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Daryl: Your Leading Man and Norman Reedus: the Actor

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Well now. Let's just pretend we don't know the actors' ages and go by show-assumed ages. Beth is supposed to be teenage (although I'm sorry EK does not look like a teenager), Carol early 40s, Daryl mid 30s (and that's being generous, I think he looks as old as Carol). All things considered, Carol is more age appropriate for him. Beth would need to move up a couple years and he would need to lose a few years for the squick factor to ease off of that pairing, as far as I'm concerned.

  • Love 4

Yeah, I don't know why people think Daryl is young, I never really took him as young even back in S1.  I always thought Daryl/Merle were about 8-10 years apart, not sure why, it just seemed to fit with their relationship and what we tidbits Daryl revealed.  From the beginning I figured Merle for late 40's early 50s and Daryl for late 30's early 40's and NR is really showing his age (IMO) so he looks early to mid 40s (to me).

  • Love 3

Oh they were both joking. I agree that he says Stop like someone who doesn't know how to parry a joke sexy remark. He has no game, as NR has said, but he's also totally awkward when it isn't flirting. He is just always responding to sensitive moments with grumble grumble.

If he was so repelled by her, he wouldn't constantly sit by her or follow her outside or check on her. I'm not saying he's panting after her, but come on...if you've ever been seriously hit on by someone you don't want and don't want to encourage...you avoid them.

I don't think Daryl is repelled by Carol they are freinds after all.I just don't think he attracted to her either. I think Daryl has so many issues relating to women he tends to view his female friends as "one of the guys more than anything else . I don't think he really see Carol or Michonne as women at this point there just his buddies.

I suspect thats why he had so much trouble with Beth at first. Beth is such a girly girl and what liitle interaction they had was about Judith and Carl so it was harder to view her as just a buddy. I also wonder if it isn't just a matter of Beth being more his type than anything else. Afterall the one woman Daryl always went out of his way to antigonize was Andrea.

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I also wonder if it isn't just a matter of Beth being more his type than anything else. .


I don't think Daryl has ever had a romantic relationship, so I don't think he has a type, TBH.


In Slabtown, I felt like Noah and Beth were supposed to be peers or around the same age. So I confess that I found it interesting that Daryl called Noah a kid in Consumed. Does he view Beth as a kid? Daryl opened up to Carl about his own mother, so perhaps it's Beth's youth which made Daryl feel comfortable sharing?


He's certainly fond of Judith. Perhaps he just has a soft spot for the young'uns...

  • Love 1

I really do think Daryl has a soft spot for kids. He had a very rough childhood, and I think he instantly wants to help kids out (the search for Sophia, bonding with Carl after Lori, rushing to get formula for LAK). I wonder how he would have handled the Grove.

Oh, gosh. I don't think I'd want to see that. That would've been rough.

  • Love 2

I really do think Daryl has a soft spot for kids. He had a very rough childhood, and I think he instantly wants to help kids out (the search for Sophia, bonding with Carl after Lori, rushing to get formula for LAK). I wonder how he would have handled the Grove.


Shit. Now I really want him to find out about Lizzie and Mika. I felt it was clear in Consumed that he assumes they're dead but doesn't know the details. Considering his apparent affection/affinity for kids, I am now super interested in his reaction to how Carol handled the Lizzie situation. Would he see it as an unfortunate but necessary resolution? Or would he be horrified and think that there would have been another way to handle it?

  • Love 3

I really do think Daryl has a soft spot for kids. He had a very rough childhood, and I think he instantly wants to help kids out (the search for Sophia, bonding with Carl after Lori, rushing to get formula for LAK). I wonder how he would have handled the Grove.

I wonder if they're easier for him to relate to because they're not authority figures?  It puts him in a position of power whereas with other adults he has whatever self esteem / insecurity issues Merle and Daryl's father/upbringing instilled in him?  He's certainly protective and softer with kids but he's also selective with which kids he shows his softer side.  I think a large part of that was due to Sophia in S2, that was the first time we see him opening up and then Judith/Carl furthered that connection.  


Mostly, I think Daryl regards Camp Dinner Bell and The Farm people and Michonne as his family, he really didn't seem to warm up to The Prison additions.

  • Love 3

He seems to be extremely protective of children. He was ready to kill one of the Merletones who suggested he was banging one of the "little 'uns" who "don't last long."


Aaaand this just makes me fear getting more info about Daryl's childhood. I assumed physical/emotional abuse with a side of neglect, but I had never considered sexual abuse. I hope that's not part of his history.

