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S18.E06: Party Anthem Week

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I think that James might have done a better job with different shoes. The shoes seemed clunky and too stiff. It reminded me of my husband's motorcycle boots. I loved M&M, just amazing! I really liked Candace too, I do think that she has improved.  I really want Nene to go now- it's not personal, I just don't enjoy watching her.  I couldn't believe the scores for Amy- while watching most of the dance I was totally shocked at her footwork, but then the "mess up" which was not small and she still got 2 10s. Just try and look like you're being fair- this was pretty blatant.

I really didn't like Meryl during the Olympics. she seemed so above it all and I just didn't see her looking joyful.  In DWTS, she is showing personality and joy.  I am really liking her now. 

I'm loving Danica, she's just such a nerd girl getting her geek on in a great way.

If you watch the shows that Drew Carey has done, it's his supporting cast that make the show.  if you watch him on "Whose Line" you can see he really doesn't have that great of a TV personality.

I'm really liking Charlie's "this scoring is bullshit" attitude.  He knows when he deserves a bad score and doesn't really look that happy when he gets a good one he thinks he doesn't deserve.

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I really didn't like Meryl during the Olympics. she seemed so above it all and I just didn't see her looking joyful.  In DWTS, she is showing personality and joy.  I am really liking her now. 

I think that's mostly due to what she and Charlie in general believe is good sportsmanship. It isn't necessarily her behaving above it, but rather that they believe that histrionics in the Kiss and Cry are poor sportsmanship. Typically at most you'll see a smile and a nod or a wave from them. If anything, I think they were a little more emotive this year because IIRC they skated last on both days.

The scoring on DWTS has got to be confusing for the two of them because it seems as though there are multiple scales being used that's resulting in everyone being lumped pretty closely together. It's clear that a 36 for Meryl or Charlie isn't the same as a 36 for NeNe and I can get that to a point but I can also get the frustration that comes with being tied with someone who got criticism when you got mostly praise.

I'm in awe of both of their dances this week, especially since they did 3 shows in 3 days with SOI. Those shows all come with Meet and Greets afterwards, so I doubt that they left each city much before 11 PM or so and then had 3-4 hour commutes to their next city. I'm sure at some point we'll probably hear how grueling that is mentioned in relation to Meryl, but Charlie wasn't kidding when he mentioned how crazy things are for them right now.

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When Len talked about the feather move, he was actually referring back to the foxtrot where Meryl was in a partial split and Maks was moving her in a circle.  I think the judges felt there was a connection between the level of choreography in the two dances.

I couldn't believe the scores for Amy- while watching most of the dance I was totally shocked at her footwork, but then the "mess up" which was not small and she still got 2 10s. Just try and look like you're being fair- this was pretty blatant.

Yeah, Amy's mistake was big and noticeable to untrained eyes.  When Charlie dropped the cane, that was just fumbling a prop, not messing up any of the actual dancing.  Still, I didn't really mind Amy's 10's this week because the rest of the jive was so impressive and the judges have nudged the scores so high that 10 is the only reward they have to give.  But I'm still bothered by the 10's for Amy's waltz which really was not good.

I came into this season as a huge fan of Meryl and Charlie and I continue to be so impressed by the both of them.  Their schedules are brutal, although they should be easing a little bit as Stars on Ice isn't doing as many shows per week from here on in, plus they're moving westward geographically.  Less flying cross-country and dealing with never-ending jet lag.

Meryl and Maks' tango was stunning.  I think I've rewatched it five or six times and it doesn't stop being amazing.  Charlie's dance was great, but I agree with Len that the whole black light, neon bit was unnecessary.  (And I'm nowhere near Len's age, but I'm practicing my cranky old geezer bit early.)  I also really enjoyed Danica and Amy's dances and I hope Candace sticks around as I can see where her being bottom two the last few weeks has (I think) contributed to her psyching herself out during her performances.

Sorry to see Drew go, but it was his time.  I just wish he and Cheryl had had as much chemistry as Drew seemed to have with Witney.  Now if we can just get rid of Nene next week....

