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S01.E04: Fall

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3 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

I think Emily's story was about Emily finally being able to take care of Emily.

That too.  But getting along with Berta well enough to let her move her family in was a big part of that, since all together they seemed to take care of everything related to the house and grounds.  Richard seemed to take care of dealing with the people they hired to work outside, and maybe also for picture hanging and other odd jobs, so having Berta's family there made it much easier for Emily to take care of herself.

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On 12/23/2016 at 9:31 AM, Enigma X said:

I loved Emily throughout this series. I am still trying to figure out what ASP message is with Emily finally keeping one stable maid. I know it shows her growth, but it may also show that she lost some of her feistiness.

I've been thinking it has to do with being released from the responsibility of being Mrs. Richard Gilmore.  Keeping a perfect house, throwing a perfect party, serving the perfect dinner.....no longer worth getting all worked up about.  

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On 12/23/2016 at 5:16 PM, shron17 said:
On 12/23/2016 at 0:29 PM, Melancholy said:

and AB's performance indicated Rory knew that.

And I especially enjoyed Christopher's face when he realized she wasn't falling for it anymore.

Oh wow...now I need to go watch this scene again!  It was such a fabulous, fabulous scene.  And that final shot of Christopher standing there all melancholy....so good.  I'm so glad Sutcliffe came back for that scene.  

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1 hour ago, cantbeflapped said:

I've been thinking it has to do with being released from the responsibility of being Mrs. Richard Gilmore.  Keeping a perfect house, throwing a perfect party, serving the perfect dinner.....no longer worth getting all worked up about.  

She figured it was a whole bunch of bull s**t.  ;)

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I don't ever see Emily being without household help, simply because of her social standing. But she can relax a bit now, since she doesn't have to worry about pleasing anyone but herself.

I would say it's more like Emily has a huge living space, and there's little chance she could handle the day to day maintenance and cleaning absent help.  Though I also agree that in terms of Berta, she has shown reliability and has a large family to handle all of Emily's needs (and an apparent willingness to relocate from Hartford to Martha's Vineyard(?)), so I can see why Emily kept her on.

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Just finished (I ended up watching at roughly the pace ASP wanted, although I didn't plan it that way). The concluding minutes were truly lovely.  And earlier portions of the episode were hysterically funny.  The final four words were a surprise, yet fitting. I'm left very satisfied, after some rough patches in "Spring" and especially "Summer".

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I was  a big fan of L/L back in the day and I don't dislike them now but honestly, I found the scene with Luke declaring his need for her to be kind of sad. It's wonderful that he loves her so much and is so devoted to her but it's really unhealthy to be so dependent on one person to get all your needs met. It would really benefit him to get some friends or interests. 

And she didn't say any of it back to him. She said she thought they should get married but there was no grand declaration of love on her part. And the way she did it was in very self-centred, typical Lorelai fashion, saying she had already picked the date, had it all planned out, etc. It could be argued that that's because she knows Luke wouldn't want to be involved with wedding planning anyway but Lorelai is always like that.

I completely agree with everyone who found it weird that Michel and Lane were there for the wedding and not Sookie or Jess. It was very obvious it was about availability. It would have been better to just have Lorelai, Luke and Rory.

I thought the threeway dance between Luke, Lorelai and Rory was incredibly cheesy. 

I like Michel but to me he seemed very shoe-horned in for the whole revival. It had the a very obvious feeling of "we couldn't get Melissa back for enough days and Lorelai has no other friends". 

I hated the LDB. I thought it was incredible waste of time. I wish we had gotten Paris instead. And I don't buy that the guys in the LDB were so enamoured with Rory. It was just more of "Rory is a special snowflake and everyone loves her" that just grates. And I didn't even remember this but another poster reminded me that originally one of the guys in the LDB couldn't even remember her name. So we could suspend our disbelief and pretend that she grew much closer to them in the last 10 years but I don't think they'd be that level of close. 

It's really unfortunate that we didn't get more Paris. I expected her to pop up in the finale and after I recovered my shock from the "four words" the first thing I thought was "What happened to Paris?!" They left her story pretty unresolved.

I loved the scene with Sookie and all the wedding cakes. That was so Sookie-esque.

