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Is it still too early to very cautiously get slightly optimistic about an actual way out of this Russia induced hell?

No.  It isn't too early, a little hope never hurt anyone.   No one really knows what's going to happen here, this is an unprecedented situation and so we're all stuck in the "uh....what could this mean....what would they do if...?" and there's no historical precedent to look to for a likely outcome.  

Things could still go directly to hell, as already scheduled or all this furor will lead to something, but who can say what, as we are in uncharted territory on most of this.  We're not an old country, so that's partly why, we just don't have experience in the "what the hell do we do now? Despite all checks and balances we have a president -elect who is unfit to serve on every known level, there was election tampering, this doof has already pissed off the one place on Earth that could kick our asses into oblivion without blinking....and only ever stops because we could return the favor, quite swiftly..." election outcomes.  Yet . The operative word there is yet.  

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1 hour ago, VMepicgrl said:

So much for McConnell http://thehill.com/homenews/senate/309936-mcconnell-rejects-special-committee-for-russian-hacking-allegations

and as people have referenced regarding the electors wanting info http://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/309938-electors-press-for-intelligence-briefing-on-russian

I'm frustrated by mentions that the electors voting Hillary or any other unprecedented thing would be a constitutional crisis. It already IS a constitutional crisis in my mind! But if Hillary actually should have won/did win, then she should be president and I don't care if the shit hits the fan. Although I know that is unlikely to happen anyway. I'm with the ex-CIA dude that we should vote again.

Figured. That didn't last very long.

Word. Agreed on the re-vote. The election is tainted.

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As horrifying a thought as it is, because merciful Zeus, who can bear the thought on most reasonable levels?  However, this is a bloody mess. He's outright stating he doesn't plan on doing the motherfucking job, which is already causing problems with China.  His cabinet is like it's formed of real irony.  It's the mirrorverse cabinet.  Spock would completely have a beard on that cabinet, if you catch my "I keep expecting him to name Voldemort as the Transportation Secretary next, don't touch any goblets, just in case...." drift.  

Yup, we need to vote again.  It could still turn out the same horrifying, "welcome to the garment factory in hell, soul-rending room to your left, sackcloth and ashes to your right...." way but this is truly reaching debacle levels as it is.  Compounding the problem with never knowing if we had Vlademort behind it is not a wise plan going forward. 

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11 minutes ago, stillshimpy said:

As horrifying a thought as it is, because merciful Zeus, who can bear the thought on most reasonable levels?  However, this is a bloody mess. He's outright stating he doesn't plan on doing the motherfucking job, which is already causing problems with China.  His cabinet is like it's formed of real irony.  It's the mirrorverse cabinet.  Spock would completely have a beard on that cabinet, if you catch my "I keep expecting him to name Voldemort as the Transportation Secretary next, don't touch any goblets, just in case...." drift.  

Yup, we need to vote again.  It could still turn out the same horrifying, "welcome to the garment factory in hell, soul-rending room to your left, sackcloth and ashes to your right...." way but this is truly reaching debacle levels as it is.  Compounding the problem with never knowing if we had Vlademort behind it is not a wise plan going forward. 

Yep. And JK Rowling said that Drumpf is worse than Voldemort O_O.

Source: cnn.com

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8 minutes ago, AntiBeeSpray said:

Yep. If it's anything on their side... nooo can't interfere. Hypocritical much?

They're too invested in Trump to understand that there can be no "sides" within America when it comes to Russia or Russia will WIN, and by that, I mean they will own us, our finances and our democracy (which is already becoming a kleptocracy like Russia has been for decades).  Siding against our intelligence agencies and reality means letting Russia annex the US without ever even crossing the Bering Strait to Sarah Palin's front porch.

Edited by izabella
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Yeah, this is basically Cobra we're talking about. Sometimes, G.I. Joe and the Oktober Guard have to team up, even if their members hate each other. The big villain today is the anti-logic. He needs to be stopped, and if that involves running over his supporters, lackeys and people who voted for him? So be it.

ETA: Because I'm still a child emotionally (as if the G.I. Joe references didn't tip you off), I started a hashtag on Facebook. A bit derivative, but I have to get it out of my system.

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2 hours ago, stillshimpy said:

As horrifying a thought as it is, because merciful Zeus, who can bear the thought on most reasonable levels?  However, this is a bloody mess. He's outright stating he doesn't plan on doing the motherfucking job, which is already causing problems with China.  His cabinet is like it's formed of real irony.  It's the mirrorverse cabinet.  Spock would completely have a beard on that cabinet, if you catch my "I keep expecting him to name Voldemort as the Transportation Secretary next, don't touch any goblets, just in case...." drift.  