  • Love 4

Oh, if Daryl ever finds out about Lizzie and Mika, he'll know exactly what Carol is going through and how she feels, as he knows it would just about kill him if he had to kill a child.  Just like Tyreese told Rick that the journey to Terminus "killed him".  Rick has no idea why Ty said that, and he denied it because Ty is still there physically.  But I think the whole situation killed something inside his soul, and it's eating at Carol's soul as well.  Hopefully she'll beat it though.


And I think the reason Daryl was put with Beth after the fall of the prison was to incorporate the theme of "adults learning from children".  We had Rick teamed with Carl, and learning that his son was indeed growing into the man that he is.  Mika taught Carol that "whatever happens is the way it's supposed to be".  And Daryl learned to have hope in seemingly hopeless situations from Beth.  Even Noah's actor, on TTD, listed Beth as a kid, along with himself and Carl.

  • Love 4


And I think the reason Daryl was put with Beth after the fall of the prison was to incorporate the theme of "adults learning from children".  We had Rick teamed with Carl, and learning that his son was indeed growing into the man that he is.  Mika taught Carol that "whatever happens is the way it's supposed to be".  And Daryl learned to have hope in seemingly hopeless situations from Beth.  Even Noah's actor, on TTD, listed Beth as a kid, along with himself and Carl.


I like that theme, "adults learning from children"...  I hadn't considered the back half of S4 through that lens before.

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To me Daryl seems more mid-20's



That is some pure "rode hard and put away wet" 20's then.  Even considering the za.  Man looks like something that's been brewing under the garbage pail for the last 10 years.  Not that I wouldn't still do him in a heart beat.  But in his 20's?  Not on my tv set.  Mid-forties at least.

  • Love 6

Agreed. He looks every inch a man in his 40s. A fine specimen, obviously. But I'd have to squint real hard to think he was mid-20s (new teevee shows up every wrinkle and eye bag disconcertingly well). If TPTB had wanted Daryl to be a twenty-something they should've selected a different actor.

Edited by JBody
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That is some pure "rode hard and put away wet" 20's then.  Even considering the za.  Man looks like something that's been brewing under the garbage pail for the last 10 years.  Not that I wouldn't still do him in a heart beat.  But in his 20's?  Not on my tv set.  Mid-forties at least.


 Absolutely agree.  Daryl = 20s?  Whew, no way.  I think his looks started to catch up with his age last season, and even more so with this one.  His facial/neck skin is sagging, eyes are baggy, and even with that, he is still just as damn hot as when the show started, if not more.  I never have liked pretty boys.  I do wonder when that purple eye is going to heal...

  • Love 4

While I think Daryl is definitely very protective of children, I don't really think he's super comfortable with them.  He had nothing to do with Sophia until she was missing.  He didn't care very much for Carl on the farm.  We didn't see him interact with the children (except a bit with Carl) at the prison.  That's why I found the first Judith scene incredibly awkward.  I buy that Daryl (and Maggie) risked their lives to find formula.  But when Daryl swooped in, mixed the bottle, and took Judith from her brother's arms and fed her like a pro -  I gagged a little.  It was full on Daryl Sue.  I think Daryl would be afraid of babies, and uncomfortable trying to talk with a little kid - worried he'd swear or say something dirty.  I think he would have worried about breaking a newborn.   I'm sure Daryl was very happy Judith was alive this season, but he didn't feel the need to take in his arms and cuddle her.  It was her man Tyreese sitting next to her.  Daryl's most comfortable interacting with Carl, who basically functions as an adult in the group.

  • Love 3

Absolutely agree.  Daryl = 20s?  Whew, no way.


Not 30s either, not after the second season anyway. Now? God no, especially if you put a REAL 30-something guy beside him. Not saying there's anything wrong with the way he looks. I rather like it.  I'm another who does not find pretty young guys appealing in the least.

  • Love 1

Not 30s either, not after the second season anyway. Now? God no, especially if you put a REAL 30-something guy beside him. Not saying there's anything wrong with the way he looks. I rather like it.  I'm another who does not find pretty young guys appealing in the least.


Yes, he could have passed for, say, mid to late 30s in the second season.  Then his age just seemed to suddenly catch up to him, as sometimes happens.  He wears it well.  ;)

Problem is that something like that would take a long time to heal and time is passing VERY slowly in the show, so we had better get used to it. :(


I keep forgetting that.  How long has it been since the fall of the prison---two or three weeks?