  • Love 1

To follow up on my earlier post about the Judges' scores, the difference in raw numbers between the top team (Meryl/Maks) and the bottom team (Candace/Mark) was 8 points (40 vs 32).  But when you convert that to the "percentage of total points awarded", it works out to less than a 3 point spread (14.14 vs. 11.35).

And here's a knollish thought, for those inclined to so think: TPTB know which team is being eliminated even before they dance.  Their scores for that dance can't save them.  But, those scores can serve to inflate the overall points-awarded, and thereby lower the "percentage score" of the team they may be trying to target for next week. (of course, if those scores are not counted towards the percentages for next week, none of that applies; but I haven't heard about that happening).

I don't think Derek has control over the crappy camera work and I don't think you can really fault him because the producers called for a Derek close-up at the end of a Derek choreographed number.



From what I remember of what I've read, Derek is specifically known for directing all the camera movements in his dances. It's one of his amazing talents.

Alas for the unknowing, Redfoot is the youngest son of Berry Gordy Jr, the head of Motown Records


He and his cousin(?) formed that stupid group LMFAO

I like Meryl and if Maks was brought back to finally get his win, I won't mind much as long as they deliver performances like last night. I also don't mind Nene. She's not going to win so she doesn't bother me. There have been far worse filler contestants; Master P & Cloris Leechman to name just a few. At least Nene appears to be putting forth some effort and has a bit of rhythm. Drew had already given up so I was okay with him leaving.

Overall, I really enjoyed last night except for the part where NeNe was never in jeopardy. Ugh. Time for her to go. I think next week might finally be the week for her to be out, especially since she went first last night which I always think tends to be the kiss of death for the middle/bottom of the pack dancers on this show. 

The 4th judge every single week is just too much, though I will give Redfoo credit for not being too obnoxious. At the very least, he didn't make it all about him (looking at you, Donny Osmond) or make unhelpful and rude commentary for the shock value (looking at you Julianne). Ricky Martin next week will at least be nice to look at but Abby Lee Miller is a joke. 

I am an admitted fan of Maks but I acknowledge that he is not the best choreographer on the show. Having said that, I think that tango last night was phenomenal and I have rewatched it over and over again. The only other dance of his I liked as much was the Viennese Waltz he did with Mel B. I can't wait to see what Meryl and Maks do next.

I wish Charlie had been partnered with Cheryl. Sharna is okay but her choreography leaves me a little cold and I think Charlie could be phenomenal with someone like Cheryl. 


Does it seem crazy to anyone else that we are this far into the season and have not seen one Paso Doble yet? 

Edited by TeeM

When Len talked about the feather move, he was actually referring back to the foxtrot where Meryl was in a partial split and Maks was moving her in a circle.  I think the judges felt there was a connection between the level of choreography in the two dances.

I believe he was actually referring to this. Going back and listening to his comments he seemed to be stating that the dance was great, but that moment of referencing back to the foxtrot (which IIRC was their previous best scored dance together) made it special. I could be wrong, but it didn't seem to me that he was referencing a previous dance's choreography but rather something choreographically within this one and to my relatively untrained eye that appears to be the closest to a foxtrot reference before they go back into a tango.

I agree with others on the MSoD performance - it was really hard to see on the TV.  I suspect that it was an incredible performance for the audience in the ballroom, but it was too dark and difficult to see to really appreciate it at home.

Well, I could see it perfectly on my TV.

There was a heck of a lot of jive content in Amy’s dance and that pleases me.  Other than that small bobble, I was impressed with the speed and the synchronization between Amy and Derek.  That dance was my favorite of the night for the simple reason it made me giggly and happy.

That dance was also my favorite of the night for the same reasons.  I've watched it about ten times since last night.


Also, Amy finally danced, but she got the steps wrong.  I applaud her choice to come on a dancing show and do her best, but I expect her to be scored at the same standard as the others.  Since she's with Derek, the golden boy, she'll probably win.  If we aren't going to have a real ringer win, I'd much rather it be Danica, who I think is working incredibly hard and mastering a lot of the finite details.

Well, Danica is a ringer herself.  So...

Party Anthem: They tried real hard to convey a party atmosphere and it probably was fun for those in the ballroom, but the fun & energy is hard to convey when the stars & pros seem generally stressed out.  More like a themed business-as-usual.