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I really liked the story that Lorelai told Emily about her birthday because it illustrated a very touching event in her relationship with Richard, but also because it explained a lot more to me about why Lorelai had Rory and ran away. We knew that she didn't like the very rigid, upper class society that her parents were a part of, but that was usually from the perspective of not liking her parents and rebelling against them. I don't remember hearing about how this affected her in school and the way she was viewed by the other kids. We mainly just heard about all the boys she fooled around with. Hearing that a boy she had really liked called her "loud" and "weird" made me realize how isolated she must have been not just from her family, but from other kids. It made more sense to me afterwards that she would have kept Rory after getting pregnant because of an idea that she wouldn't be alone anymore, that someone would finally understand her and love her and that it would be the two of them against the world. And it also make sense as to why she love Stars Hollow so much, with its "loud" and "weird" inhabitants. Of course this has been talked about before throughout the series, but this anecdote really emphasized it for me.

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I see the Christopher/Logan parallel being different just because it seemed like Christopher was more into Lorelai than Lorelai was into him whereas, in this revival at least, it seemed like Rory was more into Logan than he was into her.

And I'm not really a fan of Jess being Rory's Luke because I think that he could do better and also because I'm tired of the whole "every man Rory and Lorelai meet falls in love with them and pines for them forever. In real life people would find them charming and smart and fun for a little while, but would be turned off by their entitlement and selfishness. They would move on and get over them.

It's really hard to believe that immature and selfish Lorelai was actually a better, stronger, more responsible person when the series started than what Rory is now and that Jess has shown the most growth.

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I only glanced through the thread so this might have already been mentioned, but in the scene where Lorelai talks about Luke not having anyone to invite to the wedding, neither of them, as I recall, mention April.  I mean, I know fans weren't exactly gagging to see her, but she was mentioned and seen already in the season, to not even mention her in that context was quite weird.

I had already been spoiled about Rory being pregnant so I was anticipating/dreading a WTD situation, because I knew Jared Padalecki still had to show up.  I thought we were going to see awkward moments with Rory and all her exes and wonder which of them she slept with, but that's not how it turned out.

The Life and Death Brigade shit went on sooo long.  Was that third dude always there?  I thought it was just Colin and Finn.

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So many commenters are saying that Revival Logan was written as if S7 Logan never happened, but my take on it is quite different. S7 Logan acted impulsively by making a bad investment without doing his due diligence, just to prove something to his father. When that backfired, he couldn't face the fallout like an adult, hiding from his father until Mitchum barged into his apartment to confront him. Then he was suddenly full of other business ideas and decided to go to Silicon Valley to pursue them. He may have loved Rory, but he only wanted to be with her if she came to SV with him as his fiancee, Rory's own ambitions be damned. 

What most likely happened in the ten years since is that Logan realized that succeeding in life (and in SV in particular) is really really hard without daddy's money and connections. His business venture(s) failed, like most of SV business ventures do, and he decided that enduring Mitchum's meddling is not so bad after all if it means a cushy job with a guaranteed seven-figure income and a gorgeous apartment in London. For all of his slickness and bravado, Logan never had it in him to make it big on his own, and now he knows it too. He's never going to rock the Huntzberger boat again.

Edited by chocolatine
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11 hours ago, TeeVee329 said:

only glanced through the thread so this might have already been mentioned, but in the scene where Lorelai talks about Luke not having anyone to invite to the wedding, neither of them, as I recall, mention April.  

Ooh, I'd forgotten about her. Can't wait to see the transcript to see if Lorelai actually named Luke's immediate family by name or just glossed over them as a group. She would belong there. Certainly not for the late-night wedding, that was executed within an hour or two. No way could she get there unless she was already in town, but since Emily wasn't leaving Nantucket until the day of the wedding, I'm guessing April would do the same.

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12 hours ago, chocolatine said:

He may have loved Rory, but he only wanted to be with her if she came to SV with him as his fiancee, Rory's own ambitions be damned. 

I don't think Logan didn't care about Rory's ambitions. He wanted a commitment from her, and she couldn't (or wouldn't) make it. At some point in a relationship, you have to fish or cut bait, and this was that point for Logan. Ten years later, though, it didn't seem to matter to either of them.