I keep forgetting that.  How long has it been since the fall of the prison---two or three weeks?


I think it's been less than that. Regardless, isn't that purple eye from his final moments with the Claimers, which was days after even the fall of the prison? Or did he get it from somewhere else? If it was the Claimers, I honestly think it's been less than a week since his beating...

  • Love 1

I don't think Daryl has ever had a romantic relationship, so I don't think he has a type, TBH.

In Slabtown, I felt like Noah and Beth were supposed to be peers or around the same age. So I confess that I found it interesting that Daryl called Noah a kid in Consumed. Does he view Beth as a kid? Daryl opened up to Carl about his own mother, so perhaps it's Beth's youth which made Daryl feel comfortable sharing?

He's certainly fond of Judith. Perhaps he just has a soft spot for the young'uns...

Never being in a relationship and never being attracted to someone are two different things. Its pretty much physically impossible to never have been attracted to anybody even If Daryl is a "total virgin" . I just find it interesting that the two people Daryl has shown overt attraction to are a fairly similar physical type.

I also think it would be pretty much impossible to go through what Daryl and Beth did together and still think of her as a kid. He had to rely on her and work together that meant treating her as an equal. I think that's part of what Daryl was saying this episode when he said "she saved herself".

  • Love 1

When he said that "she saved herself" I almost saw it as in a mental way. Daryl was ready to totally shut down after the fall of the prison. Beth chose to stay positive - "We WILL find these people" and keep going. This is very different from the Beth who wanted to kill herself after the massacre at the barn. In a way, she kind of saved both of them. 


But then they both got all dumb and complacent, lounging around funeral homes without a care in the world, opening doors without even looking....and now look where that got them. LOL

  • Love 1

Never being in a relationship and never being attracted to someone are two different things. Its pretty much physically impossible to never have been attracted to anybody even If Daryl is a "total virgin."

Yeah, unrequited love and crushes are totally a thing—unless Daryl is asexual.

I just find it interesting that the two people Daryl has shown overt attraction to are a fairly similar physical type.

Carol, Michonne, Beth, and Rick are all different, so I have no idea what Daryl's "type" might be. In fact, his obvious disdain for Andrea might have been Daryl attempting to process feelings of attraction for a tall, blonde lawyer with a gun.

In real life, you can never really know what someone else is thinking. And Daryl's always thinking whatever the writers want him to.

  • Love 1

Daryl and Andrea? I remember she shot his ear off. He was nice about it, considering. And I liked their chat in the woods when he told her he was lost as a child and used poison oak as toilet paper. But either way I never thought much of their interactions. I thought him being a dickhead to her on occasion was because of the class thing. He was an asshole to a lot of people in S1 & S2. Does not mean he was attracted to them. Daryl prefers blondes? Maybe. But I haven't seen enough evidence on screen to support that.

  • Love 1

Its pretty much physically impossible to never have been attracted to anybody even If Daryl is a "total virgin" .


Asexuality is a thing. Not widespread, granted, but it's a thing. Consider the shipping disaster that revolves around Daryl, I honestly wouldn't even blame the writers if they went that route. :)



I just find it interesting that the two people Daryl has shown overt attraction to are a fairly similar physical type.


I truly can't think of a time that Daryl has ever shown "overt attraction" to anybody. I mean, wouldn't that kind of end the debate?


I've seen overt emotional closeness, but "I want me some of that"? No. Can you give me some examples of where you felt Daryl showed overt attraction to someone? My memory of earlier episodes is not awesome, so it's entirely possible that I've simply forgotten...

Edited by NoWillToResist
  • Love 3

NR's mom is a Caryl shipper according to this... (potentially spoilery info later on in article)


I liked the screen shot of his conversation with his mom. Cute!


Regarding the article: 

Norman's interview makes me very nervous. They imply that Beth will die, but Norman crying for an hour makes me worry it's Carol.


ETA:  Very cute that his mom thinks Carol is pretty and wants to know if she's single.  Very interesting that he didn't respond to that question.

Edited by RedheadZombie
  • Love 1

Asexuality is a thing. Not widespread, granted, but it's a thing. Consider the shipping disaster that revolves around Daryl, I honestly wouldn't even blame the writers if they went that route. :)

I truly can't think of a time that Daryl has ever shown "overt attraction" to anybody. I mean, wouldn't that kind of end the debate?