Yup, we need to vote again.  It could still turn out the same horrifying, "welcome to the garment factory in hell, soul-rending room to your left, sackcloth and ashes to your right...." way but this is truly reaching debacle levels as it is.  Compounding the problem with never knowing if we had Vlademort behind it is not a wise plan going forward. 

This could be the best description of this entire crap-fest.

1 hour ago, Duke Silver said:

I guess hearings are only appropriate if HRC is the target....



Well yes.  And, more indication of the FSB's having actioable intel on many GOPpers.

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2 hours ago, AntiBeeSpray said:

Seconded. We could all use a real life Dumbledore's Army right about now.

That actually exists. The Harry Potter Alliance has been around since 2005. They started a new campaign right after the election to flood Congress with calls asking them to fight bigotry. It's called #NevilleFightsBack. They've done some amazing work over the years, primarily with promoting literacy and access to education. They're also super focused on LGBTQ rights. You should definitely check them out.

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9 minutes ago, AmandaPanda said:

That actually exists. The Harry Potter Alliance has been around since 2005. They started a new campaign right after the election to flood Congress with calls asking them to fight bigotry. It's called #NevilleFightsBack. They've done some amazing work over the years, primarily with promoting literacy and access to education. They're also super focused on LGBTQ rights. You should definitely check them out.

That's cool. Glad it's around, it's a bit out of my range price wise though. So I'll be sticking with local causes.


5 minutes ago, fastiller said:

For those of you wondering... Women's march has secured a permit.

That's some good news!


4 minutes ago, possibilities said:

Drumpf cancels press conference in which he was supposedly going to explain how he was going to prevent conflicts of interest, says he'll tell everyone in January: http://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2016/12/12/505331646/president-elect-trump-postpones-business-conflicts-announcement

That's nothing new. Nothing like stalling.

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In case you didn't know, the President will be on The Daily Show tonight. I don't think anything will top the time he ordered Stephen Colbert get his head shaved, but maybe he'll let loose with Trevor Noah.

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I don't know what pisses me off more: the news confirming what we knew all along, the fact that nothing could come out of this, the useless hypocrisy of Republicans, or that vapid whore Kellyanne Hagway contouring to gloss over everything. Somebody please hold a mirror to her face do she'll turn to stone and STFU forever!!

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2 minutes ago, PatsyandEddie said:

That list needs to be front page news. Tubby has his little,orange fingers in too many pussies world wide. Calling them conflicts of interest is a major understatement. 

Definitely (about the list). And now I have that image in my head O_O. 

*uses some of the below to get said image out of my brain*


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I attended the webcast I posted about upthread, sponsored by Color of Change, about what's next and how to organize an effective resistance to the incoming federal adminstration. It will be made available for replay sometime in the next few days. But for now, here's a mini review:

They talked about how bad the situation is, named some specific areas of concern, and talked about reasons for hope and ways to organize and make a difference going forward. It was a mix of small, specific, concrete actions people can take, and larger projects to get involved in. Something for everyone, depending on your temperament or resources.

One of the things I found most appealing was the offered analysis of different kinds of leadership and engagement and how we need all of the different approaches, in varying proportions. The basic idea is that some people need to be "mediators" and focus on things like "the administration must follow the rule of law" and "ways we can find common ground" and all that jazz (5 - 10% of people need to be in this role). The majority (something like 60 - 65%) need to be fighters: actively resisting, not compromising, not letting the situation become normalized, creating pressure, etc. They were saying that if we give an inch they take a mile, and we have to be firm and not cave in no matter what. The rest (approx 30%) need to be "winners"-- not in the sense of winning an argument, but in the sense of actually doing concrete things that people want, so that real needs are met and it becomes not only a demonstration of our values and what should be, but also it builds good will-- people whose wants and needs are actively provided for become supporters of the people who do it, and it changes momentum in the direction we want it to go. Also, this relieves some of the pain that will be inflicted by horrific federal policies.

They did not sugar coat anything. They said it's bad, it's very bad, and we're going to lose a lot before we get anything back. But they also pointed out that when Obama won in 2008, the opposition didn't give up, they continued fighting and now we live in their world. So it's both necessary and not futile to keep trying.

There were 6 speakers, who each said a little something about their work and their analysis of the current situation, and then they had a Q&A. Most of the concrete suggestions came during the Q&A.

Two of the "quickie" types of suggestions were: give money to organizations working for change (they listed several good ones) and sign petitions and make phone calls.