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17 hours ago, TeeVee329 said:

Was Robert always a thing?  I did not remember him at all.

Robert was also at the LDB event they had in the woods. He was with Colin when they were speaking without using e's. He also was the one shooting Finn with the paint gun. But generally it was always Logan, Colin, and Finn

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18 hours ago, WhosThatGirl said:

Well they didn't really include much from the  original final season, did they? 

I never watched Season 7, and I had no problem following any of the plot of this miniseries, so I suspect you're right.

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On 1/2/2017 at 6:49 AM, dubbel zout said:

I don't think Logan didn't care about Rory's ambitions. He wanted a commitment from her, and she couldn't (or wouldn't) make it. At some point in a relationship, you have to fish or cut bait, and this was that point for Logan. Ten years later, though, it didn't seem to matter to either of them.

But he expected her to make a compromise and restrict herself to one geographic location, while he compromised nothing. That was typical Logan behavior IMO, always putting his own wants/needs first.

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But he expected her to make a compromise and restrict herself to one geographic location, while he compromised nothing. That was typical Logan behavior IMO, always putting his own wants/needs first.

I don't know.  If I remember right, Logan had a job in California, so that is why he needed to be there.  Rory obviously had family on the East Coast, but otherwise had no pressing reason that she had to stay there (and the job she ended up taking would have sent her traveling across the country).  What compromise was he really supposed to make at that point?   



Ooh, I'd forgotten about her. Can't wait to see the transcript to see if Lorelai actually named Luke's immediate family by name or just glossed over them as a group. She would belong there. Certainly not for the late-night wedding, that was executed within an hour or two. No way could she get there unless she was already in town, but since Emily wasn't leaving Nantucket until the day of the wedding, I'm guessing April would do the same.


I really did wish Emily had been there for the ceremony.  It just seems like that would be something very meaningful, and Emily got left out. 

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1 hour ago, txhorns79 said:

I don't know.  If I remember right, Logan had a job in California, so that is why he needed to be there.  Rory obviously had family on the East Coast, but otherwise had no pressing reason that she had to stay there (and the job she ended up taking would have sent her traveling across the country).  What compromise was he really supposed to make at that point?   

I really did wish Emily had been there for the ceremony.  It just seems like that would be something very meaningful, and Emily got left out. 

Lorelai did say they were going to get 'married' the next day too. 

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That whole wedding thing seemed very last minute and rushed in terms of continuity and writing like they were running out of time and had to come up with something but didn't really put any planning into it.  The lack of meaningful members in attendance and the timing issues just took me out of it entirely.  Perhaps it was the issue of getting various actors together but why wasn't that taken into account in the filming schedule?  I simply could not enjoy it and that was the one thing I so looked forward to.

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Lorelai did say they were going to get 'married' the next day too. 

True, but I figured it would get out that Lorelai and Luke had a ceremony the night before, and it just seems needlessly hurtful.  I mean, this is the second wedding Lorelai had where Emily wasn't included. 

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I think it's weird that Emily wasn't in town the night before the wedding. That's pretty standard Mother of the Bride stuff. The cuts to Emily in Nantucket through the ceremony felt deliberate and like some big point was being communicated. I got a sense in the Revival that Emily seriously pulled back her focus on Rory's and Lorelai's, especially, lives. Like, she still wanted a relationship with them but she was finished trying to manage/caretake/spent TONS of time with them. Therapy was a last gasp- and Emily gave up on that quickly. 

I do think Emily's love for the girls is unconditional. However, I also think the text supports a reading that Emily saw that Lorelai and even Rory didn't turn out as she hoped. Their ineligibility to make/marry into a tons of money under the most dignified, elegant circumstances seems pretty set in stone at this point. As a result, Emily decided that she will still have a relationship with them because she still loves them but she's done trying to be incredibly close. They're worth a relationship- but not worth all of the time, attention, focus, and money that Emily lavished partly because of their potential. 

Edited by Melancholy
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16 minutes ago, Melancholy said:

Like, she still wanted a relationship with them but she was finished trying to manage/caretake/spent TONS of time with them.