Opener: A little better than past weeks, at least I could see couples. Is Mandy the only choreographer available?

Redfoo: Waste of time, he added nothing, wants something to rock his socks off? Why would anyone care what would rock his socks. Hated seeing the scoring and ultimately the couples fates being affected by a guy who had no clue what he was doing or what he was watching.

Nene: Where oh where was the salsa?  Nene just does her own form of gyrating and grinding club dances. Honestly I don't know how Tony tolerates all the screeching!  I no longer find her even mildly amusing and I don't understand why the judges aren't calling her out. Massively overscored. 6s would have been more than fair.

Can I just belly ache about how cruel it is to tell someone "You're in jeopardy - and you dance next" Cruel!

Candace:  "This sexy thing is hard work" - she's trying sooo hard and Mark uses hilarious antics to get her to relax. The song didn't help her with an almost marching tempo but this was her best since week 1. I hope she makes it through next week - I'm definitely seeing progress every week + I love her attitude.-she was so happy after her dance, Mark had to tell her to stop hugging LOL!  With all the overscoring,  give her some 9s!

James:  Funky footwork, seemed almost off balance much of the time, too much fuddling at the beginning.  I don't care for other dancers on the floor. At the start Peta spent too much time with the girls, James was waiting on her. A little overscored.

Macy's Stars of Dance: Dark costumes, dark background, flashing laser lights, fog, audience standing + waving their arms, dancing in aisles amongst the arm-waving audience, oh and as a final touch, flashing bright lights directly into the camera.  No idea who the outside dancers were-apparently brought in for some flips and tricks.  Might have been fun if you were in the audience but did not translate well through the tv. Thumbs down.

Danica:  Who had the audacity to try and sing like Witney Houston-and.not.quite.cut.it. Ick! Anyway, Danica does very well in hold but seems kind of lost out of hold.  Len-best dance of the night so far?  Judges do love her.  Overscored.

Meryl: Meryl's feeling a little entitled? 9s not good enough. Okay.  Maks having a pity party. Maybe suddenly realizing that having a ringer isn't so easy after all. Not sure if the whole video package was a setup or not but it did fit in perfectly with the dance. The dance itself was stunning.  I wish the judges would stop throwing around 9s and 10s so casually so when a dance like this comes along, the 10s are meaningful.

Drew: clearly the wrong partnership. Would have been so much better if Drew got Witney and Cheryl got Cody.  Anyway, not so sure he was still enjoying all this.  He kept his mouth shut so tight I think it made his whole body stiff with a great big gasp of relief at the end. Sorry Drew. It's your time to say bye bye.

Redfoo: "Let's Get Ridiculous" He did look ridiculous trying to dance with the ladies. An autotuned "singer". I don't mind autotune accents...but I've got to know if you can actually sing (in tune) first.

Charlie:  Very good job, lots of energy, hips, etc. until they went to the stage in the audience and switched to blacklight.  It was a cool effect but the dance just lost energy at that point. Scores were about right compared to everyone else.

Amy:  She Breaks Freeeeeeee! YAY! I knew she could do it. A few stumbles but great job. Not sure why Derek put in a twist when he knows Amy can't pivot.  CAI: best kicks and flicks ever? Disagree but great for Amy.  Sorry but 10s were too much for noticeable errors. Four 9s certainly in line with the scoring of the night.

Elimination: Danica had a look on her face as if to say "What am I doing here?" but I have to wonder if her fanbase is holding up and if Val's fans are voting for Danica or helping out Maks & Meryl.
Hopefully next week it'll be Nene to go.

Edited by Uke


I loved the MSOD until the moment at the end where Derek stared into the camera like he was Satan's favourite spawn or something.

Heh -- when I first saw MSOD I was confused.  "Magenta Screen of Death?  No, that can't be it."


Please, I'm begging, whoever is voting for NeNe, STOP IT.  At first she was just a non-entity.  Now she is nails across a chalkboard.


Looks like the judges have gone from a 4-point system to a 3-point system -- only one seven paddle the entire night.