But there were others, also, like:

--Having difficult conversations with people you don't usually talk to. Some people are not viable for conversation, but others are. A woman from an immigrant youth organization said some of the people she works with have family members who voted for Trump, and that it can be because of internalized oppression or other things besides hatred, and that cutting off those people from dialogue will make matters worse. They also talked about how Trump plays one community off the other, using a divide and conquer strategy, so it's really important to build allegiances and show solidarity, that we can't win without that.

-- Speak up in your daily life, take bystander intervention trainings, set up those trainings for others to learn how, and protect each other and anyone who is vulnerable.

-- Make sure people know their rights. One of the groups represented on the panel is developing cards you can pass out, educating about this.

-- Try to get your workplace or worship organization or any other group you're part of, to work together on something to effect change. One of the groups at the meeting is developing resources for organizations that want to become "sanctuary communities" but they also talked about how groups can invite local people who are impacted directly by the situation, and involve themselves in projects as identified by those people on a local level. I wrote down their name as "UnitedWeNeed.org" but when I tried that link, I got a server not found message, so the real name will have to wait til the replay comes out. It was all going by really fast!!

-- Van Jones has a project working on a program to continue to promote environmental protection without federal support (like if the EPA is shut down completely). greenforall.org

There were other ideas, but it was going by really fast and I couldn't write them all down. When the replay is available, I will post a link so anyone interested can watch it.

One very small action they asked people to take, very urgently, is to call the White House and ask Obama to "rescind the framework for the NSEERS program."

Here's an article about NSEERS (it's a Muslim registry that Bush created to track and monitor Muslims-- no I am not kidding, this thing really exists): http://www.cnn.com/2016/11/22/politics/obama-nseers-visa-tracking-program/index.html

The speaker on the panel was concerned that if Obama doesn't get rid of NSEERS, it will be much harder to get rid of it after the inauguration, because "if it was OK during the Obama administration, why isn't it OK for us?" and that, moreover, the new administration will use and abuse it to an unprecedented and very terrifying degree.

Here's the phone number for the White House comment line: 202-456-1111 (TTY/TDD number is: 202-456-6213).

The entire program was just over an hour. They packed a lot into that time. I hope it will be useful for anyone who's not sure what to do and is wondering if there's really anything we CAN do. I know I've been very discouraged lately, and I needed the boost.

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21 minutes ago, PatsyandEddie said:

That list needs to be front page news. Tubby has his little,orange fingers in too many pussies world wide. Calling them conflicts of interest is a major understatement. 

I laughed because it's true - he's finger fucking everything he can grip in his nasty little hands.

And then the truth about the "conflicts" cut through the laughter. I need a shot of Gentleman Jack. Or two.

But yeah, that list needs to be put on full blast.

ETA: Thank you for the info about NSEERS, @possibilities. I'm off to make my call.

Edited by bittersweet4149
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2 hours ago, possibilities said:

Trump cancels press conference in which he was supposedly going to explain how he was going to prevent conflicts of interest, says he'll tell everyone in January: http://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2016/12/12/505331646/president-elect-trump-postpones-business-conflicts-announcement

Apparently there is a very good reason he cancelled :


Kurt Eichenwald ‏@kurteichenwald

Tomorrow in @Newsweek: Ugly secrets on Trump conflicts. His team know whats in it. No surprise they canceld announcement of plan 4 conflicts

(if someone could teach me how to post twitter messages so that they LOOK like twitter messages, please help me)

Anyway -  that's the theory.  Trump was going to gloss over the conflict of interest stuff.  But a press conference THIS week, two days after a Newsweek story, would mean a gazillion questions about the story and what it uncovered.  He needs time to figure out how to say "Newsweek is part of the crooked media"  in a way that people will believe. 

3 minutes ago, Moose135 said:

He needs to fill out his administration with people who have no experience or qualifications in the posts they hold.

Which is why Bryan Cranston showing up on SNL as Walter White (Breaking Bad meth chemist) as Trump's newest head of the DEA was so brilliantly funny.

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3 minutes ago, Moose135 said:

He needs to fill out his administration with people who have no experience or qualifications in the posts they hold.

I know, right? She wasn't even good at the thing she was supposed to be good at. 

Wonder if he's going to try to torture her a bit, like he did with Mitt? 

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This Open Letter by the Electors requesting to be briefed on the Russian election hacking scandal are pretty explicit in their questioning of Trump's direct connections to the Russian hacking itself. 

And I was pleased to see at the end of it that about 20 more Electors signed their names to the Open Letter in addition to original 10 Electors. 


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31 minutes ago, possibilities said:

I like the letter, but if there really are only 30 with questions, it's not going to be enough. 270/538 is the threshold.

I guess that means we have a lot of work to do sending emails to our Electors to get them to sign it.

