days passes between Spence proposing at the beginning of this episode and the wedding.  Mr. Kenneth and his family was resolved last week.  The nephew was going to jail and Mr. Kenneth's family otherwise reconciled.  I think it was said that the nephew had ruined Rosie's chance for an immigration hearing. 

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Was this show renewed yet or is it going to end with us not knowing who died? I am guessing that Valentina ends up being the match for Genvieve to get a new kidney next season, if we get a new season.

The no word on renewal really bugs me, I hope they do renew it and soon so we are not just left hanging. Pablo is the biggest asshat for withdrawing his kidney. Too bad he couldn't be the one who gets shot. I have to hand it to Evelyn for stopping Adrian from killing Nick, not sure if I could be so generous if it was my child that got run over. One of my friends totally called it that Zoila is pregnant. I seriously hope it's not Pablo's. I still think that Marisol is an idiot and I really wish that Spence's wackjob of a nephew hits a light pole and dies after he did the shooting. I have a few more thoughts but I want to re-watch it first.

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