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I don't think Danica was honestly in any danger last night.  I think the show was trying to give whatever fanbase she has a kick in the pants.  However what I think it does mean is she's likely not pulling in the votes maybe they expected based on her level of dancing and if that's the case I'm not surprised......So I really would not be at all surprised to see Danica get the boot in a couple of weeks.  I think this was just our warning in case her fanbase doesn't wake up.


Plus I think it likely doesn't help that a lot of Val's own fans are so wrapped up in Meryl/Maks that I wouldn't be surprised if they aren't even voting for Danica.



Danica: Danica does very well in hold but seems kind of lost out of hold.  Len-best dance of the night so far?  Judges do love her.  Overscored.


Elimination: Danica had a look on her face as if to say "What am I doing here?" but I have to wonder if her fanbase is holding up and if Val's fans are voting for Danica or helping out Maks & Meryl.



Regarding Danica's scoring and TPTB putting her "in danger" (which I think was total bullshit) is, IMO, sheer manipulation on the part of the show's producers.  I have a fat honking feeling that they are salivating for a Final Three of Danica/Val, Meryl/Maks, and Charlie/Sharna.  The possibility of that grouping is a Producers' orgasmic smorgasbord in the DWTS world in that they can promote the fuck out of "The Battle of the Olympic Champions!!" and "The Battle of the Chmerkovskiy Brothers!!"  That being the case, Danica, unfortunately, would be buried under the hyping of those two scenarios.



Meryl: Meryl's feeling a little entitled? 9s not good enough. Okay.  Maks having a pity party. Maybe suddenly realizing that having a ringer isn't so easy after all. Not sure if the whole video package was a setup or not but it did fit in perfectly with the dance. The dance itself was stunning.  I wish the judges would stop throwing around 9s and 10s so casually so when a dance like this comes along, the 10s are meaningful.


I don't think it was a matter of being "entitled" at all -- I think it was more that they were genuinely bumfuzzled by their scores, particularly because 1) their dance was showered with all kinds of praise from all four judges with absolutely nothing negative said about it yet received 4 9's when they easily deserved at least one or two 10's given how higher scoring teams danced, and 2) they danced circles (and hexagons, octagons, dodecahedrons) around NeNe and Tony but received the same exact score as those two (which was a fucking joke IMO).




I also don't mind Nene. She's not going to win so she doesn't bother me. There have been far worse filler contestants; Master P & Cloris Leechman to name just a few. At least Nene appears to be putting forth some effort and has a bit of rhythm. Drew had already given up so I was okay with him leaving.


Even though Cloris Leachman was that season's geriatric entry and was not a good dancer, she, at least, is one of the funniest women on the planet and a far better comedian (comedienne) than Drew Carey could ever aspire to be, plus she has an absolutely endearing personality, especially for someone who was 82 years old when she was on DWTS (she's 87 now).  While the younger viewing demographic likely aren't all that familiar with her, just about anyone over the age of 40 should be familiar with some of her more famous roles on TV (particularly on the Mary Tyler Moore Show) and in movies - she won an Oscar for The Last Picture Show, as well as stole the show in the three Mel Brooks' movies she was in.  A couple of examples of her comedic talent:




(her part starts around :55 and is a fucking riot)

Edited by OriginalCyn
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I am well aware of of who Cloris Leechman is, and I get that the show cast celebs they know will not win, but Cloris didn't even try and overstayed her welcome for me. When Toni Braxton who was actually trying and improving got voted off the schtick stopped being funny. Right now I can't say Nene's staying has meant that anyone dancing at a higher skill level has gone home and she is putting forth effort even though she may lack actual skill so I'm not bothered by her.


Regarding Danica's scoring and TPTB putting her "in danger" (which I think was total bullshit) is, IMO, sheer manipulation on the part of the show's producers.  I have a fat honking feeling that they are salivating for a Final Three of Danica/Val, Meryl/Maks, and Charlie/Sharna.  The possibility of that grouping is a Producers' orgasmic smorgasbord in the DWTS world in that they can promote the fuck out of "The Battle of the Olympic Champions!!" and "The Battle of the Chmerkovskiy Brothers!!"  That being the case, Danica, unfortunately, would be buried under the hyping of those two scenarios.