Also, that she was done trying to control others lives and was content to just live her life.  I think losing Richard made her see that we all ultimately only have ourselves to depend on.  That last scene with Lorelai was a different dynamic for them, she still made a condition but wasn't criticizing or trying to get Lorelai to change--quite a big change of perception from when she stopped going to therapy because "Lorelai" was still the same.

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21 minutes ago, shron17 said:

Also, that she was done trying to control others lives and was content to just live her life.  I think losing Richard made her see that we all ultimately only have ourselves to depend on.  That last scene with Lorelai was a different dynamic for them, she still made a condition but wasn't criticizing or trying to get Lorelai to change--quite a big change of perception from when she stopped going to therapy because "Lorelai" was still the same.

Well I think there was "something lost and something gained".(Both Sides Now) ambiguity to Emily's relationship with the Girls. Emily wasn't criticizing and she clearly still wanted Lorelai in her life. But Emily's reaction was very muted for a marriage announcement, especially for someone who was on a months long campaign that Lorelai and Luke were failing in their relationship because they weren't married. Emily learned to stop interfering but part of that came with accepting that the Girls would have lives that didn't excite her and unlike a totally accepting great mother, Emily can't make herself excited and thrilled because this choice is making her daughter happy. There's a choice- Emily can be fiercely on your side and thrilled if she thinks her loved ones are or will make choices commensurate with her management or she will pull back her joy/commitment along with her interference/annoying qualities. 

Edited by Melancholy
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50 minutes ago, Melancholy said:

Well I think there was "something lost and something gained".(Both Sides Now) ambiguity to Emily's relationship with the Girls.

Finally an (albeit ancient) music reference that I understood!  Thanks!

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Both Sides Now is probably my favorite song of all time. Lol. I think it relates to a lot of life. 

Topic: Signs there's nothing to like about Christopher. I almost want to just agree with his, "Knowing when to admit defeat is one of my better qualities" as proof that he won't show up and ruin L/L's marriage. I mean, it's a pretty self-deprecating statement. It doesn't seem self-aggrandizing. But then, you remember that Christopher, by his own read of the situation, said he was trying to marry Lorelai for 22 years. (Even though I didn't exactly agree with the melodrama there.) And Wedding Bell Blues and swooping in to be the rebound guy even through Lorelais tears over her break up with Luke five minutes ago isn't knowing when to admit defeat as a good quality. Was Christopher trying to argue that his "defeats" that Lorelai and Rory were so bonded he might as well give up on being a father or his "caving" into the family business instead of doing something on his own is all its own species of virtue and handling defeat gracefully?

....Well, I guess Chris can try to make himself the hero of his own story even when he's directly confronted with the embarrassment that he's probably going to be the villain of Rory's story as Rory plans to write it and distribute it commercially. He sure decided to cast Lorelai as a woman incapable of loving anyone but Rory, even though that was incredibly unfair. 

Edited by Melancholy
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4 hours ago, Melancholy said:

But Emily's reaction was very muted for a marriage announcement, especially for someone who was on a months long campaign that Lorelai and Luke were failing in their relationship because they weren't married. Emily learned to stop interfering but part of that came with accepting that the Girls would have lives that didn't excite her and unlike a totally accepting great mother, Emily can't make herself excited and thrilled because this choice is making her daughter happy. There's a choice- Emily can be fiercely on your side and thrilled if she thinks her loved ones are or will make choices commensurate with her management or she will pull back her joy/commitment along with her interference/annoying qualities. 

But we didn't see Lorelai announce her marriage to Emily, we saw Lorelai visiting and Emily assuming she'd cancelled the wedding.  As far as Emily being excited, thrilled or fiercely on Lorelai's side (and victorious?), I have a feeling Lorelai would prefer Emily's calm acceptance of her life choices every time.  Emily is different with Rory, of course, and we didn't see anything in the revival to indicate that had changed.

3 hours ago, Melancholy said:

....Well, I guess Chris can try to make himself the hero of his own story even when he's directly confronted with the embarrassment that he's probably going to be the villain of Rory's story as Rory plans to write it and distribute it commercially.

I don't think Chris is an important enough part of Rory's story to be the villain.