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On ‎12‎/‎8‎/‎2016 at 0:03 PM, Enigma X said:

I am still alive. I am in public meetings that don't get me back to the hotel until 9 PM, and the government hotel I am staying in is on a defense base. I cannot get Internet on my personal computer, so it is extremely tough to reply or write posts from my phone. (My conspiracy theorist mind thinks this is somehow by design.)

People do speak about Trump and the election but not as much as I thought. They claim they did it because he will be good for defense and "stop these terrorists from killing cops." The last is a verbatim quote. 

Actually, instead of directly talking about the election, they talk more derisively of Hillary, Pres. Obama, and democrats in general.

Hi Enigma!  I still have five pages to catch up on, so this is no doubt an outdated sentiment, but of course your colleagues are primarily going to focus on condemning Hil/Dems/O.  It must be pretty hard for even the semi brain-endowed to celebrate all these outright horrifying moves from Big Orange.  "Yay for the end of environmental protection, minimum wage, government benefits, US autonomy from Russia!"??

Back to reading posts. . .

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18 hours ago, OrigamiNightmare said:


Ugggh this is not good.

& on an unrelated note ... If you want to support Senator Warren’s request to audit President-Elect Trump’s finances for conflicts of interest, the woman who answered the phone at the Comptroller General of the Government Accountability Office said the most effective way to be sure my support counted was to email two administrators, Katherine Siggerud and Timothy Minnelli.

    Their email addresses are siggerudk@gao.gov, minellit@gao.gov.

    There is a third email, congrel@gao.gov, through which they are tracking people who were urging support for an audit.

    You can send one email addressed to:

    siggerudk@gao.gov, minellit@gao.gov, congrel@gao.gov

    Subject line:

    Re: Audit for President-Elect Trump’s financial concerns

    Dear Ms. Siggerud and Mr. Minnelli,

    I’m writing in support of Senator Elizabeth Warren’s request for an audit of our incoming President-Elect Trump’s finances, to prohibit conflicts of interest that would prevent him from carrying out the responsibilities of the office without corrupt influence.


    Your name

I hope it's okay to (cross)post this here. 

Really good contact information that might get extra notice here.

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Helping Trump win isn’t a sign of Russian strength. It’s a sign of Russian weakness.


That means that accomplishing his ultimate goal of restoring Russian greatness means he needs to break the American-led alliance — somehow persuading these countries to abandon institutions like NATO and take a softer view of Moscow’s overseas meddling.


To analysts like Nexon and Polyakova, the takeaway is clear: Even though there was a chance the US might retaliate, Russian leaders likely concluded that intervening to help Trump was worth it.


“If you can divide [Western countries], even in a half-assed way, that’s good,” Nexon says. “If you can get people elected who look like they might rip up [institutions like NATO] on their own, that’s even better.”

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On ‎12‎/‎11‎/‎2016 at 5:07 PM, random chance said:

From here on I'm just going to assume that any politician who doesn't want to look into this further is being blackmailed. And not with ordinary crap like they had an affair, either - I figure it's got to be career-ending stuff at best, but more likely stuff that would put them in prison.


On ‎12‎/‎11‎/‎2016 at 5:23 PM, VMepicgrl said:

I think you're giving them all too much credit. Sure, some of them might be making decisions due to blackmail. But I have no doubt that some of them really don't care because they still feel they won and will be able to manipulate humpty trumpty (or one of the other great names) to do whatever they want. Winning is more important than the country or its people to some. I've suspected for a long time now, but recent events give pretty definitive proof.

Oh, there might be multiple reasons that they whisper to themselves when they're alone, but it always comes down to "Follow The Money."  Maybe there's blackmail in the works, or maybe it's just greed and the headrush of being in the catbird seat--part of the governing majority, perched on the potential for unlimited power plays that could ensure their own career survival, prominence and financial rewards into perpetuity.  Who among them is going to be in a big rush to upset that golden apple cart?  Support an investigation into the election???  HA!


Sadly, I can't summon up GalaxyGirl's tiny flicker of hope.  I expect DT is trying to compose a tweet outrageous enough to draw part of the media attention away from "Russia."  (Maybe he'll slam Rosa Parks.)  Would it have made a difference if there were six months instead of six weeks?  Well, thanks, everybody who made sure we won't ever have the answer to that--you know who you are. 

I think this will ultimately remain unresolved, not even a future asterisk next to US President #45.  Maybe just some kind of esoteric political footnote that new generations are vague about and old people continue to grumble about right to the very last breath. (Me.)

But! the last five pages did my heart good and I'm still up for The Resistance.  And, decades after WWII, there are still stories emerging about individuals who were able to divert the world's course. (I hope Alan Turing's in a spot where he's able to appreciate the gratitude and the regrets for his treatment.)


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