I don't necessarily agree that the judges are salivating to get Danica into the final three.  Mostly because the show really doesn't give Danica much screentime at all outside of her actual dance.  Meryl, Candace, Amy and James all get way more facetime than she does.  On top of which Danica has danced early in the show almost every week.   Then this week they saddled her with having to dance right before Meryl, so of course she got buried once again since five seconds after Danica was done dancing we were swept away in the M/M nonsense.  So mostly I'll just say from a production standpoint I think TPTB would be treating Danica way differently if they were so set on getting her to the finals.  At best I can say TPTB want Danica to stick around for at least a few more weeks.


I think TPTB are set on a Meryl versus Charlie showdown in the finals though.  As for the C. bros, I think the show would be more focused on a showdown between the two of them if they felt that Danica was actually a real threat to win.  There's no real showdown in play if Danica is playing for third at best.  At least with Charlie and Meryl you can make it look like they both have a fighting chance.   

Regarding Danica's scoring and TPTB putting her "in danger" (which I think was total bullshit) is, IMO, sheer manipulation on the part of the show's producers. 


I don't necessarily agree that the judges are salivating to get Danica into the final three.



While I don't think TPTB are manipulating things to help Danica win (I agree with Spanana re: Charlie vs. Meryl being their dream F2; and I'll reserve for a later date my thoughts on how they'll Gillooly whoever's F3 to make sure they don't get in the way).  


But I do think TPTB want Danica to outlast NeNe.


Given each star's (and their pro's) respective fan-bases, it wouldn't surprise me if they're running very close in the viewer-vote totals.  Close enough that even a slight dip or up-tick would push one below or ahead of the other.


As Spanana mentions, they haven't exactly been puffing Danica up lately.  And they may have overplayed their hand with the pre-dance video clip of NeNe/Tony and triggered a backlash sympathy vote from their bases.  


It was also the Monday leading into what for many people was a short holiday week.


And I also think Meryl, Charlie and Amy are getting most of the votes from the casual viewers who don't have a "rooting interest" and whose votes are "up for grabs" to whomever they think did best each week. (in any other season, I think Danica might be cleaning up with those votes).


Put it all together, and it's entirely plausible that Danica fell below NeNe last week.  Or at least close enough that TPTB wanted to light a fire under her fan base with a faux-bottom-two placement.

I was talking with a friend the other day, (not about Dancing with the Stars, but research methods) and she was saying you can't give people a 10 point scale to rank things, because they automatically treat it like grades, and you'll never get anything below a 6 or 7. Which is an interesting thing to think in the context of this show, because it really seems like what's happening. (10 = A+, 9 = A, 8 = B, 7 = C, and anything lower feels really harsh.) So if psychologically that's how we think, seems like they really need to bust back out the .5 paddles to break up the scores a bit, or just do away with scores all together and just go off viewer votes. 

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Speaking of the showmance aspect of this show, did anyone notice how Val was very emphatic about Danica and him not being a couple by thanking her boyfriend for being so patient etc?


I liked Meryl and Maks' tango but in all honesty preferred the Argentine Tango she did with Val.  Meryl is really coming out of her shell and has become likeable to me, which I never thought would happen.

I preferred the Argentine Tango as well, but mostly because Argentine Tango >>>> standard ballroom tango, which I find relatively dull. And no lifts!


And yeah, I noticed the same thing about Val. Right after his chemistry with Danica was complimented by the judges (by Carrie Anne, I guess?) he made it a point of thanking Danica's boyfriend. (Until then, I didn't even realize she had one.) Maybe trying to nip it in the bud? I mostly remember it though because the way he phrased it was irritatingly old-fashioned, something about thanks for ~allowing him to dance like that with her.

Edited by fembotz
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Regarding my opinion "Meryl's feeling a little entitled? 9s not good enough" .

I think Meryl is internally driven toward excellence in her own performance and didn't understand what she was doing wrong for not getting 10s. I don't think Meryl failed at all at anything.  Maks'  samba choreography just didn't bring out all Meryl could do with a samba---AND the music kind of pushed them into a theme that hampered their choices in choreography (especially being Disney week and tptb wanting cutesy animation gimmicks). 