Edited by shron17
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I agree Lorelai would prefer Emily to be calmly accepting. I don't think Lorelai was hoping for Emily to spend the night before the wedding with her anyway. However, I do think there were indications that Emily pulled back emotionally from the Girls, especially Lorelai. That very much lived in the cuts from the wedding to Emily alone in Nantucket. It may be as good a relationship as can exist with all the history there but I see something sad in it and something that doesn't reflect well on Emily that less judgement comes with more distance. 

I also agree that Christopher isn't important enough to be the "villain" in Rory's story. It's Christopher literally reading that possibility into it and being embarrassed by it. "Try not to make me too big a villain. I loved her...and you."

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3 hours ago, Melancholy said:

However, I do think there were indications that Emily pulled back emotionally from the Girls, especially Lorelai. That very much lived in the cuts from the wedding to Emily alone in Nantucket. It may be as good a relationship as can exist with all the history there but I see something sad in it and something that doesn't reflect well on Emily that less judgement comes with more distance. 

I guess I think pulling back emotionally from your kids is a necessary part of letting them grow up, and something Emily should have done a long long time ago rather than continually pushing Lorelai to do what she thought best.  Yes, it is sad but much better than the often painful relationship the two had during the series.  But take a strong-willed, controlling parent and an equally strong-willed and fiercely independent child and that's what you'll get every time, until one or of them gives up. 

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On 1/5/2017 at 8:19 AM, txhorns79 said:

I don't know.  If I remember right, Logan had a job in California, so that is why he needed to be there.  

I really did wish Emily had been there for the ceremony.  It just seems like that would be something very meaningful, and Emily got left out. 

You are correct that Logan found a job in California. He had also been house hunting. He came back, propose to Rory, and told her all about his ideas/plans for them. He got on a bandwagon of excitement and wanted her to go with it. That was my problem with it - basically "Here's the life I've chosen for us. Do you accept? If yes, yay. If no, well then we're done." That is not a sign of love, in my opinion - it's about control. I felt like that's why he proposed in front of her family and friends, instead of in private. He didn't ask her ahead of time, would you be interested in living there? It reminds me of when he arrived at Rory's door, when she was hanging out with Marty, and asked her to ditch what she was doing and come with him ... oh and Marty come with us too if you're going to be friends "with Ace." So I agree with the previous quote, that is was all about Logan.

I agree that Emily should have been there for the ceremony; she was supportive of their engagement in the end. I remember she was really hurt and angry when she believed (for a few moments) that she had missed Lorelai and Max's wedding because they eloped. 

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On 1/6/2017 at 8:18 AM, Melancholy said:

Topic: Signs there's nothing to like about Christopher. I almost want to just agree with his, "Knowing when to admit defeat is one of my better qualities" as proof that he won't show up and ruin L/L's marriage. I mean, it's a pretty self-deprecating statement. It doesn't seem self-aggrandizing. But then, you remember that Christopher, by his own read of the situation, said he was trying to marry Lorelai for 22 years. (Even though I didn't exactly agree with the melodrama there.) And Wedding Bell Blues and swooping in to be the rebound guy even through Lorelais tears over her break up with Luke five minutes ago isn't knowing when to admit defeat as a good quality. Was Christopher trying to argue that his "defeats" that Lorelai and Rory were so bonded he might as well give up on being a father or his "caving" into the family business instead of doing something on his own is all its own species of virtue and handling defeat gracefully?

....Well, I guess Chris can try to make himself the hero of his own story even when he's directly confronted with the embarrassment that he's probably going to be the villain of Rory's story as Rory plans to write it and distribute it commercially. He sure decided to cast Lorelai as a woman incapable of loving anyone but Rory, even though that was incredibly unfair. 

See, I thought this was a pretty sad scene, and yet I don't feel pity for Christopher. I thought by "defeat" he was referring to both Lorelai/Rory's lack of real need for him and most of his own choices in life. He's in a big empty office in the family business with no signs of human connection, and nothing of his own that he made for himself. His relationship with Rory will always be an afterthought, and there's a throwaway line about Gigi being in Paris; that is, a huge distance away. He just broke off another casual-sounding relationship. I guess I figure "defeat" means that Chris at almost 50, or 70, or whatever age, will always be the charming superficial kid he's always been and not much else, and he's figured out that he's the one who put himself there.  Yeah, he can feel self-pity about it, but nobody has to listen.  