I've seen overt emotional closeness, but "I want me some of that"? No. Can you give me some examples of where you felt Daryl showed overt attraction to someone? My memory of earlier episodes is not awesome, so it's entirely possible that I've simply forgotten...

With Andrea its not really anyone moment but more his overall attitude. He really went out of his way to antagonize her. I literally can't think of a single conversation where he didn' go out of his way to get under her skin . Plus she played into it . To quote one of my favourite shows ( although knowing the character probably from book) "when a man and a women take against each other so strongly its usually a sign of attraction". Plus he had the same class issues with other characters but he was never as confrontational with them about it.

With Beth its mostly fromAlone but there are half a dozen times he touches her either more or in the case where he carries in house its entirely unneccessary. I did a longer post on this inth Beth thread .

As for being asexual while I'm sure its possible I think its about as likely as Daryl being gay. Daryl is a sex symbol tptb are going to want pay that off at some point.

Edited by Emily Thrace
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Wow, I never even for a minute thought Daryl exhibited any kind of attraction towards Andrea. I also didn't think he antagonized her more than anyone else. He was pretty bristly back in the beginning - he almost beat the shit out of T-dogg, constantly cracked Asian jokes at Glenn, barked at Lori several times - calling her Olive Oyl, and there was the snippy "On Golden Pond" moment with Dale. I just think he felt uncomfortable in the group at the start, and he showed it by being kind of nasty to them. I don't think there was any more focus on Andrea than anyone else. He certainly didn't seem to care about saving her ass when she wanted to die at the CDC. 

  • Love 7

Wow, I never even for a minute thought Daryl exhibited any kind of attraction towards Andrea. I also didn't think he antagonized her more than anyone else. He was pretty bristly back in the beginning - he almost beat the shit out of T-dogg, constantly cracked Asian jokes at Glenn, barked at Lori several times - calling her Olive Oyl, and there was the snippy "On Golden Pond" moment with Dale. I just think he felt uncomfortable in the group at the start, and he showed it by being kind of nasty to them. I don't think there was any more focus on Andrea than anyone else. He certainly didn't seem to care about saving her ass when she wanted to die at the CDC. 

   Yeah, same here....I never saw any indication at all of Daryl being attracted to Andrea.  Back then he carried a chip on his shoulder the size of a truck; he lashed out regularly toward just about everyone in the group. 


Personally I don't subscribe to the idea that antagonism between a male and a female means they're attracted to one another.  There was some very real antagonism between Daryl and Andrea; its origin can be seen in the deleted "Vatos" scenes.  I can't remember the exact wording of the conversation, but while the group is sheltering in the Vatos' deserted building, Andrea goes full-on bitch and snaps something at Daryl about him not being able to understand a word with three syllables.  He responds in like manner, but I don't recall what he said...he was angry, though, and understandably so.  So it's pretty clear that their relationship DID start out on an antagonistic footing, but had nothing at all to do with attraction.  Andrea clearly felt superior to & felt contempt for Daryl.  By the time she died in Season 3, he had come to respect her and value her, but certainly no more than any other group member, and not nearly as much as some.


It's no secret that the character of Beth annoys me, but I have to give her credit for one thing.  Daryl was practically catatonic after the fall of the prison and the supposed loss of the people he cared about.  She did serve as the catalyst which helped to snap him out of his fugue.  He really WAS one of the walking dead before he was forced into breaking down and confronting his emotions.  I think he recognizes that and is grateful to Beth for it.  And I believe it set him on the path to being more in touch with what he really feels for this group of people; I think we're seeing the positive effects of this growth in the deep, rich relationship he shares with Carol. 

  • Love 5

Wow, I never even for a minute thought Daryl exhibited any kind of attraction towards Andrea. I also didn't think he antagonized her more than anyone else. He was pretty bristly back in the beginning - he almost beat the shit out of T-dogg, constantly cracked Asian jokes at Glenn, barked at Lori several times - calling her Olive Oyl, and there was the snippy "On Golden Pond" moment with Dale. I just think he felt uncomfortable in the group at the start, and he showed it by being kind of nasty to them. I don't think there was any more focus on Andrea than anyone else. He certainly didn't seem to care about saving her ass when she wanted to die at the CDC.