 Also Meryl is used to a much different type of scoring criteria--scoring based on actual criteria.  Hopefully Maks or someone has explained that the judges score based on their "expectation" of what the star can do, not what one star accomplishes compared to another star. Therefore, as bizarre as it appears, Meryl's 36 does not have the same meaning as Nene's 36 even though their percentage of the total points awarded are the same.   IMO I also think tptb are using scoring to try and create a horserace between Meryl and Charlie. One week Charlie's ahead, next week OMG! Charlie falters! and now Meryl is ahead. Oh the drama! (eyeroll)

I wish they would use dual scoring for technique + performance like they did in S11 to differentiate Nene's personality performances vs Meryl's technical excellence - and dust off the 4, 5 and 6 paddles.

As for Danica, I'm not convinced tptb care about a finale with Maks vs Val and Meryl vs Charlie.  I'm not seeing a whole lot of publicity for Danica, but I'm seeing tons for Amy. She's on every entertainment news show, Nightline, The Doctors, etc. - it seems like every day I'm seeing something on her. For that reason (and to perhaps explain Amy's soft scoring & critiques),  I think tptb are looking for a Meryl/Charlie/Amy all Olympian finale.

The real horserace will be 4th place James? or Danica? or will Candace's popularity push past both of them?

Also Meryl is used to a much different type of scoring criteria--scoring based on actual criteria.  Hopefully Maks or someone has explained that the judges score based on their "expectation" of what the star can do, not what one star accomplishes compared to another star. Therefore, as bizarre as it appears, Meryl's 36 does not have the same meaning as Nene's 36 even though their percentage of the total points awarded are the same.

I also hope that someone is explaining to the celebrities that often times the comments from the judges have no real bearing on the scores they actually receive, which I think is what Meryl was responding to as she mentioned that she was surprised by the 9s in conjunction with their comments. I think it was honestly more a reaction to the fact that she felt the comments were overwhelmingly positive so not getting a single 10 was surprising to her than it was that she was looking down on the 9s. Frequently it seems that unless there's a break in the rules mentioned (breaking hold, lifts where they aren't allowed, lack of content, etc.), there's not always a strong correlation between what is said and what is scored. I know that plays into the scoring on what they expect of a celeb thing, but it also comes across as pretty random at times when you see someone who got criticism from the judges or who is called for breaking the rules receiving similar scores as someone who only got praise (and was praised on the actual dance technique versus some skirting around the quality of dance to comment on choreography/performance) because you then don't know what to expect.




But I do think TPTB want Danica to outlast NeNe.

I want Danica to outlast NeNe!  :D


If the brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and adorable one of that pair of dancers does not outlast the one that has, shall we say, fewer of those qualities, I will seriously be done, with this season at least.  I'll leave it to your judgment which is which.



you can't give people a 10 point scale to rank things, because they automatically treat it like grades, and you'll never get anything below a 6 or 7. Which is an interesting thing to think in the context of this show, because it really seems like what's happening. (10 = A+, 9 = A, 8 = B, 7 = C, and anything lower feels really harsh.) So if psychologically that's how we think, seems like they really need to bust back out the .5 paddles to break up the scores a bit


I hadn't thought of the 10-ponit scale that way, but it makes perfect sense.  The problem is that, with the way the show is scored, the .5 paddles don't really do anything.  What they really should do is go to a 1-5 scale.  The difference between 8 and 10 is 25%; the difference between 3 and 5 is 67%.  Of course, that is assuming TPTB are interested in fixing a "problem" that they probably don't see as a problem to begin with.

Edited by DanDanNoodles


As for Danica, I'm not convinced tptb care about a finale with Maks vs Val and Meryl vs Charlie.  I'm not seeing a whole lot of publicity for Danica, but I'm seeing tons for Amy. She's on every entertainment news show, Nightline, The Doctors, etc. - it seems like every day I'm seeing something on her. For that reason (and to perhaps explain Amy's soft scoring & critiques),  I think tptb are looking for a Meryl/Charlie/Amy all Olympian finale.

The real horserace will be 4th place James? or Danica? or will Candace's popularity push past both of them?