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The proposal was the first time Logan had tried to take the lead in their relationship so I wouldn't say he's controlling. He could've gone about it differently, but the guy wanted to spend the rest of his life with her. I can't see it as a negative


I chalked it up to it being the end of the series drama. They needed Rory being taken aback and saying no. If he had run it by her, the dramatic proposal at the end of the show wouldn't have happened. He did tell her he's including her in his plans and that was as far as any discussion went 

Edited by Deputy Deputy CoS
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33 minutes ago, Bringonthedrama said:

I felt like that's why he proposed in front of her family and friends, instead of in private. 

Ugh, such a douche move. You shouldn't have to socially shame someone into marriage. (Pro tip: Know the answer before you pop the question!)

That said, I agree with Deputy Deputy CoS that the scene was written as it was for its dramatic purposes.

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2 hours ago, Deputy Deputy CoS said:

The proposal was the first time Logan had tried to take the lead in their relationship 

I chalked it up to it being the end of the series drama. 

IMO it wasn't the first time.  Examples I remember include him saving their relationship by helping her save the Yale Daily News on a deadline (using the Huntzberger name), inviting her to move in with him after Paris kicked her out of their apartment, and asking her to go to Martha's Vineyard for Valentine's Day (they agreed she would invite Lorelai and Luke). Much of their relationship involved Rory going along with what Logan (and the LDB) had planned. 

I agree about them needing a quick ending for a series drama. She says no to marriage  they could try long-distance, he says no and "Goodbye Rory" and just walks away looking disappointed. Neither one looks like they're about to burst into tears over this relationship being over after all the "I love you" to each other and his public proposal that he wanted to be with her always. Very abrupt ending. 

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42 minutes ago, Bringonthedrama said:

Much of their relationship involved Rory going along with what Logan (and the LDB) had planned. 

Rory was hardly an unwilling participant. She may not have taken the lead in their relationship, but she wasn't some passive partner.

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1 hour ago, Bringonthedrama said:

IMO it wasn't the first time.  Examples I remember include him saving their relationship by helping her save the Yale Daily News on a deadline (using the Huntzberger name), inviting her to move in with him after Paris kicked her out of their apartment, and asking her to go to Martha's Vineyard for Valentine's Day (they agreed she would invite Lorelai and Luke). Much of their relationship involved Rory going along with what Logan (and the LDB) had planned. 

I agree about them needing a quick ending for a series drama. She says no to marriage  they could try long-distance, he says no and "Goodbye Rory" and just walks away looking disappointed. Neither one looks like they're about to burst into tears over this relationship being over after all the "I love you" to each other and his public proposal that he wanted to be with her always. Very abrupt ending. 

The Rory/Logan was bumped up so I am taking my reply there. It seems more appropriate there I suppose 

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On 1/9/2017 at 4:55 PM, Deputy Deputy CoS said:

The proposal was the first time Logan had tried to take the lead in their relationship so I wouldn't say he's controlling. He could've gone about it differently, but the guy wanted to spend the rest of his life with her. I can't see it as a negative


I chalked it up to it being the end of the series drama. They needed Rory being taken aback and saying no. If he had run it by her, the dramatic proposal at the end of the show wouldn't have happened. He did tell her he's including her in his plans and that was as far as any discussion went 

I think the proposal was Logan's way of being old fashioned and making a grand gesture. If Rory's answer had been yes, it would have been a perfect moment. Proposing in front of her family (getting Lorelai's blessing, not giving a whiff what his parents thought) and they are whisked away in a carriage. I think he wasn't thinking logically and was swept up in the romance of it all. He obviously didn't consider how taken aback Rory would be, or that her answer would be no. 

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On ‎11‎/‎25‎/‎2016 at 0:42 PM, amensisterfriend said:

I'm guessing we're only allowed to discuss this final episode in this thread, so just to let you guys know, I asked some general revival questions in the "all episodes" thread! 


Ha! Yeah, it's kind of hard not to view it that way :) I'm very interested to hear how people interpreted the (non)-ending between her and Logan: whether we're supposed to see the Lorelai/Christopher parallels and therefore feel like Rory/Logan aren't meant to be, or whether we're supposed to believe/want/expect etc. that maybe they'll eventually get together...? I get that we're supposed to applaud Rory for deciding to go through this pregnancy on her own (though she'll obviously have her mom and Emily for anything she needs), but I couldn't help being reminded of what Anna did to Luke by not telling him he was a father and wonder if she's going to go that route by never telling Logan. 