The difference between Andrea and the others is that with all the others he had moments where he was honest and didn't reach for the sarcasm. With Andrea he always had to antogonize her even in moments where they are connecting. Like whenshe apologizes for shooting him he didn't need to make a crack about the book but he was trying to push her buttons. He obviously cared about otherwise why was he asking about how she was when they went looking for Sophia. I'm not sure Daryl even realized what it was but he definitely had a specific reaction to Andrea.

  • Love 1

Well, I felt superior and felt contempt for season one Daryl as well.  Wasn't Andrea a civil rights attorney?  I imagine she didn't have a lot of patience for an ignorant racist (which he was at the time).

 From all evidence, it seemed to be a class thing for her----dumb, uneducated redneck vs. enlightened upper middle class woman.  Personally, I don't go around feeling superior to folks...although I do have a certain distaste for pompous, self-satisfied civil rights lawyers.

  • Love 3

From all evidence, it seemed to be a class thing for her----dumb, uneducated redneck vs. enlightened upper middle class woman. Personally, I don't go around feeling superior to folks...although I do have a certain distaste for pompous, self-satisfied civil rights lawyers.

I thought it was a class thing, too, and I never thought of Daryl as being racist, the way Merle was. I got the feeling he was one of those people who called all Hispanics Mexicans and all Asians Chinese out of ignorance rather than malice.

As for Andrea, I honestly thought she played for the other team until she hooked up with the Governor (since I must have been on a bathroom break during the airing of the Andrea/Shane car sex). I never thought there was chemistry between Andrea and anybody, but that's also because I hated Andrea and LH even more than Beth and EK. And that's saying something.

  • Love 3

I thought it was a class thing, too, and I never thought of Daryl as being racist, the way Merle was. I got the feeling he was one of those people who called all Hispanics Mexicans and all Asians Chinese out of ignorance rather than malice.

As for Andrea, I honestly thought she played for the other team until she hooked up with the Governor (since I must have been on a bathroom break during the airing of the Andrea/Shane car sex). I never thought there was chemistry between Andrea and anybody, but that's also because I hated Andrea and LH even more than Beth and EK. And that's saying something.


 Lori was my #1 hate target, and I am still so, so glad she's dead.  But I couldn't stand Andrea, either.  GAH, that damn pose of hers....the way she would stand with her hip jutting out and her arms all stiff.  Thinking of it makes me want to slap her.  We got my sister-in-law and her husband hooked on TWD, and SIL's first comment about any of the characters was, "I detest Andrea!"


But yes, I agree, Daryl was never in the same category with Merle.  Daryl was voicing all he knew & grew up with.  In "Beside The Dying Fire", when the group reassembled on the interstate after the farm fell, Daryl made the remark about Glen driving all over the road because he was Asian.  I don't believe he meant any offense at all with that remark---in fact, IMO it seemed to be an attempt at a joke, a reaction to the relief everyone felt at being reunited.  Glen wasn't offended---he laughed.  And it came after the experience Daryl and Glen shared in the woods when they went looking for Randall.  Glen saved Daryl's life, as I recall, and I believe by that point Daryl had come to respect Glen very much.

  • Love 5

I totally agreed with Rick on this one, and Daryl siding with Tyrese annoyed me a bit.


Tyreese mentioned that Rick's plan could result in gunfire. Daryl knows that Carol is bedridden, and he has no idea what condition Beth might be in. So I'm willing to give Daryl a pass this time.


But it's so frustrating when we the viewers know that Abraham's the weakest link. (Bros before schmoes, Daryl!)

Hehe, maybe they used a hand double? ;)


I didn't think anything of Daryl siding with Tyreese over Rick. He's Rick's buddy and adopted brother, not his unthinking yes-man. He can have his own opinions and he wasn't shy about opposing Rick in earlier seasons.  A genuine loyal friend isn't one who says yes all of the time but will speak up and say he wants to go along with a different idea if he thinks it's better.  Rick chose to go along with it.  Daryl spoke his mind and Rick trusted him.  That's the sign of true friendship.


It looks like Tyreese's plan went sideways, Rick's could have just as easily also so I consider the validity of the two plans to be a draw.

Edited by GreyBunny
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The part where Daryl is feeling around the melty walkers face is the first time I think I've seen an extreme close-up of Daryl's hand.

Norman Reedus has really short fingers.


That took me out of the moment because it was---disappointing  ;-)


I'm glad I wasn't the only one thinking that.  ;)


Actually, it might not mean much.  There was a study done, however, which indicated men with shorter index fingers than ring fingers might be more generously endowed.  So I'm withholding judgement until I get a more detailed look.

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