I expect James to be in the finale.  I think he has far more fan support than people think.  If I had to guess right now I'm thinking Meryl, Charlie, James and Amy.  I'm guessing Danica and Candace will have to duke it out for which one is getting a trip to the semi finals.  Danica being the far better dancer, but Candace seems to have support and more of a story.


But as far as publicity is concerned, Danica was on The Tonight Show a few weeks back.  They briefly touched on DWTS, but didn't talk about it extensively.  But I do think most of the press at this point is coming from the reps of the celebs as opposed to the show setting it up for them.  The show is reponsible for certain things, but in recent seasons it's the celeb with better PR that get better opportunities.  Plus it just makes sense to me that more media outlets would be clammoring to get somebody like Amy on as opposed to Danica, just because there is more natural story with Amy.


I actually think Candace must have pretty good representation because I've seen her all over the place too.  She's co-hosting The View today as well.

I also hope that someone is explaining to the celebrities that often times the comments from the judges have no real bearing on the scores they actually receive, which I think is what Meryl was responding to as she mentioned that she was surprised by the 9s in conjunction with their comments. 

I think it's not just that the comments are not correlated to the scores, but the scores themselves appear to be pulled out of thin air. Meryl's comments weren't only overwhelmingly positive, there was actual nothing negative or critical at all. Add to that the fact that she ended up tied with NeNe, and yeah I can totally see why Meryl was surprised by her scores. She should have been surprised because there is no way NeNe should have been tied with her. I understand that every star is graded somewhat differently based on ability, but if you don't reward superior routines than it starts to look arbitrary or like you are scoring something else aside from dancing. 


Also, I'll point out Meryl didn't say she deserved a 40. She said she was surprised based on the comments. It's hard to know what the judges want when their scores are so wacky and then they don't even bother trying to explain them. 


Amy's scores continue to be ridiculous. Her dancing is not better than most of the cast. She should be scored more in line with what she actual shows on the dance floor and leave it to the fans to save her based on her spirit. The judges are supposed to judge technique and the dances, not the person. This week also reminded me of the Oscar Pictorius debate from the Olympics. When he competed in the Olympics, many people complained that his prosthetics could actually be an advantage. The Olympic committee decided that they weren't but the point is that sometimes prosthetic can be an advantage or a disadvantage in physical activities. Henry suggested as much this week in an interview.  

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Amy's scores continue to be ridiculous. Her dancing is not better than most of the cast.


I'm glad to see someone else that feels this way. I was shocked that not one, but two judges pointed out her mistake, I was totally expecting them to make some kind of excuse for it. I think Amy is an amazing person, but they've hyped her up to be a better dancer than she actually is. I'm also tired of hearing about what an inspiration she is. Is she? Of course she is, but were going on week 7 now, I think it's time to move on and perhaps actually critique her dancing.

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Also, I'll point out Meryl didn't say she deserved a 40. She said she was surprised based on the comments. It's hard to know what the judges want when their scores are so wacky and then they don't even bother trying to explain them.


I sympathize with her confusion, but at the same time it was a little off-putting because she's well out in front and has gotten twice as many 10s as anyone else. It's clear that what the judges want is what she's been doing all along. Props for her for being a perfectionist, but she should keep in mind that no one likes that annoying kid at the top of the class who turns getting an A instead of an A+ into a drama.



One of my favorite things about watching the next day is I can ff through the judging & clips- then I can just see if I like the dance- there is nothing coloring it.


I don't know how much credence there is to this but I was watching Wendy Williams (please don't judge- that channel comes in really well on our antenna..) and she said something about rumors of Drew real being into Cheryl & Cheryl not reciprocating those feelings (I'm not sure why he would be surprised by that.)  That might explain the mechanics of that relationship a bit.


I personally love Maks and think his partnership with Meryl is fantastic.  That tango was fierce- I want to see that from them.


Count me as one of those who though Peta looked lovely- and younger in that outfit.  Sadly, the return of Latin week pretty much guarantees a return to form for her. Itty bitty under-dressed form.

and she said something about rumors of Drew real being into Cheryl & Cheryl not reciprocating those feelings (I'm not sure why he would be surprised by that.)  That might explain the mechanics of that relationship a bit.