As for Jess, I have to agree with Junie: I didn't see any indication that she had romantic feelings for him, and this is coming from someone who'd have preferred that she end up with Jess over Logan. But of COURSE Jess is still holding some sort of torch for her because...well, she's RORY! (*sigh*) 

The LL ending was...fine? I'm sure if I shipped them I'd have thought it was one of the best things about the revival, but they seemed as lacking in chemistry and joy to me through the most of the revival as they did through most of their time together on the series, so I'm not as excited about it as I should be. 

I'll ramble about my overall thoughts on the All Episode thread and hope to see you guys there! 

Hey amensisterfriend! Tried to PM you but couldn't find the link. Where is the All Episode thread? Couldn't find it for the life of me!

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2 hours ago, Mick Lady said:

Hey amensisterfriend! Tried to PM you but couldn't find the link. Where is the All Episode thread? Couldn't find it for the life of me!

I was trying to find where we were discussing that too. Unless she meant the one that says, All Episodes and the People Lorelai and Rory Love.

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Not a problem. I looked through the threads a couple of times until it finally jumped out at me. It was right in front of my face.

The other thread I mentioned seems to have Seasons 1-7

Edited by lulu1960
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On 1/5/2017 at 10:26 AM, Kohola3 said:

That whole wedding thing seemed very last minute and rushed in terms of continuity and writing like they were running out of time and had to come up with something but didn't really put any planning into it.  The lack of meaningful members in attendance and the timing issues just took me out of it entirely.  Perhaps it was the issue of getting various actors together but why wasn't that taken into account in the filming schedule?  I simply could not enjoy it and that was the one thing I so looked forward to.

Same here. The witnesses should have been Rory for Lorelai and Jess for Luke, or if 'just a few loved ones/family', then Emily and Rory (Gilmore Girls!) for Lorelai and April and Jess for Luke. Sookie, not Michel, was the one to encourage Lorelai and Luke's relationship. It was weird to see him there because Michel and Luke never liked each other (Luke makes a semi-snide comment about him in the Revival) and Lane had worked at Luke's but they were not shown to be close, i.e. Luke mentoring Lane to start her own restaurant. She was Rory's friend.  I also don't believe Luke would get married for real without his nephew and/or his daughter there, after the fuss Luke has made about being there for his sister and Jess. demanding that Jess show up for Liz's wedding, and the desire to be a real dad to April.  

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6 hours ago, Bringonthedrama said:

Same here. The witnesses should have been Rory for Lorelai and Jess for Luke, or if 'just a few loved ones/family', then Emily and Rory (Gilmore Girls!) for Lorelai and April and Jess for Luke. Sookie, not Michel, was the one to encourage Lorelai and Luke's relationship. It was weird to see him there because Michel and Luke never liked each other (Luke makes a semi-snide comment about him in the Revival) and Lane had worked at Luke's but they were not shown to be close, i.e. Luke mentoring Lane to start her own restaurant. She was Rory's friend.  I also don't believe Luke would get married for real without his nephew and/or his daughter there, after the fuss Luke has made about being there for his sister and Jess. demanding that Jess show up for Liz's wedding, and the desire to be a real dad to April.  

I felt the same and why the wedding ultimately fell flat to me. Melissa/Sookie not being there I can understand given the difficulties getting her and that in-universe she wasn't around much but missing Jess (and Emily & April) was ridiculous and clearly due to poor planning on the writers part. I felt like I was watching a feature of what actors they could pull together for an appearance rather than the characters celebrating Luke and Lorelai's wedding. I just sat there thinking "huh guess Keiko Agena wasn't busy that day then." 

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On 2/22/2017 at 4:21 AM, TimetravellingBW said:

clearly due to poor planning on the writers part

The writers had to prioritize scenes using the actors when they had them. You might not agree with those priorities, but I don't think it's fair to say it's all the writers' fault if the actors weren't available for every scene they should/could have been in. If the actors are busy, they're busy.

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