Oh, Wendy. I doubt that's it, I just think they were mismatched, Cheryl is very intense in her trained and I don't think Drew responded to that very well. He had his best week when he was with Witney because her more laid back style allowed him to relax a bit. I think he and Cody ended up with partner that the other needed more. Cody needed someone who could be strict with him while Drew needed someone who would allow him to relax.

I sympathize with her confusion, but at the same time it was a little off-putting because she's well out in front and has gotten twice as many 10s as anyone else. It's clear that what the judges want is what she's been doing all along. Props for her for being a perfectionist, but she should keep in mind that no one likes that annoying kid at the top of the class who turns getting an A instead of an A+ into a drama.

I can understand that perception, however I would liken it more to the student who gets back a test with nothing marked wrong and a big B- on top. Meryl tied for 5th last week out of 8 couples, so she wasn't near the top anymore. She wasn't all that dramatic about it either. I get it though, it's not good on this show to be seen as complaining about 9's.


ETA:  I HATE that they tell people when they are in jeopardy before they dance - way to totally screw with their heads and performances.  Dumbasses.


Bingo.  It does.  You could see that was the case with Danica, for example, as much as she overcame that.

Yes, amazing. That the show director would allow it.

I. am. old. He was annoying as hell, but I'll cut him a wee bit of slack for his own success, as it is. And next to Abby Lee, he will be a sweet memory.

That woman being on this show should be regarded as the agonizing death of it's tiniest last bit of credibility, I guess.

Is there a chance that Abby Lee will actually give accurate scores?  I'll be watching with my finger on the mute button but I sort of want her to call out Nene on her flailing abouf. Would she dare or does she only bully kids?

She'll do what every other amateur guest judge has done.  Look to the left and the right and give a similar score to the other judges, except when there's a nice piece of faux-emotional drama to be given over a slightly higher score.  Unless she wants to try being "mean judge", but I doubt she has the guts to do that in front of a much bigger audience than her usual.


I'm still kind of "what the hell" with Disney/ABC okaying this though.  I mean other than the occasional Len rant, they've never courted having the live audience actually boo the judges before.

Is Abby Lee that Dance Moms lady? Candace was better this week and Ballas has been less Ballasey this season, but I was still rooting for them to go. However, Drew was the worst dancer left.

I usually don't sweat the scores much, but James' annoyed me because I thought his quickstep was very sloppy.

Favorite dances were Meryl/Maks & Derek/Amy

I like Sharna's personality, but agree that her over ambitious choreo is a detriment and ends up looking sloppy.

Amy's scores continue to be ridiculous. Her dancing is not better than most of the cast. She should be scored more in line with what she actual shows on the dance floor and leave it to the fans to save her based on her spirit. The judges are supposed to judge technique and the dances, not the person. This week also reminded me of the Oscar Pictorius debate from the Olympics. When he competed in the Olympics, many people complained that his prosthetics could actually be an advantage. The Olympic committee decided that they weren't but the point is that sometimes prosthetic can be an advantage or a disadvantage in physical activities. Henry suggested as much this week in an interview.

I am continually grossed out at this notion. Especially when it comes from able bodied people who have no idea what it's actually like.

I'm a unilateral amputee, and the contrast between what my real leg does and my prosthetic does is huge. Prosthetics don't give someone an advantage, it's the person in them, and the rest of their body's ability to adapt to the punishment of being a world class athlete in Oscar and Amy's case. It's akin to an able bodied person maneuvering on stilts. It takes balance, control and athleticism.

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In Amy's case , she had one small "advantage" in the jive in that her toes were already pointed.  That's something people always have trouble with in the jive and often get marked down for.  Of course when you stack that up against the many huge disadvantages she has - trying to do an incredibly fast dance while balanced on stilts with only a two-square-inch piece of wood touching the floor instead of a foot - she's obviously still working at a gigantic net disadvantage.  Everybody's aware of that.


But I think it's perfectly fine for people to discuss the mechanics of her feet and legs and how they work in the dance, including any "advantages".  That's all part of the discussion and shouldn't be off limits.

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